15 Silly Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid
We always get into conversations online, and its quite an informal way to make active conversations
that are fun or sometimes that are like arguments.
But, a certain list of few mistakes can make you look silly during these conversations.
So, in this episode, let's find about 15 of them and make sure to avoid them every time.
Number one.
Your and You're "Your" is used as a possessive pronoun, for
some examples like: Your Car is slow.
Your Car is Prius.
It is a contraction of you are, in a short way.
For some examples: You're a good friend.
You're a hardworking parent.
Number two.
It's and Its.
"It's" is a contraction of "It is" or "It has."
For some examples: It's an Apple.
It's going to be a huge party.
"its" is used as a possessive pronoun again.
For some examples: This video has got its spiciness to it.
Its ears are long.
It is always a good idea to say your sentences out loud using "It is" instead of "It's."
Number three.
There, their and They're.
There/Their, always do the "That's ours!" test:
Are you talking about more than one person and about something they possess?
In that case, "their" will get you there.
"They're" is a contraction of "they are."
For example: They are very nice people, be kind to them.
Number four.
"Affect" and "Effect" The word "affect" is a verb, for example,
it can be used for: Your ability to draw will affect your income."
"Effect" is used often as a noun, as an example: The effect of motivation level on a person's
success level is well documented.
Number five.
"Then" and "Than" The word then can have many meanings to it.
They include: "at a point in time" or "in addition to."
As basics, use the word "than" when you compare something and the word "then" in all other cases.
The word "than" however is used only to compare, as an example:
"My car is faster than yours."
Number six.
Loose and Lose.
This is something that you should never mess up.
It's straightforward to understand.
If your pants are too loose, you might end up losing your pants.
Number seven.
Me, Myself and I It is always a choice between "me" and "I"
when you remove the other person from the sentence using something that doesn't sound silly.
"Myself" is used to referring to once self as in a narrative way.
For example: "I myself will look after the construction
of this house."
Number eight.
Wrong use of the apostrophe You get to use the apostrophe in two cases:
During contractions like "Don't" instead of "do not" forget to eat.
During possession where you describe: "Frank's Cadillac is black."
Number nine.
Could of, would of, should of.
They are legitimate word contractions, but when you speak them, they sound like they
sound like they end in "of" which is wrong instead of "have" which is correct.
Using "of" after could, would, and should make you look silly.
Number ten.
Complement and Compliment Complement is something that adds to or something
that supplements another or the act of doing the addition.
Complement is something that you tell someone, a beautiful thing like "you are very pretty".
Number eleven.
Fewer and Less.
The word "fewer" is used when you can count something as a comparison or for a statement.
For example: Carlo has taken fewer pictures during his
exam period."
"Less" is used when you can't count the amount.
For example: "Taniya has less incentive to do what I need."
Number twelve "Historic" and "Historical"
This is a simple thing to keep in mind.
Historic is something that is referred to a very important event.
Historical refers to something that has happened in the past, or long ago.
Number thirteen "Principal" and "principle."
The word "principal" is a noun that refers to the highest in rank or the main particpant
in place.
As an adjective, it means the most important of a set.
"Principle" however is a noun that gives the meaning of a fundamental truth, a standard
or a law.
Number fourteen "literally"
"I'm literally dying of anger."
Well, are you?
"Literally means that exactly what you say is true, and no metaphors or analogies.
Everything else is taken as figurative.
Number fifteen.
The dancing participle.
This occurs when you confusingly construct a sentence.
Let's look at an example: "After rotting in the cellar for weeks, my
neighbor brought up some apples."
This means your neighbor is a zombie who's an apple delivery guy.
Use it correctly like: My neighbor brought up some apples that had
been rotting in the cellar for weeks.
The English language can be tricky, but don't let these mistakes make you look silly.
Thanks again for watching this video, see you again with another video soon.
For more infomation >> 15 Silly Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid - Duration: 5:52.-------------------------------------------
Creamy Vegan HOT CHOCOLATE - Low Fat & Easy! - Duration: 3:20.
Creamy Vegan HOT CHOCOLATE - Low Fat & Easy!
Hi guys
So today I thought I would share with you my recipe for achieving a super creamy hot cocoa
Without any added fats. I really love having the mug of hot chocolate and with fall here
I really feel like this is the perfect dessert or treat to have on a chilly afternoon
While taking a break from work or just leisure in around the house on a cozy weekend
But before I get into the recipe, I just wanted to add a quick disclaimer with regards to the video
Please do follow the written recipe and not what you will see me
Do I did add a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch instead of one tablespoon?
