Um, excuse me.
A little privacy please.
Thank you.
Yo! It's "National Breastfeeding Awareness Month!" I know you've been waiting all
year, but it's finally here! So that means we're going to uncover those udder covers,
and talk about the other use of the word, nursing.
Now if you like the idea of a nurse, devoting his time away from his job to help you live
a better life. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button down there and the little bell next to it.
Or, if you're not watching this on YouTube, go there and make it happen. Because
whether or not you know it, I care about you. Just like I care about every patient I sit
down next to. So you deliver on your side, and subscribe to me, and I'll deliver what
I've got on mine. Deal? Let's jump right in.
Now, nipple tenderness aside, this can be a very sensitive topic. So I want you to know
if you have any strong religious, cultural, or any kind of belief against breast feeding,
then you do you "boo boo." But I'm here to give you an easy way to
remember the possible benefits of breastfeeding. Based on studies, research, data, and all
the **** I sifted through, so you didn't have to. With this simple mnemonic.
A B C D E F G H, I think I might breastfeed.
Thank you, thank you. You're too kind. I'm here all week.
Okay, the "A" is for allergies and immunity. That boob juice is more than just milk. It's
an immunologically active substance. Meaning it's got antibacterial enzymes, anti-inflammatory
properties, cells that fight infection. All sorts of goodies that could help your little
love bug fight off all the gunk that's in our world.
Next up is "B" for bite. Studies have shown that breastfeeding most likely reduces
the chance of malocclusion, which is bad alignment of your teeth or jaw. Trying to correct that
years down the line, might require jaw wiring, surgery, or braces. That's risky, or expensive
things which fortunately, I wouldn't know anything about.
Next up is "C" and that's for cancer. Okay, yes, the big "C" that no one wants to see.
Okay, Moms. You can reduce your risk of ovarian, endometrial, and breast cancer,
all through breastfeeding. That should be enough right there, but if it isn't, your
baby might appreciate you maybe lowering the risks of childhood cancers, like leukemia
and lymphoma. Cancer is one of the worst things in our world, that has affected almost everyone
in one way or another, and there's some promising research out there that I suggest you explore.
The "D" is for developmental. Visual function,
hearing abilities, behavior, cognitive development. Basically everything you want them to get
a passing score on. Even the slightest bit of research suggesting this, I'd take my
bra off right now and get it started. If I could only get the…
I've done this at least three times. "E" is for economical. Breastfeeding is free!
The powers that be, essentially have mind control over most of us, so if they really
wanted you to spend money on that first year postpartum, they'd scare you into doing it.
But no, extremely reputable organizations like the "American Academy of Pediatrics,"
the "American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists," and the "World Health
Organization," are recommending that you pocket the money you'd be spending on formula,
and use what you were born to use. The average savings of breastfeeding a child, is about
a grand per year. A thousand dollars! That's like eight years of Netflix! That's like
230 pumpkin-spiced lattes, girl treat yourself! The "F" is for functionality, and this
one is for you moms. Getting you back, to who you were, before you could barely walk,
got depressed, and started eating for two, and sometimes three. So when you breastfeed,
you secrete oxytocin, prolactin, and neuroendocrine peptides. Okay, all of these speed up the
recovery process, and can help you deal with the stressors that come along with being responsible
for a brand new human being, every moment of your life from now on!
Studies have also shown less child neglect and abuse, and an increase in mother-baby bonding.
How sweet is that? Okay, I'm guessing half of you are thinking, "Yeah, yeah, what about this
amorphic figure that used to get my partner all hot and bothered?" Well, if you haven't guessed it,
studies have shown that postpartum weight loss, increases with breastfeeding, and good nutrition and exercise.
The "G" is for gastrointestinal, and that
means everything from their lips to their ****. Your milk can work wonders on their
GI tract in way too many ways for me to go through in this video, but one that's really
worth mentioning is the decreased risk of "NEC," or necrotizing enterocolitis in
premature infants. Which is a disease of the intestines that causes the bowel linings to
perforate, and stool to empty out into the baby's gut. This can cause serious complications,
including death, and is one of the most common gastrointestinal emergencies in the neonatal ICU.
The "H" is for human milk, and this is just to remind you that breastfeeding is only
human… and dogs… and cows. My point is that it's natural. Now, I had a patient
once tell me that breastfeeding is weird and gross, which one, made me think she's never
seen anything on the internet, and two, made me think about our ***** up cultural norms,
and I kind of understood where she was coming from. But think about it, is donating blood gross?
