Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 6, 2018

Waching daily Jun 3 2018

Hey there my name is Alexis and I'm the creator of the Charmed Life Master

Planner, the best-selling Amazon Productivity and Time Management Tool

that is unlike any other planner on the market. Today I want to give you an

overview of the planner and talk a bit about the philosophy behind this

powerful tool to help you understand how The Charmed Life Master Planner can help

you plan a more productive and successful year. So, let's take a look

inside! Let's start with the aesthetic of the

planner. I know they say you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but in the

case of this planner you can be certain that the classic matte black soft touch

exterior is an elegant prelude to a sophisticated and functional interior.

The book measures eight and a half inches high by five and a half inches

wide and about one inch in depth. It weighs a mere 1.2 pounds and fits

comfortably into a variety of handbags and briefcases so you can easily carry

around all your plans with you from home to work, errands or to school.

Inside the planner begins with a brief overview of the sections and how to use

each before moving into a collection of helpful info and worksheets to help you

clarify key elements of your life like your priorities, routines, habits and

planning strategies. The Charmed Life Master Planner then jumps straight into

the 12 month undated monthly-weekly planner spreads beginning with a month

on two pages spread that is spacious enough to fit key tasks and events

throughout your month and gives you dedicated space to identify three tasks

or events to focus on for each week, and of course an additional space for notes

a quote or outlining monthly goals. Next comes two more helpful monthly

organization sheets; the master monthly task list, where you will list out all

your to dos for a given month and the monthly expense sheet where you can

track your income and expenses for the month. Then you get to the weekly

planning spreads. Each of the twelve months of the planner include five

vertical week on two pages spreads with a full column for each weekday and a

shared column for the weekends. At the top of each day you will find a top

three checklist to help you focus on the key tasks you need to accomplish each

day followed by a space for you to list out additional tasks, notes, create a

daily schedule, and so much more. The open box at the bottom of each day is a great

place to organize additional information, plan out your evening events, or get

creative with sketching and stickers. Of course after the five weekly spreads the

next month of the planner begins and the monthly planning starts all over again.

Now, those essential calendar spreads are what you're probably used to in terms of

the average planner, but remember, The Charmed Life Master Planner is so much

more than your average planner and that's because it includes two

additional planning sections that take this book from simple time manager and

to-do lists to a complete planning powerhouse for outlining and organizing

your year for success! So immediately following the calendar spreads is an

Important Project section. This section begins with a yearly project tracker

where you can map out everything you want to achieve for the year into short

term, midterm, and long term projects. You might be familiar with the saying "you

can do it all, just not all at once" and that's the idea behind this tracker that

gives you the ability to map out the best time of year to work on your

objectives and make sure you have balanced out your expectations so you

don't get overwhelmed. Following the tracker are project planning worksheets

with notes designed to help you properly outline your projects by getting clear

on objectives, due dates, resources and action steps to complete your project

successfully. There are 40 of these project planning spreads within this

section so it has plenty of space for you to map out plans for everything you

want to achieve in a year. Now that takes us to the final section of this planner

called Brilliant Ideas, because after all what's the use of those project plans if

you don't have any ideas for what you want to achieve for your year? In order

to generate your brilliant ideas for the year you're going to need to perform

some brain dumps with the help of these planner spreads.

So on the left side of this spread you can list out everything your brain is

storing in terms of plans, ideas, events, tasks, errands etc so you can take all

that information to organize and act on using the prioritization grid on the

right side of the spread. For each item on your brain dump list, assign it to

one of the quadrants of the grid to determine if the tasks are priorities

for you to act on, can be deferred for a later date, delegated to someone else, or

deleted from your to-do list. I recommend performing a braindump once

a month and there are 20 of these braindump spreads within the planner so you

have plenty to get you through the year. Once you have everything out of your

head and onto paper your mind is going to feel a significant sense of relief

and now that you aren't wasting your precious brain power holding on to

information you can make good use of the brainstorming sheets that follow in this

section. If you want to know the secret to a productive and successful year I'll

tell you- it's all about understanding what you want to achieve and designing a

plan to make it happen. So these brainstorm sheets are where you can come

up with your brilliant ideas for the year in all areas of your life, from

personal goals, home projects, and even work-related objectives. Use the square

mind map grid to define a problem or issue and then outline ideas and topics

for a solution within the mind mapping squares. Once you have all your ideas

mapped out, you can start creating a rough outline of a project plan by

identifying the tasks and key information that you can then organize

onto a project planning worksheet once you're ready. You've got 20 of these

brainstorm sheets to work with in the planner so there is nothing stopping you

from creating your own personal success story for the year! Of course, you may

find that you want to keep additional information lists or notes within your

planner so I've included 30 lined note sheets for you to use as needed within

this section as well. Finally, in order to help you keep all your many

plans, notes, ideas, and events organized within this vault of a planner, I've

included several dedicated index sheets where you can keep track of the contents

of each numbered page of the planner or organize categories of information for

quick reference. So that is The Charmed Life Master Planner and I hope that

seeing those beautiful blank planner spreads and worksheets fills your mind

with ideas and inspiration for all the wonderful plans and possibilities you

could achieve with the help of this versatile productivity tool. So what are

you waiting for? Click the link down below to purchase your planner today and

take advantage of my special bonus PDF personalization guide for purchasing the

planner for yourself or even as a gift for a very lucky planner and

productivity lover in your life! Thanks so much for joining me today and happy




Pilates For Beginners ♥ Tone Your Body & Core | Peru - Duration: 16:48.

Welcome to the magical city of Cusco Peru

We are here amidst the beautiful mountaintop ruins and today is going to be a Pilates class that focuses on

Toning your entire core and lower body

This class is perfect for beginners or for anyone that is looking to ease their way into this kind of practice

So if you're ready to tone and strengthen your body grab your mat and let's get started

For full length Pilates and yoga classes check out bo-beautiful complete where we have everything from Pilates bootcamp

yoga workout program and of course our yin yoga journey

Whatever your goals may be. We are here to help you reach them with that said let's get back to our practice

All right friends, we're gonna begin today's seated on your mat with your feet in front of you

Go ahead and just place the hands behind your knees and start with a head roll big roll to one side

Warming up the neck here and then a big head roll to the other side letting go of any tension here

Beautiful and then from here, let's inhale arch the back look up to the sky. I'm gonna exhale extending the elbows

Round out the spine

inhale look up and

Exhale let go

Inhale look up seated cat cow and

Exhale round out the spine extend through the elbows

Stay here, and then just extend the arms forward drop the shoulders away from the ears

We're gonna begin by lifting both arms up palms down

Push the arms down palms up arms up palms down bring him down

Keep going lift those arms. Turn the palms and down

Inhale as you lift

exhale as you push

Inhale as you lift

Exhale as you push try to keep that core engaged

Exhale push you want to keep the spine?

