Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2018

Waching daily Sep 30 2018

Now that Malfeasance has been released upon the world, a lot of you are going to be playing


Some of you are good at Gambit.

Some of you could use some assistance.

In today's video, I wanna go over some gameplay tips on how to improve your Gambit skills.

Most of this is going to be for those in solo queue or maybe duo queue.

I would say the number one wrong thing I see people doing is going for 15 motes when it's

either not necessary or just horrible timing.

Now don't get me wrong, a well timed or well coordinated 15 drop can be very obnoxious

for the other team, especially when it's solos vs. solos.

But I see too many people with a complete lack of awareness trying to go for 15 motes

just because they wanna drop a big guy on the other team.

Spoilers, it dies to a melting point and 2 shotgun shots, it's not that hard to kill

on its own anyway.

You need to be able to read the game state and plan accordingly.

You will be much more effective as a solo player who drops in 5 or 10 motes, than someone

trying to constantly go for 15 and dying to an invader or worse, PvE.

It's also ok to deposit 8 motes or 12 motes if the amount of time it'll take to bank them

means you won't miss your chance to bank, specifically for invasion timings.

If you go for those extra motes, but then the enemy banks first and invades, you can

potentially lose all of those motes.

If you have 9 and your team has 16 banked, it's ok to miss out on that medium if it means

you can beat the enemy to an invasion.

There's no real way to know how far along the enemy team is in terms of physically putting

motes into the bank, you dunno where they ALL are on the field, you just need to be

faster than they end up being.

You can generally tell if they're in the middle of killing adds though if their white bar

is moving up somewhat quickly.

If the white bar is NOT moving, then they are likely in transition to deposit.

However, you don't want to just constantly go for small amounts either.

Grabbing 5 and then running back every time, again, unless coordinated ahead of time, will

leave your team vulnerable to the PvE part of the game, especially in the mid game when

there are invaders showing up.

This means adds are dying slower, which means your next wave isn't spawning as quickly,

which means you might be falling behind.

Phalanx are annoying, but they're not super hard to kill by themselves.

I actually think the Knights are the most annoying by themselves, but Phalanx always

have the ability to just insta-kill people too.

Be aware of who has motes around you.

If you just reached a mote threshold, 5 or 10, let other people pick up the motes around


You're a lot better off with a 7 and a 5 as opposed to a 8 and a 4.

People really like picking up motes in gambit and I will frequently just stay in the back

killing adds and picking up nothing to ensure that at least 3 people get 5.

Spreading motes too thin early is bad because you want your first wave of motes to send

a bunch of stuff to the enemy.

Next, always be watching the scoreboard to get a feel for when invasions will happen.

If your team has banked 17 motes and the enemy team 0, but both of your white bars are the

same length, that means if you don't drop another 5 motes at the least, they are going

to drop a lot on your team at once, invade, and slow you down.

The opposite also applies: if you're getting sent a ton of stuff, you need to make a big

clear of everything in the middle and slam in 25 motes to get the first invasion.

The start of a match will often set the pace for the rest of it.

The white bars tend to matter a bit more than the total banked because there's not a whole

lot you can do about motes already in the bank.

Enemy team has a small white bar?

Maybe hold off on the invade for a few seconds to bait them getting some motes.

Invading when they have nothing will slow them down, but it won't waste it completely.

Speaking of invaders, they are not invincible.

Yes, you might find Sleeper annoying, but you can bait them and kill them.

You should constantly be looking at the scoreboard to check the status of an invasion.

If your team is holding a lot of motes and the enemy just banked, you can bet that they

are coming with an invasion.

Use this timing to your advantage and spread yourself to another part of the map.

The invader typically does not spawn spawn on the same side where PvE is happening, in

fact, I don't think I've ever seen an invader spawn that way, so you know they aren't going

to spawn there, meaning there are only 2 places where they will be spawning in.

If PvE is on the right side, move towards an area where you can look at both mid and

left at the same time.

