hey I'm Bloggin Brandi and I've been using Wix to decide my new website in
this video I'm showing you how to start writing editing and adding elements to
your new Wix blog post now you can write image blog posts from your mobile device
or what I like to do is imagine them from my desktop and I'll be using my
laptop for this tutorial there are few ways to access and manage your blog post
I'm going to show you both of these first is going to be live on your
website and second will be using the backend of your website with your Wix
website editor how you can do this live from your site either to add new posts
edit existing posts or manage comments so if your viewers that are not logged
in and on your live site they're gonna see either this log in tab up here or if
you set it up they're also gonna see this log in sign up tab on the page in
the top right they're not really gonna have a whole lot of options other than
to read the blog or they can share the post and then they're gonna have to log
in to write a comment but this is essentially the page that I'm talking
about when I'm talking about your live site you'd actually have to be signed in
and have writing permissions to do anything as far as editing the post so
these are existing posts I'm going to show you how you could actually edit
this if you're signed in so we're gonna go ahead and sign in and this is the
signup page if you've already signed up you're gonna be prompted to log in
either with Facebook your gmail account or with an email account and once I'm
actually logged in now you can see that I have more options I can create a new
post up here with this tab or I can edit an existing post and now I have the
option not only to share the post but unfollow edit share pin to feed turn off
commenting or delete the post okay so now I'm going to show you how to access
your blog posts and edit them or add a new one if you're in the actual Wix
website editor so the first page is your home page
and then you can select from the drop downs to go over to your actual blog
page and if you click on the blog page either double click you'll see this tab
come up can manage post create a new post or change some of your settings
here for your layouts and design or you can hit manage post it's gonna take you
to this page where it tells you your author name this is what you're creating
post as and any drafts that you have or publish post so if there's drafts here
or publish post those are gonna be here and then you can either edit them from
here by selecting the edit tab you want to create a new post you'll see this
huge button up here that says create new post and then you also have the option
to access your blog if you go to my blog over here on the left hand side and you
see blog manager manage posts or create a post better whether you access a post
on your live site or through the post manager the process of writing a post is
the same simply enter the post title and then write your post I'm just going to
add one of my videos that I've already done how I got started making YouTube
videos that's gonna be my title and then I'm just gonna use the description from
my video and you can clean this up and put some spaces in it if I want to add a
divider tab I can add a divider tab and I'll add a second divider line so all
I'm doing is just adding in the divider line and then it gives me options for
don't want to make it small medium large so say I wanted to add a photo I can add
an image with this option and upload media either my own nut beautiful face
or something media from Wix so they have thousands of free images that you can
choose from in here you can put a gallery of photos together and insert or
you can add a video you can also select the Add button and add in a video as
well so if we added in a video go over to YouTube we can hit the share button
and get the link for the video here then I'm just gonna add the video from
YouTube but you can also use one from another service like Facebook I'm
gonna hit add now and then I can choose how I want the video to look either
small best fit or full width if I want it to be full wit and then you can
choose to align left or a line right of any text that you
might have and then you can replace the video or delete this text is already
highlighted because I copied it over I added a link here just by selecting the
text and adding the link but you can also add a link to say checklist if I
just wanted to add it there and say opening a new tab and then if I wanted
to include something like a hash tag if you just put hash tag and then the term
it's gonna highlight it for you I would always look at my posts and of course I
would make any changes I could before I publish but if there's something that
you want to add so say you said oh my gosh I forgot I wanted to add this quote
in here I would put it in quotations here and you may or may not want to add
these but you can choose the layout that you want for this and here's your
alignment so maybe you want it to be in the middle of the page maybe you want to
be bold and italicize and then you can choose do you want to be a title one or
title two there's so many things that you can do on here so if you had topic
one and you wanted to add a pullet to this
so that's numbers there's bullet points and then you can change the alignment or
make it bold italicize same thing we can add HTML code if we wanted to do that we
would just want to make sure that we publish changes and select publish
changes and then of course the post settings are those categories SEO and
general information that I can change so say I wanted to change the date of this
I can change that to be the date here if I chose to so maybe I wanted this to be
November 11th I can change that here and then the author this is the cover image
that's going to show which is the image from the video but I can change the
cover image or I can choose a category I can add a new category maybe I want to
call this YouTube videos and that I can also add
it to the getting started if I would like and I can put any SEO updates that
I would like to change in here and this shows me what it's going to preview like
on Google so I can choose to save that here and publish it to my site you can
see on the back end here it is and it shows that it was just published and
then I could not choose to duplicate the post delete the post turn off commenting
if I don't want any commenting and if I want to edit it I can select edit and
make any edits here nothing you just publish your dream do if you need more
help you can watch tutorials just like this one by visiting the description
below this video I'm Bloggin Brandi you can reach me on social @BlogginBrandi
or find out more about me on my website www.BlogginBrandi.com
For more infomation >> Writing Posts in the New Wix Blog // Editing and adding elements to your Wix blog posts - Duration: 7:20.-------------------------------------------
Drakensang Online Cubos Misteriosos, Cantidades de Oro - Duration: 1:39.
hello very good to all welcome to a new video from my channel and in this
It is probably the last video of this year so after having
finished the event of the 1500 coins to take out the great gift I have taken a
relationship on the costs of cubes as you will see they are currently from
level 1 up to level 7 and as you go see the amount of gold
which gives us each as the cube mysterious level 1 gives us 5 point
22 gold coins the level two 5 points 67 the level
3, 6.21 the level, 4, 6.84 level 5, 7.57 the level, 6 8.39 and
and the level 7 9.32 as well as you will see these the costs that we give to sell
every mysterious cube from level 1 2 3 4 5 6 and 7
for you to consider in a given moment where to form and whether
that they want to sell or open the cubes What friends do I hope this service will help you?
information you already know any questions we are on the lookout and do not forget
subscribe to the channel and I wish you happy new year so see you bye
Opening presents on Christmas morning! - Duration: 13:24.
