Hi everybody!
Dear friends, followers,
we would like to wish you
Happy New Year and Christmas!
Smile every day, be healthy,
happy, have tons of positive emotions.
I want to thank everyone of you,
from every country
for being with me,
for your subscription, for your support,
for doing all workouts with me.
Happy New Year!
For more infomation >> Чудесного Нового Года и Рождества! May you have Miraculous New Year and Christmas! - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
The Forgotten Resolution: How Sleep Helps You Lose Weight - Duration: 5:08.
If you're watching this video on the day it came out, then it's currently New Year's
Tomorrow, hundreds millions of people will begin their short but intense journey to,
in order of commonality: exercise more, lose weight, eat healthier, save money, stop smoking,
or learn a new skill.
If any of those are you then Godspeed, awesome.
I wish you all the best.
But I want to put this out there: the resolution that always gets overlooked, the thing that
makes your weight loss or fitness goal way easier, is sleep.
Now, the science behind sleep has been getting a lot more attention in the last few years because
of all the benefits of consistent sleep, but in this video, we're looking at how sleep
can impact weight and fitness specifically.
Which, kinda seems counterintuitive.
You'd think that by being awake, your heart rate is higher, so you're burning more calories
But in the end, the time you sleep changes some internal chemistry, making your body
more likely to use more fat.
Earlier in 2018, a study published in the journal Sleep split subjects into 2 groups.
For 2 months, one group cut calories and slept the regular amount, while the other group
cut the same amount of calories but were put on a restricted sleep schedule - they shortened
their sleep by about one hour for 5 days a week, and got to sleep however long they wanted
to for 2 nights a week.
Both groups ended up losing about the same amount of weight, but the group that didn't
mess with their sleep schedule actually lost a greater proportion of fat.
They also reduced something called their resting respiratory quotient, a number that tells
us how much of your fuel is coming from carbs versus fat.
The group that slept just one hour more had a lower resting RQ, meaning at rest they burned
more fat.
Keep this in mind, this is just one hour's worth of difference.
Even worse, the group that slept less had lower levels of the hormone leptin, a chemical
that sends a signal to your brain that says you're in starvation mode if it gets really
Your brain starts looking for ways to save energy, including /using/ less calories, and
signaling for hunger, making you look for calorie dense foods.
Lower leptin literally makes it easier to hang on to fat.
And plenty of other hormones are tweaked when you don't sleep, like insulin, the hormone
that allows glucose into your cells.
Subjects in experiments that shorten sleep usually show impaired insulin sensitivity
- their muscles will actually use about 20-30% /less/ glucose than if they slept normally.
Now you've got a bunch of glucose hanging out in your blood.
There's also the so called stress hormone, cortisol, which is bumped up the day after
an all nighter.
Extra cortisol works with insulin to tell your body to store that extra glucose as fat,
which, remember, you have more of now because your insulin is out of whack.
Now, every study that looks at sleep and weight loss is going to be different, so a meta analysis
back in 2015 tried to gather as many studies as they could and find some themes.
But they didn't see a super strong relationship between many of those metabolic measures.
Yeah, there was /some/ extra weight loss with groups that slept more, but the results themselves
weren't that powerful.
But one thing that was consistent among all these studies was the increase in /food intake/.
Whether it was measured as calories or portion size, being sleep deprived made subjects more
likely to eat.
And those behavior choices totally make sense to me.
I know when I was sleeping 4 hours a night back in grad school, I would just grab whatever
food I could find.
Turns out, it's not just because you magically lose willpower and croissants start lookin
at you with a "come hither" look.
Our brain chemistry actually changes to make unhealthy food more appealing.
Other than leptin turning your body into low power mode, it also signals for a feeling
of fullness.
Leptin plays this balance game with another hormone called Ghrelin which raises your overall
More ghrelin, more hunger, but hopefully these hormones are in balance.
Sure enough, a sleep study out of Wisconsin showed that people who slept 5 hours per night
had a 15% elevation in ghrelin compared to subjects who slept a full 8 hours.
Overall, less studies look at ghrelin compared to studies that look at leptin, but they all
show that sleep deprivation either increases or doesn't change ghrelin.
None have showed that sleeping less makes you /less hungry/.
Sleep deprivation also causes serotonin to decrease, that neurotransmitter that signals
for happiness among other things.
