Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 3 2018

in this video we're going to go through how to do metric conversion involving

one prefix like picosecond going to second, meter going to megameter,

centimeter cube going to meter cube, just to name a few.

I'm going to share with you a foolproof method and tips to make sure you'll be

able to do the conversion successfully. Let's get to know some of the common

SI prefixes. I've included 12 of them from tera all the way to pico.

Depending on your school, you might need to memorize them. Tera, giga, mega,

all the way to pico, those are the names of the prefixes and the numbers are the

value for each of the prefixes. For example, 10 to the power of 12 that is

the value for tera. 10 to the power of 9 for giga and so on and so forth.

I've also included in base which has a value of 10 to the power of 0 which is the

same as 1. Sometimes when you see prefixes being used they are abbreviated

like this. Like capital T to represent tera, small letter d to represent deci.

So how do we use prefix and base? Let's take kilometer for example. That's a unit

for distance, so meter in this case is the base unit. k which stands for kilo

is the prefix. To make life easy I came out with a mnemonic to help you remember

all the 12 prefixes. That should help you remember the name of the prefixes in the correct order.

The great man King Henry's daughter, Beth, drinks cold milk until nine pm.

I've worked off from the abbreviation

for each of the prefixes starting from tera all the way to pico.

As for the numbers on the exponent we will start off with 0 for base and then 1 2 3 6 9 12

on each side.The difference between the left side and the right side on the

deci centi milli all the way to pico, there's negative sign in front, so if you

remember, The great man King Henry's daughter, Beth, drinks cold milk until nine pm

and then you go from 0 1 2 3 6 9 12 .

Do that on both sides and then make sure you put in the negative sign for the right-hand

side which is deci all the way to pico and you'll successfully memorize

all 12 SI prefixes. Hope this helps. Now that we know our prefixes let's proceed

to the metric conversion. I went through a foolproof method of unit conversion in

a video I've posted. The link is on the top right corner and in the description

box below. Do check it out if you haven't seen it so we're going to proceed using

this method and so let's start with our first example. Question is asking us to

convert 936 picosecond to second. If you recall from our SI prefixes, the value

for pico which is p it's 10 to the power of negative 12 so what this means is,

1 picosecond is 10 to the negative 12 s. Second is the base unit in this case.

Pico is the prefix so we're trying to convert picosecond to second. Now that

we know the conversion factor we can easily convert. Start with what is given

which is 936 picosecond. Multiply, draw a line across place the unit that you want

to get rid of at the bottom which is picosecond and then place the unit that

you want which is second on the top. Pico second will cancel each other off and

then after that we place in the values from our conversion factor. We have one

in front of picosecond 10 to the negative 12 in front of s, so we do the

math 936 times 10 to the power of negative 12 divided by 1 that will give

us 9.36 times 10 to the power of negative 10 seconds.

Let's try on another example. Convert 25 meter to megameter.

So the question is asking us to convert from meter to megameter. Again from the

prefix table mega the value is 10 to the power of 6 so what this means is

1 megameter is 10 to the power of 6 meter. Meter is the base unit in this case, so,

start with what we have which is 25 meter multiply draw a line across, put

meter at the bottom and megameter on the top because we want to cancel off

the meter giving us megameter and then we place in the values in front of the units.

1 in front of megameter, 10 to the power of 6 in front of meter so that

gives us 25 times 1/10 to the power of 6. If you punch it in your calculator or if

you can do mental math that will give us 2.5 times 10 to the power of

negative 5 mega meter. Moving on to our third and final example, it's slightly

more difficult than the last two that we've tried. So this question is asking

us to convert 25 meter cube to mega meter cube. The previous example we were

asked to convert from 25 meter to megameter. Do you see the difference?

Do you think we're going to get the same answer like the last one which is 2.5 times 10

to the power of negative 5 except for the unit now we'll be mega meter cube?

Well, stay tuned and we're gonna go through the calculation. Let's start with

the prefix mega. Mega is 10 to the 6 so 1 megameter is 10 to the 6 meter, then we

start with what's given which is 25 meter cube and then we multiply draw a

line across and then we place meter at the bottom and megameter at the top

because we want to try and cancel off the meter so we place the meter at the

bottom and we place in the values for the conversion factors so far is the same

steps as the previous example but now notice that the unit for 25 is meter cube.

So that means we need to cube everything as well so that meter cube

will cancel off meter cube like this. So, let's simplify now, we have 25 times 1

divided by 10 to the power of 18 because we cube the exponent 10 to the 6

so 6 x 3 gives us 18 and then the meter cube can now cancel off each other and

we do the math we get 2.5 times 10 to the power of negative 17 megameter cube.

