Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 3 2018

IT'S OVER Jeff Sessions Is Officially Done

Things just got a whole lot worse for Attorney General Jeff Sessions as Fox News' Judge

Andrew Napolitano spoke out to slam him for recusing himself from Robert Mueller's Russia


Napolitano believes that Sessions never should have taken the position if he was planning

to recuse himself.

"Jeff Sessions, in my view, and I say this as a personal friend — we have a lot of

mutual friends and I've known him for years — it pains me to be critical of a friend,

but I have to be intellectually honest," Napolitano began, according to Daily Caller.

"Jeff Sessions shouldn't have accepted the job."

Napolitano went on to say that Sessions should have told President Donald Trump when he was

first nominated for the position that he was "going to be in the middle of this Russia

investigation, as illegitimate as I think it is, and as you know it to be, it's going

to happen, and I'm going to be a witness."

"We have hindsight, and it's 2020.

He didn't do that," Napolitano concluded.

This comes after Trump blasted Sessions in a series of tweets throughout the day on Wednesday:

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For more infomation >> IT'S OVER Jeff Sessions Is Officially Done - Duration: 12:24.


Adını Sen Koy / You Name It Trailer - Episodes 361-362 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.

My mother has never been your wife!

Jülide was my wife! She was my wife!

In order to protect her children and her husband, whom she dearly loved, she became your prisoner, nothing else!



Tell me now, won't you talk?

Okay then..

I love you. I love you very much.

For more infomation >> Adını Sen Koy / You Name It Trailer - Episodes 361-362 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:44.


Doctor's Secret Book | Medical Facts | Medical Book | Medicine Book | PDR Book - Duration: 3:34.

Doctor's Secret Book

For more infomation >> Doctor's Secret Book | Medical Facts | Medical Book | Medicine Book | PDR Book - Duration: 3:34.


Interview with Geminick ~ with Subs - Duration: 9:14.

Hello everybody! This is Musume.

Today we have a new podcast interview, and the guest is Jessica, aka Geminik.

She is a BJD maker from Sweden, and all the footage and photos you will see through this video

were kindly supplied by her.

M: Hello and welcome! Thank you so much for doing this interview!

M: Would you like to introduce yourself to the watchers and readers?

J: My name is Jessica, thank you for having me today. It is an honor.

J: Online I usually go by the nickname of Geminik.

J: My main focus is to create dolls, illustrations and sometimes even comics,

J: under the name of "Geminik Creations".

J: I am currently 30 years of age, and I live with my boyfriend and two furry kitty monsters

J: in a small town in Sweden.

J: As part of my business,

J: I also run a YouTube and a Twitch channel.

J: I upload videos about my process and progress when I'm sculpting dolls,

J: and sometimes I also show some of my illustration work on YouTube.

J: Twitch is my main focus of the two channels right now,

J: On Twitch I livestream as often as I can, often twice a day, and show my followers.

J: how I sculpt my dolls, or draw and paint digitally. Sometimes even traditionally.

M: That is amazing, honestly!

M: So, you make dolls! How did you started on that? What inspired you?

J: It is kind of a funny story, really.

J: Because... I had one online friend from Germany, named Jen.

J: I used to speak to her every day, and specially over Skype.

J: One day she contacted me... on Skype. I think it was November 2008...

J: and she started talking about this crazy looking and super expensive dolls.

J: After a while I realized that I had first seen one of this back in 2005, and really wanted one

J: but I have apparently forgotten all about them!

J: But she reminded me of them, and we talked about it for a while...

J: and she kept wondering what was supposed to do with one, if she ever decided to get one.

J: and both of us were very... skeptical about the entire thing. Like what could you possibly do with a doll?

J: For real!

J: But one week after our conversation, my friend logged on again and told me: "I've done something crazy!"

J: And then she sent me a link, and it led to one of the most beautiful dolls I've ever seen at that point.

J: And... four days later I called her I contacted her, and said: "I bought one too!".

M: You both got the same doll then??