Tahira Syed | The Most Beautiful Stories That You Will Get To Hear | Speak Your Heart - Duration: 42:50.
I am Tahira Syed, and you are watching
Speak Your Heart with Samina Peerzada
My guest today on Speak Your Heart with Samina Peerzada is Tahira Syed
I like her a lot
I admire her grace and her poise
and they way she is
Very beautiful
Lets meet
Tahira Syed
Thank you so much Tahira, for finding the time
I tried finding you so much, where have you been?
I live in New York for 6 months and in Pakistan for the other 6 months
I thought you might be doing a world tour
This is has been happening for the past 10 to 12 months because my daughter lives there
First I used to go for a shorter period of time
and lately I have been spending 6 months
so what do you do for those 6 months
It is so fun
I have the best time ever
because grandchildren are there
Kiran is there and New York is such a wonderful place
that you don't even notice the time spent
but you are so eastern
I know, but I have a change of persona after going there
I become somebody else
Because I have seen you as a very conserved
Very much, very much
I look forward to coming back and when I come back, I love it
Actually my entire family is here
Kiran is in the only child who lives outside
so how do you live without your friends and family?
Its very difficult and I miss them, but thank God
that I have made good friends there too
and the atmosphere is very different there
Your activities are different
You meet different people
Its quite
mind opening
the time, over there because I get to meet the most wonderful people
and the most remarkable
people in their own fields
So did you start painting living there?
I thought that maybe, because you have time now
but I don't get enough
to start it again
No I don't get time at all
and my entire week is spent being busy
sometimes I am going to Kiran, sometimes she comes to me
in Long Island
Our weekends are together
and there is something planned all the time
We take a trip to Europe
Every year
So we prepare for it and when we return, we are tired
its just a mad rush
so thats why I never get time
So how long will keep this up?
All planned and set
Lets go back a little
in your childhood \
Are you the youngest?
Yes I am the youngest
so the most pampered
I don't know about that but
but I think there were a lot of benefits of being the younger child
I will only say this that you don't get to say anything productive
Everyone thinks you as the youngest
in childhood
but I think that an experiment with the elders is already done
That is true
I have 5 siblings
who are elder to me
So in my childhood, I was mostly ignored that this
that whatever she is saying, ignore it, she is bluffing
but since I grew up and I asserted myself
So now I control all of them
Who loved you the most?
My father
because we are 2 sisters and 4 brothers
so girls were given importance in your house
What was it like?
She used to do that needle work
and she used to sing too
and she was very disciplined
So how was it?
I will just say this that
Our house
it was mostly
an entertainment everyday
because my mother's relatives and friends
and my father's relatives and friends
People used to come and go all the time
and we used to live in Muslim town where all my father's relatives lived
because his elders had bought that place and the entire family lived there
it was the most blissful childhood because
our grandmothers house was very near
my uncle, and all my favourite cousins used to live near us
Everyday was fun
but the best thing I saw about my house was that it was an open house
whoever came, stayed
a new bedstead would be placed in our room for the guest
and just like this they used to come and stay for 3 or 3 months
and because there was no television or internet
the only entertainment for us was to sit with our elders and listen to them talk
Like the people of the same age as my grandmother
So it was an interesting time, as we used to ask them to tell us stories, and things about Jammu
I think a lot of my personality and character has been shaped by that early
with older people
What is your first memory?
I think my first memory is my sisters wedding
It must be my first memory, that she was getting engaged
and people are coming to our house and my sister is sitting all dressed up
and then next year she got married
that also I remember
and my mother made me wore some jewellry and told me that
don't let anyone take it
so I told the entire family that, take care of me because I am wearing jewelry
So I have heard that story and I think it is my first memory
So you had a lot of guests
Were the kids allowed to sit with them
This wasn't said that go to your rooms
or that go and do somethings else
you would sit and listen to them
Understood or not but you were sitting there
and because my father was friendly
He was one of the intellectuals of that time
He used to write too
He used to be in the company of the famous poets
because I was the youngest and I didn't have much exposure
but I know that
there were a lot of intellectual gatherings in the house
where poems were recited
and I remember that I used to go in a lot of poetry competitions
with my parents
so our house had a very desi ambiance
there was nothing western about it
We didn't eat on the table
We had a simple household
we had a village lifestyle
We didn't even have a dining table
We had small stools
We used to sit on it and there used to be a choky infront for food
or we would use a tray
there was no such formality
and all the guests or relatives would do the same
another place would get filled
because there was only one A.C in our house and it was a rarity of that time
and everyone used to sleep in that room ofcourse
So me and my parents
and my siblings
my sister got married and she left, and one of my brothers went abroad to study
So we used to be in that room
so whoever used to come, his bedstead would be placed ther e
so it was a communal living
Which is a precursor to the communal living that was followed much later in America
after they all decided to make communes
So this was the environement of our house
I think it was like this in the old times
Everyone was very hospitable
And the ambiance of the house never changed because of the guests, there was no formality
So where did you learn all this, you are very graceful
and you carry yourself well
and make over and eveything else
I think I have learned all of this with magazines and television
I think there was emphasis on it
My mother wasn't found of dressing up
was not fond of any makeup
She had one lipstick that she would use
and she would just smear the lipstick for the extra
and I have never seen anything like makeup with her
but apparantly earlier on
She told me that she used to have the black and green nail polish and she was very fashionable at that time
It may have been true but I never saw her like that, because I was born when she was in her 40s
so I didn't see that and I suppose that 40 was considered really old
so she had left doing makeovers or getting dressed up
and I was fond of that
I had always liked
well dressed people
and makeup and all that
But like you are right now
I have seen that you are very conserved
and I remember when I did a play, and you and Naeem came
and I thought that memory is so beautiful
Its wonderful and I have so many memories
of you and
Usman walking
Walking from your place to our place
and we used to meet in New Garden town
How were you as a teenager?
