Thanks for stopping by
this is 2 minute classroom and
today I'm going to give you my top three last-minute study tips
These are tips I've used
and found great success with
so whether you're here because you didn't study but still want a good grade
or just want some last minute study tips to refresh what you've already learned
Pay attention for the next few minutes
because at least one of these tips will be new and very beneficial
You can also find all this information and some helpful links in the video description below
Now let's get into it
Tip Number one is to cram.
This may go against a lot of what you've heard
and that's because cramming is not an effective study method for long term retention
However, it can be very effective for tests and exams
and this is how to make it effective
First, in the minutes before the test
You should be reading through all the most important material for the exam
writing it down
and repeating it over and over in your head
This is the cramming portion
this step is a little easier if you've done some cramming the night before as well
At some point while you're cramming the teacher will indicate that the test is about to start
and that you should put everything away
do so, but continue to repeat the information in your head
Then as soon as the teacher says begin
you furiously begin writing down everything you've been repeating in your head
write it on the test itself or on some scratch paper
And this may be things like equations, specific dates, definitions, whatever
write it all down before you even look at the test
Now you can start the test.
This leads us to tip number two
answer the easy questions first
Go through the whole test and answer the easy questions first
This is highly beneficial for two reasons
first It builds your confidence by giving you several small wins right off the bat
and this confidence will carry through the test
Second it gives you a preview of everything on the test
So your brain can start working on some of the harder problems
and this legitimately works
you know a lot more than you think you do
and if you give your brain a head start
it can find a lot of the answers you need
Tip number three is to review
This was always the hardest part for me
once I finished a test I wanted nothing more than to turn it in and be done with it
every time I went back through I always found questions I had answered incorrectly
and it's usually little mistakes that are easy to fix
These are just free points waiting to be found
One way to make the review process easier is to review each page once you have finished it
This allows you to review and much smaller chunks so it won't be so overwhelming at the end
During your review you also want to make sure you've answered every question
This is like tip three point five
answer every question
Even if you have no idea
as Wayne Gradezky said
"You miss 100% of the questions you don't answer"
And if you really want to improve your grade
click here to subscribe and then watch this video or this playlist
For more infomation >> 3 Last Minute Test Taking Strategies that WORK! | Exam and Test Prep - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
What are the Nuremberg Laws 2.018? - Duration: 3:18.
Something very scary is happening in Germany
and also the UnitedStates.
The Nuremberg Laws are back.
You know, those complex race laws of 1935 that categorized Jews as second class citizens
so that they could be persecuted and discriminated against.
Well these days, since it's politically incorrect to discriminate
against people for their race and religion, these laws have simply
been upgradted to discriminate people for their ideas.
I present to you the Nuremberg Laws 2.018.
These laws target the following:
Trump Voters
Legitimate nationalist parties
Critics of Islam
Climate change-deniers
Christian Evangelicals
And white people
If you fit the majority of these categories then you will be subject to the following to the following: 1.
You will be unfriended on social media
Name-calling and slander
Your property will be vandalized
You will be denied service as restaurants and other venues
No one's going to want to have sex with you
You will lose your job or not be hired to begin with
You'll even be physically attacked
But just as the Nuremberg Laws provided some protections for "Mischlings"
or half-Jews, these laws provides some protections for its own "Mischlings"
If you are Jewish, black, or an immigrant, you won't be called a "Nazi" or a "racist."
If you are gay, female, or socially liberal, then you
won't be called "sexist" or be "Unfriended" on Facebook.
If you are three or four of these categories, then you won't be
boycotted, censored, have your property vandalized, or lose your job,
unless you are extremely influential.
If you outwardly support at least three of the top four categories, then
none of these protections apply.
You will hear the argument, of course, that these Nuremberg Laws
target those who would have enacted the Nuremberg Laws in 1935.
Well, nothing could be further from the truth.
What these top categories share in common is a love and respect for
Israel, the greatest civil rights movement of the Jewish people.