Which you wouldn't think makes a great difference, but it kind of did my cocoa turned out perfectly for my taste
But it was a bit too creamy by normal standards, I guess but hey
I really wanted creamy. So even if this turned out that's a bit too much to me. It was perfect
If you want to talk with pudding
You could very well refrigerate this and it turns into the most wonderful cacao pudding type dessert ever
Enjoy and as always let me know what you think about this recipe and if you try it out into the comments below
Thank you guys so much for watching
Please don't forget as always to subscribe for my recipes leave a like and a comment down below
Let me know if you enjoyed this. I'll see you next time. Bye
Portugal. The Man - Tidal Wave (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:33.
See it in your face I can see it in your eyes
Bangin' on your chest
Actin' tough, lookin' unfazed
Trippin' over landlines
Cuttin' deep with a dull blade
Running out of unrest
Goin' out of your mind
Lonely days will follow
Days will follow
And the gaze that stuck
The halls will know your name
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
the aftershock
Triggered by the aftershock
I can see it with my own eyes
The tracks down your face
It can't be easy tryna unwind
Sleepin' on your day dreams
I'm not tryna role-play
These things can make us take the wheel
These days can break
But I'm gonna take the wheel
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
the aftershock
Triggered by the aftershock
Bet on the winners
Worst of you's born to lose
Bed with no dinner
The rest of you's born to lose
Better than zero
Worst of you's born to lose
Bet on the winners
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
Hit me like a tidal wave
Triggered by the aftershock
the aftershock
Amazing Stingray Recipe? |Catch and Cook| - Duration: 12:03.
so our usual I'm sitting here talking
about food and we've got this huge
Palmetto Roach that's like hanging out
in the window right over here what's up
guys and welcome to another video now
we're gonna do something that we haven't
done a little bit today and that is a
catch and cook video actually the cook
portion of the video a while back we
managed to hook into a nice-sized little
stingray when we're out fishing Mustang
Island if you haven't seen that video
I'll go ahead and post it above you guys
right up there try it up here so
whichever side it's supposed to be on
anyway we managed to land ourselves a
good-sized little stingray now a lot of
people are kind of against the idea of
eating stingray I don't know why it's
kind of but you know it's kind of sad
because they're a good eating fish but
I'm gonna show you just how good they
are to eat today and the way I'm gonna
go about doing that is by making a
really simple recipe now I'm gonna play
with some things that you might or might
not have access to that's totally fine
it's a real simple recipe I'm just gonna
spray the pan down with a little bit of
olive oil that way the fillets do not
stick to the pan and then I'm gonna
season it and you can use anything you
want I mean keep it real simple I'm
using some salt and some pepper
and I'm gonna throw a little bit of
habanero seasoning on there just because
I haven't tried this seasoning and I'm
kind of interested in seeing how it
now the rest of its gonna be simple
throw on a little bit of butter and I
like to put a little Parmesan cheese
just because it's a real generic
ingredient that you can always apply to
fish butter and Parmesan seasoning you
never go wrong with that so I'm gonna do
that just because it's a simple way to
prepare fish I'm going to throw it into
the oven at 375 degrees for about 15
minutes and after 15 minutes we're gonna
check on it I might cook it for just a
little bit longer than that depending on
how it looks but that's gonna be hitman
real simple recipe it's a really easy
thing to do you can do this with any
kind of fish I'm doing it with stingray
because there's a stigma against cooking
stingray for some reason that comes out
really good man we're gonna set this for
let's what's 375 so we normally go for
and how long we could before right oh
shoot no that's the temperature button
yeah it's thick fillets so I'm gonna say
yeah yeah we'll start with 15 minutes
and then we'll check it after 15 minutes
if it needs a little bit more time we'll
give it some more time they don't know
we're coming so I've got this plated out
and ready for them to go now we're gonna
Surprise them with it see what they have
to say
take a taste of it tell me what you
think just tell me
then I'll get out of your faces I know
you guys are busy
I don't like it
I love it!
