Hello everyone, welcome to Shin Adventure
Today, I want to show you to a day in Vienna
Now you can see are buildings on both sides of the bridge near our house. Under the bridge is the subway
On the left you can see the park near our home. We often play volleyball or badminton here
On the way to the subway
The current temperature is about 22 degrees.It is quite cool.But the weather has slowly turned cold
Here comes the subway ~ This is the subway in Vienna
It is a quite old subway because you have to open the gate yourself
We are going to eat now. This attraction is called Karlsplatz. It is a downtown attraction
Then we will see Resselpark when we go out , a place near Karlskirche
That is where we are going to eat
The place where I am walking towards is called Karlskirche
Sorry it is a bit blocked by the tree><
wow ~ the sun is really beautiful ~ ~ time to eat
We are going to eat a vegan restaurant
It is called Swing Kitchen. It is a vegan restaurant with a wide variety of dishes
very delicious
Check it out !!They are delicious, aren't they?
It's a wrap with fake meat, but they are all vegan along with vegan nuggets and french fries
Well, the way I eat...>//////////< I finish up easily
Now let's go for coffee after the meal
What you can see is the outdoor coffee. Many people sit outdoors, cool off under the tree and chat
Now we are going to the coffee stand that we want
In fact, the Viennese is also famous for drinking coffee and there are many well-known coffee houses.
But sometimes we feel that the coffee stalls on the street are already good
While waiting, you can see here are seats on both sides of the coffee
On the left is a street view you see. There are many greens in Vienna that can be seen everywhere
The bicycles here are like YouBike. They can be be used in public
Here comes the coffee~~
Now we will take the line U2 to Prater
You can take a look at a scene of the Vienna subway
In the subway, since we went at daytime, it was not a peak hour
Here we are ! Praterstern, which is the park we are going
Prater is a very famous landmark in Vienna, especially it has a huge 65-meter-high Ferris wheel
Prater is also the largest green space in Vienna
We are going to get in. Here comes more and more people
It has a lot of cute rides and vendors
We are heading to the mini golf
What is he doing XD
Ready~~ Looks well-prepared~~
Watch me
oh~~I suck~XD
Is that right (??
It looks easy but fucking hard
This mini golf is not easy at all as it looks ,because it has a total of 18 tracks with its own level.( Note: first try with difficult level)
Too frustrated man??
It is sill fun!! Game over ^_^
Prater is a large green area that combines amusement parks and parks so locals like to come here to play
So if you come to Vienna, why not come and have a visit?
You can also take a look at the entire city of Vienna by sitting on the Ferris wheel while sunset
Scooter Ride. Let's go!
Ok, these are what I do in Vienna. As well as a day trip
and let you have a glimpse too. Thanks for watching. Thank you~~~Bye~~
For more infomation >> [VLOG]歐洲:一個值得旅遊的城市 Vienna: A city worth traveling to - Duration: 7:04.-------------------------------------------
Emotional intelligence at work: Why IQ isn't everything - Duration: 4:14.
Since I started writing about and researching emotional intelligence in business, I found
that data in support of it has only gotten stronger.
I saw recently a study, this surprised me, engineers, software coders and so on were
evaluated by their peers, people who work with them day-to-day on how successful they
were at what they do.
This turns out to be one of the strongest predictors of success in any field.
And that was correlated with their IQ in one hand and their emotional intelligence on the
And when I say emotional intelligence they were evaluated on a 360 that looks at all
12 of the key emotional intelligence competencies that distinguish star performers from average.
The surprise was this: IQ correlated zero, zero with their success as rated by peers.Emotional
intelligence correlated very, very highly.
Well, why would that be?
Well consider this, in order to be an engineer you have to have an IQ about a standard deviation
or more above average, that's an IQ of about 115 or so.
And another recent paper shows that there's no relationship between career success and
an IQ above 120.
The reason is this: there is a strong floor effect for IQ in any role.
All engineers have an IQ of 115 or more, so the range of variance is very reduced for
IQ and success.
Emotional intelligence however varies radically.
So emotional intelligence means: How well you manage yourself.
Can you work toward your goals despite obstacles?
Do you give up too soon?
Do you have a negative outlook or a positive outlook?
These are all emotional intelligence competencies that matter for success.
Then there's the relationship competencies: Can you tune in to other people?
Do you notice other people?
I remember hearing about two MIT grads who went into a giant tech company, one of them
went around to other members of her team and asked, "What are you doing?