J: No... I ended up getting a... I think it was a Minimee.

J: I don't know if there are still made. I think so, but I think I got a Minimee from DiM Doll.

J: If I remember correctly.

J: I specially ordered one of those.

M: That inspired you to start making dolls of your own?

J: Yeah... 'cause I was studying comics arts, back then, at college.

J: For some reason I always been kind of curious when it comes to art.

J: It felt kind of natural to pick up some type of clay and try to make a little doll head of my own, after a while.

J: once I had my dolls at home.

J: I slowly fell in love with it, after that.

J: And of course, when I had a finished head I realized it needs a body.

J: And from there it went.

M: What is the process of creating a new doll?

M: Do you do sketches or search for inspiration?

J: I know that many other sculptors and doll makers make this really, really intricate and detailed sketches...

J: before they even start sculpting.

J: I, however, lack (giggles) patience, some... you know?

J: For some things, and when I get a good idea, or what I think it is a good idea in my head, I'm like...

J: "OK, let's skip all the boring stuff!" I just want to get started with it ASAP.

J: And so I just... I go into making the core, and then I add clay, and... you know?

J: Hopefully I make some kind of sketch, first, just to see what kind of look I want.

J: But other than that, I just very quickly get into sculpting, and I...

J: Sort of let the doll take on its own form and life.

J: And I think it is a kind of a freeing feeling.

J: Like I feel free when I sculpt in that way.

J: And I am not saying it is better or worse that what everybody else is doing,

J: it is just my way of doing things.

J: And speaking of the process of sculpting a doll...

J: Something that I recently realized it is a very good way of starting with the core,

J: for making a doll

J: It is a kind of Styrofoam that comes in a spray bottle.

J: You basically just spray the foam in the shape of a tiny person.

J: And then it dries for 24 hours, and then you start cutting it into the exact form you want your core to be.

J: And then you can start adding clear.

J: Most people that I've seen, that are starting out in the sculpting business,

J: or hobby, or whatever you wanna call it,

J: They start with aluminum foil. And yes that works, I've done that before.

J: But...

J: This Styrofoam thing?

J: It is the tip of the century, it is really, really cool, so...

J: If you who are listening to this want to start making your own dolls,

J: look into this kind of Styrofoam thing.

J: It is really, really helpful.

M: That is a really good tip! Thank you for sharing it!

M: Okay! So, do you have any workspace to share with us?

J: Yes, I do have some footage and photos of my studio.

J: My studio is currently a small room in my... me and my boyfriend's apartment.

J: So it is nothing fancy. I tend to collect a lot of precious things to hang on my walls in there.

J: I try to make it as cozy as possible.

J: I have all of my doll prototypes, even my personal collection resides in this room.

J: They are on a tiny shelf right next to my sculpting tables.

J: I can look at them, and...

J: sometimes pull them down for inspiration or just to look at how they move their joints, to be honest...

J: 'cause everybody makes joints differently.

M: For now you have only sculpted big dolls, SD sized.

M: Do you plan on moving onto other sizes at all?

J: Yes, I am.

J: I have various ideas for different sizes.

J: But I think they may have to wait a couple years, because I have a couple characters

J: in SD size that I'd like to finish first.

J: Male and female.

J: I think after this, the project I am currently working on,

J: which is a male doll named Kostja, I'm hopefully going to make a couple heads for that body

J: and possible a new head for Ask, my very first doll, who is a small SD.

J: And after that, I'm hoping to go into making a female doll, but after that...

J: I do have ideas for... you know, a doll teenager and children-sized dolls.

J: And normally...

J: when you put like, let's say that you have an adult character, and that you have a teen-ish character...

J: I personally think that a lot of the "teen" dolls out there...

J: They sort of are too small for the SD size.

J: At least if you are in the 65+ centimeters category of the adult dolls.

J: I'm playing around with the idea of making kind of my own sizes to fit into...

J: Like so they can fit better together, basically, visually. When you put them together in photos.

