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For more infomation >> Rs1 Sale | Flipkart Big Billion Day Sale | Oppo F9 at 4000 only in Hindi | Thetechtv - Duration: 4:52.
you are the moon - Duration: 3:24.
Shadows all around you as you
surface from the dark
emerging from the gentle grip
of night's unfolding arms
darkness, darkness everywhere
do you feel alone?
the subtle grace of gravity
the heavy weight of stone
you don't see what you possess
a beauty calm and clear
that floods the sky
and blurs the darkness
like a chandelier
all the light that you possess
is skewed by lakes and seas
the shattered surface, so imperfect
is all that you believe
i will bring a mirror
so silver, so exact
so precise and so pristine
a perfect pane of glass
i will set the mirror up
to face the blackened sky
you will see your beauty
every moment that you rise
Tanja und Kai - I don't like the Sex with you - Duration: 2:18.
it's just kind of misunderstanding
all in all we are a good match and
it's sort of a speculation
but I don't think you're that bad
I tell the truth
you tell the truth
but we just got another truth
it's just that I don't like the sex with you
the way you touch me it's not good
so tell me how you wanna be touched
you just gotta know it
It doesn't matter that you're kind of skinny
and I don't care that you smoke
It doesn't matter that you like pornography
and that you wear tiger tangas
you're looking good
you're looking good to me
But I don't like the sex with you
The way you touch me
it's not good
So tell me how you wanna be touched
You just gotta know it
I don't like the sex with you
The way you touch me it's not good
So tell me how you wanna be touched
You just gotta know it
You just gotta know it
明明很難過,卻總是在強顏歡笑的星座! - Duration: 3:28.
New Comics for October 3, 2018 - Duration: 8:05.
Welcome to BMA Comics Con.
Today we will be looking at the comic books being released October 3, 2018.
Watch this til the end and find out how you might win one of these comics.
This Spider-Geddon tie-in hopefully will end up spinning into its own series.
Or mini-series at least.
What we have here is Doc Oc becoming the Superior Octopus to protect San Francisco.
His methods are not that of a traditional superhero.
But you would expect that from a reformed villain.
Deathstroke has been sentenced to Arkham Asylum.
And now he may be the one hunted for a change.
Not that a story like this hasn't been done before but it seems the comics are beating
CW's Arrow to this storyline as this season of Arrow will have Oliver Queen in prison
with the criminals he's put away.
A new tie in to Infinity Wars, this 4-part mini-series follows Sleepwaker, the protector
of the Mindscape.
The gathering of the Infinity Stones threatens the Mindscape and Sleepwalker is looking to
save it.
After her MCU debut in Iron Fist Season 2, Typhoid Mary is back in Marvel Comics.
Her goal is to take over Hell's Kitchen and first up to stop is Spider-Man.
She will be reappearing once a month for now giving us Typhoid Fever.
Coming to Marvel Digital is Iron Fist.
This first issue will contain both issues 1 & 2.
I guess if Iron Fist Season 2 got you back in the mood for Iron Fist here is where you
can get more.
In case you didn't get enough of him in Deadpool 2, Shatterstar has his own mini-series
coming out.
This is the first issue in a 5-part series.
This 5-part event will focus on the future magic in the DC Universe and stems from No
Justice following the Justice League Dark.
Deadpool writer Gerry Duggan brings to us Dead Rabbit; the story of an ex-mobster who
has to come out of retirement to save his wife.
And this ain't going to be pretty for anyone, not cops nor mafia.
This comic is for mature readers only.
Marvel is bringing back their What if?
These are single issue stories that tell what would happen if one event was changed in the
Marvel Universe.
In this one we get the story what if instead of Peter Parker, Flash Thompson was bitten
by the spider.
This What if?
Isn't a single change to an event in the Marvel Universe but more along the lines of
what if Ready Player One Meets X-Men where the only way to access is with money or being
a mutant.
It will follow Cable and Domino and has a real Ghost in the Shell look to it.
Make sure to let me know what you think about this issue in the comments below.
X-Men: Black is a series of one-shots that will follow one of the X-Men villains and
will probably lead into the new X-Men climate that will happen after the end of the X-Men
event, Extermination.
However, Extermination is currently going on and will run after these end.
It's Uncanny X-Men that will be coming out after the X-Men: Black series.
And Uncanny X-Men is going to be a weekly 10 issue story.
And each issue of X-Men: Black will contain a part of an Apocalypse back up story that
will probably lead to Uncanny X-Men in November.
Rider travels a cross a war torn North America in search of his wife and child and all he
has with him is his bike and an axe, and he won't let any of the Lords of the Land get
in his way.
Nina Rodriguez is a woman whom everyone believes is crazy for believing there is a secret magic
world that is hidden from the public by a mysterious cabal.
Only thing is she isn't crazy.
This series will be written by Sam Humphries.
Batman and the Maxx cross over and Gotham City begins to fuse with the Outback, which
is the Maxx's mental projection.
And if you thought Gotham City was bad before wait until you see it through the eye of this
mad man.
This is a new horror series that takes place in New Orleans during the 1950s.
