4 signals that your body sends you to tell you that something is not quite right.
Since ancient times, medicine has used some changes in the body on an external level to
determine what is happening internally and is not quite right.
This form of diagnosis is still what many doctors use, even though technology has become
the most accurate way to diagnose different diseases.
The Chinese medical system and other oriental therapies are a clear example of this form
of diagnosis, which consists of looking for all kinds of changes or alterations in the
body to suspect that there is an abnormality in the body.
The good news is that this series of signals sent by the body when something is not quite
right can be used as alerts to detect different diseases in time , so that they can be diagnosed
in time and it is easier to give them timely treatment.
Through the color or smell of urine it is possible to detect that something is happening
in our body and that we must pay close attention before it becomes a problem.
The urine of a healthy person should have a light yellow color and a particular smell
that is not strong.
Color: Thanks to the color of the urine it is possible to detect every day the degree
of hydration of the body.
A light colored urine means that the body is well hydrated and in its normal state.
On the other hand, dark urine is an indicator of dehydration or malfunction of the kidney
, responsible for eliminating harmful substances from the body through the urine.
Frequency of urination : Urinating too often is a common symptom in people suffering from
diabetes or urinary tract infections . This problem is also associated with excessive
alcohol consumption, pregnancy and weakened muscles.
Smell: The strong smell in the urine can also be an indication that something is not quite
If this smell adds to the dark color and the frequent desire to urinate, it is best to
consult the doctor immediately.
Blood in the urine: Bleeding in the urine is a common symptom of a disease of the urinary
tract or kidney . The most common case is one that signals kidney stones.
Loss or sudden increase in weight.
The loss and gain of weight is a rise and fall in which many people are frequently,
since this usually depends on the type of diet and lifestyle of each person.
However, a sudden increase or loss of weight is something that should not be ignored for
any reason, as it is a clear sign that something serious may be happening.
When a person suddenly gains a significant amount of kilos, this may indicate that they
have imbalances in the thyroid gland , fluid retention, heart or kidney problems, or pregnancy.
On the other hand, if instead of winning, before losing many kilos without any explanation,
it is important to consult the doctor as it is a warning sign of cancer.
Alterations in the skin.
The skin is our most extensive tissue and is also the most exposed to a large number
of factors that can alter it.
It is important to review it frequently, since almost always, through it, many of the problems
or health disorders that we have internally are reflected.
If the check the skin you see changes in color, appearance of moles or spots, severe acne
problems or other conditions, it is best to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis
and prevent serious diseases such as skin cancer.
Alterations in the nails.
Changes or alterations in the nails can be a symptom of different types of diseases.
The nails are part of our personal image, but they are also a window to detect that
something is not right in our body.
Pale nails: If your nails lose their shine and you start to feel pale, you may be alerting
to an anemia problem and a lack of red blood cells.
In this case, it is good to consult the doctor and improve the diet by consuming foods rich
in iron.
Cracked and brittle nails: Cracked and fragile nails can indicate problems in the thyroid.
Thickened and yellowish nails : This type of nail is indicating that there is fungal
presence , which can spread over the entire surface of
the nail.
For more infomation >> 4 signals that your body sends you to tell you that something is not quite right | Natural Health - Duration: 5:12.-------------------------------------------
Do You Have Empty Nest Syndrome? - Duration: 2:28.
Although the term "Empt Nest Syndrome" might not seem real, it is.
It is a term that describes how parents feel after their children grow up and leave the
It only lasts a little while but it is a real thing.
Parents still worry about their grown children and a study shows that they actually lose
sleep worrying so much about them after they are gone and on their own.
A study was done by researchers at Penn State University, Brigham Young, and the University
of Texas at Austin showing that parents go through a trasnitional period where they actually
lose sleep worrying so much after their children leave the home.
During the study conducted by these researchers, they found that it is not just the moms who
worry but their dad's worry about them too and they also lose sleep over worrying about
their adult children being out in the world by themselves.
The study also found that the reason for these parents having "empty nest syndrome" is
because they are way too involved in their children's lives.
However, if you suffer from "empty nest syndrome" do not worry, there is something
you can do to ease the symptoms associated with it.
The good news besides knowing something can be done about this problem, is that you should
also know that it is normal to have these feelings of sadness and worry.
It is normal to miss your kids and worry about them even if they are all grown up and out
on their own.
