-You met Hana earlier, right? -Hana?
-Kim Hana or Do Hana? -Where is she right now?
(Is it stupid to change majors during sophomore year?)
(Episode 17. Let's Think About One Thing, Hana)
He confused this one too.
Ha Min.
You need to get your mind right.
You got so many questions wrong.
-Teacher... -Look at you.
You always pretend to be polite when you're being scolded.
have something to say.
What is it?
You better not say something ridiculous again.
I like you.
Yes. Seriously.
I'm drooling.
You don't believe me?
I believe you. I like you too.
Yes. You're like my little brother.
I want to go to Seoyeon University to see you.
Alright, that sounds good.
Use that determination to study hard.
I really mean it.
I never said I doubted you.
Do as you wish.
I major in veterinary science, so why don't you apply there?
Let's stop chatting and study.
Why did you get this wrong?
Look, these are the same words.
Did you get confused again?
Have some of this.
-Gosh, you didn't have to. -Please take...
good care of Min for me.
Thank you so much.
This looks delicious.
Here, let's eat.
Come on.
I love melons.
I'm going to get you a new English tutor.
-Why? -Don't ask questions.
My grades went up though.
Besides her,
there are many other tutors that can improve your grades.
But I like her.
That's why I'm changing her.
Why don't you change your son instead?
When stepped on,
even a worm will turn.
How could you be so rude?
There's nothing I can do
but wriggle like a worm.
That's the only freedom
that's been given to me.
No, there's no need to change your son.
You already have one precious son...
who's living abroad.
What are you...
-What are you doing? -Oh...
Did I surprise you or not?
What are you doing here?
I'm going to Siwoo's house.
Aren't you going there too?
-No, I'm not. -Really?
That's Siwoo's house.
Don't tell Siwoo that you met me.
Fine. But what's up?
Didn't you come to meet Siwoo?
-Yes, you are. -No, I'm not.
I'm on my way home.
Hurry up! I'm starving to death.
Come on.
Siwoo's ramen is the best in the world.
You really ran away from home?
Yes, I did.
Did you ever run away from home?
Back in my days...
You old fart.
You little...
I wish you were my little brother.
I know. I wish you were my big brother too.
Did you run away because of your brother?
No. Because of my mom.
My mom's going to fire my English tutor.
Jiwoo, can you be my tutor?
I want to...
but this country is still under war.
Are you going to the army?
(*Korea requires all men to serve in the military.)
I probably won't go, right?
-We had a summit meeting... -In your dreams.
You better enlist before you get dispatched to North Korea.
But why is she firing your tutor?
Don't tell me she found out that you like your tutor.
She found out.
What should I do? There's nothing that I can do.
Don't say something like that.
When you think there's nothing left for you to do,
that's when you find something you can do.
Wow, that quote just gave me the chills.
Are you impressed?
-What's wrong? -Where are you going?
You met Hana earlier, right?
Hana? Kim Hana or Do Hana?
Where is she right now?
You should ask her yourself.
I can't tell you.
Hey, buy some ice cream on the way home!
(Lee Jeongmin)
(Block number)
Where are you?
I'm at home.
Do you want to meet?
(I have something to say.)
I'll see you tomorrow at the academy.
There was nothing I can do.
Bye then.
That's why...
I finally found something I can do.
Veterinary science?
What on earth? But you major in liberal arts.
I'll change to natural sciences.
I support your courage to try something new.
But why veterinary science? It's so out of the blue.
Since I like it.
Well, you did say that you like animals.
I do.
I like them so much.
When there's nothing I can do...
I'll just tell you over the phone.
I just have to think about
the one thing that I can do.
What is it?
Is it urgent?
I want to say it...
when I have the chance.
What's it about?
If it's about the girl named Lee Jeongmin, I'm okay.
I'm not...
talking about her right now.
That girl...
is nothing to me.
Is that all you wanted
to say to me?
Can you turn around?
Just turn around.
You turned in the correct direction this time.
It's time for dinner.
Okay, Grandma. Let me just finish this.
(Academic Excellence Award)
For more infomation >> When You Confess Your Feelings About Her | A-TEEN | EP.17 (Click CC for ENG sub) - Duration: 10:47.-------------------------------------------
How to be crazy productive | How to do work faster | 5 tips to lock in productivity - Duration: 10:42.
Are you looking for tips on how to be crazy productive?