How can I help?
The other stayed in his office and wrote code all day.
It's very clear who was going to get ahead; it was the one who wanted to be a team player.
You don't write code in isolation anymore; everyone works on projects together.
You may write the code but you have to coordinate, you have to influence, you have to persuade,
you have to be a good team member.
All of those are emotional intelligence competencies that distinguish outstanding from average
So when you think about it that way, it makes sense that even among engineers emotional
intelligence will predict who is a star and who's just mediocre.
And when you think about this at the organizational level it means you want to be sure to include
emotional intelligence when you consider hiring people.
I have a friend at an executive recruiting company that specializes in C-level hires,
CEOs, CFOs and so on.
And they once did a study internally of people they had recommended who turn out to be bad
and were so bad they were fired.
So these were failures, they were surprised to have failures, but they realized when they
looked more carefully that these were people who were hired because of business expertise
and IQ and fired because of a deficiency in emotional intelligence, so it's more important
than ever these days.
And so in hiring it needs to be considered, and in promoting people, of course, it needs
to be considered.
And it should be part of HR.
It should be what you help people develop for their strengths.
Because the good news about emotional intelligence is: It's learned and learnable, and you
can upgrade it at any point in life if you're motivated.
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Should You Become a Minimalist? (Declutter Your Life) - Duration: 5:58.
You probably heard the term before.
Maybe you think its trendy and you want to hop on.
So what is this whole minimalism thing about?
Should you be a minimalist?
These the topics that we will cover today.
Lets begin.
When you think of minimalism you might think of getting rid of stuff, not buying anything
new, living in a small white room with no furniture or pictures on the wall, and maybe
even just sleeping in a sleeping bag.
That can be true but that is an extreme.
People associate minimalism with just getting rid of things but there is more to it.
According to The Minimalists, Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life's excess
in favor of focusing on what's important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.
We can define minimalism as living with less to make room for more.
It is a tool to help you find freedom.
Its not about restrictions like you cant have a car or other material possessions.
You want that nice lambo?
Great , go get it, as long as it is important to you and brings you value.
Minimalism helps you make decisions more consciously.
A lot of people live a minimalist lifestyle yet their lives are completely different.
There are no strict rules or a code you must follow.
However, they all share one thing in common- minimalism helped them live purpose driven
They all have more time, more money, and more freedom to live a more meaningful life.
The most important part of minimalism is that it helps you establish priorities.
What brings value to your life?
Identify what are the essentials in your life and let go of the rest.
So for material essentials, identify what is essential using the 90/90 rule.
If you have not used it in 90 days or wont use it in 90 days, let it go.
Its not just for material possessions.
You can apply minimalism to multiple areas of your life.
You can use it to declutter your mind and control your emotions, you can use it to help
your personal finances, or to control technology usage.
For this video, we are mostly focusing on clearing your material possessions.
Now that I covered the need to know about minimalism, you might ask well should I be
a minimalist?
Is this lifestyle right for me?
I will first go over some benefits of minimalism.
It is easier to clean, there is less stress, your room will look visually appealing, you
have less luggage, you have more time, you find things you love, and you will save more
So should you be be a minimalist?
Minimalism may be for you if.
You want to focus on a passion and get rid of clutter in your life.
You like to keep things clean and tidy.
You want to get rid of a material obsession.
You want to live simply.
You want less distractions in life.
But remember, minimalism is just an idea.
Its a potential way to live life.
Try it to see if it works for you.
Now who should not be a minimalist?
This is not for people who are materialistic and love buying more and more possessions.
Minimalism is pretty much the direct opposite of their way of life.
It is also not for people who are close minded and are not open to change.
These people are not going to have the courage to change their lives.
People who are afraid of the opinions of others should also approach this cautiously.
You need to be able to stand up for yourself because people will think you are weird.
It can also be a challenging talk with family and friends that you are choosing to live
this lifestyle.
Now if you are still watching, and are interested in starting or trying it out, you want to
start applying the 90/90 rule and find things that dont give you any value.
Or you can write a list of areas you want to declutter and start from there.
But remember, there is no deadline.
You can declutter at any rate you want.
Take things as fast or slow as you want.
Maybe you want to do it in a week.
Or maybe over a month.
You can also start as small as you want.
Maybe you want to just declutter your desk.
Or maybe your drawer.
Or if you are ambitious, your whole room.
If you ask me, I would recommend setting a timer each day and only declutter for that
This way, you dont overdo it and throw out too much.
