This video, I'm going to be sharing with you three secrets of gratitude that no one tells
I'm going to show you how you can empower if we apply this in your life and how this
changes everything.
Welcome back to another video.
My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.
Now, this video, I'm going to be sharing with you three secrets of gratitude that you may
have never heard of before, why it is the most underrated thing when it comes to manifestation
and how you can powerfully apply it in your your own life.
Now, to help illustrate this concept, I have my handy Dandy notebook here and I'm going
to be showing you how gratitude works and a completely new way.
Now, here's the thing.
Here's the thing.
We come and are source energy.
That is who we are.
We're having a temporary physical life that we perceive through our senses and what happens
is when we are feeling disconnected from that source energy that we naturally are, which
is a very high vibration, think of this as a very high vibration.
We come and are of a very high vibration naturally.
Now, the idea is that when we come here, we have certain experiences in life that sometimes
make us feel less than that high vibe experience.
Now what happens is in life we always get a reflection of our vibration.
Now, if our vibration is that of a lower frequency, we will only be able to perceive of that that
is equal to whatever that frequency is, so maybe you've seen me before as well.
I showed that chart on consciousness.
You'll see at the lower end of the chart you'll see emotions such as shame, fear, guilt, than
eventually neutrality.
Trout is when we learn how to observe our thoughts and not have let them have that much
power over us, and then eventually you get into that of willingness, love, bliss, and
then enlightenment towards the top.
Now the idea behind this is that closer towards the top is our natural state of being.
This is why many people in the past that have been enlightened have said enlightenment is
not something you attain.
It's something you realize because what you do is you let go of all the stuff underneath
all the lower emotions and then what's left is your natural high vibration.
So when we are in and we are feeling gratitude, what gratitude does when we say that I am
grateful for whatever in my life and it could be something as simple as I am grateful that
I woke up today.
It could be something that simple.
It doesn't have to necessarily be materialistic.
Things like I'm grateful for this, a treadmill bike thing that I have or I'm grateful for
the couches and the painting that I just got or whatever.
It doesn't have to be that, but it can.
So it's either way with this, but it's about understanding that source energy is where
we came from and what happens when we feel gratitude when we're saying thank you for
what I have.
Thank you for this experience.
What we are doing is we are unifying ourselves with fulfillment.
So this is the thing with the law of attraction that I've shared many times before is that
people want something and when they want something, they are saying, I don't currently have it.
So if you say, I'm over here and I really, really want what's over here, whatever this
thing is, we're saying, I really, really want this.
We're saying I also really, really don't currently have this because that wants emphasizes the
Now what gratitude does is gratitude allows us to unify with the source energy and what
then ends up happening is by unifying with source energy, we start to fill fulfillment.
We start to feel whole and complete.
So the first secret that no one tells you with that of gratitude is that literally when
we feel gratitude, we are unifying ourself with source energy.
It is of a higher vibrational state of consciousness.
If you look at that chart of consciousness, again, it is towards the top.
It would be close to love, joy, peace.
Because gratitude is unifying us with who we naturally are.
So what are some easy ways that you can feel gratitude?
Well, the easiest way that I've found to do it is to simply do it right when you wake
up in the morning because right when you wake up in the morning, you have in a way a clean
So what I do is when I wake up in the morning, I will think of two or three things that I'm
grateful for and what I do is I put the awareness inside my body and I really feel it.
Now, the thing is, is the first or second time doing it, you might not feel it as powerfully
night, might not be this a static joy or bliss, but the thing is is with consistency it will
become easier and easier for you to fill, to feel.
And what happened is over time you develop this momentum.
Now, I used to play around with this idea too, because I first read this book.
It's called the science of getting rich and I read it's a. it's like a 60 page book.
I read it when I worked at Nordstrom's in women's shoes sales commission job, and I
remember reading it and was talking about how literally gratitude unifies us with source
consciousness, which is our natural high vibrational state, and that when we do that, it raises
our frequency.
So I remember focusing on gratitude when I was at my job and I was on the sales floor
helping people and I would feel gratitude for every, every situation for every person
that came in.
Even if they didn't buy.
I feel gratitude just for being there and what would happen is it would raise my state.
I would start to find more and more reasons to feel grateful and then that turned into
making more money while I was there.
Because then I'm feeling so grateful that my energy is more magnetic than the people
around me.
At the same time can feel that so that it's almost like a contagious energy or it is a
contagious energy.
So the key is to start off small, but to increase the amount of focus you put on what you agree
For this can really be a habit that transforms your life if you apply it.
Now, the second secret of that of gratitude is that by doing this, what you do by feeling
gratitude, you turn on the fountains of fulfillment.
So thinking of that, I kind of mentioned it in the last one, but this is the difference.
