Of all the people, you're the only one i see
cause you're my lover my baby
My heart tells you first
cause you're my destiny
I'm getting bored waiting for you
I can only hear the sound of the clock
Hurry, just stay in front of my eyes
Until I get annoyed
I can't get anything done all day
I wonder if my eyes have gotten strange
Of all the people, you're the only one i see
cause you're my lover my baby
My heart tells you first.
cause you're my destiny
The song we listened to that night
still hovering around your mouth.
We wolked together while holding hands
I keep thinking that night
In the glittering light
You're the brightest baby
I want to capture this moment
Smile, ☺ 📷
My heart is fluttering especially today
The moment I see You I feel good
Tomorrow will be better than today
My love my destiny
Love is you is you love is you
Love is you is you, woo
Love is you
My heart is fluttering especially today
The moment I see You I feel good
Tomorrow will be better than today
My love my destiny
My heart is fluttering especially today
The moment I see You I feel good
Tomorrow will be better than today
My love my destiny
For more infomation >> [MV] Stella Jang(스텔라 장) - I Only See You(그대만 보여) The Third Charm OST Part 1 (제3의 매력) OST Part 1 - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Family Success What do you have to invest - Duration: 9:43.
ever looked at another family and wondered how do they do it everyone
seems so put together they're so organized
and their kids are like nice they must have a deal with the devil let's talk
about it very Smith here with you to stock community pastor author husband
father and a guy who's dealt with my share of family dysfunction not just my
own which I talk about a lot but after 25 years of pastoral care ministry
coaching and counseling I can assure you that we're all jacked up now be sure to
watch this video till the end as I've got a free powerful and super helpful
PDF with numerous resources to help you be a family success which is the point
of this video series family success what do we have to lose what do we have to
invest and what do we have to focus on the reason that I've done this series is
because there's just too many jacked up families out there and it doesn't have
to be this way divorce is about as common as getting a
filling at the dentist whether it's someone cheating or an addiction
financial pressures or the elusive irreconcilable differences broken
marriages and broken homes are way too common and broken homes are turning out
broken kids more than three and 10 kids grow up in broken homes and it's these
kids who account for 70% of those in juvenile detention 63% of teen suicides
71% of teen pregnancies ninety percent of homeless juveniles and runaways 71
percent of high school dropout seventy-five percent of all drug users
and 85 percent of behavioral disorders according to the Richmond Times
newspaper a few years ago and 70% of all long-term prison inmates grow up in
broken homes if Americans don't put some intentionality into our marriages and
into our kids and into our families in general we're going to keep producing
what we have been producing which is quite frankly a mess
according to Esther Perel psychotherapist and best-selling author
of the state of affairs both happy and miserable couples
experienced the same problems it is how each couple comes together and relates
to each other that defines whether the relationship will thrive or end I agree
with Esther I didn't anticipate saying something like that on a video but
everyone has problems every marriage and every family has their share of issues
the difference between flourishing and failing families is investment so if
you're ready to have family success and keep families together we have to invest
in three distinct areas number one invest in effort now that may sound a
little weird but it's so true we must make an effort sometimes it's an effort
of time time is your number one commodity where do you spend it you may
be surprised that families fail because of a lack of time spent in the
relationships there's also the effort of attention it's not just enough to put in
the time we have to give our attention to there are thousands of distractions
even when we give our family our time especially our cell phones put them down
finally there's the effort of intentionality time and attention are
great but without adding specific intentionality they fall short for sure
we have to be more intentional with our time and our attention putting in these
three efforts takes sacrifice and that my friends is why so many families are
failing it's the sacrifice and that's tough it's serious work if it was easy
there wouldn't be so many divorces and broken homes nor would there be all the
crimes and suicides and drug abuse that's out there to be a family success
you not only invest in effort you invest number two in priorities just putting in
the effort is not enough you've got to make your family a priority where do
they fall in the grand scheme of things of your life only you can decide that
but decide you must and that brings us to your message in a tweet if you don't
get anything else get this you can post this on Facebook Instagram or Twitter to
not make your family a priority is to state that they are not your priority to
not make your family a priority is too actually say and make public they are
not your priority and that's kind of brutal I know for me this is my priority
scale number one God number two spouse number three kids and
number four everything else notice that my job and career aren't
mentioned of course my career in my church and my friends are all important
but they fall into the everything else category I'm at liberty to rearrange
those things in almost any order I want once I have the first three in place
because listen if God is number one he'll guide me in number for everything
else and if I Jack that up God will reveal that to me through the power of
the Holy Spirit also notice that my wife is a priority over my kids you may not
agree but it's biblical and if I want to have success and raising my family I
will show my kids that my wife is a priority over them because let's face it
it's not only biblical but one day those kids are going to move out hopefully and
it'll just be me and my wife I've got eighteen to twenty years or so
with my kids and a lifetime with my wife successful families know how to
prioritize and to not make your family a priority is to state that they are not
your priority invest in effort invest in priorities and number three invest in
help in the first video of this series we lost three roadblocks ego comparisons