J: That is something I'm playing around with. And yes, I am definitely looking into making different sized dolls.

J: Not just SD-sized.

M: I think I agree with you. The teenage dolls, which are usually the 40 centimeters ones,

M: They really look to small for SDs, to be even... in the same scale at all.

J: I think that looks kind of weird.

J: I get the idea that you want a doll in a much smaller and more handier size.

J: Of course.

J: But... I think the vision I have for my own dolls and my characters is a little bit different.

J: So... We'll see what happens.

J: I'm not there yet, but I'm thinking about it, so...

M: Well, I will really love to see how it goes.

M: Okay! Thank you so much for doing this!

M: It was really a pleasure, and...

M: for everyone hearing this interview, you can also read more questions from Geminik in my blog,

M: which I'll link in the description.

J: Yes! Thank you so much for having me. It was fun!

And this is all for today!

I invite you all to check out my channel, and if you like my content,

do consider buying me a coffee as a support.

Have a nice day! Bye bye~

For more infomation >> Interview with Geminick ~ with Subs - Duration: 9:14.


What $7,500 Will Get You In NYC | Sweet Digs | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:13.

Hi, my name's Cat Grey,

and welcome to my Sweet Digs

where I live with five roommates.

If you haven't already

please hit that subscribe button down below.

Come on in guys.

I live in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

Our apartment is $7500 a month.

I personally pay $1225

with utilities included and I honestly,

for the space that I have,

this beautiful space, I think it's perfect.

Our amenities include

an awesome rooftop, gym, laundry in the building.

I am an actress,

shoe model,

occasional ballerina,

and I work at a yoga studio in Williamsburg.

This is the bathroom for the upstairs roommates

including myself.

Look at it, it's like the most beautiful bathroom I've ever had.

Deep bathtub, cool shower head,

track lights, and actual drawers.

I do share a bathroom with one man.

He is very clean,

but he does leave the seat up after he goes number one.

This is another shared bathroom.

It's a little bit smaller.

It's for the downstairs roommates.

We moved in here without a sink.

So our landlord and management company came up with a toilet sink.

You have to literally

push one of these buttons

in order for it to flush, and to use the sink.

Toilet sink.

I actually met my roommates through a Facebook group.

I was in a bind to find an apartment.

I didn't know any of them.

When I first saw the listing on Facebook

I thought it might be a scam because this apartment

was so updated, so beautiful, great location.

My friends and family were like,

"Are you sure you want to live with five other people, like,

I don't think that's a good idea."

And honestly,

I felt good about it from the get-go.

Within the first week-

I think actually within the first night

we all hung out and had dinner together.

I love living with them

and if I want to be alone I go to my bedroom,

but I usually like spending time with them.

There are three bedrooms downstairs and three bedrooms upstairs.

Upstairs we pay a little less

because our ceilings are only like six feet tall.

Since there are three men and three women

we're kinda like the cast of Friends.

A little more ethnically diverse.

This is my roommates Aristide's room,

who is definitely the Joey of the group,

because he's very funny.

He's the sweetest person,

but he has a little, like, Joey moments.

He pays $1600 for this bedroom,

and it's also the biggest one in the house.

This is my roommate Henry's room,

who is, I think, the Chandler of our group.

He pays $1500 I believe.

This my roommate Margo's room.

She's like the Monica Geller.

She pays around $1400.

And there are three more bedrooms upstairs.

Through here is my roommate Venkat's room,

who is like the Ross of the group.

When I first found them on Facebook

he's actually the person I talked to

and one of the reasons why I thought it was a scam

is because his profile picture is from 2008,

and it's all pixelated.

And he pays about $1400 a month.

And this is my roommate Eugenia's room.

Her character is Phoebe.

I think her and Margo might actually fight to be Monica,

but Eugenia makes me laugh

the way Phoebe does.

Eugenia pays around $1300 a month for her bedroom.

And this is my room.

As soon as somebody asks me which character I am

I don't even have to answer, they always say,

"Oh you're the Rachel!"