You also need to find your reason why you are going to be a minimalist.
What motivated you?
Without that reason, you might quit quickly.
I touched on this earlier but I want to say it again to reinforce this.
There are no rules you need to live by.
What some people live by might not work for you.
Figure out how you want to declutter and free yourself.
Just live simply without too many unnecessary possessions, distractions, clutter, or waste.
One last thing.
Minimalism doesnt mean you cant treat yourself to buying really nice things.
Theres nothing wrong with buying nice things.
Just remember quality over quantity and make sure it provides you value.
Thanks for watching.
Be sure to subscribe for more high quality videos.
The next video will be on decluttering your brain to control your emotions.
You dont want to miss it.
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Abraham Hicks 2018 🙂 Closing Emotional Gap Between You And You 🙂 No ads during video - Duration: 12:35.
Thank You Abraham this is a very very special time in my life to be out of
Australia in America and on this particularly wonderful cruise. Yeah. My
question, lies around I mean I've read, I've listened to you for some time and
I've just recently read a book that I picked up called 'The Subtle Art Of Not
Giving Her'. It runs with duck. I don't think I should say it. Truck. You are
Thank you and it and it's really about focusing on what's important. Because we
only have so many ducks in our life to focus on and I, well we are in slight
disagreement with the premise. Because desire matters and so someone who is not
able to manage their attention in the direction of their desire could be
having a rough ride and therefore thinks that it's good to just give up desire.
Which might be alright if you could. But you can't give up your desires you can
give up you're resistant to your desires. So we disagree with the premise of the
title of the book. So how do we focus more on achieving our desire? Is it
simply being more in the receptive mode? Certainly. But how do you go about that?
In other words those are just words. Okay got it by. I'm trying to be more
conscious in terms of being in my vortex and I think that's a really hard
stumbling point for me because I have an analytical mind and I get all caught up
in doing. What you're looking for it really is about tending to the
atmosphere around you. Let's say that you've lived some life and through life
you've lived enough contrast that you've asked for quite a few things. And let's
say for the sake of this premise of this book and this conversation that many of
those things that life has caused you to ask for
and that you are consciously aware that you've asked for
haven't come into physical manifestation in the way that you want them to. So
there is this obvious big gap between what you know you want and what you've
got.So you want to close that gap you want more of the things that are missing
to come and more of the things that have come that you don't want to leave. In
other words you want your life to transform into more manifestations that
are pleasing to you. Well the most important thing to realize is that those
things that you've been thinking about which are the reason that you're living
exactly what you're living. Those thoughts have momentum and the reason
that things aren't changing very much which is why someone would write a book
like that or make a statement like that. The reason things aren't changing is
because and this is true of most people. Most people are looking at what is
mostly. So if you're looking at what is you're offering a vibration of what is
which means only more of what is can come into your experience. So even though
things are always changing in your experience they're changing to more of
the same. You're recreating the same things over and over and over again.
Because you're recreating the same thoughts because you were doing mostly
observing. Even though every day that observation is launching more rockets of
desire. So what happens is as your observations are launching more rockets
of desire and your vortex is becoming richer and fuller. And Law of Attraction
is responding to the vibration of your inner being in a stronger and stronger
way, that's what's causing that emotional gap between you and you. In other words
you keep asking for more, your inner being keeps finding more for you, your
inner being keeps showing you where the more is, but in your observation of what
is you're not going. And so the feeling of not having is becoming stronger and
stronger within you. And so it's that emotional gap that you must
close first. The manifestation gap the cars in your garage and the people in
your life and the experiences that you want to live all of those experiences
must come to you but only can when you close the emotional gap. Well what does
closing that emotional gap means? It means being angry less and happy more. It
means not being afraid but being confident. It means having love rather
than hate in your heart. It means feeling good not bad. It means being satisfied
not dissatisfied. But when you take one of those subjects that you've been maybe
thinking about for a long time in your life that has so much momentum you don't
have much of a chance of finding a satisfying thought about something that
has so much dissatisfied momentum going. And so you have to pick new subjects. You
have to find some subject that doesn't have very much going on within it. We're
talking with a woman many many years ago when Esther was still allowing people to
call and speak with Abraham on the telephone. And she wasn't having any of
us she wanted us to be a fortune teller and she wanted us to tell her the
fortune that she wanted to hear and she was not interested in deliberate
creation really. She just wanted someone to tell her something that she wanted to
hear and we were telling her as best we could what she wanted to hear. But she
couldn't hear it because we were telling her she was a crater of her own
experience and she didn't want any part of any of that. So we asked her what is
it that you want? And she couldn't come up with anything really other than what
she had already said and we said but what do you want? And she had no words
and so we started coming up with some word. Well what about this, hmm...