It could save a life. Is swapping saliva when you're kissing gross?
Well, maybe, but either they're hot, or you love them, so, **** it.
My point is our bodies are made up of unbelievably complex designs, and one of those designs is to naturally nourish your
child, extremely effectively. Think about taking advantage of it.
Plus, there are all sorts of products out there that specifically designed to make breastfeeding
more easily, and sometimes fashionably integrated into your uniquely developed lifestyle.
Lastly the "I" is for infancy, remember infancy covers age zero to one, and
is widely recommended that you breastfeed for at least one full year. The first half,
exclusively with breast milk, and in that second half start introducing those solids.
A B C D E F G H, I think you might breastfeed.
Now remember, I am in no way telling you not to formula feed your child.
Women. It's your body. It's your baby, it's your family, it's your life. It's your choice.
I'm just giving you information I've learned about the elixir of the gods you've got
brewing in those breasts! Now if you want to share your experiences,
give advice, or want another video on tips and tricks for breastfeeding from specialists
I know. Or any other video for that matter. Drop a comment below, just don't forget
to hit that subscribe button, and the little bell too. I'm clocking out.
For more infomation >> Breastfeeding & How it Benefits: Awareness Week Video 🤱 - Duration: 6:15.-------------------------------------------
The Rock Drumming Masterclass (Todd Sucherman) - Duration: 3:39.
- Hi, I'm Todd Sucherman, and for the next six months I
wanna work closely with you,
to take your rock drumming to the next level.
I've been playing with STYX for 23 years now,
and one of the most unbelievable things I get to experience,
night after night,
is to see what the music means to the audience members.
When you walk out on stage and you see and feel the crowd,
that is the palpable energy,
you can just cut it with a knife.
The show is about to begin, people have been waiting months,
they've had their tickets, and now its happening.
The lights go out, you're taking the stage, it's kind of a
heavy thing to experience.
Music truly is a language and I know that can be a cliche
now but it really is true.
The rudiments are our alphabet and we put everything
together to form sentences and paragraphs
and we tell stories.
Playing the drums gives you an identity.
As the drummer you're really controlling,
not only the tempo, but the energy and the dynamics.
We drive the bus a lot more than most people would think,
that's our job.
So here's the deal, I'm going to give you one new lesson
each week for 26 weeks so you always know what to practice
and for exactly how long without any guess work.
You will gain the freedom to play anything with your lead
hand, and your bass drum flip, and 4/4 back beat time.
You will develop a tool kit of simple and advanced drum
fills that are proven to work in any rock setting in the
small stage, to the studio, to the big arena.
I'll show you how to train your ear to hear patterns within
the patterns, so you can create musical motif ideas,
hook fills, and other concepts to explore your own musical
language for soloing.
You will gain an understanding of song forms,
attaching yourself emotionally to lyrical
and musical content.
So you can truly become part of the musical
story-telling process.
And you will get the keys to the kingdom,
to become who you want to be as a rock drummer;
whether, you aspire to play big arena shows
or you just wanna have fun jamming with your friends.
This course really gives you the time to digest everything
week to week so we can build upon that.
You gain all this more knowledge and this foundation so you
can really improve at a rapid rate.
The best thing about this master class,
is that it's more than a lesson plan
with videos and exercises.
For six months you're gonna be able to wrap my brain,
ask me any question you have along the way;
whether, you need a little bit more clarity,
or you're bumping into an obstacle,
or you want to know exactly how my advice
applies to your unique situation,
I'm gonna be working with you every step of the way.
You will see the results.
So if you wanna play rock music on the drums;
whether, you're a beginner or already a rock star yourself
I'm going to guide you and I'm going to push you
to become the best rock drummer you can possibly be.
Let's do this.
Click on any of the big buttons on this page to study with
me here at Drumeo.
How to download and install Google Drive on Windows 10 (2019) - Duration: 2:03.
First, open up your browser, and go to:
On the top right, click the Gear icon, then Get Backup and Sync for Windows
Under Personal, click Download
Run it, you may find it on your Downloads folder
Sign in to your Google Gmail account
Click NEXT, then START
On the bottom right, you can see the files being Synced
You will get a Google Drive folder, any synced file will be marked with a green check mark
All done!
Happy New Year 2019! - Duration: 7:21.
(unable to translate because it is in Taiwanese, and I don't know Taiwanese)
Thank you!
