Things to do in Corona California? There's tons of cool stuff and that's
what I'm going to be talking about on today's video. So let's get started! Hi
everyone my name is Anne-Marie Priske and I'm a realtor here in Corona California
with The Priske Homes Team and Keller Williams Corona. If you're new here on my
channel and you're considering moving to Corona or the surrounding areas or just
looking for some helpful tips about buying or selling a home, well then I
post videos throughout the month that you won't want to miss so make sure that
you hit that subscribe button. Most of the people that live here in
Corona California are actually transplants from some of the other more
expensive parts of Southern California like Orange County or LA County. So if
you're headed this way and want to know what we do here for fun here's the top 4
things you can enjoy while you're here. Number one on the list is Tom's Farms.
Back in 1974 Tom Barnes purchased some land in the Temescal Valley and opened
up a 3,500 square foot produce stand. Soon to follow was a hamburger restaurant and
today it spans 46 acres where people come from miles around you can enjoy
live music near the pond while shopping for farm-fresh produce, take advantage of
huge wine selections and cheese selections at the wine and cheese shop
check out the local crafters and bring the kids to check out the farm animals
at the petting zoo. Second on the list is the popular Glen Ivy Hot Springs.
Carved out at the base of Coldwater Mountain is this unique natural place
where physical and mental rejuvenation happens. For 150 years this place has
grown to be a premiere setting with its natural mineral springs, red clay pools
and tons of body treatments. My favorite which is the grotto, is literally an
underground cavern where they paint on a mixture of aloe, shea butter, and oil onto
your skin and you sit in this gently warmed cave letting it all sink in.
Lots of people come for a girls day out or even just as couples. Glen Ivy has two
bars a restaurant showers steam rooms, as well as, Cabana rentals so you literally
can spend the entire day being pampered in this tropical paradise. Number three
on the list is Skull Canyon Ziplines.
This super-fun place takes you high above Corona to enjoy the views of the
Temescal Valley. It offers two separate trips on 160 acres of mountainous
terrain. The original trip is great for people of all ages, while the extreme
trip is perfect for those who want that serious adrenaline rush.
They also have a great picnic area, so make sure you bring some food and drinks
so that afterwards you guys can sit down and talk about your ziplining adventures.
Finally, what separates Corona from Orange County is the Cleveland National
Forest and home to our pride and joy, the Skyline Hiking Trails.
Come on let's go for a hike!
Well now you know about some cool things to do! So whether you're thinking about
moving to Corona or just passing through, I really do hope that you found this
video helpful. For up-to-the-minute information about current homes that are
available in the area don't forget to check out The Priske Homes Team website
at or simply call for a no-obligation conversation.
Thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video.
Things to do things to do in Corona California
... is the grotto which is literally an underground cave where they put on this mixture
of shea butter, oils and aloe vera and then it all sinks into your skin.. oh my
For more infomation >> Things To Do in Corona Ca-Tom's Farms, Skull Canyon Zipline & More! - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
Dilwale Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:09.
Dilwale Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name
Workshop 101 - A Gogokid Brand Contributor Video - Duration: 12:42.
The workshops begin tomorrow
Are you excited? We took a little break from workshops
and now they are back. Teacher Janice from gogokid and I'm here to walk you through workshop 101
so that you feel prepared when they begin tomorrow.
So we had a round of workshops that took place in the fall
and then we took a little break for the holidays and a brand new
list of workshops was released in the weekly update.
If you didn't see the weekly update or maybe this weekly update came out before you were hired
I'll drop the link down in the description box below.
If you're a hired gogokid teacher you can sign into freshdesk and view the schedule and read all the details there.
So what is a workshop? A workshop is a professional development opportunity for you as a teacher.
It is free of charge. They last about an hour, a little under an hour.
This is an opportunity for you to go to a class with other teachers on the zoom platform and
be taken through a presentation on a topic relevant to your teaching.
So these presentations are live for a reason.
We want an opportunity for you to come and ask another teacher the things you have been wondering in the classroom.
We want you to be able to ask questions on that topic that you might be struggling with and have a
dialogue and share ideas with other teachers. A really great opportunity
provided by gogokid free of charge to you. All it costs you is your time.
So a workshop will be provided on a wide variety of topics.
You're having trouble with pacing, writing feedback, unsure about your first project class...
there is a workshop for that topic, just waiting for you. So check out that fresh desk schedule.
Who leads these workshops? Workshops are run by people called workshop coaches. So workshop coaches are people like me.