and the perfectionist mentality once the ego is gone and you realize that you're
not going to be perfect you absolutely must get help from time to time these
helps could come in the form of books courses podcasts blogs and youtubers a
couple of muster ebooks for spouses are his needs her needs by Willard F Harley
jr. and the five love languages by Gary Chapman both are foundational to a
successful marriage and their ultra practical I've also posted the links to
raising girls by Melissa Trevathan and Cissy golf as well as wild things the
art of nurturing boys by Steven James and David Thomas two incredible and
insightful books on raising your kids online courses are also a great help to
my wife and I just launched some courses online and one happens to be on
sale right now it's called the marriage transformation blueprint' and the other
courses on parenting are going to be available soon
they are super practical and so valuable for you in being a family success and
they have a money-back guarantee to boot those links are all listed below if you
would like to purchase that there are numerous podcasts blogs and youtubers
out there from the behemoth focus on the family to thousands of youtubers who
focus on parenting or marriage or moms or single parenting and that just about
anything you could imagine my wife and I have a YouTube channel called family
with purpose where you can see dozens of free videos that we post weekly with
insight on all things family from marriage and parenting to decluttering
and decorating we even have a series on preparing to send your first kid to
college the point is everyone needs help from time to time if you want to have
family success getting help is a no brainer trying to do it on your own is a
waste of time and energy get some help to have family success you got to invest
in number one effort time attention and intentionality which takes sacrifice
number two priorities for me it's God spouse kids and everything else but your
family has to be a priority somewhere or you're stating that they're not your
priority and the final area is help books courses podcasts blogs and
youtubers some are free and some cost a few bucks but the dividends are
invaluable when we invest in these three areas we will be better our spouses will
be better our kids will be better and our society will be better and that's an
awesome place to be and to help you out I have a very special free PDF to give
you just click the link below and let me know where to send it I summarized this
message and lists all of the books and courses and the links that I mentioned
on marriage and parenting plus some more valuable links this will help you be the
successful family that God has called you to be just click that link and let
me know where to send it and take a minute and post which of the areas of
these three areas do you plan to invest in this week effort priorities or help
you go ahead and post that right now what area can you work on this week you
do that right now and as always like share comment subscribe to this channel
it helps us get the message out there and if you like our stuff consider
supporting us with a tip on PayPal or a tax-deductible donation at you choose
community the links are all below a lot of links this week we'd certainly
appreciate it so right now go ahead hit that thumbs up and share this thing
because no doubt somebody you know probably needs to hear this
until next time you click that link to get that free pdf and a recap of this
message with some valuable links on marriage and parenting
How to use Linkedin video 2018 - Duration: 3:00.
Have you shared any video content to
your LinkedIn newsfeed?
Have you tried uploading directly to
Linkedin? Did you know you can also add
subtitles to your videos on LinkedIn?
Here's how it's done. So you need to go
to the home section and then where it
says share an article photo or video
click in the box and then just add a
little description for the post and I'll
go for this button which is the video
button. I'll click on there,
browse to the video I want to share
LinkedIn auto play videos and now I can
just go ahead and post if I wish. But
first before that I've actually got the
what's called the SRT the captions for
the video and what I've done is I've
done that in YouTube so you can create
subtitles go to the subtitle section in
YouTube, I'll cover that in other videos
on YouTube itself but suffice to say you
can go to the video manager and download
the file you need. So I'll do that. The
one I'm looking for is here so I'll just say
edit that,, go to subtitles click on that
and as these have already been edited I
can effectively just download it as .SRT
and that's the only format that's
accepted within LinkedIn. So back within
LinkedIn click on the pencil icon to
edit. So say select file and there's the
file I just downloaded so I'll just say
open and I'll now say save.
So let's go ahead and click post you can
see it's uploading the content and also
the file
the SRT file. As you can see it's just
processing that so it will let me know once the
video is ready to view and now that I press
play you can see
without the sound you can
still understand what's going on I can
go into full-screen have a look at it that
OK so you get the picture it's applied
subtitles into the video directly so
someone can watch that whilst in the
newsfeed. So that's it from me I'm Paul
from PR Wilson media your social media
personal trainer. Cheers
How Would You Escape This Murder Room? - Duration: 8:06.
(door opens)
- Hello?
What the hell?
Thanks for playing?
(dramatic music)
(high pitch ringing)
(Mariachi music)
(knife sharpening) (Mariachi music)
Hey, man look,
I don't know what you want from me man.
Just let me go, I won't tell anyone anything.
I swear to God.
(knife scraping)
Just let me go, man.
I don't, I don't know.
What do you want?
Help, somebody help!
I'm in here, help, help!
(rewinding) (yelling)
(high pitched ringing)
(Mariachi music) (ruslting)
(knife sharpening)
(beeping) (heavy breathing)
Hey, Siri.
(Siri beeps)
Call 911.
(heavy breathing)
- [Siri] I wish I could help,
but you don't seem to be connected to the internet.
- No. (Siri bings)
- [Siri] I wish I could help but you don't--
- Cancel, cancel. - [Siri] I wish I could help--
- Siri, cancel! - I wish I could help
but you don't seem to be connected to the internet.
- Please, please, please, no, no, no, no, please!
(beeping) (rewinding)
(high pitched ringing)
(Mariachi music) (knife sharpening)
(heavy breathing)
(knife sharpening)
(heavy breathing)
(ominous music)
(knife sharpening) (Mariachi music)
(intense music)
(slow motion Mariachi music)
Help, help, help!