slightly rounded so you're engaging your abdominals here lift and

Push beautiful hold and I'll slowly make your way all the way down to your mat

Reaching the arms over your head and just start by windshield wiping the knees side to side

allowing the knees to fall to one side and then the other

warming of the spine here

Great job one more time and

Then returning back to centre drop the arms place the hands on top of your ribcage

Let's take an inhale expand the ribcage and then exhale

Pressing that lower back over to the mat bring those ribs in together

And then once you ready come on to your tabletop position arms down

we're gonna start with our single toe taps simply tap the toe exhale bring it Center other toe and

Center inhale as you lower exhale

Center inhale lower exhale

Center so keep going

We want to keep the back, press the whole time so we're engaging the abdominals here

Beautiful keep going just tapping the toe and then bring the knee up

Good now slowly from here bring both hands behind your head and then go ahead lift up

So in a crunch position, we're gonna start with our single legged extensions inhale

You're going to extend one leg away from your body

Exhale bring it in

there leg inhale

exhale and keep going extend the leg and in

Extend the leg and in and just like in our single toe top

So you want to think about keeping that lower back pressed towards the mat?



inhale exhale

Keep going. You got this

Your last one here

Awesome hold it go ahead extend the arms over your head on your exhale pushing the arms down curl up

We're gonna start with our 100's if you like to take it even easier place the feet on the ground

Otherwise a little more difficult is the Nisa

inhale, one, two, three, four, five exhale, two three

four five inhale, two three, four, five exhale, two three

four five inhale, two three

four five exhale two three four

thirty, inhale two three, four, five exhale 2 3 4

40 inhale, two three, four, five exhale two three four

nice strong arms pushing him down

Keep that core engaged draw the navel into the spine. You're almost there. Inhale, two three, four, five exhale, two three

four five inhale, two three, four, five exhale, two three

Four five inhale, two three, four, five exhale, two three, four five

you're almost there and your last stretch keep going and

three two one

beautiful job that was

100 go ahead and relax your head on the mat. Drop the feet to the ground. Just take a second for yourself

Let's stretch out the core muscles by lifting up into our bridge posture

Keeping the feet grounded. Just go ahead and lift up squeeze the gluts here

Breathing deeply and then lifting one leg

Drop the foot and then switch other leg drop the foot

So by alternating one leg at a time we're engaging the hamstrings here

strengthening the glutes at the same time

Beautiful keep going



Now from here last set

Bring it up bring the foot down now lift that leg up. I want you to hold it and just pump it to


Or keep going five lift as high as you can six

seven and

Eight awesome release. Let's switch sides right away. Bring the other leg up and let's start to pop one two


four keep going five lift as high as you can seven and

eight awesome

Let's slowly bring the foot down reach the arms over your head lift the hips up a little higher now really squeeze

those gluts together

Even higher as high as you can and then drop the body down awesome. Go ahead and hug your knees into your chest

Let's just start to gently rock side to side

massaging the lumbar spine here

Just let it go

And then as you release extend the legs head drops

Let's take our next abdominal exercise opposite elbow to knee and then just rest back down. So you're just lifting and

down all trimming legs need to elbow and


Knee to elbow and drop

Nice and controlled air see if you can get actual physical contact with the elbow and the knee a

Wonderful exercise for the obliques for the waistline. Keep going touch and


touch and

Open and then from here go ahead touch your obstacle bow to knee and just hold that position for me

Open those elbows. If you like to challenge yourself, go ahead and lift that straight leg off the mat

Let's just hold and breathe


engagement in that oblique

You're almost done. Keep holding open up deep breath in and then exhale switching the legs

Dropping the straight leg down. Go ahead and reach with the opposite elbow to me

Now again, if you like to challenge yourself lift that straight leg off the mat. Let's just hold this position

Breathing into your nose pulling the navel into the spine

keeping that connection with the elbow and the knee and

Release beautiful job. Go ahead and reach both arms

Over towards your legs extend the legs all the way up point your toes

Just taking a moment here to breathe and then taking one leg towards your chest. The other leg is gonna drop down

Let's just hold it here. Think about pulling that forehead to the knee


feeling that stretch through the entire hamstring and

Then drop the head down. Let's switch legs. Same thing the other leg drops down and

Then pulling yourself up. Think about your forehead reaching for that top knee

Feeling that stretch through the hamstring take a deep breath knee

on your exhale your opposite hand comes behind the knee straight single X switch 1 2

X Co 3 4 so a little pulse with the legs 1 2 X Co 3 4

inhale 1 2

3 4

1 2

3 4 you got this open those legs as wide as you can three four

one two three

four almost done 1 2 3


full Small's

pulse pulse

Some last one



awesome legs together

Let's take our rolling like a ball exercise now so hands behind your knees

Roll up to your seated position round through the spine and then come back up

So you're rolling onto the shoulders and then using the strength of your core to come up

roll back and

Up, let's hold this bow posture to make it easier to drop your feet on the ground. Otherwise keep those feet lifted

Let's hold here. And just breathe. All we're doing is holding

And then crossing the ankles we're gonna transition over to our plank so whatever way is most comfortable come on up

Hands grounded shoulders above the wrists to modify your plank bend your knees and just stay on the knees just like that

Otherwise if you're up for the challenge come up to a full plank

And all we're gonna do here is just focus on our breath

Imagine is if somebody placed a ruler on your back

You want to match that ruler you want to stay straight as possible here

Pulling the navel into the spine

Awesome and now let's come on down to your knees

If you're not already there, and then we're going to open into our side knee plank from here

all you're gonna do is just lift that straight leg up and lower down for one lift and


lift and

three now this exercise tones your glutes and

Strengthens the lower body you want to make sure that your front knee is pointed towards the screen

Wonderful you got one more lift it up

Now, let's hold that position. Hold a navel to the spine. Just hold that leg up feel those muscles engaging

Go ahead and now flex that top foot and just start to pulse it two three four five

six seven eight

Nine and ten awesome drop it down. Go ahead and bring yourself over back to your plank position

same thing you can modify stay on your knees or if you're up for the challenge stay in your foot like

Holding here for about ten seconds. Just breathing deeply

Think about that navel reaching the spine

Awesome from here drop down to the knees and let's go over to our side knee plank on the

Opposite side reach the top arm up and let's lift that leg up to the sky four one and lower


Hips are square three




Seven you got this and eight

And let's hold this one

Breathing deeply here. Just finding that Center

flex the foot and let's pump it 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Beautiful extend let's release come on over back to your knees