And you know that sweet or salty food lights up that serotonin and make you happy…. at
least when you haven't been eating them for the past 9 days.
Okay, but what if the sleep deprivation is being substituted with exercise?
Like, what if I take that extra hour of being awake and workout?
Yeah, science says that's not gonna happen.
Not only are you less likely to choose to workout when you're sleep deprived, but
your peak power output, your motivation, and ability to recover from exercise are all going
to be lower.
Even after only one night of sleep loss.
And that's if you even made it to the gym.
So the end message here is that while all your coworkers are gonna start showing up
to work with tupperwares of grilled chicken and broccoli next week while bragging about
the new rock climbing gym they joined, if you commit to another hour sleep per night,
you might be the one who sees the results they're looking for.
If you liked this video, I'd love to hear from you in the comments section.
I'm starting to write videos for next year and would love to hear what you want to learn
Have fun, be good.
I'll see you next week.
[MV] thank u, next (lyrics by Mark Lee) - Duration: 3:30.
Thought I'd end up with Haechan
but it wasn't a match
Wrote some songs about Renjun
now I listen and laugh
Even almost got married
and for Jaemin I'm so thankful
Wish I could say thank you to Jeno
cause he was an angel
Nana taught me love
Injun taught me patience
and Hyuck taught me pain
now I'm so amazing
I've loved and I've lost
but that's not what I see
so look what I got
look what you taught me
and for that I say
thank u, next
I'm so fucking grateful for Dreamies
thank u, next
I'm so fucking
Spend time with 127
I ain't worry but nothin'
plus I met Dong Si Cheng
we havin' better discussions
I know they say I move on too fast
but this one gon' last
cause his name is Mark Lee
and I'm so good with that
Chenle taught me love
Jisung taught me patience
I handled dreamies
that shit's amazing
I've loved and I've lost
but that's not what I see
cause look what I found
Ain't no need for searching
and for that I say
thank u, next
I'm so fucking grateful for Dreamies
thank u, next
I'm so fucking grateful for Dreamies
One day there'll be new dreamies
and 00 liners will graduate
I be thanking my OGs
cause they're my first and last
GO make that shit last
God forbid something happens
least We Go Up is a smash
I got so much love
got so much patience
learned from the pain
I turned out amazing
I've loved and I've lost
but that's not what I see
cause look that I found
no need for searching
and for that I say
thank u, next
I'm so fucking grateful for Dreamies
thank u, next
I'm so grateful for Dreamies
Bangkok vs. Chiang Mai ? BEST Thailand Travel Destination 2019 🇹🇭 - Duration: 22:59.
Both Chiang Mai and Bangkok, I one of the most popular destination in
Thailand Bangkok, Thailand is the most visited city in the world. Yeah in 2018
Why do you need to keep in mind is that so many bloggers so many vloggers
even though there's so many people say they love Bangkok Oh,
Even though there are so many people say they love Chiangmai but it doesn't mean that you will love Bangkok
or you will love Chaingmai let's be real there's a lot of similarities and then there's a lot of differences. Yeah
So what we're gonna do here is tell you exactly what is similar and what is different
Yeah, Chiang Mai and Bangkok. I am Thai myself born and raised in Bangkok. Not bias
I'm not gonna be bias at all because I also spend a lot of time in Chiang Mai and I love Chiang mai as well
So these two cities can pamper you in a totally different way
the reason why we decide to make this video is because in reality when it comes to traveling
Not a lot of people can have like unlimited time or unlimited money this video
We designed for those who have limited time and limited money. You have a short period of time to travel Thailand
I have to pick one city over another or you have limited budget and you have to select
One city over another what would be the destination for you? So according to the Meteorological Society?
Bangkok has some of the hottest average is about 79 degrees Fahrenheit in the midwinter
Where Chiang Mai is completely different like being from New York Chiang?
