For more infomation >> 7 Trading Tools You Realy Should be Using | Tani Forex special tutorial in Urdu and Hindi - Duration: 6:53.
Greek lesson: Three expressions with the word ''σπίτι'' - Duration: 2:40.
Hello! Welcome to another Greek lesson! In today's lesson we will see three expressions with the word "σπίτι".
Generally, "σπίτι" in Greece is very important. Most Greeks stay in the same house for their whole life.
It is rare for a Greek to sell his house and move. So the house is something like a temple.
Something very important that does not have monetary value but emotional. So, there are many expressions with the word home in Greek.
So let's see the first expression. We say, "ο Κώστας είναι από σπίτι." What does this mean;
When we say thatο Κώστας είναι από σπίτι we mean that Kostas is from a good family. From a family that has money or good reputation for society.
The second expression is "χαιρετίσματα στο σπίτι σου." When do we say this expression do you think? What do we mean by the word house here?
Well, the word house here again has the meaning of family. We say to someone to greet their family using the word "home".
With these two expressions, you can easily understand how important a home is in Greek culture.
Finally, the third expression is, "Αν δεν παινέσεις το σπίτι σου θα πέσει να σε πλακώσει" and we say that when we say good words,
when we say good words for family members or our job.
We want to say that it is very important to speak with good words and to support your own people
and your own work, because that's how they get stronger, and if you do not do it, then they will fall on you.
That's all for today, I hope this lesson helped you and you learned something new in Greek. Bye and have a nice week. See you soon.
HowTo Get Free iphonex giveaway Update2018 - Duration: 2:04.
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神准塔罗占卜:秋天来了,你的财运会如何发展? - Duration: 3:28.
Unity PlayMaker raycast random bullet holes - Duration: 11:54.
hi I'm Djaydino from Jinxtergames and this tutorial is about how you can Raycast
bullet holes and use pooling but first I would like to thank everyone who
purchased my play maker samples on the asset store I would also like to ask if
you could rate my asset and maybe give review again thank you ok so let's get
started I'm using Pooler and you can find this on the asset store but it's
pretty limited actually but it's okay for this tutorial so you might use a
different kind of pool system and what i'm doing here is set up some pools and
initiate some objects from bullet hole 1 and i do the same for bullet hole 2 and
bullets hole 3 then let's go on the player
and here I have my shoot FSM and the first thing I do here is my get mouse
button down so when I press my mouse I'm gonna do something and I'm gonna raycast
and I'm gonna raycast from the weapon tip and the weapon tip is in my camera
actually because I'm doing the rotation with my camera and it's also not set on
the tip from the weapon actually but on the center from the camera straight
forward because I want it to match on my crosshair so that's why it's centered
there so the raycast is gonna start from there
and it's gonna raycast in the direction z and it's gonna be forward then on
space self and a distance of 100 the distance also depends on your weapons of
course and on your own setup then I have a hit event and a no hit event and
actually I use racast 2 and you can also find it on the ecosystem because
this has this no hit event and I like to have this so that's why I use this one
and I think that's about the only difference with a normal ray cast
then I store the hit object and I'm storing the object because I want to
know what tag the object has so if I hit the roof I know that it's gonna be a
roof because I have a roof tag then I stored a hit point and that's gonna be
the position where the raycast hit and then I'm storing the hit normal and
that's gonna be the rotation from the object will hit so then when I don't hit
anything I just go back here next frame and go back to the mouse listener so
when I hit something then I'm gonna first check here my array so I have an
array where I gonna store all my bullet holes and if it's reached 20 then it's a
maximum bullet holes and I should remove one of their holes and that's to prevent
lag and so in here then if I need to remove something I
have this area yet and I'm gonna get from index zero the object then I'm
going to delete that from index 0 and then I also gonna destroy the store and
actually you're not destroying but disabling so that's why the pooler then
let's go back here so if it's less than 20 we can just go here and then we're
gonna check if it's the roof because on the roof I made it so that I only want
one kind of bullets and on the other places I do just a random so that's why
I do this tag compare you can also use tax which if we have multiple objects
and you want different textures for each object all is possible just expand
this with several options if you wish that's all up to you but I kept it
a bit more simple so if I hit the roof I'm just gonna set this string Bullet
hole 2 and if I didn't hit the roof I'm gonna get a random string and that's
gonna be bullet hole 1 bullet hole 2 bullet hole three and I'm storing this in
this pool string variable then I'm gonna spawn it and the first
thing I'm gonna do here is this quaternion look rotation and this is
actually to get the exact rotation you'll see if you would just get this
hit normal and just use the rotation to spawn it then you wouldn't get the right
rotation so that's why I use this quaternion look rotation so that's gonna
give then good result but this is also giving a quaternion and it's not giving
a standard rotation so I can't do this directly with this Pooler spawn and
that's why I use the set rotation below but let me explain where's the Pooler
spawn so the spawn I have the name of the pool and that's gonna be this pool
variable so if I have if I hit the roof it's going to be that bullet hole 2
and else it's gonna be a random 1, 2 or 3 and then I use the hit point
for the position and the rotation I do nothing but I am storing the object so I
can still do something else to that object and that's what I'm doing here so
here I have this store object and I use this quaternion rotation so what I
did here the store hit normal and the result is rotation and place this here
in the quaternion and in space world and I have to do this only once so no every
frame then I have this array add and I'm gonna store the bullet hole that I
spawned here I'm gonna store that in this bullet holes array so that's just
to know if there are 20 objects and also to disable objects in here so here
delete at from the go bullet holes and so every time the last
one gonna be destroyed or disabled and once I spawned it I go to next frame and
go back to the mouse listener that's it so let me just play this one's shooting
here you can see they all stay the same and you see also they are going away
after 20 hits and of course you can adjust that and also you can later on
II make it with some animations that they fade out and stuff but that's all up
to you okay now we're gonna need to use an offset else our image can be inside