you got me solid burn yes I would have
marinated it a little bit
okay just a great flavor
Savannah one more bite
so this is a kind of fish you want me to
catch more of and it's not that
the taste makes difference so
that consistency is yeah okay so at the
end of the day what's my rating on this
great one to ten what do we give it I
give it a firm 7 yeah it's like I
said edit that out
yeah I'll edit that out we'll cut out
The part where you broke the fork gone so I'd say
that texture it's a little bit different
flavors wonderful flavors great don't
like the chewiness taste very good so I
guess I would give it 8 touch in hey I
give it the texture is great I love how
it's like I didn't like it how the texture is like it is
to moms
but I do love it too up let's go one to
ten I'd give it a ten what about way
to saying I got a ten really what do you
give her mama I give it 8 that's an
average nine big A this is an A no solid
burn and yeah nine you guys get beach
time tomorrow all right well you guys
Eat it up you need your protein for the
beach tomorrow what are we gonna catch
reds Reds? She means whiting she's
colorblind red white all right so that's
the results of the Stingray now I'm
going to try a bite of a fillet now that
I've passed it yeah I haven't even
tasted it yet so now that now that we've
passed it through those guys now it's my
turn I'll take I'll take a look at it
myself to what we think all right Rachel
Rachel's feeding it to me here she wants
me a taste the bloodline
that's more tender then Dude that came up
good now taste look this looks like
turkey looks like Turkey it came it does
it tastes like Thanksgiving turkey this
is awesome South Texas turkey man
that's nice
I come out good that's not that's not
how that works that's not you don't
listen to her don't this is awesome that's
not how any of this works it's not what
I said
it tastes like dark meat turkey no she
breaks forks
want some of that on the scale of
is menhaden the worst I think that's not
the worst no skipjacks bad no for me
Snooks are the worst yeah Snook for her
barracuda for me what's the worst fish I
ever had in my life
worst worst three fish we ever had I'm
gonna guess menhaden skipjack oh jack
crevalle oh oh there you go yeah okay
worst fish I ever had in my life was
Jack Crevalle those things are awful
that's excellent call okay so on a scale
of jack crevalle
It tasted lime fire no I don't know
how you could taste jack crevalle eating
Jake Crevalle because it was 90% worms
it tasted like an oil drum those things
were terrible God it was awful
it tastes like an oil drum
terrible fish so that's the
bottom absolute worst fish I ever had in
my life was Jack Crevalle so on the
scale of jack crevalle to tilefish i'm
gonna rate this as whiting do you think
whiting is better well it takes I
actually think this is better than
whiting that dark meat turkey that's
what tastes like you you couldn't we're
gonna do a taste test where we put this
next to the turkey and see if anybody
can tell
Yeah I do man after you said
that yeah I cannot
I'm sitting here
talking about food and we've got this
huge Palmetto Roach that's like hanging
out in the window right over here we
call it we live in South Texas yeah
they're called palmetto bugs but what
they are are these giant like hissing
cockroaches that we got down here
I eat yak motley and Brian grant
whatever his name is for breakfast no can I make
a okay I made a I made a yak motley and
Angler up with brant joke eating them
for breakfast you want to make a you
wanna make a Jackie Shea and darcizzle
joke she eats em for breakfast I have a
real serious problem with this thing
right we're out of it ain't got no more
Stingray we gotta go get another one
yeah last time Rachel put a whole lot of
work and effort into the sting ray that
she cooked I did not that was part of
the whole video thing that we were doing
I wanted to make it really simple and
then it came out really good simple salt
pepper little Parmesan cheese and butter
that you throw that in any kind of fish
it's gonna come out awesome
this came out really good if you've
never tried stingray next time you catch
one if it's like a good size if it's not
let it go dude those guys are nice cut
off the stinger you're good to go if you
don't if you don't understand what I'm
saying about that check the video
because I went through the whole thing
that one that I posted earlier about us
fishing out at Mustang
I get I go through a whole thing about
about you know letting the stingrays go
but if you don't let it go don't just
leave it on the beach dont just kill it
let's bring it home cook it because
they're good in man this is we got a
little controversy going on here about
our stingrays but I guarantee you're
Not going to be disappointed you're not
gonna eat this and be like oh my god
it's like that guy was so wrong no it
might not be the greatest fish it's
not tilefsh I'm not going to compare
it to sheepshead or snapper but it's good
Rachel's favorite fish is spadefsh
