Hey guys!
Whats going on?
It's your boy Amaze back with another video and today I have just a banging cordite class.
This thing is absolutely insane.
We got a 57 gun streak gameplay.
This thing just absolutely slaps.
I would go as far as to say it's the best spawn trapping gun in the game.
So for our cordite class we are going to be using long barrel, FMJ, grip, and belt feed.
Long barrel I like the extra range, and FMJ so that I can penetrate armor.
Grip is necessary on the cordite.
Then COMSEC so we can get map control with the Strike Team faster and Gung-Ho so I can
run sprint and pull it up faster and I can shoot back when calling in streaks.
So yeah it's been your boy Amaze and Ill see you in
the gameplay.
For more infomation >> This Gun Will Make You Unstoppable (Best Cordite Class Bo4) - Duration: 12:34.-------------------------------------------
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The HORRIFYING Ending Of Bird Box You Never Saw + DELETED SCENES! - Duration: 7:50.
Bird Box may have terrified you with its chilling, post-apocalyptic setting, but it was originally
going to be even darker!
Yippee-ki-yay movie lovers, I'm Jan and in this video I'm revealing the horrific alternate
ending for Bird Box, as well as another terrifying river scene you never got to see, plus a deleted
scene that actually showed the creatures on screen!
Spoilers ahead so take care if you haven't seen the movie yet.
At the end of Bird Box, Malorie, Boy and Girl survive the rapids despite being capsized,
but then end up separated in the woods where they're tempted by the creatures to remove
their blindfolds.
Terrorised and chased by the monsters, they flee towards the School For The Blind, where
they eventually find safety.
In the original script, however, as the monsters chase them through the trees, Boy and Girl
make it to the door, but Malorie trips and gets left behind.
Boy and Girl get taken in safely by Rick, but Malorie – who's stranded – is flipped
over by one of the creatures.
The creatures' shadows "fall over her face" and Malorie fights back, telling the malevolent
forces to "stay away".
She pulls out her knife, then in a horrifying moment, puts the knife's tip right next to
her eyelid, warning the creatures that she'll make sure she can't look at them.
The creatures buzz around her and, in a close-up shot, Malorie pricks her eye with the knife
drawing a drop of blood.
Seeing this, the creatures all move back, and she's finally able to get inside the building.
This horrific moment would have tipped its hat to the end of Josh Malerman's book on
which the movie's based and which is also much darker.
Spoiler for the novel now: In the book's ending, after Malorie arrives at the School For The
Blind, she discovers that many of the residents have gouged out their own eyes so they can't
be tempted by the monsters.
In the novel, Rick tells Malorie that previously the school's security was much weaker and
a creature managed to break into the building.
During the attack, many people died and a mother "killed four children in a fit of rage".
The community decided they couldn't risk it happening again, so they blinded themselves
with various implements including forks, kitchen knives and even their own fingers.
The original screenplay has a similar scene that happens earlier but was cut from the
final film, where one night Malorie almost blinds her son deliberately with a hypodermic
The scene takes place at night and Malorie is terrified as she can hear the wind or creatures
bumping against the house.
The two children are asleep covered with blankets, but Malorie has reached the point where she's
decided that blinding them is the only hope for their survival.
Malorie places the needle right up close to Boy's eye, but can't go through with it after
Girl wakes up startled.
Bird Box director Susanne Bier has said, in an interview with Polygon, that when she decided
to make a movie about the apocalypse, it was important to her that there be a hopeful ending.
Bier says she didn't want "the audience to leave […] with a [...] completely bleak
point of view.
[…] And so […] it was key […] that […] this scary, dystopian story, […] has a hopeful
Certainly a version of Bird Box with Malorie almost gouging out her own eyes, very nearly
blinding her son on purpose, or discovering a community of people who've clawed out their
eyes as the only remedy against the monsters is much bleaker even if her family does still
Indeed, speaking to the Hollywood Reporter, Bier also said that she "cannot do horror"
and is "much more interested in suspense and thrillers", preferring "things that are threatening
but not gory".
Which seems to be why some of the more gory elements of the story have been toned down.
Unlike many horror or monster movies, Bird Box decides not to show us what the creatures
look like beyond shadows passing over surfaces and how the wind blows and leaves swirl when
they move.
