Donald Trump.
President Trump.
Donald Trump.
President Trump.
Time to stop complaining about Trump.
November 6 is your chance to create a firewall against this catastrophe, and flip the House
and even the Senate.
How do we get out of this mess?
It's up to you.
First and most obviously: Vote!
Even if you're in a pure blue or deep red state or district, don't assume your vote
doesn't count.
You never know how close the vote can be.
Verify your registration, find your polling place, and make a plan to vote on Election
If you still need to register, do so today.
Second: Encourage others to vote.
Typically, in midterm elections, only about 40 percent of eligible voters go to the polls.
The upcoming election will be decided by turnout.
The most powerful way to motivate others to vote is the personal touch.
So, call your friends and family.
Talk about what's at stake in this election.
If you live in a blue state or district, be sure to also call family and friends in red
or purple states and districts.
Third: Get young people to the polls.
In the last midterm election, in 2014, only 16 percent of eligible voters aged 18 to 29
voted, compared to 55% of people over 50.
The millennial generation is now the largest voting block in America, for the first time
outnumbering Baby Boomers and older Americans.
So please urge your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and even their friends to
If they don't already know, explain how important this election is to them and to their future.
Fourth: You can do even more to get out the vote.
Host a phone bank, knock on doors, make sure people know where to vote. Help drive them
to polling places.
Groups like MoveOn have tools to get you started today.
Folks, our democracy depends on all of us -- now more than ever.
This November 6th, please do your part.
If you found our video informative, please follow this page.
For more infomation >> It's Up to You - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating compilation - Cake Style 2018 - Diy cake decoration ideas - Duration: 10:28.
Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating compilation
Dear Jeff Bezos: What are you going to do with all that money? | Jeffrey Sachs - Duration: 6:50.
One of the astounding facts of our time is the gusher of wealth going to the very top;
of the wealth distribution in the world.
It's mind-boggling.
Mind-boggling to think about Jeff Bezos, for example, with a net worth—personally, individual
net worth of… hold onto your chair, how about $163 billion?
That's a lot of money.
I am myself an Amazon user.
I think it's an awfully good service and product that he's developed, but $163 billion
in a world where a lot of his workers struggle to get by, a lot of the people in Seattle
(where Amazon is headquartered) are homeless, where there are incredible needs, that a tiny
fraction of that wealth could keep millions of kids alive and in school.
You have to say, "all right, world economy is dynamic, but it's not really exactly
fair, and it's not really oriented towards addressing everyone's basic human rights
and needs."
What's happened to the wealth at the top, it's amazing.
Back in 2006 there were about 700 billionaires or so, that was a lot, and they had a net
worth, if you added up all of their stocks and bonds and other assets, of something on
the order of about $3 trillion, and we'd sit there and say oh my god can you imagine
And in just a dozen years—a dozen years!
Even in a dozen years with a mega financial crisis in between, the billionaires went from
about 700 or so to now 2,208 on the most recent Forbes magazine list of billionaires.
And their net worth went from around three trillion, which was absolutely mind-boggling
to begin with, to $9.1 trillion at the start of 2018 when Forbes published the list (and
now almost surely well above it $10 trillion), including this phenomenal wealth of Mr. Bezos
the richest person in the world, but many others.
Now Bill Gates, who is far and away the world's leading philanthropist because he was long
the richest person in the world and he and Melinda Gates very rightly, generously, wisely,
boldly, in a visionary way, said "We're going to give this away," created the biggest
foundation in the world: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
They've been putting in several billion dollars a year to fighting disease and doing
a fantastic job.
But consider this, in 2010 Bill Gates called on other billionaires join in and make a pledge,
called A Giving Pledge, to give away at least half of your wealth during your lifetime.
And Bill Gates took that pledge himself.
At that point his net worth was about $50 billion.
He's been giving away roughly $4 billion a year since then, and you might think his
net worth has gone down a bit given that generosity, but his net worth now is $93 billion.
So the wealth is such a gusher that you could give billions away and it just keeps growing
and growing and growing beyond anything that most of us mortals can even imagine.