This is most symbolized in President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem
as Israel's capital and the move of the American Embassy there.
A move, that In Europe, was supported mostly
by the nationalist parties.
Critics of Islam as well, are also critical of its violent
antisemitism and intolerance.
And an attack on the Jewish people is an attack on the ethical
foundations of the Torah, which have advanced Western civilization,
moral absolutes, individual freedom, and human prosperity
everything that dictators hate.
So, don't be fooled.
Those who enact the Nuremberg Laws 2.108 are the fascists of today.
Introducing GitHub in English - Duration: 2:13.
Hi, Welcome to our channel. This video of Team Infinity by Supun Tharinda
OK, actually what is GitHub? GitHub is a place which facilitates anyone who stays,
anywhere of the world to develop a software as a team.
An example? OK. This is Saman... He wants to create a website for his company, but he is so busy. So he can't complete the site alone.
So he uploads his half-finished work into GitHub. That's called a repository. Briefly, a repo.
Then he calls his friends; Mala, Malaka & Nimal to help him. They get together with this work with him.
Mala, She thinks that the website needs images of the company. So she opens an issue to tell that.
Issue is a conversation about a mistake, a thing to be developed, or a question
Malaka sees the issue. He asks from Nimal whether he would like to solve it.
Nimal accepts and get a copy of the web site. He adds photos which needed and makes a pull request.
You can present your changes to others from a pull request.
Malaka sees the pull request and he requests for more images.
Nimal completes and updates the pull request. All those who are see the pull request are happy about it.
A person, who has permission, can merge these changes into the real repo.
So, Saman merges these updates into the real repo. Now all others can see the changes.
Actually, this is a small thing that we can do by using GitHub.
It has been using for complex things. It's correct, if it's called
the biggest network of software developers in the world.
I'm going to teach you how to make an GitHub account from the next video. Good bye!
Can You Open A YouTube Video? - Duration: 4:10:01.
Welcome 2019!!! | DPTVTAMIL | Priithii musical | Happy new year 2019 - Duration: 0:14.
New Year 2019 - Duration: 2:25.
My sign name is Alok Kejriwal. ISH gives you equal knowledge.
My sign name is Mansi. ISH gives you full accessibilty.
My sign name is Aqil. ISH builds a very strong relationship in the deaf community.
My sign name is Harshali. ISH is full of Sign Language.
My sign name is Vicky. ISH gives you entertainment.
My sign name is Rohit. ISH changes your life.
My sign name is Rushabh. ISH gives you empowerment.
My sign name is Adelda. ISH gives creativity and new ideas.
My sign name is Priya. ISH gives you inspiration.
My sign name is Harrish. ISH will be with you forever.
My sign name is Paurush. ISH is bilingual.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody - Soundtrack - Cassette - We Will Rock You - Movie Mix - 4K - Duration: 3:13.
ASMR mukbang / You'd never know what I have to eat for new Year - Duration: 18:31.
asmr mukbang
asmr eating
mukbang asmr
asmr burger
Top 11 Smart Phones Games of 2018 | Both Android & iOS | Best Games You Should Play | Happy New Year - Duration: 9:51.
Wish you & your Family A Very Happy New Year!
Subscribe to our Channel for more amazing stuff.