However, there was a moment in the original script which was also filmed where Malorie
has a nightmare about seeing one of the creatures.
The script describes a scene where Malorie is making a phone call and a creature creeps
up behind her.
She hears it and shuts her eyes, trying to hide, but the monster stretches out "two ragged
fingers with wet, black talons on the ends [which] press against her cheek and eyebrow".
Similar to the final film where Gary forces Cheryl to look, in the deleted scene, the
creature forces Malorie's eyes open and she sees "a wide-mouthed, pale, wet face with
bulging eyes like a deep-sea monster".
Malorie then wakes up petrified from her nightmare and goes downstairs for some water.
In the script, this is the moment when Gary arrives at the house and it's Malorie, not
Olympia, who lets him in.
In an interview with Bloody Disgusting, screenwriter Eric Heisserer says he only added the nightmare
scene with the creature because "there was a time when one of the producers [… said]
'you have to see something at some point'".
Director Susanne Bier said that they actually spent a lot of time filming the scene, but
what happened was that when they reviewed the footage it just ended up being funny rather
than scary, which, of course, was the opposite of what they wanted.
Sandra Bullock has described the look of the creature in the deleted footage as "snake-like"
and resembling "a long fat baby".
Now, some people might like to have seen a creature to get an idea of what they looked
like, but leaving something unseen and to the imagination can often be very scary and
effective, especially when compared to a poorly-done CGI-monster.
In comparison, A Quiet Place only showed bits of its creatures which also worked fantastically
well to create a real sense of dread.
Also, if they had kept the deleted monster scene in Bird Box, it would have made it extra
obvious that Gary was going to be in league with the creatures and, on top of that, you
would also likely have worked out pretty quickly that the creature was just a nightmare as
you'd know the filmmakers would be rather unlikely to kill off the lead.
Bier has also said the idea of the creatures in Bird Box is that they tap into your deepest
fear, but as everyone's fears are different, if you give the monsters a definitive form
in the movie, it might take away from that concept.
In the end, we still have Gary's sketches as examples of what the creatures might look
The original script for Bird Box also reveals other deleted scenes that were rather dark.
A particularly interesting and terrifying one is an alternate version of the final river
In the final movie, just before Malorie and the children reach the rapids, Malorie is
faced with the dilemma of asking one of the kids to look so that she can safely navigate
the river at that point.
She realizes eventually that it's an impossible choice, and instead decides to do everything
she can so they all survive.
In the original script, though, we get a horrific scene at this point that feels inspired by
Hitchcock's classic film The Birds.
As Malorie and the children float down the river and Malorie tries to figure out what
to do, a flock of migrating birds pass overhead squawking normally.
But as they approach the rapids, the sound from the birds becomes more aggressive and
they start attacking each other.
Dead birds begin falling into the river and their blood splashes onto Malorie's face.
A bird then comes crashing into the boat as it tries to kill itself; the boat hits a rock
and the budgies inside the box start chirping.
Malorie hears the sound of a monster nearby and grabbing an oar pokes it in the direction
of the creature which retaliates by capsizing the boat.
This scene would have replaced the scene with the rapids that cause the boat to capsize
in the final movie, and it would also have skipped over Malorie having to decide which
child would face the mortal danger of being the look-out.
Like the alternate ending, a suicidal bird attack would have been a rather shocking scene,
so I can see why this wasn't included if the director wanted to tone down some of the story's
And showing Malorie deciding to save both children adds a touch more optimism to the
final movie.
So, do you wish any of these deleted scenes had been in the movie?
And what are your theories about the monsters in Bird Box?
Let me know in the comments below!
If you enjoyed this, smash that subscribe button and notification bell so you don't
miss any new videos.
Next up, tap left for more horror movie deleted scenes or tap right for another video you're
sure to like.
Thanks for watching and see ya next time.
Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!
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The Rivers: Sims 2 VO Series: Episode 9: "Repercussions." (SUB ENGLISH) - Duration: 37:21.
Raign "Tresor!"
Tresor "What?"
"What is it?"
Raign "Noah isn't here!"
Tresor "What?!"
Raign "Tresor,"
"He left last night-"
"-and he hasn't come home since."
