what the fuck is up boys it is Mitch savage here with a nether Ark survival
evolved a new player guide the last two had a great turnout it seemed like you
guys really enjoyed those videos so I'm going to make a new one today and in
this video I have some tips for new players starting off on their very first
server these tips are gonna cover the first maybe hour to two hours of playing
on the server and it's gonna cover some stuff that will help you get a good
start on a fresh server if you're a new player or if you're just looking to
enhance your experience while you're playing and I think this video could
help out a lot of people out there there's a lot of things in this video
that maybe some people just don't know so I hope it helps somebody I hope you
guys enjoyed this video if you do please like and subscribe and we'll jump into
it right now alright so the first tip that we're gonna talk about in this
video I have talked about this before and it's the color of your skin over the
course of me playing Ark survival evolved I've noticed that the darker
your skin color the more likely you're gonna survive when it's dark out it's a
lot harder to see you if you have darker skin in this game the nighttime is very
harsh so having black skin could be the difference between surviving and dying
in this game and if you're someone that doesn't really care about what color of
skin your character has or what size the character is this is a great tip making
yourself black is very very very helpful in this game if I was just too prone
beside this log here someone would run by and they would not even notice me
just because I'm black it's very hard to notice darker skin colors in this game
at night
tip number two also involves the night time of Ark survival evolved and
visibility as you can see in the middle of the night it does get very dark you
can't see what's going on around you and that's a very bad thing you always want
to know about your surroundings in this game you always want to know what's
going on you want to be able to see whatever's coming at you or whatever
sneaking up on you N and at nighttime that is not the easiest thing to do now
a simple solution this isn't the tip this is just what some people do is they
build torches now yeah you can see around you but if you go to third-person
you're very visible to people can see you from fucking miles away from the
other side of the water you can see the torch perfectly you would know that
someone's over there now the fix to this problem is very simple you're gonna want
to go into your option settings and you're gonna want to scroll down to
gamma correction now this is something I've done almost the entire time of
playing this game you boost your gamma correction then you go up to save and
exit and suddenly you can see everything perfectly you do not need a torch at all
at night you don't need night vision goggles by doing this you can see your
surroundings you can see everything perfectly and you have the advantage on
players that don't do this now for tip number three what a lot of players do
when they first start our survival evolved is they wake up on their spawn
point and they start building instantly it's good that you want to start
building right away it makes sense you want to protect yourself you want to
have a base you add you want to have somewhere to call your own and keep all
your valuable items that make sense but what people don't realize is that
they're building on the beach now when I first started I didn't see a problem
with this at all of course I got into a lot of fights and a lot of people would
stop by and attack me but I just thought that was part of the game
but in reality in this game if you're building on the beach it kind of makes
you look like it makes you look like a weak and easy target a player could fly
over the beach see your little shitty base and realize that they can fuck you
up and they will they will give up everything they're doing just to fuck
you over now my best advice to you if you're new to arc survival evolved don't
build on the man you will be so much safer if you
just run inland find a nice little place to hide and start up there actually I
just made a video a week ago and in the video I showed you three locations from
new players to build their first base I will link that in the description so you
can go check that out maybe it will help you out but again don't build your base
in the beach now tip number four is don't be afraid of dying in this game
you're gonna die hundreds of times if you play this game long enough it's
gonna happen there's no way to always prevent death
in this game even the best players will still die every now and then it's gonna
happen but when you're new you have to accept the death of course you're gonna
lose everything you had when you die unless you get back to your body a
really game none of that shit really matters and you
don't really want to stress yourself out and argue with your tribe mates and shit
like that just because someone died and lost some of the things that they had on
I'm not saying don't go back and try to look for your things but just understand
that you're going to die a lot in this game and there's nothing you can really
do about it don't get too attached to your items and your teams because
everything is gonna come and go tip number five is if you own it use it when
I first started this game I was so afraid of dying I hated the idea of it I
didn't want to lose all my shit but I always did that's partially my fault I
would have these amazing items and be too afraid to use them because I thought
I might die and lose them like when I made my first handgun in
this game I loved it but I didn't want to take it out of the base we used all
of our metal to make this handgun we had just enough bullets to make maybe a
clipper - we were afraid the second we took it out of the base
someone was gonna kill us and steal it from us so we never brought it out which
is a horrible thing for a new player to do if you have something good like that
bring it out of the base it will help you out a lot
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