Hey everybody it's Nurse Stefan here and I wanted to talk to you about this list I came
across, of the top ten reasons why you shouldn't be a nurse.
Now it does mention that it was written to be both funny and professional, but each and
every reason that they list is something that pertains to the nursing profession, and something
that we actually go through, so.
That doesn't mean it should discourage people from becoming a nurse.
Because nursing has changed my life in ways I never knew something was out there that
existed that could.
So, if for whatever reason, this list MIGHT deter someone from becoming a nurse, something
that could be their calling, something that's done so much for me, that it could do for them.
As a human, much like yourself, and as a nurse, I gotta talk about these reasons
not to be a nurse.
OK first things first, it says you shouldn't be a nurse if you're the type that sees blood
and you faint.
Probably the most common phrase I hear when I'm starting an IV or if drawing blood from
patients is, "Oh, I could never do what you do."
Which is a lot more than drawing blood and starting IV's.
And I say, "Why?"
And they say, "Oh, I can't stand the sight of blood."
"I can never do needles."
And I'm like...
"You think I'm a fan of needles or blood?
"I'm not down with them."
"I'm not super down with them."
I didn't go into this with an affinity for needles or blood.
And by the way…
If you are a fan of needles or blood, naturally…
I'm paging Sergeant Doakes, because we got a "Dexter" situation on our hands.
You're forewarned.
Now, needles hurt, right?
When they poke you, when they poke me.
They can transmit disease, same with blood.
They've got a lot of negative things associated with them.
No, I am not super down with needles or blood
and I don't think most other nurses are either.
But the actuality is: there are people that legit faint from the sight of blood.
And that's a real thing.
That's a real issue to be concerned about.
But I will say this: you can overcome it.
OK, because I know a lot of nurses that have.
And I usually kind of hear the same thing from all of them, ya know.
They view it as a, a fear, as a challenge that they have to overcome.
And they do that by changing their perspective on what needles and blood are.
The importance of them and the use of them.
Needles and blood are crucial, they're vital parts of medical treatment
and, uh, existing
to be quite frank.
So, if you really want to be a nurse
Know that there are grade A nurses out there that had the same issue you do.
So, I will not take that as a reason not to become a nurse.
Next up, you shouldn't be a nurse if you don't want to be up and moving and prefer sitting
down all day.
They go on to say this doesn't apply to all nurses…
So, as part of my pediatric clinical rotation, I shadowed a nurse that worked at a pediatric
outpatient facility.
She sat the entire day and triaged phone calls, which there were not many of.
But, bottom line is: don't worry.
There's plenty of nursing jobs where you can sit down.
You can do chart auditing.
You could do nursing informatics.
You could be a legal nurse consultant.
And there's major bucks in those fields.
But you might find the motivation to get up and move around all day, if it means you get
to take care of people.
Which is what nursing is about.
There are literally so many types of nurses out there.
OK, some stand.
Some sit.
Some ride.
Some fly.
But for the purpose of this list, some sit.
So scratch that off the list.
Next on the list is:
You shouldn't be a nurse if you can't handle smells,
or are very sensitive to them.
First off, again, like with the needles and the blood…
No one is "down" with awful smells.
Yes, we deal with feces.
Yes, we deal with urine.
Yes, we deal with fungus in folds of people that haven't showered in weeks.
can be one of the most foul-smelling things.
Now there's a huge population of you out there
that like watching pimples pop.
I'll admit, it can be satisfying.
There's even a show
Dr. Pimple Popper, or something like that, right?
See, the difference is
you've got a screen,
lots of distance,
and a film crew between you and that abscess.
Not so much.
We sit there with our poor attempts, with coffee grounds, and air fresheners.
But there are some smells you cannot escape!
But while we deal with suctioning out, cups of pus from these deep abscesses.
And smelling the scents that we smell.
We also know that we're relieving this person
of something that could potentially kill them
or at least improve their quality of life.
I mean, if an infection goes on for too long
people get septic and die- it happens all the time, right?
So if you think you want to be a nurse, and help heal people
help save their life, or at least give them a better quality of life?
Are you going to let that smell stop you?
I'm going to be honest, you never get used to the smell.
K, it's never like, "Oh, I don't smell anything."
No. It stinks.
It always stinks.
Somethings always gonna smell.