It's harder to do this on some maps compared to others, but you should never be caught

off guard by an invader timing while you're building up motes.

Realize that an invader is coming and get to cover.

If your bank is open or you're able to quickly drop in your motes before the invader has

a chance to do anything, then go for it if you get a chance, otherwise, it's better to

try and fight or at the very least, run away behind cover.

The majority of invaders I've fought will plant themselves with Sleeper and keep firing,

not moving.

Use this to your advantage.

Bait their shots, try to keep moving back and forth to bait them into shooting you and

HOPEFULLY someone else from your team will come along and get them from another side.

Try not to fully peak unless they actually take a shot at you because they will be pre-firing


You want to bait that shot, then peak out for some damage.

If they're not using a long range weapon, then you need to play things a little differently,

but making sure your positioning is good should be priority one.

Next, don't be afraid to use your super in PvE to catch up or get ahead.

With things like Sleeper currently dominating the invasion side of the game, supers are

not as important for invading, although they're still good.

If Sleeper is ever nerfed to where it doesn't one shot headshot someone in a super, this

will probably change and I'll just say right now, if you think Sleeper is bad, there are

other weapons that just may be even worse.

If you have a super and a good opportunity to kill a lot of adds, you should probably

just do it, especially if you haven't been invading.

Every second you aren't using your super is another second that you could be building

towards another.

If you can chain supers, your ability to clear adds just goes through the roof and a lot

of the time, you can generate a minimum of 4 orbs, which if they're big orbs, will fill

a large chunk of a super meter.

If you're running tether, then you can easily get to the point where you tether almost every


If you're starting to get close to the primeval, maybe save it for something I'm gonna talk

about soon.

For example, in this clip, my teammate pops Arcstrider at the start of the round.

Always let the super do all of the killing so that they can generate orbs.

They're going to kill everything in the area anyway and this frees up your time to go collect


We now have an overall mote lead and I plant the first small blocker.

The enemy team realizes that we're ahead and try to overcompensate by burning all of their

motes with nothing in reserves.

This means that at a minimum, they need to traverse to the other side of the map, kill

some dudes, get 5 motes, run back and bank before we back anything else.

However, this is where greed can become a problem.

Instead of going to bank their motes, this player who has 14 wants to get a 15th for

a large guy.

This is the wrong play.

Due to this delay of banking, the enemy team was able to collect enough motes to get them

to 25, allowing them to invade first.

Not only this, but the guy with 15 goes to attack the invader on their own.

They are fortunate that they get the kill, because if they didn't, we would've been set

really far back.

This invasion also delays our next spawn wave because everyone gets scared, plays passive

and does not kill any enemies, allowing the enemy team to potentially invade us AGAIN

back to back had they been fast enough.

If the guy with 14 banked those motes, WE could've invaded first and maybe gotten a


However, even though it worked out, that is still not a play I would recommend to anyone.

The enemy team pulls ahead after we had a lead, but when we get OUR invasion, our invader

cleans up 19 of their motes, putting us back in the lead.

You can't count on these things happening though.

If the guy with 15 motes dies, that's a set back, if our invader dies right away, that's

a set back.

In the wise words of Artosis: when you are ahead, get more ahead.

When you're winning, win more.

Listen to the Drifter.

If he says "you can summon a Primeval," odds are you need to drop what you're doing and

just bank your stuff.

The only time I think it's acceptable to delay the drop of the Primeval with regards to motes

is if you can hit the next tier of motes within a couple of seconds of the call out.

Otherwise, just drop those motes in right away.

Do not wait for the next wave to spawn, do not run around looking for enemies, bank them,

especially if you're first to summon because the catch-up mechanic is going to beat you

into the ground much more than an ogre is going to mess up the enemy team.

With regards to the Primeval boss, focus Wizards first and do not use big cooldowns on the

boss right away.

The main boss is very strong when it first spawns and supers will not do a lot of damage.

