hello welcome to Microsoft Mechanics live coming up we're joined by Julia White
for a look at Microsoft's approach to AI and we're gonna also make it real
by taking a look at some of the practical applications before breaking
down how you can leverage AI for your own apps and services and online
experiences across the areas of knowledge mining cognitive services and
machine learning but please join me in welcoming Julia White CVP of the cloud
enterprise group thank you so much it is awesome to be back on mechanics after a
year or so heinous thank you so we're seeing lots of innovation we're seeing
lots of buzz around AI it's being used a lot that term I think in the past we've
covered deep learning that a lot of custom ml models stuff that data
scientists do and you know a lot of us afraid a scientist but on this show we
wanted to actually give everyone a real-world set of practical ways that
they can actually integrate AI into their own apps right I mean this is
really important because we don't want AI to just be in the hands of a select
few our focus is really on making AI machine learning easier and more
accessible for everyone to use and that's really the key focus and for the
past decade we've been integrating AI into a lot of our cloud services one of
the early implementations actually you remember was in exchange online of
distinguishing what was good mail vs. junk mail is just a really early example
but of course AI is an integral part of being maps and being search and curse
the official and biometric authentication with Windows hello also
using AI and then infused into our office 365 experience right with
PowerPoint designer or word grammar checker even and then we also use AI
pretty pervasively around security right and using all of our advanced threat
protection czar underlying that our cloud services is using a ion or
security technology now we've taken all that technology that we've used
internally for all of those applications and turned into Azure AI services that
you can use in your own applications and this include many of the pretty
sophisticated pre-trained ml models that we've now turned into Azure cognitive
services and we've also enabled support for the most popular AI frameworks so
you can train your models using a number of different frameworks in a very open
approach on that front and of course for those people who need some
very highly specialized you can also collaborate and build your own custom
machine learning model using Azure as well so regardless of whether you using
a pre trained model or a custom ML model you can always of course get the AI
compute you need with Azure and then go ahead and deploy and run that either in
the cloud and/or on the edge in that area right so we're doing a lot in terms
of democratizing AI and really making it available for everybody to use so why do
we get to do this and actually make it real and show people a couple of
demonstrations what we can do I love it all right so great let's get started
with an example of knowledge mining now this is about quickly getting insights
and all of your existing information within your organization so for example
I'm assuming many of you who have been around for a long time your businesses
have been and you have a lot of data you're sitting on but it's probably
sitting in things like file cabinets or scanned in some archive it could be
written it could be pictures it could be videos so what if you could use AI to
add structure to that data and then have it indexed and easily searched or even
more powerfully you can discover different patterns or relationships
within that data by surfacing those insights so let me give you an example
so I'll make switch here - we have JFK example so about 25 years ago after
Congress mandated that the jf the documents related to the JFK
assassination became Declassified so last October they released 34,000 pages
of documentation 34,000 pages of is a lot I mean that's that's probably how
how high would that stack up I'm gonna say least to the top of that wall right
probably so first of all we took that enormous mistake of data paper and we
digitized it and then we put it in Azure and then we applied as our search with
cognitive services where we're able to intelligently annotate and index that
information to make sense of it find relationships and surface new insights
then we built a simple web app on top of it so you can literally interact with
this data and it's a site you can all go to as well but let me show you how it
works so I'm sitting out at the the web experience again on top of that data
repository that's been searched index I'm gonna go ahead and search on Lee
Harvey Oswald hopefully everyone knows his relationship to the Drake ok
assassination so we hadn't search on that now you can
see over here on the Left adjure is kind of pulling out different key entities
based on the contents of the document so you see things like the CIA
and if JFK of course and Lee Harvey Oswald it all makes sense over here on
the right you can see a variety of different documents and you can fact see
that his name is actually highlighted it could be like typed information here
written in this example I'm scanned and other things and even if I using optical
character recognition or OCR that cognitive skill we can annotate that
text document to make it searchable even though it was handwritten and now if I
scroll down you can see it's capturing a picture too so again because if you're
using computer vision the cognitive skill I can understand the content of a
picture as well so if I click on this you can see it recognizes that's Lee
Harvey Oswald you see the name is actually highlighted here and you can go
down I it's actually scanning over this you can see it's giving me an annotation
again using that OCR capability within the image itself so kind of close that
out now the next thing I can show you is also about the relationships that's
found between the information so if I click here on the graph site it's
actually pulling together a graphical representation of the relationships
across specific terms that are found across this whole body of documentation
so if I grab Oswald here for example you see kind of a cluster of information
circling around him like Harvey and Lee of course that makes sense but the
interesting thing is you see this connection right here Sylvia Duren right
if I pull that out and a big collection of things around
Duren now if we dig into this document here our ticket to this here in
searching and I can see I'm finding documents that let me to understand that
this is the interrogation of Sylvia Durand by the Mexican government and we
explore the documents you see that she actually wrote to the Cuban consulate in
Mexico and was Lee Harvey Oswald's linked to the Russian KGB all just
became discovered because this graph can become advanced out of this it's pretty
amazing which are able to find with this azor
search with the help of those cognitive services and if you want to try this at
home you can go back to this web app it's available publicly at AKMs slash
JFK files and also this is a public and available on github two really cool
stuff of course you can reverse engineer some of this work on github so really
cool but you're also able to take document types that weren't searchable
this is paper like this is handwritten paper leveraged as your search with
cognitive services to really allow us to index all of these things how do I make
them searchable but also structure how easy is it to harness these types of
capabilities well let me show you how easy it is Jeremy okay oh can I take in
that document all that scanned imager you put it in add your blob storage and
I've now hooked up my Azure search here in the imager portal to that storage and
all I have to do is literally set up search I go down here and I can just
select the cognitive skills I want to add to my search and I can just say okay
it's literally that simple but you remember we were using OCR in that
search I did so let me go ahead and choose OCR and when I do that you'll see
