You've never tried to earn money online and now consider two opportunities:
Dropshipping and Affiliate Marketing.
Which one is better to start with?
Let me help you make a decision!
Hi there! That's Anna from Dropship Club.
Before I start talking about our new topic,
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However, our today's topic is two popular ways to earn money online.
They are perfect for beginners and I personally believe that, before starting, it's better
to fully understand how they work.
So, let's discuss what is affiliate marketing
and what is drop shipping business
and why you should choose one over another.
Please note that today we are going to view the affiliate marketing
as a product affiliate marketing only
by this, I mean promoting goods from Amazon and AliExpress on the Internet
and getting paid for that.
Both AliExpress and Amazon have their affiliate programs.
If you join any of them, the merchant manages the inventory and ships the products.
You promote the products, but you don't set the prices and only receive a commission
after someone buys a product following your affiliate link.
This link contains your affiliate code and helps tracking your sales.
In a nutshell, you get paid for selling other people's products.
This is how you can promote these products: Create your own website that can redirect the
visitor to the source site while processing the purchase.
Promote products on your blog.
Post affiliate links on your own social media pages, other people's social media pages,
in comments, on various forum pages and anywhere over the Internet.
Create ads and pay for them.
What are the advantages of this way to earn money online?
It: Is easy to start.
You don't spend much on launching such a business, and you don't need to be officially registered;
It lets you work anywhere and anytime without
going to the office.
It provides you with a source of passive income Gives you the opportunity to create several
sites that are easy to manage as you don't carry inventory and
manage refunds for delayed shipping for example.
What about the disadvantages?
The program's terms and conditions are quite complicated and can be suddenly changed.
And you should be careful with your links , if they are not formatted correctly,
the purchases simply won't get tracked – that means no money
You have to create a huge traffic to get enough sales or be wise with ads placement
The profit is relatively small - only few % from the final price, and it might change
depending on the customer's country and the product type.
The money is paid to you 60 days after a purchase is made by your link on Amazon.
For AliExpress, the gap is 35 days.
What is dropshipping?
It is a way of selling other people's products as well.
The merchant still handles inventory and shipping.
The difference is that you can set prices yourself and get higher profit margins.
In short, you buy stuff from your vendor and resell it to your clients, but contrary to
the traditional e-commerce, you don't store your products.
Check our previous video to learn more about this business model.
How to promote products in dropshipping?
You will promote your own online store and products the same way as any e-commerce site.
To increase your store trustability, create social media accounts for your store.
You will also need to create Facebook Ad account and set up Google accounts to start your ads
and promote your online store.
Dropshipping business has its own advantages too.
It lets you run a business without product manufacturing
And you don't need a warehouse and don't handle goods, shipping and delivery
You decide how much your products cost and get higher profit margins
What is even more important, your money is always within an easy reach.
You don't need to wait for it for months – you get it into your account right after
a purchase is made.
Here are some disadvantages.
You will have to learn how to promote your business and attract customers
You will deal with a longer shipping time AliExpress has improved shipping greatly for
the last years, now it takes less time to deliver to the most of the countries, even
with AliExpress standard shipping.
Many clients are fine with long waits if you don't charge extra for shipping.
Anyway, we strongly recommend using ePacket shipping option that
takes only 5-14 days to deliver
Transferring the orders to the relevant original sellers is your responsibility.
Both of these methods allow you to start earning online without holding inventory and enable
an easier business launch in comparison to other models
The main problem with affiliate marketing is quite a low profit.
Furthermore, it's better to check out the terms and regulations of Affiliate program
as there might be lots of restrictions and pitfalls.
As for dropshipping, its' biggest challenge is customer acquisition.
Which way to go?
Let's see what is important before making your decision.
What do you aim for right now?
Do you want to test yourself for being able to earn online or start an online business?
The more efforts you put in - the more results you get.
Dropshipping can become your future self-employment and the instant income source.
AliExpress or Dropshipping affiliate programs?
I'm not sure about that.
Affiliate marketing is a really good way to get additional profit if you already have
a stable traffic source, for example, if you have your own popular blog.
Your loyal audience might react very enthusiastically to your recommendations
and bring you some sales.
If you are just a beginner and you don't have an opportunity to develop your own blog,
it's better to create a store.
Moreover the knowledge you'll get while learning dropshipping, marketing and customer service
can be really useful in real life.
When you take part in someone else's affiliate or monetization program,
you accept their requirements.
At the same time, when you do drop shipping, you fully own your venture.