What I know—as an economist that has worked all over the world, including in the poorest
places in the world—little bits can save lives and make futures for the children of
this world at unbelievably low costs, and it just gets me that we have $10 trillion
here and we have kids who are hungry, dying and out—no school over here, and can't
we make the connection?
And the answer is we have to.
So my thought is at a minimum ten trillion, come on!
And put in at least one percent.
That's such a tiny amount because your wealth grows at much more than that—put in one
percent of your net worth, per year, minimum, to help the kids.
One percent of ten trillion is $100 billion.
And if you take out your paper and pencil—or your Excel spreadsheet—you can show that
for $100 billion a year, one percent of the net worth of just 2,208 individuals, you could
get every kid in school all the way through upper-secondary education and you could establish
universal health coverage for everybody in every low-income country in the world.
That's a pretty good gig for 2,208 people, but they've got to get on with it.
I think they have enough yachts, enough mansions, enough of everything, and it's really time
for that wealth to be deployed for the purposes of our generation, of children who utterly
and desperately need it.
And I say do it voluntarily, or if you don't do it voluntarily, fine: we'll put on a
levy, and SDG levy, a Sustainable Development Goals levy of one percent of your net worth,
because we're going to get this job done, we're going to get every child healthcare,
we're going to get every child into school.
Ninjago Sing finger family song | Daddy finger Sing Ninago - Duration: 0:54.
Daddy finger, Daddy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
6 Reasons You Should use Coconut Oil On Your Face & Skin - coconut oil benefits for skin - Duration: 3:37.
Moisturize your body A recent animal study found that when applied
topically, virgin organic coconut oil for skin can speed up wound healing, and a human
study found it to be effective in increasing hydration and reducing water loss in seriously
dry skin.
Sounds like a recipe for a really good lotion to us!
It's a health-expert favorite, too.
Says Wyk: "It smells delicious, is very affordable, and leaves my skin feeling nourished and smooth."
Clean your face Because coconut oil is naturally antibacterial,
antifungal, moisturizing and, according to research, great for atopic dermatitis, many
women swear by its use as a nighttime moisturizer for their face, too.
Try the double-cleansing method: Simply rub the oil in circular motions all over your
face and neck, giving yourself a gentle massage as you go.
When you're done, wash off the residue with your favorite cleanser.
(If you're acne-prone, avoid this technique unless you know your skin tolerates coconut
After exfoliating, moisturize your lips Once your lips are silky smooth, dap them
with a bit of coconut oil for added moisture and shine.
You can add straight coconut oil (carried in a tiny container like a contacts case),
create your own DIY blend, or buy an organic lip balm made with coconut oil, like this
three-pack that also utilizes essential oils of eucalyptus/mint, vanilla, and citrus.
Highlight your cheeks Nothing perks up a tired face like a little
highlighter, but you don't need store-bought products to achieve the same effect.
Simply sweep a small amount of organic coconut oil on top of makeup and leave it alone.
It looks like your skin but glowier, which is why many natural makeup brands use it as
a base ingredient in their formulas.
Face Wash With its antimicrobial properties and moisturizing
abilities, coconut oil for skin is perfect to clean your face.
I love my homemade face wash recipe.
It'll kill any bacteria (goodbye, pimples!) while hydrating skin to keep it looking and
feeling vibrant.
Homemade Deodorant If traditional deodorants irritate your skin,
using coconut oil is a great alternative.
Try my three-ingredient homemade deodorant recipe to make your own at home.
It hardens into a natural, healthy alternative to store-bought brands that'll keep you
smelling fresh.