I hope it's because of her fashion sense,

and her quirkiness, and her,

I don't know, overall cuteness.

I have a picture of Audrey Hepburn on my wall

that I've had since I was 18,

and it's been in every apartment I've had in New York City.

She actually started out as a ballerina

who was a model, and then turned into this amazing

Academy Award winning actress and humanitarian.

She was so beautiful inside and out.

In my next dream apartment I really want a walk-in closet again.

I had one in LA and I miss it so much

because I could actually fit my whole

shoe collection in there.

One of the best parts of being a shoe model is the free shoes.

I think I probably have 150 pairs of shoes.

These bad boys,

they are vintage Fendi that I found in LA,

one of my favorite pairs.

Stuart Weitzman over the knees are it.

Here's my amazing kitchen

with beautiful counter tops.

My roommate Margo is definitely the mother

Because she will get up bright and early

to clean the kitchen, Swiffer™ the floors every day.

She always makes sure

the house is clean before she even leaves for work.

And sometimes on Saturdays she makes us pancakes.

One of the downfalls of our apartment is the dishwasher.

It doesn't close properly.

So you have to open it,

maneuver it out of the wall to get the latch out,

and then close it.

This is our living area.

We used to have this ugly leather brown couch.

Apparently it was really gross though,

like they once found mice in it.

Someone offered us this brand new couch,

but I love the couch because

it brings us all together at the end of the day.

Like, our initiation here is that

if you fall asleep on it, like drunk or whatever,

you're in the club.

Since we moved-in in the winter

we haven't really gotten to use the amazing roof deck upstairs.

So this summer we're definitely gonna be

barbecuing and having more parties up there.

I'm gonna be tanning up there when I can.

I cannot wait.

The nice thing about living with five people

is that we became a family.

Even if I've had the roughest day

and I want to be alone.

Even if I tell myself,

I'm gonna go home, straight up to my bedroom.

I walk in here

and I see their faces

and I actually just wanna spend time with them.

It's comforting to know that

in such a huge city like New York, I'm never alone.

[90s alt rock riff]

[studio audience laughs]

Thanks for checking out my Sweet Digs.

To watch more videos click here, and to subscribe, click down here.

For more infomation >> What $7,500 Will Get You In NYC | Sweet Digs | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:13.


6 Things You Should NEVER Do After Eating! - Duration: 3:14.

Eating is considered to be one life's greatest pleasures, but it's important for us to choose

foods that will nourish our bodies and help us stay healthy.

When it comes to a good meal, the food we choose isn't the only important choice we

have to make.

Some of the habits we have after eating can negatively affect our body.

In today's video we're going to show you what not to do after you eat:

Drink tea This might be news to you since some teas

are said to improve digestion.

The problem is that teas contain phenolic compounds which keep our bodies from absorbing


However, if you like drinking tea after you eat, always give priority to the ones that

aid in digestion, such as green tea, chai, basil, sage, rosemary, and chamomile.

Smoke There's actually never a good time to smoke.

Cigarettes contain over 4500 toxic substances which increase the risks of the smoker developing

a disease.

Even with the amount of information and anti-tobacco campaigns nowadays there are still people

who insist on lighting up a cigarette after they eat.

Even though there isn't any strong evidence, it's believed that smoking after you eat

can cause ulcerative colitis and even worsen the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Nap You always get a little sleepy after eating

a good meal.

But even though you really want to take a nap, this practice is directly tied to obesity.

Furthermore, sleeping with a full stomach increases the risk of heart burn.

Depending on the way you lie, part of the food you just ate and gastric fluid could

come back up and cause that unpleasant burning sensation.

People who snore and go to sleep with a full stomach are putting more pressure on their

diaphragm and lessening their sleep quality.

Eat fruit Fruit is very healthy, but when you eat it

can be very important.

When you eat fruit after a meal, it ends up digesting in your stomach with the rest of

your food, and can cause flatulence.