I am a workshop coach. So that means that there are topics that I am knowledgeable about.
That I will share a presentation about and be a resource to you during that
live time so that you can ask me questions to get personalized support and
you can learn from other teachers who are all interested in the same topic.
So a workshop coach is a teacher who has gone through a hiring process to share their credentials and their knowledge on the topic.
We've prepared a presentation that has been checked by the home office for accuracy.
So workshop coaches are teachers just like you.
They are native English speakers who are active in the classroom right now.
You have the opportunity to chat with them on this topic. Why would you want to attend a workshop?
You do not get paid to attend a workshop. It is on your unpaid time.
It benefits you in terms of your professional knowledge.
It makes you feel less alone as an online teacher to be in a zoom room with other
colleagues who are doing the same job.
It can be a little bit isolating to work at home sometimes. There are also
prizes so in the weekly update, in the freshdesk link,
you'll see some great prizes for this round for attending a workshop. You can gain credit points!
If you're a new teacher that hasn't yet reached that max credit score of 120,
coming to workshops will help you climb that credit score ladder a little bit faster as you wait for your bookings.
Maybe you're a veteran teacher and you just had a teacher IT or a
cancellation and you're trying to climb that credit score back up. Come to the workshops.
Let them help you take action towards moving your credit score back up. There are prizes beyond credit scores.
They are offering a TESOL course. A lot of chatter right now in the online ESL world about the importance of having a TESOL. certificate
I took the TESOL course provided by gogokid. It is in conjunction with Arizona State University. This is a legitimate TESOL certificate.
There are papers to write and
sample teaching and you get your certificate at the end. It can travel with you at gogokid
and in other employment opportunities.
It was a great opportunity and gogokid paid for me to take that TESOL course.
You can get a free TESOL course if you follow this structure and
attend the right number of workshops and are one of first people to claim that as a prize.
They're also giving away what's called a gogokid workshop certificate.
So this means when parents your profile they see your picture, they see your video,
they see the bio paragraph that you wrote about yourself. They see your lifestyle pictures.
They will also see this training certificate to show them that you are ALL IN. You have taken the professional development
opportunities that were given to you. This could help you with your bookings so that's a wonderful opportunity.
Sometimes when you're trying to market yourself and build your schedule
you feel like you've done everything you can and there's nothing else you can do and this workshop certificate is a new
additional thing that you can add to your profile. I am really excited to add that to my profile as soon as I can.
I'm a fully booked teacher, but it never hurts to have the strongest marketing package possible
so I definitely want that workshop training certificate and this round gogokid is also giving away sweatshirts!
Not this sweatshirt. This is not an official gogokid sweatshirt. I haven't seen them yet. They have not been released.
But if you want to be one of the teachers to get a very first copy of a gogokid
official sweatshirt, then you need to check that freshdesk link to see how you can achieve these prizes.
How do you claim your prize?
In freshdesk when you send a ticket,
there is a drop down menu and it is called workshop awards. When you have met the criteria...
Say you have been to 8 workshops.
You had your camera on, you changed your display name to your show name,
you took the quiz and the survey within 24 hours,
you did everything you needed to for those eight workshops in order to qualify.
You go to freshdesk and you send a ticket in the drop-down called workshop awards.
You tell them what prize you're cashing in on. You can do that after eight workshops.
You can do that after twelve. You can do it after twenty. You can do it after thirty two.
So I'm really excited about that and at the end of this video, I'm going to show you, down in the description box below,
I've provided a copy of the tracker that I use to keep track of my personal workshops.
It has a place where I can write down whose workshop I attended,
what the topic was, what date I went, I turned in the quiz and the survey in 24 hours,
I changed my display name to be my show name, and I kept my camera on the entire workshop.
So I keep this on my desk to remind me that
I'm doing what I need to do
and then when I get to eight or twelve or twenty or thirty two
it reminds me that I can turn in for a prize. I am working towards that prize at twenty workshops.
I really want that workshop training certificate and then I will go on to work for thirty two because I want my gogokid
official sweatshirt. So that is what I am personally doing about workshops. I went through the schedule,
I added as many to my Google Calendar as I could, and as I go through the workshops and attend them live
I will notate them on my personal tracking sheet. Great news!
We weren't sure if the workshops we took in the fall would count but They Do!
So go back to the old freshdesk schedule,
look at your google calendar, and see if you can remember which workshops you have already attended.
Reflect. Ask yourself:
Did I have my camera on? Did I change my zoom display name to be my show name? Did I turn in that quiz and survey within 24 hours?