(high pitched ringing)
(Mariachi music)
(dramatic music)
(heavy breathing)
(high ptiched ringing)
(ominous music)
(heavy breathing) (plastic squeaking)
(knife sharpening)
(door sliding)
(intense music)
(door slides)
(ominous music)
(knife sharpening)
(Mariachi music)
(knife sharpening)
(ominous music)
(beeping) (rewinding)
(high pitched ringing)
(plastic squeaks) (snipping)
(Mariachi music) (knife sharpening)
(dramatic music)
(dial-tone ringing)
(ominous music)
(keys jingle)
(heavy breathing)
(glass breaks) Ah!
(beeping) (rewinding)
(high pitched ringing)
(Mariachi music) (knife sharpening)
(ominous music)
(splats) (beeps)
(screaming) (blowing)
(beeps) (sprinkling)
(beeps) (keys jingle)
(beep) (Mariachi music)
(keys jingle)
(electronic tone chimes)
(door closes)
(heavy breathing)
(door squeaks)
- Nope.
(beeps) (Mariachi music)
how to make windows 10 greet you every time you login - Duration: 2:03.
hi guys in this video we are going to see how to make Windows 10 greet you
every time when you log in please hit that subscribe button below and don't
forget to click on the Bell icon for my latest content go to run an open notepad
type the code as shown in this video
type your message here code is given in the description check out the
now you have to save this file in this video file name is welcome.vbs make sure
you save the file with any file name and .vbs as extension I'm going to save it
on the desktop now go to run type shell:startup and click OK now drag and
drop your script file into startup folder and close it now restart your
system to see the result
hi guys how are you doing welcome to solution domain and have a nice day
that's it guys thanks for watching please like and subscribe to my channel
see you in the next video until then take care
check out my other videos links are given in the description
Quick and Easy Zucchini Bread - Duration: 11:42.
hi welcome back to rule of thumb today we're going to talk about big breaths
quick breads do not involve yeast or waiting for the bread to rise they
simply involve combining the ingredients and the combination of baking soda and
or baking powder is what will cause the bread to rise I have been working on
recipe for many years that is a very adaptable recipe as
you've seen in my past videos I do like things that are adaptable and can change
on the fly based on the ingredients I have on hand so this recipe is exactly
that today I'm gonna make zucchini bread but as I go through the recipe with you
I will give you some of the suggestions on changes that you can and cannot make
I will also try to put the recipe in the description box below as you know I'm
new to this so I'm still trying to figure everything out but I will talk
about it as we go through the video what we're gonna do from here is I'm gonna
get all the ingredients together and then I'll bring it back and we'll put it
together and get it any other ok so we're back we've got all the ingredients
together so we're gonna go through these one by one we're going to talk about
some of the things you can and can't do as far as substitutions and then how
we're going to proceed from them so the first thing we're going to start out
with is I have here one cup of applesauce now I use applesauce instead
of oil just because I feel it's a healthier option is absolutely not
necessary you can substitute even amount one cup of any oil of your choice but I
like the applesauce out like Moisture it gives and it makes me feel a little bit
better about eating it so you know it is what it is so we're going to combine
that with three eggs and I've got two and a quarter cups of sugar here so as
you can see those three eggs two and a quarter cups of sugar we're gonna
combine those get those all mixed together now sugar wise I've used white
sugar I've used the pure cane sugar I would imagine you could mix white and
brown if you want although I've never done that because I
really feel the need for the sweetness so two and a quarter cups of sure
alright then what I got here in this bowl is I have got one teaspoon of
baking powder and one teaspoon of baking soda that is a no change part of the
recipe so you're always going to have one teaspoon of each in there I also
have one teaspoon of salt as far as I'm concerned the salt is necessary to bring
out the sweetness of the recipe if you really are trying to go no sodium at all
I imagined you could leave it out but it might alter the flavor slightly what I
have here is I have two teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice and one teaspoon of
ginger now these warm seasonings are something you can vary widely I've used
cinnamon and nutmeg I've used cinnamon nutmeg and ginger I've added allspice in
there so really any combination up to three teaspoons of any warm spices work
well when you but you want to consider what you're add in as far as fruit
and/or vegetable this so that's where this measuring cup comes up so you
always want to have two cups of what I consider an at it what I have here is I
have some grated zucchini in the freezer and when I thought it out it was a
little less than two cups so I added a little bit of apple sauce to it to bring
it up to the two cup mark I have you Zhu kini i have used shredded carrot you do
have to shred it finely I have used canned pie filling Apple
blueberry lemon I've used I've used whole fruit like canned fruit like
mandarin oranges cherries those types of things it really is a very forgiving
recipe you just want to cups of a moist I know that's you know a word that most
people can't stand but it's the only word that accurately describes what
you're looking for so two cups of them added and then what I have here is three
cups of flour I have used all-purpose I've used self-rising I've used bread
flour what I have here today is a white whole wheat flour so again super
forgiving the last thing you see here I have one cup of walnuts nuts are a plus
or minus some people like them some people don't sometimes I add them
sometimes I don't you could also do chocolate chips peanut butter chips you
could do coconut I mean the possibilities are really endless and
I've tried pretty much everything I will say if you're going to use any type of
chip whether it be chocolate chip peanut butter chips butterscotch chips any of
those types of things when I use those I mix them in with my
flour to coat them with the flour which helps them to more evenly distribute in
the batter so just a little secret tip there so that's the cast of ingredients
what I'm gonna do from here is I'm going to mine the one cup of applesauce the
two and a quarter cups of sugar and the three eggs I'm gonna use the whisk