Tresor "Are you sure?!"
Raign "Yes, I'm sure!"
-"I checked all the rooms!"
Tresor "Did you try calling him?"
Raign "I did-"
"-He left his phone here."
-Tresor "Maybe, he..."
"Maybe he came home-"
"-and left early..."
Raign "It's 6 a.m.!"
-Jonah "Exactly!"
"Why is everyone being so loud-"
Raign "Noah didn't come home last night."
Jonah "Oh! But, that's..."
"Oh but that's-"
"That-That's fine, right?"
"I mean..."
"He would be-"
"-He would've crashed at Simon's or something, right?"
Tresor "Maybe that's where he is."
"-Maybe he's at Raven's."
Raign "I tried calling but..."
"They didn't pick up."
Jonah "Maybe it's because they know it's us calling."
Raign "Why wouldn't they pick up if they know it's us calling?"
"Did something happen last night?"
Tresor "I'm- I'm gonna check Simon's."
-"Stay here and call every other contact he has other than Raven."
"If he doesn't wanna be found maybe he's staying over at one of their houses instead."
Raign "Why wouldn't he want to-"
"What's going on?!"
Tresor "Listen-"
"-I'll explain everything once we sort this out."
"He's gonna be okay."
-"I promise."
Faye "Oh, good!"
"You're awake."
"I was starting to worry-"
"-Maybe bringing you here,"
"Instead of a hospital was probably not the best idea."
Noah "Who are you?!"
Faye "It's okay!"
"I come in peace."
Noah "Where am I?!"
Faye "Can you tell me your name?"
Noah "Can you tell me YOUR name?!"
Faye "My name is Faye."
"That's Dahlia."
-"Black dahlia."
"Now, can you tell me yours?"
Noah "Noah."
Faye "It's nice to meet you, Noah."
"Do you remember what happened last night?"
Noah "Yeah..."
"I was..."
"I was attacked by a bunch of guys."
Faye "Can you tell me what day it is?"
"Full date?"
Noah "Um..."
"November 9th, 2016."
Faye "Close."
"It's Thursday."
Noah "Wait, what?!"
Noah "What time is it?!"
Faye "I...don't know."
Noah "Sorry but I gotta go."
-"She must be scared out of her mind right now."
Faye "Okay..."
"Who's she?"
Noah "My sister!"
Faye "Do you know her number?"
Noah "Not by heart,"
Faye "Hide behind the closet!"
Noah "WHAT?!"
"What are you doing?!"
"What's going on?!"
Faye "SHUT UP."
Tresor "Simon!"
Raven "What now?"
Tresor "Is he here?!"
Raven "Is who here?"
Tresor "Simon!"
Raven "You know what?!"
-"It doesn't matter."
"The bar isn't open yet-"
-"And won't be for another two hours."
"So you can show yourself out-"
Simon "Raven."
-"What's wrong?"
"Are you okay?"
Tresor "Did Noah come here last night?"
Simon "Not that I know of..."
Raven "No, he didn't."
Tresor "Are you sure you didn't see him?"
Raven "Yes, I'm sure!"
-Tresor "So help me god!"
"If you're covering for him-"
Raven "I didn't see him!"
Simon "If she says she didn't see him-"
"-she didn't see him."
Tresor "Jonah, and Noah, they-"
"-They got into a fight last night."
Raven "What?!"
Tresor "Noah, he got..."
"...Beaten up pretty bad."
Simon "God damn it, Jonah!"
Tresor "He stormed out-"
"-And he hasn't come home since."
Simon "Did you try calling his phone?"
Tresor "He didn't take it with him."
Raven "Did you try his friends?"
Tresor "Raign is going through his contacts right now."
Simon "Come on,"
"I'll help you look for him."
Raven "I'm coming too."
Simon "You stay here."
Raven "I can help!"
"You can help by staying put-"
"-In case he comes back here."
Young S "What do you mean he left?!"
Young T "I mean, he left."
"Packed up his things and went."
Young S "But he's coming back right?!"
"He has to."
Young T "He packed his clothes, his shoes,"
"Even that jar of money he's been saving for that concert next June, the..."
Young S "Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's left for good!"
