How to relieve itchy skin with natural remedies at home.
Itchy skin is a common problem and is usually caused by dry skin, allergic reactions or
insect bites.
Irritation of the skin can become very uncomfortable, and can even continue for a long time if it
is not treated.
In today's video we will share with you six methods which you can follow to get rid of
itchy skin fast.
Apply 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil to the itchy skin.
Coconut oil is one of the best natural remedies to moisturize and sooth the skin.
Do this on a daily basis.
The skin is most often healed within 2-3 weeks.
This works to moisturise and soothe a great range of skin conditions.
Petroleum Jelly can be massaged into the skin and left overnight.
Wash this off gently in the morning with a mild soap.
This lubricates the skin and helps to treat irritation, especially from minor cuts, wounds
and insect bites.
Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and apply to itchy skin.
Allow this to dry on the skin and then wash the area using lukewarm water.
The citrus within the juice has the effect of reducing itching.
A few drops of calendula oil can be gently rubbed into the skin.
This works as a natural antihistamine and reduces allergic reactions within the skin
Aloe Vera leaves can be sliced open to release a clear gel.
This gel has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties which can reduce irritation, itching
and rashes instantly.
Simply apply this to the area and allow to dry.
Do this twice per day.
Create a herbal tea using chamomile and hot water.
Allow this to cool when it has infused, and soak into a cotton ball.
Apply the chamomile mixture all over the skin to quickly soothe itching.
Try some of these remedies and see which works best for your skin.
If you find that these treatments are not working then you may need to improve your
Reduce your intake of refined sugars and eat leafy green vegetables to provide essential
minerals and vitamins for the skin
To learn more about herbal medicine for the skin and dermatology, please see our "Natural
Remedies for Skin" Playlist.
Thank you very much for listening, a like is always appreciated and remember to subscribe
and tap the bell for more healthy videos.
I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.
For more infomation >> Natural Remedies: for Itchy Skin (Fast) - Duration: 2:54.-------------------------------------------
So you wanna try alcohol markers but you are BROKE? | Alcohol Markers 101 - Duration: 4:22.
Why Do We Need a 23 Million Digit Prime Number? - Duration: 3:59.
You remember prime numbers right?
Numbers that can only be evenly divided by one and themselves?
Well it turns out finding prime numbers is not only useful for protecting data, but it
could make you money!
On December 26th, 2017, the largest prime number ever discovered was found by Jonathan
Pace of Germantown, Tennessee.
The number is over 23 million digits long, meaning I don't really have time in this
video or my entire life to list the whole thing out, but it's easier to call it by
its nickname, M77232917.
It gets this name because that's the exponent you raise 2 by to find it.
Oh, and don't forget to subtract one when you're done multiplying 77,232,917 twos
Otherwise you just created a number you can divide by two and you'll have wasted all
that time.
Prime numbers found this way, by raising two by a prime exponent and subtracting one, are
called Mersenne primes, named for a 17th century French friar, hence the capital "M" in
the shorthand name.
3 is a Mersenne prime, since it's two to the second power minus one.
Same for 7, which is two to the third power minus one.
But the exponent has to be prime.
Two to the sixth power minus one is 63, which is divisible by 3 so, not a prime.
9 of the 10 largest primes found to date are Mersenne primes, not because they're the
most common -- the Prime Number theorem tells us there must be a simply huge number of undiscovered
primes between this newly found one and the next largest Mersenne prime -- but we find
them because that's how we keep searching for them.
In fact you can be a part of the search for the next one!
You don't even have to do the math yourself, just some software provided by the Great Internet
Mersenne Prime Search, or GIMPS!
The software uses the idle processing power of your CPU to run what's called the Lucas-Lehmer
test, where Mersenne numbers are checked against a specific set of numbers.
If the Mersenne number you're checking divides evenly into a certain number in that set,
then it passes the test and is indeed a prime number.
Obviously it takes quite a bit of horsepower to see if a 23 million digit number divides
into an even bigger number, which is why the project needs the public's help.
Almost 200,000 users are running the GIMPS software and if their PC runs a number that
passes the test, they could win money.
Pace is eligible for a $3,000 prize, and whoever finds a 100 million digit prime could win
$150,000 dollars.It's like cryptocurrency mining for those of us that can't afford
to buy a dozen graphics cards.