attachment on my KitchenAid stand mixer and I'm gonna let this go for a few
minutes until it's light and frothy and I'll bring you back so you can see what
I'm talking about okay and we're back so I have this in my mixer here for a
couple minutes I just want to kind of bring you in I'm not sure how well you
can see this this way so that's really what we're looking for just for it to be
well incorporated to get some air in there kind of light and frothy you see
there's some bubbles on the top of there I think you can see that so that's where
we want to be with that mixture from here what we're going to do is mix in
all of the dry ingredients so our flour and all of our spices in the salt and
the baking powder and the baking soda and get that well incorporated and then
I'll bring back so you can see where I just wanted to bring you back real quick
just mention what I do if you can see here with the flower is I put all of my
dry ingredients in there all of my spices and everything and I used a whisk
and I whisked it up what I find is this just make sure that it's evenly
distributed you won't end up with any lumps or anything that's not evenly
mixed so I just thought I'd bring you back and show you that and now we're
gonna get this mixed in with the egg mixture and I'll bring you back okay
we're back so a couple things I wanted to mention that I should have probably
said in the beginning I did get my oven started preheating to 375 it's always
best any time you're gonna bake anything first thing you do turn your oven on
that way by the time you're ready to put it in the oven your ovens at the
temperature you need it to be and you're not waiting to get things in the oven so
the oven is heating up to 375 the other thing I wanted to mention is when you're
using a KitchenAid mixer if you're using a KitchenAid mixer make sure that you
pausing as you're mixing to scrape the sides of the bowl unless you have the
scraper paddle but if not make sure your script synthesizable and that's what
will ensure that everything's getting thoroughly mixed you can certainly do
this with a hand mixer you could even do this by hand I don't because I have a
mixer so that's what I'm using but you can certainly do it any of those wipes
so now we're at the point let's took this up here you can see it's a kind of
a thick batter that's kind of holding on to the whisk at this point so now what
we're gonna do is we're gonna add in our zucchini applesauce mixture as well as
our walnuts and get that all mixed in inevitably I usually end up spilling
half of this on me or on the counter but this time
looks like I might elect up must be my lucky charm
so we got the zucchini in there and walnuts in there we're gonna bring this
back down and we'll let this mix for a minute and I'll bring you back when
we're ready to put it in the pants okay so we got everything together here you
can still you see it's still a kind of a medium batter so it's not so thick that
you can't pour it but it's not so thin that it's runny so that's kind of right
where you want it if you feel your batter is a little too runny you can add
a little bit more flour if you feel that your batter is so thick that it's not
gonna be a moist bread you can add a little moisture add a little water or a
little juice or I've even added coffee in the past depending on what
ingredients I have in there like some leftover coffee any kind of a liquid you
could add in to bring it back to this but this is kind of the consistent your
consistency you're looking for so we're gonna get our beater cleaned up here
which zucchini is I was a fight so I'm actually going to come back once I got
this off of here okay honestly I probably should have left the camera
running because I'm not sure at one point I wasn't sure who was gonna win
that battle me or there zucchini it was pretty much a comedy of errors but I
think your most without there one of the other things I like to do is make sure I
get my spatula all the way down to the bottom just in case there's anything
stuck to the bottom or any dry ingredients that's settled just give it
one last thorough mix make sure everything's mixed in then what we're
gonna do so we're gonna grab our pans I just use two hi4 loaf pans I use the
baking spray that has the oil and flour in it you could certainly use
anything you want to use you could use Crisco and flour you can use oil and
flour you can use butter and flour whatever you find is tried-and-true for
your pans is what I recommend but just a little but that's what I got so I got
two of these I'm gonna split this batter between these two I'm gonna pop them
into the oven for about 55 minutes we'll come back and check we're looking for a
toothpick to come out clean and that will determine if they're done or not so
I'll bring you back when we're to that point and show you what it looks like
okay so we had the bread in the oven for about 60 minutes I actually got a little
distracted so they went about five minutes longer than I would like them to
but they're still perfect they're gonna be moist and delicious I usually let
mine sit on the pay him for a minute and then take them out of the pan and I like
to tip mine on the side because otherwise I feel like the bottom doesn't
let the heat out so this is how I choose to let mine cool
so that is zucchini bread like I said I'll try and get the recipe down in the
description box I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please like share
subscribe come back and see me soon and as always I hope you have a great day
What £65,000 Will Get You In London | Sweet Digs | Refinery29 - Duration: 6:03.
Hi guys, welcome aboard the boat.
Come inside and have a look.
Mind your head.
To see more creative living spaces, subscribe to the link below.
The boat built in total came to about 65,000 pounds.
Two and a half grand to get it craned into the water,
and 10 to 15 thousand pounds on doing the interior.
So welcome to the living room.
I have an unhealthy obsession with the leopard print.
I didn't do the entire room because I know that there's limits.
We have a wood burner and we absolutely love it in the winter.
We have it on full power which is probably actually a bit tropical in here.
Grate, we actually got made especially by another boater.
She is a welder, and she does the most incredible things.
My sister bought this for as a kinda house warming gift.
A great noisy toy for our young son.
All of our son's toys are pretty much in this little box here,
which doubles up as the coffee table.
So, this thing my brother actually gave to us, and we decided to cut out the front bit
to have somewhere to store all the wood.
We've had to be slightly clever, most things have dual purpose.