additional skills are generated so I can also pick additional attributes because
of that turning on so and that JFK of course we use natural language and other
things too so all of them literally it's that simple okay so we've seen a lot of
different categories here in terms of the cognitive services that you
mentioned earlier but many of these are pre-built ai models that came about
really as we started developing various services in Microsoft so how did these
come about yeah I mean that's right it's basically where our core engineering
teams along with Microsoft Research have made several breakthroughs across the
area of vision language speech and search and for example we recently
received the highest score for our machine learning capabilities through
the Stanford question and answer data set called squad and it's a test of AI
reading comprehension around hundred thousand questions under their related
answers so pretty impressive what we're doing alright so beyond integration with
intelligent search how can we use cognitive services API is in our own
applications well I mean basically every application can benefit from cognitive
services in some way but let me give you a specific example so we're here in
Florida and it's famous for many things but it's including oranges of course so
let's just take the example of an orange farmer currently many orange growers are
not differentiating their produce they're sending all of their oranges for
juice production but maybe they want to build a model that creates a sorting
facility that uses AI that can decide what's great a which and they sell those
oranges at a more lucrative retail channel or what's the lower grade B and
they send those those oranges off produce production so what if they could
use this AI to differentiate oranges by using computer vision and sharing the
oranges that are sorted to grade a go in one category and go be great B in the
other category and using intelligent edge to do that for them so
it have to be a pretty pretty smart system because bad and good oranges are
pretty close looking right you think right but let me show you how you can
actually train a model to do that let's try it so I'm out here in a now a within
my computer vision area and I have already pre-loaded a group of oranges
into the site and without any trading it's already identified that it's a
group of oranges in a pile and has confidence of eighty-five percent so
that's lutely just loading out the image it's publicly available and thanks to
everyone participating is getting to me that confidence I mean it's like
beautiful oranges here as well but the model hasn't yet been trained to decide
what is a great a orange or a grade B orange but that of course makes sense
because there's the orange far more you'd want to decide your your
categorization of what's the threshold for great a a grade B right so I want to
do my own custom training on that so that me do that now I'll go over to my
custom vision AI and I've got a project I've started here on orange
classifications so go ahead and click in here and I've got a number of images
loaded to help start training my model so you can see there's labels on some of
these oranges and they are they little ugly I know dad for that orange but you
know yeah and I can't all be beautiful on the inside they're delicious
yeah so if I click on great a you'll see it's seeing that these are what I'm
defined and categorized as grade a level oranges and if I I've started doing my
training on grade B so you can see some of those but I want to go ahead and add
another image to train that model further so I go ahead and just add
images and this is how I started the model and got it going so I'm going to
add a new grade B Orange open it up and I'm gonna go ahead and tag that as a
grade B orange again not simple and I'll upload that file uploading it it's gonna
retrain and then with you know within a few seconds I can go ahead and have that
updated to my models relearning so let me do a quick test to see if that how
it's working so I'll go to my quick test area and I just browse from my files
I'll grab I'll start with an A grade a orange okay drop that in and I see it's
giving me the probability that's a 99.5 percent positive that this is a great
babies perfect looking orange I think I've ever seen right I mean I guess it'd
be hard to get that one wrong right but let me go try a great b1 here yeah let's
grab a bead and load that up and see how it does so
this case is 97.7 for some Potter's of you see it looks a little different if
they don't pick up on that level of detection now again this is just a great
example of how you can get started with AI for your own uses I didn't wasn't
doing any coding I just load it up and train the image and you can try this
today on Azure it's on custom vision AI where you can get access to this
experience and if they move forward we're gonna continue to make cognitive
services API is even easier to use for a great example just here at ignite we
launched our unified speech service then now combined speech to text text to
speech translation and the ability to train the model based on unique custom
speech mounted patterns all as part of our Scott custom speech API these are
really great ways to leverage the AI effectively that Microsoft is built and
tested and our AI services are even getting smarter and smarter all the time
as we look at more images so what do you want to what if you wanted to build out
your own models and train those to work with your own data how does that look
yeah so for the folks who want the custom build their own machine learning
models and the more sophisticated needs Ashur provides a complete machine
learning platform that you can take advantage of and I'll just show you kind
of one part of that here okay go into getting back to my add your portal and
I'm in my data bricks notebook and one of the great things about as your data
breaks as it enables both data scientists and data engineers to
collaborate on shared projects within this interactive workspace so you can
easily pull in structured and unstructured data you can prepare it
connects a called data wrangling if you clean it and get it ready and train for
my AI models right within the workspace so what I'll show you here is actually
example of a shoe retailer and they've built a shoe recommendation engine such
that way and a customer comes in searches they're shown something it's
highly relevant so it's to hopefully drive up sales and results but right now
the Shuji realtor wants to then take that recommendation engine and use AI to
make it even more highly predictive do we do anything then to help with the
types of algorithms and data models that you might use to make these types of
recommendations well yeah actually one of the things we also against this this
week at ignite is a capability called automated machine learning and that's
basically using AI to train AI in a sense if you think about it that way but
essentially we test all of the different models using AI to see which algorithm
performs the best has the most act results and then automatically
recommends that to you so we'd even expedite that process of it you can also
use you know simple sequel like querying to usually explore the data within spark
here in Azure data bricks and also get a sense of the current recommendations
engine and sakura see okay let's look at that alright so I'm down here now first
of all start and this is the clickstream results so right well let me show you
that what this means essentially this is the frequency of clicks over the period
of time now you see all the clicks are happening kind of at the end which means
that's when the shoe is going on sale but I get a clearance out of inventory
so that's probably when it's the cheapest price that we're gonna sell it
rate which isn't great for my sales right when I'd really wanted to be lots
of clicks in the beginning when this she was new and hot so this gives me a clue
that something's not right so I'm gonna go ahead and bring the data
scientist into the notebook didn't see what you know she's and so she can