Now for me here, we're gonna come onto our elbow plank

So drop down to your elbows again, if you're beginners stay in your knees. Otherwise come up to your elbow plank

from here

We're simply going to tap one knee to the mat extent of pike switch knees extend just a little tiny tap

good tap the knee and plug me and plunk me and

Knees stay centered. You're almost done shoulders on top of those wrists

Let's hold up plank. Now if you're tired drop down to the knees otherwise hold

deep breath in

Pull the navel to the spine. You're almost done

two and one

Beautiful job take a baby Cobra stretch here. Let's just stretch out the core muscles

let's take a deep breath in through the nose and

Then exhale

pushing your way up to your knees and

Rounding out the spine into your Child's Pose

Or head down

Reaching the arms to the top of the mat. Let's just take a moment here for ourselves

Being that nice gentle stretch through the shoulders or head reaching for the mat

Some one more deep breath a

Long exhalation through your nose let everything go

Wonderful and slowly coming up to seated reaching both arms up to the sky exhale arms down

Inhale arms up exhale

Release awesome one more time last one big breath in and then


releasing the arms down

Amazing job you guys. Thank you so much for joining us in Cuzco sending you lots of love and we'll see you soon

Thanks so much for watching if you enjoy this video, we'll give it a thumbs up

And of course subscribe to our channel

if you're looking for full-length videos and programs check out our website below beautiful dot life or you can find everything from

Pilates programs yurga workout programs and our plant-based eating guide lots of love to you guys. See you soon

For more infomation >> Pilates For Beginners ♥ Tone Your Body & Core | Peru - Duration: 16:48.


Google Mobile Sites Certification Assessment Exam Answers ✅ Academy for ads ✅ 2018 ✅ 100% Correct ✅ - Duration: 17:42.

Google Mobile Sites Certification Assessment Exam Answers - Academy for ads - 2018 - 100% Correct Mobile Sites certification exam assessment contains more than 100 possible questions. It means, that every time you take the exam you get 100 random questions from all possible questions and in random order. Which of the following describes the Payment Request API correctly? Which is an example of an unnecessary resource negatively impacting the user experience? The App shell helps with: Which metric is affected by slow pagespeed? If you're in an animation like scrolling, you should ideally be looking to keep your JavaScript to something in the region of: Currently, Google Optimize does NOT currently allow you to: Which is a benefit of a mobile site over an app for businesses? To discover and prioritize landing pages for potential improvements to the user design, you should check the: The first step to optimize the critical rendering path is to: A good notification: To deliver the fastest possible time to first render, you should minimize the number of: Why can an intermittently available mobile network result in a poor experience? True or false: Constructing the Document Object Model (DOM) requires style information. Which can be sacrificed to reduce the file size of an image? True or false: Mobile pages that load 1 second faster see up to a 27% increase in conversion rate. In the layout step, the browser: "For each font on your website you should:" Which of these are NOT part of AMP: Which allows for efficient font reuse between pages? Google Optimize does NOT currently allow you to: "At a minimum, what page weight should you be aiming for?" What is it that the App shell helps with How many times per second do most devices refresh their screens? What's the fastest and best-optimized resource? Research shows that mobile users expect to: How can you make the job a lot simpler for the browser? Some users are not comfortable converting on their mobile device. What could be an action you can take to improve their experience? "A Progressive Web App:" Image _____ can be sacrificed to reduce the file size, and chances are the user will still like the resulting image. Which of the following reports in Google Analytics helps you to identify leakages from the conversion funnel? What makes a notification good? What does "Variant A" in A/B Testing usually represent? Which most accurately describes the purpose of compression? True or false: To instruct the browser to use the default device width, you would use meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width". What is a tool that you can use to emulate and simulate a site that's experiencing poor or unreliable connectivity? "Which of the following is NOT a best practice to optimize forms on mobile?" True or False: You can experiment with google Analytics features by using the Google Merchandise Store demo account. True or false: Using a mix of desktop and mobile-optimized pages on mobile sites improves the user experience since some users are more familiar with the desktop version of the site. Image information such as location and camera description can often be deleted to reduce image sizes. This type of information is called: Which changes to "geometric properties" affect the layout? To optimize for speed, you shouldn't use too many webfonts and you should minimize the number of _____. Which is an example of a situation when an unnecessary resource negatively impacts the user experience. What performance metrics are affected by slow pagespeed? Which of these features is part of a Progressive Web App? Keeping CSS independent of HTML allows us to treat_______and _______as separate concerns. Before the browser can render the page, it needs to construct the: AMP ______ the page ______ waiting for resources to download: Which of the following is NOT a best practice for a financial company to keep users from dropping out of the funnel? How do you prioritize optimization of the mobile site for browser versions or screen resolutions: The render tree contains: "Which of the following is NOT true about site search experience on mobile sites?" When referring to the critical rendering path in site performance, a critical resource is: True or false: Constructing the DOM requires style information. Which of the following describes the Payment API correctly? Which is the best way to discover and prioritize landing pages for UX improvement potential? True or false: JavaScript can block DOM construction unless explicitly declared as async. Before introducing mobile site design best practices to your clients, you should examine their.

According to a Google poll, what is the top frustration when users browse the web on their mobile device? "Which of the following statements is true about the mobile experience of users?" Why did Facebook create "2G Tuesdays"? Which describes how a Service Worker operates? Which of these should be minimized to deliver the fastest possible time to firstrender? Which of the following describes an App shell? What is a valid event for a Service Worker to emit when it's registered? Which format is preferred for the multi-device and high-resolution icons? Which is NOT true about Responsive Sites? In which of the following situations can a high bounce rate be interpreted as a good metric? When using Chrome devtools, what should you limit the connectivity to? Which is true about calls-to-action usage on mobile homepages? Why can lie-fie result in a poor experience? True or false: Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to a 27% increase in CvR At a minimum, what Speed index score should you be aiming for? If you're in an animation like scrolling, you should ideally be looking to keep your JavaScript to something in the region of ______. Any longer than that and you risk taking up too much time. True or false: Images should never change when rotating a device screen or between different device sizes Resources with responses that are ____ for all users are great candidates to be cached by a CDN. "What is a benefit of mobile site over an app for businesses?" "Mobile sites:" Why do CSS @imports harm performance? "How does AMP work?" Why are push notifications important for advertisers? The first step to optimize the critical rendering path is: True or false: A/B testing allows you to test two or more elements on the site to understand their effects on each other Which components often account for most of the downloaded bytes on a web page?

For more infomation >> Google Mobile Sites Certification Assessment Exam Answers ✅ Academy for ads ✅ 2018 ✅ 100% Correct ✅ - Duration: 17:42.


21 Introvert Traits That Most People Find it Weird - Duration: 4:16.

21 Introvert Traits That Most People Find it Weird

Since they prefer to be alone most of the time, and tend to enjoy themselves even among

social crowds, introverts are often misunderstood by society.