When you're in this high vibrational state, imagine this is like high vibe, so Harry Potter,
electricity right here.
Imagine that you're in this high vibe state because you're in this high vibe state and
you're feeling fulfilled because you're focused on what you already have, that you're grateful
for, that fulfillment, that completeness, that wholeness.
What happens is when you go out into the world, either other people will feel that off of
you or there'll be certain opportunities and events in your life that then resonate with
your vibration, so it's almost like you, oh, you always get in life that which is equal
to when you're feeling in equal to the gratitude that's already in your life.
You increase your frequency and then what happens is a natural byproduct of that.
Gratitude is the materialistic things, is what you desire, the kind of experiences you
want to have, so what most people do is most people go straight for that of whatever the
goals are, thinking that that's what they want.
The key is knowing that even though you may get that thing that you want to manifest in
your life, that's not necessarily what will make you happy, that happiness comes from
Think about it.
Sometimes we say, oh, that'll make me happy, but all it is is we're giving permission in
our own mind for when x, Y, or z happens, then we can feel happy.
So it's almost like just give yourself permission to feel it.
If you start to feel gratitude now for what you already have for simply being alive, then
what'll happen is you start to resonate with higher and higher expressions of what that
So instead of thinking of gratitude as something that you, something that you do to get something
else, realize that you can feel gratitude for the lower barrier entry.
What I mean by this is you don't need it to be something that's on a pedestal.
It's like I have to feel gratitude.
Think of it as natural for you because it's part of who you naturally are for you to feel
that, so the key is to simply know that gratitude is a natural state of being for you and in
the same way that you don't visualize, many people also visualize because they want what?
Visualize Asian.
We'll get them.
I'll visualize this because then that will eventually come into my life.
The key to visualization is doing visualization because it's an end of itself.
Do visualization because of the vibration it makes you feel because you condition in
the emotion of it in the same way.
Think of gratitude because gratitude is and feels amazing.
It feels amazing to feel gratitude and when you feel gratitude and you're in that amazing
state, amazing things happen, but don't necessarily intend to feel gratitude because of what it
will get you, because then it in a way it takes away the power of it.
Gratitude is your natural state of being.
It doesn't have to be on a pedestal like that, so that's something that I have found to be
very powerful is going straight to the gratitude for what I already have and like I said, to
do it right when you wake up in the morning and as you do that, it begins to grow.
It begins to grow and it becomes easier and easier for you to feel.
But remember in life we always get that which is equal to our vibration.
So gratitude literally increases our frequency and then from that point going forward, we
get a higher expression of what that is.
We will literally see opportunities come into our life that prior we may have not seen.
Now this is because those opportunities may have always been around us, but we weren't
resonating at the frequency to perceive them because there could have been that lack of
vibration of thinking that I really, really want that.
Therefore, I don't currently have that.
Therefore, the thing that's always been around us, it could be an opportunity, could be something
someone, a person reaching out to you to help you, but they'd never felt inclined to help
you because they subconsciously could feel that lack.
Remember as well, people will feel the vibration of whatever you are putting out.
So for example, if you didn't feel good about yourself, if you felt like you didn't have
good self esteem, you didn't feel worthy.
You go out.
You may be around other people and those other people may feel that unworthiness on you.
They may treat you accordingly and then you may think to yourself, wow, nobody sees the
value in me, but the key is feeling the gratitude about you first, feeling grateful for what
you already have because as we do that, you increase your frequency and then other people
respond to you based on that.
That's why it's really true that the more you love yourself, the more other people can
love you because the more you love yourself, the more you admit that love, and as you admit
that other people can feel that and it reminds them and helps them to feel into that state
of being.
The third secret to that of gratitude has to do simply with understanding the electromagnetic
energy of our heart, so our heart emits electromagnetic energy and we have what is called a toroidal
field around our body.
This is something that the heart math institute is shown.
This is something that has also been shown that the heart is thousands of times more
powerful than that of the head.
We have a toroidal field that goes around our head and when that goes around our hearts,
now what happens is when people create from the head, people are creating from dualistic
type thinking, they create polarity.
So the idea is that we go to create something in our life like I really, really want this,
but we're in our head.
What happens is we also create the potential for the opposite of whatever this is, so the
key is to get out of duality, to get out of the polarization by getting into the heart
When you get into the heart center, things happen magically.
When you get into your heart center, you will find that you start to experience a totally
new reality because this is actually who you are.
When you feel from your heart, when you're speaking from your heart, when you're doing
things that you're passionate about, it has an increased vibration, threaded through it,
and things will happen in alignment with that.
So the key to this is is actually very simple.
Right now.
What we can do is we could do a quick one or two minute exercise that will increase
the electromagnetic energy of your heart, help you to feel more present to the moment,
and also help you to unify with more of what you want to experience in your life.