confirm what people are seeing in the different searches so as I scroll down I
can see that this is the current results she's providing it like here's the
target shoe and then here's the related results these woolly slippers for
open-toed shoes okay so I thought that we would actually to make the
recommendation look more like that first shoe that's surprising that they're
recommending bad I'm not getting a lot of clothes look comfortable but I don't
think you want to wear those in public all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm
going to scroll down here I'm going to optimize this model by bringing in a
deep learning framework in this case tensorflow package that can help provide
recommendations it's called deep image feature Iser and effectively breaks down
the different attributes or the feature of every shoe and the Claddagh log so
things like open-toed heel color size type more so that i can really get a
granular assessment of that now once i feed those attributes back into my
machine learning model i'm gonna prefer on the same search again and see what
kind of results we get if i scroll down here you see there again is my target
shoe and now you see I'm getting very similar recommendations around that
target and even just to make sure it works on different types other than
these open-toed in different colors of the same shoe you can see even it's very
close on the other open-toed models yeah so you can see the accuracy the results
around again I have now loaded up a different Salado heel I can see that I'm
getting very similar results so I feel much more confident about the
recommendations making so then once I see that I've got
a recommendation engine that's working well I can then finally take that and
distribute it in Azure cosmos database and I can integrate that into my machine
learning model that's running the operational database of my web and
mobile applications so this recommendation is now going to be
showing up across all of my customer experiences it's a really powerful stuff
three awesome ways to start to apply AI in your own day-to-day workflows and
experiences but where should people go to learn more well luckily you can check
all everything that I showed to you out today it's all public so the JFK demo
they add your cognitive services the vision API and you can also sign up for
a free 14-day trial of azure data bricks you can see that workbook and do that
data wrangling and AI prep as well and the power of all this is that the more
people who use the open frameworks to participate in this the better the AI
innovation gets it really is a kind of open community approach and we're all
going to benefit from where we can harness Thank You Julie emotion we keep
tracking this on Microsoft Mechanics having it hit subscribe hit subscribe
now follow us on Twitter thanks for watching and we'll see you all next time
For more infomation >> The top 3 ways to adopt AI in your apps using Azure | Microsoft Ignite 2018 - Duration: 17:02.-------------------------------------------
Da li da prihvatite malu platu? | Should you accept small salary? - Duration: 7:57.
Hi guys, welcome back on one more video with me.
Today's subject is "should you accept
small salary when you are coming to Dubai?"
I have published 2 weeks ago video where
I announced how much money I have been earning and how much
my expedature were, I will leave link above if you haven't watch
And my goodness, what reacton video got
on our group in Facebook....
I want to say something to all of you commenting that day...
Thank you.
Because I really belive you have good attention
with all your comments, and you have been
writting from your own experience. Guys, I was
reading your comments
I understood everything, I just did not want
to comment , because every person
will take my words in meaning it "works" for him\her
and you will not take it on the way I wanted to say,
so I just ignored it.
I was thinking that time
Can you imagine if someone is watching video
who came for 30 000AED salary
and lisening to me, where I am saying
"yes I came for 3000 AED and I had
normal life". I would be the first one to say:
"Girl, are you insine
can you think about what you have just said
and think twice..."
This is why I am saying, I understood ...
you were observing from your own experience..BUT...
you can not convince me,
that small salary is equal for everyone...
Because one man can have salami and
local bacary bread for 0.40 euro
and one man can have "healty" bread of 1.70 euro
and to eat brassiola
and going out to restaurants, has the same way of living
like man on the other side.
This is two different style of living
and at the end of the day, different incomes.
To someone 1000 euro can be a lot,
and to someone 3000 euro can't be enought.
My opinion is that small salary is very individual thing
because it depends on the experience
and way of living you had in your home country.
I get really happy when I hear
our people are coming here for big salaries
this is how it should be, because we are very hard working people
when I say WE, I am meaning of all Balacanian countries . Really unvilable
hard working people and we are appriciated here. We are a bit tough
But what is with the people who can't find a job,
who are coming from villages in our countries
and working for really really small money
what is with all those people who are having universities
but working as waiters
I want to tell you something for all people who are planing to came here...
when you accept small salary,it doesen't matter how small it is
you know better than me, what is small for you,
you have accepted OPPORTUNITY.
You have accepted opportunity to get to Dubai
you have accepted to develop you English, as
it will be on much more higher level than if
you stay in your own country.
You have accepted opportunity withinh
1, 2 3 years to live much more better quality life
that you are having today. At the end
you have accepted opportunity to make some bussines contacts
and build your career. This is something I am beleive in, so strong
Dubai is full of possibilities
it is up to you how will you take this chance.
It is just up tp you!
I can speak until day after tomorrow, and
to share my experience how life looks here
and to ask for experience of someone else...You, if you
are not ready to give 100% of yourself , to live better tomorrow
no one can help you. It is incredible how menu people
I know who came on that "small" salary" and now
they are earning great money. On the other side, it is incredible
how menu people I know who came on small salary
and they are still on that small salary
When you accept that small salary
this is your first job,
you beggining, nothing else.
Your first job, you jumbing board.
I will repaert this all over again, as I don not know if someone is watching my video
for the fist time. I came here for small salary
I came as a waiter and for
exactlly 2 years and 4 month I have reached managment level.
If I did everything the same
in Serbia
I would never acomlish what I have today
and I would not live quality of life I have today.
I want to tell you, how this channel came up...
One day, my husband should have an interview
with girl from balcanian countries
when interview time came, she just messaged
I can't do this, I am very nervious, I need
to cancel everything. He have asked her
Are you nervious because of interview or because of moving to Dubai?
She have replied, because of coming and interview, because of both
I think it is really big step to come there, and I really can't do it.
He said to her, put your toughts together
We'll postpone this interview for tomorrow
and we will try again. She accepted this.
Tomorrow, on interview time she replayed
I am really sorry I can't do this...
When he came home and told me story
I have found myself in that girl...
I saw myself telling
"I will never go from my country"
I was saying "it is so hard, and how I am going to do it...."
it is one life in one sutcase, I can't do it...
This was me...
And than I tought, my godness
how menu people is like me, like that girl
people who want something to change
but they have been
scared from something unknown...
