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A lot of people have been diagnosed with PCOS in the last 5 years
but it's been increasing at an alarming rate
like I see 8 out of 10 women with PCOS.
So what would be the main cause
of them being diagnosed with PCOS?
So the cause, there could be many like I said lifestyle factors
but how do you detect that
you have PCOS, there are three criterias.
You either have cyst in your ovaries,
so when you go for an ultrasound on the second or
third day of your periods the doctor tells you that
you have cyst which are actually follicles
which haven't developed completely
because of lack of female hormones and excess male hormones.
The second criteria is that you have all the male patterns like
acne on the jaw line,
hair growth on the chin, cheeks, chest, naval
and all the male androgen patterns like balding
and the third criteria is irregular periods.
So either you miss your periods
or your periods are 35 days up every cycle.
So these three criterias will actually determine
if you are a PCOS patient but not necessarily
because even thyroid plays a very important role
and it also has similar symptoms.
So PCOS and thyroid kind of go hand in hand yes
but these three criterias are for PCOS.
Is it possible if a person is diagnosed with PCOS
they'll be diagnosed with thyroid as well?
Well, it could be interchangeable like
PCOS could have thyroid issues or not.
It varies.
It's not a rule that that has to happen.
On a general basis
if you have to advise the women out here watching us
if they have PCOS what's the first thing that they need to
change in their lifestyle?
Their thought process.
Absolutely important so you need to understand
that PCOS is not a disease.
It is just that you haven't taken care of your lifestyle
and so you're seeing certain symptoms.
So a lot of PCOS women they say that
I'm battling with PCOS
and it's made my life hell because
it is a very confident shattering disease
because when you as a woman have hair on your face
it's something that you just wouldn't want to have.
I mean one can't deal with it.
You don't want to go out of the house,
you don't want to meet friends it's really sad.
But yes you need to change your thinking
that your body is actually giving you certain signals
and you need to listen to them
instead of being so against your body and being self
sabotaging like being self criticising
that omg look at the way I look and that's just
not the way.
Just change your thought process
like Okay, this is the way it is and now I need to do
something for this.
So that's the first step.
Convincing yourself that it's not a disease,
it's sign and you have got to change it.
What according to you is the most common mistake
that one does once their diagnosed with PCOS?
Going on a pill.
That's the worst thing you can do to yourself.
A pill is nothing but just an external synthetic hormone
which shuts your reproductive system
and when you bleed on a pill
it's a pill bleed and not an actual bleed because your
hormones are not being produced
so the pill actually gives a signal
to your body to shut the reproductive system
and it does the job but actually you're not ovulating.
So now that when you take a pill nothing improves,
everything is temporarily and you feel like
you have got your periods back, skin is better
but the day you leave the pill, you're in the worst state.
So it does have a lot of side effects.
If they are on the pill if they stop the pill
what else can they do?
Change your lifestyle,
so when I deal with PCOS women I have like a 12 page quiz which
we ask them to fill and we judge what is the cause of their PCOS.
So there are a lot of causes of PCOS
like it could be inflammation, insulin resistance,
thyroid, poor diet, stress.
A lot of factors
so when they fill the quiz we actually understand
which part of their lifestyle is causing the PCOS
but everything is interchangeable and there are types so
everyone is not at the highest PCOS level.
So there is type A, B, C, D.
So A is the highest that all 3 criteria I mentioned,
B is two criteria and C&D are just like the beginning
to get towards the type A.
So when you judge then you actually understand
which part of their lifestyle needs to be corrected.
So if don't have to go on the pill
you first need to judge what your lifestyle is and where
is it wrong?
Correct that with supplements, with herbs
and all of that and then see what needs to be done.
Absolute natural ways.
I have treated so many PCOS women,
their periods have come back
and it's just amazing to see
you get the woman essence back.
So as you mentioned there are 4 categories A, B, C, D so is it possible if a person is
on the C and D level which is the low level
and not taking any medication towards it it
can lead to B and A level as well?
It can it can if they don't take care of their lifestyle.
