Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 30 2018

hey welcome back to the channel now windows mixed reality is a fantastic VR

alternative to something like the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive, but one place

that's lacking a little bit is the games and apps that are available for it now

the good thing is you could play the vast majority of the stuff in Steam VR

and it works just fine on Windows Mixed Reality. There's a few things available

in the Microsoft Store but honestly the stuff that's available there is not that

great and it's a very very small selection but one thing you may not have

known is that you could play the vast majority of oculus games on a Windows

Mixed Reality headset using a free application called Revive and I'm going

to show you how to do that today. So here we go. Alright so before we get started

if you want to know more about Windows Mixed Reality

I'll put a link up here and down in the description to a couple of videos I did

on two different headsets if you have any questions leave those in the

comments section below and the last thing I wanted to point out

is that this is a completely unsupported setup by both Oculus and Windows Mixed

Reality there's no risk that you're gonna do damage to your hardware or

anything but if you go down this road you're kind of on your own but I'll walk

you through it step by step and it's a pretty easy setup so without any further

ado let's jump into the tutorial all right so here we are on the desktop and

at this point I'm going to assume that you already have your Windows Mixed

Reality headset all set up and ready to go so the only other thing we're going

to need is two pieces of software we'll need the Oculus home software and revive

I'll have a link down in the description to both these pieces of software but if

we go out to the revive get a page we'll see that the first thing they want us to

do is install oculus home and it has a link that'll take you right to that so

let's go ahead and grab this software it just takes a few seconds to download and

we're gonna run it now this is the setup for oculus and it expects you to have an

Oculus Rift VR headset but we can just skip through some of that setup and I'll take

you through that right now so let's go agree just gonna put it on D: that's fine

so this is downloading the software and I'll skip ahead when the

is done and will continue the set up all right so there we are the oculus

software is downloaded and installed we're going to go through the setup here

now if it takes you into this setup screen we can just skip through a lot of

this so let's hit next we're gonna skip the setup and it brings us into here now

sometimes you get another setup screen I've already installed it on this

machine so it didn't go through all all the setups but if it does do the initial

setup screen just keep hitting next or skip this setup and it'll eventually

bring you to this screen this is where you can download your your apps install

your games and stuff like that and then play them now this is all we need to do

on this part there's some application or games that are installed by default that

we can use to try this out so let's skip over to the revive section now so if we

go into revive and we download the latest installer all right so we're

downloaded we're gonna go ahead and launch it and just go through the setup

I'm going to use all the defaults on this okay so it's all installed now so

if we look at the instructions for revive it tells us to install a Revive

in the preferred directory start steamvr if it's already running put on the

headset go into the dashboard and launch it from there now the problem with this

is that there was a change in steam a few months ago that caused a lot of

jittering and stuttering and stuff in oculus games through Windows mixed

reality if you do it this way so we're not gonna do it that way what we're

gonna do and you saw it for a second there popped up is if we go into the

Start menu and we go to revive dashboard we're gonna launch this and this shows

us all the games that are installed and what you want to do is you want to

launch the game from this dashboard so you put on your windows mix reality

headset go into the windows mixed reality home and then from there you can

jump out to a desktop you can launch the desktop from the Start menu in the

windows mixed reality home launch this panel up and then click on any of these

and it'll launch you into that oculus game and that's all there is to it

all right so that's it pretty easy setup just remember to launch it from the

Start menu or else you're gonna get that jittering I've used this on several

different oculus games I play a lot of From Other Suns and Arizona sunshine and

those work just great with this setup I'm not sure if it's gonna work with

every single oculus game I haven't tried every singular one but I haven't run

into one where it didn't work yet I hope you found this useful and informative if

you did please consider subscribing if you haven't yet leave any questions that

you have down in the comment section below

and come see me on Twitter Instagram and Facebook I love meeting new people on

those platforms and chatting with them and I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How to play Oculus games with Windows MR (Mixed Reality) - Duration: 5:04.


I Miss You Daddy ~ (sous-titre fr) ~ Msp Version - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> I Miss You Daddy ~ (sous-titre fr) ~ Msp Version - Duration: 3:48.


Nightcore - Sparks (Fabian Secon) | LYRICS - Duration: 2:40.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Sparks (Fabian Secon) | LYRICS - Duration: 2:40.


Maltego Ethereum Transforms with SocialLinks and - Duration: 9:54.

Install or Update SocialLinks plugin in Maltego Classic or XL Transform Hub

Register on

Enter your username & email

Find access link in your mailbox

Copy your Bloxy API Key

Go to Maltego Transform Manager

Find and select all Bloxy transforms

Paste your key into API field

Now everything ready to start investigating Ethereum world!

To get the distribution of Ethereum from address drug and drop Ethereum address entity from Maltego Entity palette to the workspace

Enter Ethereum address

Start [Bloxy] Top Receivers in ETH transorm

We received list with 50 addresses

We can present them in a graph view...

And group entities in amounts ranks

Also, we can get the next transactions level

Select all entities and Start [Bloxy] Top Receivers in ETH transform one more time

Let's change a graph view type

Now we can see the transactions pattern

From 1 address to 3 addresses and to 1 address again. Like a mixer.

To get the FINAL distribution of Ethereum from address drug and drop Ethereum address entity from Maltego Entity palette to the workspace

Start [Bloxy] Ether Final destination transform analyze full graph of ETH transfers for this address and provide the final addresses of the distribution

We got addresses (wallets, smart-contracts, tokens)

Some of them have an annotations. Like a big Exchange's for example

We can change the type of representation of the graph to Weight

and see the grouping of graph vertices by translations amounts

We can also get addresses that sent money to the address

Start [Bloxy] Top Senders ETH transform

How we can see this address received 1507810 ETH from some address

We can do one more transfer step

This address received funds from many addresses.