This is how this channel has been made. I wanted to share my story
and my experience..I knew some people
will not agree with it, and that is totally ok.
But I want to say, i came for
opportunity and I have used my opportunity maximum
How you will use yours,
it is just up to you. I don't wish you
to come here to survive,
to make one end with another. Because I think it is not worth it. Especially
when you leave your country , when you pack your life
in one small sutcase and come here
i think it is not worth it to sacrifice a lot
to come here and be hungry, to not be able to affort
to your self what do you need. The point with
my previous video is that I
was not surviving, I did not have to be hungry
to be able to affort what I needed at that time...
Just to let you know, for less than a 10 months
I was able to go for a month to Bali
do you really think I was surviving
if i could affort to myself one month of vacation
on Bali? I could just dream about that back in Serbia
To go on vacation to Bali?Yeah, right...
In last couple of month a lot people who know me are telling how
I am glowing and I look better in some way
I was thinking, everything is the same I am not any different than I has to back home...
Than I realised how I am living happy life here
I have no stress
and that I am far away from our frustrated society
that I am not listening moaning on a daily basis
and all in generall I am satisfied here...
Yes, I have came on small salary
which was 3000 AED, and this is small salary
but I am not feeling sorry. If I know what
was waiting for me and what I have been through
I would do it all over again. I would again accept
that opportunity and come here.
So for that people who need this information,
will take this video on their way, those people
who will not agree , will not agree
and that is totally ok and they have right to think that. But this is my story
and my experience
so take what you need the most.
See you in my next video.Bye.
How to Shift: Modern Desktop Deployment | Microsoft Ignite 2018 - Duration: 20:27.
(upbeat music)
- Hello and welcome to Microsoft Mechanics live.
Coming up we're going to take a look at new capabilities,
the shift to a Modern Desktop featuring CVP Brad Anderson.
We're going to cover the latest updates
across Microsoft 365, really simplify planning,
provisioning, and also post-deployment phases,
including new ways to validate compatibility
of your Windows and Office deployments and updates at scale,
options to manage your user data,
sync files, and protect information,
as well as new ways to deploy Windows and Office
while staying current with the latest updates.
So please give a me warm welcome
for Mr. Brad Anderson, CVP Microsoft 365.
- It's great to be here Jeremy,
I've got to say I'm just a huge fan of Microsoft Mechanics.
What you guys have created is amazing.
- Thank you, thank you.
So, Modern Desktop, it's one of those things
it's a recurring theme, we're hearing it a lot this week.
it's part of what we talk about
as part of digital transformation.
And to a lot us it probably sounds like it's a meme
or it's maybe some marketing buzz,
but what does that actually mean?
- You know really when you think about the Modern Desktop
it really is a paradigm shift.
It takes things to a whole different level.
In the Modern Desktop everything,
and I literally mean everything, is connected to the cloud.
Windows, Office, management, security,
it's all connected to the cloud.
And that cloud connection makes your users more productive.
It gives you in IT superior insights control,
because it puts the full power of the
Microsoft intelligent cloud behind you.
Now, specifically,
as you cloud connect everything that you have,
you can take advantage of first,
simplified management of your
desktop, devices, and cloud services,
as well as compliance updates.
Updates that enhance your security,
advanced data protection,
and finally and of course those cloud capabilities
make your users far more productive.
Now the experience comes together within
Microsoft 365 across Windows, Office 365, and EMS.
That's where you get all these capabilities.
- Alright so but for the IT pros
that are supporting organizations maybe with older versions,
that we've heard about before,
Windows, or Office, they're trying to figure out
how do I make that shift to a Modern Desktop?
What are we doing there to make it easier?
- The good news, if it's been a while since you've upgraded
to a new version of Windows on your desktop,
things have improved dramatically.
In fact, we now have the ability to give you first of all,
detailed guidance and all the steps you need to take
organized across this desktop deployment wheel
you're seeing right now.
And you can use that to
use your existing tools and processes.
Then, there's a whole new set of tools
as well as modern management capabilities
across the PC lifecycle that bring you
to that management simplicity once you've made the shift.
- Great, yeah, so that's really a familiar process
hopefully, for a lot of people
that have done deployments in the past.
And people looking to learn more,
we've actually got a new series on Microsoft Mechanics.
It's called "Desktop Deployment Essentials."
Featuring Brad and myself
going through all the steps on the wheel
but why don't we drill into what's new?
- Okay, so first, as you plan your shift,
is device and app readiness.
Historically, one of the biggest costs and time commitments
of upgrading to a new version of Windows and Office
has been the manual testing to verify the compatibility
of your apps, driver, hardware and office plugins.
So first of all, let's be really clear
we have greater than 99% application compatibility
with Windows 10
and unlike anything we've had before,
we now have the ability to give you more peace of mind
as we put the power of the Microsoft Cloud to work,
to help simplify your efforts in verifying compatibility.
We have more than 700 million PCs that we send this
back telemetry on a regular basis.
This gives us this global view of the hardware, the drivers,
the third party applications, and Office add-ins
being used in their compatibility
and just imagine what we see.
Now we're able to learn from the 700 million
and then apply that learning to your individual estate.
And putting this data to work
helps you to dramatically reduce
the amount of time and effort
to understand compatibility for your estate
through what we call "Desktop Analytics."
Now, leveraging what you already have,
using ConfigMgr,
you connect your ConfigMgr deployment
to the Microsoft Cloud.
What this enables us to do is take the learning
from the 700 million PCs that we see
and apply those learnings to your own individual estate
and organization.
This enables us to give you an upgrade readiness report
of your hardware, your drivers, your third-party add-ins,
third-party apps, and the Office macros and plugins.
We sync ConfigMgr data
that the average enterprise has more than 2,000 applications
and often, 80%, 85% of those applications
are internally developed applications that only exist
in that organization.
Our new Desktop Analytics capabilities
also enables us now look at those internal applications
and it finds the apps that have compatibility
challenges and actually gives you the details
of exactly what it is.