Welcome to the kitchen.
It's one of my favorite parts of the boat.
I didn't want to just buy a kitchen, like here's your kitchen.
I wanted to kind of build it.
All of the cupboards
I had found over a period of about three or four months
while the boat was being built.
This one had come to us from an old school,
and I guess there had been a load of them
and they were all numbered, and we just got number 13 and 14.
This white cabinet here, I bought it off a lady on eBay.
And I told her what I planned to do with it,
which was to use it as a cabinet on my boat.
She sent me a message a couple of months later
saying you're never gonna guess what you've started.
We've just put our house up for sale.
We've been inspired by you and your story and we're buying a boat.
That kinda always makes me happy, kinda remembering that.
So, all the floors are reclaimed floorboards
that my dad, very nicely, drove around London
finding them in skips and collecting them all together.
They're all different sizes if you pay attention and actually look at it.
So, it was a bit of a jigsaw, piecing them together.
I think it kinda makes the whole boat seam
more like a floating home, rather than an actual boat.
Obviously, the tiles are the crown and glory of this bathroom.
I kind of wish that I'd actually kinda just done it everywhere.
I think my boyfriend put his foot down slightly.
The practicalities of having a bath on a boat are probably quite small.
If you're in the bath and a boat goes past,
it kinda rocks it very gently, and it's a very kind of
dreamy situation, basically.
The shower can be slightly impractical, as we're both quite tall.
My boyfriend's 6 foot 4,
he generally showers sitting down now, because
he's just too big for it.
Originally, we had a bamboo curtain with Our Lady Guadalupe on it.
But as soon as the baby came we realized it was super impractical.
It was like pulling it down, it was mildly dangerous.
So, we took that away, didn't have a door for about a year,
and then designed these saloon doors which open both ways,
and I found this fabric, and upholstered them so that
you can see her from both sides.
The bathroom's actually quite big in comparison to a lot of London flats.
Most boats have one long walkway.
I wanted to have it more, kinda evenly spread out.
Which is why you walk directly from the kitchen into the bathroom,
because it means that we've, like,
maximized the space as much as possible.
It's quite free flowing.
This is obviously our son's room.
My favorite part of the room is definitely the wall that we've put up.
Our son gets to look at it everyday,
although I'm not sure he really appreciates it.
Another one of my favorite things in here
is the patchwork quilt that my friends made
for me when I was pregnant, and they each got a little square.
It's just like a really special thing for me that I love.
These are our son's soft, cuddly toys.
They generally have all been presents from people,
or like the odd one that I found in
a charity shop.
We tend to buy stuff kind of second hand, or used,
it's kind of in my nature.
The only thing in here that has been bought new was the cot.
I've dressed it up in old vintage textiles,
and that'll do for me.
Color is very important to me.
I love color.
I love seeing it, being with it,
and I think that a child's room should be really colorful
and playful.
It's where they spend a lot of their time,
and it gets their imagination moving.
Whenever people hear that we live on the boat with the baby
their first question is, "How does that work?"
it just does,
I mean I can't think of anything that we've
specifically done that
would be different if we didn't live on a boat.
He's really adventurous,
so he always wants to go outside.
So, we got one of those backpacks that's also a lead.
We tied it to the bottom of the step,
so he can have an exact, kind of,
radius of the deck.
Passerbys would feel nervous seeing this little baby
peering over the edge, like he's about to go in the water.
I was like,
"Don't worry! I care about my baby
as much as you do, he's fine."
And then this is our bedroom.
I guess the most special thing about this room
is on days like this in the summer,
you can kinda just lie on the bed,
with the doors open, with a little breeze coming in,
and you can just kinda bliss out.
I don't think that anything I've ever really done
has a very structured plan to it.
Everything just kinda comes together quite naturally.
I knew that I didn't want it to feel like a boat.
The couple of boats I had been on, you know you're on a boat.
It feels very small and enclosed.
It feels like you have to kind of edge your way around,
and that's what I didn't want.
There's obviously inconveniences of living on a boat,
we've run out of water in the dead of winter,
the canal was completely frozen over,
we had a 4-month-old baby,
and no water for 2 weeks.
And that's the kinda thing that we can just-
we got around it, we figured it out.
It's not always easy.
I would recommend living on a boat,
but it's not for the faint hearted.
To see more creative spaces like this, subscribe below.
Upcoming Indian Web Series On Netflix That You Should Know About. - Duration: 3:31.
Netflix, the world's largest video streaming company has decided to save Indians from terrible
Indian TV shows and by the censor board making Indian content of its own.
And we all got a taste of that by watching Tv series like 'Sacred Games' and 'Ghoul'
this year on Netflix because you know, we all want to see Indian content that is not
trimmed by the censor board.
Now with that here's a list of upcoming Indian original Tv shows on Netflix.
But first, please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already so that we could be
able to make videos like this in the future.
The thumbnail for this video was not a click bait, Netflix really announced a new original
series based on the global blockbuster franchise, Baahubali.
The Two season series will be an adaptation of The Rise of Sivagami, a prequel novel to
the 2015 film, Bahubali: The Beginning.
This prequel series captures Queen Sivagami's journey from a rebellious and vengeful girl
to a wise queen.
Erik Barmack, Vice President of International Originals at Netflix said.
'Bard of Blood' is a web series based on a book by Bilal Siddiqi.