I think Spadefish is better than this
but on the same level this trout whiting
and spade fish are on the same level
alright guys so that was about it that
was our stingray it came out really good
I think when it was all said and done we
got it we ended up getting a final
rating of 12 out of 10 I think that was
the math 18 out of 10
it tastes like Turkey dude it was really
good yeah I was tickled with it I
thought it came out I wasn't expecting
it to be that good after it's been in
the freezer for three months I was
concerned because it's been in the
freezer for three months and all we had
with salt pepper salt pepper and butter
hashtag #ferrykook anyway guys who
really appreciate you guys checking this
out thank you guys for watching if you
get yourself a stingray enjoy it cook
that thing up there good eating and we
will catch you guys in the next video
thank you guys like and subscribe down
below and give us a bug thumbs up
and give it a little went further this
is our new friend Adrian he's our new
family member hello Adrian alo he's not
gonna say hello he might
8 Easy Ways to Heal Athlete's Foot - Duration: 4:20.
Eight easy ways to heal athlete's foot
Athlete's foot is a contagious fungal infection that arises when the tinea fungus grows on the feet
Athlete's foot can be acquired through contact either with an infected person or somewhere else. The fungus is present eg a shower
curing athlete's foot
You can always go with a good antifungal foot powder or spray, but you don't have to
here are eight ways to cure your athlete's foot naturally one apple cider vinegar and crystal salt a
Mixture of apple cider vinegar and Himalayan crystal salt creates a potent acidic substance that makes it impossible for the fungus to live
To make a batch mix 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons of crystal salt and warm water
Soak your feet for 10 to 15 minutes when finished dry your feet thoroughly with a clean towel
- baking soda baking soda is a miracle ingredient. So it isn't surprising that it also kills athlete's foot fungus
Also called sodium bicarbonate baking soda as a natural antifungal and antibacterial
To make a foot soak combine a half cup of baking soda in a bucket of lukewarm water
Twice daily soak your feet for 20 minutes
towel dry thoroughly
3 garlic
Garlic is another spice that has great
antibacterial and antifungal properties
Studies demonstrate that garlic clove effectively kills a number of germs including tinea pedis the bacterium that causes athlete's foot
Mash 3 garlic cloves and stir them into a small tub of warm water
Soak your feet for a half an hour
Repeat once more during the evening hours for a week
For green tea in a promising 12-week study
Researchers found that patients with athlete's foot who soaked their feet in a water and green tea extract solution showed
significantly better results than those who did a water only soak
Brew up some green tea and let it cool
soak for about 10 minutes once a day
five hydrogen peroxide
hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria and fungus with ease
Because of the potent chemical makeup of hydrogen peroxide it is advisable to mix the solution with water
Also, if you have open sores or cuts on your feet be aware that submersion in hydrogen peroxide will probably sting
Combine hydrogen peroxide with a small tub of lukewarm water
The mix should be about 70% peroxide and 30% water
6 open style shoes no real magic here moisture and humidity allow bacteria and fungus to thrive
Wearing open-toed shoes eg sandals or flip-flops will help with this if you must wear business shoes at work
Don't wear tight-fitting shoes
the same goes for casual footwear
7 plain yogurt
Plain yogurt contains the acidophilus bacteria considered by some as an instant remedy for athlete's foot
While this is debatable plain yogurt is a good choice nonetheless
Plain yogurt provides a potent antidote against proliferating foot fungus
Simply dip your clean finger in some Yogo and apply to the affected areas
Allow the product to dry rinse and dry your feet thoroughly 8 tea tree oil
WebMD states that tea tree oil may provide some relief for athlete's foot
the topical application of a 10% tea tree oil cream helps relieve symptoms such as scaling inflammation itching and burning a
Tea tree oil solution with a concentration of 25 to 50 percent
Seems to clear up athlete's foot for about half of those who apply it for a period of four weeks
Another option is to mix 40 drops of essential tea tree oil in a tub of water and soak for 10 minutes
Optional after drying the feet apply a few drops directly unto the affected area
We really hope you find this video helpful and don't forget to share it with your friends and family
Thanks for watching subscribe for more videos
2Moons Original casts's feelings [Eng sub.] interview - Duration: 5:46.
MC: I want to ask about 2Moons ss2 that you guys wouldn't join it anymore
K: that they are opening for casting
ask me about feeling?