Now, if you find any apps that have compatibility challenges
with Windows 10,
we're launching a new fast track service on October 1st
called Fast Track Desktop App Assure.
This new service enables you
to literally contact my engineering team.
We'll look at your app,
and if we see that the issue is a Windows issue
we're literally gonna go get the Windows fix
made in Windows.
If the issue is with your application,
we'll work with you to actually fix your application.
The bottom line, this new service will help you rapidly fix
any app compatibility issues that you see
so that you can unblock yourself and get upgraded
and shift to that Modern Desktop.
And we take everything that we learned
through the Desktop App Assurance program,
and we feed it back into Windows,
we feed it back into rating the assessment capability
so that we are constantly getting better.
Now the internal name of this as we were building it,
was literally, No App Left Behind.
- It's a great name, it's kinda a beta name,
with a new name, we actually provide the service
for anybody to use, and take advantage of.
- That's right. Now finally what we do is we auto-populate
the configuration manager groups
with a set of PCs that are representative of your
hardware, drivers, and the apps in the organization.
So you're going to start immediately piloting
these new releases of Windows Office to your organization
as quickly as possible.
This is a just such a wonderful example of
the Microsoft Intelligent Cloud
changing how management is done dramatically
and accelerating your shift to the Modern Desktop.
- And it's really gonna give a lot of people confidence
really to make that shift
but can we take a look at what some of this looks like?
- Yeah absolutely. So many of you are using
Windows Analytics today and you should continue to use that.
Moving forward in the coming months,
we're going to be building out what we call,
The Desktop Analytics Capabilities.
So, I'll give you a view here.
I'm gonna give you a first view at what
we're looking at here and we're building.
This is our new home dashboard and you can see
all the devices, apps, and office add-ins
in your entire estate.
You use Desktop Analytics by
building what we call Deployment Plans.
I select the ConfigMgr that I want to use
for my pilot deployment.
I show you that ConfigMgr group,
I get a view of all the applications in my organizations
including those internal line of business applications
and if there's a problem with your application,
we actually will surface it right here,
so you see exactly what it is.
It literally shows you exactly what the issue is.
This application has got a 16 bit
set of libraries, and we need to upgrade that to
some 32 bit libraries.
- Right, this is really gonna accelerate
the process to upgrade to Windows 10.
It's great that we get this holistic view
to help drive device targeting decisions
even as we pilot.
- We'll even do more to help you here.
Today, most deployments begin with piloting
a new version Windows app to the IT department.
Now, if you just stop with the IT department
you really don't get a representative group of the PCs
and of your estate.
So what Desktop Analytics does to help you here
is we incrementally phase your deployment
starting with a small group that has a broad representation
of your desktop estate,
then you can move to user specific populations and devices
and understand the impact,
before you broaden to the entire organization
and go to production.
- Okay, so do these tools then integrate directly
with the device collections
that a lot of us probably have in ConfigMgr?
- They absolutely do. And here what you're looking at
is a pilot group that was selected
in the Desktop Analytics group
and you can see that I have a deployment plan right here.
So, the first thing that I want to call your attention to
is that number 22 in the middle.
That 22 is the number of PCs
that are in that ConfigMgr group
and right above that it says 53.04%.
That is the coverage of your hardware, apps, and drivers
that you would get if you deployed that Windows, Office,
to that setup, that population.
And here's what I think is really cool with
what we know about Desktop Analytics.
What we're coming back and giving a recommendation here
and say, alright, if you add these 89 PCs,
what that's gonna do is that's gonna increase your coverage
of your estate by 45% or 46%
getting you full coverage of all your apps,
all your hardware, all your drivers
and all the Office add-ins.
This is what allows you to now go
test in production rapidly.
You get feedback back instantly from this population,
you can validate all your applications in production,
all your drivers, all your hardware,
and that allows you to move on to the entire population.
Now, what many of you've been doing for many many years
has been doing this via humans.
And it's pretty common, I talk to organizations
and you've spent months,
and many people years in just doing the validation,
the compatibility testing.
We can now automate all of that
through what we call Desktop Analytics.
And then, with the integration of ConfigMgr
do that end to end, serial it.
Just rapidly helps you to shift to the Modern Desktop.
And then of course, in terms of how you're gonna track this,
you're looking at the ConfigMgr console here.
ConfigMgr is what the bulk of the world
uses for managing their PCs.
And you can see here, there's that group that I've selected
I can see what the deployment status is
and if I shift down here,
what you're seeing in those columns
is it's giving me insights into
specific things that I should go take action on.
But this is how you're gonna be able to keep up
with all the frequent updates that are coming out
for Windows 10 and for Office Pro Plus
by leveraging the power and the intelligence
of the Microsoft Cloud
to help you and to augment your capabilities.
- Okay, so now once you're on Windows 10 and
Office 365 Pro Plus,
does it get easier to stay up to date?
- You know, it does, one of the advantages
of the Modern Desktop is we just make it easier
for you to stay current.
What's happening right now is we're introducing constant
ripples of changes in technology,
where in the past, we'd give you like
a massive wave of innovation once every 3-4 years ago.
And so, what has to happen is we have to change the tools
that we're gonna, but you also have to change
the approach in your processes
to fully take advantage of this change.
And so, we deliver feature updates on a semiannual basis
and we just announced that we're gonna make it easier
to stay up to date by giving you time to adapt.
- And it's something that many of us
in IT have been asking for.
And it's really great to see that additional flexibility,
but what's the process for them
to get feature updates deployed once you're on Windows 10?
- So right now, everyone should just be using
what we call Windows Analytics.
That's the forerunner of what I just showed you
in Desktop Analytics.
Use that right now so that you can start to plan the future
as you roll out the updates.
Once your PCs are all enrolled,
you can start to automate the validation checks
for each feature update as it's been released.
You can stay ahead of these changes
using our tools and feel good and feel confident
about the updates,
making data driven decisions as you roll out
and ultimately reduce the workload needed
and the time required to stay up to date.