That is definitely not the same as the answer that we got from the previous

example this kind of conversion that involves cube or square a lot of people

make mistakes when trying to solve this because they

miss out that cube part. So when you perform calculations that has cube or

square, please make sure after you've placed in the conversion factor.

Make sure you cube it or you square whichever that's appropriate. So we went through

three examples together. Why don't you try one out on your own?

Try converting 0.028 nanometer to meter. I'll place the answer in the description box below.

Thanks for watching, I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How to do metric conversions | Basic | SUPER EASY way to remember SI Prefixes – Dr K - Duration: 7:36.


How to Dye Your Hair Naturally with coffee - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> How to Dye Your Hair Naturally with coffee - Duration: 2:18.


911 Help Now Emergency Communicator Pendant Bundle - Duration: 16:17.

For more infomation >> 911 Help Now Emergency Communicator Pendant Bundle - Duration: 16:17.


Can you have an electric car without a home charger? GUEST VLOG 🔋🔌🚗 - Duration: 7:34.

good morning and welcome to day two of my vlog here i am

at Barry Buddon which is about eight miles north of Dundee to help out with a

local beach clean I've taken the leaf no where to charge and but I've still got

plenty of charge from yesterday unfortunately the Dundee sunshine has

gone and it's a little bit tricky out there so I think we're going to get a

bit wet well this is Barry Buddon beach just do a panoramic round you can see an

army of helpers from mono peak eco force and the local Rotary Club of

helping out everyone's got their pickers and here's some of the bigger items that

have washed up on the beach and we've got a tractor up at the far end that

will help us clear up it's a beautiful place

unfortunately covered in plastic but everybody's pitching in to get his rid

of much of it hasn't read off as much of it as we can today

great effort everyone well done

well it's Sunday afternoon now and its brightened up to be an absolutely

beautiful day now needing to pop down to the shops to get a few bits and bobs

so I'm going to take the leaf down but what's good is that the multi-story car

park next to the retail park has a couple of chargers but also through a scheme

run by and Dundee Drive electric which you can find on Twitter that if you let

Dundee City Council know that you drive 100% zero emissions electric vehicle

that they will put your number plates on their system so when you drive up to the

barriers they should lift automatically and let you into the council car park

for free which is great.

There we Go

so here we are at the Olympia car park

which is next to a big Sports Center and swimming pool and we're in the car

park on the ground floor where you might be able to see behind me there's a red

leaf charging up there and there's my leaf ready to plug in so there are six

type two points here but you might be wondering how everybody plugs in

there's three charging spaces down here and the other three are upstairs and

quite cleverly if you see just about there there's a little hole that you

feed the cable down it's a little bit of a pain but it still means that six cars

get to charge so I'm gonna head to the shops and pick up a few electrons while

I'm there okay so I finished shopping I've charged for free and hopefully I'm

going to be able to park for free when I get to the barriers they should

hopefully recognise my registration plate and lift when it recognises I'm on

their system here we go

quite in the car park today Sunday afternoon down the hill moment of truth

BINGO there we go time to go home now

finished for the day checking on my horse at the stables so I thought I would pop in

and quickly top up my tires how much fun is this it's literally the

Michelin man and guess what while I'm topping up my tires I can

also charge up my leaf

good morning I'm heading into work now and the leaf is

also needing a charge you can see that I'm down to 28 percent and 27 miles on

the Guessometer so I'm gonna get plugged in so I'm at a multi-story car

park at the University not the most picturesque setting but this is a really

really handy charger and I would see this charger as an absolute lifeline for

myself as I don't have a home charger so when I

come out at lunchtime I should be fully charged and I'll free up the charger

ready for somebody else so that's me finished up for an early lunch so I'm

gonna see how much my leaf has charged while I was at work fantastic that's my

battery at 100% and showing 93 miles on the gasometer

which is excellent so that means I probably won't need to charge for a few

days now because I've just really got some local trips back and forward to

working a few other things over the next few days having a workplace charger

really as essential for myself as an Ev owner without a home charger I really

rely on this to get my weekly boosters of electrons but also for those that you

can do have a home charger having a workplace charger would double the the

commuting distance that you would be able to do that's me home and I'm still

pretty much got to fill battery because I have a relatively short commute I just

wanted to say thank you to everybody for tuning into my vlog and I hope it's been

of interest seeing my daily runabout in a Nissan Leaf without a home charger Owning an

