Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 3 2018

G'day guys. It's Jase here, and it's time for another episode of Ask Jase.

Now on the Ask Jase episodes, you send in a question, and I'll give you an answer.

Hopefully it's the answer that you want.

So Jono, how you goin', Jono.

Jono N., and if I've got that wrong, send in another question and say 'hey Jase, you

got it wrong' and I'll answer that.

Alright so this is what Jono says.

'Hey Jase, on both All 4 Adventure and Unleashed episodes, I have noticed you have a couple

of different sized flat-nose and v-hull tinnies.

I was just wondering what length tinnie you reckon is the best all-rounder, meaning it

can comfortably tackle any river fishing but also be able to use around the ocean shore

when the conditions suit and is easy enough to take almost anywhere.'

Bloody good question there, Jono.

That's a good question.

Okay so what we use, the best all-rounder has to be the 3.7 Sea Jay Nomad.


Because one, it's light enough to put a little floor in it and a box that we put in it and

chuck it upside down on the top of your car.

It can handle the river conditions no problem.

When you get out and you can go out through the river mouth, and you go into offshore

conditions, it can handle that as well--proven that many times again.

Travelled 40-50 nautical miles by sea in a 3.7 Sea Jay Nomad.

Now a little 20 Honda four-stroke goes on the back with a stainless steel prop.

Remember the stainless prop.

Get rid of the four blade aluminium. It's a heap.

You want that stainless-steel three-blade, and it's an absolute pearler of a package.

It gets up and boogies.

It's good on fuel.

It's just exceptional, alright?

So that's pretty cool for a rooftop set up, and they're the ones we use.

Now the punt that we use in Unleashed, that is purpose. It is built for a purpose. It is flat.

It is long--4.1 meters long and designed to take the quad bike.

If you use it properly, it's good.

If you do a Simon and flip it upside down and dump the quad bike in the bottom of the river, bad news.

Very bad. All bad.

But we haven't done that since.

There you go, Jono, hopefully that answers your question.

Okay so we got Hamilton J. How you goin', Hamilton?

Hamilton J says, 'how do you legally drive your quads and ATVs around the country?

Or do you only use them on private property?

Cheers Hamilton.'

Okay Hamilton, we don't drive them around the country. Trust me.

I'm not allowed to drive them up the bitumen or down the dirt roads or anything like that.

The ATVs and the quads have to be driven on private property and with the permission of the owner.

I think only in Tasmania at the moment can you get a recreational license for ATVs or

side-by-sides and drive them in certain locations in Tasmania.

Ask the authorities on that one.

I don't know exactly, but the rest of Australia, you need the permission from the property

owner to ride unregistered.

Remember they're unregistered ATV and side-by-side on private property.

You cannot even think about taking them to national parks and places like that, okay?

Don't even think about it.

Indigenous land: you need the permission of the traditional owner to access the land, one.

And two, to ride your quad bikes and ATVs on their land. And that's what we do.

It's all about getting the permission.

Hopefully that helps, Hamilton.

Okay what do we got here? We've got Clint.

How you goin', Clint?

Clint H. 'I love the show...' Thanks, mate.

'Do you guys have a workout routine when you are out on the road? Clint.'

Yes, well it's a good question actually.

Simon likes to do a bit of work out, and I used to but generally, I don't have a lot of time.

Simon, he's got plenty of time. He's pretty cool.

So yeah he does a few push-ups and stuff like that.

Me, on the other hand, what I do is I just like to go hard and load stuff and move stuff

and do that sort of stuff and keep fit.

When there's a time to walk up the hill, I probably run up the hill.

When there's a time to go back and get the anchor, I run across the beach and grab the anchor.

That's what I do. That's my little workout.

When you're getting out there and you're out in the great outdoors, and you're eating healthy.

And you're drinking truckloads of water, and not truckloads of beer by the way.

We usually leave the beer drinkin to in the afternoon, like late in the afternoon, right

beside the fire. That's it.

The rest of the time we're working. It's a job, remember.

So there you go, Clint.

Hopefully that helps you out.

You know, a few push ups, a couple of sit-ups, that's the go.

Or a bit of this. That usually works out the arm.

You get a fair bit of arm workout doing that one.

All right, Craig.

Craig G, hey you goin', Craig G.

'How do you service your outboards with limited...

how do you service your outboards with limited to no water on trips?'

I'm not really sure what Craig means there.

I think he means how do we service our outboards or how do we flush our outboards with no water.

Well, guess what?

I don't.

We don't do any servicing or anything like that out in the bush.

We leave that till we get home.

Generally if it runs over a little bit on the hours, I'm sure it'll be fine.

We don't flush the outboards.

I haven't-- yes, you're right, we don't have the water to do it, but the outboard... as

long as when you get home you do it, no problem.

Don't leave it for the next six months and then corrosion is going to set in.

I do, before I put those little little 20s into the back of the canopy, I do get a little

bit of a wet rag with some fresh water and give it a wipe over.

But I only do that because all the salt and stuff tends to sort of leach down and go all

over the the outboard slide and make it rust.

But the outboard, she's fine, mate.

When you get her home, flush her out, give her a service ready for the next trip.

All right thanks, Craig G there.

Anyway guys, we're about to head off, Simon and I are just about to head off and someone

else is come along with us as well.

But anyway, I won't give that away.

We're about to head off for season 10 of All 4 Adventure.

That's 10 years in the game.