Use them to shred the wizards away instantly because they hurt WAY more than the boss itself


Also, be aware of the other enemies that spawn in during the waves.

You'll likely have some form of sniper, acolyte or thrall coming with the boss wave and combined

with an invader, can really hurt you.

Take a couple of seconds during this intro to kill them and get them out of the way.

As for the boss, you don't need to wait until 6 or 7 stacks.

With a team that has some idea of what they're doing, even as a stack of randoms, you can

shred the boss with only 2 or 3 stacks.

See this clip here, a Warlock drops their Well of Radiance, which is the international

sign for "it is time to nuke the everloving crap out of this boss right now," especially

considering that there are no other adds on the field.

If done correctly, you can burn the boss as the enemy invader is entering your side of

the field.

In terms of build and loadout, it depends on what you want to be doing.

It is very difficult, if not impossible to solo carry in gambit.

You can go all in on an invader build, Sleeper, sniper, pulse rifle, but your enemy killing

potential is not as high.

You can go all in on a slayer build, hand cannon, shotgun, tractor/Whisper or maybe

something like Riskrunner or a Skullfort Striker Titan, but that leaves you vulnerable to the

PvP side.

One Eyed Mask is a great PvP item, but Hallowfire Heart is a fantastic PvE item.

It's all about what you excel at.

Again, you will NOT be able to solo carry, there are simply too many roles in Gambit

for you to do them all at once, this is not regular PvP.

As for bows, stop.

Stop using them.

Just stop it.

Do not use a bow.

99% of people should not be using a bow.

I don't care if it's your highest level item, I don't care if you got the most kills that

one time, do not use a bow.

Right now, pulse rifles are really strong all around, PvE and PvP.

They can contest at most ranges and best of all, can compete with a Sleeper at most ranges.

If you're solo, you're probably thinking that you're going to need to do a little bit of

everything and a pulse rifle is definitely going to help you, at least while they're

really strong.

Anyway, those are all of my tips on Gambit.

If you have your own tips, drop them in the comments.

Good luck on your Malfeasance quest hunt, thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2: So, You Suck at Gambit - 7 Tips to Get Better At Gambit - Duration: 13:06.


How To Create A Case Study - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> How To Create A Case Study - Duration: 5:18.


Learn to appreciate what you have | BJ Miller, MD | End Well Symposium - Duration: 1:09.

My goal in life is to appreciate what I have but while I still have it.

That's the trick.

Most of us are really good at appreciating something right when we've lost it.

And that's poignant and gorgeous and fine.

But wouldn't it be great if we appreciated it before we lost it, while we still had it.

Whether it's a body, or a relationship, or a thought, or an identity, or whatever

it is.

So I just wanted to end with that appreciation of what death, annoying as it is, offers us

something too.

And any fuller view of the subject has to include that.

For more infomation >> Learn to appreciate what you have | BJ Miller, MD | End Well Symposium - Duration: 1:09.


What do you think you cannot do? - Duration: 6:12.