Well everyone I know tells me I'm super organized and always ask how I'm so productive and I get so much done
so I want to share five of my best tips to help you be more productive -
My name is Maria and I put new videos up twice a week with quick tips on perfecting the art of
health home life and style
So if you want those videos in your YouTube feed then please consider subscribing by hitting the subscribe button below
Or by clicking on the link in the description box below. I
Know I like to challenge myself to be as productive as possible every day
No matter what, you're trying to accomplish in your day. It just feels good to get all those boxes checked off on your to-do list
Whether it's finishing chores up around the house or your must get done list for work
Or maybe there's a new hobby that you're working on
I want to show you my five best tips to get your stuff done and be as crazy productive as possible
You're not going to like this first one
But if you can manage it try to start your day early and get dressed as soon as you wake up
I know this isn't for everyone but it can be it's just going to be a little more difficult if you're not a morning person
but like any habit it takes about 30 days to form a habit and you
Can challenge yourself to do anything for 30 days if you really want that extra quiet time in the morning to get stuff done?
Give the early mornings a try
There are usually less distractions like your family might not be woken up yet
The roads are less congested. The stores aren't busy yet
The early mornings are just a great time to get stuff done
If you dive into your to-do list as soon as you wake up
And then you have a head start on your day
It just feels good to keep going cuz you're on a roll and it's just like you're running a marathon
You don't want to stop you might be tired at the end of the day
But if your aim is to be more productive and it's worth it
If you have a to-do list
That's a good start
If you don't have somewhere to keep track of everything that you need to do and you're relying on your memory
Then you must have a way better memory than I do
Because personally I have to write everything down to make sure that I don't forget what needs to get done
But whether your to-do list is in your brain or on paper or on your phone
There is a way to strategize your to-do list to make it work better for you
Rather than just keeping a running list of things to do
Why don't you schedule out your week before it even starts having a plan of attack is better than just having a loose plan
Some people like handwriting their lists or using a planner
Others like to use their phone because it's always on hand
some people use a combination of both I
personally like to
Keep my personal list on my phone
and then any work specific items in a daily planner, I
Do this because when I'm working I'm usually at my desk where my paper planner is
and it's just easy to refer to it and
It's nice to be able to separate your work and your personal items into two separate buckets. So
After writing your list down for the week. You can then break up these items into segments
So what are you going to do this week? What are you going to do today? What are you going to do tomorrow?
And what about the first half of tomorrow?
Breaking down your list into smaller increments that's specific deadlines for yourself
If everything is just jumbled into a long list
It's more daunting to tackle it all and you have to reassess your priorities every day, which is a big waste of time
Streamlining and having a plan ahead of time will make every week every day and every hour go by more smoothly
Now don't think of this is trying to be too
Controlling or strict with your schedule and don't go crazy. If something doesn't get done in a specific increment of time
Just move it to a different time slot
the main goal is to give each item a feeling of importance by putting it on your schedule this
allows you to block your time out and not feel overwhelmed one day and then board another day if
You try your best to stick to the schedule. You should be able to complete all your tasks most of the time
Just try to not like get something stuck for more than a day or two if something does get stuck
The item can be looked at more closely and you can reassess whether the priority was set too high
Or maybe it's something that doesn't even need to get done this week
The app I use on my phone for my personal to-do list. It's called awesome note
I've been using it for years and what I like about it is that you can create so many different types of Lists
So I my books to read my places. I want to travel my things to buy my Christmas present ideas. My to-do list
Everything's in its own category. So my to-do list is not bogged down with anything other than the immediate tasks at hand
This planner from sugar paper and it's their signature style planner. It's really sturdy and I like that
I have the full calendar and then it breaks each week out with room on each day to break down your to-do list
Into those increments if you don't want to invest in a planner
I've created a free
Printable PDF for you that has an example of a to-do list that's set up to break down your time into a weekly schedule
you can print out four of these and give
this type of to-do list to try for months to see how it works for you and I'll leave that link in the
description box below
Not all tasks are created equal some might be quick some might take up a lot of time some might even be emotionally draining
I personally like to do my quick tasks first thing in the morning
These are the easiest and fastest things that you know
You're familiar with and you can get done without even thinking much about it
These types of tasks are great to do in the morning when you're still waking up or when you're getting used to that morning schedule
These quick tasks kind of warm up your brain and body so that when you're ready to get to those bigger projects
Then you're all primed and ready to go
Also knocking out those little things first thing in the morning
It gives you a sense of accomplishment and makes you much more eager to keep going
Once you get those out of the way
You won't have them clogging up the back of your mind
So you can focus on your bigger project or projects for the rest of the day
So when you're organizing your to-do list keep this in mind and make sure those quick items are at the beginning of your day
If you're really taking your productivity seriously, and you have to limit yourself on your worst distractions
I know for me and possibly for you too. Social media. Is that distraction?