So all you gotta do for this.
Let's get your hands like this.
Put your hands over your heart and maybe you feel your hands, whether they're warm or cold
or room temperature, and you could feel it over your heart center right now.
Now what we can do is we're going to take in a deep breath in deep breath out, feeler
of body and relax.
Take a deep breath in.
As you breathe out, put the awareness in your heart and the more you put the awareness in
your heart, the more the energy grows.
Now set the intention that you feel grateful inside of your heart center feel and focus
on one thing that you could feel grateful for right now if you really want it to.
What is one thing that you could feel grateful for coby?
Someone in your life could be a certain situation that's happened in your life recently that's
given you an opportunity that you weren't aware of before?
Could it be something small that you recognize the other day that maybe sometimes you take
for granted?
Could be something as simple as I got up today.
I'm breathing, I'm alive.
Feel healthy today.
Whatever it is, focus on that gratitude and focus on it being inside of your heart.
Now what happens is as you do this, maybe you feel it.
Now, I'm sure you feel it now more than you did a minute ago.
Even when we first put our hands over our heart, can you feel that tingling sensation
in your heart?
Can you feel that the more you put your attention to your heart, that it begins to raise, it
begins to raise an intensity.
You can feel it more and more.
The idea is that this energy inside of your heart, this gratitude is huge, unifying you
with who you really are.
Now, the key is when you wake up every morning then side of your bed to put the awareness
into your heart center.
I literally will do that.
I'll be laying in bed and I'll put hands over my heart like this.
What I'll do is I'll focus on two or three things that I'm grateful for and the funny
thing is, is when I do that, those days always turned out much better than the days I don't
do it.
I promise you, if you do this, you will feel a difference and it will be a positive thing.
Every morning you wake up, put your hands over your heart like this.
Make it a habit.
Make it a routine and focus on two or three things you're grateful for and know that the
more you do this, the more powerful it gets.
It's simply we haven't been putting that much awareness into our heart center because we've
been more focused on what we want.
Focused on the day to day things, the day to day tasks.
The more you put the awareness in your heart, the more that electromagnetic energy will
grow, and as that frequency increases, as that energy field expands, you will also expand
your life in a very powerful way.
You'll experience more opportunities.
It looks more of what you want.
So the heart is the key to creating what you want in a powerful way.
The electromagnetic energy of the hardest.
Thousands of times more power from that in the head and the more you tap into it by putting
the awareness in it, the more you are going to be increasing that love to source energy
of who you naturally are and the opportunities in your life that may be around you right
now, but just not in the right frequency because that's what we can do is put our body into
that frequency.
So remember, source energy is who you naturally are.
When you begin to resonate with that, you begin to perceive things in your life that
priorly weren't there.
That secondly, the secret that no one tells you is that the fountains of gratitude will
give you the byproducts of that, of what you want to create in your life or experienced
in your life because it's saying, I'm already 100 percent fulfilled and the universe will
then give you more and more to feel fulfilled about.
And then thirdly, put the awareness in your heart and watch how everything begins to change
in your life because you've increased the vibrational field of your body in a very powerful
Now, if you want help to feel more of this vibration, I've created a raise your vibration
MP3 that will help you to raise your vibrational set point, which will also help you with gratitude.
It's absolutely free.
You can see at the top of the description box below, I recommend you listen for 21 days
to get the maximum benefit out of it.
Also, I'll be doing more live q and a's on instagram, so if you haven't followed me on
instagram yet, I post daily content there.
Plus I do live q and a's, so if you want to interact with me, if you want to ask me questions,
that's where you can do that.
Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video.
Feel free to like this video if you liked it, subscribe if you haven't already that
the little notification gear next to the subscribe button so that you could see the daily bits
that I do and other than that, as always, he's much love it.
Now the state.
For more infomation >> 3 Secrets of Gratitude NO ONE TELLS YOU (Law of Attraction Secrets) - Duration: 17:41.-------------------------------------------
Show Hidden Files & Folders with CMD Attrib Command-Pen Drive/Flash Drive/Hard Drive/SSD/Memory Card - Duration: 2:29.
So how to show hidden files and folders of any hard drive, USB pen drive or flash drive,
SSD or memory card?
Its actually very easy with a Command Prompt command called "Attrib" command.
See here within my USB flash drive I have 2 folders and 2 files.
For example I am hiding these files to show you how we can unhide these using CMD attrib command.
All files and folders are now hidden.
Now to show hidden files and folders I will simply open CMD inside of my flash drive.
To open CMD inside of any drive we need to hold down "Shift" key from our keyboard.
Then we need to perform a "Right Click" and then click on this "Open Command Window Here" menu
Now to show hidden files and folders within this drive I'll simply give this command..
attrib -s -h -r /s /d.