hello friends I'm dragonate I'm not wearing my ring welcome back to another

dragonate reading your answers video last week I asked you what was the

question again it was what do you think you cannot do you guys answered and I'll

be reading them in this week's video today right now basically but first of

course we need a new question for this week so let's get that going your new

question is going to be what do you dislike about YouTube just in general

about watching videos about being on the site just whatever what do you dislike

about YouTube let me know in the comments below and I'll read them next

week now let's see what you think you can't do Coco thinks you can't like his

elbow but of course you can watch did it

also a few people seem to really like me using the green screen so here's the

green screen I hope you enjoy it because apparently my the behind my room real

room real life is trash or something so never mind about that I'm kidding but

but and enjoy the ridiculous green screen that we have going on here for

reasons and meets who says ballet my dream job it's a bit off compared to

normal person so if I started to do ballet I would get bad problems and

maybe a permanent injury well that I I guess I completely understand I'm not

gonna argue with that one okay but I'm sure at least some of the dance moves

you you'd be able to do some of them at least maybe I don't know I don't really

know what that entails Julie so says public speakings you wouldn't be able to

do it in front of people not a camera every time I have tried I pass out so I

know at this point I cannot and then about my shirt she always thinks of Renn

fayre Renaissance Fair when she sees those silk like shirts and glad to be

here and make this news as well I'm glad you're here after the public speaking

honestly I never thought I'd be able to do something like that either like I I

never I never never thought that I would be any kind of a teacher when I grew up

when I was in school and everything but now as you guys know I coach parkour so

obviously I'm teaching the classes and stuff and it's really really interesting

because I'm actually a shy person so it's kind of weird how that works and

everything but yeah I guess it helps to find something

that makes you comfortable in the moment I guess well if I were to just like go

on stage and talk in front of a group of people there'd be no way I could do it

when I'm coaching though it's completely different I don't know why I don't know

how to how to explain that but yeah and DLT dad thinks he can't do nothing as

long as he just as long as I put my mind to it pact this makes perfect so here's

nothing the background for you it's just dark blackness because you can't do

nothing actually that that would be the one thing you probably couldn't do is

nothing and my mum says I don't think I can do

parkour right now I can barely walk without help hard to do this kind of

stuff with a walker yes I probably would be but I don't think I could do the

swing embarrass flips or even the jumping required even if it wasn't using

a walker and walking again without any help

well you never know maybe maybe I I'm sure if if you didn't have those things

I'm sure it could be possible and finally Fluffy's not too sure if it

feels like you can't do most things but I don't think that's true

I cuz you you can do a lot of stuff your art is definitely very good and I think

that's something you're very amazing at and aside from videos and games that you

play and stuff I haven't seen too much else from what you could possibly do so

I can't say otherwise but your art is extremely amazing like your drawings and

stuff they're really really amazing and Benny says rip me sports I'm really not

the best in this but I try my best well that's all you can really do right

try your best do your best if it's not something you like don't do it don't

care whatever if you have to do it for school I guess you know that that's a

different story but otherwise when I was in school I I never liked sports either

actually I still don't really like sports but I think more like team sports

and stuff because I love swimming I love to run and I love climbing so it's not

you know physical activity that I don't like it's just that

team sports things like soccer basketball football things like that I'm

no good at and I don't really like very much but of course now I also do parkour

which was never something I thought I'd be doing when I was younger although it

was something I always wanted to do when I found out I could take classes and

such I decided to do it and that's where I am now as for something that I cannot

do there's lots of things that I always

think I can't do usually it's not something just kind of in general

because I don't really think think about that I guess but when it comes to pork

all right I see some tricks that people do or you know how well they do a

certain trick and I'm like I could never do that that's never gonna happen which

isn't really true and I think at some point that'll kind of change and I think

for the most part you could do anything as long as you put your mind to it and

you give yourself the right attitude and that kind of thing it could be possible

definitely very possible but that would be matter of whether you want to do it

or not because if it's something you want to do or want to try then all you

have to do is focus on it and work hard at it but if you don't really care for

it it's not gonna happen most likely and that is okay too

and that is it for this video so thank y'all so much for watching I hope you

all enjoyed thank you for your answers once again I will see you again next

week don't forget your question which is again what do you dislike the most of

all YouTube or well what do you dislike about YouTube leave your answers in

comments below and I'll read them next week also I haven't done this in a

little while but Humble Bundle has some some new bundles obviously going on of

course they have a game development book bundle pack and they have a humble

publisher weekend sale so they have a sale for that they have another ebook

bundle about learning to code and a Doctor Who comic book bundles right

there is a Doctor Who bundle we got we got all these books and stuff right

there comic books I should mention go take a

look at that if that's something you're interested in I know a lot of people

really enjoy Doctor Who so yeah that's that thank you all so much for watching

I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you again next week have a wonderful day

wonderful week bye bye and Godbless

For more infomation >> What do you think you cannot do? - Duration: 6:12.