If you did, start adding those to your free printable tracker.
Maybe you're closer to the prize you want then you even think you are.
Remember that user can get credit for taking the same workshop topic with two different presenters.
So if you want to come to my trial class workshop
and you also want to take the trial class workshop with Brett - you should!
You will get credit for taking both workshops and it is not the same PowerPoint presentation.
We do not share the same tips and info.
We both have our own personal tips that have been vetted by the home office on how you can teach an incredible trial class and
and convert lots of new students to gogokid.
How do you sign up for the workshop? To sign up for the workshop
You will go to the Zoom link provided in the freshdesk link.
So in that freshdesk post, it'll say if you want to attend my workshop on January 2nd
It will say the zoom link to do that.
So when it's time
you will click on the zoom link and you'll come right in. You don't have to sign up in advance and that may
bbe different from another company that you work for.
What I do is I take that zoom link and I put it on my Google Calendar event.
So in my Google Calendar, it says it's 7:30. You want to attend a workshop at 8:00.
I have that zoom link right in the description
of the event and I follow it and I go there when my google calendar tells me it's time.
so again
That is just my personal Teacher Janice how I do things. I'm tracking my workshops on this printable. I told you the prizes
I am personally trying to achieve and I told you how I track my workshop schedule in my Google Calendar
so that I have the link that I need to attend the workshop when it's time. Find a system that works well for you
but today before 2018 closes make a plan because the prizes are
incredible and you want to make sure that you get these workshops.
Each topic will be offered a few times
but really, I caution you look at that schedule today.
Write down your plan in your Google Calendar and how many of these you can get to so that you are actively working
through a thoughtful plan to get you as many of these as you possibly can. Some teachers have said they can't attend live.
So we try as workshop coaches to offer them on a variety of days at a variety of times.
We look at the attendance with certain dates and times to try to choose times that are working well for most teachers.
But if your schedule is not allowing you to attend a live session and you're really struggling with how to write feedback,
you can watch my mini workshop that's
pre-recorded about the feedback topic to get what you need right now to get back in the classroom tomorrow.
as soon as you can come to the full length workshop for the whole experience where you can live ask questions and
hear feedback and chatter from your colleagues.
That is the best possible experience and I just want to be really clear. Although we are really, really lucky
that gogokid is offering the recorded mini workshop versions, do know that those do not count towards your prizes.
So if you're hoping to go for the sweatshirt or the TESOL course or the credit score points or the workshop training
certificate you need to attend full workshops.
So these are bonus recorded mini session options for holding you over
until you can make it to the real workshop. But come to the real thing.
It'll be totally worth it. In the description box of this video
you're going to see (1) the freshdesk link to the
updated schedule - the current workshop schedule (2) the freshdesk link to the old schedule so you can see what workshops you've already
attended and make sure you're counting those in your count (3) and you'll also see
and if that is helpful for you
print it out and track your workshops for yourself. That is going to help me shoot for a big prize
because I can't keep track of 32 workshops in my mind. I'm going to need to write it down.
So if that printable is helpful to you, please enjoy.
I'm so glad you took the time to watch this video. I hope you had a wonderful winter vacation.
I have really enjoyed spending this week talking about our New Year holiday in my classroom.
I've been talking about the American New Year holiday and in just a few short weeks
it will be Chinese New Year and my students will be teaching me about their new year traditions.
We have such an amazing opportunity to connect with children on the other side of the earth and
we are helping them towards their goals and they are filling my bucket every day and sharing so much.
So keep those skills really sharp for 2019.
Work towards those prizes that gogokid is generously offering and I wish you a wonderful 2019.
5th Principle Nia, Dr. Keino Miller - Duration: 7:53.