The 8-episode political espionage thriller will be a multilingual series, in partnership
with Shah Rukh Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment.
The story revolves around a brilliant RAW agent Kabir Anand, who was forced to leave
the agency after a disastrous mission in Balochistan in 2006.
He gets pulled back into the game from his new life as a professor, in a bid to save
his country.
And guess what, Netflix announced that Emraan Hashmi will be the actor playing the role
of Kabir Anand.
So, Do you think Emraan Hashmi will be right for this role?
Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.
After the success of Amazon prime's original series "Inside Edge" which was based on cricket
and starred Richa Chaddha and Vivek Oberoi in the lead roles, Netflix is also set to
bring us a story that revolves around cricket and Corruption.
"Selection Day" is a show based on a book by Aravind Adiga.
The story revolves around a 14-year-old who tries out for the under 19 cricket league
and try to find his way fighting against corruption amongst other things.
Netflix in its official introduction of the show wrote:
Netflix is producing the series in partnership with Seven Stories and Anil Kapoor's production
So, for which Tv series you are most excited about?
Tell us in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe to the channel so that you never
miss an update from us.
Xecuter SX Gear Review and Usage - Duration: 7:29.
In this video, I will be reviewing about the Xecuter SX Gear.
It is a blank dongle, which means you use it to inject any payload into the Nintendo Switch.
So let's see how it works and how to use it.
This is the Xecuter SX Gear packaging. It is similar to the Xecuter SX Pro
Let's open the box and see what we got.
You will see a red dongle and the RCM jig, and you will get a short USB cable to charge the dongle
This is the SX Gear dongle. It is prettier than the black SX Pro dongle, and it is cheaper because it doesn't contain any OS license inside it.
inside it.
The surface material is still rubbery finished but it is now in red.
To begin using the dongle for the first time, you may need to charge the dongle about 5-10 seconds.
This is my Nintendo Switch. It is still on firmware 5.1.0.
The SX Gear is capable of running any payload inside the micro SD card. So for the first payload we will try to run the SX OS
Let's turn off the console for now
Then remove the micro sd card from the console
Now open the Xecuter SX website and download the latest SX OS and the SX Gear
Put both files on the desktop
Then you can download the latest SDFilesSwitch for Hekate and ReiNX custom firmware
You can also download the latest RajNX custom firmware
Then put all the downloaded files to the desktop
Then double click the SXOS archive and drag its content to the micro SD card.
Reinsert the micro SD card into the console
Remove the right joy con and replace it with the RCM jig
Press and hold the volume up button and press the power button.
Now plug in the dongle into the console's USB port
If done correctly, you will see the SX OS logo and it will take you to the SX OS menu
Now choose Boot custom FW
You can remove the dongle and the RCM jig and reattach the right joy con
Now open the album
I assumed that you haven't activated the SX OS, so prepare the license code for it.
Press A to retrieve the license online
Then enter the license code. You can buy the SX OS from the link in the description below
Press OK after entering the license code, and the SX OS will be fully activated.
Now reboot the console
You can reopen the album after rebooting and the SX OS is now fully functional.
Now let's turn off the console and we'll try to load other custom firmware
Remove the micro SD card and insert it into the computer
Now double click the SX Gear archive and drag its content into the micro SD card. You should replace the current boot.dat file with the new file
Now let's open the RajNX custom firmware and drag all its content into the micro SD card.
Then rename the binary file to payload.bin
Reinsert the micro SD card into the console
Remove the right joy con and replace it with the RCM jig
Press and hold the volume up button and the power button
Then plug in the dongle into the console.
When done properly, you will see the RajNX Custom Firmware menu
You can remove the dongle and the RCM jig and reattach the right joy con.
Then choose Launch Firmware
You can choose running CFW with additional options but i will choose CFW only.
Try loading the album and it will take you directly into the homebrew menu
You can't find anything here because i haven't installed any homebrew apps into the micro SD card.
Now turn off the console, we will try to load other custom firmware
Remove the micro sd card and insert it into the computer
Now you can delete the RajNX custom firmware files
Double click the SDFiles Switch and drag all its content into the micro SD card.
Then rename the binary file into payload.bin
Reinsert the micro sd card into the console
Then remove the right joy con, replace it with the RCM jig, then press and hold the volume up button and the power button.
Then plug in the dongle into the console
If done properly, you will see the hekate boot menu
You can remove the RCM jig and reattach the right joy con then remove the dongle.
Then select Launch and choose CFW
Now you can open the album to load the homebrew menu
So there you are. You have completed the guide to use the SX Gear.
For me, it is better and easier to use than the R4S dongle. It is more expensive than the R4S dongle, but I think it is worth to have it.
Thank you for watching this video, I hope you liked it. Please subscribe for more upcoming videos.
Is Worth Read? 3Doodler What Will You Create Project Book - Duration: 2:23.