One thing you can do is realize that having stress because of this is not the problem
but the real problem is not having the ability to cope with that stress.
If you can not deal with it good enough, you can end up with suppressing your immune system
which can lead to illness.
The things that you can do to cope with "empty nest symdrome" include:
● Excersing every day ● Eating a well balanced and nutritional
diet ● Keeping a journal to write down your thoughts
● Take time for yourself every once in a while
● Reduce the consumption of alcohol and caffeine
● Volunteer in your community ● Talk to someone about how you feel
After doing these things, you will be living a healthier life and keeping yourself busy
enough to where you can cope with the problems of "empty nest syndrome."
Please help other families by SHARING this on social media.
Palestinians: If you won't speak to any Israelis, how can you solve the conflict? - Duration: 12:41.
Zim Ramallah
Ahmad Bethlehem
This conflict will remain until Judgement day
because even if there was peace
it would not be peace
What does he mean by that part?
Because this land is occupied Our land is occupied
This land is for the Palestinians and everyone knows this
Abdullah Ramallah
The solution is that the refugees come back
from the diaspora
and their properties (in Israel)
be given back to them
because they were taken away by force
Ok, but that didn't answer the question
How can you solve a conflict if you won't speak to the other side?
There are different ways to solve a conflict
there are some Arab states that have relations with Israel
but if these political relations
mean that they have to admit to the existence of Israel
then that's not correct that's not good
Nadine Jerusalem
Yes, of course
I believe that we should talk to them
but only on certain subjects that we have to
talk to them about
I don't think that we should have friendships or relationships with them
For example, one area that we have to talk to them is
when you go to checkpoints
because this is something imposed on us
But maybe if Israelis knew how you suffered
if you told them personally one on one
then maybe things would change
or start to change
Not all of them, actually
most of them, ok...
Some people would empathize with us
Some people would empathize with us and speak to us but not all of them
But some is good some is better than nothing
I know
Of course
Of course, there are some people who are good in every people
every group
people or country
but most of them are not good
and they are an occupying people
What do you think of normalization?
Mohammad Zaatara
Normalization with? - With the Israeli people
First of all, we like peace
and about
if we had a two state solution
and then there was normalization with Israel, it would be better and better
but without solving the Palestinian cause
then normalization would end Palestine
but if there were peace or a two state solution
then normalization would help us
Explain normalization now
Normalization is happening between Israel and the Arab nations
but what we want
is to have a Palestinian state and a Jewish state
The solution is both sides to live in peace
So what is normalization now? You were explaining before
let's say there is normalization What happens to Palestinians?
We want normalization
we want peace
we want the Palestinian cause to be solved
What do you consider solved?
For us to have our own nation
to have a Palestinian state
Majd Nablus
Normalization is right now in many ways effecting and impacting the Palestinians
I am going to ask negatively or positively
Because in the end, we are all
the weaker party
If you can't meet Israelis?
Yes, if normalization means that you can't meet Israelis
then how do you expect to make peace
Solving the conflict, maybe... and he did "this" with his hands
like it's not going to happen
because in the Quran it mentions that our conflict with them (Jews)
is going to be until Judgement day
So he just doesn't see a point
A point in what?
in finding solutions
Solving the conflict however you want to call it
To solve the conflict they would have to leave the West Bank
We would live in our own country They would live in their own country
Amjad Jerusalem
What kind of normalization?
Speaking to Israelis, speaking to Jews
There is no problem
no problem
Would you speak to Israeli people or is that normalization?
Arafat Hebron
In my point of view any speaking with any Israelis
especially those in the occupied lands
would be considered normalization
and I am against this
By occupied lands, does he mean 1967 or 1948?
So I am talking about all of Palestine 1967 and 1948
So how does he expect to solve the conflict
if he can't even speak to Israelis?
First of all, this is not a conflict
this is a right and the Israelis took this right
and it is our...
and we have to defend it
to get it back
Meaning the land?
Yes, it is our land
We have no problem with Judaism
as a religion
Our problem is with the Zionists
If he doesn't dialogue with the Zionists
then how can he solve the problem?
This is considered to be the last occupation
on earth
and there have been
great nations that have occupied other Arab nations
and in the end, they left
and this is what will happen in the end in Palestine
KFC Style Popcorn Chicken Recipe || Chicken Recipes || Live Food - Duration: 2:32.
Popcorn Chicken
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