It's OK to be BAD at THINGS - how to develop your skills every day - Duration: 5:40.
hey guys welcome back to TohirT's channel Tohir is here you know the drill
you had a fantastic week I had a fantastic week if not let's improve it
today we will talk about something slightly controversial why is it okay to
be bad at something do you already disagree with me good because I want to
discuss it this video is inspired by the events of the prior two weeks
specifically my attendance at the pound ridge car show and the video that I've
made and published last weekend on the surface it's another weekly video that
I've created but if you dig a little bit deeper and especially if you've been
around since last year you will know that they've been to the Pound Ridge Car
Show in 2017 and I created a similar video and now those two videos are very
good benchmarks of how my skills and how my channel in general evolved over the
year because you can look at both and you can compare them and the 2017
pound ridge car show video was great it was published on a few websites
people really enjoyed it it gained a lot of traction throughout the year and
people kept watching it even this year and I did so I went and I watched that
video and actually cringed I cringed at the fact that every single aspect of
that video could have been much better don't get me wrong it wasn't terrible it
was bad-ish that's probably how I would label it but this is fine because I'm
purely excited when I see how much worse the 2017 video about the pound ridge car
show was compared to 2018 video without those two videos side by side I would
not be able to see the amount of progress I've made over the past twelve
months now how does this relate to my point about being bad at something and
why is it okay well if you think about anytime you're starting something new
whether it's your personal business maybe you're going solo as entrepreneur
maybe you're starting a new class learning a new skill in either of those
cases most likely you've been looking at the pros at the creme de la creme of
that particular industry or field or study and you get intimidated you
naturally will get intimidated by looking at those professionals and
seeing how good they are and I think that's an unfair benchmark because when
you look at those guys and you look at yourself it's very hard to spot any type
of progress and it keeps discouraging you from pursuing that opportunity from
pursuing the dream and that passion instead you should realize it's okay to
be bad at something because being bad at something is your best benchmark that's
the foundation that's the based bar that's the ground zero that's
the point from where you will keep building up your skills and you will be
able to compare your progress against that point it's pointless to walk all
the way up to the base of the mountain look all the way up top and say oh my
god this is too far what am I doing here
I've seen the cliffhanger I know how it ends
instead you should just go ahead put your heads down
focus on each and following step and just make that progress make that marginal
progress step by step and without even noticing you will be at the top notice
no way throughout this video am I saying you should accept being bad at something
every business started in some sort of garage or a home office
every athlete was bad at the sport that they became famous for and every
creative hated their product at some point of their career but what separates
the best from the rest is that all of those the best they accepted being bad
is just a stage this is the stage where I'm gonna start off and they kept
pushing they kept progressing they kept making marginal improvements every
single day and eventually they became those Serena Williams and LeBron James
of the world those JK Rowling's and Steven Spielberg's and those Amazons and
Google's they all started at Ground Zero and they all made it all the way to the
top through those marginal improvements coming back to the 2017 pound ridge
car show video I knew that it was not perfect but I promised myself that I'm
gonna be making the improvements I'm gonna continue improving in small doses
the picture the sound they're editing the music every single aspect of every
single video will be improved over time and most likely you will not notice
those changes between week to week on this channel but when you look at this
kind of a benchmark comparison between 2017 pound ridge car show video in 2018
pound ridge car show video you realize how far those videos are from each other in
every single aspect of quality that I've mentioned stop discouraging yourself
focus on your own progress don't make that useless comparison of
your own craft to the craft of those masters in the field so to speak all you
have to really focus on are the baby steps in your own personal path
and one day in the future when you're gonna be at the top you will look back
and realize how far those baby steps can really take you so focus focus on your
own path so keep pushing my fellow entrepreneurs professional small
business owners athletes creatives and just regular people who are trying to
achieve their own goals in life it's all about that full focus on your personal
path to success and this is all that I have for you guys this week I hope this
video really inspires you and help you to focus on your personal goal no matter
how big or small it is if you've used it approach before please make sure to
share the examples of your progress whether it's in a creative field in a
professional field in education field down in the comment section below
well thank you for stopping by and sticking through this video if you're
new to this channel go ahead hit the subscribe button and check out the
videos in the backlog and if you're already a subscriber thank you very much
for coming back as always let me know in a comment section
below which I thought about this video and I will see you all next Saturday 10
a.m. Eastern on this very channel now go use the energy use the passion use the
message of this video and achieve your goals and check out the quote at the end
of this video see you peace
Happy Place Wrinkle Release 20 oz. Concentrate Set Swee... - Duration: 10:32.
NEW Gown Designs Long Gown PICTURES 2018 Party Wear Dresses Design collection for women - Duration: 1:26.
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