And so next time you see us on Ask Jase, we'll be out in the bush answering, well I'll be

out in the bush with Simon answering some questions.

For more infomation >> Ask Jase: All-Rounder Tinny, Quads, Workouts & Outboards ► All 4 Adventure TV - Duration: 7:24.


Little Boy Steals Hearts at President Trump's - Duration: 14:03.

Little Boy Steals Hearts at President Trump's Signing 'Right to Try' Into Law

Oh my gosh!

This is one of the cutest things you will see in months!

A little boy joined his family today in the White House where President Trump signed into

law his "Right to Try" legislation.

Update: The boy's name is Jordan McLinn and he is a Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patient.

The new law will allow those with potentially terminal diseases to try experimental treatments

and bypass the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

During the signing the little boy tried to get the president's attention.

The boy scooted up next to the president but the president didn't see him.

Then when the president spotted the boy he grabbed him and gave him a kiss.

A young boy attempts several times to nab Pres.

Trump's attention during signing of the "Right to Try Act"—and finally succeeds

in getting a hug from the president – ABC Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution

of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends

and family.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Little Boy Steals Hearts at President Trump's - Duration: 14:03.


Basic Arduino Tutorial For Beginners Part 2 – Introduction to Arduino - Duration: 4:17.

Basic Arduino Tutorial For Beginners Part 2 – Introduction to Arduino

For more infomation >> Basic Arduino Tutorial For Beginners Part 2 – Introduction to Arduino - Duration: 4:17.


最新劲爆!納吉【拯救一馬公司】的計劃泡湯了 - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> 最新劲爆!納吉【拯救一馬公司】的計劃泡湯了 - Duration: 6:40.


夫妻之間應該如何「增旺財運」? - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> 夫妻之間應該如何「增旺財運」? - Duration: 10:59.


最新劲爆!阿末扎希將競選巫統主席職 - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> 最新劲爆!阿末扎希將競選巫統主席職 - Duration: 5:33.


最新劲爆!揭开秘密【林冠英说出首相马哈迪惊人的秘密】全民都惊叹不已! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 最新劲爆!揭开秘密【林冠英说出首相马哈迪惊人的秘密】全民都惊叹不已! - Duration: 4:36.


最新劲爆!安努亞轟魏家祥說風涼話,建議馬華公會自備墓碑 - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> 最新劲爆!安努亞轟魏家祥說風涼話,建議馬華公會自備墓碑 - Duration: 6:07.


5 Things You Have To Eat And See In Milan, Italy - Duration: 5:16.

Hey everybody and welcome back to another episode of Triple P where we explore people,

places and palates.

So today guys I am in the fashion capital of the world, where else than Milan in Italy,

and I am going to be taking you guys through the 5 things that you have to eat and see

on a day trip to this fantastic place.

So let's go!

This iconic structure is extremely special!

It is the second largest church in Italy after St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and the third

largest catholic church in the world.

Not only that it also has an impressive number of sculpted statues and spires built onto

this building - guess how many?


It is not wonder that it took over six centuries to complete.

It is definitely worth not only checking the altars inside, but to also make your way onto

the roof for amazing views across the city.

Right next to the cathedral you have Italy's oldest luxury shopping mall and a major landmark

of Milan. It is named after the first king of Italy and

the beauty of its arched dome, its glass and iron roof as well as its spectacular mosaics

will absolutely mesmerise you.

It is here that you will find some of Milan's legends such as The Camparino which gave birth

to the tradition of the aperitif, or even the famous Savini restaurant-cafe, where you

can savour the traditional Risotto Milanese as well as their pistachio and hazelnut gelatos.

Take a break from your shopping at Gucci or Prada, and savour Savini's 150 year old


This castle has had a rich history and surprisingly has been transformed for a plethora of purposes.

It originally started of as a Visconti fortress, but later turned into a stunning palace ruled

by the Sforza dynasty.

Did you know that it was during this time that it was decorated by artistic legends

such as Leonardo da Vinci!

It then went on to become a military complex and finally in the 20th century was

turned it into the headquarters for Milan's Civic Museums.

In between this castle as well as the "Arch of Peace" lies the beloved Park Sempione,

the largest park in Milan and a favourite amongst the locals.

Since 1888, the shop Luini has become a household name and a local's delight.

Everyone is making a bee-line for these pillowy fried dough parcels from heaven for less than

3 euros!

You can get it with various different fillings including the original tomato and mozzarella,

the classic ricotta and spinach or even the delicious salami.

There are tons of flavours to chose from!

Unfortunately I was not able to take any photos or videos inside the shop due to their policy.

Their guard informed me that they wanted to keep the famous recipe a secret.

Exclusive eh?

If you are looking for a great hang out spot that is charming, vibrant and filled with

life than head on over to the Navigli area.

Enjoy the happening night life at the restaurants and bars, or just visit some of the cozy shops

and book stores right by the canal.

If you are looking for something more unique, then visit the "smallest bar in the world"

called "Backdoor 43", a tiny 4 square meter hole in the wall cocktail bar that you

may just easily miss.

Through a hatch you'll be greeted by a barman wearing a V for Vendetta mask and the rest

of the experience, I won't give away.

You'll just need to go there to find out for yourself!

Alright everybody that takes us to the end of the video.

I really hope that you learnt something new and that you are planning your next trip to

Milan very soon.

Please click on the LIKE and the SUBSCRIBE buttons below so that you can continue on

this travel journey with me and I will see you guys next time.


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