I provided this command in description section so that you can simply copy and paste.
Remember this command will work in Windows Power Shell too.
In Windows 10 we know that CMD is deprecated.
Therefore you can use Power Shell instead of CMD in Windows 10
Okay then hit enter.
See the hidden files and hidden folders are now visible.
Now if we check folder options we will see hidden files, folders & drives option is still in "Don't show" status.
It means we can see hidden files and folders even if according to windows settings we
are not supposed to see them.
This command is extremy handy when your computer gets infected by virus.
And we know sometimes malware programs inject a lot of hidden files and folders within our computer.
Sometimes unfortunately we can't show hidden files, folders & drives from foder options too.
Because sometimes virus changes registry settings and freez this option.
If this is the case then you can use this CMD attrib command to forcefully unhide hidden
files and folders.
Guys If you liked my video please hit thumbs up and share it within your social media accounts
with your friends.
And also please subscribe my channel.
Thank for watching.
Take Care. Peace.
2Moons Original casts's feelings [Eng sub.] interview - Duration: 5:46.
MC: I want to ask about 2Moons ss2 that you guys wouldn't join it anymore
K: that they are opening for casting
ask me about feeling?
well we notice at the same time with fans
we feel up set and we are agree that we all feel very up set
because we are attach to this series for long time
1 yeas we have been passed many thing together with fans and with behind the scenes people
and today they announce about casting new casts we feel really up set
that it aren't us that will continue the series and it didn't end beautifully like in the novel
very sad about it
as we know we haven't got any reply from the copyright owner team
we very are waiting for it
yesterday day when we were at Korat event
with all SB5
we look at each other face and were numbed
that they haven't contacted us before but why they will cast new actors
ok krub sadness I kept it in side
coz it is the copyright owner's claim to do so
T: well 5 of us
are under Starhunter agency which takes care by P'Oh and P'Jane
when we will do something it depends on the managers
I'll say when we notice the announcement yesterday we are kinda shocked
in my opinion I feel worried about fans feelings
because they are await
they said no matter how long they will wait for us to continue the series next and next season
and 1 year passed. I'm afraid this will hurt their feelings
the feeling that they are await for our act
and 1 yeas of us and fans
we passed many things together
I don't want them to be disappointed
K: no we had never decline ss2
and we also not attached to any contract
and we talk to P'Oh P'Jane if there is any contact from them, our manager will agree with it
because we very love the character we got
I feel I'm still Mingkwan same to Bas he still feel of Wayo, in my personal thought I want to end the series with this feeling
and we are up set
Yesterday we sat in the car 3-4 hours going back(to BKK) from work and we were so down
in stead of playing game as usual, we were down
MC: how about the pay wage
T: oh it unrelated
TK: main thing we haven't got any contact
T: like we said if they have contact us we are ready for it
because we were known by this series and feel attached to the series
truly to get to continue the series til the end of the season is something very grateful
about the schedule we ask managers
if we get a chance to continue ss2 it will be ok to manage schedule
the manager says if you want to continue they will figure it out and talk about it
but now we just wanna tell about our feelings
all of us SB5 wanna continue the series
MC: how about the fans support
K: latast we went to Vietnam
T: Vietnam and Myanmar
MC: how was the fans
T: fans are so cute
in Myanmar we have notice them from social but haven't met them before
1 year already so we went to meet them 1st. time and we are very impressed
K: the airport explored
T: yeah there is many people loveing us. I feel amazed
So we have plan to go to Shanghai
Malaysia , Indonesia
and many countries
be cause we are brand ambassder of Taokaenoi in Asia and AIS for in side the country
we had a tour
soon we are getting ready to Shoot MV of SB5 new song
please looking forward to it
in the case of we aren't get to continue with 2 moons ss2
to all fans I want you to follow up 6 of us
I want you to follow our other schedule
we will do our best
and at last we would like to congrats in advance to all the new casts of 2 moons ss2
so congratulation
yes once we have been new to the series
so keep it going cheer up for you
Nick Jonas - Under You - Full Music Video - New Song 2018 - Music Club FM - Duration: 3:18.
Nick Jonas - Under You - Full Music Video - New Song 2018 - Music Club FM
Nick Jonas - Under You - Full Music Video - New Song 2018 - Music Club FM
Nick Jonas - Under You - Full Music Video - New Song 2018 - Music Club FM
Nick Jonas - Under You - Full Music Video - New Song 2018 - Music Club FM
Jacob Evans: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 13:26.
Jacob Evans: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Jacob Evans went from a lightly recruited high school basketball player to a rookie on the powerhouse Golden State Warriors in just four years.
Following three seasons at the University of Cincinnati, Evans was selected by the two-time defending champions with the 28th overall pick in the 2018 NBA Draft.