Time is really good.
(too many people talking, cannot translate what everyone is saying)
50 seconds! 50 seconds!
Everyone, hands in the sky!
2018 will become 2019!
(unable to translate)
Everyone is very happy. Right now, in 20 seconds it will be next year, 2019! Start the countdown!
How do you celebrate the new year? - Duration: 6:04.
How DO you wring in the new year?
[Awesome intro plays]
well I don't personally do anything but apparently you're supposed to go to
Times Square you're supposed to count down to midnight which I do you're
supposed to eat certain foods like pork, cabbage, a Hoppin' John a southern dish made
of black-eyed peas anyways those are New Year's Eve
traditions in the USA now in Spain there's this thing like where you're
supposed to eat 12 grapes right? you're supposed to eat like, one every hour
starting at like noon? yeah here it is you're supposed to eat 12 grapes as soon
as it becomes midnight because there's 12 Bell things on the clocks oh is that
why they sell them in cans of 12 just "Oh here you go here's your twelve grapes" (KSHH) it
also says this thing about red underwear "convention says you must do so
while wearing red ropa interior under wear a bra sock garter whatever and
stranger yet the undergarment should be given to you by someone else"
so just someone walks up to you just like here have some uh red underwear and
you just gotta be like oh thank you very much for this generous donation of yours yeah
I don't know if I would take some red underwear I don't know I don't know so
in Japan there are seven Japanese New Year's traditions according to this
website Joya no kane [Speed reading activate] nice so they ring a bell
108 times to get rid of all your bad desires from the past year
according to Buddhism oh yes sobaaaaaaa
i haven't had soba noodles and so long it's gonna be part of my plan when I go to Japan in a
few years
toshikoshi soba or a year-end soba is a dish of doodles in hot broth
traditionally eaten on New Year's Eve it is a simple meal usually enjoyed at
home with family or friends there is no set recipe for Toshikoshi soba
therefore everyone can add their own little taste to the dish
nice nice that looks really delicious I want some
O-sechi ro
this is one of the most hardest words pronounced in japanese reyori
Google Translate: yori, yori, YORI
yori? o-sechi ryori is the New Year's Day feast each element of the dinner's
intended to invite luck prosperity and good health for the new thear,
and good health for the new year this annual tradition once required days of
meticulous planning and preparation but luckily people can purchase pre-made
osechi in advance from department stores and restaurants
give me you I hope you
are at Price Chopper because I'mma eat all of that, it's just probably a ton of
seafood to eat though like pretty sure that looks like something that I oooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I don't know what that is but okay
mochi I've heard of this.
Mochi, a type of chewy
rice cake, yes, is a Japanese New Year's food these little round cakes are even
used in certain New Year's decorations such as the Kagami mochi. A very traditional New Year's
activity is preparing the mochi yourself on New Years Day. making mochi requires a
lot of time and effort though so most people
habuvytyrtxtesdbytcesytvduybfnughm xtrvdfg7g cyftugvcbf
so most people are happy to buy premade versions. Nenga are New Year's greetings
sending Nenga greeting cards to friends and family is a very popular New Year's
tradition so at this time of year in Japan the Post Office makes a special effort
to ensure everyone's nenga are delivered on New Year's Day that's cool
so it's like post cards except specifically for New Year's that's cool
Hatsumode I've heard of this, During the first few pasidvwuasbdnwavsdhwhviaub
I can't read! why can't I read today
during the first few days of New Years many people head out for the
Hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the year to pray make wishes express
gratitude and stock up on Lucky Charms Buddhist temples in Shinto shrines are
lively on this day with snack vendors in stalls giving occasion a festive
atmosphere. so the temples open and all this traffic gives salespeople the idea
up oh let's just slam a booth down here and people will come "hi would you like
some mochi here you go happy new year"
anyways thank you guys
for watching this really weird video that I made happy new year I hope you
all have a wonderful 2019 new banner coming in about like five minutes
probably anyways thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys
in 2019
[outro of coolness]
அவல் கேஸரி / Beaten rice kesari in Tamil - Duration: 5:12.