And there's always gonna be new odors…
where you're like
"I have never smelled that before…"
"…I don't know what's growing in there..."
"…something's up."
So, you don't get over the smell.
You get over the fact that you have to smell it, in order to help that person.
Those are the little sacrifices we make
to make a big difference.
And that's nursing.
Not a reason not to be a nurse.
Next up, is you shouldn't be a nurse if you're not keen on change.
OK, if you don't like it.
Listen, if you don't like change
you need to find
another world, ok, another life
another existence.
Change is inevitable.
It always happens.
You could be working for 20 years pushing paper,
then all the sudden a new manager comes in and says
"Hey, guess what, you're shredding paper now."
That's change.
You've gotta be able to adapt to situations, it's part of life.
The beauty of it is that we're changing because we're learning new things.
Some of the things we've been doing for so long
we've been doing wrong
and they can be done better
or differently.
And it all comes back to the same thing:
Improving the care, to help heal our patients.
Change is inevitable, so it's no reason not to become a nurse.
Next up, you shouldn't be a nurse if you're in it for the fame.
It goes on to say that nurses don't get credit for what they do
and it's a very thankless job.
"Fame" has to do with reputation.
So, let's just focus on: "A thankless job."
Ok first let's talk tangible items.
Myself, and probably every other nurse out there, at some point in their career
has been offered some sort of gift
or some sort of "Thank You" card
or has had money shoved down their scrubs.
That might just be me.
Or, something like that
once, or several times
and when it comes to the words: thank you.
I hear it from almost every patient.
And then the doctors, and the CNAs, the HUCs
all the colleagues!
I don't know what this one's talking about
and when I don't hear a, "Thank you," from a patient
I usually feel it.
Or, they were never lucid enough because they were barely alive while I helped save their life.
OK, and I usually don't get a chance to see those patients wake up.
Or, the gift basket they send a few weeks later
or the cookies, or the "Thank You" card- whatever it is.
But the one's that I'm one on one with
and I don't get a, "Thank You," from
or feel a thank you from.
I usually said something wrong
and I go and I hide in the break room for a little bit.
But seriously though.
You could be a waitress, a flight attendant
a massage therapist, dental hygienist.
Not a Comcast service rep.
There's no "Thank You"s in that.
But shoot you could be a carny, ok
and everybody that walks off that Gravitron
is gonna thank you.
No disrespect.
I love the Gravitron and its operators.
If it weren't for them
I don't know if I would have ever walked legit sideways in my lifetime.
So, thank you.
But really
If you're looking for self-fulfillment and happiness from external sources
like other people's behaviors and actions, or the things that they say.
You've got some self-work to do.
But even so, the truth is:
We get thanked by our patients all the time.
And that's not to say we don't get swung at or spit on every now and again.
But for the most part, what I've found, is that they express gratification.
And the, "Thanks" we get
ain't just any old "Thanks."
It's a big "Thanks."
"Thank you for helping me heal."
"For myself."
"For my friends."
"For my family."
"For my entire world."
and that's huge.
That's it for today
Check back tomorrow for the other five reasons why you shouldn't listen
to the other five reasons why you shouldn't be a nurse.
I'm clocking out.
For more infomation >> Why you SHOULDN'T become a NURSE?! [DEBUNKED] 👋 Nursing Vlog - Duration: 7:35.-------------------------------------------
Dedicate - Day 0 - Welcome To Dedicate | Yoga With Adriene - Duration: 4:08.
- Hi everyone.
Welcome to Dedicate, your 30 day yoga journey.
It's Day 0, okay?
So you may or may not know but
on this day we actually don't do any yoga. It's Day 0.
Just a quick little orientation day to say hey and
you're awesome and way to dedicate the next 30 days
to taking time on your yoga mat.
So amazing. You're in for a real treat.
So today, wherever this video finds you I'd just like to
invite you to take a deep breath in.
And as you exhale just know
(sighs) you've made an amazing choice.
Thank you so much for saying yes to going on this journey with me
and people all across the globe.
It's gonna be awesome.
Today just a few little tips,
pointers that might help you set
yourself up for greatness.
First, keep an open mind.
An open mind and an open heart.
This little journey tells a story.
It's not your normal yoga practice.
We will make sure you're safe.