As a junior, the 6'6", 210-pound wing led the Bearcats in points per game and assists per game, and tied for the team lead in three-pointers made per game in 2017-18.
His Cincinnati squad earned a No.
2 seed in the 2018 NCAA Tournament, but they fell in an upset to No.
7 Nevada in the second round.
"It's kind of like, surreal.
I really can't put words on it," Evans told of getting drafted by the Warriors, who feature two former MVPs in Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant, as well as Draymond Green, the 2016-17 Defensive Player of the Year.
"When I got the call I couldn't even say anything.
I was like, man, for real? They're like, yeah, for real.
I'm like, man, thank you.
To have the opportunity to go play for the best team in the NBA, it's just amazing.".
Now that the 21-year-old has made the leap from college to the pros, the Warriors expect Evans to contribute to a team with aspirations for a third consecutive championship.
Here's what you need to know.
Evans Wasn't Even a Top-100 Recruit Coming Out of High School.
The wing from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was the nation's 134th-ranked college prospect from the class of 2015, according to 247Sports' composite rating system.
Compared to most future NBA players, Evans received little attention from major college programs while he was in high school.
He was playing for an unheralded AAU team when University of Cincinnati associate head coach Larry Davis first saw him play in a gym in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in 2014.
"I'm looking around and I'm thinking to myself, there should be a lot of [other coaches] here," Davis told
"And I'm glad there's not.".
Evans impressed Davis with his shooting, his ability to defend all three perimeter positions, and his frame.
"Our thing is we try to get kids who are under-recruited, have a little chip on their shoulder, and want to compete and get better," Davis added.
Programs like Auburn and South Carolina finally caught on and started recruiting Evans, but, having already built a relationship Davis, the high schooler accepted a scholarship to Cincinnati.
Evans Attributes His Work Ethic to His Mother.
Evans grew up watching his mother, Theresa Chatman-Evans, work 12-hour shifts as the director of a daycare to support him and his two brothers by herself.
"We never lacked for shoes or clothes or food.
We'd see her go to work in the dark and come home at dark," Evans said of his mother, according to
"That's how hard she worked.
She drilled the value of that into us without ever really talking about it.
She taught us not to settle.".
That mentality paid off, transforming him from an afterthought of a recruit into a first-round draft pick during his three years in college.
"I kind of saw myself as an underdog," Evans added.
"I didn't have the hype behind my name.
From the day I got on campus, the coaches made sure I worked hard every day, as hard as I could, controlling what I can control.
What you put into this game is what you get out.
You can never be a perfect basketball player, and you can never be satisfied.".
Evans Compares Himself to Jimmy Butler.
These days, Jimmy Butler is a superstar with the wattage to demand a trade and draw immediate interest from around the league.
But the wing who played for the Chicago Bulls for six years before suiting up for the Minnesota Timberwolves in 2017-18 wasn't always on track for stardom.
Butler was hardly recruited out of high school before attending Tyler Junior College in Tyler, Texas, where he averaged 18.1 points, 7.7 rebounds, and 3.1 assists per game as a freshman.
His production finally drew the attention of major college programs, and he accepted a scholarship offer from Marquette.
Following a three-year career there, Butler was the 30th pick in the 2011 NBA Draft.
He then played sparingly his rookie year, averaging just 8.5 minutes per game, before blossoming into a two-way maven.
Because of this trajectory, and Butler's reputation as a hard worker, Evans has cited the four-time All-Star as his NBA comparison on more than one occasion.
"It's definitely Jimmy Butler because he was a late first-round pick and no one really knew much about him," Evans told HoopsHype in June 2018.
"They thought he was going to be either a role player or a defender.
Now a few years down the road, he's an All-Star and one of the best players for a really good team.
He got there off his hard work.
No one is going to just give it to you so he went out there and took it.
I've been working my butt off because I've had the goal of being a really good player in the league.
When the ball gets on the court, that's where I'm going to make my mark.".
The Warriors Believe Evans Will Be Able to Contribute Right Away.
While many rookies need a year or two to break into an NBA rotation, Evans appealed to Golden State because they believe he'll be able to provide valuable minutes this coming season.
"I don't think [Warriors head coach] Steve [Kerr] is going to have any problem putting him out there.
He seems like a hard worker and will get better," said Warriors general manager Bob Myers, according to The Mercury News.
Myers also described Evans as "solid," "serious," and "defensive-minded.".
With four expensive stars in Durant, Curry, Green, and Klay Thompson on the roster, the Warriors are always on the lookout for cheap production, which can often be found late in the draft.
In 2017-18, rookie Jordan Bell proved to be a valuable member of Golden State's rotation.
Like Evans, Bell was an upperclassman and a highly regarded defender selected late in his draft.