"He could still come back!"
Young T "He also wrote a letter."
Young S "I can't believe this..."
Young T "So you really didn't know anything...?"
"He didn't say anything to you about this?"
Young S "No!"
-"Of course not! I-"
"I would never stand by and let him leave you like that!"
Jonah "You need to eat."
"You can ignore me all you want..."
"You still need to eat something."
"I'm gonna look around the neighborhood."
"See if I can help Tresor search."
"Let us know if he comes back home-"
"-Or if you need anything."
-Tresor "Hi!"
"-You've reached Tresor Rivers."
Ezra "God damn it."
-Tresor "-Tell by now."
"I can't get to the phone right now, but-"
"You can leave a message,"
"And i'll get to you as soon as I can!"
"Thank you!"
Ezra "Tresor-"
"Pick up-"
"The fucking-"
"I am not gonna ask you again!"
Ezra "I'm coming over."
Ezra "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"It's 8 a.m. for crying out loud!"
Jordan "I could say the same to you."
Raven "Noah?!"
"Get out!"
Jonah "I was hoping you didn't hear."
Raven "What the-"
"-is wrong-"
"-With you?!"
Jonah "Alright, that's enough."
Raven "Get your hands off of me!"
Jonah "Look,"
"I was drunk-"
Raven "No!"
"You do not get to do that!"
"You do not get to fuck up,"
"And use drinking as a way to defend yourself!"
Jonah "I'm not trying to defend myself-"
Raven "You did what you did because you're the same-"
"-lowlife piece of shit you've always been,"
"And I will not stand here and let you use alcohol as an excuse-
"-to get away with it again."
Jonah "You're right."
"I fucked up."
-"I'm sorry."
Raven "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."
Jonah "I know."
"That's why I'm here."
Jonah "I need your help finding Noah."
Raven "How can I help?"
Jonah "I've already looked everywhere obvious,"
"And I bet Tresor has too."
-"You're his best friend."
"You know him better than anyone else,"
"Definitely better than I do."
"You must know some other places he would go to, right?"
"Places no one else would think of."
Raven "I know a couple."
Jonah "There we go."
Raven "Wait."
"What if he comes here?"
Jonah "You and I both know that if he wanted to come here,""
"he would've been here the moment he stepped out of the house."
Raven "Okay, yeah,"
"I do love this song."
Noah "See?"
"You should let me control the music more often."
Raven "Oh, don't get cocky now."
"It's only the first song."
Noah "You'll like the rest."
Raven "Ooo, don't you sound confident?"
Noah "I know what you like."
Tresor "It's getting late."
"You should get going."
Noah "It's-"
"-It's only nine!"
Raven "It's fine."
"-I really should be going."
"-Simon's probably home from work by now."
Noah "I'll drop you off."
Raven "It's okay."
Noah "Are you sure...?"
Raven "I'm sure."
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
Tresor "What's tomorrow?"
Noah "I start training her."
Tresor "For what?"
Noah "She's going to start working at Simon's."
Tresor "Seriously?!"
"Well can't he just..."
"Train her himself...?"
Noah "I mean..."
"He's pretty busy."
"What's the problem?"
Tresor "I just..."
"I'm just worried about you."
"I just see the way that you look at her."
Noah "Tres,"
"You worry too much."
"You realize that, don't you?"
Tresor "I do."
-"And it's the worst."
"But I can't help it."
"I just don't want to see you get hurt."
Noah "I won't."
"I promise."
"I need to get out of here!"
Faye "I know how this looks..."
Noah "It looks like you're living with one of the guys who beat the crap out of me last night!"
Faye "Technichallyyyyyy, he didn't!"
"He did tip off the guys who did,"
"But he never actually laid his hands on you."
Noah "What is this?!"
"How do you know him?!"
Faye "His name is Benji..."
"He's my brother."
Noah "Your brother?!"
Faye "Be quiet!"
"He'll hear you!"
Noah "Okay."
"Now I really need to get the fuck out of here."
Faye "He'll leave for class in a few minutes."
"Just wait it out."
"I can only imagine what's going on in your head right now."
Noah "Who died?"
Faye "What...?"
Noah "You were at the vigil weren't you?"