We'll focus on action and alignment but ultimately this is
about breathing and listening and spending time with yourself.
Are you gonna get strong?
Are you going to gain muscle definition?
Absolutely, we are gonna work hard
but in a really mindful way.
So keep an open mind.
Come with an open heart and be willing to learn something new.
Okay, the next thing is you might want to bring a couple of
blankets or folded up towels or a pillow to class.
This is just really helpful because we spend
so much time on the ground.
If the low back, the hips or the legs are super tight,
it's really nice to be able to sit up on something to lift the
hips so that your knees can drop and you can create a little
bit of space in the front of the hips,
the hip flexors, to sit up nice and tall.
So if you have a little towel or blanky,
you don't need to have any fancy yoga blanket or yoga block
but if you have it you're welcome to bring it but just
something that you can sit up on from time to time.
Okay, the final little loving tip is about communication.
Take a second today, set an intention,
write in your journal just say,
"I choose to take 30 days and
"dedicate this time and focused energy
"inward toward myself.
"To get stronger in my body.
"To get clear in my mind and to do this so that I can have
"energy and everything I need to serve others and show up for
"others in the world in a way that feels really good."
So take a little time, write it down,
you can even write it in your phone.
Why are you going on this journey and then the part two of
this tip of communication is be sure to communicate with people
that you're living with, a roommate,
a partner, your family, let them know you've dedicated the next
30 days to spending time on the mat.
And they might want to join you, they might not.
It's okay either way.
But do take a second and I think it's really cool and awesome to
just say, "Hey, this is what I'm doing and
"I'd love for you to support me on this journey."
Alright my darling friends, that's it for now.
I'll see you tomorrow for Day 1.
In the meantime, I love you so much.
You're my hero for saying yes to this journey.
Invite your friends.
It's not too late to invite.
You can invite a friend today and they can go on the journey
live, in real time with people all across the globe.
It really is a remarkable one-of-a-kind experience that
I'm honored to be a part of so share it with as many people as
you can and I'll see you tomorrow for Day 1.
(bright music)
Suicide Prevention Awareness - Duration: 4:31.
I was gonna devote this video to the general public...
ya know, concerned families and friends, if they ever suspect someone in their life is
but let's face it we're no good at it.
We need to get better at it.
We've been told what to do:
We should be direct, and say something.
Ask if they're feeling suicidal.
You're not gonna put any ideas in their head that they didn't already have.
Listen to what they say and take interest.
Ask if they have a plan.
If they have access to weapons or means to end their life
and get any professional help that you can.
All good ideas, all great questions, but do we really ask them?
We should.
But hardly.
It's not because you don't care, I'm guilty of it too.
It's because you don't want it to happen so bad you make yourself think it's not gonna.
That it'll pass…
and sometimes it does...
lots of times it doesn't.
There's a lot of amazing resources out there on the internet that can help you help someone else.
But right now I'm gonna talk to you out there that's having those thoughts.
I want you to know you're not alone.
And you want to know how I know you're not alone?
Cause I take a nice little stroll to the hospital…
be it Seattle or anywhere else that I'm at.
I see people riding their bikes, going on walks, enjoying the sunshine or dodging the
rain around here.
And I can walk through the doors of any given emergency department and get assigned four,
five, maybe six suicidal patients.
But four humans.
That are thinking about ending their life.
The one life we're sure exists right?
Cause we're living in it.
Those are just my patients.
One nurse...
in one emergency department...
of over 5,000 ER's…
in just one country.
And those are the ones that made into our doors...
that sought help…
they're there right now.
This reality is no joke.
Ya know I go to the gym, I hit the supermarket, I see the smiling faces all the time.
We can be happy.
Life can be beautiful.
But I also help pump the little girl's stomach of hundreds of pills,
cause she's sick of getting picked on at school.
I see the rope burn and bruising…
around a father's neck because he lost his entire family's savings.
The wrists.
The guns.
The glass.
The notes.
The bridges.
The jumps.
This life ain't always easy…
and anyone that is brave enough to get out of bed and face the world that we were born into.
the pressures society puts on us...
the stigmas... the expectations...
anyone that can get out of bed and face this world should be damn proud every time they
do it.
See everyone's brains quite different, we know that, they're all somewhat wired differently.
Some people even like the black jelly beans... you know who I'm talking about…
they ain't alone… bunch of people like those nasty things..