Despite averaging just 14.2 minutes per game last season, the 23-year-old big man was third on the Warriors in blocks per contest during their championship campaign.
As Andre Iguodala approaches his 35th birthday, the Warriors hope Evans can similarly provide valuable depth to their wing rotation this season.
Draymond Green Endorsed the Warriors' Selection of Evans.
Green, a three-time All-Star and a 2012 second-round selection, participated in the Warriors' draft process in 2018, watching the team's pre-draft workouts and sitting with members of the front office during the draft.
"He can do whatever he wants, I imagine," Myers told The Mercury News of Green.
"He could be in the media.
He could be a GM, a coach.
He's just a winner. It's just a skill.
It's his whole life. He just wins.
So I imagine he would be good [as a general manager].".
Green offered his opinions on players, and commended Evans' defensive intensity — high praise from a former Defensive Player of the Year who has four All-Defensive nods on his resume.
"Draymond said this kid knows how to play," Myers told reporters after the draft.
"That's a compliment.
That's a pretty high compliment.".
After the selection, the 28-year-old big man spoke on the phone with his new teammate.
Lakers, LeBron James Gift Snoop Dogg With Authentic Jersey | - Duration: 1:52.
Lakers, LeBron James Gift Snoop Dogg With Authentic Jersey |
Snoop Dogg received quite the present from the Los Angeles Lakers.
Receiving a jersey of your favorite team or favorite player is a great feeling.
But imagine getting an authentic jersey directly from the team? Or better yet, maybe even the best player on the planet.
That has to be just a bit of a different type of special feeling.
In the video, the rapper/actor reads the words written on the box, which state: "You are one of 23.
We're ready to start the show, are you? See you soon." He goes no to dunk after putting on the jersey and jokes that it gave him "magical powers.".
It's unknown exactly who sent the jersey, but based on his caption on the Twitter post, it seems James played a role in it.
The 14-time NBA All-Star and four-time NBA Most Valuable Player opted to leave the Cleveland Cavaliers in free agency this offseason and head to Los Angeles.
Apparently, Snoop Dogg is one of the many Lakers fans out there who are eyeing a championship in the very near future, and possibly even this season.
Marvel's SPIDER-MAN PS4 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 12 | MR STANDISH - Pete - Duration: 29:52.
Whoa, that was so awesome
Hey, what's up YouTube, this is Pete coming back with another awesome video for you
And today we're going to continue our journey with spider-man on
Ps4 because how could we that this is gonna be our walkthrough gameplay part?
And if you haven't seen the previous parts guys, I'm gonna put them as always in the card section
So have a look at that
It's gonna be in a playlist
you know from the first part till
Now so you guys can catch up you have if you haven't seen the previous parts also guys big news
I wanted to thank you all you know for supporting my channel and subscribing to my channel
I think it's safe to say that we officially reached a milestone of 100 subscribers and
I'm gonna be preparing something special for you guys. I'm gonna try to do it this upcoming
Weekend so we will see how that goes
But yeah, I mean, I've been thinking I'll probably do like little room tour or something like this
So you guys can see you know, what stuff I'm using for recording my computer
You know my my setup and everything else. So if that's something that would interest you, you know, stay tuned
I think I'm gonna be we can call it this upcoming Sunday
I don't know but I think it's gonna be it might be Sunday though. You know, it's just
It's gonna be easier to record it and to get it done
This way and for those of you who are new to my channel
I would really really highly wanted to encourage you guys to click this subscribe button
And join our awesome sea abortion squad. It's gonna be fantastic
And if you do that do not forget to hit that Bell as hard as you possibly can
And once you do that, let's jump right into spidey
Situation. Let's get it
So, what do we go now
We go there
Okay, I can't believe with this a hundred subscribers, you know, I
only started uploading videos
Like a month ago or so. I don't know. I think it was about a month ago, and we
were at 45
Subscribers and we are now a hundred subscribers
So that's really really awesome thanks for you know, being supportive like I say
view every like
You know help out
to do this guy's before we gonna get
to our
destination I
Really wants to get this
Let's quickly get this
Come on
Alright now we've got a crime going on
Just beneath us. So let's go and get that crime
All right. Come on. Come on. Come on bushka Oh
What is it happened hold tight officers allege swinging Cavalry's here
Demons are total fanatics. I can't believe how loyal they are to Martin Lee
Okay, we've got them. That was pretty good fight
All right. Now, let's go back to the mission bad mojo officer real bad
Bad mojo officer. Oh shit
What do we do
More shooting police look like ink already
I crazy eyeballs go
Okay, that one is dumb
There's probably more of them inside you guys stay oh, you gotta be kidding. Let's get it done. Let's get it
Somebody was in a hurry
You're hurt I'm okay
But you gotta find mr. Standish fast those guys in the masks kidnapped him and forced him up to his place
Oh hell house top floor. Okay, Carmen
So glad you're here I can't find my car could've sworn I parked on this level
Eat this you motherfrakker
Let's get this guy first
Okay, that's pretty detailed guys and that is more and there is a big guy
Whoa, that was so awesome Oh
That was really cool I like that finishing moving over effort
Alright elevator where I know I'm here in here maybe I can sneak up through the elevator shaft
Should be able to make it up to the penthouse from here
Mean watch it. Where'd you shoot something if I get closer I can take him out
Let's get another one
I'm a virgin wait, is she
We gotta wait chuckles of course ago Jim, what's her soon?