There are ways to prevent letting this hinder your productivity
For example, you could use an app to monitor how much that you're using social media
I've tried the moment app, and I really liked it
The basic version is free and it tracks the number of hours that you spend on your phone and on specific apps
If you end up on your phone for too long, then an alert will pop up and it'll suggest that you take a break
It helps you to challenge yourself to take your attention away from your phone and on to something. That's way more productive
Another time management app that I recently found is called forest
It's a dollar ninety-nine and it encourages you to stay focused and present by planting a virtual tree that will grow
While you're doing yourself assigned tasks
If you leave the forest app during this designated time your tree will die and you'll feel like a mean tree killer
But if you keep working and you don't pick up your phone during that designated time
Then your tree will grow and you could just keep adding trees and deer forests and then you'll be all proud of yourself
It even has using nature sounds in the background
And this is an option that you can add while you're doing your task and it just creates a nice work environment
Another really cool thing about this app is that it gives you virtual coins that you can use and donate to trees of the future
And this is a company that actually plants real trees
I think this is just a great partnership and helping
The users stay focused and and helping a real and need in the environment
I'll leave the links to both of those in the description box below in case you want to check them out
this sort of
Gamification of limiting your distractions and managing your time is a great way to stay on track with those goals
But just knowing in particular what your main distractions are and having that awareness in the back of your mind
To not let it get in your way
That's the first step to being productive and feeling empowered to try to fight back against those distractions. No matter what they are. I
Have an app called home routines that I use to do my daily weekly and monthly home cleaning and chores
you're supposed to spend 15 minutes a day on a specific area and there's a built-in timer for when you're ready to start and
There's something about having that timer going that really helps me speed through my chores and I know it sounds silly
but I really look forward to the little song that they play at the end of the 15 minutes that
chime is like my reward for completing my house cleaning or my organizing or whatever I had going and
That other app I was telling you about the forest app
like just seeing my my trees grow and my forests grow really helps me feel accomplished because I know that I devoted a
specific amount of time to being productive and that
Feeling in it is a reward in itself
So when you get through your week, or maybe when you get through a huge task for the day
Make sure to have a reward set for yourself
Whether it's playing a your favorite song or tell yourself that you get a treat
Whatever makes you happy just somehow celebrate that you finished your day or your tasks with a bang
So I want to know what do you do to be super productive?
I really want to build a community here on our cupcake that shares with each other
So, please leave your comments below and if you liked this video and you want to see more like it
Please subscribe by hitting the red subscribe button below
Thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a happy day
Alan Walker - Diamond Heart (8D AUDIO) - Nightcore - Duration: 3:12.
[Verse 1: Sophia Somajo] Hello sweet grief
I know you will be the death of me Feel like the morning after ecstasy
I am drowning in an endless sea Hello old friend
Here's the misery that knows no end So I am doing everything I can
To make sure I never love again
[Pre-Chorus: Sophia Somajo] I wish that I did not know
Where all broken lovers go I wish that my heart was made of stone
Yeah if I was bulletproof I'd love you black and blue
If I was solid like a jewel
[Chorus: Sophia Somajo] If I had a diamond heart
Oh oh I'd give you all my love
If I was unbreakable If I had a diamond heart
Oh oh You could shoot me with a gun of gold
If I was unbreakable
[Post-Chorus: Sophia Somajo] I'd walk straight through the bullet
Bendin' like a tulip Blue-eyed and foolish
Never mind the bruises Into the fire
Breakin' through the wires Give you all I've got
If I had a diamond heart I'd walk straight through the dagger
Never break the pattern Diamonds don't shatter
Beautiful and battered Into the poison
Cry you an ocean Give you all I've got
If I had a diamond heart
[Verse 2: Sophia Somajo] Goodbye, so long
I don't know if this is right or wrong Am I giving up where I belong?