So PCOS is a problem which cannot be cured,
it can be reversed it's just like diabetes
once a diabetic you're a diabetic.
So once a PCOS you have all the chances of being type A
if you don't take care of your lifestyle
and infact if you take care of your lifestyle
from type A you can actually come
down to type C, D and
then kind of keep the symptoms really minimal without affecting
your life.
Thank you so much Neha, it was a pleasure having you here.
Have a great day I'm jenifer karai
until next time stay tuned and stay Glamrs.
For more infomation >> Everything You Need To Know About PCOS | Causes, Symptoms, Treatments - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
Medieval Type Beat 2018 - "You Cannot Pass" | prod.hokalo - Duration: 2:37.
ICELANDAIR versus WOW AIR - Duration: 3:12.
Hello and welcome to a new episode by Flyboys aviation!
Today's episode is about the battle raging between Icelandair and WOW air.
These two airlines, based at Keflavik airport, are currently in a bitter struggle.
Both attract the same type of passengers and have lots of routes where they compete directly
with each other.
It seems that there can be only one winner.
This video tells you what the background to all of this is and what the future might hold
for both carriers.
The convenient location of Iceland in the middle of the Atlantic ocean makes it an ideal
stopover point for flights between Europe and North America.
The distance from Iceland to both continents is limited.
This means that narrow-body aircraft that don't carry that much fuel can be used for
these routes.
All of this means lower costs for airlines and lower costs for passengers.
Something that has been exploited by both Icelandair and WOW air.
Looking at the traffic figures for Keflavik airport one can see that their strategy has
paid off.
In 2007 2.4 million passengers made use of the airport.
In 2017 this number was a staggering 8.7 million.
Icelandair was founded more than 80 years ago and has been the flag carrier ever since.
WOW air was founded in 2011 and has grown significantly since then.
Where the latter was founded as a budget carrier, Icelandair was originally a full service airline.
In the past few years Icelandair has realized that this strategy wasn't enough when competing
with WOW air and they adopted a more low-cost approach as well.
They are launching similar routes, one following the other.
All of this is good news for the budget-conscious traveller: fares are lower than they have
ever been.
This means increased tourism which pumps a lot of money into the economy.
So that would mean good news for the two airlines too, right?
Well, not so much.
Because of the heavy competition and the low fares they are offering the margins are extremely
With rising fuel costs and a strong Icelandic Krona, which results in the country being
more expensive for tourists, they are losing money.
WOW air suffered a net loss of 22 million for the year 2017.
Icelandair made a small profit in 2017 but recorded a large loss of 25 million in the
second quarter of 2018 alone.
It seems then that these two carriers are slowly suffocating each other.
This is not the first time the aviation industry has seen such a battle between two airlines.
And if there is one thing that history has taught us it's that this is not sustainable
in the long-term.
Competing on offering the lowest possible fares is nothing more than a race to the bottom.
What the future will hold is unclear.
But it seems unlikely that these airlines will still be competing in the same way five
years from now without losing enormous amounts of money.
Thanks so much for watching!
If you liked this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel.
On my channel you will find a new video every week that delves deeper into the fascinating
world of aviation and offers you new insights!
See you around!
WORLD HEART DAY - September 29 | A Healthy Lifestyle - Duration: 1:20.
Voice : Ajin Jo Augustine
Edit : Vishnu P.R Celebrants
Concept : Jebin K Jose
ASMR 咀嚼音 White Chocolate Raspberry Cubes ホワイトチョコ・ラズベリー・キューブ 화이트 초콜릿 라즈베리 큐브 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 7:03.
hi guys! welcome to my channel
today i'm eating White Chocolate Raspberry Cubes
please enjoy with me
These little cubes is made of White chocolate mousse, raspberry coulis heart, shortbread biscuit and chocolate velvet decor
thanks for watching
see you on next video
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How to turn off activity status on Instagram - Duration: 0:39.
If you want to hide your activity status in your Instagram so as to maintain the privacy
then open Instagram account.
Tap on this icon at the bottom.
Tap on the menu option.
Go to "Settings".
Now under "Privacy and security", you have the option "Activity status".
Right now it is enabled.