Mai is my go-to spot as you get the cold winter day or winter mornings and nights
But you get those warm mid days whereas in Bangkok. It's straight hot in the winter
Winter in Bangkok, you can't expect that it gonna be winter like cold winter
No, it's hot all year round also due to the reason that Chiangmai also sit up the high altitude as well
Surrounding by the mountains in Bangkok a small and concrete jungle actually
Fun fact like concrete absorb a lot of heat
And it holds a lot of the heat in so you can really feel the heat coming off of the roads
It's funny because like I didn't plan on packing
winter clothes when I was traveling Southeast Asian my first times when you're riding in the mountains
Especially it is freezing cold on the motorbike. Yeah true
But in Bangkok, I never experienced any winter that I have to wear sweater
So it's totally different Chiangmai beautiful, you know mountain ranges riding around it's not so hectic
Bangkok, you know, I drove in Bangkok and I didn't like it
Mm-hmm people don't really, you know, look out as well because they're so used to driving in and out of traffic so fast
Whereas me I'm not used to that. So even me as an experienced person driving and riding a motorbike
It was still pretty scary
So if you like more calm roads getting around things like that, you can you know focus on Chaing mai
But in Bangkok, we would never recommend anybody to ride motorbike or dive. Yeah, or even drive unless you're
And in terms of walkability if you had a type person that you loved walking
To anywhere. I think Chaing Mai is more pleasant for you to walk. Yeah, but it's everything so spread out so
walking around in Bangkok
Things are closer things are closer in Bangkok right? Things are more packed
especially when you're in downtown in major like in
But you have to also accept the
Disadvantage of that because it can be a little bit like hectic
There is a lot of pollution in the city, especially on days where there's cloud cover it holds the pollution down
So walkability is not really that enjoyable when you're in Bangkok in that scenario
It's easy, but it's not quite enjoyable. Yeah, where as in Chiang Mai
It's a little bit harder because things are a little bit more spread out, but it's a lot more enjoyable
But if you are in the in the right neighborhood allow you to walk like nimnan road or like old town
Town. Yeah, it's really this area
It can be nice for you to walk around to see things or to stop by some coffee shop
So now let's talk about the ease of getting around
The ease of transportation. So I think that Bangkok is a little bit easier to get around
So if you're in Chiang Mai new motorbike, it's pretty easy
but when it comes to Bangkok they have so many modes of transportation or like
You know public transportation whether it be buses taxis BTS sky train if everything. Yeah, and it's all fairly
inexpensive because there's so many form of transportation openly in public transportation in Bangkok, but in Chiang Mai, there is no such thing like
BTS sky train or subway?
But what they do have are those red trucks, duh?
Rod song taew which is like have like the red bus that you can sit
In the back in the bath with like I think about eight to ten people can fit in it's fairly inexpensive
- speaking of traffic condition people always think that Bangkok is the worse. Oh, yes Bangkok is the worst
in Chiang Mai is more mild in terms of traffic
But it doesn't mean that you can't expect to see traffic jam at all in Chiangmai
They are still traffic jam especially around like old town like yeah town or you're near Maya mall
Yeah near like the main
Attractions the city like the airport things like that. Like you're definitely gonna be experiencing traffic jams there as well
Yeah, and from what really not bangkok traffic jams. Yeah now let's talk about things to do
Of course your travels there's a lot to do in both locations
Depends on what you would like to do depend on what you would like to feel you've pin on what you would like to see
Like what really excites you about travelling Thailand? So in terms of things to do what we do all the time is
classify things in terms of nature
shopping nightlife
Cultural activity and in the aspect of the variety of activities for you to do and see
Yes, so nature, of course Chiang. Mai is gonna win
This one handle hands down, especially from the apartment. We had just huge mountain views the greenery in Chiang
Mai is unreal up in the mountains drive around you can see the hill tribes. See the temples see everything up there
You have a lot of green a lot of trees a lot of nature alone some waterfalls. You have everything in Chiang Mai
Where is Bangkok you don't really have as much?