well we notice at the same time with fans
we feel up set and we are agree that we all feel very up set
because we are attach to this series for long time
1 yeas we have been passed many thing together with fans and with behind the scenes people
and today they announce about casting new casts we feel really up set
that it aren't us that will continue the series and it didn't end beautifully like in the novel
very sad about it
as we know we haven't got any reply from the copyright owner team
we very are waiting for it
yesterday day when we were at Korat event
with all SB5
we look at each other face and were numbed
that they haven't contacted us before but why they will cast new actors
ok krub sadness I kept it in side
coz it is the copyright owner's claim to do so
T: well 5 of us
are under Starhunter agency which takes care by P'Oh and P'Jane
when we will do something it depends on the managers
I'll say when we notice the announcement yesterday we are kinda shocked
in my opinion I feel worried about fans feelings
because they are await
they said no matter how long they will wait for us to continue the series next and next season
and 1 year passed. I'm afraid this will hurt their feelings
that they are await for our act
and 1 yeas of us and fans
we passed many things together
I don't want them to be disappointed
K: no we had never decline ss2
and we also not attached to any contract
and we talk to P'Oh P'Jane if there is any contact from them, our manager will agree with it
because we very love the character we got
I feel I'm still Mingkwan Bas feel he is still Wayo, in my personal felling I wan't to end the series with it
and we are up set
Yesterday we sat in the car 3-4 hours going back (to BKK) and we were so down
in stead of playing game as usual we were down
MC: how about the pay wage
T: oh it unrelated
TK: main thing we haven't got any contact
T:like we said if they have contact us we are ready for it
because we were known by this series and feel attached to the series
truly to get to continue the series til the end of the season is something very grateful
about the schedule we ask managers
if we get a chance to continue ss2 would they be ok to manage schedule
the manager says if you want to continue they will figure it out and talk about it
but now we just wanna tell about our feelings
all of us SB5 wanna continue the series
MC: how about the fans support
K: latast we went to Vietnam
T: Vietnam and Myanmar
MC: how was the fans
T: fans are so cute
in Myanmar we have notice them from social but haven't met them before
1 year already so we went to meet them 1st. time and we are very impressed
K: the airport explored
T: yeah there is many people loveing us. I feel amazed
So we have plan to go to Shanghai
Malaysia , Indonesia
and many countries
be cause we are brand ambassder of Taokaenoi in Asia and AIS for in side the country
we had a tour
soon we are getting ready to Shoot MV of SB5 new song
please looking forward to it
in the case of we aren't get to continue with 2 moons ss2
to all fans I want you to follow up 6 of us
I want you to follow our other schedule
we will do our best
and at last we would like to congrats in advance to all the new casts of 2 moons ss2
so congratulation
yes once we have been new to the series
so keep it going cheer up for you
All of My Heart: The Wedding: Cast Spoilers & Movie Photos | Heavy.com - Duration: 9:36.
All of My Heart: The Wedding: Cast Spoilers & Movie Photos | Heavy.com
Hallmark's latest fall movie, All of My Heart: The Wedding, premieres tonight at 9 p.m.
It stars Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliot, and some adorable baby goats.
This is the third movie in the delightful All of My Heart trilogy. After you read all about this movie and watch it, come back and share any comments or questions that you may have in our comments section below.
The movie premieres Saturday, September 29 at 9 p.m.
Eastern on The Hallmark Channel.
If you miss the premiere, encores will air Sept.
30 at 7 p.m. Eastern, Oct.
6 at 7 p.m., Oct. 7 at 1 p.m., and Oct.
20 at 4 p.m.
To find out what channel Hallmark is on for you, click here to go to TV Guide's listings.
Then change the "Provider" (right under TV Listings) to your local provider.
You'll be able to scroll down to see what channel Hallmark is on for you.
(To find out how to stream Hallmark's movies live, see our story here.).
If you haven't seen the first movies, All of My Heart will air Sept.
29 at 5 p.m. and Oct.
12 at 4 p.m. All of My Heart: Inn Love will air Sept.
29 at 7 p.m. Eastern and Oct.
8 at 4 p.m.
The movie stars Lacey Chabert and Brennan Elliott.
Hallmark's synopsis reads: "Jenny and Brian's wedding plans are interrupted when Meg arrives, claiming she's also an heir to their inn.
Now they must focus on raising the money to buy Meg out, and Brian considers returning to Wall Street, until Bucks County has a fundraiser.
Still, they're short on the funds they need, and an interested buyer shows up who intends to rebuild the aging structure rather than tenderly repair it like Jenny and Brian always have.
For now, though, focusing on marrying is all that matters to these loving innkeepers, who hope their happy-ever-after can be spent creating more romance in Emily's Inn.".
Lacey Chabert stars as Jenny. Lacey is a favorite in the Hallmark universe and she frequently stars in some of their best movies. Lacey's feature film debut was Lost in Space in 1998.
Her versatile resume includes Party of Five, All My Children, Baby Daddy, A Little Piece of Heaven, What if God Were the Sun?, Moonlight in Vermont, All of My Heart, Matchmaker Santa, A Royal Christmas, The Color of Rain, Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past, Mean Girls, Daddy Day Care, The Brooke Ellison Story, and more.
