Brett Kavanaugh Family GoFundMe Page Raises $400,000 |
A GoFundMe page organized to help Brett Kavanaugh's family raised more than $428,000 as of September 30, 2018.
You can access the page here.
There are also two GoFundMe pages to help Dr.
Christine Blasey Ford, including paying for her security costs; neither page is accepting donations anymore, but you can learn about them later in this article.
Kavanaugh's family, Kavanaugh himself, and Blasey Ford have all received death threats since Blasey Ford, a California professor, accused Kavanaugh of groping her without consent when they were both in high school.
He denies the accusations.
The page to help Judge Brett Kavanaugh's family was created by a North Carolina man named John Hawkins, who is the founder of Right Wing News.
A GoFundMe spokeswoman has said the platform is working with the creator of the page to make sure the funds get to the intended place.
Kavanaugh did not create the page, and it's not clear whether he or his family would or could accept the money due to judicial ethics rules; the site says that, if he can't, the organizer is hoping his family will donate the money to a charity of their choice.
Here's what you need to know:.
The Brett Kavanaugh Family Page Calls Kavanaugh a 'Good Man' Who Has Been 'Dragged Through the Mud'.
The man who created the page initially wrote the following:.
Like many decent people from both parties, I have been disgusted by the unsubstantiated 36 year old smears aimed at Brett Kavanaugh.
We live in a country where innocent until proven guilty is supposed to mean something; yet Brett Kavanaugh's reputation is being dragged through the mud while his family is facing non-stop death threats.
This is a horrible way to treat a good man who has dedicated his life to public service.
So many unethical people are giving unprovable 36 year old accusations the same weight as 6 FBI background checks, hundreds of hours of hearings and testimony under oath.
It is disgraceful.
What I'd like to do is raise money for Brett Kavanaugh's family to use for security or however they see fit.
All of the money collected will go to Brett Kavanaugh's family or alternately, if they refuse to accept it, to a charity of their choice.
I have already reached out to a contact who should be able to put me in touch with Brett Kavanaugh's family.
If he can't do it, I have plenty of other contacts who should be able to make it happen.
I will update this page after I have talked with his family.
I hope you will show your support for a good man who has been treated very, very badly.
He later posted several updates.
They are as follows:.
Update: I have heard some people say that Brett Kavanaugh is rich and so his family doesn't need the money.
That's actually not correct.
According to Market Watch, "Brett Kavanaugh may become the 'poorest' Supreme Court justice ." Update #2: Some people have asked who I am and how they know that the Kavanaugh family will get the money.
My name is John Hawkins.
You can read about me here on Right Wing News.
My identity has been verified by both Twitter and Facebook.
I do weekly columns at PJ Media and have a book out.
I am not someone who can fade into the background, so when I tell you that the Kavanaugh family will decide what happens to the money, that is what will happen.
I have also been in regular contact with a representative of GoFundMe.
All funds will be held by GoFundMe until the family has been contacted and a clear plan has been agreed upon.
Update #3: I've reached out to Kavanaugh's family through three different people and I also called his office and spoke to a secretary about this today.
I will let everyone know after I have gotten in touch with them.
Update #4: I have a well connected contact who says he can get me in touch with Kavanaugh's team.
When I have guidance from Kavanaugh's family, I will update.
Also, congrats on taking this fund raiser over $50,000 while Judge Kavanaugh was giving his powerful testimony during the hearing.
I'm proud of the success we've had and the support we've shown for the judge's family.
Update #5: I have continued reaching out to the judge's family through different sources, but haven't yet had any luck reaching them.
It has occurred to me that they may not want to be reached until after the judge's confirmation vote, which would be very understandable.
In any case, I will continue reaching out to the judge's family until I get an answer from them.
Last but not least, with everything Judge Kavanaugh is being put through, it is fantastic to see so many people publicly showing their support for his family.
Update #6: The original goal was $100,000.
I upped that to $125,000 and then $150,000.
After that, I went up to $250,000 and it looks like we're about to blow past that number as well.
It is amazing to see so many good people supporting the family of a good man who has been treated so poorly and I am sure they will be very excited when they see all the support that they've gotten.
Update #7: I have continued reaching out to Brett Kavanaugh's family via multiple sources including his office and his lawyer.