electric car without a home charger is really made possible by the excellent

charging infrastructure that we have in Dundee the Dundee City Council and their

Drive Dundee electric project a really our visionary and what they've been

doing they're charging infrastructure and if

you may might have seen that we are currently in the process of installing three

public charging hubs across the city and that's as well as our electric taxi rank

that I showed you earlier on but also as well as the council institutions such

as the University of Dundee having the foresight to install chargers for their

staff members and students allows people like myself to have an electric cars

statistics have shown that most people have under a 20-mile commute which is

very similar to myself so having workplace charger allows many people to

consider owning an electric car and I really hope businesses across the board

and take this into consideration and open the doors for electric driving to

all their staff so I'll sign off now and thanks again for watching

before you go like to say a massive thank you to EL for recording this week's

guest vlog I've learned amazing things that you can survive without a home

charger hope you've also learned the same things don't forget to follow El on

twitter follow myself on twitter and check out my subscribe button down here

check out the suggested videos here and here

thanks very much and I'll see you again next week goodbye

For more infomation >> Can you have an electric car without a home charger? GUEST VLOG 🔋🔌🚗 - Duration: 7:34.


Basic Arduino Projects For Beginners Part 1 – How To Make A Arduino Robot Car Easily - Duration: 6:12.

Basic Arduino Projects For Beginners Part 1 – How To Make A Arduino Robot Car Easily

For more infomation >> Basic Arduino Projects For Beginners Part 1 – How To Make A Arduino Robot Car Easily - Duration: 6:12.


5 Benefits Of Swimming That You Should Not Ignore │ Swimming Health Benefits - Duration: 2:39.

Health Benefits of Swimming.

Swimming is one of the most popular sports in the world.

For the health benefits of swimming to your lungs and heartAs well as being fun, this

kind of sport is a great way to help people keep fit, stay healthy, and even make friends.

Swimming is a healthy activity that you could follow for a lifetime.

In this video we are talking about best 5 Health Benefits Of swimming.

So please click the subscribe batton and press the bell icon for more videos.

Number 1.

Great for Your Lungs.

When your face is under water, oxygen is at a premium.

In turn, your body adapts to use oxygen more efficiently, Walton says.

Plus, it learns to take in more fresh air with every breath, and expel more carbon dioxide

with every exhalation.

Number 2.

Enhance Flexibility.

While exercise machines in a certain gym tend to isolate each of body part at a time, swimming

puts your body through a range of motion which helps joints as well as ligaments stay flexible

and loose.

Your arms move in wide arcs, your hips are involved because your legs scissor via the

water, and your head and spine twist from one side to another side.

Number 3.

Improve Healthy Heart.

Keep apart the benefits of swimming upon quads, triceps, and pectorals; it also keeps the

most important part of the human body healthy � the heart.

As swimming is an aerobic exercise, it serves to strengthen your heart, not only assisting

it in becoming larger, but making it more effective in pumping, leading to better blood

flow throughout your whole body.

Number 4.

Improve Snoring.

Pool workouts and swimming, in general not only help prevent asthma attacks, but also

aid in improving overall health condition, according to a new study published in the

Science Daily.

In the study, a group of children followed a 6-week swimming plan and the results shown

that they improved mouth breathing and snoring significantly.

Number 5.

Safe during pregnancy.

Swimming is recommended for people who are pregnant.

Swimming is a recommended form of exercise for pregnant people.

Added weight can cause joint and muscle pain during pregnancy.

Swimming is especially popular with pregnant people because the water can support this


For more infomation >> 5 Benefits Of Swimming That You Should Not Ignore │ Swimming Health Benefits - Duration: 2:39.


Palestine Calling by the Palestine Liberation Orchestra (Cover of the Clash, "London Calling") - Duration: 3:25.

Palestine calling from the stones on the hill

we've been here before and we'll be here still

Palestine calling from the grape and the vine

get yourselves back behind the Green Line

Palestine calling now I don't mean to shout

but while we were talking my patience ran out

Palestine calling from the well that is dry

from fields that grow hard and a waterless sky

the checkpoints are humming the message is clear

you don't want any Palestinians here

you expand your empire demolish their towns

and breathing a word of dissent is not allowed

Palestine calling from the olive groves

from separation walls and apartheid roads

Palestine calling from the tear gas haze

you don't see the end of your colonial days

Palestine calling and you say it's untrue

it can't call for me because I'm a Jew

Palestine calling from Hebron to the sea

and after all this you're still lying to me

you turn your eyes from me like I am the sun

but I will still stand up for everyone

in your watchtowers

your perilous high

the UN is calling and I won't occupy

you turn your eyes from me like I am the sun

but I will still stand up for everyone

in your watchtowers

your perilous high

the UN is calling and I won't occupy

Palestine calling yeah I was there too

and with my own eyes I saw that it was true

you brainwash your people and rule them by fear

you shut off the water no democracy here

Palestine calling

Palestine calling

Palestine calling

Palestine calling

Palestine calling

Palestine calling

it never felt so much, so much like occupation.