We got gaming smartphones and some amazing smartphone games. Well, it's time we tell you the absolute best smartphone game of 20
You all saw this coming didn't you
Babji mobile is quite simply the most popular and by far the best smartphone game of 2018
It's so popular that I don't even need to tell you what it's about
I mean smartphone brands are launching phones with features targeted at public players
Gaming companies are launching pub G branded peripherals and water
I don't think I need to tell you what an awesome game results. The graphics are great
The gameplay is unbelievably awesome and I like that tense
It brings new maps every now and then like the recent San Hawk map and a new weekend email. Hello
You just can't get enough of party Mobile. I love it
For tonight is another battle royale game that has been taking the world by storm
The game didn't quite make it in India, maybe because of pubsey or maybe because of its android issues
But it has been a worldwide phenomenon. Thanks to its cartoonish graphics and the fact that epic updates it very often
So there's always fresh content to check out in game. The concept is the same as pub gym abideth
You have to be the last man standing
however for tonight adds a building mechanism for the game
Which makes it very different from pub G and also adds another very complex layer of strategy in the game
It's honestly very difficult to master fortnight, and I have not been able to do it
But if you do it's a lot of fun to play
Asphalt 9 came out this year too and it took the world by stop and for good reason
I mean if you're looking for a fun racing game that will keep you occupied for months on end as 49 is the perfect game
It has everything
High-end cars badass tons too much nitrous and an adrenaline rush that only asphalt can bring to the smartphone screen
I love playing ask for every now and then especially in multiplayer mode, which always has new challenges and new cars to unlock
It's just amazing. Plus it comes with a bunch of control scheme for every level of player
Personally, I am a noob and I use the touch drive mode but Rupesh prefers playing with full manual controls
So yeah, this is the game. You should definitely check out
I'm pretty sure you've heard of Altos adventure
Well this year we got Altos Odyssey, and it's every bit as awesome instead of snowboarding via noun sand dunes
But the aesthetics of the game are still the same you glide across
beautiful breathtaking landscapes with an awesome soundtrack
You can do stunts in the air and get combo points unlock more characters by completing missions
And even though the game doesn't really have an ending
It's definitely one of my favourite games to play
Whenever I take a short break and don't want to indulge in a full-fledged match of pubsey
You should check it out - it's completely free on Android but there's ads and on iOS you'll have to pay around $5
Fans of RPG games this one is for you
Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition is the perfect game to play when you're just chilling out and looking for an adventure
Everything about this game is really great. The controls are easy for a touchscreen
The graphics are cartoonish
But they are perfect for the game you play as noctis a prince and you'll take on an awesome adventure with your friends
I love this game and it launched and I'm sure you will do plus the voice acting in the cutscenes here is great
I mean seriously
It's great and I never skip cutscenes on this game solely because they're just that good
The game is free to download but you can only play the first episode before you have to pay for it
Dragon Ball Legends is the fighting game for fans of the Dragon Ball Z franchise. The game is also ridiculously fun to play
It's a dragon ball game
So there are some intense fight sequences here and you can use incredible Super Sentai powers to take out your enemies with ease
The game also has a backstory that you'll be following along as you battle
Your enemies graphics are good here
But what I really like about this game is the simple fact that the animations here are perfectly Dragonball Z
Like if you're a fan of Dragon Ball Z, this is a game. You can't afford to miss
That's its trick I've never really been a huge fan of cricket games on smartphones
But real period 18 is one of the best wicked games I've ever played
What I like about the game is that it's really extensive and detailed
There options such as quick match test match and there are various tournaments like the Asia Cup World Cup and a lot more
plus there is a wide selection of teams to choose from you can play as India if you want or you can play for a
Twenty20 league team, which is basically IPL like Chennai
Now coming to the gameplay the controls are easy and the graphics look really nice with authentic stadiums and great commentary
There's just so much in this game that I can't possibly talk about at all
Anyway, if you always wanted a great Prickett game check it out
It's on the body it's enough
Obeah is one of the best casual games are fade
This is its Play Store listing sales cap and relax and that pretty much sums up the game
It's a really minimalistic and colorful game where you just need to tap at the right time to make sure you overcome obstacles