DJI Mavic 2 Fly More Kit Unboxing - Should you buy it ? - Duration: 5:33.

hi in today's video I'm going to be unboxing the Mavic 2 Fly More Kit and

see whether it is actually worth it so stay tuned I recently got the

Maverick - zoom I've unboxed it and tested do check it out I'll link it down

below I'll be putting up a full review of the

Maverick to zoom so I've been playing around with it a little bit more and now

that I got the matter to fly more kit be able to fly more suppose that's why it's

called fly market I'll be able to fly more and conduct more tests with the

Maverick - zoom yeah I'll link it down below once it's ready cool let's get

this out of the way and unbox the Maverick to fly market ok I'm just gonna

open up the maverick to fly mark it got a call from JB I fight today saying that

the flag more combos arrived now by pre-orders remember to bag though it

should come with two spare batteries if they go to batteries one to battery one

battery to there nicely car charger oh yeah it's a multi plug multi battery

charger so you can connect that in there you can charge your phone in charge

without whatever would USB this is gonna be extremely useful once when I do my

in-depth review so just a quick recap we've got the bag multi charger car

charger USB charger two batteries and then through sensible pellets it's gonna

charge one battery at a time so once this is charged its gonna charge this

one we're gonna try to figure out how to put the maverick to zoom into this bag

now luckily this tag in here that'll show you a brief look on how to fit it

in hopefully you can see it though the other way around there you go

I am just gonna chuck in the Maverick to tricky it is there this could be the car

charger could be in there yeah that will do but yeah this is how it looks like

with the magnetism inside three batteries in there got the car charger

on the side air propellers in here as well and the charging cables so yeah

it's pretty pretty good actually like this to really maximize this you relate

to know what are you gonna be flying your drone a lot I personally might earn

a lot that's why and buying extra batteries later than a truck anyway so

for me personally I just thought you know I might as well just buy the fly

more combo kit because I know I'm gonna be using it a lot so it really depends

again whether you are gonna be flying a drone heavily and second of all what do

you have the funds actually pay for it so let me break it down to you whether

you're actually gonna be saving from purchasing the individual art

accessories or you're better off buying a flat mark on the map to fly market as

per DJI website showing us $649 I know the price has gone up a little bit

actually a lot personally did pay 649 have a

speakers that's the price in the DJI website so you combine them separately

I'm just gonna quickly do su search here the charging heart is hundred nineteen

dollars the battery is $239 times two which leads up to four hundred seventy

eight dollars the battery to power band that's thirty nine dollars the shoulder

bag which is hundred eighty nine dollars the propellers $20 $21 h x 2 cos st for

2008 and the car charger at $139 which a total of one thousand six dollars you'll

be saving about three hundred fifty seven dollars wristlet for me from all

the accessories included in the fly more kit extra batteries really helps the car

charger also helps this little batteries barback don't think i'll be using that

ones they show the bangle bees for me because I don't actually have a bag for

thematic to zoom yet so yeah that's helps the palace always helps you know

you never know when you're gonna break your propellers or if accidents happen

that's just my personal view do comment down below what are some of the

accessories that you find are very useful on your throne if you want to

find out more accessories accessories that board I'll link it down below have

a look personally for me the most important ones is the extra battery and

the bag and the ND filters which are still waiting on on its way can't wait

to use it as well so definitely gonna be flying more and more thematic too soon

in the next couple of days leading up to grading mine for review so that I can

show you stuff to use so yeah look that's really for me thank

you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video give it a like I really

appreciate it and subscribe to my channel for more videos

again this is Dennis and I'll see you in my next video bye they really get the

fly more Kongo later on I end up buying two or three

batteries and the carry case so which


For more infomation >> DJI Mavic 2 Fly More Kit Unboxing - Should you buy it ? - Duration: 5:33.


十句超現實句子:你可以善良,但不能軟弱 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> 十句超現實句子:你可以善良,但不能軟弱 - Duration: 3:01.