But you know what, this is not necessarily true, since probably you don't know them completely.

For instance, introverts are not anti-social, or they are not even depressed, simply put

they just have a distinct personality compared to others.

In many cases, introverts have certain things that only their closest friends understand.

So, in order to uncover more about introversion traits, here are several things about introverts

you may not know.

In any case, If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this

video and subscribe to our channel, so you won't miss any of our interesting updates

in the future.

#1 - Introverts are capable of saying they are busy while they are actually on the couch

laying down and watching favorite movie because being alone is something they love so much

#2 - A stranger talking to them on the plane is the definition of nightmare to an introvert.

Endless of forced small talk feel like their soul is drained.

#3 - Everyone who thinks of throwing surprise party for them is literally their enemy as

they hate the idea

#4 - Your idea of a group vacation is actually terrifying, especially when they intend to

spend their time alone.

#5 - They choose to not instead of raising questions during small talk to avoid conversation

#6 - Bathroom is a place they consider a sanctuary only to get them out of certain place and

enjoy some time alone without being distracted

#7 - Having your plans cancelled are actually the good news introverts want to hear.

Well, you're their friend, but the idea of leaving their comfort zone sounds mighty appealing.

#8 - Introverts definitely can make other people to cancel plans but luckily they don't

do it that often

#9 - When they decide to go out after all, you can only really hang out in short spans

before they are ready to make a call and quits.

#10 - Being introvert doesn't mean being judged to hate people.

It's just that they like individuals instead of people

#11 - After work is the definition of me time for introverts, they are surely to steer clear

from any connections for a moment.

#12 - Introverts never run out of excuses just so they can leave party or event earlier

because they can't wait to be alone

#13 - Being in huge party is like a hell for them, so they choose to burn their tongue

instead, rather than attending the party

#14 - Introverts always want to be invited, otherwise it will make them down, despite

they don't really want to go anywhere sometimes.

#15 - Being busy to introverts doesn't mean being busy doing activities with other people.

Instead, it is busy avoiding interaction with other human

#16 - Introverts actually have friends whose characters are similar to their favorite TV

shows and books and those people are their best friends

#17 - What they think as very exhausting thing to do is not the long and tiring physical

exercise but the long talk and conversation with many people all day long

#18 - Introverts hate being distracted with talk when they have their headphones on because

that's the time they want to be alone

#19 - Phone charger is something they often carry around just so they can be focus on

phones instead of making human interaction

#20 - Animals are the ones they look for when they are guilt-tripped into attending an event.

#21 - They can change very opposite routine within only seconds.

Well, those are some of the traits of introverts that most extroverts might not understand.

So, Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 21 Introvert Traits That Most People Find it Weird - Duration: 4:16.



please subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> ARE YOU READY FOR EXTREME HAIRCUT? ✂️ - Duration: 1:17.


How To Make Him Commit To You - When He Says He's Not Ready for a Relationship - Duration: 7:55.

The casual nature of dating in today's world is often very frustrating... especially when

you find yourself dating a person who doesn't want to be in a committed relationship.

So you find yourself in a situationship, but you want to be in a relationship.

What do you do?

In this video I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to say to Get him To commit


No tricks, no schemes no games.. so stay tuned because we're starting in 4 seconds.

hi everyone..

I'm dr Antonio Borrello, Welcome to another video.

I'm a psychologist and relationship coach and I make weekly dating and relationship

advice videos.

This channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can grow happy

with the people you love.

So, if you're interested in making your love life the best part of your life, start

now by clicking the subscribe button and the bell notification so you aren't missing


OK… on to what you can do to get him to take your relationship to the next level and


So often, women find themselves dating a person they really like... and wanting a commitment,

but finding that the other person doesn't want to take the relationship to the next


For example... you're dating for several months and things seem to be going really

well.. but still, he hasn't brought up the "commitment" talk.. and you really don't know

what to think.

That's right, you're in a situationship but you want to be in a relationship.

If you remember, a situationship is basically a pseudo relationship… it's an almost


You're seeing a person regularly, doing things that couples do, including physical

intimacy and sex... but it's casual.

No commitment and no talks of a future together.

And if you spend enough time together, the "what are we" conversation Inevitably

comes up and is met with..

I don't want to be in a relationship…

I don't want a commitment at this time, why do we need labels… ya know.. you've

probably heard all of the excuses So now what… you like this person and you

have a great time together, you're acting like a couple, but they don't want a commitment?

What do you do?

How can you get your man to commit.

Im going to tell you exactly how to handle this situation.

And, I'm saving the most important part for last… because without committing to

making the last change, (pun intended) the others won't matter at all..

So make sure you watch until the end.. it's absolutely essential.

Ok… before you start making any changes…

ASK yourself… is this person really relationship worthy?

Ask yourself.. how much of my desire to be in a committed relationship is influenced

by the fact that he doesn't want one?

Ya know, the classic, we want what we cant have?

You've gotta Make sure that he is capable of a relationship with emotional intimacy..

I mean is he just a player, or is he someone who values of love, loyalty, mutual

respect and the possibility of a future.

Because Without these, the relationship is nothing more than a casual thing that becomes


Again,.. is this situationship really that good?

Are you really that compatible… do you share mutual respect, and strong feelings,

can you see your left making long term goals with this person.

If yes, let's go on

Ok.. let's assume that he's not a player,?

He's the relationship type.

Or perhaps he has a solid history of long term relationships… then what?

He tells you that he's unsure and not ready for a relationship..

I can tell you..

that's when it hurts the most… it sucks and you may want to tell him off.. or block

him and never look back…

But that would be a bad idea … what if he really is just a bit worried and

doesn't want to make another mistake.. what if he just needs a little more time.. telling

him off would certainly damage the relationship and might result in you losing him forever.

So, what should you do??

Well, start by keeping your head up… let him know that you understand that he is unsure

or confused… and that like you, he deserves to be in the happiest and best relationship

for him..

let him know that is super important to you… and then let him know of a solution that might

really help him… and that is that he needs to take some time and be alone

so he can figure it out.. yes.. you are the one who suggests to him

that he needs time away to figure it out… because again… everyone deserves to be happy

and to be with the person they are 100% sure of.. and committed to that relationship.

When you tell him that….. in the nicest most sincere way possible, you are letting

him know that you want him to be happy… and you want him to figure it out.. you're

also telling him that this situation isn't meeting your needs… because you need someone

who is all in and sure.

So, In the meantime, you're going to continue to date because you want a relationship…

and when he figures it out.. maybe you'll still be available.. maybe.


Maybe you'll be in a relationship.. maybe you'll be married.

