(voice) Leo, Leo, wake up?
Leo : ... What?
(voice) : Do you remember your favorite game?
(voice) : Grandmother's footsteps?
Leo : Who... Who are you?
(voice) : The rules have changed, when I say "footsteps"...
Leo : But, but I don't want to...
(voice) : Well... We can talk... I said, when i say "footsteps", if you move...
(voice) : and if you move, I'll paint this place with your blood
(voice) : Though, if you succeed, you can still escape
(voice) : Grand… mo… ther's footsteps.
(voice) : You've got it, good.
(voice) : Grand… mo… ther's footsteps.
(voice) : Grand… mo… ther's footsteps.
Leo : Give me the keys !
(voice) : Grand… mo… ther's footsteps.
(voice) : Grand..
Leo : Where are they?
(voice) : You mean, these key?
Leo : Give me the keys
For more infomation >> VIDEOTAPES. tape2 - You can move when the sun goes out - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
VIDEOTAPES. tape3 - Count to two and you'll see three - Duration: 4:29.
Max : Hello
Max : Yeah fine, you?
Max : Well, whenever ?
Max : 1pm ? Yeah, fine by me.
Max : Let's do so, see you.
Max : Sam?
Sam : Damn you took some time !
Max : Yeah I know… I received something strange.
Sam : Feels strange.
Max : Definitely.
Sam : A videotape ?
Max : How do you know ?
Sam : I got one too.
Max : You might think I'm crazy… But I think it's Joseph…
Sam : No… you must be kidding me ?
Max : I know it sounds crazy… But it was his kind of « jokes ».
Sam : I don't know… You were at his funeral, I wasn't so I can't tell.
Max : I know, but the thing is that I didn't actually see the body…
Sam : See, you're not sure.
Max : You, you were in a coma whilst we buried him.
Sam : … I saw the video at least five times, and I can assure you a hundred percent that there's a reflection of Leo in a mirror.
Max : Leo… Leo really ?
Sam : Yes
Max : You actually think that Leo could do us such a thing ? I mean to us ?
Sam : Why not?
Max : Leo? No... We were close she would never do such a crazy thing.
Sam : She was Joseph's favourite… There's no possible doubt…
Sam : Did you see your message ?
Max : A message ? What message ?
Sam : On the videotape ? You can remember it, can't you ?
Max : ...
Sam : So we meet here, and you don't even tell me about it ? You think I'm a fucking idiot ?
Max : Do never push me like that again ! You psycho !
Sam : Do you remember what game we used to play as kids ?
Max : Yeah… Grandmother's footsteps ? Why?
Sam : Knowing that we could have fun…
Max : Sam?
Max : What the fuck have you done ?
Sam : Help me, the game isn't over yet.
Max : How did you get in ?
Sam : I cat sitted here once…
Sam : She's fine don't worry
Sam : Push yourself
Max : I already told you not to touch me
Sam : Wait
Max : Oh come back ! I need help.
Drake x Jhene Aiko Type Beat 2018 - "Into You" | Free Type Beat | SoulTrap/R&B Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 4:04.
This Beat is Available For Licensing at: www.normatikmusik.com
什么人适合戴什么玉?戴对了,旺运更旺命! - Duration: 13:39.
How Patricia Fripp Started Her Career - Duration: 0:47.
Before I was a rich and famous speaker, I spent 24 years behind a hair styling
chair. And when I was a 15 year old shampoo girl in England, we had all these
rich, glamorous women as customers, and as soon as I got to know them, I used to say
What were you doing when you were my age? How did you make your money? Did you make
it yourself or did you marry it? My brother, Robert Fripp, is always saying,
sister you ask people such personal questions, and in all my decades of asking
questions, no one has ever said "it's none of your damn business,"
because people love talking about themselves when you are genuinely
interested. And that is a great way to get smarter, ask questions.