'cause every station is playing our song Goodbye my love
You are everything my dreams are made of You'll be Prince and I'm the crying dove
If I only were unbreakable
[Pre-Chorus: Sophia Somajo] I wish that I did not know
Where all broken lovers go I wish that my heart was made of stone
Yeah if I was bulletproof I'd love you black and blue
If I was solid like a jewel
[Chorus: Sophia Somajo] If I had a diamond heart
Oh oh I'd give you all my love
If I was unbreakable If I had a diamond heart
Oh oh You could shoot me with a gun of gold
If I was unbreakable
[Outro: Sophia Somajo] I'd walk straight through the bullet
Bendin' like a tulip Blue-eyed and foolish
Never mind the bruises Into the fire
Breakin' through the wires Give you all I've got
If I had a diamond heart I'd walk straight through the dagger
Never break the pattern Diamonds don't shatter
Beautiful and battered Into the poison
Cry you an ocean Give you all I've got
How to Termux Convert To Real Kali Linux New Latest Trick 2018 - Duration: 14:25.
Welcome back My student , my fans, and other people
Today i going to show you how to install kali linux in termux
i mean how to convert termux in Kali Linux
If you want to know so You must watch our Complete practical tutorial
if you have not subscribed to our youtube channel yet
if you not our subscriber so you must subscribe our youtube channel
whos has done our youtube channel. So thank you so much
So friends . Let's get started
So friends you do must open any browser
then visit our website
you must change the web sitting
i mean you must set desktop mode
then select the downloadsection
you can see my all download option
Now you just click on "Modify GitHub Download"
My friend this my all modify
you just click the "termux convert to Real Kali Linux script download"
then will open the next page
Friend you dont download anything
you just copy the clone link
So fiend i going to copy this clone link
then friend open the Playstore
then you search the Termux Application
Download and install this Appliction
So friend this download is starting
then open it
Just you must follow me step by step
top 5 prank Video (2018) | Latest Prank of Prank BD | Laugh Forever is our Slogan - Duration: 6:30.
Enjoy :)
CREATE YOUR OWN BRAND OF CRAYONS!! Customized School Supplies | Smart Art | - Duration: 6:50.
Hey guys, we're going back to school
Smart Art is a new series on the
Kicles YouTube channel
Just for crafts and DIYs
And today's theme is
Back To School
Aren't you tired of those old boring
School supplies
Well no fear
Cause today we're showing you
How to Customize Your Own
School Supplies
I really hate these boring yellow pencils
That's why I came up with a craft
To turn these pencils
Into my own colored
Customized pencils
For this DIY you will need:
Paint of your choice
Fine tip marker
And painter's tape
Start by taping the eraser
and the tip of the pencil
paint the wood part of the pencil
with the color of your choice
once dry, remove the tape
no pencil is complete without a brand
and what better brand than your name
using a fine tip marker
write your name on the pencil
and there you have it
your own brand of pencils
Lea gave me these plain notebooks
to customize for her
but I really have no idea what to do with them
wait, I got it
Lea loves hearts
I know just what to do with these
Take a look at this
For this DIY you will need:
A notebook
A paper
And a gold marker
Start by drawing a heart on the paper
Cut it out
Place the heart over the notebook
Using the marker, start adding dots around the heart
Add lots of dots close to the heart
As you get away from the heart
The dots get farther and farther apart
Remove the paper heart
ant there you have it
your own customized notebook
we all have
the same crayons
But how can we write our name on them
To make them our own?
Well to create your own customized crayon labels
Click the link in the description bellow
Download the PDF file so that you can customize it
Open the downloaded file
And fill out your name in the place of the crayon brand
Add spaces where needed
Then, print out the papers
Once you're done you'll have something that looks like this
Cut out the labels
Soak the crayons in warm soapy water
To remove the labels
Leave them for 5 minutes
After 5 minutes
Remove the labels
Dry the crayons out
If a label doesn't come out easily Just leave it in the warm water for a bit
Connect the broken crayons using tape
Add glue on the white rectangle of the label
but from the back side
stick the crayon to the label
then add glue to the white rectangle
but from the front side
roll the paper around the crayon
once your done you'll have something that looks like this
and there you have it your own brand of crayons
and there you have it
3 ways on how to customize your school supplies
And if you want to learn more tricks
on how to customize your supplies
make sure your subscribed cause in our next video
we're showing you how to customize your books
using tags
your rulers
and more
check out our other videos right over here
subscribe right over here
and follow us on Instagram and Facebook links in the description
see you in the next video Bye!
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