And move forward. So yes, it looks like a pretty simple game, but it gets pretty complex later on
Plus thanks to the hundreds of levels all of which have different visual styles unique skins
Bonuses and more the game gets really addictive. It's quite a lot of fun. Try it out
The first parkour game is one of my favorite cartridge games of all time and this year parka forever arrived and it's even better
The game still uses the low poly graphics from the original parkour game
But this time around there are a bunch of new things here
most importantly there are power-ups that let you only
Special powers like making your car bigger or adding a wrecking ball to the back of your car
It's really a lot of fun and it's also really challenging Plus like the first parkour game
There are different cards to choose from some of its are really cool. You should definitely check out parkour forever
Loosely drag and run is a fun little casual game that a lot of you guys will like I know people
Associate bruce lee with action and there's no action in this game, but it's quite fun in the game
You play as the legend Bruce Lee and you're on the run where you face various obstacles
Fire balls ninja attacks and a lot more it's a simple endless runner game, but it's a lot of fun plus
I like how the game shows you a quote from Bruce Lee at the end of every game which is a nice little way to
Keep the Bruce Lee legacy going
Okay, so those were the best games of 2018, but there's one game that hasn't arrived yet globally
But I think it will take the world by storm
I am talking about Call of Duty legends of war which right now is only available in Australia
I haven't played the game yet, but from the looks of it
It seems like a really exciting game and it might be one of the best games when it launches globally
So I am definitely waiting for that one to come up
[附有中文字幕]Monday IQ Test(find differences) 星期一的智力測驗(找錯處)31/12/2018 - Duration: 8:39.
Snoopy in Utah - Duration: 2:40.
Why should I have to listen to you just because you pushed some fat kid in the way - Duration: 13:34.
'Why should I have to listen to you just because you pushed some fat kid in the way': Disgraced Louis CK sparks outrage by poking fun at Parkland school shooting survivors and transgender people as he continues his comeback
Disgraced comedian Louis CK has sunk to a new low and sparked outrage for making fun of the Parkland High School shooting victims, according to leaked audio of a recent stand-up act.
It's been a rough year for the comedian after his name was embroiled in scandal when he admitted to sexually harassing five women in late 2017.
But he's slowly making a return to the stand-up stage and this time is dragging the reputations high school shooting victims along with him in his performance at the Governor's Comedy Club in Long Island, New York on December 16.
'They testify in front of Congress these kids…What are you doing? You're young you should be crazy, you should be unhinged. Not in a suit saying "I'm here to tell you…" F**k you,' he said in the clip.
'You're not interesting because you went to a high school where kids got shot. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting.
You didn't get shot. You pushed some fat kid in the way and now I gotta listen to you talking,' he added. All the while the audience is hooting and howling in laughter.
Students David Hogg, 18, and Emma Gonzalez, 19, became faces of the gun reform movement following the devastating Parkland shooting on February 14 where 17 people were killed at the hands of gunman Nikolas Cruz.
The comedian also made fun of youngsters and belittled gender-identity terms in his set. 'I'm so disappointed in the younger generation honestly because I'm 51 years old and I was 18 and in my 20s we were idiots.
We were getting high doing mushrooms and sh*t…I was kind of excited to be in my 50s and see people in my 20s and be like these kids are crazy, these kids are nice…but they're not!' he said.
F**king telling me you shouldn't say that. What are you an old lady?.You should address me…as they/them because I identify as gender neutral. You should address me as there…because I'm a location…and the location is your mother's c***,' he added.
He compared them to royalty for demanding specific gender titles that they feel comfortable with. The video of his set was posted on YouTube.
In his hour-long spiel he talked about his difficult year and how he lost $35million and alluded it to the sexual misconduct allegations against him.
'I live in New York. I f**king hate it now. I loved New York for 20 years. Now I'd rather be in Auschwitz, honestly. I mean Auschwitz now,' he said.
In previous sets he said he feels that everyone hates him and was booed in public. The clip sparked outrage on Twitter with users calling him a 'monster'.
'I'm listening to the leaked Louis set and it's very clear hes just going to tour red states for the rest of his life to rapturous crowds, like Trump,' one Twitter user said.
'There was always part of me that was hoping he'd turn things around, put out a better apology, and make a huge comeback. but I think that part of me just died listening to this,' another said.