You may wonder why we bother searching for primes at all?
Why for the glory, of course!
We've only found 50 Mersenne Primes and next to almost every one of them is the finder's
name for all of nerdy eternity.
Plus prime numbers play a crucial role in keeping data secure.
One standard, RSA encryption, relies on multiplying two large prime numbers together to generate
a key.
Knowing the two primes that went into the key is the secret to decrypting the data,
but it takes an impractical amount of computational power and time to suss out what those numbers
are if you don't already know them.
So the key can be public and your data is still secure.
Of course since the Mersenne primes we've been finding lately are tens of millions of
digits long, these may not be the best candidates for encryption.
If you see a key that's an absolutely huge number, it won't be hard to guess which
Mersenne prime went into it.
Gigantic primes won't be useful until quantum computing is used to break RSA encryption,
and even then we may just use a different method of protecting data.
So there may not be much practical use in searching for Mersenne primes, aside from
winning that $150,000 for running a program while you watch youtube.
I gotta download that software when I get home.
Before you run off and download GIMPS, go ahead and subscribe.
And for more math, find out how ham sandwiches are helping us understand the universe, here.
The largest prime found by hand is M127, so we're obviously a bit past that by now.
Until next time, I'm Julian, don't forget to share that sweet prize money with me when
you win.
Tutorial 3: Everything you need to know about solar panel | Heaven Solar - Duration: 14:26.
Hello friends!
Welcome to the third video of on-grid solar panel tutorial series
I Shubham Mandot, will discuss about the types of solar cells,
their construction,
how to read a data sheet
Before beginning with it, let us have a glance at the previous activity
In which, we asked you t calculate the monthly bill of your house for these conditions
The answer to it is
Total units consumed = 8.85 kWh per day
And the total cost per month = Rs 1327.5
I hope that you would have found the correct answer
If not, then comment below and we will point out your mistake
Let us begin with this video
Let us see what are the types of solar cells
Friends, there are 3 generations of solar cells
First generation : Mono crystalline and Poly crystalline
second generation also called the thin film solar cells : Amorphous and silicon
Cells under 2nd gen are Cadmium and Telluride
The cells of second generation have a very low power generation. These are used in calculators
The solar cells we see in calculators are of this type
Third generation : Organic and Quantum dots
One more type of solar cell is there called the concentrated photovoltaic cell
This type of cell does the function of concentrating the sunlight at a point and then generates the electricity
This increases the efficiency of electricity generation
Let us now discuss about mono and poly crystalline cells
We are discussing these because of their excessive use
Mono crystalline cells are uniformly colored. At times they are completely black .
Poly crystalline have patches of colors.Like if it is blue in color, then there will be patches of different shades of blue
Let us see what are these and what is their difference
Mono Crystalline and poly crystalline
Mono is manufactured from a single crystalline silicon
Friends. we build a complete mono crystalline cell from a single silicon crystal
Poly crystalline cell is manufactured from multiple crystals of silicon
They are melted and then a cell is made
Mono has an efficiency of about 15 to 20 % whereas that of poly is 13 to 16%
Though the efficiency of the latter is lower, it has a few advantages too which will be discussed later
Mono crystalline , as it has higher efficiency, requires lesser space
In the same manner, poly crystalline requires larger amount of space
Both of them have 25 yrs of warranty
Now we will see what can be the advantages of the poly crystalline
Larger the efficiency, greater will be the price
It is not possible to get everything at a cheaper rate
Mono crystalline are the costliest cells in the market
Poly crystalline is cheaper in price because of its cheaper manufacturing process
So, these fall in an affordable range
The waste generated during the manufacturing of the former, is very much
As we discussed that it is made from single crystalline cell
So, to carve a single silicon cell to make a mono crystalline cell, will generate a lot of waste and this waste cannot be used to make any other cell. It becomes useless
Whereas, minimum waste is generated in poly crystalline cells
The performance of mono crystalline cells is highly affected by temperature
The same is true for poly crystalline but, it is comparatively low
Let us discuss how a solar panel is constructed
A typical solar cell looks like the given image
The white lines, that are visible, are call the bus bars which conducts the electricity generated.
