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Hakuna Matata what a wonderful phrase
ain't no passing craze for the rest of your days it's our problem-free
no worries for the rest of your day
you know for once I wish that hog would bring home the bacon he's probably
asleep under a tree snoring up a storm and getting his left measured hmm no
possibilities here possibility one Pumbaa is getting fitted for a bowtie
cuz he's getting married or two Pumbaa is getting fitted for a nose cuz he's
getting hanged you gotta run or they'll hang your hide
Wow boomba next time try running away you mind my
name is miss I have no intentions of hanging anyone's Hodge and quite frankly
I resent the accusation oh yeah well please
riddle me this what were you doing sizing this hare hog neck for a noose
well I was taking measurements for his tuxedo and Bo
mr. Pumbaa is not giving executed he's getting married
there's a difference I don't wanna marry you this wedding is carried out in
strict accordance with the revered warthog traditions and my laws as
stipulated in this mud Oh so you're getting married and when were
you planning to tell me well I didn't know I was getting married it is a
prearranged marriage you decided and sitting still years before mr. Pumbaa
was even born
come on it's all right
- ma the board hug you're going to marry let's miss your bus friend you can get
to the bar later it's been a long day unique amazed ceremony adapted
For more infomation >> Timon And Pumbaa Madagascar About You #1 - Lara Perry - Duration: 3:49.-------------------------------------------
Bath Fire Department holds first all-you-can-eat breakfast - Duration: 1:06.
The Best Engine Oil in the World and Why You Don't Need it - Duration: 5:04.
rev up your engines, five-star mike, Amsoil versus royal purple which is a
better oil, well they're both excellent oils but from my racing friends that
race them all the time, they say the royal purple is the absolute best, now
you're paying a ton for that stuff it's super expensive stuff it's overkill for
a regular car engine, but if you're racing a car you know you want the most
protection you could possibly get and my friends they race cars they all swear
most of them, by the royal purple they used to like the Mobil 1 but then a
few years back they all switch because they said oh our oil pressure is running
lower and the oil temperature gauges cause race cars have oil temperature
gauges too, they were running too hot and a lot of them used the royal purple now
they like it it's expensive oil, you don't necessarily need
that much protection but for race car guys they swear by it, shitumori
says Scotty I got a 88 Honda Civic wagon with 300,000 miles I know a
little about working on cars but I want to learn more, how hard would be to swap my
engine with lesser mileage one expectation, ok watch my video how to
replace an engine in your car that was me putting a used engine from Japan in
my son's Toyota Celica, he's still driving that thing, it runs like a clock
and that was over ten years ago in Japan they don't drive cars that much and
they've got some kinds of laws that once the car gets to a certain age and has a
progressive tax, so like you got a 10 year old car you pay more tax and you would
paying the lease on a brand-new car so they get ridden of them, then they pull out the
engines and transmissions and ship them to the United States and sell them, f you can find a
Japanese engine for that it, could have maybe 30-40 thousand miles on it do it
watch my video it's totally doable you can do it yourself and if you don't want
to rent an engine hoist one of those cherry pickers the one I got I paid a
hundred and ten bucks for a brand new on sale from harbor freight tools and yes
it was made in China but it's an a-frame with hydraulic jack built into it simple
technology and the Chinese are very good at building steel products for stuff
like that, josiah van der ham says Scotty what do you think of dodge caravans made
after 2014 thanks, I don't think much about them, the dodge caravans even the click and
clack guys years ago, they said you know why the dodge caravans could hold eight
people, so one guy could drive and seven people can push it when it breaks down, they had the
worst automatic transmission, they had nothing but problems and Fiat owns the
company now, Italian owned American company that's nothing but bad news, they
put a lot of Italian technology into them and believe me things are breaking down
their lasting even less than what the original American designs did, don't
buy one ,your throwing your money away, you want a good van get a sienna van, don't waste your money
on a dodge van, killer boy 903 673, should I buy a Ford Ranger or a Saab 93 turbo x
get the Ranger, those turbos are endless money pits, SAAB is a bankrupt
company and those Ford ranges can last forever if you take care of them
but they're completely different vehicles I mean what are you looking for
you know,a Ford ranger is a good little pickup truck and a Saab 93 turbo X is
basically a racy little sports car, you're talking about apples and oranges
there, but I would never buy the Saab I mean they're endless money pits they're
hellacious things to work on, their engines are in backwards and you got to
pull the engine out to do minor work on a transmission they're
hellacious things to work on, I mean you really can't compare the two,
Rambling says Scotty what do you think of the first generation Sequoia versus the
first generation Armada, okay I think Sequoia I would like better but the
first generation Armada is better than the ones they're making now, because that
was before Renault took over Nissan, so it was just
Nissan on the Japanese designing and building them, they were better built I mean they
really were and if you go back even further into the past to when NIssan was
called Datsun they made indestructible cars back then, they made little B210's
that had no horsepower but they could run forever and they made the
first real good popular Japanese sports car, the 240Z's they were the first real
popular Japanese sports cars, now Nissan doesn't make such great vehicles but
they did back then, Jack says I have a failing window is my only option to
buy a new one, depends on your vehicle, popular ones there's a very big
aftermarket for, which less popular ones aren't like Jaguars there
isn't that much, but if you got say a Toyota or a Ford there are places in
China that make the window and the window regulator the whole assembly
everything except the glass that you reuse, for less than a hundred bucks and
that's what I generally do for my customers, cuz I say look, if I go to the dealer and
I buy those parts it might be 450 bucks, but if I can get the whole thing
with a three-year guarantee for less than 100 bucks
that's what I'm gonna do, so check with your car, now some cars they're not
available if they're odd balls, but that's the one advantage that I always tell
people, if you buy a car that everybody else is driving like a Toyota Corolla,
Honda Civic, Ford f-150, there's a tremendous aftermarket so you can get a
lot of parts and a very reasonable price that are gonna work for quite some time,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
小女巫占卜:一張牌看出你有多開放 - Duration: 20:45.
Action Beats Procrastination - Duration: 1:05.
G'day folks today I want to talk about
taking action
You know ideation without action is
idiocy. Now I come across so many
filmmakers who have great ideas but they
don't take action on those ideas and so
these ideas never become reality and
it's the same with business tasks. So if
you're sitting there worrying about
maybe you know a lack of work or some
things you've got to be doing, try to
avoid just pontificating. Because
procrastination will cripple you from
taking any kind of meaningful action.
I come across as all the time where you
know I set a task to a client and you
know they just did just kind of like
they put it off. So if you're putting
things off just now, stop. Just pick the
first thing on the list do one thing and
honestly once you start getting some
momentum, the rest will become easier
talk soon
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