I think
I was
Were you wild as a kid also?
I think so
I was always rebellious
and I was
and not given to
which my mother wanted
demanded of me when I was
when I was not doing that
so what did your mother want
She wanted me to obey her
and I used to protest
and I used to argue
Did your mother want you to do music?
She wanted it
She tried
with my siblings also
maybe she didn't try hard enough
What did people come to teach you?
One teacher used to teach Sitar
and then there was a teacher for singing
One of my brothers would be learning something one way or the other
and then I learned Sitar too
because my mother wanted me to learn it
and there was a picture of you in Natural Geography
so my mother wanted all her children to have some skills in them
and she never agreed to this that only studies were enough
and when we used to protest that we are very busy in studies and etc
it takes a lot of my time
everybody would make an excuse
so she would not agree to that
She said that you can be so many things
You just
You don't have to be one thing at a time
and did you get books as a gift?
that read books too
We didn't get books but my father had a lot of books that were classic
and I remember I used to read
Thomas Hardy and
Charles Dickens and I was
maybe 12 or 13
and I think that imprinted on my mind, a lot of melancholy
because all these books were tragedy
and I think that the ones I enjoy
reading and watching are tragic movies
tragic songs
so I think that kindled that fire with in me
You never thought of acting?
When you like arts so much
and in the house
not at all
in fact my mother wanted to act ones
and she told my father, there were 2 children then
that I want to go to Bombay and act
and if you remember, at that time, the actors also were the singers
that is why she got a role in a movie
She took the children with her to Bombay
and there she
recorded a song
After two weeks she called my father and said that
I cannot do this, this is a very difficult thing
and you have to stay dressed up on the set for the entire day
and nothing happens, shooting is a long process
and I am done
but I have a contract, so what should I do
so he told her to come back, and we will fight it
So she came back
and that song
We saw recently
We saw it on BBC because they did documentry on old silent films
and there is a recording of my mother where she is singing
and is singing live
are sitting behind the camera
It was done like this back then
so its incredible that we have that record of her
How precious, this is such a precious memory
So she came back, and no child was fond of it?
No son wanted to do this?
because it was so exciting, this
I think nobody thought of that, even though there were a lot of famous actors living near us
They were close friends
But you were rebellious, you didn't think of it either?
No I didn't think of it either
and we even had a studio, Malika Studios
So there was shooting done there everyday, and we all would be going
No one came towards acting nor did anyone show any desire
Then you came to college
I came to college and
I had the best
three four years, of my life
in college
So you used to sing there?
I was already a professional
I was 14 when I joined college
and I had already appeared on T.V
and was that by chance or by desire
That was by desire because
There was a competiton organised on radio station
I took part in it .
and I got the first prize in it
and Mohammad Idrees told me to come on television
He had a program called, University Challenge
So I told him to ask my mother
He asked her
and I had just appeared for my Senior Cambrige
and then I went and performed in his show
Were you a reluctant singer?
Very reluctant
I think that too because
I was never fond of it
I only did it for my mother
So what did you want to become?
Why is it important to become something?
Why couldn't I just be nothing?
It is not important to become something
It would have been so fun that I would have been unknown and would be living a normal life
and not having these anxiety attacks that should I sing this
and all that tension
so did you ever talk to your mother?
My father had died when I was 14
But I couldn't talk to my mother, at that time, you could talk to the father but not the mother
She knew that I was reluctant
but when she used to teach you singing
so how did you avoid or dissapear?
I never did
I couldn't go
And how early?
In the evening, after school
When I used to comeback, my singing teacher used to be waiting
He was the father of Amanat Al,i Fateh Ali
Khan Akhtar Hussain
So he used to sit, and he was an elderly man and I used to respect him
So how could I get up and dissappear
I had to sit there and learn
so coming after school, being tired and then doing this, I hated it
but thank God she persisted
at that time you never know
No not at all
that this art stay with you forever
It keep you going
Yes absolutely
Now tell me, if you used to learn singing, where did your mind wander?
In the entire world
It was never focused
I just used to wait that when will this end
and when will I go from here
to read or play outside
What did you play?
We had a very big garden
The house where we moved to when I was about 12
it was 80 canals
and my mother had planted all the fruit trees in there
and she had peackocks there too
I remember that
that was later
but we used to have deer and monkeys
We had sheeps
and there was an entire orchard with guavas and mango trees
She had brought them from India and other places
Lychee was there too
and an entire garden of berries
I mean there wasn;t anything that she had not grown there
It used to be a wonderful place for children to play
so I just wanted to be
I just wanted it all to end so that I could go and play
in the garden
and there were the children of our servants
I had no sibling at our house
so used to play with them a lot
Did you play with dolls?