Here, only two bus bars are shown. Usually there are four to five bus bars in a cell
How are cells connected?
Solar cells are connected in series
This arrangement leads to the formation of a solar panel
In our solar panel, the cells are connected in series.
And if solar panels are connected in series, then it is called a solar string
And when solar strings are connected together, they form an array.
Let us discuss its components
The first component is a frame
Frame is a structure that supports and protects the complete solar panel system
Glass protects the panel from dust, pressure or external shocks or forces to prevent it from getting damaged
Encapsulants are attached above and below the solar panel to fix its position
These work just like a capsule. As it performs the function of protecting the inner material, similar does the encapsulants
then there is a backsheet and a junction lbox. About which, we would discuss later. Let us keep only until this in this video
Let us now discuss the different wattage ranges of solar panel
As you can see, 20 to 350 Watts and more of solar panels are currently available in thee market
How to determine the quality of the panel or which type of solar panel is suitable for your roof top
There are 4 ways to determine that
See the number of bus bars in it. the more the number of bus bars, higher will be its efficiency.
But if they are more, it causes a shading effect and may decrease the intensity of sun rays and may decrease the effective area
So, we should select optimum number of bus bars i.e, 4 to 5
Then comes the module efficiency means the efficiency of your solar panel
Then comes the temperature coefficient i.e, the current, voltage and power depends very much on the temperature of the panel
The variation of these parameters with change in temperature is also important to know
Finally comes the warranty. On that basis only, you select it
Now, you might be thinking that it is better not to buy one than to inquire about all these things
No need to worry friends, all these things are mentioned in the datasheet of the panel itself
So if we learn to read the datasheet of the panel,
then we can know its quality or whether it is suitable for our purpose or not
Let us see how to read a datasheet
In our previous video, we saw how electrical characteristics are shown in a datasheet
We discussed about maximum power, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, voltage and current at maximum power
One of our four requirements that is module efficiency is mentioned here itself
It lets you know how much efficient it is
Further, let us see thermal characteristics
In your datasheet, there will be a table of thermal characteristics
In which, you will get temperature coefficient of current and voltage as well as of power
As you can see, the values are written in front of the titles like 0.681 for current temperature coefficient, for voltage, there is a negative value
for voltage it is -0.2941 and for power it is -0.3845
Now, what does this positive and negative sign indicate?
If there is a positive sign or if there is no sign, then that quantity will increase with temperature
That is, if temperature increase, current increases as well
In the same way, for negative sign,
the values of the entity decreases with increase in temperature. Like voltage and power will decrease with temperature
the thing that should be kept in mind is that these changes take place only when the temperature is above 25 degree C
25 degree is the STC i.e standard test condition of the cell
When the temperature of the cell is more than 25 degree , only then these coefficients become effective
Let us now see warranty
that too is mentioned in the datasheet
Here , it is written that 10 yrs limited product warranty
And 25 yrs of Power output warranty
Power output warranty is of two types : minimum 90% at the end of 10 yrs means that at least 90% of the rated power will be obtained til 10 yrs
That is if the rating is 250 Watt, then you will get at least 90% of it for 10 yrs
And till the end of 25 yrs, you will atleast get 80% of power
Which means if you use the panel across its life span, you will obtain minimum 80% of its rating continuously
Let us now see the exact appearance of the sheet
We have considered the data sheet of a 250 W solar panel of WAAREE company for an example
We saw the electrical characteristics,
There are mechanical characteristics also mentioned where weight, number of solar cells per module, its type( mono or multi crystalline)
front cover material, encapsulant material, the material of the junction box is mentioned
Few more things can also be seen here.
Design specifications can also be seen as well as the I-V curve variation with temperature
I-V curve is crucial for understanding the system as well as solar installation
And it will be explained in the next video
I hope you would have liked his video.
If you liked it, then do like , share and comment your questions below. Thank you.
這三個星座的女生要小心,渣男最喜歡你們了 - Duration: 2:45.
Which Bollywood Action Scene Do You Like Most? #1 - Duration: 2:32.
Geborgenheit - What you need... - Duration: 5:22.
Hello, welcome to "counseling & words" and to my word of today, which is the
German word "Geborgenheit".