The point is they ain't alone.
And whatever it is you're going through…
you're not alone...
you're not crazy.
There are thousands of people out there standing by right now and always, always, always they
are there
twenty-four-seven, year-round...
And I'm dedicating my time right now,
to let you know that they're dedicating theirs.
Because we don't want to see you go.
and if you don't believe me, I'll tell you what…
I have never met a patient, a person, that I wanted to see go.
So, you knowing that... let me introduce myself
I'm Stefan Torres...
and for what it's worth, now you've got me.
Those numbers ain't just numbers down there on the screen, that's someone waiting for you
and now you got them.
And we got thousands of people that have ways to help whatever situation you're in...
and now you got all of us.
So you're not alone…
Whatever you're going through, whenever you're going through it, it may not be now,
it may hit you when you least expect it…
It's a dark place, I've seen it.
Even if you've sought help before..
Know, that emotions and feelings they will... change…
So, it may look like a thousand-pound phone right now…
but please...
I promise...
you can pick it up.
Why you SHOULDN'T become a NURSE?! [DEBUNKED] Part 2! 👋 Nursing Vlog - Duration: 11:26.
Welcome back everybody! This is part two
of me debunking these reasons I've found online
that suggest
if they're applicable to you
you shouldn't become a nurse.
Because becoming a nurse has changed my life in so many ways
I want to cover some of the reasons, why these reasons…
just ain't good reasons.
So this is part deux, so we're starting off with number six, and that is:
You shouldn't be a nurse if you have to pee a lot.
Ok, there's something like 3 million registered nurses in the United States alone
you think we all have the same bladder power?
I have worked those shifts where I hadn't peed in eight to twelve hours.
Your body just adapts to learn to pee, "BID" at some point.
But in the meantime, if you can't look to your colleague and say
"Hey can you literally watch my pager for 1 minute while I go into the bathroom and pee?"
"1 minute."
If they say "No."
You need to find a new floor or facility.
OK, let's say worst case scenario:
You drank a gallon of water, you've been holding it in all day
you're just about to go
and your patient stops breathing.
Guess what…
you don't have to pee anymore.
I promise you.
I don't know where it goes…
but it goes somewhere.
It's gone.
You don't have to pee.
It'll come out someday.
It's just not right now.
I think your bladders like…
and it takes a look at what's going on and is like…
"Ohhh… I'm gonna give him a minute."
Tell me this, how many people do you think become nurses
and quit because they have to pee a lot?
Just a rough estimate.
Ballpark it.
Has this conversation ever gone down?
"Hey where's Brenda, isn't this her shift?"
"Oh you didn't hear?"
"She peed too much…
she's back in school
she had to quit."
And say you got a medical condition that makes ya hit the pot a lot
You get a doctor's note explaining the situation, and when you gotta go ya gotta go.
But that's not even anything to worry about, you'll be able to pee.
The bottom line is you have to take care of yourself before you take care of other patients
and that includes emptying your bladder.
We all pee, whether it's passing the pager, or our bladders adapting... we make it happen.
Not a reason not to become a nurse.
Next up, you shouldn't be a nurse if you don't like to keep learning...
I can kind of understand this one…
I see healthcare workers mindlessly scrolling through these modules all the time
updating information in their brain.
The retention rate definitely correlates with the enthusiasm on their faces.
Nursing school is tough... medical school is tough… and when you're done, ya wanna be done
and that's why there are nurses and doctors that don't want to change their practice
according to the new evidence-based data, like they should.
because they've been "doing it successfully this way forever,"
and they're busy people!
They've got lives outside of healthcare!
I wonder what that's like.
Another module on hazardous waste?
Ain't nobody got time for that.
You get through school your like, "Yay, I'm done," no you're not.
There's continuing education all the time...
but the recognition I'm getting right now on social media and at events is trying to
deliver education is a fun and engaging way
and… influence other nurses to do the same.
Everyone has fun in different ways and once you learn the material and get some experience
under your belt
or if you're a nurse that's just feeling burnt out
Take whatever your passionate about…
incorporate it into helping other people, I promise you, you'll find a way.
If you're into gardening, I hear that's one of the most therapeutic things you can do
for yourself, for your soul
Have a gardening meetup
teach people about vitamins in fruits and vegetables, pesticides, organophosphates.