the wall and you get a flickering effect or sometimes you don't see the bullet
holes at all so that's why we need to have it a little bit in front of the
wall or the object and there are two ways that I'm using and one of them is
just on a prefab so I'll show you the prefab here that's just an empty object and
inside of that I have my plane with my image on it and I have the rotation X
set to 90 but it's possible that you need to have a different rotation and I
have my position Z to 0.0002 and this will make it that it's gonna be a little bit
in front but we can also do this in a different way and then we set this to 0
0 0 and now you would have the problem again but we can go here to the spawn
bullet hole and we're gonna add some actions so vector 3 operator and then
vector 1 is gonna be store hit normal and then vector to we're gonna set zero
point zero zero zero two zero point zero zero zero two zero point zero zero zero
two then multiply and we gonna result this to hit point then we're gonna
do another action vector three IDI and on the store hit point we're gonna
add this ad to hit point so it's gonna add a little bit on each direction
actually because I don't know immediately which side is gonna be the
front so if I only put Z to zero point zero zero two two it could be that when
I shoot on the floor I still gonna have this issue so that's why you need to do
it on all so actually your decal is going to be moved in three ways but it's
just so small that with the eye you cannot see the difference so that's another way and
I will just play this so you can see that this works good on the floor looks
good then let me turn this off and then you can see the difference
and now you can see this is the effect we don't want to have so that's how we
can make bullet holes thank you for watching if you liked the tutorial
please like the video and don't forget to subscribe to my channel you can
support my work by becoming a patron at patreon or donate me with paypal or
purchase my assets on the asset store you can find the links in the
descriptions below
SAVE money on tyres for your Electric car or standard Car 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 5:17.
on this week's video we're going to be talking about how to get the cheapest
car tyres for your car how to really really get the cheapest tyres available
on the market anywhere the maximum tricks you can do to get down the price
of your rubber I'm Nicolas Remo I make videos every single week about vehicles
electric transport if you're interested in the future of electric cars subscribe
to my channel down below and you'll learn more and more about this exciting
journey as I go through it yourself with you
so were talking about how to maximise the
money that you save when you buying rubber for your cars tyres how to really
really drill down to the cheapest price possible now there's there's a long
route and a short route on depending on how much money you want to save on your
tyres if you want to completely maximise the saving watch this entire video if
you want to skip to the just the cheapest tyres about trying to maximise
the saving and get a bit more extra money then there's a skip point in the
description below click that and it'll skip you to the further websites or get
some money up if you follow this full tip you'll get the most amount of money
off so firstly you need to sign up to a website called top cashback link in the
description below if you used my referral link in there they sometimes
run promotions where you get a free five or sometimes a free six pound for
signing up the topcashback if you don't know what a cashback website is they're
basically a company that just pay you cash back for going signing on
their website and then referring you to whichever shop or store you need to buy
something from so it doesn't just work for tyres it will work for other
products I bought stuff from AO.com which do appliances I bought stuff from
Mark Spencer's next all sorts of online shopping basically any shopping that you
do top cashback usually have a basically a system worked into that company to pay
you referral the way that works is normally if
there's an advert let's say you're just on a random internet page and there's an
advert for a company the company that displays that advert gets a commission
for referring you and basically top cashback just share that referral money
with you so you don't pay any extra the items on the website you pay the same
amount you just get some cash back for free there's an incentive so once you
signed up to top cashback you can then search for blackcircle, black circle is
the cheapest I found for my E-v tires for my Renault Zoe
their Michelin Ev tyres they were the cheapest I could find anywhere for that
type of tire if you read in this video after it's been posted then try the rest
of web sites were going through if you just want Renault Zoe tyres E-V tyres
at the moment when this video is published black circle of the cheapest
£102 for the 16 inch Ev energy-saving tyres do they if you go
through the top cashback website referral that's in the description down
below you'll get to 2.02% back cash back from the final price of those
tyres on top of the saving that you get there the other wants to try are
mytyres they're 4.04% the other etyres.co.uk there on the
top cashback website and there's also tyresonthedrive.com now all these
websites offer two services mail delivery so they deliver the tire to
wherever you want and you pay for your own fitting they also offer fitted price
so you you can have the tyre priced off them and the tyre for price for having
it fitted and dispose of your tyres in one compounded price this opt up to you
two ways you can do it you can either ring your local tyre company and ask
them what the charge per fitting the tyre and then get a price for mail order
tyres and see if it's cheaper that way that's one way of doing it you can also
bring your local tyre company and see if they'll price match the price you've had
off blackcircle or any of the other websites I've just mentioned before so
they are the best possible ways for me obviously because I own a garage
sometimes for me it's cheap to order the tyres from
blackcircle and fit them myself because very very very often companies like
blackcircle get a far far better price on tyres then I can ever get as a garage
and that means that there's some massive savings the reason for this is they're
buying thousands and thousands and thousands of tyres in one go and I'll
only be buying two or three every now and again from Michelin so because of this
they get a massive discounted prices so ring your local garage find out what the
charge per fitting get a price for mail-order and also get a price for just
just a fitted price and just see which one can get the cheapest if you've saved
money using this tip please leave a comment down the description below
if I've saved you quite a lot I'm gonna using my tips or in the past please
consider being a patreon by clicking the patreon link also don't forget to
subscribe to our videos down here and also don't forget to watch my other
videos down here thanks very much for watching and I'll see you again next
week goodbye
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