- Right, and it's really great to see
these updates are getting apps,
they're for getting apps and devices ready for deployment.
So now that we know the devices are ready to target,
the next question is,
how do I move data, user state from old PCs to new PCs,
because the users are going to expect that data
from their old PC to be on the new PC we give them?
- This is a really important question Jeremy
as I think about the Modern Desktop,
all of the users data is stored in OneDrive.
Now this gives you three big benefits:
One, all your data is backed up and protected.
Two, it massively simplifies what has to be done
as you replace the user's PC.
And three, your data is even protected
in the case where the PC is infected with ransomware.
- So is there an easier way to manage this
and move that user's state to the cloud?
- We have, we've made big progress on this.
Historically, it hasn't been that easy.
So what you're looking at here
is a new tool from the OneDrive team
called Known Folder Move.
It's new to Windows 10 1803
as well as Office 365 Pro Plus.
And it just really is an incredible tool.
OneDrive Known Folder Move quickly and easily
moves your user's data, pictures,
and anything stored on the Desktop into OneDrive.
And of course, you can use policy to drive this through
configuration manager to move and enforce protection
and sync everybody's documents,
the desktop and the pictures up into OneDrive.
You can roll this out as policy,
so this happens in the background.
And now this isn't just a one-time thing that you do.
You need to get this done right now
so that every time a user gets a new PC
their data is up in the cloud
and it flows down to their new PC that they get.
And once you've done it, it also means
that your users can get access to their data from any device
anywhere on the planet.
Now shifting to OneDrive means
that they can securely reach those docs on their phones,
their tablets, their PCs,
anywhere, any time.
- So I know a lot of people are using ConfigMgr.
How many of you are using ConfigMgr by the way?
Almost every hand is up if you're watching at home.
So, how does it fit into the picture then
to help with the management of Modern Desktop devices?
- So first of all,
one of the data points we gave out this morning
is the combination of ConfigMgr and Intune
is now managing over 150 million PCs and mobile devices.
Just to give you a perspective,
that's 50% growth from a year ago,
and what we see is every week
there's a million new devices that roll in.
It's just this phenomenal tool that really is the foundation
and the tool that almost all of you are gonna use
as you shift to that cloud attached modern secure world.
Now you can cloud attach your ConfigMgr
managed Windows 10 PCs to Intune AD and immediately start
using these new incremental cloud capabilities.
Now, the way that I think about this
is I think about if you're just using ConfigMgr current
branch, you are cloud attached,
if you are using ConfigMgr, you are cloud managing.
That's what we want you to get to.
- So there by turning on co-management,
you don't have to change anything,
you get instant value, it's really cool in terms of
just a couple of sliders here to get that configured
as you enroll it, the Intune environment
effectively in the configuration manager, right?
- Like I mentioned, I describe customers that are just
using ConfigMgr current branch as being cloud connected
and you get benefits there
cause you're constantly getting updated,
but the customers who have connected
ConfigMgr to Intune are what we call cloud managed,
because those are the customers that
are receiving all the power that comes with using
that intelligence in the Microsoft Cloud.
And that's where all the big benefits come from.
Now your ConfigMgr managed Windows 10 PCs
are also going to be protected with
what we call conditional access.
Conditional access is this unique set of capabilities
from Microsoft 365 that allows us to show
that only trusted users using trusted devices,
using trusted apps get access to your data.
And when you connect ConfigMgr to Intune
you can instantly comply or apply
Conditional Access policies to
all your existing ConfigMgr managed PCs.
- It's really cool to see all the levels of co-management
and of course, Microsoft Intune and Azure AD
is also fundamental if you want to do things
and take advantage of stuff like Windows Autopilot as well.
- A year ago, we launched Autopilot
it really was one of those amazing things.
This is a cloud service that can quickly
configure and provision new Windows 10 devices
in just minutes.
And one of the problems is here it literally is
enabling you to get you out of the business of
maintaining images,
which is actually one of the largest total cost
of ownership pieces of operating Windows in the enterprise.
Now, using Autopilot,
the way it works is hardware vendors that you work with
registered the devices, when you buy them
inside of Azure Active Directory in the Autopilot service.
And all you need to do in IT is you customize what users see
during the setup process by
creating an autopilot deployment plan.
Then the hardware vendor drop ships those devices
out to your users and
all they need to do is power on their device.
They're connected to the internet, it starts talking
with the Autopilot service,
and then the device automatically gets fully provisioned
and fully customized for that user's needs off in the cloud.
Now the biggest piece of feedback I've heard from all of you
is you love what we've delivered
but you've asked us to extend the capabilities
of autopilot to your existing hardware
just not the new, but all your existing hardware.
And you know what, we've figured out how to do it.
Now, one of our big messages for you this week is
as you're doing your upgrades from Win 7 to Win 10
do it in a way that you can re-use everything that you do
in that over and over again,
so that you're staying current
the first half and the second half releases
it makes it easy.
Do it right now and set yourself up for the future.
Now, one of the new innovations we're delivering
is enabling Autopilot for all of your devices.
All your estate, just not new devices,
but literally, every PC in your organization.
Now, I want to give you a view of this right here.
You're looking at what we call here a rip and replace
OS deployment task sequence.
Now, you can upgrade to Windows 10 using ConfigMgr.
It will set up your PC to use Autopilot going forward.
So, the first thing that happens is using ConfigMgr
your users get that great Autopilot experience,
that wonderful visual experience during the upgrade,
and then the OS deployment capabilities of Windows,
of configuration manager
do all the work to enable that device now
for Autopilot going forward.
Now, second ConfigMgr and Intune are working together
in that cloud managed environment
and then what that allows us to do is,
Intune is able to feed all of the data
up into the Autopilot service
so that all of your existing devices now get registered
with Autopilot.
Once that's done, if you need to
reprovision, reconfigure any of those devices,
you can do it from the cloud with Autopilot
in minutes, rather than re-image your device
which doesn't take minutes.