I don't care. Just make it interesting and fun, right?
Crocheting, big surprise: not my thing.
But it's a lot of people's thing.
Hold a crocheting class
and while people are crocheting, talk about the things that they eat, how they shop at
the grocery store.
Some of the experiences you've had with patients that have had poor nutrition.
Diabetes, hypertension, so many opportunities.
Help people make healthy choices so they stay out of the hospital.
and reach out to other nurses that are burnt out
Invite them over for a movie night, ok…
all nurses…
but each one has to bring one medication that they have to teach the rest of them about.
Sounds like fun?
Hint hint…
Anybody who's interested…
Put a new pep in their step...
and that's precisely what you and I are gonna do from here on out.
Cause we're figuring out ways that everyone's gonna love to learn.
So, you and me both…
scratch that off the list!
Next up: you shouldn't be a nurse if you're in it for the money.
This pretty much applies to any job, right?
Don't do something for the money, do something that you love.
Truth is:
I loved playing video games
and uhhh
when I was applying for nursing school.
and unfortunately
multi-playing Half-life at 4AM
and, uh
being a beer-pong champion
doesn't pay the bills.
Nursing can pay very well and it varies where you're at.
But the beauty of it is
you can go anywhere.
That's the flexibility.
The hours
the days
the rotations.
It's… all the other wonderful perks.
I know plenty of nurses that will tell you straight up that they got into nursing because it paid well.
Because they've got cell phone bills, they've got rent to pay, and they've got kids to feed.
This is reality.
But right after that, they'll tell you how they had no idea how nursing was gonna change
their life forever
for the better
I'm one of them, and we'll talk more about that.
Doing something because you're only in it for the money, could be implied, but again
that's a blanket statement that shouldn't be applied specifically to nursing
Unless it's playing the lottery, don't do anything for the money.
Ok? You probably shouldn't even do that…
though I haven't bought a scratch ticket in a while…
Next up, is: you shouldn't be a nurse if you don't have people skills.
Now this one kind of got to me. There's no humor involved.
It blatantly states that social competency is a necessity to become a nurse.
Here's a little bit about me that I want you to know.
It's important to me that I'm honest with you and that includes sharing some things
might make other people feel kind of uncomfortable sharing.
but I need you to trust me. So here goes…
When I started nursing school, I was a shy, isolated, very insecure person with terrible
people skills.
I wouldn't look people in the eye
not the cashier at the supermarket
not the receptionist at the gym
not even the people that I worked with.
People were always asking me why I was mad…
I wasn't mad…
I just wasn't uncomfortable in my own skin.
Because it's such a horrible feeling to feel like you're not doing the things you want to be doing
without loving people the way you want to be loving people
without being who you know you are.
It's low self-worth, right?
You don't say anything because you're scared, no one cares what you think or
someone might like you a lot less after you say something.
You don't make eye contact
you don't initiate conversations
you don't accept invites to social outings
…that was me.
And all that stuff. eye contact, conversations, socializing, human interaction
none of that improves on its own.
Well guess what, clinical number one, patient number one.
I paced outside of his room for one hour.
Going up to the nursing station pretending I'm writing something down in my care plan.
I mean who did I think I was? Going into this old man's room and telling him I was gonna
do stuff for him that he couldn't do himself.
My heart was racing, I was sweating… I was terrified.
I finally went in…
I spent four full days with him.
OK. I learned about him, his disease, his limitations
what he can and can't do.
and about myself
and how I could help him
with it all.
Because not only did he talk to me about him
Two to three words at a time because he had really bad COPD
I mean you wanna talk about exercising patience...
and not cardiac rehab style.
I'm talking the waiting for 10 minutes
for 2 sentences.
I also talked to him about me.. a lot faster.. but he cared. I also learned he needed me
or someone else there
to help him with the things he couldn't do himself.
He helped me find the self-worth that was in me all along...
but sometimes it takes an eye opener
or an experience
to believe in yourself.
Working in the E.R.
Patient after patient.
I mean your popping into other people's patient's rooms, starting IV's, right?
Running codes in other rooms.
You'll develop people skills real quick if you want to be an effective healer.
Or you won't
and you'll be miserable, and hate your job.
Plenty of people do.
It's not unique to nursing.