That's your own website with your own style and design, with your unique product descriptions,
and with your own price markup.
Affiliate programs won't give you as much freedom as drop shipping store can.
That's my point!
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For more infomation >> Dropshipping vs Affiliate Marketing - Which is Better? - Duration: 7:37.-------------------------------------------
Pow! Whizz! What Are Onomatopoeia? - Duration: 5:47.
The world is full of different sounds.
Some sounds are pleasing to hear, like a bird's voice.
Other sounds hurt your ears, like a loud machine.
But how do we explain in words what a sound is?
For example, how do you describe the sound a dog makes?
Also, does everyone hear that sound the same way?
Every language in the world has words that express sounds.
These are called onomatopoetic words.
When a person says an onomatopoetic word, the sound of the word copies the natural sound
the word is identifying.
Let's say you walk past an angry dog.
What sound does the dog make?
When a native English-speaker says the word woof, the pronunciation is somewhat similar
to the sound the dog makes.
But, a native Russian-speaker would not agree.
They would say dogs make the sound gav gav.
A native Korean-speaker would say mung mung.
These sounds are expressed differently in different languages because every language
uses sound in different ways.
The noises animals make are not the only examples of onomatopoetic words.
Imagine you are walking down a street on a rainy day.
A car drives by very fast.
As the car passes you, it drives through some water.
You close the front of your jacket to protect yourself.
These words are all nouns that express the sound effect you are hearing.
Some sounds even define the objects that make them.
Do you remember closing your jacket to protect yourself?
The zipper is the object that connects the front parts of a jacket by joining the sets
of metal teeth along the edges.
In comic books, we often see these sound effects written in the pictures.
These words help the reader imagine sounds in the story.
Onomatopoetic words are not only nouns, though.
Imagine you are in a quiet restaurant.
Suddenly, the people next to you start to have an argument.
Anna: I can't believe you lied to me!
Jonathan: Shhhh!
We are in public!
Anna: Don't shhhh me!
When you tell someone shhhh, you are saying the situation requires quiet.
In the conversation you just heard, Anna responds to Jonathan by saying "Don't shhhh me."
In this case, Anna is using shhhh as a verb.
She means to say, "Don't tell me to be quiet."
Another example is one you probably hear every day.
When you use a computer, you choose objects on the screen using a device called a mouse.
But, the action of choosing an object on a computer screen using a mouse is called clicking.
Now think back to the car passing you very quickly in the rain.
What was the sound it made?
But, you can also say, "The car zoomed by me."
This means the car drove by you at a very high speed.
Sometimes, onomatopoetic words are even used as adjectives.
If you see something explode, you will often see the word boom used to describe the sound.
This is because the sound of an explosion is low and deep, the way English speakers
pronounce the word boom.
Now listen to the actor James Earl Jones.
"Look, I can't tell you the secret of life, and I don't have any answers for you.
I don't give interviews and I'm no longer a public figure.
I just want to be left alone."
His voice sounds low and deep.
You could say his voice is booming.
Onomatopoetic words are not often used in formal language.
But they are very common in everyday speech and there are hundreds of examples.
They make languages more creative.
Writers and musicians have used these types of words for many years to find a connection
with the natural world.
哪些星座对感情是不将就的?有你吗? - Duration: 5:26.
Play Super Mario and All Others in PC - Duration: 2:23.
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Hello guys. Welcome to Techno King.
Today, I'm going to show you how to play Super Mario or any other Nintendo games in your PC.
First of all open your browser
Then go to
Then go to popular emulators and click on NES emulators.
Click on windows
You can see many emulators available to download but we will download JNES for this video.
Click on the download link
After the download is completed install the emulator.
Now we need the game
You can also find many games available to download in this website,
but I did not find Super Mario in this website
To download Super Mario, you have to go to
Then click on Nintendo
There are many games available to download, but for this video, we will download Super Mario Bros.
Click download now. The download will start after 10 seconds
After the download is completed extract the file
I am going to extract the game in desktop .
Now let's open the emulator
First of all, we have to set the video and input settings
So go to options then go to video
Set the full screen resolution to the maximum then check these three settings. Click OK
After that again, go to options then go to input
Here you can set any key you want.
I have a joystick.
So I have to go to additional devices and click on the gamepad.
Then I have to setup the gamepad.
After setting your input click OK. As I have saved the game in desktop I have to go to desktop
After finding the game you have to double click the game
Thanks for watching this video till the end
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You have to subscribe our Channel. See you in the next video
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