When you handle the conversation in This manner, you are conveying the following messages to


First, you're letting him know that you care about his well-being and want The best

for him, even if that doesn't include you.

You're also letting him know that you are not willing to tolerate or except anything

less than 100% from a person.

You're letting him know that you deserve more and that you you are showing love for

yourself and will not except less than you deserve.

And lastly you showing him that you have the confidence that you will find what you were

looking for and despite being disappointed you know that this is the right thing to do.

You're also letting him know that your life doesn't stop as you wait around for him

to figure it out.

And yeah, Doing nothing is not an option.

And the last and most important thing you must do... overcome your fear of rejection

and the relationship ending and be willing to walk away with your head held up high.

You've got to be committed to walking away as difficult and scary as that may seem.

That's the only way he's going to recognize that he must make a decision or risk losing


Do not fool yourself into thinking that you can continue dating and seeing each other

while waiting on him to make the decision.

If you continue to see him you're letting him know that it's OK to continue casually

dating and you're letting him know that he doesn't have to make any type of decision.

This lowers your value and shows that you care about his feelings maybe more than your


Don't do it... don't fool yourself into believing you can wait it out and that things

will work out.

The last thing I want to say is this… if a relationship is meant to be… if he is

the person for you, if you are really that compatible, then implementing these suggestions

will certainly bring him to wanting a commitment with you.

That's for sure…

But if it's not right… if he's not the right one for you, if there are too many differences,

or if he's not the committing type… nothing you can do will change that outcome… it

just wont work… and that's ok.

If For whatever reason, you were not right for someone else.

That decision is up to them.

It is easy to get hung up on the "whys" behind their decision, but dwelling on them

doesn't change the reality.

If you aren't right for someone else, That MEANS they aren't right for you.

Move on and let them go.

And Do not use the experience as proof that you aren't good enough.

Meeting a person that's not right for you.. a person that is not a good match is not a

reflection on you.


Have you been In this situation or something similar?

How did you handle it?

Also, do you agree with my approach here.. leave a comment below and let's start a


Remember this Channel is all about building great relationships so you can go happy with

people you love.

So if you're interested in making your love life the best part of your life make sure

that you subscribe so that you don't miss any of our future videos.

Oh if you found this video helpful please hit that thumbs up to let me know that I should

make more videos like this one.

Thanks for watching…

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> How To Make Him Commit To You - When He Says He's Not Ready for a Relationship - Duration: 7:55.


The story continues | FIFA - PES | JCATV - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> The story continues | FIFA - PES | JCATV - Duration: 0:57.


"What You Do Here Matters" - Sanford Student Profile - Duration: 3:07.

(Music/ Speaking Navajo, Diné)

Yá'át'ééh. Ashley Claw yinishé. Kinyaa'áanii Nishłį́, Tótsohnii Bashishchiin, Hashk'aan Hadzohí dashicheii,

adó Tsi'naajinii Dashinalí.

Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Claw and I'm a Duke 2018 graduate.

So I came onto Duke's campus with the Native American

Student Alliance fly-in. I was thinking this school is way beyond what I thought

I could ever achieve. [Speaking Navajo, laughter] that means smile!

My mom and dad grew up on the reservation which is in the northern part of Arizona and so did

my grandparents and everyone else in my family.

The advocacy side of policy is something I'm really interested in because I believe that I can use my

knowledge as a policy student to better help our people - which are lower income communities.

That's what we need I think on the reservation is young people.

They can accomplish something and then it'd be an inspiration to other Navajos.

Yes I am so ready! I've been waiting for this day for four years!!

Yeah, very excited. I'm afraid that I'm gonna like cry an ocean though.

We have come a long ways and to see Ashley -- it's going to be another generation...

... a different kind of chapter and that really makes my heart happy.

And I was telling Ashley, "What you do here matters."

[Graduation theme song]

I'm not graduating just for me, I'm graduating for my family.

[Announcer: "Ashley Elaine Claw."]

I know when I walk across that stage I'm also walking across

for my ancestors and everyone who came before me.

It just means a lot.


It takes the whole community to raise a child and I believe that like I am that

child and I'm going to bring my education back to my community

on the Navajo reservation one day and help make better policies there.

[Look up here!]

I definitely say to any first gen students who want to come to Duke: "Come! we need you here!"

Don't ever doubt that you're not enough or you're not the type of student

who comes to Duke because I thought the same things.

But in my four years here I discovered that I am what Duke needed.

(Laughter) All right, here we go! 3-2-1! [Shutter click]

(Speaking Navajo) That means that I want to better my people.

(Music ends)

I'm a Duke mom!

You got the shirt going, got the cap going!

Duke everything around the house now, nothing but blue and black and white.

Got Duke on our vehicles, we got Duke all the way! Go Duke!

For more infomation >> "What You Do Here Matters" - Sanford Student Profile - Duration: 3:07.


Veridian Digital Pulse and BloodOxygen Oximeter - Duration: 11:47.

For more infomation >> Veridian Digital Pulse and BloodOxygen Oximeter - Duration: 11:47.


Michael Dunlop: 'Once you're on a bike you've got freedom' - Duration: 12:37.

Michael Dunlop: 'Once you're on a bike you've got freedom'

"I'm the one putting my life on the line so it has to happen the way I want it to happen," Michael Dunlop says bluntly on the Isle of Man while preparing for this year's thrilling yet dangerous series of TT road races.

Dunlop lays down the law in regard to this rare interview and all other personal interaction because from Saturday, and during six days of deadly racing, he will reach speeds in excess of 200mph as he pushes his motorbike to the limit on ordinary roads and mountain passes that have taken the lives of 256 riders over the years.

Dunlop is one of the most intriguing yet prickliest men in sport.

He has won 15 TT races and will surely go on to break the record held by his uncle Joey, the greatest road racer in history, who won 26 times on the Isle of Man before being killed on his bike in 2000.

Dunlop also lost his father, Robert, Joey's brother, at the North West 200 in their native Northern Ireland in 2008.

Since we did this interview, Dan Kneen, who rode alongside Dunlop for Tyco BMW, died on Wednesday evening in practice for the TT.

Stressing that he is "as fired up as I've ever been", the 29-year-old does not dismiss a question as to whether he may shatter another TT record by winning six races at this year's meeting. "Anything is possible," he says.

"But I'll have to ride my bike as hard as I can. If that's good enough to win, then great. If it's not, that's the way life is. These are long races and a lot goes on.

We'll take each one as it comes and see where we end up.".

I have learned that with Dunlop it is wise to approach each encounter with few expectations that his brusque manner will soften and open a few chinks in the wall he has built around himself.

We met for the first time last month, in the Triangle, as the North West 200 course is known, linking Portstewart, Coleraine and Portrush.