I have yet to hear back.
As I noted earlier, he may just have too much going on right now to deal with this and we may not get an answer until after the vote.
I have also consulted with a lawyer about whether his family has the option of taking this money.
The first one told me that he did have that option, but we did not end up working together because his fee was way out of my price range.
So, I have reached out to another campaign finance lawyer recommended by a friend and am waiting for a 2nd opinion.
If there are any lawyer fees, those fees will come out of my pocket, not out of the fund.
All of the money provided by GoFundMe will go to the Kavanaugh family or a charity of their choice.
When I know more, I will make sure to update the page.
Additionally, if you have any questions that aren't answered here, you can reach me at rightwingnews -at- or on Twitter .
The campaign has been shared by 96,000 people on Facebook.
The page has filled with comments in support of Kavanaugh.
Examples: "I believe Brett Kavanaugh" and "I too am so mad I could spit.
He deserves to be a Supreme Court Justice.
What the Democrats have done is so wrong.
We have to vote for Republicans in November" and "I'm for honesty and decency and Judge Kavanaugh has both!!!!!!!!!!".
There Were Also GoFundMe Pages for Blasey Ford.
Two GoFundMe sites have together raised more than $700,000 to help Dr.
Christine Blasey Ford in the wake of her accusations against President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
However, both pages have now stopped receiving donations.
For more infomation >> Brett Kavanaugh Family GoFundMe Page Raises $400,000 | - Duration: 12:17. -------------------------------------------
Cat Proof Fence | Cheapest & Easiest | How to DIY - Duration: 2:26.
Hey everybody
I've watched lots of videos on YouTube
About cat proofing your backyard by putting some kind of structure on top of your fence
Some of them are very expensive. Some of them are very complicated
There's others that just seem too over-the-top to me
I thought with my building background there must be a simple and cheaper way of doing it when I come up with is using
Storm water pipe you'll notice that here storm water pipe in its normal application
Attached to the gutter what I've done instead of having it a vertical I've laid it horizontal along the top of the fence
So what's it ended up being like I've just used the standard
Storm water brackets to attach it to the fence. I believe that keeping the cat deterrent above
1.8 metres is the ideal height
Fortunately all my fences are above that if you have a fence below 1.8 the cat could quite likely
Jump over and clear and I wouldn't matter what kind of spinning metal thing or other device was up there
It would just jump straight over the top and there you would have to go for netting or some kind of other barrier
I've needed 20 to 25 metres and that has kept the cost of doing my whole backyard
Down around 100 dollars, which is so much cheaper than nearly everything else that I've seen that is available
I've used it also on an intermediate fence where the cats were jumping up onto the garage roof and escaping off the roof
So once again just put the pipes on that fence and lo and behold they stopped jumping up there
It's a quick easy. And what's more cheap way of keeping the cats in the backyard?
I've got two large cats one of whom is
Very eager to escape and for several months now he has not made a single attempt
For a happy cat proof backyard. This has worked really well
I hope that helps guys with what you might be doing with your back yard
And I believe it's a great way to keep your cats in
I hope that helps see you all again very soon. Bye
For more infomation >> Cat Proof Fence | Cheapest & Easiest | How to DIY - Duration: 2:26. -------------------------------------------
Voyage of Photons - Duration: 2:02.
We see something when light reflected off of that object hits our eyes.
This is how we see the world around us.
Most of the light that we see comes from our sun.
Let's take a look at the journey of sunlight or photons from the core of the sun to the
surface of Earth.
Our Sun is a giant nuclear reactor.
In the core of the Sun, hydrogen nuclei are continuously smashed together to form helium
Every time 2 hydrogen nuclei combine to make a helium nucleus, a photon is emitted.
These photons, born at an immense temperature of 15 million degrees, have to struggle to
reach the surface of the Sun.
Before the photons can even travel a few millimeters, they are absorbed and re-emitted by the gas
molecules in random directions over and over for about 10,000-200,000 years before they
reach the surface of the Sun.
Once they reach the surface of the sun, with nothing to stop them, these photons hurl through
space at the speed of light.
It takes just about 8.3 minutes for them to travel 150 million kilometers to reach Earth.