'OMG, I just.I'm so embarrassed that I used to think he was funny. This isn't even doubling down. He just went full on monster,' one former fan tweeted.
'Why were people in the audience laughing? He was mocking child survivors who watched their classmates get slaughtered?' a critic wrote. 'Making fun of the Parkland' survivors/activists sure is a bold way to begin rebranding after sexual assault allegations.
The comedian returned to the comedy stage in August. There are no tour dates listed for him on his professional website.
Five women accused Louis CK of sexual misconduct in November 2017, which he later admitted to. The women were mostly comedians who said he asked to watch them masturbate or forced them to watch him masturbate.
For years rumors swirled that the comedian used his status and power to harass female comedians. After the allegations arose, the comedian immediately confessed they were true.
'These stories are true. What I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your d*ck isn't a question.
It's a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly,' he said in a statement released just a day after the allegations came forward.
Despite his confession, he faced no legal consequences for the sexual misconduct. However, his stand-up special was cut from Netflix and his relationship with HBO and FX were also axed.
Just nine months later he returned to the spotlight. Disgraced comedian Louis CK has sunk to a new low and sparked outrage for making fun of the Parkland High School shooting victims, according to leaked audio of a recent stand-up act.
It's been a rough year for the comedian after his name was embroiled in scandal when he admitted to sexually harassing five women in late 2017.
But he's slowly making a return to the stand-up stage and this time is dragging the reputations high school shooting victims along with him in his performance at the Governor's Comedy Club in Long Island, New York on December 16.
'They testify in front of Congress these kids…What are you doing? You're young you should be crazy, you should be unhinged. Not in a suit saying "I'm here to tell you…" F**k you,' he said in the clip.
'You're not interesting because you went to a high school where kids got shot. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting.
You didn't get shot. You pushed some fat kid in the way and now I gotta listen to you talking,' he added. All the while the audience is hooting and howling in laughter.
Students David Hogg, 18, and Emma Gonzalez, 19, became faces of the gun reform movement following the devastating Parkland shooting on February 14 where 17 people were killed at the hands of gunman Nikolas Cruz.
The comedian also made fun of youngsters and belittled gender-identity terms in his set. 'I'm so disappointed in the younger generation honestly because I'm 51 years old and I was 18 and in my 20s we were idiots.
We were getting high doing mushrooms and sh*t…I was kind of excited to be in my 50s and see people in my 20s and be like these kids are crazy, these kids are nice…but they're not!' he said.
F**king telling me you shouldn't say that. What are you an old lady?.You should address me…as they/them because I identify as gender neutral. You should address me as there…because I'm a location…and the location is your mother's c***,' he added.
He compared them to royalty for demanding specific gender titles that they feel comfortable with. The video of his set was posted on YouTube.
In his hour-long spiel he talked about his difficult year and how he lost $35million and alluded it to the sexual misconduct allegations against him.
'I live in New York. I f**king hate it now. I loved New York for 20 years. Now I'd rather be in Auschwitz, honestly. I mean Auschwitz now,' he said.
In previous sets he said he feels that everyone hates him and was booed in public. The clip sparked outrage on Twitter with users calling him a 'monster'.
'I'm listening to the leaked Louis set and it's very clear hes just going to tour red states for the rest of his life to rapturous crowds, like Trump,' one Twitter user said.
'There was always part of me that was hoping he'd turn things around, put out a better apology, and make a huge comeback. but I think that part of me just died listening to this,' another said.
'OMG, I just.I'm so embarrassed that I used to think he was funny. This isn't even doubling down. He just went full on monster,' one former fan tweeted.
'Why were people in the audience laughing? He was mocking child survivors who watched their classmates get slaughtered?' a critic wrote. 'Making fun of the Parkland' survivors/activists sure is a bold way to begin rebranding after sexual assault allegations.
The comedian returned to the comedy stage in August. There are no tour dates listed for him on his professional website.