Should You Remain Friends With Your EX? - Duration: 6:25.
dating engaged or married thank you for dropping by
I am Kadrian Thomas and on this channel every day I share one video of tips of
of how you can enrich and enhance your relationship so today's topic is should
you remain friends with your ex well to answer that question I must put things
into perspective so there are two kinds of exes there is an ex with attachment
and there is an ex without attachment an ex with attachment are two persons who
have shared a common denominator and that common denominator is that of
having a child or having children together and an ex without attachment is
somebody who you were with there were no children and you separated whether you
were married you were dating you were courting engaged whatever the case was
and then you became exes because the relationship went south now should you
remain friends with your ex now if it's in the case of an extra attachment then
it means that mom and dad will need to communicate or have some form of
relationship or contact over the duration of the child growing up to a
certain age or a certain point where that child become an adult and go off to
school college etc and even so it doesn't necessarily mean that there
needs to be a relationship relationship two people can act professionally but
because they share a common bond being that they are parents to a child or to
children it is a different case than two persons who were just together and got
separated now in the case where two persons have gotten separated for
whatever reasons now you have to ask yourself the question why do you want to
remain friends with your ex is it that you want to have a friend with benefits
how is it going to help you especially to the point where
you have somebody else in your life especially in the case where you have
moved on with your life you have found somebody else who you have gotten
married to like in my case why would you want to stay in touch now you can be
polite in that when you see your ex on the road or you see your ex somewhere
you can say hi and bye but to say have a connection or should you be in touch
with them that's a whole different ballgame because there's this old saying
that old fire sticks are easy to catch a fire old fire sticks are easy to catch a
fire and so staying in touch with your ex or with your exes can prove
detrimental to your relationship because your ex may want to go down the road of
reminiscing taking you back into the past when you had your relationship and
wanting to share what you did together and so on and it may need down a path
where it begin to affect your current relationship the truth of the matter is
you have now moved on with your life you have a husband or you have a wife like
in the case of a male I have a wife why would I want to stay in touch with my ex
my ex has gotten her chance okay are your exes they've gotten their chance if
they were to be the one or they had made use of the opportunity or the
chance then they would be the one still to be with you so chances are they were
not the one so why would you want to stay in touch and the thing about
communicating with people if you stay long enough on the phone or you
communicate with someone the more you communicate with someone you develop a
liking and with those old feelings that you once had for your ex may come back
and especially if you are in a relationship where you are engaged or
you're married it may prove to be detrimental to your
when you realize that because you are keeping in touch with your ex you find
yourself back into deep waters and may cripple the present situation that you
now have so why would you want to keep in touch with their ex it's polite
enough to see them on the road and say hi and bye
but no more than that no more than the ordinary when you see them - I mean be
professional about it you don't want to go hugging and kissing
on them either and so on you know especially if it was a very sentimental
and deep relationship where you shared yourself with that person you know they
have taken a part of you that you cannot get back and therefore you don't want to
begin to spark those old emotions those old feelings because you've moved on
with your life so should you stay friends with your ex I don't think so
when I see them I'm polite enough to say hi and how are you and how is life and
so on but that's as far as it gets because I wouldn't want my wife to be in
communication with her ex or exes would you want your wife to be in
communication with her ex or exes I sure wouldn't want that so I don't keep
communication with anyone that I had a relationship with in the past that's in
the past I've moved on with my life I am with somebody I love care about and
cherish and want to be with forever so I respect them enough to give them my full
attention and my time but you have your own opinions so I want you to
participate in the community so the question of the day is do you think that
you should remain friends with your ex leave a comment below and if you have
not yet subscribed to my youtube channel remember this is where every single day
I share one video of tips of how you can enrich and enhance your relationship
I am Kadrian peace out.
No Doctor Tells You This Secret: How To Get Rid Of Head Lice Fast And Free! - Duration: 2:35.
The first thing that goes through your mind when you see your kid scratching their head,
they probably have lice.
Removing the little critters is pretty excruciating but the thought of having them creeping around
in your hair is gruesome for most.
Not many children like their hair being brushed with a lice comb.
It takes forever to make sure they are fone and it can be a painful process.
The process can become unbearable if your child is a restless one.
Since kids spend more time close to one another during school, they are more easily spread
but lice are actually not unusual among adults either.
It's not fatal or particularly dangerous having head lice, but nevertheless, it's
not a nice experience as it can cause a lot of itching and discomfort.
They multiply quickly so that's another important reason to get rid of them.
Specifically produced shampoos designed to remove head lice are not always effective.
Plus you need to spend hours removing the eggs.
You will need more than just one or two bottles, to kill a whole family of lice, which can
end up being very costly.
Therefore I suggest trying this method instead!
It's not only cheap but free from any chemicals and you do not have to annoy your kids for
hours doing it
All you need are the following: • A lice comb
• Mouthwash • White wine vinegar
• A plastic bag or shower cap • Towel
The next step: 1.
First, wet your hair with the mouthwash, then cover your hair with a shower cap or a plastic
Let it sit for an hour.
This might sound crazy but lice really dislike the strong smell of mouthwash.
Then Rinse your hair and then wet your hair again — this time with white wine vinegar.
The vinegar helps get rid of the eggs.
Allow the vinegar to sit for one hour by once again covering your hair.
After step 2, wash your hair with a regular shampoo and comb it with a lice comb.
If there's a case of lice going around at school, spray your child's hair with a little
mouthwash before they leave the house to keep the lice away.
This will help your kids will smell fresh all day!
This is an effective method and you would not expose yourself or your children to any
strong chemicals while doing it.
Share this article with your friends so that more people are aware of this clever trick
for removing lice!
Official髭男dism - Stand By You[Official Video] - Duration: 4:18.
The Danger Of Leaving Plastic Bottles In The Car - Duration: 2:38.
The Danger Of Leaving Plastic Bottles In The Car
You probably think it's a responsible move to bring a water bottle with you when you
are out running errands.