Police SUV Colors for Kids | Number song for Children | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 19:28.

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...



Three..little numbers...



Six... little numbers...



Nine... little numbers...



Ten little numbers…

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

One little, two little, three little numbers

four little, five little, six little numbers

seven little, eight little, nine little numbers

ten little numbers...

ten little numbers...

ten little numbers...

Do you know your A-B-C's

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABC's Next time won't you sing with me.

For more infomation >> Police SUV Colors for Kids | Number song for Children | Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 19:28.


WiFi Hacking in the Cloud Video Course - rootsh3ll - Duration: 18:38.


I'm Harry

Founder of and the instructor of

Wi-Fi Hacking in the Cloud Video Course

In this video I will give you a walkthrough on

1. Structure of the course

2. Ways of contacting me

and 3. The resources you'll be getting throughout the course

This video course is planned to be

12 weeks long

each week you'll be receiving one or two videos

each video will be at most

1 hour long

and along every video stream you'll receive

links to

1. downloadable videos

2. Subtitles

3. PDFs

and all the other

required configuration files

I'll show you in a moment about how all this would work in the students area or ClassRoom area

but, before that let's have a breakdown of all the 12 weeks

In the first week you'll receive two videos

the first one will be this video

The introduction

and the second video will be the actual beginning of the course

which will teach you basics of networking,

Wireless Networking

and Hardware Theory

Just a little...

Alfa card there

and the blinking light

you learn what other tools and setup required for this course and you'll also learn how to

choose right kind of wireless card based on the hardware theory that

we'll learn in the second chapter

You'll also understand the Linux wireless stack

drivers and how the hardware interacts with it

by the end of the second video you will be able to

1. interact

with your wireless card in multiple ways

2. Monitor raw data packets

3. Understand how multiple wireless data networks affects

the signal strength and the throughput of another wireless access point and

and 4th.

You'll find your first bug

In the following week you'll learn more about

networking in wireless domain

You will do deeper analysis

of wireless data packets

let's draw it.. like that!

learn what each frame does and its use

starting with the very basics we'll first understand what a packet is

followed by

The type of frame

Introduction to wireless security tools

and how to use them

for active

and passive sniffing

using the basic understanding of

Wireless Networking

We'll bypass a few wireless LAN authentication methods and crack our

first WLAN key using the wireless security tools

Starting off with the WPA2 theory

We'll move on to capturing and cracking the key using

4-way handshake

You'll learn dictionary attack and how to script your own dictionary

based in WPA2 crackers after that we'll see how to speed up the things


on the local system

and then

We'll move on to the clouds

4th week we'll focus on post exploitation as an attacker breaking into a WLAN

authentication for free Internet is one thing

and actually getting some useful

information out of it is another which leads us to

breaking the WLAN authentication

exploit into the network

and fetch some useful information out of it

there are many ways to achieve that and

we'll focus on the most effective ones the ones which will stay longer and work

for next few years at least

we'll learn

breaking into a client using tools like

1. BEeF

2. NetCat

3. Metasploit

and Social Engineering Toolkit (S.E.T)

moving ahead is not only the best thing to do sometimes it's

better to take a break look at the hindsight and improve on things you were

good at already

Which brings us to the fifth week of the course where we will learn



of wireless network exploitation

The 5th week will be an introduction to

everything related to masquerading an access point


the related physics

behind it

In the 6th week we will take a deeper dive in the concept of

Rogue Access Point

You'll be learning how to fix and the challenges that come along

as a red teamer

It will be more like scenario based hacking which you won't

find in any open or closed source tool for that matter

you'll be doing it all by hand and

you learn the in-and-out of how operating system and networks work

together at a much deeper level

In this week we'll be cracking


Enterprise Security

and we'll be learning advanced WPA2 enterprise attacks

we'll be also doing

Interface virtualization

which essentially means running

Access Point

and Client


1 Network Interface Card or Wi-Fi card

we'll be fixing the

"No Internet Connection" error

deep packet and system-level analysis

of how windows checks the network

connection status

which means...