So the photons hitting our eyes right now, which show the world to us, were born tens-of-thousands
of years ago in the core of the sun when our human species was just evolving on Earth.
What's much more fascinating is although these photons take so much time from their
birth to reaching our eyes, the photons themselves do not experience any time at all.
Nor do they experience the enormous distances they've travelled!
For more infomation >> Voyage of Photons - Duration: 2:02. -------------------------------------------
Chad Ludington: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:01.
Chad Ludington: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know |
North Carolina State University Dr.
Charles "Chad" Cameron Ludington.
Chad Ludington is a former classmate of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
He has accused Kavanaugh of lying before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits while a student at Yale University.
Ludington told the New York Times that he would share his memories of Kavanaugh with the FBI.
Here's what you need to know.
Chad Ludington Accuses Kavanaugh of Lying to Congress & Claims Kavanaugh Often Became 'Belligerent & Aggressive' While Drinking.
During testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on September 27, Kavanaugh was asked if he had ever blacked out from drinking.
He responded that he had not.
His former Yale classmate Chad Ludington claims this was a lie.
Ludington told the New York Times that he and Kavanaugh saw each other often in social settings while in college.
He described Kavanaugh as someone who often became "belligerent and aggressive" when he had had too much alcohol.
Ludington claimed that Kavanaugh had downplayed how often and how much he drank while in college.
Ludington says it was common to see Kavanaugh "staggering from alcohol consumption.".
Ludington explained why he chose to come forward: "It is truth that is at stake, and I believe that the ability to speak the truth, even when it does not reflect well upon oneself, is a paramount quality we seek in our nation's most powerful judges.
Ludington also reached out to the Washington Post about Kavanaugh's drinking.
He described a situation in which he said Kavanaugh started a physical fight.
"On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man's face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.".
Ludington was not the first person to claim that Kavanaugh had lied about his past drinking habits.
Former classmates Lynne Brookes and Elizabeth Swisher have both described Kavanaugh as being an excessive drinker in college.
Swisher told the Washington Post, "I know because I drank with him.
I watched him drink more than a lot of people.
He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling.".
Ludington Has Reached Out to the FBI About Sharing Details About His Memories of Kavanaugh.
On September 28, the Judiciary Committee approved Judge Kavanaugh and the confirmation battle will now move to the full Senate.
But Republican Senator Jeff Flake called for the FBI to reopen their investigation before a final vote is cast on the floor of the Senate.
The FBI's new probe was scheduled to last one week.
It was not immediately clear who the FBI planned to interview during their week-long investigation.
Chad Ludington said he wanted to add his statements to the record.
He told the New York Times that the Washington, D.C.
FBI office instructed him to contact the bureau in Raleigh, North Carolina about submitting a statement.
Ludington said he planned to do so on Monday, October 1.
Ludington is a Professor at North Carolina State University.
Charles Cameron Ludington is an associate professor of history at North Carolina State University.
He has been teaching there since 2004.
According to his bio on the university's website, Ludington specializes in northern European history.
He has taught Early Modern and Modern British history, European history, European intellectual history, and food history.
His awards include Lecturer of the Year in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Ludington also spent time in Ireland as a Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow at University College Cork, and in France at the Universite de Bordeaux-Michel Montaigne.
Ludington earned a bachelor's degree in history from Yale in 1987.
According to his LinkedIn page, he became a Doctor of Philosophy and History in 2003.
He obtained his doctorate from Columbia University.
As for his political affiliation, he appears to be a Democrat.
The New York Times reported that Ludington has contributed small amounts to Democratic candidates in the past.
Ludington Has Authored Three Books & His Historical Research Has Been Widely Published.
Chad Ludington has penned three books.
The first was published in 2013, called The Politics of Wine in Britain: A New Cultural History.
The cover of the book is the profile image on Ludington's LinkedIn page.
Ludington's second book was published in 2016.
A Long Shadow: The Story of an Ulster-Irish Family describes the Protestant Reformation in Europe from the viewpoint of one family.
He has a third book that is soon to be released.
He has been working on Food Fights: How the Past Matters in Contemporary Food Debates alongside editor Matthew Booker, a fellow associate professor at North Carolina State University.
His university bio also lists several historical research essays published in various journals.
