in this video we'll show you how you can connect your Garmin GPSmap 66 to Garmin
Express which is probably the best tool you can use to update the firmware and
when you first connect the device out of the box there probably is going to be an
updated firmware so it's always recommended to do that so what we're
gonna do here we're gonna open up our USB weather cap here and plug in the USB
cable to our computer and proceed on the computer with Garmin Express and of
course we need to download and install Garmin Express before we get started on
our PC or Mac and once we have the app open we can click on the plus sign which
is to add the device to our Garmin Connect account and we'll click on that
and with our GPSmap 66 plugged in via USB to our computer it will take a few
seconds to detect it once it finds it we can click on add the vise and we'll go
through our synchronization process here so we can either sign in with an
existing Garmin Connect account or create a login if this is your first
time doing this okay I'm just gonna log in because I've done this a few times
and once we've done through we can now add the device to our account and finish
the synchronization and the settings transfer some of the settings over and
this next step is an optional step you don't have to do this but if you want
your GPSmap 66 to automatically connect on its own to a Wi-Fi account you can
add the network here here i've added it in a previous video we can skip that if
you wanted to and now we're back to our home page and you can see here we have
software updates available and below that we have tools and content we can
download IQ apps which are more data fields widgets and that kind of stuff to
supplement your device but here we're going to view the details of our
software update here we have a GPS software on top sometimes you might see
a firmware update but we're gonna click on install and we'll go through the
terms and conditions and basically the few notes here is well let the software
download to our computer and then we'll transfer it to our device
once that is done we can unplug the device from our USB cable and this is
the important step here so we're gonna let the GPS update the firmware or the
software up to 100% and let it restart automatically and once you're back to
your main menu or your home page once the GPS has started everybody's really
good to go you can plug this back into USB or close the app and reopen it and
connect it and you should be green lights all the way so that is how you
get yourself set up with a Garmin Express with your GPS map 66
For more infomation >> Garmin GPSMAP 66ST - How To Update Firmware Via Garmin Express - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
Crochet tulle dress for a girl - Duration: 31:45.
Hello everyone, I'm Major Bell well kamae Channel
Today I show you how to make this beautiful teal dress
Bring 8 layers of tulle
It has three buttons on the back
Here the front
The size is for a two year old girl, I
Leave you a table of approximate measurements so you can make it bigger or smaller
In my blog I leave here a small graphic pattern. I
Hope you liked it
100 grams of pink thread hook three millimeters two pieces of tulle of
160 centimeters for 200 centimeters
scissors three buttons sewing needles thread color of the fabric
We fooled the fabric in one rectangle of eight layers of tulle 80 centimeters or 31.5 inches
50 centimeters or nineteen point six inches long
We make 2 rectangles
Take the measurement of the waist you need double the measure for the fabric
You will have to join the two rectangles
You have to pucker the 2 rectangles of the chilled fabric
until you have the measurement of the contour of the waist
Then we so everything's of the yoke
It's very easy to do later, I'll explain more
We started with 90 chains
1 round
3 chains
14 double crochet
The stitch is multiplo of 3
2 chains
1 double crochet in the same stitch
17 doubles crochet
This part will be the sleeve
2 chains
1 double crochet in the same stitch
23 doubles crochet
This part will be the front
2 chains
1 double crochet in the same stitch
17 doubles crochet
This part will be the sleeve
2 chains
1 double crochet in the same stitch
14 double crochet
This part will be your back
The back is half of the front plus 3 double crochet in each part, what is the clip
I'm not going to make buttons.
I use some very small buttons and I do not need them
But if you need it they do so
You just have to make a chain and skip 1 stitch
And that's how you can make a buttonhole
undo the chain that
round 2
1 chain
3 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
Now we have reached the corner
we always do the same
3 chains
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
Now we have heached the corner
We always do the same
3 chains
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
Continue sequence until you reach the corner
Now we have reached the corner.
We always do the same one single crochet
3 chains
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
Continue sequence until you reach the corner
now, we have reached the corner.