For more infomation >> Palestine Calling by the Palestine Liberation Orchestra (Cover of the Clash, "London Calling") - Duration: 3:25.


Channel Update + 2 Years Keto - Duration: 3:51.

Hey everybody, Josh here, and I just wanted to give you a quick little update.

I know it's been a while since we've talked, but I've got some exciting news for you, so

stick around.

When it comes to universal conversation, there is one item that stands head and shoulders

above the rest... food!

First off, a little personal update, because it has been 2 years since I've been on the

ketogenic diet.

I started this thing back in May of 2016 and it's now June of 2018, I have made it to ONEderland

and I've been maintaining right in that 195 to 200 range.

So, it's been awesome.

I've really been loving it, and this has truly become a way of life for me and my entire


So, because this has been a lifestyle change one of the things that I've noticed is that

the people around me have finally seen that this is a long-term thing and we're making

the most of it.

I've actually had, at least 50 people, that I know of personally that have jumped on the

ketogenic diet and most of them have been having stellar success with it.

So, one of the other things I really wanna encourage you to do is to head over to Facebook

and you can check out our "Keto Christian" Facebook group.

I'll have a link right down below that you can find that.

Just make sure that you do answer the 3 questions or you're not gettin' approved.

So, where have I been?

What have I been up to?

I keep seeing your comments.

I'm pretty sure I've answered most of them.

Maybe, I missed a few.

But you want to know if I've closed the channel and where I've been.

I have not closed the channel.

I am still around.

I've just kind of been focusing on some other things over the last several months.

Now, one of the things I have been focusing on and I'm really excited about and I wanna

share with you guys, especially our Christian community is that I've started a brand new

YouTube channel under my own name.

You can find it right up here.

It's Joshua Verwers.

And when you go there, what you're going to find is you're gonna find content that is

supposed to be bringing about inspiration and information to help us live by faith.

Over on that channel, I'm all about sharing God's love here in the digital world and really

trying to encourage others to live by faith.

So, you'll find questions and answers, you'll find vlog style videos and I even got a new

spoken word style video up there that I'd really encourage you to check out.

So, you can go ahead and just check it out and if you like it and you want more, make

sure to subscribe there as well.

So, with all of this focus and attention I've been putting on my personal channel, what

does that mean for the Keto Christian channel?

I'm not quite sure.

It doesn't mean it's going away, but I don't know how much I can commit to uploading on

a regular basis.

But, I do want to keep creating content, because this is part of my lifestyle.

I think a big determining factor for me is going to be once I get into a routine of making

videos on a regular basis, and then being able to upload on a regular basis, to slide

in another channel...

I might be able to do that.

So, you could be praying for me and for this channel that we can make that happen.

So, a quick little poll for you here and you can go ahead and click and just give me your


What I'm wanting to know is what type of videos would you like to see me make in the future?

Do you kinda prefer those top 10 kind of videos?

Are you a fan of the recipes?

Do you like the questions and answers, kind of discussing the ketogenic lifestyle?

Or maybe, just maybe, your favorite ones are the Keto On The Go?

Let me know, you can put your vote up here.

You can also comment down in the comments section below and let me know what you think,

as well.

If you want to stay up to date with our latest content, make sure you're clicking the subscribe

button right down here.

I'd also like to encourage you to check out my personal channel, right over here.

Don't forget you can watch more videos, right over here.

And until next time, I want you guys to stay blessed, enjoy God's best, and keep on eating

the fat of the land.

For more infomation >> Channel Update + 2 Years Keto - Duration: 3:51.


陆军戈壁砺兵 加速推进转型(新时代强军战歌) - Duration: 19:40.

For more infomation >> 陆军戈壁砺兵 加速推进转型(新时代强军战歌) - Duration: 19:40.


Why do you have to wait? - Duration: 0:14.

Why do you have to wait to livestream?

I mean, the point of a live stream is so you don't keep your viewers waiting.

(I think)

Regardless, if there is someone out there who can explain it to me then please do so in the comments




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