Nursing ain't for everyone, I'm not saying that is.
What I'm saying is if you're thinking about nursing, but your apprehensive because
you don't have the people skills right now,
nursing is an excellent way to develop them.
I mean you'll run into people with personalities and attitudes
and families and lives, in situations you didn't even know could exist.
From the one legged IV drug user
to the snobby doctor who's got his whole family in the room…
and they're all doctors...
and they want to know why X, Y, and Z isn't done.
You learn people skills
for all situations.
OK, the last one.
You shouldn't be a nurse if you don't know how to care about the care that you're giving.
and it goes on to say something about how it can't ever be learned or taught.
And that's…
Nursing school is a process
and a tough one
but you learn about therapeutic communication
and how to care for someone.
A lot of us
probably most of us
have never cared for a person
the way a nurse cares for a person.
So, how do you know if you care about caring for someone,
if you haven't had the opportunity to practice caring?
So, by practicing in nursing school, residencies, and thereafter...
you're always learning about how to care about caring for someone.
K real talk right now.
When I first started nursing
I did not like cleaning up incontinent patients that had bowel movements.
Don't try to tell me that you did
cause you didn't.
I avoided it the plague, ok?
I did not want to do it.
And then I was cleaning up this elderly gentleman.
He was telling me about some of the things he did in life.
He was like a fighter pilot captain that led like fleets of jets in the air force right?
Something amazing like that.
and it made me think about in his 80+ years of life…
how many accomplishments
how many relationships
how many traumas
how many beauties he's gone through...
and now he needs me, because he can't wipe himself.
Everyone poops. Right?
We try to keep it on the downlow, but everyone knows that everyone does it.
Kylie Jenner, Brad Pitt, doesn't matter who you are.
Sometimes when I get frustrated
that I'm not with Gigi Hadid…
I think about the fact that she poops
and then it makes me f---
no, I still love her.
Point is everyone does it, and when you grow up, you handle it all yourself
It's your own business, you keep it on the downlow
Problem is
he can't…
and now he needs me for this.
So not only is it your job to help them feel clean again
it's to preserve their dignity.
And you learn that as you go.
I'll tell you I made sure he was extra clean...
cause he deserved it...
everyone deserves it...
and that became a part of my practice.
Just like it should yours.
Trust me, I don't wait around for "Code Browns" to happen
but when they do
I don't miss a spot.
And that…
is caring about caring…
and I learned that through that experience.
So, to summarize, nursing isn't for everyone.
If you think it might be for you
shadow a nurse.
Shadow multiple nurses, in different specialties
because they're each incredibly unique of each other.
It's what I did, and it's what solidified my decision to become a nurse.
If you want to care about people
help people heal
help people save lives
don't let reasons like these make you think twice about it.
Cause I could have checked off a lot of these reasons right off the bat and said
"Nope... nursing is not for me"
and not to toot own horn
but I get kudos from other nurses
doctors, patients, the general population.
and that's just concrete examples.
That's not what's important to me.
What's important to me is that nursing has helped me and continues to help me in unbelievable
ways throughout this life.
And I think a lot about people who struggle with finding a purpose in life…
true satisfaction…
Think about people volunteering, ya know
they're giving back to the world.
Helping someone else out, our fellow people
helping someone heal…
there's nothing that can beat that.
And you get paid to do it
to take care of yourself and your own loved ones.
So, my only hope is these two videos find their way to someone who's considering nursing
or doesn't know what they want to do…
before they find the bogus reasons, they shouldn't be a nurse
and though I'm not getting paid to do this...
I'm still clocking out.
Anaheim CA Real Estate Market December 2018 - Duration: 3:24.