Ten years and one day had passed since his dad died on those very roads and Dunlop said a wary hello. It had been made clear he was not giving any interviews and I did not press him.

Instead we spoke briefly about his 2017 book, Road Racer, which provides a compelling account of his dad's death.

On 15 May 2008 Robert and his two sons, William and Michael, were practising at the North West when the red flags came out. Eventually Michael saw "a man lying next to what's left of his bike.

That's when it hits me. The man lying next to the broken bike is my dad".

Two days later, and defying the race stewards who declared that neither he nor his brother were fit to race, Michael got back on his bike. He wanted to honour his father by racing.

The stewards were made to back down by a 19-year-old. Now, on the Isle of Man, Dunlop remembers how he only felt peace when snapping down his visor. Above the roaring engines, a sound that defined his father's life, Dunlop heard silence.

He looks at me for the first time since our interview began 15 minutes earlier: "Once you're on the bike you've got freedom. Off the bike lots of people are picking and poking at you. I'm free on the bike.".

In 2008 the teenage Dunlop raced wheel-to-wheel against Christian Elkin and the great John McGuinness.

It was a dramatic race with, as Dunlop suggests in his book, "no love given, no love lost … I'm going so fast I don't know if I can stop".

Dunlop won and the crowd erupted – in memory of Robert and in amazement at the grit of his son. For Dunlop: "My head's full of tears.

I've won the race but I can't find any happiness in it. Tomorrow, I bury my father.".

He has done so much since then. When Dunlop won the Senior TT last year he moved up to fourth among the all-time winners while strengthening his reputation as the world's best road racer and the sport's most difficult man.

He loathes interviews and the only person able to persuade him to talk to me is Paul Phillips, who runs the TT, the race meeting that means most to Dunlop.

Our conversation is stilted until I ask if his enjoyment of racing has diminished. "I like the winning. It's just this crap [Dunlop points at my recorder]. I don't like doing this.

I ride a motorbike to race. You write stories to sell newspapers. But the newspapers don't sponsor me. I'm doing this for free when I could be working on my bikes.

"People say you need newspapers to create sponsorship. But the newspapers only want to speak to you when you're winning. I don't do much press now because I don't like the bullshit.".

Dunlop's stark honesty is bracing. I hope I am not "pushing and poking" him too hard? He shrugs. "Everybody does – in one way or the other.".

He only really begins to engage when I mention the 2015 TT. Two days before he was due to race his Yamaha he swapped it for a BMW.

It is as bizarre as Lewis Hamilton stepping away from his Mercedes before a race and climbing inside a Ferrari. Surely this caused huge flak? "I don't believe in flak.

I don't do flak. I do my own thing and if people don't like it that's their problem. I'm not a monkey at a circus. I'm not here to entertain anyone. I'm just here to win.".

It still seems incredible he could hop on to a rival bike despite contracts and lawyers. "There's a real story there," he concedes. "But we'll save that for another book. It's not about who wears the right T-shirt or who shocked who.

He is on a variety of bikes at this year's TT, refusing to be tied to one manufacturer while running his own team, Michael Dunlop Racing.

Apart from showing his voracious ambition it underlines Dunlop's intelligence, despite his limited education, in securing the best bikes. "It's not about the best bikes," he insists.

"All the manufacturers' bikes are pretty equal. It's about finding the best people I can do business with.".

Dunlop acknowledges the gravity of road racing in his book: "Death is responsible for the man I am today – my dad going, my winning that race the day before his funeral, continuing the Dunlop 'dynasty' … I'd give it all up tomorrow to have him back just for a day.

"It was a stupid thing to say because anybody who lost their father would feel that. It's the same for any normal human being.".

His uncle Joey is feted justifiably but Dunlop believes his father was often as good on the bike and sometimes even better. He obviously had a shorter career but he was real good.

He had two life-changing injuries so he had to keep motivating himself to get better. He was such a strong person and one of the toughest men who ever rode.".

Robert Dunlop crashed so badly during practice for the TT in May 1994 that he spent six months in hospital and was bed-ridden for a year. His son, however, says: "I don't take fear into consideration.

Fear stays with you for ever. So I don't do fear. Yeah, I've been scared on a bike but you don't dwell on it. The important thing is to keep pushing.".

When last did he feel scared on his bike? "Not so long ago … but long enough not to remember it.

His closest rival, Ian Hutchinson, one ahead of Dunlop on the all-time list and winner of a record five TT victories in a week, suffered another horrendous crash in the Senior race last year.

Hutchinson could not walk for 11 months but he returned to racing two weeks ago at the North West. He shuffled over on a stick and gave me a gripping interview.

Does Dunlop admire Hutchinson's courage in making it to the TT? "Everyone who races motorbikes does their own thing. I don't look out for anyone else. They don't look out for me.".

Does he really dislike Hutchinson? "That's not the point. I just race motorbikes.". Dunlop is more relaxed when he tells me about the veterinary practice he part-owns in Dublin. "The lady that runs it is fantastic.

I try to go as often as I can but I let her get on with it. She doesn't need me asking stupid questions. For me it wasn't just a business decision. It was also wanting to do something different.".

It is a shame that a racer as gifted as Dunlop cannot enjoy his success more in public. He often seems suspicious and contemptuous.

Is that a true reflection of how he feels? "I've met good people in this game, 90% are really good. But the other 10% ruin it for the 90%.

I'm happy working hard with those good people, like my mechanics. I push them to the maximum because I want to get the best out of it.

"It's not because I'm a wanker. I live alone so I'm fortunate I'm my own free man. My mum's always very good. She never asks any questions.

She's had her troubles, like everyone, but she keeps going and pushing – like I do.".

I can sense how hard Dunlop will push himself and his bike at the TT and so I thank him for giving me half an hour. He stretches out his hand and says: "No problem.".

Outside, lines of people try to glimpse Dunlop inside his motorhome. He may turn out to be the mightiest Dunlop of them all but he looks lost to the world.

Dunlop is hunched over a bike, talking to a mechanic, absorbed in his work. He almost looks happy.

For more infomation >> Michael Dunlop: 'Once you're on a bike you've got freedom' - Duration: 12:37.


Cluster Headaches: how to get rid of the pain naturally - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Cluster Headaches: how to get rid of the pain naturally - Duration: 4:01.


5 Types of Home Decor You Need for Interior Styling - Home Styling 101 Episode 1 - Duration: 4:42.

Welcome to Home Styling 101.

I'm Jackie Hernandez, and in this series, I'm going to teach you how to arrange your

home décor and home accessories.

Let's get started with the 5 essential types of home décor you need to start styling.

Now, you're going to find most of these around your house.

You're not going to buy anything new, but I want you to recognize the five different

types of accessories that I'm going to be referencing in upcoming videos.