Not a lot
You didn't play with them
I had 2 dolls
My brother brought them from London, and my mother forbid me to open the boxes
So she used to say
You have no work here, you can go
She was keeping stuff away from us all the time
and she also had a habit of
She used to eat one piece of chocolate at a time
So obviously if someone would bring chocolates, they would stay with her
and she used to give us one piec e
and we used to beg her to give us more, but she never did
One piece at one time
and she also loved sugar coated almonds
She used to have them
and whenever any of us would go out, we would get it for her
and that also one at a time
You know the concept of a tiger mom, she was that
She always believed that you could do better
so it never happened in my life, that she
there was always something that I should have done better
so these dresses and this jewelry
and all these things that I have seen
since I met you in the 70s
I was married already
I started this afterwards
So all of this is aquired
My mother would go shopping in Summer
I think at the age of 15 or 16
I had fallen in love at the age of 13 to 14 with Manoj Kumar
and if we had a picture of any actor
we would decide that this is him
and I loved Muhammad Ali
and I remember that there was his shooting at our studio
and Waheed Murad?
You didn't like Waheed Murad?
Thats interesting
We had a group of friends, one of them liked Nadeem
one like Waheed Murad
and I liked Muhammad Ali
and I saw him there
So when did that final love happen?
that I want to marry him
Thank God there was such a love story that evolved into marriage
and you were studying law at that time
I had already finished law
I was working in Zafar's office
and Naeem was already ther e
and he was once again, a remarkably handsome man
we just, after a while
So he proposed, or did you?
Samina, which world are you living in? When did the girls ever propose?
I did
You would have been very bold
I would never take the first
but no, when it came to the proposing, it had to be the man
I was brought up on English novels
and my sister used to have
masses of
cheap romances
and Barabara Cartin, Dinese Robins
So in them , it was always the guy who had to
the one who gets down on his knees and holds the hand
and will ask, will you marry me?
So I had this in my mind, that it had to be the man who has to take the first step
So did you tell your mother about this?
When did we talk like this to our moms?
She would have killed me
so when the proposal happened, the she came to know
How long did it take for you to quote
Hardly 6 months
and you knew this that that was your man?
No I didn't
It was just a chance
Obviously it didn't workout
so the chance didn't work out
It was only 6 months
What did you like about him?
Stunningly good looking?
Extremely good humor
I mean good sense of humor
but very good sense of humor
and he made me laugh
and he was great company
what more could one ask for
so how long were you together?
12 years
thats a long time
it is
and then you decided
thats enough now
Things didn't work out
So when you get separated, does it take time to adjust to the new life?
Of course
It takes alot of time
it takes a lot of effort
I think eventually it worked out really well
because he is Mashallah married and has
has children and is happily married
And then you have two
I have 2 wonderful children
but did you keep the friendship intact as you had babies
Not really, it was just with the kids
You kept that cordial relation for the children?
No, I was wanting that
but it didn't happen
So when your first child was born
How did it feel?
It was just the most incredible thing
Samina, the thing is that we forget about the childhood
and particularly when my children were born, I wanted them to grow up early
SFM Tutorial - MLP Anthro Setup (Part 1) - Duration: 15:38.
Hello people, ImAFutureGuitarHero here.
If you remember a few months ago, I released the "Soup Store" animation,
in which I used anthropomorphic versions of Sunset and Starlight as the main characters.
When I made that, I mentioned in the description that I might eventually do a tutorial on how I go about setting up these models,
since it's not exactly a straight-forward process,
and more recently I've been getting questions on DeviantART and on Derpibooru about how it's done –
or comments about how my style of anthro is different from nearly all of the other SFM anthro art out there –
and the occasional comment about how the head's too big, but hey,
I figured I'd do one for you guys.
Also, I'd possibly be doing some other tutorials on my methods in Source Filmmaker,
so stay tuned for that.
SUNSET: [Exclaims]
Uh, with all that said, let's start by turning this human model of Sunset
into an abominati--
[oy blyat]
into an anthropomorphic version of her.
Let's begin.
SUNSET: [Grunts]
Before we load Source Filmmaker and get to making an anthro,
we need to do some prep work involving the texture files for the models we'll be using.
We need to make sure that the coat colour for the head will match that of the body.
With the Sunset model, the coat colour is a honey yellow colour,
and that's way darker than that of the EQG Sunset model, which is closer to a light skin tone.
What I'll be showing here is how to match the two skin colours using the EQG model as a base,
but if you wanted to, you could easily do it the other way around, using the pony model colour as a base.
The textures you'll be looking for will be:
"body.vtf" for the pony model;
and then "skin.vtf" and "lips.vtf" for the EQG model.
Locate these three textures and open them with VTFEdit.
If you don't have VTFEdit, there's a download link in the description,
it's a free program and it comes in hella handy for any texture modifications, like this one.
What we'll be using VTFEdit for is to export the .vtf file to a format that can be read by Photoshop,
or indeed any image editing software, like Paint.NET or Gimp.
Go to "File" and then "Export" to save it as a .tga file.
You can also save it as a .png if you want to.
Or a .jpg.
Not sure why you'd want to, but there's the option anyway.
Now that you have the textures exported, you can open them in your image editor of choice.
I'll be using Photoshop for this example, and as such the methods I show will pertain more to Photoshop,
but you should be able to achieve basically the same thing in any other software you decide to use.
In "body.tga", you want to use the Magic Wand tool –
If you don't see it, it should be under the Quick Select tool. – and select the body colour.
I'm using a tolerance of 32 for this.
If we just fill this as-is, we'll have some sharp and pixellated edges,
so we need to go to "Select and Mask..." at the top here,
and in the control panel that appears, turn up the "Smooth" slider a bit.
Don't go overboard with this, otherwise it'll interpolate the pixels too much
and you'll lose some definition in sharp angles like on the corners of the lips.
You can also play with the "Shift Edge" control a little bit to taste, see how that works.
Once you're done with that, click "OK".