Her Hallmark movies include All of My Heart, Moonlight in Vermont, The Sweetest Christmas, Matchmaker Santa, My Secret Valentine, and more.
Most recently, she starred in Hallmark's Love on Safari. .
Brennan Elliott also stars in the movie as Brian. His credits include The 4400, Cold Case, CSI, What About Brian, All of My Heart: Inn Love, UnREAL, Night at the Museum: The Secret of the Tomb, Curse of Chucky, Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove, Love You Like Christmas, A Christmas Melody, Flower Shop Mysteries, and more.
He was recently in Hallmark's Christmas Encore. .
Ed Asner stars as Vern.
Hallmark viewers love Ed.
He has a long and distinguished career (he was born in 1929 and he's still going strong!) His upcoming appearances include Dead to Me, A Promise Kept, In-Security, Back of Book, Mee and McGee, Sucre, Tiger Within, Mothers of Monsters, and so much more.
He's really busy.
His already produced credits are so numerous that we can't name them all.
But they include Honor Amongst Men, Cobra Kai (Sid), The 5th Quarter (Peter), MacGuyver (the reboot, as Saul), Santa Stole Our Dog, Saving Christmas, All of My Heart: Inn Love, Michael: Every Day (Dr.
Wasserman), The Eleventh, Murdoch Mysteries, Forgive Me, Criminal Minds, The Boondocks (Ed Wuncler), Christmas on the Bayou, The Glades (Dr.
Ted Hardy), Hawaii Five-O, The Cleveland Show, Working Class (Hank), The Line (Patrick), Studio 60 (Wilson White), Center of the Universe (Art), Spider-Man (Officer Barr), ER (Dr.
James McNulty), The Closer (Carl Dobson), Mad About You (Zigmund), Hearts Afire (George), Mary Tyler Moore (Lou Grant), and so much more.
Crown MediaHeather Doerksen, Lacey Chabert, Brennan Elliott, Kirt Purdy, Daniel Cudmore.
Also starring in the movie are:.
Pauline Egan (Meg) Heather Doerksen (Casey) Daniel Cudmore (Tommy) Michael Kopsa (Gordon) Matthew Kevin Anderson (Andy) Benjamin Wilkinson (Doug) Jill Morrison (Rachel) Latonya Williams (Kim) Andrew Dunbar (Frank) Barbara Pollard (Alice) Lara Gilchrist (Susan) Serena Evans (Salesgirl) Gina Chiarelli (Florist) Steven Garr (Baker) Giovanni Mocibob (Buyer) Christina Sicoli (Assistant) Patrick Sabongui (Harry) Kirt Douglas Purdy (Minister) Ellen Ewusie (Madeline) James Kirk (Lawyer).
Here are more photos from the movie.
What did you think about the film? Let us and other viewers know your thoughts and questions in the comments below.
Giovani Bernard Fantasy: Should You Start or Sit the Bengals RB? | Heavy.com - Duration: 4:14.
Giovani Bernard Fantasy: Should You Start or Sit the Bengals RB? | Heavy.com
Joe Mixon fantasy football owners got some tough news on Friday, but we can't say it wasn't expected.
As Rotoworld revealed, the Cincinnati Bengals have ruled out Mixon for Week 4 against the Atlanta Falcons due to a knee injury.
This will be the second-straight game he'll miss.
While Mixon did get in some work on side fields during practice, the Bengals won't have him back for at least a few more weeks.
Obviously, fantasy owners don't love this situation, but if they were able to pick up Giovani Bernard on waivers, it surely helps to ease the pain.
Bernard originally popped up on the injury report this week with a thigh injury but has since been removed.
While it's all systems go for the team's No.
2 running back, the question becomes, is Bernard a must-start in Week 4? On paper, the answer certainly looks pretty obvious.
Giovani Bernard's Week 4 Fantasy Value.
In a Week 3 spot start, Bernard looked good against a solid Carolina Panthers defense, rushing 12 times for 61 yards and one touchdown.
He also caught five passes for 25 yards to round out an all-around strong fantasy day.
While Bernard received just 12 carries, there's no real cause for concern, as the only other Bengals player to get a carry was wide receiver Tyler Boyd.
The Bengals opted to go pass-heavy, but with a player like Bernard, that won't necessarily kill his fantasy value.