Road to Victory Royale *PART 1* [Fortnite BR] - Duration: 10:11.
mm oh this is weird this is awkward how's it going I'm just kidding me okay
I'll stop right there oh okay so um this is my name is slim shady I'm gonna
start doing like basically it's a documentary well I'm not like that not a
documentary but I'm gonna start like documenting my progress of the game it
is my first time actually talking to like I guess the people wait and this is
really weird for like I'm have to get used to it so I'm doing like a like a
little doctor I want I resent this so I'm gonna document my progress right
because I want to get good at the game I want to say that I'm good instead of
like being a garbage player than I am I'm gonna have fun with the game and
like it's so hard it's it's so hard and my control is broken and my Wi-Fi is bad
I lack all the time and my left joystick doesn't it doesn't let me sprint so
that's a big a big no-no and so this is the first game right I'm behaving like
this so this is day one of my progress of how I'm doing good or bad and this is
the first game and I can tell you that I get so stressed out because it's so hard
I die I don't get good landings and is on track and I'm so frustrated
okay so after all that time dying I finally had a one good game I was
playing for like an hour around an hour trying to play and I couldn't even get
past like the first 20 people I died in the in the top 100 so this one
I landed on this one little like factory spot next to flush Factory you hear a
little clicking sound I have no idea what that is I have no clue what that is
and choose me on because I think that it's like oh yeah oh forget it forget
that but I saw a little bunny guy landing and I'm scared because the bunny
and I was like where is he and he landed with me and I was it was
yeah I knew he was gonna come out of this boy I was like in shock right there
cuz I was surprised like I actually got him with all that I hit him with one
shot right in the head I mess around like I was scared
okay so then I was moving through we were moving by salty I was nearing salty
I passed salty there was nothing and there was nobody there
I couldn't I even find anybody for the longest time I went through dot I went
to the side of the sea and then I finally started hearing someone I
finally started hearing bullets and I saw this guy with a sniper over there
and like oh my god my shot I think I need a little messy Nativity or
something cause like yeah and then right here he was coping me in and hear me
like I was like I like here he left me with thirteen health I was like right
there right that was like panicking I was like I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I
wish I was so sure I was there I was ahead I was panicking so much 10 I'm
panicking right now I had no idea how I did that I was so scared and I heard
snipers I was like I have to met up real quick I have a fast and I was right
right there I was like I'm hoping no one comes to like push me and I see now as I
was finished with my right okay I hear someone pushing I'm so scared guys did I
get the high ground so he's under me now so I have that advantage and I'm liking
right here I'm kind of lagging and I'm even right here I didn't realize a storm
coming in so he's under me
I get so scared oh wait no yeah I realize was a gal existing like in my
shot was that thought and then boom I caught him I actually got and right here
right here this is this I get nervous I get I get so nervous right here and
actually make it out of the storm with huh and I was like I actually did that I
was so surprised yep and I put a random chapter I was Shawn look for a campfire
but I don't have I didn't have one yep and I was like I don't have much health
so I have like $95 and yep I see some people there so I'm like I'm gonna go
get him from the back not gonna see it's coming yep yep and there goes my
controller again you know funking like not letting me sprint so right here and
I can start lagging again right here right here so I thought I had to mm I
was surprised but I guess I didn't and what is these those shots no I think my
it's way too high these guys I was rushing me like oh my
god chill out
so I realized the storm is coming in I'm like I don't have his last I'm excited
to believe so there's seven people left in the game and I hear that some
footsteps here side so this rocket this van and rocky down here and I for the
rockets in there hoping that like anything that I would hit him but I'm
pretty sure that he was a he Suns going down infinity heard of my shot inside of
raining down soon Santorini I miss Ames I just left
and then here I'm fucking shot by this guy he's rushing me and my walls aren't
building and right here I thought I was gonna trapping but I think I guess that
the wall behind him was his wall so he got out and I hear I was trying to shoot
him I don't know what I was thinking and I was just going to shoot down his wall
I wasn't at home I'm not here yet yeah he destroys much
that's it that's the end of the game that's it I died I mean I did alright
and then look we get you guys his default and I get like some rose like
what can I get this guy but yeah so that was the first doesn't
my first game I think I'm doing all right
but yeah I'm looking playing if I can get better
James Hardie Preferred Contractors Naperville IL 847-427-6200 Preferred Contractors Naperville IL - Duration: 2:32.
James Hardie Preferred Contractors Naperville IL
Chicagoland Builders is proud to be an "Elite Preferred Contractor" with James Hardie Fiber
Cement Siding.
Which is the top ranking supplier in the industry.
You want to ensure you're buying the best possible product when you choose to re-side
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James Hardie invented fiber cement and remains the leader in the field.
Siding is exposed to Mother Nature all day, every day, for years.
Weather, water, time, fire and pests—all can lead to trouble.
That's why James Hardie's hardworking products are engineered to stand up beautifully,
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James Hardie® fiber cement products combine beautiful design with high performance.