are you wondering how your local real estate market is doing well that's what
we're going to talk about today right here right now stay tuned
hi I'm Suzy Valentin with century 21 Now Realty your Southern California
realtor bringing you real estate market updates and real estate news you can use
thank you for coming back to my channel for liking my videos but please remember
to subscribe to my channel to be up-to-date with your local real estate
market so now let's begin when I think of Anaheim California which is part of
Orange County there's four things that come to my mind
Disneyland Angel Stadium the Anaheim Ducks and real estate according to the
MLS currently in December 2018 there are 145 homes for sale in Anaheim California
out of those homes listed on the MLS there are 126 houses for sale in Anaheim
California that may qualify for FHA loans a first-time homebuyer program
from the Federal Housing Association helping buyers purchase a home in Orange
County under $764,763
with only three and a half percent down payment in Anaheim there
are 94 homes in escrow either in pending status or are accepting backup offers
there are twelve homes for rent in Anaheim California and they are at
leasing between two thousand five hundred to three thousand nine hundred
and fifty dollars last month in November 2018 there were 64 homes sold in Anaheim
California they arranged in price from $385,000 to $900,000 in this slide you
will see the number of homes sold in Anaheim California between January 2014
to December 2017 we see the Anaheim housing market continue to grow this
graph represents the average days it takes to sell a home in Anaheim
California between January 2014 to December 2017 as you notice homes are
selling quicker especially in 2017 in my opinion it's because our less houses
with notice that default therefore they're selling faster now let's dive
into this diagram which shows the average sales price on homes sold in
Anaheim California between January 2014 to December 2017 the Anaheim California
real estate market kept climbing and looks healthy this chart is my favorite
because it showcases the average single-family home
sale prices in Anaheim California from January 2018 till November 2018 we are
seeing the Anaheim California real estate housing market remaining
consistent and steady so I'm curious how do you think the market is headed some
people think we're headed for a crash while others think it's going to be
stable what are your thoughts please comment below if you're interested in
selling your home and would like a free market analysis please give me a call
Suzy Valentin 951-907-4020
click the like button and share this video with your friends and of course
subscribe so you can be up to date with your local real estate market see you in
the next video please click to watch more videos and to subscribe to our
AAP New Recommendations for Car Seat Safety! 👋 Nursing Vlog - Duration: 3:29.
So, I woke up this morning to a phone full of messages
about of the new recommendations for car seats from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Now, normally I would stay curled up in bed
because I was on call last night but I have a three-and-a-half-year-old nephew that I
love dearly
So, I had to address this change.
So, for as long as I've known anything about car seats
the recommendation was once the baby leaves the hospital
they stay rear facing in the car seat until they hit their "Terrific Twos."
The American Academy of Pediatrics has new recommendations.
And though it's not as easy as
"Happy second birthday, now you can glare at me through my rear view mirror."
It is kinda sorta simple.
The basics of it is this:
The car seats that you have, have height and weight limits.
It is of utmost importance that you know what these are
because these are your new milestones for transitioning from one position to the next.
So, this is one of those times where you want to be sure to RTFM.
Read the *bleep* manual.
So, starting with the rear facing okay
the one you're bringing baby home from my hospital in.
You typically, got two options.
You got the infant bucket seat or the convertible seat.
The infant bucket seat is convenient because you can take baby out of the car
and carry them around with you, while they're still in the seat.
However, they will most likely outgrow that before they are eligible to face forward
and gain that expert marksman-like aim when they're throwing *bleep* at you.
So, you're gonna have to buy another car seat, while they're still rear facing.
The convertible seats that you bring baby home and stay in the car
and the beauty of these are
they transition to the front facing car seat
without having to buy a whole 'nother car seat
once they hit that milestone
which is no longer two years old
but when they exceed the height weight limit of that car seat.
Are you still with me?
Either option you choose, is up to you okay?
Moving on.
Then your little bam-bam keeps growing.
Okay, they don't stop.
I shouldn't say bam-bam I should really say bamboo, because they grow so fast.
Feels like just the other day, I was tripping over my nephew
and now he's like three and a half, and he's dunking on me.
So now they've exceeded the height and weight limits of the forward facing and seat
it's recommended that they now transition to a belt positioning booster seat.
Which should have a high back for the safest protection.
Until they're too tall for that.
Once they're too tall for that.
If they're anywhere between 8 and 12 and over four foot nine inches tall
then they can sit properly in the backseat on their own.
So, what is proper?
Okay proper is when the seat part of the belt is lying across the upper thighs,
and the shoulder strap that comes down in across the chest
and not the neck or the belly.
With their knees bent at the front of the seat.
No facing forward like that they're still too small.
If they don't meet those requirements.
It's recommended that they stay in a booster seat until they can,
doesn't matter how old they are.
People, please.
Understand that for kids 1 through 13 the leading cause of death
is car crashes.
