LIHO & Adam Turley - Say Now (Lyrics) | JulyNice Music 2018
For more infomation >> LIHO & Adam Turley - Say Now (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
Max Igan "How You Are Enslaved And Why You Don't Know It" (Indonesian Subtitle) - Duration: 55:02.
Kindle Publishing Scams - You will make $300 a day publishing 20 audio books. - Duration: 15:16.
Kindle publishing scams episode 2 you will make $300 a day publishing 2000
books we're gonna talk about it come on hey guys it's K-Ninja here and if
you're at all into self-publishing make sure you smash that subscribe button and
punched a little bell so you get notifications because self-publishing is
all this channel talks about and let's get into it you will make $300 a day
publishing 2000 books so in case you didn't know I'm currently running a
little scam series I don't usually talk about scams but there's so many out
there that I figured I should run a little scam series and just talk about
all the scams once in one little series just to put it out there just to raise
awareness as to what kinds of scams are going on in Kindle publishing and when I
say Kindle publishing I don't just mean publishing Kindle books I mean all of
self-publishing so I'm also talking about paperbacks and audiobooks
potentially hard covers and p3s and CD ebooks as well so this is episode 2 last
episode episode 1 we talked about Fiverr today we're gonna talk about how you can
make $300 a day publishing just 20 audiobooks you don't have to be a rocket
scientist to do it you can be 15 years old and you can make 300 bucks a day by
publishing 20 all the old books it doesn't even actually have to be 20
you could publish 14 and then bundle up a bunch of those and you could make 20
audiobooks out of that so why is this a scam if someone tells you you can make
300 bucks today Publishing 2000 books because they did it isn't that being
transparent if they show you the screenshots if they show you them on the
computer and there's the money well then isn't it legit first of all all those
screenshots can be faked even if it's not a screenshot even if I point my
camera at the computer that can be faked as well everything on the Internet can
be faked so first of all don't believe what you see second of all even if it's
legit even if someone has made three hundred dollars a day with twenty
audiobooks and they can prove it it's still illegal for them to say it and the
reason it's illegal to say it is because just because one person did it or two
people did it it doesn't mean that you're gonna do it like I could say I
made a million dollars winning the lottery you could do it too I could show
you how by my course on how to make a million dollars winning the lottery
because I did it so I know a lot about it so spend money on my course and you
could make a million dollars too now to make an income claim like that is
illegal and I'll tell you what the law is the FTC also known as the Federal
Trade Commission calls any income claim that you make if you're selling a
product or if you're promoting an affiliate product or whatever you're
doing any income claim that you make must be substantiated and if you're
selling a course by substantiated it means you have to show a report of every
single person to bought your course in exactly how much each person made and if
one person didn't make over 300 dollars a day then that means that you are a
scammer it means your income claim is illegal and if you're not even showing a
report according to the FTC guidelines it's illegal to make that income claim
because it's an unsubstantiated income claim even if it's true even if you
published 20 books and you're making $300 a day with them you're not allowed
to say it in the description of this video I've put a link to the FTC act
with the law in it and I myself think saying you can make $300 a day
publishing 20 all the old books is a scam it's an unsubstantiated income
claim and not only that it's also considered an outrageous claim which
you'll also find in the FTC act because to make an outrageous claim is also
illegal now if you don't want to go through the whole FTC yeah I know it's
kind of long then I put another link in the description for you to a nice little
news article and in that article there's a video with Frank Kern and you can play
the video it's about 15 minutes and you can hear what Frank Kern has to say
about it now Frank Kern is a famous internet marketer and he got busted by
the FTC he got busted for making an unsubstantiated income claim and you
know when they bust you for an unsubstantiated income claim the way the
FTC works you know how they do it and I've spoken on the phone with the FTC a
few times this month so I think I know what I'm talking about with this anyway
based on my understanding the first thing they do is they watch you they
make notes about you they buy your products they get on your email list
they read the emails that you send them and when they feel they've got enough
goods to pull the trigger they freeze everything you've got and then you have
to go to the court now I sell a Kindle course so I could make all kinds of
income claims but I don't because it's illegal because not everyone is so smart
and there's a lot of people that just don't know any better and if you tell
them they can make 300 dollars a day by publishing 2000 books someone who is not
so smart they'll think you're being for real they'll think it's legit and
they'll pretty much buy whatever you sell them if it's got an income claim
attached to it because they're taking the income claim at face value and like
I said the income claim can even be true but if you're making the claim and
you've got something to sell or if you're promoting something like an
affiliate product and you've got links to it there
and you don't have some report that shows that everyone who took your course
is making $300 a day then you've got an unsubstantiated income claim there and
you've also got an outrageous income claim there which is also considered a
deceptive marketing tactic and therefore it's a scam even if it's true but it's
not really true now is it not if regular Joe Schmo buys the course and he
publishes 20 audiobooks but he's not able to do $300 a day now I used to be
ignorant to the whole unsubstantiated income claim thing I mean you see all
these other internet marketers doing it so you kind of assumed that it's okay
they do it like they must know the law or something because they're doing it
but no it's actually illegal and I figure this out when I got really
worried about the gdpr and then I decided to read the entire gdpr
and then after that I read the entire FPC Act and it kind of opened my eyes as
far as the legality of certain practices and marketing and some of you who are
not in the u.s. you might think oh the FTC is in the u.s. so they can't get me
because I'm not in the US so their law does not apply to me but if you're
selling to American customers they've got these international agreements that
allow them to get you in another country but say you're in a country where they
can't get you they can take out your website they can take out your PayPal
