Why did you go there, huh? Why?
I did not go to Vedat as Nefes...
...I went there as death.
Because I'm your Nefes.
If someone were to hurt the people I love, my family, I'd become death and go again.
I love you. I do!
- May you be loved by many. - Do you mean it?
Don't you dare!
Didn't I tell you that if one day you were to get mad at me...
...and go somewhere light years away...
...I am the one you will come back to?
For more infomation >> Sen Anlat Karadeniz / You Tell All Black Sea - Episode 24 Trailer 2 (Eng & Tur Subs) - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
How to practice sleight of hand - Duration: 9:38.
hey guys Vonbodan here I was sent a
message or more of a question and I
wanted to make a video to address it the
question that was sent to me and I
thought would make a good good video
maybe this is something that something
you have been thinking about um was
practice you know how do you go about
practice and you know how many hours do
you practice you know when do you
practice things of that nature um and
this varies from magician to magician um
but it's just like any any art form if
you're a painter you know you you you
have certain brush techniques that you
you know you need to do to to get the
lines where they are nice and smooth you
dry brushing and this that and
everything clay sculpting you know and
you've got different tools to use and
magic is no different in that respect
you know you have different techniques
to do what you need to do so practice is
um to giving your presentation your
performance the you know the shine shall
we say um you know a lot of magicians
will tell you you know perform in front
of a mirror and before my camera I try
to use both of those um even the videos
that I make and put on on YouTube
sometimes you know I've recorded them
you know six and seven eight and twelve
times you know because I wanted to get
certain view a certain look and until I
get there it's just gonna bug me so you
know when you're practicing practice in
front of a mirror and try it from
different angles in the mirror and then
go to a camera the thing that I do when
I'm learning a new routine is I break it
down in segments I practice once sleight
that's in it until it looks really good
then go on to the next one in the next
one and then start putting the effect
together to get that that whole piece of
uh of the effect done the thing that I
find is a lot of people try to you know
rush through and you know do it as
quickly as they seen the person that
came up with the effect does it and you
know that's not good because people are
different skill levels and there's moves
that I do that I know that some of you
other magicians are like gosh that is
awful looking and that's fine you're
entitled to that thought in that opinion
the thing that we need to do is get
ourselves to where we're comfortable
enough with the moves that when you
perform them for spectators you leave
them with that sense of I just saw magic
not I just saw something but I don't
know if it was magic so a few tips on
to see I'm a firm believer in practicing
something cold what I mean by that is
practice and start off you know do do
the same move you know for 30 minutes
and then stop put it down put it away or
move on to a different different thing
and then later come back to it it's easy
I'll put it to you this way in
basketball terms it's easy to slam dunk
those balls one after another after
you've gotten warmed up it's an entirely
different story to get that first one
but if you practice cold and you get it
that first time then come back later and
practice cold and you get it in the next
time it'll make make it a lot easier
during a performance with spectators
because we have all kinds other things
that are going through our mind you know
show jitters and you know the thoughts
that go through our mind which we'll
cover on a different video about you
know are they gonna like what I what
I've put together because that's what
magic is when you're putting effects
together and you're putting you into it
it's it's your child it's your baby it's
what you've created and sometimes we you
know maybe not all magicians I have you
know where I worry that people aren't
gonna like what I put together that
maybe my magic is a little too dark for
them or you know it's too much of this
or too much of that or you know am i
giving them the von Baden that they
you expected well--that's I'm getting
off on a tangent here but practice cold
practice on video and do your practices
from different angles even if the what
you're working on isn't angle sensitive
do it from different angles and you will
be able to see what spectators would see
around you another thing is when you're
practicing and I do say practice some in
front of the mirror because what it's
gonna do is it's going to train your
brain to be watching the mirror instead
of watching your hands because that
right there is something I see people do
quite a bit is they watch their hands
when they're doing that that tricky
tricky sleight of hand and your
spectators are going to watch where your
gaze goes so if you practice in front of
the mirror and you're looking into the
mirror which by all intensive of purposes
if you were performing for someone would
be a spectator you're looking at the
spectator spectators come and look at
which takes the heat off your hands of
whatever it is you're doing so enough of
this rantin and Ravin here I wanted to
address that um as far as practice like
I said practice cold practice in front
of a mirror watching yourself practice
in front of a camera recording yourself
get different angles different views
break down effects to sleight practice
those sleights and then slowly put them
all together and I hope that helps some
of you and like I said I'm sure there's
other magicians here who have different
views so by all means what are some of
your practice tips what
some of the things that you do and it
doesn't even have to be with just magic
you know what what you know people who
paint and sculpt and stuff like that or
write music they don't just go and go in
there and just do it they they have to
practice so maybe some tips from other
things would be helpful for people so if
you're new to my channel hit that
subscribe button it's a little bell icon
that way you're notified when I post new
alright thanks and I'll see you on the
next video bye
Detective Donut vs Donut Thief! The Strange Green Icing Slime Mystery with MiBro Robot SuperHeroKids - Duration: 11:27.
I'm almost done with my giant candy donut just a couple more pieces left
Detective donut. Barney? I've got a case for you
Barney I'm not gonna take this today. I'm working on my candy donut.
Detective donut read my lips
You can work on it later
Quiver's donut shop has had the longest string of robert donutries...
