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You ask, Mickan answers! Part 2 (WITH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 11:25.-------------------------------------------
最新劲爆!馬來西亞首次承認......馬航MH370真兇浮現竟然是他! - Duration: 6:52.-------------------------------------------
Make Your Artificial Intelligence Work for You - Duration: 3:20.Hi, I'm Hans-Krisitan
and today I'm going to talk about
how to make computers work for you and avoid
the common trap of making you work for the computer.
So, the first thing for this video,
we need to establish some ground terminology
that people often make up today.
And that's the difference between AIs - artificial intelligence - and computers.
And when I'm talking about AIs today
I'm talking about what you call specialised AIs.
So it's not artifical intelligence like the terminator,
but it's specialised AIs. Meaning small systems that can work for humans,
and machine learning is the process
of actually making a computer learn by itself.
Today, those two things are used
pretty much, in exchange of each other
but they are two very, very different things.
Let me come up with a really simple example.
You have actually been using AIs for years
because you have been using GPS.
Technically, GPS is a specialised AI
but it doesn't use machine learning.
It most probably uses Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm
but it doesn't use machine learning.
But it's an AI because it's a fully automated system
that can think for itself and help you, get stuff done
e.g. finding a way.
Machine learning on the other hand,
is the process of making computers learn stuff.
That's one of the tools we use at
So if you take, we are an AI that helps your
customers find the products.
We use machine learning as one of the tools in our belt
to do that, but it's only one of the many tools
to provide that AI service for humans.
Ok, so,
the common trap I see today,
is that people hear, because AIs are getting so important
and machine learning is getting so much hype.
A lot of people think they have to do machine learning by themself.
And what I mean by doing machine learning,
is that you waste time on either,
training some machine learning system from the bottom,
or you have an existing system that uses machine learning
but you give it feedback.
You sit and tweak and adjust
and work with parameters, all that kind of stuff.
And I see a lot of people go into that trap today
because it's so hyped but, to be honest, it's a waste of time.
Because an AI should work for humans and just work.
Whereas, if you sit and tweak and help
and use a lot of time figuring out what to do,
you are really working for the AI
and it's just like buying a GPS,
where you have to help it find the way.
So, today when you go out and want to use AI systems,
one thing I always look for is, I only go for AI systems
that are fully automated.
Because I want the computer to work for me,
and not for me to work for the computer.
So, I hope this was helpful
and you can use these insights on AIs
and I hope that, from now on you only want to deal with AIs that actually
work for you, instead of the other way around.
If you have any questions about AIs, machine learning or how to approach this,
simply just write a comment and I'll be right there to answer your questions.
And I hope to see you soon.
Avengers Infinity War cast in Real Life. Part 2 - Duration: 2:06.Black Panther – Chadwick Boseman
Okoue – Danai Gurira
Shuri – Letitia Wright
The Vision – Paul Bettany
Scarlet Witch – Elizabeth Olsen
Starlord – Chris Pratt
Thor – Chris Hemsworth
Loki –Tom Hiddleston
Heimdall – Idris Elba
Bruce Banner – Mark Ruffalo
最新劲爆!【黑警被反贪官追踪】逮捕 非法赌博中心 付保护费! - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
DIY How to make beer can cake, Father's Day gift (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #492 - Duration: 4:01.Hi. Today I will show you how to make cake out of beer.
I made it by request from my viewer.
Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.
First, glue 4 cardboard circles together.
Let them dry.
Put a wooden stick in the center of circle.
Place 10 cans of beer near the edge of circle.
Copy a shape of the hole.
Cut a strip of cardboard. It should be as high as a can.
Roll up the cardboard.
Unfold it and glue it to the wooden stick.
Wrap it around the stick.
Add another pieces of cardboard until obtaining the proper shape.
Now, place the cans.
Attach them by using adhesive tape.
Glue a cardboard strip (12cm x 60cm) to the stick.
Attach 6 cans of beer by using adhesive tape.
Hide the adhesive tape by using ribbon.
Attach a ribbon bow.
Hide a side of the cardboard by using ribbon.
Put a sisal into all the holes.
Add the decorations.
Finally, add a few pieces of curled plastic ribbons.
And it's done.
This cake will be a great gift for father, husband or boyfriend.
Of course you can use other canned drink instead of beer.
I invite you to my channel, Facebook page and Instagram profile.
Thanks for watching. Bye bye.
Unknown Secret to Success | The Motivational Circle | REM Sleep - Duration: 5:33.Hello and welcome to the motivational circle. my name is Shakti.
There are hundreds if not thousands of books and YouTube videos on the subject
of success. However they all say the same thing. They all say be positive, believe
in yourself, you can do it. Do it now! However, sometimes we run out of
motivation. when does this motivation come from? if I told you that there was a
drug on the market that could improve your physical performance by up to 20%.
Yes 20% in any physical activity, in any sport. The same drug could improve your
brainpower by up to 30%. That's the difference between acing an
exam and failing it completely. There is no expensive drug out there. What I will
say is this that eight hours of sleep will produce exactly the same result
that I have just talked about. I've spent my entire life working 50 plus hours
each and every single week. I would often come home at 9 pm, have a cup of glass
of wine and then have my meal late before going to bed. I recently had a
lung failure my lung failure was a direct result of my lifestyle.
I was very fortunate that I received a lung transplant. Now while I was in
hospital I met a sleep specialist. He said to me, "I'm going to ask you one
question." The question he asked me was this, "if you sleep six hours everyday
instead of eight what percentage of sleep do you think
you're losing." I smirked at his doctor and I said, well 25 percent. This doctor
told me that REM sleep that's R.E.M rapid eye movement occurs
after a person has been asleep for between five to six hours.
Therefore, the doctor told me that I was losing between 90 to 100 percent of my
REM sleep. It is this REM sleep that is the secret,
the unknown secret to success. The body the mind repairs itself during REM sleep.
Recently, an experiment was carried out by a top sleep specialist Dr. Matthew
Walker. What he did, he got a group of models, both female and male he split
them into two groups. One group he allowed them eight full hours of
sleep while the other group were only allowed five hours of sleep. The
following morning they were photographed. These photographs were shown to judges
who are unaware of the experiment. All the judges gave higher marks to the
models that had slept the full eight hours. Now you know where we get the term
beauty sleep from. Sleep or shall I say lack of sleep was one of the four things
that contributed to my ill health, which led to a lung transplant. Make your
weaknesses into your strengths and you will succeed. If you're struggling to
sleep then please watch my next video where I will explain what I actively
done to improve my sleep. I hope you benefit from this video. If so, please
like and share. I wish you success and sweet dreams. Until next time, sleep well.
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