Nature you have a concrete jungle
But yeah, but you don't really have much trees or I mean you can go to the parks
You can go to some parts of some temples
Also Chiang Mai is in the northern part of Thailand and in not in part of Thailand
It's full of green and mountains. So you can not only just expect to be in Chiang Mai
It's so easy to go to like PI go to my house on auto-ship
I for example, yeah, that's actually a really well-known thing to do up north and Chiang Mai's ride a motorbike
Take the male on something loop. I will say Chiang Mai wins in nature category. Okay
Next shopping will let her talk about shop because I don't shop
I don't normally shop to us and we travel full time on the road. It's cuz we're broke
You never see me shopping much unless unless I see
Sunglasses for three dollars. It's still bad for my eyes, but it's just like you do something to spice up my day a little bit
So for shopping, I would say both Chiang Mai and Bangkok is amazing
Thailand in general is so well known for being a shopping paradise
so when it comes to shopping it depends on what you are looking for if you are looking for love like
Designer copy stuff definitely go to Bangkok definite go to Bangkok. Yeah, it's gonna be a lot cheaper
You can still find it in Chiang Mai, but it's gonna be a lot cheaper in Bangkok
Yeah, Bangkok is more like for me as a Thai citizen. I feel like Bangkok
You smell like a cop for knockoff you can fight you can easily find knockoff
Jewlery enough of somewhere. That's not of purses Persis not
shoes everything yeah this
Yeah, there's a big mall for that call MBK Oh mother Kong
That place is why you kind of find a bunch of knockoff stuff
Yeah, you can also still find some knockoff stuff in Chiang Mai, but it's not really quite well-known. Even among Thai
it's gonna be more expensive as well, but Chaingmai is good for when you want something more exotic Thai like for example
Handcraft stuff handmade stuff we can easily find it in Chiang Mai
some paintings
Home Decor they have like amazing the hilltribe up in the mountains in Chiang Mai they make these amazing
Handmade clothes and they're like really well-known in the north for like bright colors
Yeah, you will find more options of that up
North you can still find some in Bangkok for me Chaingmai wins hand down for exotic stuff
handmade knockoff stuff
And when it comes to variety different kind of market
I would say Bangkok has more variety in terms of so many markets some market that is specifically just on
Weekend in Bangkok. They are some marketers specifically on
Wednesday Thursday Friday
So you have to really do a bunch of research when you are in Bangkok.
It's so much variety in Bangkok. Yeah, you will find bunch of market. Even on the street like some area for example
Silom area you can find along the pathway. Yeah that's lined with carts of like different stuff
Yeah, you can you can see a lot of stuff like that in Bangkok but in Chiang Mai
I think it's more well organized environment and everything. It's just so chill to walk around and shopping now. Let's talk about
Some people are party animals
Some people travel to party like if you're a young person and you're out on vacation you want a party
You can definitely party in both locations. There's gonna be nice nightlife in both places, but
It's actually really not as common in Chiang Mai as it is Bangkok. So Bangkok is like red light district. Yes
High in rooftop bar. Yes backpacker street party. They have everything covered from bottom to top
Yeah, every type of person and every type of party though - can even find hidden bars
Behind lockers. Yeah, but in Chiang Mai what we experience is that in more time
layed back side. It's not
Some live music. Yeah, if you left something crazy, I think you will love Bangkok
Definitely. Yes. Alright next let's talk about culture cultural things to do cultural activities
I see a lot of people say that Chiang Mai is better. Yes, Chiang Mai is more well-known for cultural activities
But I feel like if you want to experience the culture of Thailand
Both Bangkok, and Chiang. Mai is is great for exploring
The culture of of people Thai culture is mainly influenced by religion. We are
majority of us
Predominantly Buddhist. So everything you see about culture would be something related to Buddhist Buddhism
however, you can also still see some influence of
Hinduism the shrine the offering
Chinese a little bit of Chinese influence because there are so many Chinese in Thailand as well
So if you want to see the temple in
Bangkok and Chiang mai you can find a bunch of Thai temple
Chinese temple as well both Chiang Mai and Bangkok have amazing temples and lots of them
Yes Bangkok has more temples. But I also think that they're like
crazier in Bangkok like in the terms of sights and
patterns and
Like that in depth and detail of temples
Why Bangkok has so many point of interesting time up culture like you can go see temples
But I feel like in in Bangkok it becomes a little bit
touristy thing a lot of temple in Bangkok if you want to get inside you have to pay the entrance fee but inch in my
Any temple we go. We didn't really have to pay for the entrance fee unless we go to
Doi su tep gorgeous temple. I think that was literally the only temple we paid for
yeah, I feel I do too the major development not only in Bangkok in Chiang Mai to the development in terms of
Condominium buildings Chiang Mai still be able to maintain the route of Thainess
Yeah in Chiang Mai
You won't really see the scene of sex tourism and final reason you will feel like that is a little bit more
Conservative in Chiang Mai. I feel like Bangkok is becoming like that more and more of
melting part of everything
Yeah, one thing though if you want to truly explore the culture in both Bangkok and Chiang Mai
I feel like the easiest way if you have limited amount of time try to
See the event that going on in in Thailand, for example
Loy kra tong event in November or for example, the Buddha birthday something that all the locals gather together
Ok, next let's talk about the variety of the activities. Oh
so much to do in both places
Like we said it depends on what you are specifically looking for when you travel. Yeah, exactly
So when it comes to varieties of activities
We would consider things such like if you have the short period of time and you want to cover all kind of activities
Why should you go and for me personally?