- Right, so we've shown how we've simplified the upgrade
to Windows 10, and I have to mention that we've also
done a lot of great updates to ConfigMgr
for network optimization,
some of my favorite stuff,
pure cache delivery optimization
to release support moving network traffic
out to the edge,
and also my favorite new tech,
the best name I think of any new feature, LedBat
to make delivery of deployment files faster
using real network optimization, but
why don't we switch gears,
and talk about Office 365 Pro Plus.
What are we doing to simplify that deployment?
- Our strong recommendation to all of you
is to use Office Pro Plus.
Throughout the event,
you're going to see all these amazing cloud capabilities
and how AI is working outside the Office apps.
Those only work when you're using the Office Pro apps.
They don't work in Office 2010, 13, 16 or in 2019.
You have to be on the Office 365 Pro Plus applications
to get all of that benefit.
And so, what we've been working on is a way
to automatically help you make that flip.
One of the really cool inventions that's coming in
the 1810 release of ConfigMgr,
is the ability to take an existing
Office application deployment
and automatically configure that and upgrade it
too from the MSI from the perpetual
to the click to run in Office Pro Plus.
So what you're seeing in here
is what we call the Office Customization Tool.
So I can go in, I can configure things like
the bitness of the language settings,
I can exclude applications,
and then you can use this policy
and it quickly shifts all of your devices
from those Office MSI apps
to the Office 365 Pro Plus click to run apps.
And it does this in a way by keeping that default
that you see inside of this screen here.
Where you say upgrade my devices and remove the MSI.
It forwards the deployment and then it removes all traces
of the MSI files even there.
- And it massively simplifies what you had to do before
and if it doesn't, you have to run, clean up scripts
and all the things you might have
had to do before with the MSI.
So it does it all on one express upgrade step.
So this is really good stuff. Thanks, Brad.
These are huge updates and I'm loving all the
new capabilities for ConfigMgr and
everybody else in the room is using it, sounds like.
What if I'm just getting started on the path to deploy
and I want to modernize my desktops.
Where should I start?
- Okay, so the key thing here is let us take the knowledge
and the intelligence we have in the cloud and help you.
So right now start using the Windows Analytics capabilities.
It'll help you with your application and device readiness.
And then, stay tuned as we get
Desktop Analytics out into the market.
That's gonna be foundational as you think about
how you stay up with the cadence.
So, check it out and then specifically
if you want, go to aka.ms/howtoshift
We'll keep you updated there on all the information
that we're doing.
Now finally, if you want to go deeper on any of the topics
about the Modern Desktop Deployment wheel,
check out the Desktop Deployment Essentials series.
Jeremy and team have got a phenomenal job of capturing
everything in one place to help you out.
- So, really great recommendations of course.
Brad is in the Desktop Deployment Essentials series.
From someone who has seen a lot of desktop deployments,
I've really tried and we all tried to bring
all those different steps together, document everything,
show all the tools, you can geek out
on all the network optimizations
of course, we're gonna show,
Command-line tools like MVR to GPT like you saw here
and everything you can do to really speed up the deployment,
get BIOS converted to UEFI in that case,
start using your task sequences,
automating as much as you can.
All of that's here on ak.ms/watchhowtoshift.
And that's all the time we have for today's show I think.
Hopefully, this has been an enlightening experience
for everybody in terms of all the different things
that you can do for desktop deployment.
Thanks for watching, and follow us on Twitter.
Also follow our channel, subscribe to us on YouTube.
Thanks for watching, we'll see you next time.
(rhythmic music)
DJI Mavic 2 Fly More Kit Unboxing - Should you buy it ? - Duration: 5:33.
hi in today's video I'm going to be unboxing the Mavic 2 Fly More Kit and
see whether it is actually worth it so stay tuned I recently got the
Maverick - zoom I've unboxed it and tested do check it out I'll link it down
below I'll be putting up a full review of the
Maverick to zoom so I've been playing around with it a little bit more and now
that I got the matter to fly more kit be able to fly more suppose that's why it's
called fly market I'll be able to fly more and conduct more tests with the
Maverick - zoom yeah I'll link it down below once it's ready cool let's get
this out of the way and unbox the Maverick to fly market ok I'm just gonna
open up the maverick to fly mark it got a call from JB I fight today saying that
the flag more combos arrived now by pre-orders remember to bag though it
should come with two spare batteries if they go to batteries one to battery one
battery to there nicely car charger oh yeah it's a multi plug multi battery
charger so you can connect that in there you can charge your phone in charge
without whatever would USB this is gonna be extremely useful once when I do my
in-depth review so just a quick recap we've got the bag multi charger car
charger USB charger two batteries and then through sensible pellets it's gonna
charge one battery at a time so once this is charged its gonna charge this
one we're gonna try to figure out how to put the maverick to zoom into this bag
now luckily this tag in here that'll show you a brief look on how to fit it
in hopefully you can see it though the other way around there you go
I am just gonna chuck in the Maverick to tricky it is there this could be the car
charger could be in there yeah that will do but yeah this is how it looks like
with the magnetism inside three batteries in there got the car charger
on the side air propellers in here as well and the charging cables so yeah
it's pretty pretty good actually like this to really maximize this you relate
to know what are you gonna be flying your drone a lot I personally might earn
a lot that's why and buying extra batteries later than a truck anyway so
for me personally I just thought you know I might as well just buy the fly
more combo kit because I know I'm gonna be using it a lot so it really depends
again whether you are gonna be flying a drone heavily and second of all what do
you have the funds actually pay for it so let me break it down to you whether
you're actually gonna be saving from purchasing the individual art
accessories or you're better off buying a flat mark on the map to fly market as
per DJI website showing us $649 I know the price has gone up a little bit
actually a lot personally did pay 649 have a
speakers that's the price in the DJI website so you combine them separately
I'm just gonna quickly do su search here the charging heart is hundred nineteen
dollars the battery is $239 times two which leads up to four hundred seventy
eight dollars the battery to power band that's thirty nine dollars the shoulder
bag which is hundred eighty nine dollars the propellers $20 $21 h x 2 cos st for
2008 and the car charger at $139 which a total of one thousand six dollars you'll
be saving about three hundred fifty seven dollars wristlet for me from all
the accessories included in the fly more kit extra batteries really helps the car
charger also helps this little batteries barback don't think i'll be using that
ones they show the bangle bees for me because I don't actually have a bag for
thematic to zoom yet so yeah that's helps the palace always helps you know
you never know when you're gonna break your propellers or if accidents happen
that's just my personal view do comment down below what are some of the
accessories that you find are very useful on your throne if you want to
find out more accessories accessories that board I'll link it down below have
a look personally for me the most important ones is the extra battery and
the bag and the ND filters which are still waiting on on its way can't wait
to use it as well so definitely gonna be flying more and more thematic too soon
in the next couple of days leading up to grading mine for review so that I can
show you stuff to use so yeah look that's really for me thank
you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video give it a like I really
appreciate it and subscribe to my channel for more videos
again this is Dennis and I'll see you in my next video bye they really get the
fly more Kongo later on I end up buying two or three
batteries and the carry case so which
Conversational Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy: Intention vs. Behavior - Duration: 7:55.