Yep. Hey Habari Gani! Nia Nia Nia
Here you go. So whats up y'all. I'm here with Keino. His
principle for today is Nia. it is our fifth principle of Kwanzaa
and Nia is purpose in Swahili, just to make our collective job the building and
developing of our community in order to restore our people to their
traditional greatness. So Nia, I feel like is one of the most important things
for our community I feel like especially within the black community we lose our
purpose sometimes and we forget about how hard our ancestors have worked to
get us to the place that we are right now. So, I wanted to ask you what
does Nia mean to you? Nia means recall, recollection, or re-dedication to where
we're trying to go and we think about the brokenness in our community when we
think about some of the challenges that might offer going back to that. The goal is
in my opinion as a mental health provider is to reclaim our African consciousness and
so the purpose everything we do this celebration - coming together as a
family as a ritual once a year twice a year it doesn't matter it should be
based upon rebuilding but everything we do from our dance to how we speak to
each other - you know how we care for our young. Reclaiming what's ours
recognition is everything and that's what it said I
mean the principle right their collective vocation. Yes. You all should
be working toward that. That's Nia. In what ways have
you demonstrated Nia? Do you feel like. so let me do context very quick so the
reason why I chose you for Nia is because you are well-spoken and I
know you're heavily devoted to what your vocation is now which is dealing with
mental health. So the reason why I chose you for Nia is because I feel like you
exemplify this the most within my circle of mentors and close friends, I wanted to
ask you in what ways have you demonstrated Nia? For me it's always
around connected, reconnecting with community. My journey spans many
academic institutions, many cultural centers and so what I found it
when I get on campus I try to find, I try to connect with the community find out
what's happening? what's been happening? who are the active students look like me?
think like me? Vibe like me? What do we need to get the money from and you know
what programs are needed? What programs are successful? How do I support those
programs? if we're moving toward that goal those things have already been in
motion there are already people in motion and we hear we've been working on
its path and so when I come in I try to become a part of that be a voice,
being advocate, be a shoulder, be a professional and what I do, and so I'm
always looking to align with those who are trying to do the work just
acknowledging our blackness acknowledging our shared history of
shared heritage, if we can do that if we can just come come together. He's about to give us the key.
well if we can do that and we begin to reaffirm who we are,
reaffirmed the importance of being on one accord, then we begin to come up with
a plan of action sorry you know purpose purpose must take shape must take a life
it must take form and so when you look at the Kwanzaa as a celebration you're
looking at not something necessarily to take away from those Christian
celebrations or Hebrew celebrations. It is something meant to delve
deeper into the African spirit and reclaim what was lost. How do we do that? I can talk about these things all day.
you keep saying to read before you say because it's present. it's been a
present beyond what we've seen in our history.
Our ancestors have built us upon a foundation so I like how you say
re-evaluate how we do things, reestablished, reinvigorate like I just..
That prefix is what we need to do to think about not just only throughout Kwanzaa
the like through our year. So I wanted to say thank you for saying read instead of
saying like we haven't had it at all. I mean you know I have two small
children and we we've done Kwanzaa in July there and the goal is to be able to
talk about the principles beyond just the scope of December. Yeah. All right. To
talk about the principle of purpose, okay son, well tell me your purpose
being and how does your purpose for being impact the lives of other people who look like you, other
persons of African descent. Tell me, how you're going to help? You know. How are
you going to pitch in? what is your role? How does that help the black community? If you
want to be a football player okay well how does that help the black community
yeah you're gonna be a football player and you're going to live in this house
on the Palisades what are you doing from the Palisades to
come back down here and help the community. Sankofa that's the goal that's
the charge I mean so however we do it we ought to be intentional. We have to learn
and reclaim the language of our ancestors, you say Habari Gani, I say Nia
you know these are important you know. I say "Asante sana" you know which simply means
thank you very much. So we reclaimed the language that we've lost you know we
reclaim the connectedness of our family, idols the things that we have human
together to speak to our spiritual self. When we look at the Sankofa, when we look at this lion, powerful people, the Adinkra
all in this has purpose. Yes. to bring us back to that one mind standard, where we were and where are we going. I was just saying the
Kwanzaa and everything around the Swahili language and the people who
since its pan-african is said like symbolic but everything is symbolic.
Absolutely. It's crazy because there's the most bit like interpretation. For like
the colors of Kwanzaa because say... these are pan-african colors
yeah introduced to us by the honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Yeah. He
gave us these colors as a Pan African culture to reconnect us and
reunite us with the continent of Africa. It's interesting when you look at
many countries and make the continent of Africa they've adopted these colors as
the primary you know when you look at Ghana black star is the black candle.
Yeah. So they had it right and we should not disconnect or be afraid of that.
Right. you know when we look at swahili, swahili is one language but there are
meaning objects from throughout the continent on this table so when you look
at the Adinkra which comes from the Akan culture of Ghana. when you look at the Sankofa
this is an image that was actually rooted in ancient Kemet but
also taken place or reused in Ghana so you know these are things that want to
acknowledge the continuation. So yeah,I'm just excited about others learning and
re-engaging these practices and being very intentional.
Thank you. Harambee. Harambee. Harambee.
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