With this selection made, you want to go to the "skin.tga" file from the EQG model,
and use the Eyedropper tool to select the colour from this texture file.
Now you go back to "body.tga", and you now want to make a new layer,
and using the Paint Bucket tool, fill in the area we selected from before.
You can deselect that now.
Since we have made this edit on a new layer, separate from the background,
to adjust the lip colour (if we need to) is very simple.
You just make a new layer between the "Background" and the skin colour layer,
and we can just use the Brush tool to colour over the original lip colour.
It's a bit more involved though for the lip colour around the inner mouth area,
due to this gradient that happens here.
For this, we need to use the Magic Wand tool again, this time on the pink area of the texture,
and then under "Select and Mask..." we need to adjust the sliders to recreate that gradient in the selection.
Setting the "Feather" slider to 6 px and "Shift Edge" to +30% gets pretty close to the original gradient level.
Then click "OK".
Use the Eyedropper tool on the pink colour, make a new layer above the layer you're using for the lip colour,
and fill the selection in with pink on this layer.
Then you can colour in on the lip layer with the new lip colour.
With that, the updated texture is now finished.
You can save this as a Photoshop file (.psd), preferrably with a different name from the original texture so you don't overwrite it.
I'm just naming it "body_2.psd".
And then the same file, as a .tga file this time.
You can now import the new texture into VTFEdit,
making sure that the "Resize", "Generate Mipmaps" and "Generate Normal Map" options are unchecked.
Once it loads up in VTFEdit successfully (might take a little while),
you can save this as a .vtf file.
If you're overwriting the original texture, that's all you'll have to do –
the model will have the new texture by default in Source Filmmaker now.
But since we're saving a copy so we retain the original texture as a backup,
we need to edit the .vmt file so that Source Filmmaker uses the new texture instead of the old one.
Open "body.vmt" and look for the "$basetexture" line, should be somewhere at the top.
Change the filename and directory following "$basetexture" to the new filename, in this case, "body_2".
Save the .vmt file, and now the pony model is ready to be used in an anthro setup.
Alright, once you've loaded into Source Filmmaker
and you've loaded the map and camera position
and SFM hasn't crashed yet,
we will start with headhacking.
If you don't know what headhacking is, it can be summarised as
taking the head from one model, and putting it onto another.
And to do this, you want to start by spawning in the body model.
I generally use the Equestria Girls V2 models by Sindroom,
but you can use the original ones made from CreatorOfPony's base.
There are some slight differences between them, mainly with anatomical proportions,
and so this tutorial will be focusing on the V2 models, so keep that in mind.
A word of advice at this point: I would avoid moving the camera or rotating the models from their base orientation
until you've finished setting up the character, and I'll show the reason for this in a moment.
You now want to load in the pony model you'll be using for the head.
Both of these models should be facing the same orientation, which will make it easier to join the head onto the body.
Now you want to navigate to where the head bone on each of the models are located in the Animation Set Editor,
and click and drag the head bone from the body model onto the head bone of the pony model,
which will lock the pony model's head to that of the body model.
This is where we start joining the models together.
You want to enter the Motion Editor, click only the "pos" attribute, or position – this is important –
and slide the "Zero" slider all the way to the right.
If you were to select both "pos" and "rot", "rot" being rotation,
it would also rotate it, which is not what we want.
As of right now, this looks extremely weird, and that's because the head is extremely big and the rest of the pony body is still showing,
but this is what the model should look like right now.
SUNSET: [Grunts]
Something's not quite right here.
So, we need to hide the rest of the pony body, and the way we can do that,
we can use the same method we used for the head, now for the neck and pelvis bones.
You need to lock the neck bone of the pony model to the neck bone of the body,
and then the pelvis bone of the pony model to "spine_2" on the body,
and then using the "Zero" slider on both of these.
At this point, you'll also need to re-lock the head, this time to the neck bone,
because we will be needing to hide the original head from the body model.
Select the head, neck and pelvis bones on the body model, right-click on any one of them, and select "Add Scale Control to Transforms".
This will allow you to change the size of each of these bones.
For the pelvis bone, you'd want to size that down to 0 to hide it completely,
And for the head and neck bones, I generally go with 0.06 on the head and 0.045 or 0.05 on the neck.
These sizes obviously depend on the body model you decide to use, and partly personal preference.
You also need to right-click on the pony model, go to "Utilities" and click "Bake Procedural Bones".
This'll keep the mane the size it should be in relation to the head,
because by default, scaling down the head doesn't scale down the jigglebones in the hair or the ears,
therefore you'd get something that looks like it came out of the 80s, if you know what I mean.
We have a few more things to fix.
Notice we still have the head from the body model that's visible.
We can fix that by adding a scale control to that and sizing it down.
However! You don't want to size it down to 0,
because that can cause the body model to cull and disappear when you aim the camera too far down, as shown here.
Instead, it needs to be a number like 0.001, or something extremely small.
This means that you'll also need to bake the jiggles on the body model,
but it also prevents the culling that happened before.
The other thing to fix is the neck, which, by default, from the "Zero" slider, is a bit too high up.
You can simply move it down a bit to fix it.
One more thing left is the eyeposing controls. This is optional, but I prefer to do this, it just makes it easier for me.
You want to go to where the "viewTarget" controls are on the two models,
and lock the control on the pony model to the same control on the body, and then "Zero" that.
What this means is that the "viewTarget" control on the human model now works on the eyes on the pony head.
And with that, we have set up a basic anthro model.
A couple of things to keep in mind is that
the neck seam is pretty much unavoidable without at least some post-processing,
so if you're doing animation with an anthro model, you'll need to put extra work into hiding the seam with lighting and positioning in SFM.