I mean think about the fragility of their neck and their spine
and the their big ol' heads moving around.
I can't stress it enough that you choose the right car seat and install it correctly.
Because I know you all care about your little ones,
just as much as I do my nephew.
Oh, snap!
Gotta get to work!
Excuse me for the brevity of this vlog,
there is so much more to know and I'm sure a lot of you know it.
So drop whatever knowledge you know in the comments below.
I promise you.
It will help someone else.
Don't forget to like my page.
Don't forget to share this with your friends, family, and loved ones.
But right now,
I'm clocking out,
so I can go clock in.
The 5 Day Body Detox Plan - Duration: 3:33.
The 5-day body detox plan
In the present condition, you can no longer survive a single day without encountering
At work, you may not at all be so sure of the cleanliness of the water you drink or
of the food you eat.
When dealing with people, you can hardly get away from air pollution, be it from smokers,
all sorts of sprays or from the exhaust of vehicles.
This greatly affects the health in one way or another.
Don't be so sure that when your body does not visibly react, it's alright.
For these reasons, detoxification is necessary in order to keep a healthy body which also
results in a healthy mind and a healthy relationship with people.
Our body has its own means of healing and detoxifying.
However, when pollutants that enter our body had been accumulated more than the capacity
of self cleansing, we are giving our inside mechanisms a hard time.
Then the tissues are stressed and therefore lead to malfunction.
And because they are weakened, the cleansing process is also affected.
We definitely want a clean body.
But we also need to help our system in regulating the body processes.
However, you should not wait for your body organs to be stressed out and overworked before
doing something.
In times when the body lacks the command to keep the systems working, the person must
The 5-day detox plan will do a great help in keeping the body systems at work.
The 5-day detox plan will rejuvenate the body as well as the spirit, keeping it clean and
Detoxification diet is a part of the 5-day detox plan.
During the period of detoxification, certain foods are avoided.
Your meals consist mostly of fresh fruits and green, leafy vegetables.
Fats, oil, preservatives and food additives are a big no when undergoing the process of
Also, meat should be kept off because they are hard to digest.
For a day or two, eating meat in any form is dropped off from the diet.
Ideal foods that can be part of your diet are as follow garlic, broccoli, beets, and
beans or nuts.
Only fresh fruit extracts can be taken as beverages except for grapefruit.
And since water is a universal solvent, six to eight glasses of this should be recommended
Water is also a major factor in the detoxification process.
It flushes out the toxins in the forms of perspiration, urine, or stool.
Although you seem to eat less when detoxifying, you are assured that you will not starve,
and ironically, you will even boost your stamina.
It is because your intake is limited only to foods which are healthy and are good to
the digestive system.
Detoxification plan should be done at least quarterly.
beets To ensure that you get an efficient one, it
will be best to consult a nutritionist or a professional.
You should also seek a doctor's advice to ensure that what you will do is detoxification
and not an addition of toxins to your body.
Through the process of detoxification, the toxins are flushed out in your body and a
new set of energy is supplied to the body providing you both physical and mental alertness.
Cleanliness should be maintained not only in the outside but more so in the inside.
Scottsdale Marriott at McDowell Mountains Hotel Tour - Family Hotels in Scottsdale - Duration: 9:31.
Can't hear phone call in iPhone unless it is in Speaker mode - Duration: 1:37.
In case if someone gives you a call on your iPhone but you can not hear them unless you
put your iPhone in speaker mode then let us see some ways to fix this issue.
The first thing is to make sure that your iPhone is not stuck in headphone mode.
To make sure what you do is just press the volume up or volume down button.
Right now you can see the ringer icon here.
So, when you press the volume up or volume down button you should see the volume icon
not the headphone icon.
If your iPhone shows headphone icon then your iPhone is stuck in headset mode or headphone
So, what you do is just restart your iPhone and check if it will work.
The other thing what you need to do is at the bottom of the iPhone you have the connector
or you have the hole to put the headphone jack.
So, use a small needle and then try to clean the headphone jack and also what you do is
you put the iPhone jack 4-5 times in and out continuously and check if the iPhone goes
back to the volume mode instead of the headphone mode.
The other thing what you can do is just press on this area gently between the speaker and
the camera and check if this will work.
Some people have reported that this method works.
If none of these methods works for you then you need to take your iPhone
to the technician.
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