Five women accused Louis CK of sexual misconduct in November 2017, which he later admitted to. The women were mostly comedians who said he asked to watch them masturbate or forced them to watch him masturbate.
For years rumors swirled that the comedian used his status and power to harass female comedians. After the allegations arose, the comedian immediately confessed they were true.
'These stories are true. What I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your d*ck isn't a question.
It's a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly,' he said in a statement released just a day after the allegations came forward.
Despite his confession, he faced no legal consequences for the sexual misconduct. However, his stand-up special was cut from Netflix and his relationship with HBO and FX were also axed. Just nine months later he returned to the spotlight.
MY BETTA LIVING HIS BEST LIFE NOV 2018 | BloonStuff - Duration: 2:04.
What Are You Doing to Stay Uncomfortable? - Duration: 3:28.
- Here from Freedom Founders.
How easy are you able to make yourself uncomfortable?
That seems like a dumb question, doesn't it?
I mean, who wants to be uncomfortable, right?
We want to be comfortable in life, right?
That's what we work hard towards.
We want to work hard and build a lifestyle
and build the finances that we can feel comfortable in life
because that's what everybody wants to be, right?
When you're young, you're trying to make it in life,
you're trying to get through school and pay off debts,
start a family, start a business, a career,
have a decent car to drive, a house to live in
versus an apartment, whatever it is, right?
It's kind of a struggle to get there.
We get there, sometimes, some faster than others,
but we wanna get there, we wanna become comfortable in life.
The problem with getting comfortable in life is
if you stay there.
If you stay comfortable too long, you become complacent.
And complacency really doesn't lead
to any good in my opinion.
Now it's not my intent to tell you that you always need
to be going, going, going, 50 or 100 miles an hour,
that's not the point either.
It's just that if you get complacent, if we get lazy,
if we don't keep our game up, then it's easy to falter
and let that complacency cause a falloff in life,
maybe a fall from productivity.
You know, the world is changing faster than ever today,
faster than any time before.
If you're doing things the same way you did,
even two years ago, in your life or your business,
in all respects, then you're falling behind.
I mean technology, increases in technology don't allow you
to keep doing things the way you did two years ago.
In your business practices, you've got to stay
up to speed with the changes and what consumers want today.
I mean look at Amazon out there.
The companies, the retailers, that aren't keeping up
with Amazon by providing the right services
and customer experience to their local customers,
they're losing out to Amazon because Amazon is quick
and convenient and has great customer service, right?
So what are you doing in your life?
The point here is, don't get comfortable.
It's okay to have a lifestyle
and have some security financially,
but don't let that let you become stagnant.
You've got to keep pushing forward.
You've got to stay alert.
You've got to force yourself to become uncomfortable
and the way I do that is I keep myself in other groups.
Groups of people, communities, mastermind groups,
places where the people around me are also not getting lazy,
not getting complacent.
They're all drivers.
They're all with a future vision looking down the long road.
Yes, today too, but also down the long road
and looking ahead to see what's coming down the pipeline.
How can we better position ourselves
for the massive changes that keep coming.
It's important to stay on top of those.
You don't want to get blindsided by the tsunami that hits,
because it's hitting like about every three months now.
Bam, bam, something new happens in your life, your industry
that causes some upheaval and if you're not at least looking
down the road to see where it's coming from,
how are you gonna be prepared to deal with it?
You can't do it by yourself.
You can't read enough.
You can't be out there, you've gotta be around other people
who have also had different experiences,
been down that road further in some cases,
have a different pulse on the market.
That's how I get my information today.
That's where I feel like I have a future vision
and can best keep myself from just becoming complacent
and keeping abreast and above the fray, right?
That's the key to everything in life.
So again, what are you doing today
to keep yourself a little bit uncomfortable?
That's a key and usually it means you've gotta be
around other people to make that happen.
That's my tip for today.
Remember, always stay focused on your freedom.
I'll see ya next time.
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