So, disable it.
This is how you will hide the activity status in Instagram account.
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Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (feat. Sophia Somajo) [Lyrics]
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Know who is calling you without looking at the phone - Duration: 0:43.
If you want to know who is calling you on your iPhone without looking at the phone then
what you can do is you can set a separate ringtone for the particular contact.
For example I will select this phone icon and suppose if this is the person, I will
select it.
I will select "Edit".
Go to the "Ringtone" and select any other Ringtone and then select "Done".
Now whenever this person gives you a call you will hear a different ringtone than the
default one.
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美轟炸機又來南海挑事 國防部發出最強回應 - Duration: 7:39.
Learn Finnish by listening! Past tense for complete beginners - Duration: 3:16.
Moi! Mä huomasin, että mun katsotuimpia videoita Hi! I noticed that my most viewed videos
on videot vasta-alkajille ja videot menneessä aikamuodossa. are videos for beginners and videos in past tense.
Mä päätin siis yhdistää nää kaks elementtiä, I decided thus to combine these two elements,
senkin takia, että myös vasta-alkajana also for the reason that also as a beginner
on hyvä osata kertoa menneistä tapahtumista. it's good to be able to tell about past incidences.
"Mitä sä teit viime viikonloppuna?" "What did you do last weekend?"
on yleinen kysymys kavereiden tai työkavereiden kesken, is a common question among friends or colleagues,
ja sä haluut ehkä osata vastata muutakin ku et "olin baarissa". and you want maybe to be able to answer else than that "I was in a bar".
Joten mä kerron nyt, mitä mä tein viime viikonloppuna. So I tell now, what I did last weekend.
Lauantaiaamuna mä heräsin yheksältä Saturday morning I woke up at 9 am
ja kävin mun koiran kanssa pitkällä lenkillä. and went with my dog for a long walk.
Sit mä tein ruokaa, mä kokkasin lohta ja perunamuusia, Then I made food, I cooked salmon and mashed potatoes,
ja lähin sen jälkeen kaupungille and left after that to downtown
ja kahville yhen kaverin kanssa. and for a coffee with a friend.
Illalla me mentiin kavereitten kanssa syömään In the evening we went with friends to eat
ja sen jälkeen leffaan ja sit yksille. and after that to the movies and then for a drink.
Sunnuntaina mä heräsin aika myöhään On Sunday I woke up quite late
ja kävin sit salilla aamupalan jälkeen. and went then to the gym after breakfast.
Koska oli nätti ilma, me mentiin puistoon piknikille Because it was pretty weather, we went to the park for a picnic
mun kavereitten kanssa ja nautittiin auringosta with my friends and enjoyed the sun
ja leikittiin mun koiran kanssa. and played with my dog.
Iltapäivällä mä siivosin koko kämpän: In the afternoon I cleaned the whole apartment:
imuroin, pesin lattiat, pyyhin pölyt ja pesin pyykkiä. hoovered, washed the floors, wiped the dust and washed laundry.
Illalla mä puhuin puhelimessa mun isoäidin kanssa In the evening I spoke on the phone with my grandmother
ja sit mä rentouduin lukemalla kirjaa and then I relaxed by reading a book
ja menin aikasin nukkumaan. and went early to sleep.
No niin, tässä oli paljon hyvää sanastoa Well, here was a lot of good vocabulary
ja verbejä, mitä käyttää. and verbs what to use.
Mun täytyy myöntää, että tää ei ollu ihan I have to admit that this was not exactly
oikee kuvaus mun viikonlopusta; the right description of my weekend;
valitettavasti mulla ei oo koiraa unfortunately I don't have a dog
ja mä oon harvoin noin tehokas sunnuntaisin. and I'm rarely that efficient on Sundays.
Kertokaa mulle, millasta sanastoa te vasta-alkajat Tell me, what kind of vocabulary you beginners
haluaisitte oppia would want to learn
ja millasista aiheista mä voisin tehä just teille videoita. and of what kind of topics I could make exactly for you videos.
Ei muuta tällä kertaa, moikka! Nothing else this time, bye!
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