He's an excellent pass-catcher and saw nine targets come his way from Andy Dalton last week.
Regardless of the game flow, the 26-year-old back will be heavily involved.
Bernard's ability to haul in passes is actually a big part of what makes him such an appealing play in Week 4 as well.
On the season, the Falcons have allowed a league-high 36 receptions to opposing running backs for 255 yards and one touchdown.
For good measure, they've also given up two touchdowns on the ground to the position.
Bernard a Fantasy Must-Start in Week 4?.
It's hard to argue that you'll want to leave Bernard on your bench in any format this week.
The Falcons simply give up too many fantasy points to running backs, especially through the air.
But if you're playing in a non-PPR league, then there are a few better options than Gio this week in 10-team and some specific 12-team leagues.
Regardless, it'd take quite a bit of talent or a very loaded roster for me to bench the Bengals starting running back.
He's close to a must-start, and in PPR leagues, I'd place him in that category unless you have Alvin Kamara and Melvin Gordon (somehow) with no flex spot.
Student Athlete: Khari Blasingame - Duration: 1:22.
Definitely the most important thing for me is doing something that I'm
passionate about. And where I'm
helping people and serving a better purpose than just my own.
Put that pickaxe in your hand. Dig it into the mountain.
For me, Vanderbilt checks all the boxes really.
Playing in the SEC and then opportunity to take your academic goals to the next level.
When the day came and I got the regalia, the cap and gown, it felt way cooler than I
imagined. Definitely a sense of pride.
I try to gain the trust of my teammates and my coaches, and just make plays and so that's helped make me a
leader on this team, and eventually in my career I want to be a leader in health
care administration. I'll make it to being a CEO of a health system or a
hospital. I take a lot of pride in being a Vanderbilt student athlete. There's
been a period of growth in a place that I'll always remember.
Fortnut Season 6 - Duration: 2:01.
6 Cool Kitchen Gadgets 2019 | Best Kitchen Tools Live Test on Amazon - Duration: 4:19.
LeSean McCoy Fantasy: Should You Start or Sit the Bills RB? | Heavy.com - Duration: 3:49.
LeSean McCoy Fantasy: Should You Start or Sit the Bills RB? | Heavy.com
For fantasy football owners who opted to select Buffalo Bills running back LeSean McCoy this season, they've been largely disappointed.
Even putting aside the fact he missed Week 3 due to an injury, McCoy has been unproductive when on the field.
Now, the Bills running back enters Week 4 against the Green Bay Packers with a questionable tag due to a hip injury.
Gauging whether or not to start McCoy is a tough task currently, and with the likelihood we won't hear anything until Sunday morning, game planning won't be easy.
Whether it's for a season-long league or daily fantasy games, playing McCoy if he suits up carries plenty of risk.
Let's take a deep dive into the situation surrounding Shady McCoy and whether or not he's a player to start in Week 4.
Tough Matchup, Production Among Negative Signs.
I can safely say the Bills running back doesn't come anywhere close to passing the eye test.
If anything, there are multiple stats that will terrify most fantasy football owners.
For starters, McCoy has just 61 rushing yards, 28 receiving yards and a 3.8 yard-per-carry average over two games.
He also received just 16 carries over the first two weeks, although neither game was close.
A matchup with the Packers isn't overly-enticing either, as they've allowed 309 rushing yards and two touchdowns to opposing running backs.
One of McCoy's best assets is his ability as a pass-catching back, but the Packers have given up just 99 yards on 13 receptions to the position.
Nothing about these numbers helps the case to start McCoy, and when factoring in his rib injury, it makes the situation worse.
One hit in the wrong spot and the 30-year-old could be watching Sunday's game from the sidelines.
Is There an Argument to Start McCoy?.
On the surface, there's really not much of one to be made.
Unless you believe the fact that rookie quarterback Josh Allen's breakout performance in Week 3 can be replicated, then I'd leave McCoy on the bench.
If this were a great matchup for the Bills on the ground, we could at least make a case for starting him, but the way this situation lays out isn't appealing at all.
I'd recommend sitting McCoy in all formats, and the only way it would change is if the team says he's healthy ahead of Sunday and they plan on pushing to get him the ball.
Even then, I'd only make him a play in 14-team leagues and possibly a flex option in 12-teamers.