If we wont to see transfers not only in ETH but in Tokens too

We should use [Bloxy] All Money Transfers transform from the Ethereum Address Entity

Now we can see all transactions with amounts of transfers

For Transactions with UPP tokens transfer use transform [Bloxy] Money Transfer

We see the Transfer Entity with one UPPs token transfer for this Transaction

Get addresses for this transfer

In this case, we can see, that UP tokens were transferred from Up Bit Exchange to the wallet

We can do the same in the other direction of transfers

Use Ethereum Transaction entity to investigate transactions

Enter transaction hash

To get Transaction details run [Bloxy] Transaction Details transform

In the Property View, we can see that it was TRADE method

To get all transfers for this transaction run [Bloxy] Money Transfers transform

Select all Transfer entities and get all addresses

We will see all the addresses involved in the translation (including smart-contracts and tokens) and their annotations

Use Token entity to investigate Tokens

Enter Token's address

Run [Bloxy] Token Details transform to get information about this token

Run [Bloxy] Token Holders transform to get all addresses who have this token

For more infomation >> Maltego Ethereum Transforms with SocialLinks and - Duration: 9:54.


Netflix You Ending: Explaining Season 1 Finale [SPOILERS] | - Duration: 7:40.

Netflix You Ending: Explaining Season 1 Finale [SPOILERS] |

Netflix's new stalker drama, You, is creeping out viewers, and it has a shock ending.

The Penn Badgley-led series gives stalking a modern social media twist.

Warning: There will be spoilers for season 1 and for the final episode in this article.

The series streamed in late December 2018 on Netflix after first airing on Lifetime.

Penn Badgley of Gossip Girl fame stars as Joe Goldberg, a book seller turned stalker who becomes obsessed with a customer, Guinevere Beck (played by Elizabeth Lail).

Systematically, he sets out to destroy every perceived threat to Beck (and really to his attempt to forge a relationship with her), convincing himself that he's her protector.

Here's what you need to know:.

A Disturbing Ending & Candace Returns.

Who is Joe Goldberg? He's a bit like the Dexter of Millennial relationships, bumping off people he thinks aren't good for Beck or their relationship.

This includes her friend Peach Salinger, a toxic influence who harbors a secret crush on Beck and who is suspicious of Joe from the start.

It also includes Benji, the hipster rich kid sometime boyfriend of Beck who is leaving her emotional needs unmet to show up when he feels like it.

Simply put, Joe is a serial killer, and he's got it all explained away in his own mind through tangled justification that we're privy to through his narration.

However, at the end of season 1, it all starts to catch up to Joe.

Beck becomes suspicious by a number of developments; she starts inquiring into the seeming disappearance of Joe's first love, Candace, a musician who supposedly took off to Rome when Joe caught her cheating with a music executive he pushes off a building ledge.

It turns out that Candace's brother, who was committed to a mental hospital, thought she was dead and suspected Joe; however, the brother is dead too.

On top of it all, Peach's wealthy family has hired a private investigator to investigate her supposed suicide.

The final reaches its peak of tension when Paco, the neighbor boy Joe is protecting from his mother's abusive boyfriend, tells Beck that Joe keeps stuff in the bathroom ceiling.

Investigating, she discovers a box full of stalking trophies, including her panties, her smashed cell phone (that he's been using to monitor her activity online), and the cell phones of the dead Benji and Peach.

Inside the box is another box containing shards of glass and what look like human teeth.

Realizing she's dating a monster, Beck makes up an excuse and tries to flee, but Joe catches her, hits her on the head with something, and she wakes up in his creepy glass cage in the basement of the bookstore where he works.

We learn it's where the bookstore keeps its rarest books, and we also learn that Joe was a group home runaway who was kept in the cage by the elderly bookstore owner who took him under his wing for reasons that remain unclear.

What follows is a torturous back-and-forth as Beck alternately rages at the monster before her, begs to be let out, and negotiates for her freedom by trying to manipulate Joe into believing she still loves him and they can get past it all.

Convinced by the latter eventually, he opens the door and holds her in a tight embrace, but she stabs him with typewriter keys and locks him in the glass cage.

Fleeing up the stairs, she realizes the door to the basement is also locked, and Paco sees her there, but doesn't help.

She turns around to discover that Joe, who had a second set of keys hidden in the glass cage, has escaped it.

He murders her, and then crafts a scheme she'd suggested in a bid for freedom: He pins the murder on her therapist, Nicky (played by John Stamos), although we're not clear exactly how.

It has to do with a manuscript Beck wrote while under duress, and which is now published to great acclaim.

It appears that Joe has planted the box, and people think it was Nicky with the serial killer trophies.

However, that's not all.

The big twist in the final episode comes when the bookstore door opens and a woman walks inside.

It turns out that it's Candace, Joe's rock band girlfriend, returned alive.

This is also surprising because, in the book the series is based on, Candace died at Joe's hand by drowning.

Although viewers were convinced that Candace was Joe's first victim, it turns out that she's back for a reckoning.

"I think we have some unfinished business to talk about," she says.

That means there will be a season 2.

It's going to be based on a book sequel called Hidden Bodies and follow Joe's life in Los Angeles.

It's a good bet that part of that storyline will feature the returned Candace.

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