Before the break, we started playing a little bit with some revivification, and did you
all experience the emotions starting to arise, it's kind of pleasant, it's fun, it's wow,
this is great stuff, right?
Before we carry on down that path, I'd like to have a chat about something which is of
great importance to our work as hypnotherapists.
It's a fundamental understanding.
It's a point of view that no one can prove or disprove.
However, in my experience, if you adopt this point of view, and I certainly have, it makes
your life as a hypnotherapist infinitely easier than not.
It is your choice.
Whether or not you accept it, it's entirely your choice, but I'm want to present you the
frame of reference I use and why I use it so that you can adopt or not as you wish.
Does it makes sense?
All right.
Let's highlight in black.
(silence) There's a different between what people do
and what they try to achieve by doing that thing.
There's a difference between how people behave and the intention, the purpose for that behavior,
what they're trying to achieve through that behavior.
For example, little Johnny is five years old, goes to a new school.
He walks up to some kids, says, "Hi," and they're mean to him.
Happens again the next day.
He somewhat falls into this unpleasant rut where he's the kid that everyone picks on.
So after a few weeks, maybe a few months of this, what does he do when he goes to school?
He walks in, and he's mean back first before they're mean to him.
You can see that happening, right?
Little Johnny grows up, he leaves school.
He grows up.
He grows older, and then when he gets into his older years, he's this unfortunately bitter,
old man who's sitting or walking around playgrounds shouting at kids.
Is he a bad person?
You can clearly see what he's doing is he's trying to protect himself.
He's running out an old pattern that he's never managed to master.
He doesn't need to be mean to kids anymore, does he?
He doesn't need to protect himself from that anymore.
His behavior has become useless or pointless at this stage.
However, the intention he's trying to do to protect himself emotionally from harm, that's
a good thing, isn't it?
While as at the same time, his behavior, being mean to kids, that's a good thing, is it?
You see how that works?
So the belief or the point of view that I happen to have, and you're welcome to share
or not is aside from some, shall we say, issues where their biology is a case where there's
brain damage or something like that, in the average person, shall we say, every behavior
is motivated by a positive intention.
No matter how bad the behavior is, the intention is always a positive, good thing, something
you would approve of, something that is respectable.
The behavior, however, may be atrocious.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Every behavior someone engages in will have some kind of positive intention, something
that that person needs that is good for that person.
The irony is this.
Most negative behaviors like that don't actually serve that intent.
They're actually inadequate for reaching that outcome.
That's why they're stuck in a compulsion with it.
Here's the problem.
What happens when you say to someone, "You need to stop doing that."
What if you go to the old man, old Johnny now on the playground is telling off young
kids and someone comes up to him and says, "You have to stop talking to kids like that.
It's not right."
What is he hearing?
You're not [inaudible 00:04:31].
"You have to stop protecting yourself.
That's not right," because to him, the same thing, at least the way the unconscious mind
is reasoning at that point.
You see where I'm going with this?
That's why he'll resist it, because to the extent you try and change the behavior only
and you're not taking care of whatever the behavior is trying to achieve, well, there's
a void there.
However, what if you were to walk up to Johnny's unconscious, the one that's running this whole
You manage to get into a dialogue and show Johnny's unconscious mind that if he behaved
in a different way, he was nice to kids, not only would he protect himself from them being
mean back, but actually, his reward would go far beyond that.
What do you think the chances are that if the unconscious mind accepted the idea that
his behavior would change?
Pretty certain, right?
Because we'll all do the things that will get us the best result to the extent that
we know.
So, we need to be able to separate this idea of how people behave from what they're trying
to achieve by it.
Once you can get past their behavior and look at their intentions, you gain the power to
transform their behaviors very easily, because the intention is satisfied.
So, this idea of behavior versus intention, does that make sense to you guys?
Could you see it kind of in action in your own lives, the people you've met, and so on,
things like that?
So once again, this gives you hopefully another facet of that general idea, that general saying
that what you resist will persist.
What you accept, you gain the power to transform, because what people resist is this.
They're resisting something.
"I will not smoke now."
That's willpower stopping your smoking, right?
"I will not smoke."
They're resisting their behavior.
How well does that work?
It doesn't work at all, does it?
It will persist because the intention has not been satisfied, but what you accept, you
gain the power to transform, because when you accept all this, you're also accepting
This is what transforms that.
Do you see how that works?
It's true in our own personal lives, how we deal with ourselves.
It's true of other people.
Of course, I can sit up here and pontificating, "Oh, look how clever I am."
I get stuck in the exact same loops as everyone else does.
I'm no special guru in the mountain, but I can tell you that as a therapist, this makes
your life a heck of a lot easier because when people come in complaining of a behavior,
as soon as you find the intention behind that, your ability to change the behavior, it's
Does that make sense?
Does this make sense to you guys?
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