Okay, almost there
Stay out of the light
We gotta be careful on these elevators, you know as well don't think oh
You gotta be kidding
Okay, they don't
They don't seem to do anything to us these elevators
Please cook with that
Oh my god, what the hell do we do?
Can I just get in here or something
Like let's see land careful, all right
Not good, we don't have a lot in
We don't have a lot of health left
Yeah, it's a very tall one and we gotta go
That I okay
Fire bombs seriously Wow
Man how the hell can take nur Jen Delta
Not good
Okay, how much more we have to go
Finally we are getting somewhere there's Standish. Okay. Okay. Now what enter your password?
We gotta get these guys
Did you think he sounds nervous maybe I should take him out
Oh, you've got to be kidding
I'm just thinking we should probably wait for him
To come back in here because he's gonna be back in here. There's three guys upstairs here
No, there is one downstairs and then just this one is here
so we're gonna take these guys here and
Then we will see what's next
Okay, let's get the other one
Now we don't want to yeah we wanted to get on that
So three guys in here maybe
Okay, now we have just those two no we have dogs as well
Can't believe where we can get that big guy up here. Oh
Shit that is another one there two more you gotta be kidding man
You know ginger sweep it off
Okay, so we've got all of them hanging nicely
There we go
Okay all clear hope Standish is all right nice
It's just we've wasted one of those what does gold trick mind
But that's okay. Now, let's get to the office. Oh
Nice oh shit
Let's try this again
It's safe now
What were they after just financial records about Devil's breath? How do you know about that? Why do they want it?
I don't even know what it is
Mr. Osborn's been pouring money into it for years, but he keeps the whole project a secret
I'm the only one who has any record of it not anymore
Looks like they copied some records to a secure server
payroll information
When a doctor Isaac Delaney, who is he? Hi, I honestly don't know
Come on come on Oh No
Almost got him try to fall slower
Imagine that being that guy good, you know, his elevator shafts go this is pretty nice
Imagine being that guy in this in this elevator shaft man. I
Would literally like put myself, you know what I'm saying, I would literally like pooped myself like legitimately
That's some crazy shit. That's some next-level
Wash go hurry
You okay? Yeah
But I didn't get much out of Standish before these sable guys stepped in and told me to back off
What's the deal?
All they care about is keeping him quiet
Because he knows about Devil's breath, right? Whatever the hell that is
I'm working on that. I think I just got a lead a lead. You sound like a cop, don't you mean?
spider cop
Yuri, that's fair
Okay, so we've completed that listen
He's safe. Okay
They were looking for a name you got a pen. Yeah go. Dr. Isaac Delaney, okay
Dr. Isaac Delaney, okay. All right. Let's get this
thing under control what we can get here a
Surprise attack, that's not bad
I kind of want to get maybe that because that might be a
Spidey situation. What is this press and
Press triangle after perfect dodging
Rifle and pistol enemies for an instant takedown. Oh, oh, that's gonna be nice
that's gonna be really nice guys they have
Swinging kicks now knock over shield enemies. Oh, that would be so good
Mm-hmm. Very good. Okay. Let's get back to the combo. Tell me
Come on, just give me a few. Oh, and before I forget you lift that tracker from tombstones at my place
I'll drop it at dr. Octavius's lab. I'll let you know what I find on Delaney
Okay, okay guys that's pretty awesome that's pretty good I think
Okay, let's get it let's get it and then we're gonna end the episodes
Here's your stuff
Farm in the truck gotta neutralize it
There's a bomb in the truck got it a sandwich
Hello all you're still you're still daddy
Well, let me treat you
Okay, guys
I'm pretty happy with this. That was pretty good
We finally managed to do one of these cars mission, you know without failing. So that's something
Science project. Yeah, I know budget crisis yadda yadda yadda, so
Will you
Please check it out
There's the magic word. I hope it's some kids science project man. I miss those days
School projects are so much easier than real-life projects
Alright guys, we will leave that for the next part and I think we're gonna end this episode right here
I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did
And if you did do me a favor and smash this like button and you know
Share that video with your friends and I will see you guys with the next video pretty soon
Pete out. Peace
How To Make More Money - Make Money With 1 Simple Rule - Duration: 5:45.