The German word "Geborgenheit" cannot be
translated directly into English. There is no equivalent for it.
Imagine someone who got lost or is trapped in an avalanche and then someone
has to rescue that person. After that this person is safe or "geborgen".
"Geborgenheit" means that we who are exposed to constant stress need a place where we
can feel completely welcome. We can simply allow ourselves to fall and just
be. The people who surround us value us, trust us and do not exert any pressure.
"Geborgenheit": a baby lying in the arms of its mother experiences "Geborgenheit".
Nothing and nobody can harm this baby. It is safe. it is "geborgen".
There are always situations in life where we feel like we are in an
avalanche. We don't have stability, we have lost our
balance. In such moments we long for "Geborgenheit". We long for a mother who
protects us and does not judge us for any reason. We humans know what
"Geborgenheit" is and we also know how valuable it is to experience "Geborgenheit"
and to be allowed to feel safe. When do we need "Geborgenheit"?
Whenever we feel alone, whenever we feel like we are outside the circle, whenever
we don't know what to do, whenever we feel desperate, whenever our little world
gets out of joint. But even when we are well, we need "Geborgenheit", we need people
who are well disposed towards us and who love us and like us. Anyone can provide
"Geborgenheit". In a world in which we encounter cold feelings, even a smile or
a nod turned towards us, a small interest in us can trigger a feeling of "Geborgenheit".
Yes, we all can provide "Geborgenheit" I know that the world we live in
is often not warm-hearted; profits and numbers count, and we humans often fall
by the wayside. But especially in these times we have a special obligation to
take care of others; and especially when we are well, we can
help others. When we are in a difficult phase and happiness is not with us, when
we feel marginalised or even bullied, then we need people who help us and tell
us that everything is going to be alright.
We need people who can comfort us. I would very much like us all to go
through the world with open eyes and learn to recognise when someone needs
"Geborgenheit". And I also want us to give that person a sense of "Geborgenheit". You
might be asking: "Why should I do that?" and my answer is: "Because you can!".
So this was about my German word "Geborgenheit". I hope you enjoyed the talk, thanks a lot for
watching, see you soon with another word, enjoy life and bye bye!
The Abyss - Part 2 - Minecraft Horror Map - Duration: 20:30.
Hello everyone, my name is Hudinio and welcome back to the abyss a Minecraft horror map
This is part 2 and I want to try to find a way
through this door, so I'm missing a key and
I haven't found it yet. I still don't know where it is where it could be
But I'm not giving up yet. Now. I'm recording this immediately after that last episode
So I haven't had a chance to explore or look around or anything. So we're kind of still doing this together
I've already looked under here
Try going this way, which I can't do yet
Let's go back upstairs right since this was the logical progression of the map
This was control room. Yeah this this was our safe spawn point there's nothing else in here
It's maybe check in here one more time for a chest or something
All right, so this room is cleared there's nothing for us back here anymore
Let's let's let's get through the store place again, can I just go okay
Elevator good, this is the doctor's door. So that was just in
And down this way was the locked locked room our key is gone
All right, well they give us a sword so I'm expecting there to be some baddies at some point, uh
Let's see where can we go where can we go? Oh
Yeah smart, let's take some damage that makes the most sense
all right now in the last
Clip my character did say something about the garage. So maybe let's try to head back that way
Well some happened
I closed the door and and and there was a noise
I don't know what just happened. I don't know what that noise was. I'm more than a little scared
Okay, ah
Okay, well there was nothing in there these doors are still closed
Okay, so that way back there is some place I haven't been yet
But I don't see any way to open these doors
There was nothing in this chest
There's no there's no way for me to chuck aha, maybe a little bit of this a bit of this action
I'll do it found it
Found where we're supposed
Found where we're supposed to go if I can just make this jump what no
Is this not it's not right? I sprint over it. No
Okay, this this isn't that difficult come on
There we go
All right, we have found where we're supposed to go next
Dr. Grey's office
Okay, let's go
He didn't chest dr. Grey's diary number 2
September 23rd, 2018
3:15 p.m
Another case today a young worker called Damien came through this morning and died with the same symptoms than the man two weeks ago
They told me the same bullshit than the other time an accident
Why don't they close the factory if it's so dangerous or is this in?