Noah "Who did my dad kill?!"
Faye "My dad..."
Noah "I'm sorry..."
Faye "I know..."
"And since we're apologizing on behalf of our family members,"
"I'm sorry for my brother."
"And i'm not trying to make excuses for him,"
-"What he did to you..."
"It was unjustifiable."
"He's just..."
"Mom left us shortly after he was born."
"Dad was all he ever knew."
"And he's just a kid."
"Barely eighteen years old..."
"To have his life turned upside down like this..."
Noah "I know the feeling."
Faye "Stay put."
"I'll go check if he's gone."
-"Coast is clear."
"Let's take you home."
Raign "What are you doing here?"
Bellamy "After what happened yesterday, I was-"
-"You've been ignoring my texts."
"And then, when you didn't show up to class."
Raign "I didn't not show up to class because of what happened yesterday."
Bellamy "Oh."
"Is something else going on, or...?"
Raign "Noah hasn't been home since last night."
"He got--"
"He got into a big fight with Jonah,"
"And hasn't been home since."
Bellamy "Oh!"
"Well that's fine."
"He must be crashing over at one of his friend's."
Raign "I called his friends!"
"He's not there."
Bellamy "Maybe they're covering for him...?"
Raign "No, he-"
"He wouldn't do that to me!"
-"He wouldn't leave me to worry about him!"
"He wouldn't disappear for so long,"
"Not without letting me know he's okay."
Bellamy "If it makes you feel any better..."
-"He's most likely not dead."
Raign "...What?"
Bellamy "I'm saying-"
"-It's a small town."
"If he's dead,"
"They would've already found his body by now!"
Raign "Is this your attempt at making me feel better?"
Bellamy "I got you to laugh, didn't I?"
"I'm sorry about yesterday."
Raign "Don't do that."
"Don't apologize for what someone else did."
Bellamy "She would've left you alone, if-"
"-If I just..."
Raign "This is not on you, Bellamy."
"I was- just..."
"Upset, yesterday."
"I wanted someone to blame, and..."
"And you were just-"
"After everything my family-"
"-And I have gone through the past week..."
"You'd think I'd know better than to do it to someone else."
Bellamy "Hey, hey..."
"It's okay."
"I'm happy to be your punching bag, Rivers."
"Any day of the week."
"Do you want me to skip class?"
"I can keep you company until your brother shows up."
Raign "No."
"It's fine."
"You should go."
Bellamy "Alright."
"I'll pick you up tomorrow."
Raign "No..."
"You're really sweet, Bellamy."
"You make me laugh."
"And you just-"
"When I'm with you-"
"-I forget about the world,"
"And everything that's happening around me."
"Even if it's just for a little while."
"Whatever it is-"
"-That's going on between you and Marley..."
Bellamy "Raign, I swear to you."
"It is over between the two of us."
Raign "I overheard you too the other day."
"When I was dropping your jacket."
"You guys had slept together."
Bellamy "That was one night!"
Raign "I'm not trying to call you out as a liar, Bellamy-"
"-I believe you."
-"Or at least..."
"I believe that to you it is over."
"But it isn't to her."
"And as long as there's something happening between the two of you."
"Nothing can happen between the two of us."
Bellamy "I'll talk to her."
Raign "I'll be waiting."
Bellamy "Can you at least update me about your brother?"
"I'd feel a whole lot better knowing you're not here-"
"-alone all day thinking he's dead somewhere."
Raign "I will."
"Thank you."
Ezra "Tresor already thinks there's something going on between the two of us!"
-"You showing up here all the time unannounced does not help!"
Jordan "I'm just checking up on you."
Ezra "Exactly."
"You're my spokeswoman, Jordan."
"It is not your job to check up on me."
Jordan "Yeah, well I was your friend first."
Ezra "Oh, please."
Jordan "So she was over last night."
-"Did you talk to her?"
Ezra "Are you asking me as my spokeswoman-"
"-Or as my friend?"
Jordan "I'm your friend first."
Ezra "I couldn't."
Jordan "The longer you take to tell her,"
"the harder it's going to be."
Ezra "It's already hard enough as it is!"
Jordan "It doesn't need to be!"
"If you just let her in on the situation-"
Ezra "YOU-"
"-Don't get it."