How Window knows that it is connected to the Internet

and not connected solely to the Wi-Fi

and next will be

Writing custom scripts

to do this task for us

to basically

bypass the network connection status indicator mechanism

of Windows systems

and making this script or attack


That's all we are going to learn in the 6th week of this course

now let's move on to the next week which is captive portals

Not only this will be targeted towards the widely available wireless devices

but you'll also learn to

pinpoint your attack

on specific devices

so no more reliance on outdated

or buggy open source tools

You'll learn to show different attack vectors to

different kind of devices

intriguing.isn't it?

In the final week of the second month

you will be graduating with the amalgamation of everything you've

learned take it as it mini-project that you used to or would do at your college

all the learnings of

Rogue Access Points

social engineering networking dynamics



or social engineering

included with a few more concepts and a secret sauce

will be used in engineering

The ultimate


access point

So in theory,

We will learn

how to get


WPA2 passphrases

by setting up

our Ultimate Fake Access Point

and making

this attack much stealthier

So that it doesn't get caught by the Intrusion Detection Systems or any Firewall

Now it is important to note that to be able to defend such attacks you have to

think like an attacker you need to understand what what's really going on

with these attacks from scratch only then you will be able to

you know..

prevent such attacks

there's no other way like

if you do not really get deep

into the attacking part you'll remain a script kiddie you will be always

dependent on you know all those open and close source tools

You won't be really

able to get into the security field

In the 9th week we'll be doing

Spectrum Analysis


Iintrusion Detection and Response

We will detect

Rogue devices

using PowerShell

by creating our own custom script

and then we will move on to the 10th week of the course

and I'll introduce you to the boss of the S.O.C

Reporting threat doesn't mean simply handing over device information to the security team

It takes a much deeper level of knowledge and analytical capabilities for a

security analyst to differentiate the

false positives

and filter real threat out of the storm

the 10th week will get you feet down in

the world of security information and event management systems

So basically we'll be learning how to

Deploy Splunk>

in the clouds


Configuring the logging for Windows and Linux systems

Setting up log forwarding

from again Windows and Linux systems

and understanding

how Windows

Event logging actually works

and from the very next week you'll be working as a security operations center

by yourself

Leading to the final week will generate several advanced

exploitation techniques and we will learn how to

Detect them



and report

all our findings to the

fellow security operations center

or our security team

so in the final week we'll be learning tools tactics and procedures

for your attacks

we'll generate some real-world wireless security events for

some analysis

Write basic queries for power attacks and last but not the least

we will be analyzing pcap files with Splunk>

In the final session we will review all that has been learned as a Blue Teamer

and then we will learn through several real-world scenarios from a perspective of

both an attacker

and a defender

So basically we will


what IOC and IOAs are

That's basically

Indicator of



Indicator of Attack

We will visualize data

of all the gathered data in the form of



and Charts

we will create custom dashboards


easier analysis

We will integrate


from popular security products

and finally we will write

complex queries

which will in turn save our time


that's all with the course

all the remaining things, all the queries you have or any where you're stuck we will

continue that all of that on the ClassRoom Area

And now for the ways of

contacting me

There are basically three ways of

contacting me

1. You can email me anytime at

that's the first one second you can find me anywhere with this handle

Find me on

Facebook, Twitter,

except Instagram you can find me anywhere with this username

maybe you can also message me on reddit

and third one

is basically the personal one

one you can send me

a personal message on the classroom area

I've also set up an email functionality into our personal messaging system on

the classroom area so if you send me a personal message even if I don't get a notification

on you know if I'm not on my browser

it will (the system) will send

still send me a notification an email notification

so that I know that I have

received an email and same goes for all of you

so, you can email me or email

other guys as well


So, that's all for now

see you with the next class

Thank You! :)

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