Ludington Played Basketball at Yale & Also Played Professionally in Europe.
Chad Ludington is 6 foot, 8 inches tall.
He played basketball for Yale between 1983 and 1987.
According to a summary of his stats, Ludington played in 62 games during his college career.
His sophomore season appears to have been his most successful.
After graduation, Ludington briefly played professionally in Europe.
He was on a team in Paris for one year, before being traded to Spain.
But in a 2015 interview, Ludington explained that his chief desire was to move back to Paris.
"I decided I wanted to stay around in Paris because I loved [it] so much.".
He ended up doing some personal traveling.
After visiting friends in China, Ludington briefly moved back to the United States and worked as a chef in Connecticut.
Next, he had an opportunity to return to Europe to do research on a family's ancestry.
It was during that time period that he was able to live in Paris again.
Soon after that, he went back to school to get his master's degree from Columbia.
For more infomation >> Chad Ludington: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:01. -------------------------------------------
Are Telehealth Consultations Right For You? - Duration: 7:33.
Hi everyone, how are you going? Karen Finnin here, Physiotherapist and Director of Online.Physio
So I've been hearing a lot of health professionals mention lately that
they're interested in getting into telehealth. They know they want to do it
but they're not quite sure where to start
Now for some they have an idea sparked from a problem that they need to solve
in terms of access or specificity for their patients. For other people they
seem to like the concept of not being chained to a cubicle, being able to
travel while still maintaining a caseload. So what I want to do today is
talk through some of the thoughts you have to go through to decide whether
online consultations could be right for you. It can't simply come from a
lifestyle desire on your perspective. There has to be something real that
you're solving for your patient. So let's just talk through a few of the dot
points, the questions you need to ask yourself before deciding whether your
idea for telehealth is going to be viable or not.
So first of all ask the question from your patients perspective 'What
problem are you solving?' Now introducing technology into a consultation is
challenging for the patient but they will push through the technological
barriers, the lack of physical touch, a lot of those other challenges if the
problem that you are solving for them is compelling enough. So of course the
natural instinct here is for people in rural and remote areas if they wouldn't
have the option to see the health professional otherwise of course they're
going to be motivated to attend that consultation online, but what if you're in
an urban area? Perhaps you specialize in a particular sport and not many people
can access a specialist health professional for a particular sport.
Maybe that's a real problem that you're solving. But if you simply want to be
able to work from home and treat your patients that won't be a compelling
enough solution for your patients to overcome any technical obstacles. So have
a think about that. So bouncing off of that is 'Who then is your target
audience, and what is your niche likely to be?' So from the problem that you're
solving you should be able to be really specific about your target audience and
even within that target audience, it might be
farmers in a remote area, is there a niche within that? So are they people
that are in a certain industry of farming? The beauty of technology is that
you can cast your net wide but you still need to be very narrow with your niche
to therefore resonate with that audience. There are going to be more and more
telehealth services popping up. What makes you stand out to your particular
target audience? We all know with the businesses that we interact with in our
normal daily life, the more they resonate with our demographic, the more likely we
are to interact with them. So be crystal clear on who your target audience is and
the niche that you're serving. It doesn't mean you're turning away other people,
it just means that you'll connect with those people and they'll be more likely
to go down the consultation route with you online. All right so 'Will these tele
consultations work for your target audience? So this is just double checking
that they are somebody who can use technology or they are somebody who can
access bandwidth that will make those consultations available. Maybe you do
want to access people that can't get enough you know internet for a video
call. Are there other ways that you can connect with them and still give them
the health information that they need? So after working out your target audiences
will they be suitable for the technology side of things? The next question that
you've got to ask is 'Can these people afford to pay for the consultation
or is there funding available for it? Now at the moment
although things are changing there is not currently a lot of insurance based
rebates available for online consultations, so often people are full
fee paying to access that service. Now if you're funded in some way or you're some
sort of charity or Hospital based organization, University based
organization, this may not be a consideration for you, but if you're in
private practice you need to say 'Is my target audience going to be able to pay
full price?' Are you solving enough of a problem that they will happily
reach in their wallet for your service? Now 'Will your telehealth service be