what about this? She couldn't get any momentum going toward desire. Because she
had found discomfort in almost every thought of desire. Because she was
vibrating in opposition to almost everything that she wanted. So everything
made her uncomfortable. So we said let's talk about some other things. Let's talk
about blue glass. She didn't want to talk about
blueglass. Why would she want to talk about blueglass? But we talked about
blueglass anyway for over a minute. We talked about blueglass the depth of it.
How opaque it might be, how transparent it might be, how translucent it might be,
how textured it might be, the different colors of blue.
It was really an uncomfortable experience for her she did not want to
talk about blue glass. But we did and did. Then we said now let's talk about uhh...
butterflies. She doesn't want to talk about butterflies. But we focused with
her or without her on butterflies for another minute or so and then we said
let's talk about feathers she didn't want to talk about feathers either. And
somewhere about the end of our dissertation about the magnificence of
feathers she left the phone conversation. And Esther went and found Jerry they
were in California, they were in La Jolla at the time in a hotel. And they were on
their way down to Prospect Avenue to have lunch at George's. And so they went
down and they parked their car at the Valencia hotel where there's a valet who
will take the car. And when they got out of the car
Esther had this impulse so strong she could not deny it to go inside this
store. Now that's not altogether unusual for Esther. But the impulse was so strong
and she dragged Jerry kicking and screaming because he was hungry and on
his way to lunch and she said just for a minute just for a minute. They got back
into the back of the store. And on the back wall was a ceiling to floor
wall-to-wall display of blue glass and it didn't register with Esther didn't
mean anything. Esther had been there during the conversation not really
focused sort of like now. She's semi aware but not really it's different when
Esther is allowing Abraham to flow and Jerry hadn't heard the conversation at
all and so it was just beautiful blue glass and then off they went to lunch. So
they had lunch at George's and looked at the ocean and bask
in the beauty of their lives and then they walked down to the cove. Which from
their perspective is the most beautiful place. Where the land meets the sea and
as they walked across this big apron of grass as they were walking across it a
flurry of butterflies so intense surrounded them. That they had to stop
talking which was odd for them. In order to not eat butterflies. And so they just
sort of stood Still and then moved on. It was like nothing that experienced before.
And when the butterfly cloud lifted, Jerry said do you know that little boy?
And there was a little boy off a distance very young, walking well but not
for long and he was headed right for them. Looking right at Esther and he
walked up to her and handed her a feather. And then Esther realized that
within a very short period of time the universe had orchestrated, and
experienced where three things that we had drawn attention to that were three
things that Esther held no resistance to whatsoever. And when there is focus
absent of resistance, there is manifestation. And so, that's the thing to
do start with things that teach yourself to trust that our friend was talking
about. Teach yourself the feeling of the universe providing for you opportunity
to know. Because whatever you want has already been given. Whatever you want has
already been given. But you say then where is it? How do I get my money out of
the vortex and into the bank? How do I accept that it has been given when I
can't spend it yet. And we say therein lies your problem. If you need it to be
manifested right now and you won't give yourself the opportunity to feel the
unfolding of it which is really what you've come for.
You've come for the joy of that journey of witnessing the unfolding. And so, as
you back up a little bit and you leave a sight for just a little while, the
intensity of the desires that haven't been coming
and the reason they haven't been coming is because there's obvious resistance.
Maybe not obvious to you but obvious to the universe, obvious to us. If it is
wanted and not coming then there is doubt in the way. And if there's doubt in
the way then how you can get rid of doubt. And most would say give it
to me anyway. And we say really defy the laws of the universe you want to be the
one exception in all the universe to get something that your vibrationally
adverse to. You don't want that you want to be vibrationally aware of what you're
doing so that you have control of what comes to you, yes? So start with the easy
things and witness the unfolding of those easy things. What you witnessed
today was not one of those easy things. It was one of those powerful powerful,
powerful, powerful, powerful desires that was matched with the expectation, that
allowed it to be. And so it was. And so it is, enough? Thank you so much. Yes indeed. Yes indeed.
Khmer Emotional Song Ep1 [Can make you cry] 2018 - Duration: 9:35.
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