Epidemic a fad emic I think
452 p.m. An employee called Arthur came in this afternoon for an appointment
I was about to send him back as I had to take care of the corpse
But then he whispered that day me had suddenly disappeared yesterday and didn't come back for the night
Apparently someone else saw him taking the elevator to the basement with two guards
Arthur told me that he thinks Damien had been put under drugs in order for the guards to oh god
I don't want to think about it
Anyway, if it's true, it means the man who died two weeks ago underwent the same treatment
I had the feeling that something terrible is happening here
Apparently it is linked with those two guards who have a very suspicious behavior, but I don't know if they act alone
Should I warn the manager? Where does he take part in this gosh, what a dilemma
This is kind of a messed up situation for that doctor to be in don't you think?
Okay, let's go this way. It's so dr. Grey's office. I want Sarah be cool
He's been talking about corpses, and that doesn't sit well with me
So, I wonder there's gonna be some batty so I got to take care of
Empty chest I don't like that too much
Yeah, like a ninja
Okay, we got more ammo. We just don't have a gun though. Oh
No, okay garage key. There it is that's the key we needed Oh,
Get out of here. Get get get. Yeah. There's more more the one more the one Oh God
All these years of plenty minecraft it finally paid off. Whoo, okay. Oh
Gosh, all right. Let's get out of here. Yeah, yeah, okay
Well now that we have our trusty sword we can take on anybody
Let's set our spawn again just in case
Which way was it
This way no it was it's downstairs, right? No, it's right here, okay
Let's go ahead and just throw this in there the door. Oh
We're in the garage. Okay. Where did those guys come from?
How do they even get in there I had to parkour my way into that room
Are you telling me those zombie guards did the same thing?
Assembly line door switch, okay
The switch for the garage doors is missing I hope I can find it in this building before those things. Catch me. Oh
Yeah, so it's gotta be downstairs, right
So I probably have to switch on the assembly line let's go and do that pink
Access doors the assembly line are open. Don't forget not to be late for work and enjoy your day Lazarus Inc
Okay, so anybody down there?
All right, so now we have to go downstairs and I think we heard something I
Think we can get in through those stores that are in the basement
Let's keep our eyes out for any type of monsters and guards that are coming our way
Yeah, that's right I am pro
Okay hopping over park corn our way through
Get through this reception area. I remember where the story is because I've ran through this a billion times
Okay, this not the door that looks like the door to me
Coming around coming around
Here we are aha look at you you think you're so tough you ain't tough I got you
Three or
Okay yet okay. You're actually kind of tough. You're not you're not dying in
Well, this is a wooden sword. Oh
You're stuck
Come on
Okay, got it, let's take our mid pack real quick and get back up a little bit of health
Okay assembly line, which way do we go?
Let's go this way and hop up on some crates. I can't hop up here. I don't want to get oh
Okay, I don't want to back myself into a corner in case there's more monsters around like that guy
It's a really big room and that guy over there
four five six six shots to kill him
All right, let's go and tack this guy
Where you at bro, I
Hear you
But how'd you get over here now out out please don't hit me four five six, okay
Six shots and you're dead. Oh
Man okay. So we are looking for that key. Now. I did see that secret basement room. So we're gonna go there next
That's blocked off
What's back here? Oh, okay book
Incinerator note to the cleaning team
The incinerator needs to be cleaned once a month in order to prevent it from being sealed by the ashes
Be careful, when you do it, you have to make sure that the power of the machine is off
Otherwise, it could restart and burn you alive
There's another way to the furnace it's in a small room next to it, but the door has been condemned for a long time
There's still some stuff inside maybe one day. You should bring it back
Okay, so the incinerator does not seem very safe, however, I think I need to get back there
It's probably something in there that I need
So we need to figure out a way to turn that off
Or to get through that door. Okay, so I think I've cleared this room of all threats. Let's head downstairs
And see what awaits us
Okay, now we're on this side did that do anything for us yes
Okay. There we go
Hidden treasures music this stall is is there a music player somewhere?
So, I think that was just a secret room, I don't know that that was actually
Anything for the story
Okay, let's head back
Where else can we go where else can we go? Is there anything in these?