Take a bath You've probably already heard that our body

needs a good blood flow in order to perform its different tasks, one of them being digestion.

After a meal, circulation is directed to your abdominal region and all of our blood is aiding


When you take a bath or swim at the beach or pool, your circulation is directed to your

extremities in order to stabilize your body temperature.

This process can mess up your digestion so you need to wait at least an hour after eating

before you go swimming.

Walk Just like eating fruit, walking can be bad

for your digestion depending on when you do it.

Right after a meal, walking can cause acid reflux and indigestion, but if you wait 30

minutes it becomes beneficial and can aid digestion and weight loss.

For more infomation >> 6 Things You Should NEVER Do After Eating! - Duration: 3:14.


Bombshell Report: Obama Admin Attempted To Take Over FBI's Investigation into Trump - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> Bombshell Report: Obama Admin Attempted To Take Over FBI's Investigation into Trump - Duration: 6:58.


The Herb Year ✿ what you can collect in June [Eng sub] - Duration: 5:24.

It is the beginning of June, so it's time for another herb video!

Like always:

blossoming-times of the plants can vary, depending on where you live.

I live in a "higher" region, so plants here generally start blossoming a little later.

I begin with St. John's wort

It's THE herb of the month.

You traditionally collect it at Litha or on St. John's Day.

Litha is also known as the summer solstice and is celebrated on the 21st of June.

St. John's Day is on the 24th of June.

If St John's wort is blossoming at that time where you live, go collect it at that date.

Where I live, it starts blossoming at the end of June.

You can use it against depression - it helps to get in a better mood

and it is most commonly used as tea.

Woman have to be careful when using it

because St. John's wort can influence the effectiveness of hormonal contraception methods

especially the pill.

When taking the pill, you should never drink St. John's wort tea.

Elderflower blossoms.

In some areas, the elderflower may alredy blossom at the end of May.

At my hometown, they have just started.

You usually use the blossoms for cooking and to make syrup.

There are tons of recipes on the internet - just search for them.

I already spoke about common horsetail in the last video.

You can still collect it in June.

And, shortly said, it acts diaretic on your body.

Chamomile should also blossom in June.

But you can barely find it in nature anymore.

I think I've never seen wild chamomile in my life.

There are lots of different types of chamomile and the one that you use for tea, you hardly ever find in nature.

People told me that, in the past, there was plenty of it growing in the wild

but nowadays it is very rare.

So if you wanna harvest chamomile, grow it yourself, in your garden.

Just start cultivating it early enough in the year.

You harvest its blossoms

and use them against problems with the digestive system -

stomachache, for example.

Yarrow also starts blossoming now.

You collect the blossoms with stems.

Just cut it and hang it up to dry.

Yarrow is, like chamomile, good for your digestive system

and against women's disorders.

Next, linden tree blossoms.

This tree blossoms in June

and you can make tea out of it.

You collect the blossoms, not the leafes

After drying the blossoms, you can make tea with them.

The tea is good against fever and a cold.

The last herb is lavender.

In middle Europe, it starts blossoming in June.

You normally use its dried blossoms.

Most people use lavender for its scent.

I don't think you can make tea out of it. I'm not sure about that.

As I said, you mainly use it for its scent.

It has a strong calming effect.

You can, for example, put some in a cushion

and when you go to sleep with it, you should be able to sleep better.

Of course lavender has a lot more uses.

Okay, so lavender wasn't the last herb

There's another herb on my list that I nearly forgot.

I also wrote down calendula in my little notebook.

I'm sure everyone of you knows calendula.

You may also know calendula balm.

A lot of people make it at home.

Calendula is, in common, good against wounds and inflammations.

And because it doesn't grow in the wild,

you have to cultivate it in your garden.

It's a beautiful plant and very sturdy.

Easy to cultivate and will make you happy for a long time

because it will blossom from now on until autumn.

If you wanna use calendula, collect its blossoms.

And that's it!

If I forgot something, write it down in the comments,

so everyone can see it.

Goodbye then!

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