Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

You've Been Throwing Away Avocado Seeds Because You Didn't Know That They Fight

Cancer And Regulate Thyroid Disorder!

Avocados are the favorite fruits of numerous people, but many fail to use all their benefits,

as the healthiest parts of them are actually their seeds.

Apparently, these seeds have the highest antioxidant levels than most other fruits and vegetables.

Namely, even 70% of all antioxidants in avocados are concentrated in the seeds.

Avocados are abundant in healthy monosaturated fats which support heart health, and the seeds

are rich in amino acids which help you prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Avocado seeds also reduce cholesterol levels, soothe inflammation, and ease swellings in

the gastrointestinal tract.

The consumption of the seeds also strengthens the immune system.

Avocados are rich in flavonol which prevents common colds and flu.

The high levels of catechins and procyanidins, which are powerful anti-inflammatories, treat

swellings, soothe joint pain, and reduce stiffness.

Moreover, these seeds have potent anti-cancer properties.

A study which showed that the avocado seed extract contains a compound known as avocatin

B, which prevents acute myeloid leukemia cells.

Furthermore, avocado seeds are beneficial if you like to lose extra weight.

These seeds offer numerous other health benefits :

Prevent epilepsy, Regulate thyroid disorder,

Support the formation of collagen, Treating diarrhea,

Treat fatigue, Cure blemishes,

Relax the muscles if applied topically, Prevent tumor growth.

The avocado seeds can strengthen your overall health in multiple ways.

Even though you might think that their consumption is impossible, this is how you can prepare

them in order to enjoy all their healthy properties!

For more infomation >> You've Been Throwing Away Avocado Seeds Because You Didn't Know That They Fight Cancer And ... - Duration: 2:29.


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Bad Kids Bad Baby Daddy vs Victoria Annabelle Messy Prank Toy Freaks Hidden Egg Crying baby

For more infomation >> Bad Kids Bad Baby Daddy vs Victoria Annabelle Messy Prank Toy Freaks Hidden Egg Crying baby - Duration: 2:49.


Learn Finnish by listening! Finnish high school - Duration: 2:37.

Moi! Tässä on suomalaisen koulujärjestelmän toinen osa, Hi! Here is the Finnish school system's second part,

jossa mä kerron lukiosta ja ammattikoulusta. where I tell about high school and vocational school.

Lukio ja ammattikoulu molemmat kestää kolme vuotta, High school and vocational school both take 3 years,

ja molemmista voi jatkaa yliopistoon. and from both one can continue to university.

Ammattikoulussa kuitenkin jo opiskellaan In vocational school however already one studies

jotain ammattia varten, for a profession,

joten sen jälkeen ei sitte välttämättä enää so after that you don't then necessarily anymore

tarvi jatkaa yliopistoon. need to continue to university.

Ammattikoulu on siis todella käytännönläheistä, Vocational school is thus very practical,

ja siellä tehdään myös työharjoitteluita. and there one does also traineeships.

Ja ammattikoulussa voi opiskella esimerkiks And in vocational school you can study for example

kampaajaks, kosmetologiks, putkimieheks, for hairdresser, cosmetologist, plumber,

sähkömieheks, automekaanikoks tai puu- ja metallialaa. electrician, car mechanic or wood and metal sector.

Siellä voi opiskella myös kaupan alaa ja valmistua merkonomiks. There you can study also business and become a "merconom" (=vocational qualification in business).

Mä en valitettavasti tiedä kauheesti muuta I don't unfortunately know a lot more

ammattikoulusta, koska mä ite kävin lukion, about vocational school, because I went to high school,

joka on siis yleissivistävä koulu. which is a general educative school.

Lukiossa opiskellaan muun muassa biologiaa, fysiikkaa, In high school you study among others biology, physics,

kemiaa, matematiikkaa ja erilaisia kieliä. chemistry, maths and different languages.

Ja siellä on tietty määrä pakollisia kursseja, jotka pitää käydä, And there are a certain amount of obligatory courses that you have to do,

ja sitten saa ite valita, minkälaisia kursseja käy, and then you can choose, what kind of courses you take,

riippuen siitä, mistä aineista haluaa suorittaa ylioppilaskokeen. depending on which subjects you want to do the baccalaureate exam.

Ylioppilaskoe on Suomessa tosi iso juttu, Baccalaureate is in Finland a very big thing,

se on siis koe, joka kestää kuus tuntia. it is thus an exam that takes 6 hours.

Ja äidinkieli on pakollinen aine kirjottaa ylioppilaskokeessa, And mother tongue is a mandatory subject to write (=do) in the baccalaureate,

sit voi valita pitkän kielen tai pitkän matematiikan, then you can choose a long (=advanced) language or long maths,

ja sit yhen reaaliaineen. and then one written subject (e.g. physics, psychology, history etc.)

Mä ite kirjotin seittemän ainetta mutta on aika tavallista Me, I wrote 7 subjects but it's quite usual

että kirjottaa vaan viis tai maksimissaan kuus ainetta. that you write only 5 or maximum 6 subjects.

Ja lukiosta valmistuminen on Suomessa siis tosi iso juttu, And graduating from high school is in Finland a very big thing,

paljon isompi kun esimerkiks yliopistosta valmistuminen, a way bigger than for example graduating from university,

mikä on mun mielestä aika hassua. which is in my opinion quite silly.

Mutta lakkiaiset eli se juhla, jolloin But the graduation party ergo the party, when

sä saat lukion päättötodistuksen ja saat hienon lakin päähän, you get the high school diploma and you get a nice hat on your head,

niin se on tosi iso juhla ja sinne kutsutaan it is a very big party and there you invite

kaikki sukulaiset ja tutun tutut. all relatives and acquaintances' acquaintances.

Ja ylioppilastodistuksen arvosanoilla voi sitten And with the grades of the high school diploma you can then

muun muassa hakea yliopistoon. for example apply for university.

Ja yliopistosta mä oonki tehny jo aikasemmin videon. And about university I have actually made already before a video.

Voitte käydä kattomassa jos ette oo vielä nähny. You can go watch if you haven't yet seen.

Eipä muuta tällä kertaa, moikka! Nothing more this time, bye!

For more infomation >> Learn Finnish by listening! Finnish high school - Duration: 2:37.



For more infomation >> THIS APP WILL MAKE YOU A BETTER SPEAKER - Duration: 3:52.


❤ Hijab Style With Necklace On Head | Afrina Akter Hima - Duration: 4:25.

Hey Hijabi butterflies !!

I m back with new Hijab Tutorial for you all !! I hope everyone will love this style !!

This hijab tutorial will help you do your hijab easy and fast!

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