You would not be wrong in thinking that!
It's so important to drink plenty of waterthroughout your day to stay healthy and focused, so grabbing
a water bottle on your way out the door is a smart move.
But there's one thing you should never do when you are taking bottled water out with
you: leave it in the car.
It's annoying, we know.
You do not want to bring your water bottle into the store or wherever you are off to,
it's just going to be in the way!
However, the consequences for lazily leaving your water behind could be more dangerous
than you ever imagined.
A Facebook group called IdahoPower posted a story recently about a local man who experienced
this danger firsthand.
Battery technician DioniAmuchastegu typically would carry recycled plastic water bottles
with him to work, in an effort to be environmentally conscious.
One day, while sitting in his car on a lunch break, Dioni noticed smoked out of the corner
of his eye.
When he turned to check out the situation, he saw that light was being refracted through
his plastic water bottle.
The light from that hot summer day was so intense, the bottle began to catch the passenger
seat on fire.
"Light was just shining through the driver's side window and shone right through (the water
bottle) and burned those two spots in the seat right there."
Just like light traveling through a magnifying glass that can set things on fire when burning
hot enough, plastic water bottles can do the same thing.
And, naturally, fire spreads to other parts of your car terrifyingly fast.
The video that IdahoPower shared has been viewed thousands of times and shared hundreds
of times; many of the viewers had no idea that a little water bottle could pose such
a big threat.
Obviously, the ideal thing to do is to keep plastic water bottles out of your car.
However, if you are not going to have time to remove the bottles, just make sure that
they are kept out of direct sunlight.
Not only can water bottles cause a fire hazard when left in your car, but they can also become
unsafe for your direct health, as well.
Studies conducted in the past few years have been showing that when plastic bottles are
left in a hot enough car for long enough, harmful chemicals may be released into the
It takes some serious heat and at least a week or so to make this water dangerous, but
it's still an important precaution to take.
So the next time you find an old water bottle on the floor of your passenger seat, consider
watering your plants with it instead.
Things You Didn"t Know About SHIN LIM: Winner of AGT 2018 - Duration: 4:57.
Hello, Blinkers!
Welcome to Blink Now.
To get more amazing videos, don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
Tonight, on the season finale of America's Got Talent, Shin Lim was declared the winner
of the show and walked away with $1 million and the opportunity to headline a spectacular
in Las Vegas.
You can get your fill of Shin Lim and his tricks whenever you'd like, though.
Here's what you need to know about him and where you can watch him in action.
Shin Lim is a young magician, known for his fast-paced card tricks.
He prefers to be called a sleight of hand artist, according to his website.
He's in his mid-20s and was born in Canada but raised in Singapore.
He actually claims on his official website that he's "actually NOT a magician, nor
a wizard, and has NO intention of LYING to the audience."
He performs self-choreographed routines rather than "pretending to defy the laws of physics."
Shin is the 2015 World FISM Champion for close-up card magic.
For his initial act, Shin brought out Tyra to help him out.
With each move, Every judges and audience became more and more impressed.
The entire audience gave Shin a standing ovation once his performance was over.
"That was some crazy magic," Tyra said after she walked off the stage.
Shin Lim who is a very famous magician, is in love with Casey Thomas.
You won't believe us if you haven't checked out their Instagram yet.
They don't miss to share their best moments of life on Insta.
They look very happy together.
"Shinsey" is their sweet couple name.
Casey also performed on Australia's Got Talent.
Shin performed on two episodes of the show in 2015 and 2017.
Now he's competing for a Las Vegas residency and $1 million on America's Got Talent!
He Is the Only Magician in History to Fool Penn and Teller Twice.
His first appearance on the show has raked in over 50 million views.
Shin started out playing the violin, but he broke it by smashing it to pieces when he
was a child.
"I just didn't want to play it anymore," Shin told The Boston Globe.
He then started playing the piano until he found magic.
He started practicing tricks 8 hours a day.
Because he was playing the piano and practicing magic tricks at the same time, At 20, Lim
was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and had to stop playing piano professionally
according to The Boston Globe.
His doctor told him that he had to choose between the two.
He chose magic.
His approach to magic is inspired by three movies — Birdman, Inception, and Transformers.
He got his big break by performing on a 23-city tour through China.
Lim attended high school in British Columbia, Canada, and then enrolled at Lee University
to pursue a degree in music.
He hoped to earn a double major in piano and telecommunications, and at school, he was
a member of the ensemble Choral Union.
Lim has produced a variety of award-winning acts, like the "Dream Act" and "52 Shades
of Red."
After his appearance on Penn & Teller, he took some time to tour internationally.
He is the reigning FISM World Champion in Close Up Card Magic and has won a number of
other awards for his card magic.
His other awards include admittance into the 2015 International Brotherhood of Magicians,
2015 People's Choice, 2014 IBM Close Up Magician of the Year, and the 2014 FISM North
American Champion of Card Magic.
"On behalf of the Edmond city council, I[Charles Lamb, mayor of the city of Edmond Oklahoma]
hereby declare April 28th as 'Shin Lim Day."
He says of his card magic, "I'm trying to change the outlook on card magic — to
make it more artistic, more visual."
That's it for this video hope you enjoy it.
And if you did then please give it a thumbs up or leave a comment below.
Hope to see you back soon for more.
See you next time on Blink Now.
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