Why did you do that?
Let's get going! We will time to grieve later.
Yeah. You goddamn right.
Come on!
Come on!
Here's to being human
All the pain and suffering
There's beauty in the bleeding
At least you feel something
I wish I knew what it was like
To care enough to carry on
I wish I knew what it was like
To find a place where I belong, but
I am machine I never sleep
I keep my eyes wide open
I am machine A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something
I am machine I never sleep Until I fix what's broken
I am machine A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something
Here's to being human
Taking it for granted
The highs and lows of living
To getting second chances
I wish I knew what it was like
To care about what's right or wrong
I wish someone could help me find
Find a place where I belong, but
I am machine I never sleep
I keep my eyes wide open
I am machine A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something
I am machine I never sleep
Until I fix what's broken
I am machine A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something
It wasn't supposed to be this way
We were meant to feel the pain
I don't like what I am becoming
Wish I could just feel something
I am machine I never sleep
I keep my eyes wide open
I am machine A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something
I am machine I never sleep
Until I fix what's broken
I am machine A part of me
Wishes I could just feel something.
For more infomation >> GTA V: Great Thought Angel | Cyberpunk | Mrs. V - Duration: 3:28.-------------------------------------------
Call of Duty Blackout: TOP 5 BUGS & GLITCHES - Duration: 3:39.
[Intro] Hey guys, and welcome back to Top5Esports!
The open beta of Blackout has now come to a close.
The forums are flooded with plays, fails, and bugs.
Today we'll be looking at the top 5 game breaking bugs that haunted players during
the Blackout beta.
[Question of the Day] Before we get started, we want to hear from
you, the audience!
Did you experience any bugs or glitches in the Blackout beta?
Let us know in the comments down below!
Now let's get straight to the video!
[Number Five] We think Treyarch's been swindled by some
shady bootleg company when they supplied them with the stun grenades.
An easy kill for this player turns into a death sentence after he throws the stun grenade
right at the feet of his enemy.
He assumes it's safe to rush in and go for the kill.
The stun grenade, however, bugs out, flipping it from an easy kill for our player to an
easy kill for his enemy.
[Number Four] When you're being shot at, there are many
ways to react to the situation.
You can turn around and start shooting back, you can run away, or you can run to cover.
In this clip, our player takes the phrase "Becoming one with your surroundings" a bit
too far.
After being shot at, he seems to run right into the terrain and disappear from the map
Quite the game-determining bug depending on who you are in the situation.
[Number Three] Next up we have a game-breaking bug for the
Xbox fans.
As this player demonstrates, there seems to be a fatal bug where, if you press the dashboard
button while in game, you get completely locked out of the controls and are unable to do anything.
You're forced to sit there and watch your character die slowly.
[Number Two] Downing a player is often a death sentence
for them, as most players will move in for the kill after downing an enemy.
But imagine how frustrating it would be for your enemy to be unable to kill your downed
ally, even if they aren't moving to cover!
This bug makes whoever you're reviving immune to damage while they're being revived.
The player demonstrates that in order to trigger the bug, you have to start reviving your ally,
quickly stop reviving and start again so the bar doesn't disappear.
If done right, your ally will be invincible, much to the annoyance of your enemies.
[Number One] This is probably the most helpful bug for
squads right now.
If two of your teammates are down and are clumped up on one another, it's possible for
you to revive both of them simultaneously.
But let's be honest, you DO have two hands, so technically you should be able to do this
in real life, right?
Jokes aside, this helpful bug makes it much easier to get your teammates back in action.
Hopefully, these bugs are ironed out of the game by the time it releases next month.
Regardless of the bugs, Blackout was a huge success with players, who praised Treyarch's
fusion of traditional Call of Duty action with an open map and battle royale rules.
Hopefully, the beta was a sign of great things to come.
[Call to Action] Well, that wraps it up for today's video!
If you enjoyed today's Top 5, please like and share down below – we really appreciate
Don't forget to subscribe, and hit that bell icon so you'll never miss another video!
Thanks for watching!
We'll see you in the next one!
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