No, wait
Doughnut robberies in years!
Quiver's doughnut shop. Isn't that where that red frosting thing happened? Yes, that was crazy
Everyone made fun of her for a long time after that. You need to go down there and solve the case with her detective donut
Can I finish...
The donut's were stolen you donut! Hurry up!
Donut shop with no doughnuts can't last
I think I'm hearing things.
Wait, wasn't that...
Hello valued customer. Welcome to the donut shop of the future. Please, stand on one leg, pat your head, rub your stomach and say your name in a high pitched voice.
Just do it! My security sensors need to get a reading on you.
No don't go back...
I just got pranked.
I just got pranked.
I pranked you so good
Hi, I'm Quiver. Welcome to my donut shop. Isn't this guy? Awesome?
His name is MiBro, and he is the ultimate prank bot, but I just got yesterday
A Customer
It's your turn to prank him! I think you should be telling me what's going on here
I'll tell you if you prank the customer. Fine. I just want to go home and finish my candy sculpture
Basically all my doughnuts from my shop have been stolen every night for the past week. Someone has taken them
Every night don't you lock the doors I do
There's never sign of break-in. I never have any doughnuts to sell anymore
All people come here for is to look at Donut Dan, the biggest doughnut in the county
He's a great tourist trap. Now say something funny! what? The prank with Mibro? Say something funny
Well, what do you have to say little guy?
Do you smell the donut farts?
Excuse me
That was a good one you always have great pranks quiver. I'll come back when there's more Donuts
That's been happening a lot lately. What about the red frosting incident? Oh I don't like to talk about that.
People made fun of me for so long after I...
What's that?
See the supply closet
What's this?
green icing slime
I don't remember.
Oh wait
We've got to get out of here!
What's that?
I think we lost them!
What is going on?
That icing isn't regular green icing!
I bought it after the red icing incident.
I had accidentally made red icing that caused Donuts to melt
Everyone ate red donuts and they melted in their stomachs making everyone sick.
They all thought it was one of my pranks!
Felt awful, I needed something to help boost my business after that. I was desperate
I bought the green icing from an old lady who said it was magic icing. I thought she was pranking me
I guess I thought wrong.
Wait, the icing is magic?
That means Donut Dan! ...
So yeah, you figured it out, huh? Lock them up boys!
We've got to do something to save my shop!
Wait! Is that the red icing?
Yeah, but it's useless all it does is break down the donuts into a mush oh
We can use it to fight our way out!
Perfect we can put them in these tubes to shoot them!
But what about the locked door?
The prisoners are escaping. I'm on your side! come this way!
Stop right there Donut Dan!
Oh no!
You've been eating all the doughnuts, haven't you Donut Dan?
You've been trying to grow big enough to take over my shop
Well, no more!
Slime him!
What will people come to my shop for now.
I'm not sure.
Well, I've got a candy donut to finish. See you around.
Everything will be okay Quiver.
Everything will be okay Quiver.
Thanks MiBro.
Hi detective!
Well, I brought something that might help.
Hmm hmm, it's perfect! People would love to come see this thing!
Wow that candy doughnut is quite spectacular
Oh thanks! I built it in my.....
I'm so sorry. I
Sorry about that, this place is kind of...
I need a donut.
Throttle Response | What's Should You Tune For The Best Result? [HPA Q&A] - Duration: 2:17.
- Dimitri has asked, what's the best way to tune throttle response.
OK so throttle response really requires us to get our transient or acceleration
enrichment tuning spot on.
And this is an area that a lot of tuners really struggle with.
It's not actually that difficult if we understand what we're doing here.
First of all, getting our throttle or acceleration enrichment tuning correct,
relies on starting out with a properly tuned fuel table.
The acceleration enrichment tables in the majority of ECUs,
work as modifiers or multipliers on top of the numbers in our main fuel table.
So if the numbers in our main fuel table aren't right for a start,
there's not way we're gonna get good acceleration response.
So that's our first job.
Once we go through there, what we're going to do is find that
when we move our throttle very quickly, we'll have some tables that allow us
to add additional fuel.
And what we generally find is that as our engine RPM increases and also as our
load increases, in both situations we need a little bit less transient enrichment
as we go through.
So there will generally be a few tables that we can adjust in order to get that
working how we need.
And then what we're doing is adjusting those until we get really
crisp response from the engine.
Now we can look at the air fuel ratio plot, the logging of our air fuel ratio
to help with this.
And this can actually be a little bit misguiding.
While I do use the air fuel ratio data to help tune my transient enrichment,
I'm much more interested in focusing on how the engine actually feels,
that's the much more important job.
So it's quite common that we'll see that once the engine has been tuned
correctly and it's operating really nicely the throttle response is really crisp,
we'll probably still see a slight lean spike followed potentially by a bit
of a rich spike when we do use, add a really sharp amount of
throttle input.
That question was taken from one of our free live lessons.
If you like free stuff, and you're the type of guy who wants to expand
your knowledge, click the link in the description
to claim your free spot to our next live lesson.
You'll learn about performance engine building and EFI tuning,
and you'll also have the chance to ask your own questions which
I'll be answering live.
Remember it's 100% free so follow the link to claim your spot.
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