Speaking of animating, if you do intend to animate an anthro model and you want to use the default jigglebones,
you'll need to re-enable the jigglebones and bake them again once you've animated the character.
However, ideally, or at least for me, I'd want jiggles enabled while I animate,
so what I would recommend is to add a scale control to the "rootTransform" bone of the body model
and then size it up so that the jiggles stay the same size whether they're baked or enabled.
For the size of 0.06 on the head, you want to set the "rootTransform" scale to 0.166 repeated. (0.16666666...)
Now this does mean that everything else in the scene will have to be sized appropriately to match,
but it does mean that you can animate with jiggles activated.
This segues into the next stage of anthro setup:
hair replacement.
Let's say you don't want the mane that comes on the pony model by default,
and you want to replace it with the Equestria Girls variant that looks more natural in a bipedal context.
For this I've found the V1 models to work best due to the shape of the head and the extra jigglebones in the hair, at least for the most part.
In the case of Sunset here, I'm going to grab the Equestria Girls V1 model of Sunset that's made by EmpireOfTime.
Also I want to mention that if you do this step, and that you do want to change the hair out for one from an Equestria Girls model,
usually these models have a slightly different colour palette used on the hair compared to the pony counterparts,
and by default they have a bump map.
Which frankly, looks
Which frankly, looks bloody hideous to me.
In the case of Sunset here I haven't changed the hair colour because it looks alright as it is, actually,
but I have disabled the bump map, and you can do this by
going into the .vmt file for the hair using either Notepad++ or VTFEdit, or even regular old Notepad works as well,
and commenting out or removing the "$bumpmap" line altogether.
If you do decide to do this, you'll also need to add "$basemapalphaphongmask" "1".
Otherwise, ambient occlusion won't show up on the model.
Now that you have that sorted out, you can start doing a similar process to the headhacking from before.
Lock the Equestria Girls head that you're using for the hair, this time to the pony head, and then use the "Zero" slider on the "pos" attribute.
Do the same to lock the pelvis bone of the Equestria Girls model to the head of the pony model, and again with the "Zero" slider.
Since this model has jigglebones that will be showing, you'll also need to bake those as well.
Now you can add a scale control to the head and pelvis, sizing the pelvis down to 0 to hide it altogether,
and sizing up the head so that the hair covers the head properly.
I find that 0.125 on the head works well.
So here we have the Equestria Girls model's hair on the pony head, but we can still see the original hair clipping through it.
SUNSET: [Exclaims]
Depending on the pony model hiding this is either easy or hard.
Most of the enhanced models, or at least the ones by JuiceDane, like the one for Twilight here,
have a bodygroup that allows you to simply hide the mane altogether.
But in the case of Sunset here, she does not, so we'll have to do some extra work to make this work.
We need to hide the original mane through the Element Viewer, through Material Overrides.
Right-click the pony model and select "Add Override Materials".
Then right-click the model again, go to "Show in Element Viewer", and then select "Model."
This window will pop up.
Scroll down to "materials" and find a material called "hair" or "mane", or somethings similar, some models have it named differently.
Right-click on the material, go to "Add Attribute" and then click "float".
In the window that pops up, where it says "newAttribute", you want to type "$alpha", and click "OK".
This will hide the mane.
Now at this point, you might be thinking, "Yes! I'm done with the hair part!"
...Not quite.
Let me show you what happens when you enable lighting.
[Loud switch] [Lights turn on]
See, there's a shadow where the mane used to be,
and this happens because the mane is actually still there, and casting shadows;
only difference being that it's not visible.
So now you need to disable shadow-casting on the hair, and there's two methods to go about this.
Method 1 is to add a scale control to the jigglebones for the hair, and size them down to 0.
That'll get rid of most of the shadows, but you might have to play with
moving around the jigglebones inside the head to further remove them.
Other than that, this method does work, for the most part.
Method 2, however, works better than Method 1, and is basically foolproof,
but there's a caveat that I'll get to in a moment.
For method 2 you need to go into the .vmt file for the hair,
and you want to add "$translucent" "1" to it.
And make sure it's before the "$basetexture" line. It has to be before that.
To make this take effect in SFM without actually reloading the program,
you can go into the command console and type "mat_reloadallmaterials", and click Enter.
It might take a moment.
And what "$translucent" does is that it allows the material to let light through it,
and therefore disables shadow casting for that material.
Now the caveat I mentioned is that,
say, in the future, you wanted to use the mane as it was intended without doing this mane-swap/hair-swap process.
You'd need to comment out or remove this line from the .vmt to make it appear as normal again,
since "$translucent" is a .vmt-only command,
so you can't add it through Material Overrides, and you can't edit it through Material Overrides.
so I just generally go with method 1 when I'm doing this.
You'll also notice that some of the parts of the Equestria Girls model are showing through the head,
such as the eyelashes and the human ears.
The way we can fix that is to add "$alpha" to the parts we don't want visible, through the Material Overrides.
The materials marked "oral", "body", "head" and "ink" are the ones that I add "$alpha" to.
With that, the anthro now has a bigger bed of hair.
Depending on the model and the size of the hair,
you might also need to move the ears of the pony model outwards to make them show through the hair,
especially in the case of Sunset's hairstyle here.
The trick to allow jigglebones to be enabled by scaling "rootTransform" also works with this,
but you'd need to scale it to a different amount, since the hair is also scaled.
For the hair being at 0.125 and the head being at 0.06,
setting the "rootTransform" scale to 0.133 repeated (0.13333333...) allows you enable the jigglebones without any issues.
Compared to replacing the hair,
adding a tail is probably the easiest part of setting up an anthro character, comparatively speaking at least.