In this video I'll tell you what they are, I'll give you examples, and I'll tell you

why they're important.

You can also download the checklist that will have more examples, so you can start looking

for these types of accessories around your home.

The first type of home accessory you need for styling is something vertical.

This is going to be the tallest item in your arrangements.

In most cases, this is going to be a lamp, a tall vase, a candlestick, but you can find

some other interesting items too like lanterns, a globe, finials.

This is what is going to give your arrangement height.

The second type of home accessory that you need for styling is something horizontal.

These items are going to be the horizontal spread of your arrangement, so decorative

trays, a stack of books, a stack of decorative boxes.

These are the things that are going to lay flat on your surface.

You also need a variety of decorative objects to help break up the horizontal and vertical.

This is also where a lot of the personality in your decorating is going to come from.

As you can see here, some of my favorite decorative objects are decorative spheres, animal figurines,

and interesting natural elements.

The next two types of home accessories are totally optional, but if you use them, they're

going to take your styling up a level.

First is a living element.

By living element, I mean plants, flowers, candles.

Plants just add a lot of life and movement to any arrangement.

You can use faux or real flowers.

If you choose faux flowers, just make sure that they look realistic.

Candles are another great living element for any arrangements.

You just have to make sure you light them once in a while.

The last type of accessory that you need for styling is a layer or a leaner.

It sounds like a two for one, but really we're talking about layering both vertically and


Our leaners are the things that we can hang on the wall behind our arrangements or lean

on the surface and against the wall, so decorative plaques, framed pictures, canvas art, and

anything that you can lean up against the wall.

Our layers are the things that we can use on the horizontal surface, so the most classic

example is a rug, which defines a room but also adds color, pattern, and texture.

These faux sheepskin rugs are great on the floor but also on an ottoman, under a tray,

or in a chair.

Some other layers include trays, which create separation between the surface and the decorative

items on the tray, and we have decorative placements, table runners, and tablecloths

that can add an extra layer under your decorative arrangements.

Now, for a quick review, the five types of accessories you need for home styling are

something vertical, something horizontal, decorative objects, something living, and

layers and leaners.

Now, remember to download the checklist for more examples of each of these types of accessories,

so you can start looking for them around your home and get ready for upcoming styling videos.

For more infomation >> 5 Types of Home Decor You Need for Interior Styling - Home Styling 101 Episode 1 - Duration: 4:42.


6月3號,財運增,偏財旺 的五大生肖 - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> 6月3號,財運增,偏財旺 的五大生肖 - Duration: 6:10.


Why am I Attracted to Unavailable Guys? - Duration: 5:41.

Does it seem like the only good, men left are either

emotionally unavailable

Not looking for a relationship, live far away are totally messed up or are already in a relationship

The good news is they aren't the only good men out there but the, bad news?

Is maybe just maybe you're only attracted to the unavailable ones but, don't worry i'm gonna tell you, why

My name's Michelle Baxo and for effective love advice for real successful awesome women

Be sure to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell so you're notified of my videos every week

Look, i've been there i know it seems, like, these unavailable

Men are the only ones out there so let's look at the three reasons, why, you're only attracted to unavailable

Men so that you can, do something, about it starting today reason number one you have a life

And even though you want a relationship you, also don't want to compromise that extraordinary life

That you've built for yourself maybe in the past you've been a pleaser or an over accommodator and so subconsciously

Maybe you don't trust yourself to be your, whole self while in a relationship

Set another way you might be great at

Creating boundaries as a single, woman but not so much when you're in love consider that the subconscious

Win-win - this is to keep being

Attracted to people so it feels like, you're working on your love, life, while at the same time being attracted to

Unavailable people as the lone wolves the unavailable man

Long-distance married man and so on by being attracted to them you subconsciously, make sure that

Your life can't be messed with, this way, you're still in control sister but probably

Also lonely and frustrated

So here's what i want you to do if you're on your phone scroll down to the bottom to the comment section and i want?

You, to write down what kinds of unavailable

Men have you found yourself attracted to is it the lone

Wolves is it the unavailable is it the messed-up ones is it the married taken ones and so on which ones let us know

Okay, now let's look at a second possible reason for why, you're attracted to unavailable men you chase

Chemistry, and spark this is so?

Common, but here's the thing

Unavailable men are often

amazing at

Creating that experience of chemistry, and spark, men with narcissistic tendencies for example are an

excellent example of this, also think

About it men who aren't looking for a relationship are often confident totally

Themselves and easy to connect with

Because for them there's no risk involved or married men who cheat they're

Excited and turned on by infidelity because they get to experience a different version of themselves and just like a halloween party

Everyone lets loose a little more when we're wearing

A mask, and it's easy for women to mistake that for chemistry or spark then

There's the long distance relationships of the missing the longing the honeymoon, like visits

Sparks everywhere right all the ingredients for sparks

But now you're chasing sparks down a rabbit hole not so fun reason number three

Basic brain science look it's common sense the brain sees what's familiar

The, same way you notice your cars, make and model way more than you notice other cars, why, does this matter

Well let's deviate for a moment there's a certain, way?

Unavailable men make you feel, and that feeling is familiar

Maybe it's the feeling of not being good enough, which only motivates you to work harder did one of your parents

Teachers or first loves make you feel this

Way or maybe you always felt that you needed to achieve the best and the best was usually the most challenging sound familiar

Perhaps as a kid or a. Young adult you always felt as if things just never worked out for you

They, worked out for other people but, not for you, while crushing on an avail

Men is definitely a familiar feeling to that you see the familiar, is what our brain picks up it's

What our brain notices or registers is even an option?

The, men, who don't make. You feel that way will show up for you as either

Unattractive or even invisible now this may all sound like, bad news

But it's actually critical that you face whichever one of these reasons resonates with, you so that you can start to change your life, now

So, tell me do you!

want to dig deeper into your patterns so that you can start to make that change from the inside out of

Course you do so go to the link in the description and join my mailing list so you can get immediate access to a free

blast the past


So you can get started on the real work to change and alter your future love life and in case you didn't know

The real fun begins at michelle back so calm so be sure to check it out, life, is short

Do the work and get the whole life, that you want see you soon

For more infomation >> Why am I Attracted to Unavailable Guys? - Duration: 5:41.