competing with a face-to-face service? If you run a physical private practice and
you also just want to offer online consultations as an alternative
generally speaking, all other things being the same, your
people will want to access your clinic and see you and chat with you. Where
online consultations come in their own is when you're filling a whole that wasn't
previously filled before. So if your service is going to be completely
competing directly with your own face-to-face service, or a competing
face-to-face service, just think things through. How is this going to be
compelling to the patient? 'Who will do the online consultation?' Now on the most
part it will be you yourself as the practitioner but some people want to run
them out of their clinic to fill gaps for their junior health professionals and
that sort of thing. Now if I was a young health professional still stuck in my
cubicle but having to now use technology as well that's just gonna be all too
hard and I may not be motivated to make them work. If I'm a young physio though
and I get the opportunity to travel and continue to work, I'm compelled to make
it work. So just check out the therapist's motivations. If it's you you won't have
an issue, but if you're expecting other people in your clinic to do those
consultations, how are you motivating them to make it a
compelling option, so that they want to make them work as much as you do? And
finally and this is absolutely the biggest one and this is
the most part of my time gets spent on this. It's marketing. So it's not enough
just to have a website, it's not enough to be an amazing health professional if you
can't broadcast and market your services out there, you simply won't have patients
coming through the virtual door, and of course this is very different to
geographical based marketing that we're used to with our face-to-face clinics. So
if you're just thinking you're gonna market on Facebook or 'I'll run some ads'
have a little think again. There's got to be a large content plan. How are you
distributing that? How can you communicate with your target audience
so that they know about you before they even need you? Look I hope that's given
you a good range of things to think about before getting started with your
online health consultation service. If you have any questions do let me know
and I would love to hear what you're getting up to. So feel free to drop me a
line or hit me up on my socials. Thanks guys I'll speak to you next time. Bye. Hey
I just wanted to add on if you found those tips that I was just going through
really interesting and thought-provoking I've actually put them into a checklist
and a survey. So if you're pressure testing your idea go to the
Telehealth Service Viability Survey. That will guide you through exact dot points
that I talked about today and allow you to answer your questions in them. Once
you've done that it'll email you your answers and that can provide the basis
for your business plan for your telehealth service. So I just wanted to
let you know that I've created a tool to help you go through exactly the
questions I've just addressed. So the Telehealth Service Viability Survey. It's
available at Thanks guys. Bye
For more infomation >> Are Telehealth Consultations Right For You? - Duration: 7:33. -------------------------------------------
Julie Swetnick's Story on Showtime: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 12:09.
Julie Swetnick's Story on Showtime: Things Fast Facts You Need to Know |
In her interview for Showtime's The Circus, which lasted a minute or two, Julie Swetnick said her accusations against Brett Kavanaugh need to be investigated.
The FBI has not reached out to her.
Swetnick came forward as the third woman to publicly accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.
Represented by attorney Michael Avenatti, Swetnick signed a sworn affidavit that alleges that in the 1980s, Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge, a conservative writer ,and now recovering alcoholic his lawyer says, helped to perpetrate or facilitate the drugging of girls with alcohol spiked with long-since banned Quaaludes, a sedative and hypnotic drug, and then teen boys would "take advantage" of and often "run trains" or line up to have sex with an incapacitated girl; gang rapes.
She also says that she herself was gang-raped at one of those parties and says that Kavanaugh and Judge were present, though she does not implicate them in her rape.
Following the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where accuser Dr.
Christine Blasey Ford testified that Kavanugh tried to rape her in 1982, with Kavanaugh denying it flat-out, the committee voted to move his confirmation vote forward to the full Senate.
But not before a one-week FBI investigation that may or may not have serious limitations set; namely they won't be including Swetnick in their investigation according to the Trump White House, though Trump himself later tweeted the feds have a free reign.
It's still unclear but Avenatti said her story would be heard.
And Sunday, it was. On Showtime.
Here's what you need to know:.
Swetnick Said She Doesn't Know if Kavanaugh is a 'Bad or Immoral Man' Now During a Brief Interview on the Showtime Show 'The Circus' But Wants Allegations Against Him, Including Hers, to be Investigated.
Swetnick said it wasn't that she'd planned to come forward one day before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where Blasey and Kavanaugh would testify, rather, she said, "circumstances brought it out that way.