We always do the same
1 single crochet
3 chains
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
3 single crochet
3 round
1 slip stitch
2 chains ç
2 double crochet
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double-crochet
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double-crochet
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double crochet
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double crochet
Now we have reached the corner
we always do the same
3 double crochet
3 double crochet in the same stitch
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double crochet
Continue sequence until you reach the corner
Now we have reached the corner
we always do the same
3 double crochet
2 chains
3 double crochet in the same stitch
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double crochet
Continue sequence until you reach the corner
Now we have reached the corner
we always do the same
3 double-crochet
2 chains
3 double crochet in the same stitch
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double crochet
Continue sequence until you reach the corner
Now we have reached the corner
we always do the same
3 double crochet
2 chains
3double crochet in the same stitch
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double crochet
Where we have the 3 chains
3 double crochet
continue sequence until the end of the round
Finish round with
3 double crochet
Round 4 repeat round 2
1 chain
3 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains.
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
1 single crochet
3 chains
Skip 3 stitch
now we have reached the corner
We always do the same
1 single crochet
3 chains
1 single crochet
We repeat round 2 and 3 until we have the necessary measure I
Have worked it for 12 rounds
9 centimeters or 3.5 inches
From shoulder to armhole 12 centimeters or 5 inches
Now let's join the front with the back
We start with the sequence of round 3
in the corner, we also make 3 double crochet
Skip the sleeve
In the corner, we also make 3 double crochet
Continue sequence until you reach the corner
In the corner, we also make 3b double crochet
Skip the sleeve
In my corner, we also make 3 double crochet
Continue sequence until the end of the round
We join the yolk with slip stitch in the 3 double crochet
I'll seen in the image
1 chain
1 single crochet
3 chains
1 single crochet
We repeat the round 2
When we reach the end of the round
We Hook with single crochet
I'll seen in the image
Finish round with slip stitch
We continue repeating round 3 and 2
we have lengthen to the waist
Let's do some peaks around 3 chains
3 double crochet in the same stitch
In the single crochet of the previous round
1 slip stitch
3 chains
3 double crochet in the same stitch
In the single crochet of the previous round
1 slip stitch
3 chains
3 double crochet in the same stitch
In the single crochet of the previous round
1 slip stitch
We continued the sequence around the waist and sleeves
I explained in the beginning. I have cut 2 rectangles of 8 layers of tulle fabric
80 centimeters wide by 50 centimeters long
all depends on the tulle fabric you buy
we make2 rectangles
You can see my fabric is very thin.
I have not found another
We sew the two rectangles throughout
As see in the image in the image
Do not sew everything
- then be able to cut and leave it to your needs
. So the 2 parts
Always do a puckered skirt.
Have put twice as much cloth or a little more
that the contour of the waist
To Pucker, you just have to pass the needle as you see in the image
So if you want it wide
So if you want it narrower
You have to purse the 2 parts in width, but do not cut the thread and then stretch
Once you have the gathered skirt,
let's join it with the yoke
Do not cut the sheering thread
Put an eel all around so it does not move
On the other hand equal
Guided by the seams of the sides
Inside the dress we will sew
I've seen in the image
You can also sew it out of the dress
Hope you liked it
Thank you very much for following me thank you very much for seeing me
5 Romantic Gestures That Make Women Swoon - Duration: 5:07.
Tripp Kramer here from
Today we're talking about some romantic things you can do with a girl to make her
swoon over you.
You're not going to hear the typical things that you usually hear.
I hope you already know that when you hear Tripp Advice.
We're not talking about the general advice that most people give.
Like giving her a compliment or sending her flowers or buying her stuff or open the door
for her.
All those chivalrous moves.
Yes, some of those things are nice.
But when you want to build deep attraction and you want to make her swoon and really
like you, it's about dominance.
What do I mean by dominance.
Dominance means that you are in control of the interaction that happens with the girl
and you are leading.
There's a few things that I'm going to tell you today where you are taking the lead
and it is going to make her like you and turn her on because you are going to be showing
a masculine trait which her being the feminine is attracted to.
Let's get into it.
The first, very simple, when you are dating a girl or even the first date, you pick the
place where you guys are going.
Yes, you showing that control and you showing that you are making the decision, being decisive
is very attractive and it is romantic.
It doesn't matter where you are going.
I'm gonna recommend to you if it's a first date that you get coffee or a drink.
But you pick the place, you pick the time, let her know what the situation is.
Lead her.
She is going to like this a lot.
Staying on the topic of leading, I want you to be the one to lead her to the bedroom.
Of course with consent but I want you to initiate that.
That is romantic, that is sexy, that is taking control, that is masculine.