If You Do This, You will Stop craving for Unhappiness - Eckhart Tolle - Duration: 18:16.

every life story the little me story is ultimately

unsatisfactory it is not satisfying anybody who sits here if you look at the

story of me it didn't quite work out the way it should have that's not how I

imagined my life to be it looks as if something had failed it had gone wrong

something along the way if that shouldn't have happened like that that

wasn't meant to happen so to discover this element of unsatisfactoriness in

the story of me always however if there is a little me sitting here there may be

one or two who are thinking at this moment he may be talking about everybody

else but I'm okay because I've just found my the ideal partner I've just

fallen in love and the story has now come to a satisfying conclusion so

the little me says okay but he's wrong about me but he may be right about

everybody else my story is actually fine if the happy ending is there oh you just

got the dream job or you just won five million dollars in the lottery and then

the little music oh this is it if that's the case we'll meet again here next year

you will have returned by then from the honeymoon the fiction that there can be

a satisfying end to the story of me is upheld of course by the media and all

those things that you watch on TV and in cinemas and the end of most films tells

you yes there is such a thing as an end a satisfying end to the little me so the

director cuts after the wedding or just before cut here and now for many others

it may be a revelation the realization that oh do you mean to say I'm not the

only one whose story is not satisfying I thought it was just everybody else was

fine and not just just me was I wasn't doing well so to realize my story so far

hasn't been all that satisfying as a story the little me doesn't feel

complete what it's looking for something what's and there's pain in the story

suffering sorrow but then the little me says okay it may not have been a

satisfying story up to this point but you've still got the future and the

little me says this is where the satisfying conclusion is going to happen

so this is why when you live from that mindset of the little B story

the future is such an essential such a vital part of everybody's existence

because it's there where this little me says a satisfying conclusion to my story

will be reached at some point I will get there

whatever the satisfying conclusion of the story is it depends on what kind of

story the little me has fabricated for itself it may be material success it may

be finding the ideal partner it may be reaching a state of enlightenment one

day I get there so the future promises fulfillment that's why everybody is

running towards it if you go to a big city I was in New York a few days ago

and everybody is almost running

continuously imagine a visitor from another planet coming and looking at


where are they running to and of course they're running to the future they're

trying to get away from this moment because you're hurrying moving to her

future they're all everybody is running towards the future because this isn't

good enough me to get there so it's a frantic attempt of the little me to

reach the future and if you cannot get out of the story of me but of course

here we are getting outs even just by recognizing the nature of the story by

looking at it we are beginning to step out because it

can only sustain itself it it remains if it remains unconscious it can only

sustain itself the fiction of the little me can only sustain itself if it remains

an unconscious movement but when you look at it that basically it means

you're now witnessing you're watching the mind and the structure of the mind

the recognition of that is already the beginning of the end of the

unconsciousness that sustains that movement and it has been running

humanity for many many thousands of years so we are simply looking at the

mechanical unconscious nature of the mind structures but it's more than that

by seeing it the seeing is not part of it the seeing is part of something that

is arising that is not nothing to do with a conditioned consciousness

in the mind and that's arising here so if you have not stepped out of the story

of me at all the worst thing that could happen to you would be not to have any

more future because then the little me gets into a panic and says the story

will not reach a conclusion if you take away future you take away the

possibility of a happy ending to my story and it's the worst thing that

could happen for me to tell you to tell you have no more future almost no more

future and the strange thing is really this is what's happening here in a

subtle way not going to shock you're in any way but in a very subtle way

gradually we're removing future from our consciousness so the whole that level of

consciousness gradually is replaced by something else we're going into that

gradually so that the little me doesn't go into contraction it off and you run

out of the room

seeking salvation in the future seeking completion in the future that's one

aspect of future salvation for the little me the other part of future is

the little me also knows that the future is very threatening it is drawn to both

st. as an answer to its story but it knows at the same time that the future

is going to kill it of course it will so you it dreadful dilemma rises for the

lit for me it's drawn towards future as an answer as salvation less fulfillment

and at the same time it's continuously threatened by the future because

anything may happen I may lose what I already have which may not be all that

satisfying but it at least I have that and the future may take it away from me

the two movements that govern whatever the fictitious entity that humans are

trapped in whatever action it undertakes is governed by two motivating factors

which are to do with future a deep striving towards future as an answer is

the movement of wanting and needing that's why they were running towards it

traditionally this has been called desire in spiritual teachings the other

movement connected with future is my god what's going to happen to me what's the

future going to do to me that's called fear

fear arises so humans move between these two in a continuous conflict or dilemma

desire which is wanting and needing and fear so drawn to future and fearing it

at the same time easy to see why humans live in such misery and then the whole

fiction of me cannot be sustained without being in opposition to something

than me to be sustained needs to be in conflict with something or almost

continuously because its survival depends on not me

it depends on sustaining the illusion that this is the separate entity this is

my boundary and here the others and the rest of the world and that can only be

sustained the illusion of separateness of an encapsulated sense of self and

basically because of fear that underlies the little me it's also state of

continuous contraction for psychological contraction and even physical

contraction protection of the little me and it's encapsulated sense of self it

needs so that it's illusion of separateness can be sustained it needs

enemies in some form or other why is it if you open a history book why is it

that human history 90% of human history is the history of insanity anybody who

opens a history book say that is mad

so we need to get to the root of human madness to go beyond to not say oh they

are mad its to see I am mad to see I am mad is actually a very positive thing

because where does that seeing arise arise sanity it's only as sanity Rises

you can see the madness and we can see the collective madness of humanity as

human history unbelievable madness killing suffering so how does

that arise it arises in each individual embedded in the very structure of the

egoic sense of self is the need to have enemies enemies not necessarily in the

form of people of the often that is the case to an amazing the form of

situations conditions even places and so what's the very root of that what is the

the real arch enemy of the little me in the present moment the thing it always

is in opposition to trying to get away from or fighting if you look to the very

root of its need for enemies is to make the present moment into something that

you need to oppose and what is the present moment now life because life

cannot be in any other place in any other moment except now so the little me

lives in opposition to life its enemy is life itself which is now that's the if

that's not mad what is so it it's me again

the universe temporarily the little me may have brief moments of relief never

for long because it cannot afford to be in the state of non opposition to what

is for long it cannot afford to be in the state of peace for long it cannot

afford to be in a state of joy for long

it cannot afford to be in the state of love for long because all those things

arise only when there's no opposition to what is but a deep embracing of what is

so that little me fears that embracing North Moore takes its very existence

depends on not embracing what is to recognize that it's a wonderful

realization something within that recognition as there's something in

there that is nothing to do with a little me so there are two movements it

you may find it even within yourself here something emerges that is deeper

then that entity echoic fiction it's emerging now and they're still the

momentum behind the egoic fiction of me also maybe operating and you can be sure

that it doesn't like the deep need that is embedded in the very structure of the

egoic mind a really a deep need for

unhappiness never made conscious because its survival the survival of that mind

structure depends on unconsciousness when you make it conscious suddenly you

see wow this is mad my need to be unhappy

never recognized fully always it comes in a hidden concealed way because the

reasons for my own happiness are always out there this is making me unhappy that

is making me unhappy the present moment is making me unhappy

what is is making me unhappy


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