"Tresor is the most selfless..."
"...Caring person I know."
"The past ten years I've watched her give away everything she's ever had-"
"-over and over again,"
-"without hesitation."
"She'd trade her own happiness-"
"-For the sake of someone else's."
"When you approached her-"
"-about the elections..."
"She was ready to give up our engagenment,"
"to make sure I keep my shot-"
"at a job she knew for a fact that I never wanted,"
"at the off chance that I might!"
"So can you imagine what she'd do-"
"-when she finds out everything that's at stake this time around?"
"I just-"
"I'm not-"
"-ready to lose her."
Young S "Can I join you?"
"I've got you something."
Young T "What is this?"
Young S "I had to put the linkin park money to some use-"
"-Now that my plus one has literally fled the country."
"It's not the best phone there is, but..."
"You can call me whenever you need to."
Young T "I can't accept this."
Young S "Mom and Sid insisted I add their numbers, too,
-So you can also call either one of them whenever you need to."
-"Sid says she's available to drive you guys to school and back, or..."
"Wherever else, whenever you need it."
"She's moving soon, but-"
"-I'll be getting her car, so..."
"The offer still stands."
"Mom says as long as there's food on our table-"
"-There's food on yours."
"She also says... Well-"
"-That you drop Raign off whenever you need to."
"Even if it's for a whole day."
"Sid's just hoping this means she's going to stop nagging her and Izzy for a grandchild."
Young T "This is all too much."
Young S "You're thirteen years old, Tresor."
"As tough as you are-"
"-You can't do this alone."
Young T "I-"
"I don't know what to say."
Young S "Jonah is..."
"Has always been the closest thing I've ever had to a brother."
"-That makes the three of you my family."
"Which makes my family yours."
Young T "Thank you."
Jonah "You seriously think he spent the night here...?"
Raven "I know, it's a stretch."
"But we've already looked everywhere else I could think of."
"And this is his go-to place when he wants to be alone."
Jonah "I-"
"-Highly doubt he's here."
Raven "There's only one way to find out."
"You coming?"
Jonah "I- I think I'm gonna sit this one out."
Raven "Noah!"
Raven "Noah!"
Jonah "I don't think you're supposed to yell at a cemetery."
Raven "I thought you were going to sit this one out."
Jonah "Last time I stepped foot in here was the day we burried her."
"In some... twist of fate, it was-"
"-It was her being burried while I just stood there watching...Alive."
"With barely even a scratch."
"Fifteen years later,"
"I come back and beat the shit out of my brother,"
"And then he gets kicked out of the house because of it."
"And here I am again, with barely a scratch."
Raven "In case you haven't noticed, Jonah,"
"This isn't about you."
-"We don't have time for your long overdue reflective bullshit,"
"Or whatever it is you're trying to do here."
"You can stay here if you want to,"
"I'm going to keep looking."
Tresor "Where's Jonah?"
"I guess Jonah couldn't keep his mouth shut."
Simon "At least she ate."
"You should too."
Tresor "You didn't eat either."
Simon "Then I'll fix up something for the both of us."
-Ezra "Tresor,"
-"Pick up the fucking phone,"
Simon "I got some leftover breakfast..."
Tresor "He's just worried..."
Noah "That's me."
"Right around the corner."
Faye "Alright."
"Now, not to pat myself on the back, or anything..."
"But I think I did a pretty banging job-"
"-keeping you in one piece."
"But, i'd still get myself checked out at a hospital if I were you."
"Have a professional take a look at you."
Noah "I don't think my sisters would have it any other way."
"But for what it's worth-"
"-I would've settled for your checkup."
Faye "Then you, my friend,"
"Are very, very careless."
"Trusting a stranger with your life like that?"
Noah "Says the girl who trusted a stranger enough-"
"-to let him sleep in her bed!"
Faye "I guess we're both very careless people."
"I'll see you around..."
Noah "Yeah."
Noah "Hey, Faye?"
"I work at Simon's bar."
"A couple of blocks from here."
Faye "Yeah, i know it."
Noah "You should drop by some time."
Faye "I'm not much of a drinker."
Noah "We don't have to drink."
Faye "I'll see you around then."
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