For this, you need to spawn another instance of the pony model in,
and this time locking the pelvis of the pony model to the pelvis of the body model, and then using the "Zero" slider again.
Next, you need to lock the first tail bone to the pelvis of the body model,
because we need to hide the rest of the pony body with a scale control.
Add a scale control to both "Pelvis" and "Tail1".
Make sure you lock the jigglebones and size the pelvis down to 0.
I generally size the tail around between 0.06 or 0.08,
but the size of the tail depends on how big you want the tail and how big or long the tail is to begin with.
So now your anthro character has a tail.
This is generally the point that I settle on for my anthro pictures,
but there is another step that I occasionally decide to do, and that is
making the legs unguligrade.
Like this.
If you wanted to see what goes into replacing the legs, I'll be putting that into a Part 2 video, as
this anthro is set up right now and can be posed or animated in its current state,
and to be honest it's easier to leave it at that.
But if you really want to make the legs unguligrade, there is a video for Part 2 on the screen right now.
So with that, I'll leave you with the end of Part 1 of this anthro tutorial.
Thanks for watching.
Baby Learn Alphabet Uppercase with Many Kinds of Cartoon animals the Lion the Rabbit and Surprise - Duration: 21:53.
Baby Learn Alphabet Lowercase with Many Kinds of Cartoon animals the Lion the Rabbit and Surprise Egg Learning Videos For kids
HOW TO USE iPhone GESTURES on iPhone Xs Max, iPhone Xs and iPhone Xr! - Duration: 2:27.
What's up everyone, my name is Ben and today I'll be showing you how to use gestures on
the iPhone Xr, iPhone X, iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max and all the future iPhones that do
not have a home button, with the renovation of the iPhone interface and design in 2017
with release of the iPhone X, Apple introduced gestures there are a few basic gestures that
you need to know for successfully using your iPhone and today I'll be guiding you guys
through them and showing them to you, if you want to exit an app to go back home to the
home screen, what you want to do is simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen on
your iPhone and you will be taken back to your home screen, if you want to open up the
multitasking or the app switcher what you want to do is swipe up from the bottom and
hold for a second or even less and you will be presented with the app switcher, from there
you can simply swipe up to close out all the other apps.
If you want to access the control center you can perform a swipe down from the top-right
corner of display and you will be presented with the control center, where you can basically
change and manipulate all the settings, from brightness, volume turning off and on Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, airplane mode and everything else, if you want to access notifications you can
do that by simply swiping down from the top left corner at the top of your device and
you will be presented with the notification drawer or the Notification Center, these are
some of the basic controls and swipe gestures on the newer iPhones, you can also perform
a quick tap onto your device to wake up the display and there's also a raise to wake feature,
that you can enable or disable in settings and that will allow you to wake up the phone
simply by picking it up, thank you guys so much for watching this video, I really hope
you enjoyed it, if it helped you out please do me a favor and drop a like, comment down
below with your thoughts and if you request any other videos and I'll see you all next
Church became an INDUSTRY Preachers are PROFESSIONALS all for MONEY - Duration: 6:34.
Church has become and industry.
Preachers have become professionals and it is all for the money.
Church used to be holy.
Preachers used to be men of God but everything has changed because of the love for money.
Churches used to speak the truth, preachers used to preach Jesus Christ but then they
got perverted.
Churches started spreading lies, their own doctrines to please the people.
Preachers started preaching themselves, becoming famous, to attract a following, which in turn
makes them rich and famous.
Bible translators used to fear God and be careful to accurately translate the scriptures
into various languages.
Then churches and individuals started selling and promoting their own translations and versions
of the Bible with their own commentaries.
They perverted the truth to create their own brand of religion for their own benefit and
That is why there are so many English versions of the Bible today.
The Bible is the best selling book of all times and churches and preachers wanted a
slice of the profit by selling their special version of the scriptures, not the truth.
In order to sell more Bibles and make more profit, Bible publishers, churches and preachers
have elevated the importance of the Bible by calling it the infallible Word of God,
causing people to trust in the Bible, more than in God.
People trust more in their Bible that in the Holy Spirit that was given by God to guide
us into all truth.
There is no more truth and integrity in the churches.
The preachers are hirelings and profiteering professional liars who work for their church
and their own benefit.
Churches have become government registered and controlled institutions (501c3 tax exempt
entities) in return for not speaking out against evil practices, that are approved by government.
Churches will not speak out against immorality, homosexuality, abortions, war or anything
that the government does that is evil.
If they do, they risk losing their tax exempt status.
They have sold their souls to the devil for money.
Like Judas, they have denied Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Even worse, they are leading multitudes to hell with them.
Be warned, that if you support the church you are promoting deception and lies.
You are partners to building the kingdom of satan and taking people to hell.
Churches expand their evil deception all over the world.
They send out missionaries to spread their false doctrines and make proselytes, converting
them into religious proselytes, devotees to the church and not to the truth, followers
of the church and not of Jesus Christ.
Church has become the high way to hell, because not only do they deceive the people but they
persecute the true followers of Jesus Christ.
The true followers of Jesus are branded as heretics, backsliders, rebels, dissenters,
Churches are driven by doctrines of demons and do not have the love of Jesus, because
they persecute those who do not support them and do not belong to them.
You will know them by their fruit, a bad tree can not bear good fruit.
The only Savior of the world is Jesus Christ.
The only words that lead to salvation are His words, His gospel, as recorded in Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John.
The only way to have eternal life is to obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, to accept Him
and His words, to obey Him; repent, stop sinning, be baptized in water for the pardon of your
sins, live holy and sin no more.