Even though I'm a Bangkok in I was born and raised in Bangkok
I'm not gonna be bias
But I would say Bangkok is the place for you due to the reason that Bangkok is kind of in the middle
Compare to Chaingmai which is like in the north
so for Bangkok if you want something urbanization, some people just love sky scrappers love the the feel of
Hustle, and bustle, you will love Bangkok. And also if you want something more like historical you can also visit Ayutthaya
Which is like I think about two hours away from Bangkok. Yeah. It's about two hours
It's the old capital of Thailand was actually before Bangkok, Ayutthaya was a capital of Thailand
It was in the war it got burned down, but it's full of like really ancient temples
But it still holds like that local feel you can still get your local prices. A lot of people still don't speak English
So it's like really nice to really dive deep into the culture in that aspect of like separating herself from that
Megacity type of feel you can take a train or you can take a van
to Kanchanaburi like not so far from Bangkok as well
You can see waterfall
You can see nature that now when it comes to when you want to have the beach feelings
You can also take a van. You can also take a train from Bangkok itself to for example to
Papaya to hoihin to Shyam or from Bangkok is so easy for you to go down south to the island
Couple hours for me. It feels like Bangkok covered more compared to Chiangmai
But yes Chaingmai is beautiful stunning with the landscape and green about for activities
There's not as much to do in Chiangmai
Yeah, it's all right
It's not that much even though from Chiang Mai you hop to the other city
Just the way that you can hop to the other city from Bangkok, but from Chiang Mai
Even you hop to another city nearby like Chaing rai, but it would give you the feeling of land lock a little bit
So for miscellaneous things like additional things especially for us
You know working from the computer and uploading videos and stuff internet is a key thing for us
Bangkok and Chiang Mai both have great great internet
Yeah, so you really don't have to worry about that in any terms like yeah some places. Can I have slower internet?
But you could always just upgrade your internet service no matter whether you're in Chiang Mai or Bangkok. Hmm
So I feel like if you are digital Nomad, are you consider being the expat in Thailand?
Bangkok and Chiang Mai is great for the community are pretty equal in that aspect Chiang
Mai is really really well for like digital nomads hub. So next we're gonna talk about food
so of course Thai food is like
Amazing really well-known and it's known for being spicy. Mm-hmm
So in in Chiang Mai, it's a little less spicy than it would be
you know in Bangkok or in the
Northeastern part of Thailand or southern part of Thailand you see a lot of seafood in Bangkok is yeah
there's more variety of seafood in in Bangkok compared to Chaingmai my and she might I feel like the seafood is
not that fresh compared to Bangkok. My favorite food is Khao SOI?
My favorite Thai food is Khao Soi and that's like a northern dish, but you get a huge variety of food in Bangkok
Okay, so in terms of a variety of food
I mean if you add a type person that would love to try different bunch of different style food
You can have it in Chaingmai too but I feel like you will feel more you we have more and you enjoy
More in in Bangkok due to there is and that actually Bangkok is it's kinda like for Thai people
Bangkok is the hub that we pull from all over
The other cities of Thailand they come for work. Yeah that comes to Bangkok
They relocated to Bangkok for the job
Opportunity because Bangkok is the capital city and due to the reason that there are so many people especially from not eastern part of Thailand
Part people from isan also comes to comes to Bangkok a lot to work. I
personally love Isan food because my mom is from isan and
Find it's so easy to get the taste that exactly like Isan style some don't like
Tom Yum, whatever like lab and numtok
I feel like in Bangkok you can find more authentic of Isan food. Yeah, and it's everywhere though
It's like what we're saying is is more common to find it like yes
You can still find it in Chiang Mai if you go to the right location
but like you can literally like walk down the street turn the corner and there's gonna be
numtok at that cart when it comes to street food
I feel like Bangkok wins over Chaingmai in terms of Street food
You can find very well every corner every road every pathway. You'll find the street food in Bangkok
I'm talking about the number the number and the variety II I feel like in in Bangkok they are way more
Especially if you go to the area of night life
Especially if you go to the area of nightlife like khao san road or you go to Sukhumi area
You will find a lot of street carts
people selling because
There are so many people
unavoidably sex tourism there were people there up way there out all yes, like that's why they stay open so long
Yeah, because there's so many people going for so long. Yeah to to provide food to these people who work at night
Yeah, and those tourists who party late at night because Bangkok is so why for for party?