Not in the car can't drive the car
It's over here
Okay, so we now have
This side which is what I wanted
Shotgun, yes. Okay. Good. We have a shotgun we have ammo
We're doing well incinerator shut down
Warning it is forbidden to switch off. The incinerator as is necessary for the workers to work properly
Please switch it on again. Every violator will be punished
Yeah. No, I think I'm just gonna go run through your incinerator. I hope I have enough time
Maybe they hope they don't switch it on again
Okay, well we are in the incinerator, oh man
Okay, we're
Okay, we're behind that door and we have a control key. That is the key that we needed
For upstairs, so that is where we are, but Jesus
Okay, don't tell me someone restarted the I must get out of here. How do I can I can I run?
Let's be careful. All right, let's get
God, oh god. Oh god. Do I have to just run through the fire?
Yeah, okay it looks like the
Is this really the way to go
Gosh well, I do have a spawn spawn point. So we're just gonna give it a shot. Let's go this way now, I'll stop
Okay, trigger med factor here. Med pack don't die. Okay
We made it out. I don't know if that's what we were supposed to do, but it's what we did
We have a shotgun though phew that was close. Anyway, I've got the key, okay
Jeez that was silly what if I didn't have these med packs?
Alright, let's get back upstairs. I have my shotgun that's what matters in life
Does this work, is it just like a bow? Yeah, okay
So, I know I have the shotgun, however, I want to keep using this
I'm happy with my sword so far. It hasn't failed me yet
Okay, I should probably take this other med pack
There's such a waste of med packs like me saving those
I got a run through all this again. Okay, I'm gonna get back up to that door guys. I'll be right back
Logical progression don't make me go back somewhere. I've already been
Okay, we are through the door we are about to put our control key back on
The control computer garage door switch pink
So those should now
Be opening. Yes. Look at that
Okay, how do we go?
Back to home the same way God, okay
Can't just make this straightforward a
Ladder a little header would have been great all
Right. So now we're in the garage
This is on the other side of the Assembly Room. It looks like
Okay, nothing there any bad guys here I need to take care of I don't know but let's hop in the back of the truck
It's got to be something cool back here, right?
Okay, well that was waste
Uh-huh. Did you do anything in here? Oh, there's got to be a chest or something. I can I can open
No, okay, no secrets in in this room out we go
Let's get rid. Oh
Jesus Christ
Why why die
Is he not able to be killed can he not be killed can he not be killed? No, he can beat you but I
Died that's that's loud. That's really loud respond
Well, I respond right here what now what now
How do I get out of here? How do I get out of here? What's going on?
What's going on? See guys still there? Yeah, he's still here. He's got to be able to die, right?
He's fast
Hang on I need to lower this volume
It's way too loud. Oh
God, he hurts
I don't know where to go. I don't know where to go what to do what to do
Let's get out of here
No, I don't like this that was so scary
We got a shotgun. There's nothing this way. I don't know where to go guys. I don't know where to go
I don't know where to go. I
Feel like he has to be able to die, right?
I'll do this all day you keep getting stuck
Yes, ah he said, okay that was kind of a cheesy way to kill him, but you know what I
Hope I'll never have to fight one of those things again. Anyway, I heard a door opening in the main room
Maybe there's an exit through here
Jesus okay. So I died there was some dramatic music that guy took forever to kill let's let's get out of here
The door opened in the main room. What door
Not that door that one, okay
How do I get over there again, I don't remember where these ways are okay now remember
We go hopefully there's not another one of those monsters that guy was terrifying, huh
It's just the right way, I don't think that's the right way. Ah, yes. Okay. There's something open back there. Let's go that way
I heard noises, but I think it was just the fire. Oh
Gosh, okay, let's hope I don't to fight another one of those skeleton guys that I was terrifying
All right. Are we out we're free. We're free
Okay, let's explore outside really quick I want to see if there's anything around before we go into the next building
All right guys, I just checked the time of this recording and this seems like a good place to leave off for this episode
I was hoping it would be two parts, but maybe this will end up being three
Yeah in the next episode I'm gonna check out this building. That's to my right and hopefully
We finish this one in the next episode
so if you like to make sure to hit that like button comment below to chat with me subscribe if you haven't already and I'll
See you guys in the next episode. Bye. Bye
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