Wish you all a very Happy New Year
In Raghav's Cookery, we will start this new year with a sweet recipe
We are going to make Aval kesari as new year's recipe
If you get bored making rava kesari, try this aval kesari once
It tastes awesome
Now will see how to make it
I have taken 1/2 cup beaten rice for this kesari
You can use white also
After frying this, we can start making kesari
Let's fry cashews and raisins first
Heat 1 tbsp ghee in a pan
While ghee melts, fry cashews till golden
Next, add raisins and fry till it puffs up
Add some more ghee
Add the beaten rice
Fry the beaten rice for 2-3 minutes or till done
We are going to grind this
If we grind without frying, then it will stick in the blender and become a lump
If we grind after frying, it will be flavorful and do not stick with each other like semolina
We have fried it well. Let it cool down
Transfer it to a blender and grind to a coarse powder
It should be rava like consistency
Now we will boil water
For 1/2 cup of beaten rice, I am going to add 2 cups of water ( i.e 1:4)
Let water comes to a rolling boil
Add water to the pan
when water comes to boil, add the ground beaten rice slowly
Mix it without leaving hands, or lumps may form
It will get cooked fast. Cook for 2-3 minutes
Add sugar after it is cooked well and all moisture is absorbed
Now we will add sugar
You can substitute sugar with jaggery syrup
I am 3/4 cup of sugar for 1/2 cup of rice
For good sugar, add 1 cup of sugar.
For mild sweet. add 1/2 cup sugar
Sugar will melt
Mix continuously
Add sugar after beaten rice is cooked well
When sugar dissolves, add food color
Adding food color is optional, you can omit if you don't like it
Kesari started to leave the sides of the pan
Add some ghee
See it has started leaving the sides of the pan
Cook for one more minute
Stop cooking while kesari has some moisture in it
If you overcook till dry, it will become like roce once it cools down
Now add cardamom powder
fried cashews
fried raisins
Some ghee and switch off the flame
Aaha, our beaten rice kesari is ready
Once again I wish you all a very prosperous New Year
Friends do try this recipe and tell me
LEAKED: Louis CK Jokes About Parkland Survivors - Duration: 10:20.
As you celebrate the New Year don't forget about your pets - Duration: 1:09.
Steve Harvey Net Worth 2018: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 11:22.
Steve Harvey Net Worth 2018: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Steve Harvey is one of the most successful talk show hosts in the world, so it should come as no shock that his net worth is reflective of that.
The 61-year-old has worked as an actor, comedian, and author, and has an estimated net worth of $160 million.
Where does most of his money come from? What's his salary? Which shows have made him the most money?.
Read on for details.
He Has an Estimated Salary of $40 Million.
Harvey has an estimated salary of $40 million.
He is the host of The Steve Harvey Morning Show, the Steve talk show, Family Feud, Celebrity Family Feud, Little Big Shots, and many of the shows' spinoffs.
Harvey was born in Welch, West Virginia.
His mother was 42 when she had him; Harvey explains that he was a surprise to his family.
He tells Parade, "My parents were very loving… They had no money, but my mother gave me faith and my father taught me a work ethic.".
Harvey went on to attend Kent State University, where he studied advertising.
Harvey flunked out of school his junior year– something he says he still regrets to this day.
"It really threw my life into a downward spiral," he tells Parade.
Harvey held a variety of jobs before foraying into entertainment, including working as a boxer, autoworker, insurance salesman, carpet cleaner, and a mailman.
Harvey's first comedy performance took place in 1985 at the Hilarities Comedy Club in Cleveland, Ohio.
For five years he struggled, until becoming a finalist in the Second Annual Johnnie Walker National Comedy Search in 1990.
That led to his stint hosting It's Showtime at the Apollo.
He Is the Author of 'Act like a Lady, Think like a Man'.
Harvey is the author of Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, which was published in March 2009.
A movie based on the book, called Think Like a Man, was released by Sony Pictures Screen Gems in 2012.
Harvey was an executive producer on the film and made a cameo appearance.
The film earned just under $100 million at the box office worldwide.
In an interview with, Harvey was asked what message he wants people to take away from the film.
He said, "That men and women really do want the same things.
We just need each other to bring it out.
That's really the truth of the matter.".
Harvey is also the author of Jump: Take the Leap of Faith to Achieve Your Life of Abundance , in which he discusses overcoming major obstacles in his life.
In an interview with Forbes about the book, Harvey discussed a major obstacle in his life — when he owed his family $5,000.
He explains, "I spent the rest of my parents' life trying to pay them back for those $5,000.
It became a huge driving force that taught me how hard you really have to work to become successful, that you cannot relax, that you cannot take it for granted.
That when people do something for you, you've got to work extra hard to prove yourself worthy of what they have done.