So again, this is not biased and we're not telling you to choose one over
the other
We've been to both we love both. I'm Thai by the way. Yeah, we would like to know what you like
What what place do you like most Bangkok or Chiang Mai? Ok, and why let's not be by us. What would you pick?
I know. All right, would you pick I pick Chiang Mai?
Oh, yeah, but because I'm from New York where it's cool nights. It makes me feel at home being in Chiang Mai
So, I mean, I love Chiang Mai, but I also love Bangkok. I gets a very hard decision
I'm from Bangkok. I am Thai
so for me I
Feel like both cities are still in thailand they're in my country
But if you want me to pick is so hard
But I will also pick Chiang Mai eventually if somebody like Tah, you have to pick now
We have to go now. I would say okay, Chaingmai then. We are very very active the comments
We answer every single comment. Sometimes we even answer them twice
So let us know below and we will answer you guaranteed
Yeah, if you have any questions, just feel free to just put your question in the comment
Even though we are so late in terms of replying to comments sometimes
But I guarantee you there will be so many people in this community that will answer your question
Those who have been to Chiang Mai those have been Bangkok and they have some things to share about it
So, I believe there will be those people who answer your question
So if you are travelling to Thailand and you want to choose, you know between Chiang Mai or Bangkok
There's gonna be a quiz in the description box below where you can kind of take it and check off
You know, I'd like this or I'd like this and at the end of it you'll be able to decide, you know
Chiang Mai fits my personality
And travel likings better or Bangkok fits mine also
There's a checklist in in the description box below that you can you know
know what you need to know before you go to both come in both locations in Thailand and you can make sure you're prepared and
Packed well for both locations, both are completely free
Are Trailing Stop Loss Orders Bad for Intraday Trading? And, Should You Trade in the First 1/2 Hour? - Duration: 7:00.
Are Trailing Stop Loss Orders Bad for Intraday Trading? And, Should You Trade in the First 1/2 Hour? -- with David Moadel
welcome to looking at the markets with David Modell this one is dedicated to
all you intraday traders out there you day traders but if you're not a day
trader that's cool you can watch this and learn something as well I found an
interesting and controversial article this is from market geeks.com
and I will put a link in the description below this video so you can click on and
read the original article if you want to and they say a couple of controversial
things you might or might not agree with it so let's see first the first thing
they say and this is only for day trading or intraday trading is about
trailing stop loss orders and I made a video if you don't know what trailing
stops are I made a video explaining what that is and I'll put that in the
description below this video as well I'll put a link for that so you can
click on that and learn all about trailing stops alright so what they did
or what they said they did is back tested thousands of stocks and hundreds
of commodity futures and their test results apparently showed that trailing
stops limit profits this is only for day trading limit profits by approximately
30% Wow and furthermore reduce the percentage of profitable trades from 60
percent down to 40 percent Wow so their conclusion is don't move your
initial stop-loss when day trading don't use a trailing stop that moves just set
a stop loss and just leave it there don't trail it that's what they're
saying I'm not saying it they're saying it so let's see the article trailing
stops lock in profits to minimize risk while trailing stops play a very
important part in short-term in swing trading they don't recommend that
traders use trailing stops for intraday trading after back testing thousands of
stocks and dozens of futures and currency contracts they found that using
trailing stops for intraday trading actually lowers your profit potential by
about 30% what the test results demonstrated was that using trailing
stops when entering and exiting positions during the same day actually
limited profit potential and prevented positions from realizing their full
range for the day when changing the parameters to leave the original
stop-loss in place the percentage of winning traits increased from 40 to 60
percent and profit potential increased as previously stated as well this
clearly communicates that limiting risk by using trailing stops to lock in your
profits actually decreases profit and increases loss over time keep in mind
that this test was performed during intraday trading it did not did not
include holding positions overnight interesting I can neither confirm nor
deny whether this is true but this is what they say and it's really
interesting because when I made a video about trailing stop loss orders I was
pretty positive about them you know I have not done extensive back testing
like this individual says they did but you know I found they're pretty good but
that's just my personal experience you have to make your own decisions and hey
maybe they're right maybe for day traders or intraday traders maybe it's
not so great to use trailing stops maybe it's better just to you know put a limit
order a stop-loss order and just leave it there and just let you get stopped