The Jook Joint is the most happening place with the best music and women.
The only rule is "Keep your hands to yourself" and that rule is strictly enforced.
As if his life wasn't hard enough Jace Lopaz just got his 13-year old half-brother dumped
on him.
The only way a guy like him is going to make enough money is to move some packages.
And his little brother is going to have to come along for the ride.
With cops, aliens, and danger around the corner they are the Errand Boys.
Nightwing is about to go through some changes as we take a look at his past and future we
will see one commonality in it is Scarecrow.
A perfect jumping-on point for anyone who has been wanting to see what's going on
with the Champions is here the oversized 25th issue.
In it the Champions go to Weirdworld.
A place where anything can happen, and danger is always around the corner.
Speaking of Weirldworld, Weapon H will be going there too; because Roxxon has built
a portal.
But instead of harnessing its energy they have let out its monsters.
Luckily Korg is there to help.
Doctor Strange returns from his adventures in the stars.
And who does he find waiting for him…?
Something isn't right with this picture.
In this filler issue they set up the next story arc but it seem like it will be a fun
break in-between stories as there apparently is going to be a food fight amongst the Justice
Dan Slott is making his mark on Iron Man and has revealed Tony's new love interest, Janet
Van Dyne.
That's not all that's going on in this issue.
There's a dating app that seems t be working a little too well.
The cursed Joe and his sister Annie are taken to a town where no one ever leaves alive.
How will they get out of this one?
In this Heroes in Crisis tie-in Green Arrow must deal with his short comings as a superhero.
He will be reminded of the people he has let down and hurt.
This dark issue will be a trip down memory lane.
Nightwing is down and Batman wants to make KGBeast pay for what he's done to his old
Gotham City is not ready for the brutal showdown as Batman becomes darker as he looks for revenge.
The Super Sons have escaped from the Gang but are aimlessly wandering the universe going
on wakey adventures trying to find their way back home.
The Green Lanterns title is winding down and things might not end well for our heroes.
Cyborg Superman and Ravagers seem to be more than the Green Lanterns can handle.
After breaking reality.
Harley Quinn will have to fix her anachronism and send Captain Triumph back to the Golden
Some loose ends concerning Nth Metal are going to be tied as this showdown in Frankenstein's
Castle will connect Dark Nights: Metal, Final Crisis, and Hawkman.
Deadpool versus a mall full of zombies.
I don't think I need to say more.
I'm sure that's enough to let any Deadpool fan know if they want to see Deadpool versus
zombies check out Deadpool #5.
Cosmic Ghost Rider is playing daddy in this issue as he has kidnapped Baby Thanos.
To raise him in a way that will save our future.
After being beaten and captured Black Bolt makes his last stand.
This will lead to what future the Inhumans have.
I'm not sure if the title, Death of the Inhumans, is to be trusted.
In this Infinity Wars tie-in series, the as Asgardians of the Galaxy are chasing down
But Nebula has arisen some gods, who might be too much for Angela and her crew.
Cloak and Dagger must come together and save everyone at a musical festive even after having
the nature of their reality questioned.
This is the final issue in the Hope Dies story arc, where we are left to wonder if Hope Dies
what will remain?
It looks like Sabretooth and Weapon X might have failed to stop the Satanist Cult bent
on ending all of mutant-kind.
Could this also be the Death of Mutants?
Here we have an explosive end of the current Paper Girls story before they go on a little
Another horror series, this one is Eisner-nominated and in this issue we see the coven divided
and Casper finds out Nancy is not as innocent as she seems but neither is Casper.
This is for mature readers only.
I know it's been a while, but we are back and will be giving you the weekly videos of
the comics coming out and also giving away one of the comics to a subscriber.
And this week's give away is going to be Superior Octopus #1.
All you have to do to qualify to win is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this video.
The winner will be announced in next week's video so watch that to see if it is you and
claim your prize.
Thanks again for your time and for watching this video.
I hope you have a good day.
As always please share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.
Thanks for watching.
And Til next time, Brian Out!!!
Gorgeous Beautiful 645 Sq Ft Modern Shipping Container Home - Duration: 2:43.
Gorgeous Beautiful 645 Sq Ft Modern Shipping Container Home
What is inside it - You will worried after seeing this Video - Alif Info - Duration: 1:22.
What is inside it - You will worried after seeing this Video - Alif Info
What is inside it - You will worried after seeing this Video - Alif Info
| Kind of still I am - Duration: 1:59.
Everyone who gets close to me ends up dying
Me, too. And that's why I feel like we have so much in common
- My mom. - I-I know, and... and...
- Who's Lincoln?
Who are you?
I'm Lincoln, your transitioner
Take my hand
Are you doing that?
Is that a good thing?
You're wasting your time caring about me
I can't help it
Just go, please
Lincoln, don't!
It's supposed to be me. I saw the future. This is my destin...
Promise me you won't ... you won't try to... atone for your sins with some kind of sacrifice
I can't just say «Goodbye»
I... I have too much I want to say
You gave me hope
A place in the world
We'll figure it out together
I don't know. It's pretty interesting here
I was hoping you'd say that
I just don't want to lose control
Sometimes it's good to lose control
Not so sure the field is my thing
What's your thing?