Time and time again, James Hardie siding beats their competitors on both curb appeal and
James Hardie ColorPlus® Baked-on technology has greater resistance to fading, chipping
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Their ColorPlus Technology comes in a variety of gorgeous colors curated by their color
There are many reasons to choose James Hardie siding over vinyl, the first of which is appearance.
James Hardie siding is over five times thicker than vinyl, allowing for a more authentic
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Also James Hardie siding is more fire-resistant than vinyl siding.
Vinyl may crack and warp from the elements; James Hardie siding won't melt and are resistant
to warping, sagging, melting and fading.
James Hardie siding is not only less expensive than wood siding it doesn't attract pests,
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All James Hardie siding products come with a 30-year, non-prorated warranty and trim
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三小鬼逼中國簽廣場協議?沒門。 - Duration: 9:19.
Privacy is important - Duration: 2:33.
hi guys it's Michael redden again and I'm an estate planning attorney here in
Minnesota and today I'm gonna talk to you about privacy one of the major
concerns that a lot of my clients have is privacy they don't want the public to
know what their wishes were or how they disperse their assets out and that's
something you really need to consider because a will has to be probated and
probate isn't private probate is a public process where the judge is going
to put the will into a public court file anyone can come in and read it anyone
can do those kinds of things and so anyone's gonna see all of your business
if you want things to be private then you really have to have some kind of
trust based process because no one has the right to see an entire part of a
trust unless you're challenging the trust generally there's not gonna be a
court file there and in Minnesota at least there are affidavits and things
and certificates that you can give someone to prove a trust exists and to
prove certain portions of a trust without showing the whole thing so that
way you go to keep your things private and if there is anything like living
probate where you have to be declared incompetent and there's going to be a
guardian and conservator then your court file won't contain much but maybe your
social security payments your pension payments that kind of income but your
actual assets and what you spend those on those won't be included in the
conservator file because they're in the trust the trust owns them not the
conservatorship estate those are the ways that you can really keep things
private and still get your goals met the other thing you need to know is that
with these trustees you really should choose a trustee who is going to be
competent because the trustees when they make these mistakes that's when the
trust gets challenged and when the trust gets challenged in court that's where
things get out there and become a little bit messy even where the public can find
things out because there's going to be a court file for that challenge so choose
your trustees well and have a trust if you want to keep things private if you
don't really care about privacy then what will might be for you because the
will is going to be in the public's eye and if you were to be declared
incompetent and you want privacy then you're gonna need a trust to control
that if not then you have to go back that route of having a
public file so if you have any questions about this you know give me a call set
up an appointment or talk to another estate planning attorney but give me a
call and there's going to be a link down here at the bottom of the Youtube
channel where we get the comments where you can actually click if you want to
set up an appointment thank you
金秋十月谁最旺?12生肖十月运势出炉! - Duration: 17:18.
Introducing PreciousGuitarTips.com - Duration: 3:30.
hello Marco your the creator of PreciousGuitarTips.com could you please start by
presenting yourself yes sure as you said my name is Marco I am 21
years old and I'm from Brazil but at this moment I'm living in France on an
exchange program back in Brazil I have a band that it's
called Filanos I play on the band and I have been learning guitar since I was
11 years old yes and that's me
oh nice How did the idea of creating
a blog come up to you? well I always wanted to show everyone what I knew about guitar
and try to spread knowledge somehow and at the same time here in France I'm
starting to learn topics about e-business so for me I think it was the
best time like the combination of both fitted the best time for me to start a
blog and posting videos publishing content in general. What's the purpose of
your blog? well my blog is there to help guitar learners in general from
beginners to advanced players and there I'm going to be talking about music
theory, improvisation and and cool guitar tips that sometimes we don't realize
also some techniques, accessories that you can use on your guitar, so it's going
to be a very, there will be many things you can check out my blog
and I intend to post weekly so I hope everybody enjoys the
content. What's your content like? oh so Mainly I'm gonna post videos and write
articles and but I'm also gonna do photos and also audios, podcasts
sometimes because I think watching makes easier to learn as well as reading some
quick guitar tips that sometimes we don't realize we just read something
really fast and then 'oh' it's an idea that you can use in some some song or
something like that, so yes that will be it. Okay, that sounds great! Can you
play a little for us? oh yeah sure sure It will be my pleasure
Marco thank you very much we are already interested in reading
your next articles and watching your upcoming videos
good luck thank you very much it's my pleasure and I really hope you enjoy the
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