All the characteristics that I can't stop repeating to you that you need to embody.
Being able to lead to the bedroom is really an amazing thing.
Because a woman, it's not in her DNA to do that.
Yes, sometimes she will.
But she wants to be lead.
I want to be careful here.
I know a lot of guys end up complaining "why do we have to do all the work?"
Don't think about it as you doing all the work and her not or her being lazy.
Think about it in terms of how the masculine and feminine work together to create attraction.
Like I've been saying the masculine is the one who is dominant and leads and the woman
is there to receive.
Here's another one related to the first one I said.
If you're dating a girl and you've been with her for a while, doing something that
they enjoy.
So something she said that she likes to do, I want you to plan that.
That's very romantic and still staying on the topic of being dominant and leading, still
that as well.
You've been talking to her, you've been getting to know her, she said she likes something,
she likes a certain movie, or a certain activity.
Whatever it is, just plan it and go for it.
Again this is not necessarily the first date.
This is something down the line.
So make sure you're listening to her and make sure when you know, just say "hey we're
doing something fun tonight.
Something spontaneous.
Something different.
Are you free tonight at 8?
If so, let's do this."
Don't tell her what it is, keep it a mystery.
And boom, you're again in that dominant position.
And she's gonna love it because it's something she likes and you've been listening to her.
Here's another one for when you're further down into the dating process or maybe a relationship.
The act of asking her what her love language is.
If you don't know what that is, we're not gonna talk about that in this video.
I've talked about it in other videos that you can look up.
There are 5 different ways that people receive love.
So if you know what your love language is you can communicate that to your partner,
they can speak your love language and it helps with the relationship.
The act of sitting down and talking to her about that is going to be very romantic because
it's going to show that you care and it's going to be good for you because you're
going to be able to tell her what your love language is and you are gonna be able to connect
on that level.
It's going to allow for deeper intimacy between the two of you and you are gonna like
If you can't guess what the last one is, I'll just tell you.
The last one is you're gonna act on it.
It's not just about having a conversation that is going to be romantic but you are going
to act on it.
You're gonna find out what her love language is how she receives love and then you're
gonna figure out how you can do that.
I'll give you a little tip here; the 5 are quality time, physical touch, acts of service,
words of affirmation and gifts.
These are the 5 ones.
You're gonna act on that.
You're gonna do something that relates to her love language and then round and round
you guys go.
You're gonna be very happy and it's gonna be a great time.
In number two, I told you about leading her to the bedroom but you might not know how
to build that sexual tension between you and the girl.
I have a video that demonstrates that.
You can watch that and learn how to build that tension so you can smoothly lead her
to the bedroom.
I want you to check that out.
It's a free video.
It's down in the description below.
Go get that and in the comments write down which one you think is something that you
can use soon and something you can do to be more romantic and at the end of the day get
her more attracted to you.
Let's hear from you and I'll see you on the next video.
Unboxing Tascam DR-40 plus a Christmas surprise! ✨~ Ada Frost - Duration: 6:52.
Hello my wonderfuls!
So, today I've received a super awesome package
aand I'm gonna make the unboxing because
it's a very special order and...
well, now you'll see!
I'm gonna tell you later why
am I recording with this perspective.
It's a marvelous
and super duper incredible
Tascam DR-40.
It's a sound recorder
and you do not know the illusion
that made buy it at last. Really.
So, why did I bought a sound recorder and
am I recording with this rare perspective?
It is because...
I'm sooo deep in the ASMR world.
What does ASMR is ?
- would you be asking yourselves.
The ASMR, my dear friends,
it is a wonderful thing that has not been invented by god, but almost!
I am going to make ASMR videos
I've opened a new YouTube channel
fully dedicated to the ASMR world,
recording sounds and things like that.
I'm gonna leave you the link here, somewhere.
Also will find it in the description box.
The name of the channel is ASMR Frost
and I'm gonna make the unboxing
and the tester of...
well, I'm gonna show you a little about the unboxing
because I didn't even try it yet, and I'm so excited!
aaand if you want to see the full video,
full ASMR,
please go , GO! Hahaha
to my new channel ASMR Frost
and enjoy the complete asmr sensation
made with this Beautiful
This perspective is a caracteristique view of the ASMR videos
and that's why I'm recording like this.
Hope you like it and enjoy it.
I'm SO in love with all this!
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