Don't know. Maybe it's you.
I just want to be with you
A moment ago. The first time I said I lo...
Tritoria - Episode 2 Part 2/2 - Corruption [German Subtitles] | Animation - Duration: 11:01.
Why Men Suddenly Disappear! 2 Real Reasons ! - Duration: 4:20.
- Why men suddenly disappear?
Hello guys, and welcome to my YouTube channel.
I am Alex Cormont, your French relationship expert.
And in this video, I want to share with you
all my experience.
As you know, I have coached so many women
all over the world and also so many men.
And there is only two reason why men disappear
in a relationship.
You need to understand how our mind works.
That means a man will disappear
when he's got everything from you.
This is the sad response.
I'm so sorry,
but if this man is not seeing you as a challenge,
he will leave you.
He will disappear.
Because every man in this health
are looking for a woman who's patient.
Are looking for a woman who could be a challenge.
Are looking for a woman that they can say she is unique.
And when a man disappear, most of the time,
he will come back.
He will come back to try
that he still have the power of the relationship,
he still have the power on yourself.
And this is something that you need to understand,
we are in a society where we don't talk
about the power in a relationship
or the power in the process of dating.
This is not a word that I really like,
but I have to share this idea with you.
So maybe sometime this man disappear
because he got everything from you.
There is another option which is more positive.
Men can disappear when he's scared.
Scared of being engaged in a relationship.
When he's scared of losing his friends,
losing his independence.
And what I want to share with you
is most of the men are scared of being in a relationship.
They want to have the fun time with you,
not just the sex, okay,
they just want to spend good times with you,
but they are scared by being in a relationship,
because when they look at their past
they will see break-ups, losing independence,
they will see sadness.
Because when there is a break-up
or when we are in a relationship,
when we leave something that we trust,
we trust this relationship and then we broke up.
Wow, this is a bad feelings.
And this is why most of the men are scared.
That doesn't mean you need to give them everything
like sex, your attention, your time, okay,
before they commit in a relationship.
But you need to understand that most of the men,
they want to see in what way or ways are you unique.
This is your only question in your mind, okay.
So a man will disappear when he got everything
or when he's scared.
The only one solution is to enjoy the moment with him.
To spend good times with him.
To not give everything, because I want you to be a challenge
and then at this moment,
he will understand that you are the one.
If you are too pushy, I want to be in a relationship.
Or if you are too pushy, I want this from you.
Maybe you will leave him.
You will push him away.
And this is something that you need to consider.
But every situation are really different,
so I want to be here to help you.
You can ask me your question in the comments below.
You can also, we have a coaching session with me.
We will walk together to change your love life.
Click on the description, just right below also.
And you can download my free ebook,
it's 100 pages, where I share with you everything
about my experience.
I know sometimes in this video with my French accent
it's not easy for you to understand.
But in this free ebook,
you will learn everything about my philosophy
and the tips that I'm giving to people when I coach them.
And that can change your love life.
Please give me a like.
And also subscribe to my YouTube channel.
You will receive a video directly in your mail box.
It's every day a new video
from your French relationship expert.
So when a man disappear,
be sure to be in a right path, okay?
Don't try to be too pushy,
don't try to talk too much about your feelings
and the way you love him,
because that will be difficult for him.
That will be a bad mistake.
I will see you tomorrow for a new video.
Bye bye guys.
5 Natural Methods Of Eliminating Ants For Good - Duration: 1:51.
Summertime means ants.
These tiny critters pack a mean punch.
Their bites result in red skin bumps.
Sometimes, they cause severe allergies.
They can make you itch and may even cause swelling.
If bitten, be careful not to scratch.
This can cause infection, warns Everyday Health.
Avoid the bite with these home remedies for eliminating ants for good:
Borax repellent.
Mix 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water and 1 tablespoon Borax in a lidded plastic container.
Creekline House says to poke holes in the lid and pour a bit of sugar around the container.
Doing so will lure the ants to the container and encourage them to fall into the trap.
Non-toxic ant repellent.
Pour 2/3 cup white vinegar, 1/3 cup water, 20 drops clove essential oil, 20 drops tea
tree oil and 1 teaspoon liquid castile soap in a spray bottle.
Spritz the ants and their entry points to eliminate the insects and discourage further
Tea tree oil.
This one ingredient solution is a miracle worker, according to Scratchy Mommy.
Dip a q-tip in tea tree oil and apply it to entry points around the home.
Boiling water.
If you know where the ant hill is located, kill the problem at its source by pouring
boiling water directly down the hill, says Scratchy Mommy.
Lemon juice.
Mix 1 part lemon juice and 1 part water in a spray bottle.
DIY & Crafts says to spray the mixture in your home wherever ants may come inside.
What's your favorite way to eliminate ants?
Tell us your stories when you SHARE this article on social media!
Homescapes Level 1054 - How to complete Level 1054 on Homescapes - Duration: 4:26.
"Homescapes gameplay"
"Homescapes game"
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