account they can take out your stripe if you don't keep your money in a bank and
you keep it in gold they'd have to go to where you are to find it but still they
can do a whole lot so just being in another country doesn't necessarily
protect you from the American FTC if you're scamming people in America then
they will go after you no matter where you are and they will do everything in
their power to get you and if you're a consumer or a competitor and you see a
scam if you should see an unsubstantiated income claim it's your
responsibility to report it to the FTC and I've got a
link in the description to a nice little page on the FTC's website there's a nice
little video there you should watch the video now there's two ways to report a
scammer you submit the little online form there to the FTC however that form
looks a little troublesome for me so I prefer to just call them and there's a
phone number on that page at that link in the description to the FTC and you
can call them and you could complain and you don't have to have both a product to
complain to them you just have to have recognized a scam but when you call them
you have to say what the scam is specifically what law was broken hello
FTC I saw this YouTube video and these people were using deceptive marketing
tactics they were making unsubstantiated income claims as well as outrageous
claims I think you should know about it and let me tell you those FTC people
they're really friendly they'll ask you some questions about it
yeah tell them what you know that's it the whole call takes about five or ten
minutes now if you're actually a competitor there's something else you
could do because when someone engages in the deceptive marketing practice like
making an unsubstantiated income claim it means that they violate antitrust
laws and that means you can sue them for everything they've got and most lawyers
will take an antitrust case contingent which means you don't have to pay
anything as long as it's a clear-cut case and they take a contingent because
they know they can win and when they win they take about 40% but you would get
free money though you have to actually go to court and that's a hassle but as a
competitor it is your responsibility to sue someone when they use deceptive
marketing tactics because when someone does that they don't only hurt their
competitors but they also hurt the entire industry because they were
running a there's a lot of burnt customers with a
foul taste in their mouth so they're less likely to buy a product from
someone who's legit because the industry has been tainted tainted with blood but
yeah it's just another way you could go if you're a competitor but anyway you
can make $300 a day with twenty audiobooks really are you serious well I
suppose that they were really good ones and if you pump them up with reviews in
the right niches it's possible I don't know about you but I've been publishing
in audiobooks for years I've got more than twenty of them and I think I really
know what I'm doing with them but could I earn three hundred dollars a day with
twenty books and will every person who takes that course do it I don't know it
sounds a little far-fetched to me now you could argue that not all of our
students have gotten there yet because of the sales cycle because it takes time
you know from when you get the book together until when you publish the book
to be able to market it to be able to get to the point where you could earn
the passive income but the FTC doesn't see it that way
so if you're gonna make an unsubstantiated income claim then you
had best be prepared for the consequences of your actions
now I'm not pointing fingers at anyone however now that you know the deal with
the law if any of you good consumers see any unsubstantiated income claims out
there then I would strongly urge you to pick up your phone and report it
especially if it's an akin deletion industry because we don't really want
any scammers in our Kindle publishing industry now if you sell a legit product
then that's fine but if you're gonna make unsubstantiated
income claims then that's not fine so I'm calling on everyone to get up off
your chairs get on the phone and call your local FTC should you see anyone who
makes an unsubstantiated income claim in our industry and you know how the FTC
decides who they go after it's not how big the
person gets it's not by how much money they make it's simply by how much
complaints they get from vigilant consumers from competitors from everyone
whether you bought the product or not if everyone else can't make unsubstantiated
income claims because it's illegal then you shouldn't be making them either why
should you get to do it and we not report you to the FTC report them to the
FTC kids I just showed you how I mean I follow the law and you're gonna step
into my industry and try to run your scam your illegal business practice
that's not how this is going down and I mean let's face it your claim is totally
unsubstantiated it is outrageous and you're illegal you are a scammer and
what I'm saying is that everyone in this Kindle publishing game who's selling a
course and is making an unsubstantiated income claim is a scammer and as a
consumer or a competitor you should be reporting these things to the FTC
because this is our industry and the last thing we need is a bunch of
scammers ruining our industry so I urge everyone call the FTC because if you see
what's going on and you don't like it and you're not part of the solution then
you're part of the problem so consider this K-Ninja's push to you to get on
up pick up a phone it's ten friggin minutes out of your day yeah there might
be some whole time once again if you're new to the channel make sure you hit
that subscribe button and hit the little bell so you get notifications see you in
the next one K-Ninja out
Back to Abnormal Again! - Duration: 8:04.
Best of the Week! - Duration: 0:55.
Yvonne Elliman - If I Can't Have You (Subtitles PT/ENG) - Duration: 2:56.
Video And Subtitle Edition Irineu Damo
Don't know why
I'm surviving every lonely day
When there's got to be
No chance for me
My life would end
And it just don't matter how I cry
My tears of love
Are a waste of time
If I turn away...
Am I strong enough to see it through?
Go crazy is what I will do
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
If I can't have you Oh oh oh - oh!
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
If I can't have you Oh oh oh...
Can't let go
And it doesn't matter how I try
I gave it all, so easily
To you my love
To dreams that never will come true
Am I strong enough to see it through?
Go crazy is what I will do
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
If I can't have you Oh oh oh - oh
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
If I can't have you Oh oh oh - oh!
Oh! If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
If I can't have you Oh oh oh, no, nobody
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
If I can't have you Oh oh oh
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
If I can't have you Oh oh oh, no, nobody
If I can't have you
I don't want nobody baby
If I can't have you Oh oh oh - oh!
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