And that I didn't do for my father back then.
I made a promise that would never happen again.".
He Is a 14-Time NAACP Image Winner.
Along with being a 14-time NAACP Image Award winner, Harvey is a two-time Marconi Award winner and a six-time Daytime Emmy Award winner.
From 1996 to 2002, Harvey was the host of 'The Steve Harvey Show'.
After it was canceled, he went on to focus on radio, which proved to be the right career decision.
Through the medium, Harvey was able to offer his listeners advice, guidance, and a few laughs.
Today, Harvey splits his time between Chicago, where he shoots his TV Talk Show, and Atlanta, where Family Feud is taped during the summer.
And what about retirement?.
Harvey tells Parade, ""I'm not one of those people who's going to be on a yacht sailing the world [in retirement].
My calling is to help people, to teach people, to share with people, until I die.
I can never stop doing that.
I can't and I don't want to.".
He Owns Multiple Homes.
According to Velvet Tropes, Harvey owns a few homes across the country.
has a penthouse in Chicago, a mansion in Atlanta, and another home in Little Elm, Texas.
In September, the outlet added that Harvey and his family were rumored to have purchased an 11,234 square-foot home near Beverly Hills, California.
They are believed to have spent $110,000 each month on the home.
Harvey is believed to have parted ways with his Chicago condo for $7.
7 million, after his show was relocated from Chicago to LA.
Harvey's home in Atlanta, according to Velvet Tropes, is 9,258 square-feet, and was purchased in 2010 for $3.
4 million.
He Has Gone Through Two Divorces.
Harvey has been married three times.
He has seven children in total: four biological children and three stepchildren.
Harvey was married to Marcia Harvey from 1980 to 1994; with Marcia, he has twin daughters Brandi and Karli, and son Broderick.
From 1996 to 2005, he was married to Mary Shackelford.
With Shackelford, he has a son named Wynton.
In 2017, E! News reported that Shackelford was suing Harvey for $60 million.
Court documents obtained by E! News suggested that since their divorce, Shackelford's life had not been the same.
"Mary alleges that she's been suicidal and has resorted to self-medicate in an effort to handle the aftermath of their highly publicized (and highly contentious) divorce battle," E! News writes.
Among the lost list of things she sued him for was child endangerment, torture, conspiracy against rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress, breach of contract, and "soul murder.".
Today, Harvey is married to Marjorie Bridges.
Marjorie is a mother of three children, who Steve raises as his own.
Together, the couple has four grandchildren.
My Lower Body Stretching, Hamstring Exercises, Hamstring Stretch, Hamstring Stretching Exercises - Duration: 1:52.
Subscribe and Press the Bell icon for updates
How to Make Beautiful Flower Stick with Colour Paper | Paper Flower Home Decoration - Duration: 6:03.
How to Make Beautiful
Flower Stick with
Color Paper Flower
Home Decoration
Are You Entitled To Your Own Choice of Physician in a Louisiana Workers Comp Case? - Duration: 1:23.
In Louisiana, a claimant is entitled to choose their own choice of physician in each field
or specialty.
So, if you have an injured elbow, let's say, you're entitled to go to your own choice of
physician in each field or speciality.
So, I would probably send a client to an orthopedic—a local orthopedic—that would become your
choice of orthopedic physician, or choice of orthopedic surgeon.
If that orthopedic surgeon felt like you needed to see a neurosurgeon for nerve damage, then
you're entitled to your own choice of physician in the neurology field, whether it's a neurosurgeon
or neurologist.
So, sometimes pain management doctors come into play.
You're entitled to your own choice of physician in the field of pain management.
So, in Louisiana you're entitled to one choice of physician in each field or specialty.
Accidents or pre-existing injuries or preexisting injuries or preexisting medical treatment
are covered under the Workers Compensation Act, and are compensable under the Louisiana
workers compensation laws, but you have to be honest and forthright and tell the truth
about those pre-existing conditions.
Because if you don't, then your benefits can be terminated based upon misrepresentations
or fraud.
So always tell the truth about prior accidents or injuries, because as long as the new accident
aggravated your old condition you should be covered.
For more information on workers compensation claims go to
ASMR Sounds Relaxing Triggers to Help You Sleep| Notalking | ASMR Huyen - Duration: 30:46.
hi, my friends
welcome to ASMR Huyen Channel
Today I share the sounds that stimulate you to relax and sleep
let's get started
thanks for your watching! good night
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