if you want to learn how to make more money in your business and your job or
in your hobby whatever you're doing stay tuned to the end of this video because
I'm gonna give you the one irrefutable law that you need to know about making
more money and how you can change your life in doing so and that's coming up
right now what's going on guys my name is Gabe Ekemezie I'm your internet
marketing guide and welcome to my channel on my channel I talk everything
entrepreneurship and I help people build their business and brand online so that
you can live the life that you deserve so this is your first time stopping by
feel free to subscribe to my channel and in this video we're talking about how do
you make more money okay I'm gonna dive right into it because it's a really
simple concept way that you make more money and whatever industry you're in is
by bringing more value to the marketplace you would get paid based off
of the value you are bringing to the marketplace so what does that all mean
so a man by the nerve Jim Rome actually was the one that brought this and if you
don't know who Jim Rohn is looking he's an extraordinary speaker and a wonderful
mentor why does some people get paid $9 an hour and some people get paid in 90
dollars or even 900 dollars and our reason is because that McDonald's worker
and respect McDonald's workers they're getting paid in $9 an hour because
they're bringing only nine dollars worth of value into the marketplace for an
hour now if you want you could storm into your boss's office and demand a
raise regardless that's not gonna be a huge change in your income at least it's
not gonna be life changing income you get paid more by increasing your value
and I can illustrate this by Jim Rohn story Jim Rohn way back in the day he
was 25 years old broke he was newly married creditors are calling him and
one day he actually had to lie to a girl scout saying that he had already bought
some cookies earlier which he didn't just to get the girls got to leave
because he didn't have enough money to afford the cookies and at that point in
time something really happened to him and he changed and he was like you know
it this is bull I don't want to be doing this anymore in five years he turned it
around made its first million dollars and years later he gets a call from a
company that requests his help to expand globally this call ends up being worth
millions of dollars so question you gotta ask yourself is how does a guy go
from broke 25 year old barely can afford a girl
scout cookies let alone his bills to getting calls worth millions of dollars
the answer is he increased his value he became more valuable in the marketplace
so here a couple tips to help you actually increase your value tip number
one is you want to learn on improving yourself if you work harder on yourself
versus your job you will increase your value and you will get paid more
accordingly those last time you read a book or bought up courts or visited a
seminar tended a mastermind in order to either learn a new skill or to develop a
skill that you already have and if your answer is I don't know that's ok hey you
know but you got to think about this if you're not investing in yourself and
developing your skills you're staying on the same Lane and you're getting paid
the same way because you're not increasing your value so focus on
improving yourself the next thing you want to focus on is results or our
results are the name of the game and the reason why you want to focus on results
is because what doesn't get measured doesn't get managed so if you're a
salesperson and you're supposed to make 10 sales calls a week and the end of the
week comes and you only made to look at the numbers your results don't lie all
right the truth will set you free and that truth is you're messing up you need
to change your ways change your habits and start making ten calls a week so
that you can start getting the results that you want in life or ask to make
measurable progress within a reasonable amount of time you want to use results
as your ruler as your measuring stick to see where you are and to see where
you're going and to kind of gauge between them because your results are
gonna help you gauge what you need to change and help you develop the right
habits that you need and continue to increase your value in a positive manner
last but not least you want to focus on mastery versus multitasking and now a
lot of people don't make progress because they're just trying to do too
much they're just trying to juggle too many things at one time nobody said you
can't do more than one thing but if you're just getting started and you
haven't mastered something for it master that one thing for it so the reason
being when you master something for it your value increases significantly like
the saying goes I don't fear the man that knows 10,000 cakes
I fear the man that knows one cake and has practiced it 10,000 times
anybody that's professional in this that's making a good amount of money has
mastered a sign crap think about LeBron James he's messed the craft of
basketball or Elon Musk who's mastered the craft of entrepreneurship and
building businesses find a problem find something in the marketplace master of
craft where you fill a need and you solve problems when you do that you are
gonna get paid accordingly and your income is going to grow and that's it
guys that's how you get paid more that's how you increase your income it's by
increasing your value you get paid by the value you bring to the marketplace
and the way that you bring value into the marketplace is by first increasing
the value of you you gotta learn to work harder on yourself versus work harder on
a job or work harder and any other things by using results as our guide by
building the right habits and by focusing on mastery versus multi-tasking
to help us continue building our value up and if we build our value of the
marketplace we'll pay accordingly I promise you that so that's it guys I
hope this video was helpful for you if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet
go ahead and do so and also leave a comment down below with any of your
thoughts once again my name is Gabe Ekemezie thank you all for tuning in and
I will catch you guys on another video
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