How To Make More Money - Make Money With 1 Simple Rule - Duration: 5:45.
if you want to learn how to make more money in your business and your job or
in your hobby whatever you're doing stay tuned to the end of this video because
I'm gonna give you the one irrefutable law that you need to know about making
more money and how you can change your life in doing so and that's coming up
right now what's going on guys my name is Gabe Ekemezie I'm your internet
marketing guide and welcome to my channel on my channel I talk everything
entrepreneurship and I help people build their business and brand online so that
you can live the life that you deserve so this is your first time stopping by
feel free to subscribe to my channel and in this video we're talking about how do
you make more money okay I'm gonna dive right into it because it's a really
simple concept way that you make more money and whatever industry you're in is
by bringing more value to the marketplace you would get paid based off
of the value you are bringing to the marketplace so what does that all mean
so a man by the nerve Jim Rome actually was the one that brought this and if you
don't know who Jim Rohn is looking he's an extraordinary speaker and a wonderful
mentor why does some people get paid $9 an hour and some people get paid in 90
dollars or even 900 dollars and our reason is because that McDonald's worker
and respect McDonald's workers they're getting paid in $9 an hour because
they're bringing only nine dollars worth of value into the marketplace for an
hour now if you want you could storm into your boss's office and demand a
raise regardless that's not gonna be a huge change in your income at least it's
not gonna be life changing income you get paid more by increasing your value
and I can illustrate this by Jim Rohn story Jim Rohn way back in the day he
was 25 years old broke he was newly married creditors are calling him and
one day he actually had to lie to a girl scout saying that he had already bought
some cookies earlier which he didn't just to get the girls got to leave
because he didn't have enough money to afford the cookies and at that point in
time something really happened to him and he changed and he was like you know
it this is bull I don't want to be doing this anymore in five years he turned it
around made its first million dollars and years later he gets a call from a
company that requests his help to expand globally this call ends up being worth
millions of dollars so question you gotta ask yourself is how does a guy go
from broke 25 year old barely can afford a girl
scout cookies let alone his bills to getting calls worth millions of dollars
the answer is he increased his value he became more valuable in the marketplace
so here a couple tips to help you actually increase your value tip number
one is you want to learn on improving yourself if you work harder on yourself
versus your job you will increase your value and you will get paid more
accordingly those last time you read a book or bought up courts or visited a
seminar tended a mastermind in order to either learn a new skill or to develop a
skill that you already have and if your answer is I don't know that's ok hey you
know but you got to think about this if you're not investing in yourself and
developing your skills you're staying on the same Lane and you're getting paid
the same way because you're not increasing your value so focus on
improving yourself the next thing you want to focus on is results or our
results are the name of the game and the reason why you want to focus on results
is because what doesn't get measured doesn't get managed so if you're a
salesperson and you're supposed to make 10 sales calls a week and the end of the
week comes and you only made to look at the numbers your results don't lie all
right the truth will set you free and that truth is you're messing up you need
to change your ways change your habits and start making ten calls a week so
that you can start getting the results that you want in life or ask to make
measurable progress within a reasonable amount of time you want to use results
as your ruler as your measuring stick to see where you are and to see where
you're going and to kind of gauge between them because your results are
gonna help you gauge what you need to change and help you develop the right
habits that you need and continue to increase your value in a positive manner
last but not least you want to focus on mastery versus multitasking and now a
lot of people don't make progress because they're just trying to do too
much they're just trying to juggle too many things at one time nobody said you
can't do more than one thing but if you're just getting started and you
haven't mastered something for it master that one thing for it so the reason
being when you master something for it your value increases significantly like
the saying goes I don't fear the man that knows 10,000 cakes
I fear the man that knows one cake and has practiced it 10,000 times
anybody that's professional in this that's making a good amount of money has
mastered a sign crap think about LeBron James he's messed the craft of
basketball or Elon Musk who's mastered the craft of entrepreneurship and
building businesses find a problem find something in the marketplace master of
craft where you fill a need and you solve problems when you do that you are
gonna get paid accordingly and your income is going to grow and that's it
guys that's how you get paid more that's how you increase your income it's by
increasing your value you get paid by the value you bring to the marketplace
and the way that you bring value into the marketplace is by first increasing
the value of you you gotta learn to work harder on yourself versus work harder on
a job or work harder and any other things by using results as our guide by
building the right habits and by focusing on mastery versus multi-tasking
to help us continue building our value up and if we build our value of the
marketplace we'll pay accordingly I promise you that so that's it guys I
hope this video was helpful for you if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet
go ahead and do so and also leave a comment down below with any of your
thoughts once again my name is Gabe Ekemezie thank you all for tuning in and
I will catch you guys on another video
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