You have to work out your own salvation, nobody else can do it for you.
No church or other person can do it.
It is all between you and Jesus.
You have to accept Jesus, bow before Him, pray to Him, accept Him into your life, ask
Him to pardon your sins and live your life to please Him.
If you seek Him and obey Him, He will reveal Himself to you, He will disclose Himself to
He will give His Holy Spirit in and with you to teach and guide you.
If you obey Him and stay with Him until the end of your life you will have eternal life.
Do not be deceived by churches or men and women.
Only Jesus can save you.
Seek Him and follow Him only.
May Jesus bless you.
Jesus Christ is alive and hell is real.
I am here to introduce you to Jesus Christ so that you can know Him, follow Him and have
eternal life.
Subscribe to my channel to learn more about Jesus.
May Jesus bless you
BetterBrella Compact Auto Open/Close Umbrella with Match... - Duration: 9:45.
Is My Child Autistic or Gifted? Redefining the Autism Label to Empower Your Kid [2019] - Duration: 7:16.
Hey there it's Dr. Andrea Libutti and today we're gonna talk about "is my child
gifted or autistic'" and you know this is an important topic because we often get
hung up on labels and labels can be really damaging now I get it you want
the autism label because you want to get services for example but we're gonna
talk about three things we're going to talk about redefining or reframing the
autism label we're going to talk about what gifted what it means to be gifted
what that is and I'm also going to introduce a new label a more empowering
label so the reason that this topic is really important is your child's
educational plan is very much connected to the label your child has so if they
have an autism label or a gifted label right but the problem with that is think
about it when you have an autism label what are they focusing on they're
focusing on the deficits if you have a gifted label it's like everybody's
focused on what that child is so good at so important topic here and I want to
try to reframe some things for you so you can look at things differently and
perhaps get your educational team on board with looking at things differently
too so let's talk about autism the word I I'd like to reframe the word autism
because and that's part of the work that I'm doing right I want to shift the
autism paradigm there is such a stigma behind the word autism right people want
to cure it people want to recover their child from autism and I totally get all
that autistic adults by the way hate that they there is no cure this is
ridiculous they're trying to ruin us as people or or you know belittle us as
autistic you know as humans so and I and I agree because it's the label that's
the problem so I look at autism not as a series of deficits and challenges I look
at a child with autism as somebody that came into the world extremely hyper
sensitive to everything around them right their brains are wired a little
different they think differently that's a really
really good thing that's not a bad thing my child's brilliance is because of his
autism but we get hung up on the label of autism and we want to recover them or
cure them from autism because we don't then want them to be autistic but what
if we what if we reframe autism as being just a hypersensitive individual of wire
differently individual and work to focus on what that child's strengths are not
just their deficits so you know it's important because the expectation of a
child that has autism versus a child that is gifted are two totally different
things and I want to reframe that for you I don't want you to think because my
child is autistic that all of their potential lies here but if they're
gifted their potential lives up here so think about it as you know a strengths
mindset really instead of thinking of your child with the label think of your
child not with their about their challenges so much but their strengths
and you know gifted this is the second part of this gifted is you know people
want their kids to be gifted they want them to be academic geniuses or musical
geniuses but giftedness can come in many forms it can be the academics for sure
we could have a a math genius and ela genius I know one of my friends has a
son that's 12 with autism and he is a language genius which is really ironic
cuz he doesn't talk much he can't talk much but he knows different languages
like he taught himself Japanese on an iPad I think that's phenomenal
but he's autistic and nobody's nobody's focusing on the fact that he has all
these amazing abilities with language they're focusing on his deficits so
anyway I diverged a little there gifted can take many forms yes the academics
yes musical giftedness artistic giftedness language giftedness visual
spatial giftedness my son is a visual spatial genius so to speak he is amazing
at his ability to manipulate visual spatial you know stuff learning
and details creating things and putting things together you can also have
athletic giftedness or physical can kinesthetic giftedness right like
athletes and people like that so don't just think of giftedness as only
academics it comes in many forms and you know again when you compare and contrast
autism versus gifted the label really gets in the way so I'm coming to number
three which is let's give a new label to our kids
and while the research says there's a very small percentage of autistic kids
that are are gifted this label it's called twice exceptional or tooie I
actually disagree because I think that every child has a genius something okay
there is some genius in every child no matter what it is and it's our job as
parents to figure out what that strength is but anyway the chui label I really
like that label because it's a very empowering label so consider if your
child is both are they autistic and gifted you don't have to be one or the
other you can be both and I suspect that a lot of these kids even these so-called
nonverbal low functioning kids which I hate that label they are extremely
intelligent and gifted in certain aspects so the take home label here okay
sorry the take home label the take home message here if there is only one thing
you take away from this then I want you to stop thinking about a label for your
child and think about a strengths mindset so if you can come up with what
is your child really good at what are they strong at and focus on that focus
all of your attention on that you will see your relationship with your child
your child's abilities everything will start to blossom if you if you come from
a place of a strengths mindset and it's really important to get your teachers
and educators on board with your child's strengths so if your teacher doesn't
know what your child's strengths are and they're not interested in learning get a
new teacher but if they are interested in learning be detectives together
figure out what they're really good at because that's the way your child
we'll be able to thrive so thank you for listening really important topic but
don't let the label lower your expectations okay if your child is
autistic look for the gifts okay they can be both and most are so thanks for
listening come on over to my website AndreaLibutti.com, if you're interested
in downloading some free checklists and some guides
that will help you on your autism journey I am really doing this because I
want to change how the world sees autism, I want parents to have the tools that
they can use to really help their children thrive and hopefully become
independent one day. So thanks for listening and have a great day
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