"This is something that occurred a long time ago and it's not that I just thought about it, it's been on my mind ever since the occurrences…" She said there needs to be an investigation.
"Brett Kavanaugh is going for a seat where he's going to have that seat (for life).
From what i experienced first hand, I don't think he belongs on the Supreme Court.".
When asked by John Heilemann if she thought Kavanaugh was a "bad or immoral man," she said, "I don't know if he's a bad or immoral man.
Maybe under the alcohol he is.
Maybe when he was younger he didn't have the same resistant.
But I think it needs to be investigated and I think the facts need to come out.".
Swetnick's Claims of 'Gang Rapes' Are Not Far Off From Stories Shared by Other Women Who Attended a Number of Washington D.C.-Area Private High Schools.
In a post on Slate, Alexandra Lescaze, filmmaker and executive director of the Sidney Hillman Foundation, wrote about her Facebook post on the alumni page of National Cathedral School she shared with her 1988 classmates and that Dr.
Christine Blasey Ford's "story was bringing back disturbing high school memories.".
"Apparently, I was not alone.
A lot of women now in their 40s and 50s, who went to these single-sex D.C.
prep schools in the 1980s, have been reaching out to each other in fraught emails and chats over the past week," started Lescaze.
She said at a Beach Week party, where D.C.-area private school teens rented houses for huge get together's in June, she recalled one in particular when she and her "then-boyfriend when it dawned on us that there was a drunk girl in a room down the hall, and boys were 'lining up' to go in there and, presumably, have their way with her.
We didn't know for sure, but my boyfriend and my friend's boyfriend went to interrupt it and sent her on her way down the stairs.".
Lescaze wrote that her "friend has told me she remembers boys saying, 'I'm next,' which was why our boyfriends went to stop it.
That was the only time I can clearly remember a situation that was so obviously a 'lineup,' as it was referred to by some at school.
My friend remembers witnessing another, and though there weren't lineups of this nature at every party, they happened often enough that we had a term.
We didn't call it rape.".
"It was not always so formal a queue," she wrote.
"I remember another time when boys were sitting in kind of a campfire circle that could have started as a game of spin the bottle.
But by the time I walked through the room there was a girl who was drunk and in the center of the circle, and the boys were taking turns putting their hands up her skirt instead of kissing her.".
"For these girls who were assaulted, it felt like no one had adequately looked out for them, in a place where groups of two or more boys might be looking for someone who was drunk and vulnerable," she wrote.
"I attended these parties knowing there was always a chance of this happening to me, were I not careful.
I saw older boys who didn't participate seem more angry at the girls who had "let" themselves get into bad situations.
Our boyfriends had been able to stop that lineup only because they were seniors.
But it was often like this: a solitary girl who found herself helpless against the power of a group of boys.
It's why Ford's description of her alleged attack sounded so plausible to me—two drunk boys who had cornered her and were egging each other on.
We went through years of parties like this intimidated, afraid, and horrified.
And yet it was also just the way things were.".
"The way things were," Lescaze wrote.
Indeed, in 1990, the heads of seven D.
's distinguished private, and mostly parochial schools wrote a letter to parents, an unusual move it was described at the time, to warn that their kids were hosting massive, hundreds in attendance often, traveling habitual and always unsupervised parties where, The Washington Post reported at the time, said "excessive drinking and sexual license are common.
The letter came from the head of schools at Georgetown Preparatory, Landon, Gonzaga College High, National Cathedral, Holton-Arms, Sidwell Friends and St.
Albans schools.
"It would be hard to devise a better recipe for disaster than a social scene that includes the anonymity provided by a 'open party,' no adult supervision, considerable amounts of alcohol, and teenage hormones which encourage sexual or violent behavior.
It's Not One Woman, It's Not Two.
Not Even Three.
Many Women Remember & Are Talking to One Another.
Vanity Fair reported on Julie Jakopic who graduated from Holton-Arms in 1978.
She said she was "date-raped" at a New Years Eve party.
On her Facebook page, Vanity Fair wrote, Jakopic said she "was ashamed.
We had friends in common.
I told no one for a decade.
Not until I was in training to become a sexual assault counselor.
I learned in that training that my delay and most delay is normal.