let yourself get stopped out at that price or not during the day so that's
interesting and here's the other controversial thing do not make trading
decisions during the first half hour the trading day again only for day traders
another important mistake many beginners make when applying intraday technical
analysis is making decisions during the first half hour the trading day I want
to make something clear from the start executing orders during the first half
hour and making trading decisions are two separate things so they clarify that
particular point if you have an existing signal from the previous night or a
stop-loss order in place and these are trades triggered and executed during the
first half hour of the day you're just following your trading plan and that's
what you should be doing so he's saying that's a different situation for example
if you're a swing trader and you had a position overnight and you get stopped
out or make a trading decision the next you know the half hour first half hour
the next day that's not what he's talking about
what I'm referring to is making new trading decisions changing your trading
plan or order placement based on what occurs in the first half hour of the day
this is a very common beginner mistake and something you should avoid doing the
first half hour of the day is mostly trading noise and emotional volatility
interesting ok after the first half hour the market sets the tone for the rest of
the day and allows you to make less emotional trading decisions hmm okay
I've heard that before don't trade during the first half hour
the day some people have said some people also also include the last half
hour of the day which is also tends to be more volatile although it includes
more volume as well but what do you think I'm curious feel free to leave a
comment in the comment section below this video what do you think about
market geeks.com their ideas about trailing stop loss
orders and about trading during the first half hour the trading day for day
traders intraday traders do you agree do you disagree I encourage you to check
out their article there and their website ok I'm not affiliated with them
right now so you know I'm I have no I it doesn't matter to me whether you want
to visit them or not but if you'd like to cool and check out their article and
if you want more information about trailing stops feel free to check out my
video on that alright so I hope this got you thinking I want to create a
community here where we can communicate with each other through the comments
section so let me know what you think also give this a thumbs up if you like
you know if you like that I'm bringing this information to you and expressing
myself and helping you to make decisions on your own about your trading alright
and subscribe to my channel hey go for it man subscribe to my channel so you
can keep getting updates on whenever I put out educational videos like this one
I really appreciate you watching my videos thank you so much you're what
makes all this possible I'll talk to you again soon thanks a lot
Top 5 Free Website Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketers🖐️ - Duration: 18:49.
Hey Mesha here and I'm on my fifth day of my hundred day
prosperity challenge and
Basically what that means is that it's my goal that in a hundred days that I'll be closer to being financially free
So if you want to learn how to be financially free like me and fire your boss in
2019, please click down on the link below in the description box and find out more information
So what I'm going to be talking about today is traffic
This is basically a crash course in traffic
We're gonna be talking about paid traffic on this video and the next one we'll be talking about
Well, we talked about unpaid traffic on this video or free traffic and paid traffic on the next one. So what is traffic?
Traffic is where real people come to your offer or whatever it is that you're selling
so if it is your affiliate link
Traffic for you is a person who clicks on your affiliate link. If it is your website
It's the people who actually visit your website, okay?
If it's a real brick and mortar business if it's a physical building is the people that actually come to your store. Okay?
for an affiliate marketer traffic are people who actually click your link,
your affiliate link I should say, or go to through your sales funnel if you do sales funnels
All right, and like I said before there are two types of traffic. The first one is called paid traffic and
That's where you pay two customers or leads to come to whatever offer that you are bringing
The second one is free traffic
And that is what we're going to be talking about during this video. Free traffic is also called organic traffic
Editorial traffic or a natural traffic. Okay?
what are the pros and cons to free and
- free - basically - free traffic first of all, it's free
okay, you don't have to pay for it and
In this day and time where things are expensive you have bills to pay
Having things that are free actually will take a weight off and be a great
option when starting. Also it allows you to better build your brand because in
Free traffic you actually have to build out content. You have to talk to people
Whether it's like with YouTube
Like I'm doing talking to you or whether you are writing stuff down and submitting it somewhere
You have to build content and that will get people to know who you are and also see if they like you or not
So it also helps you build your brand build who you are and give you an authority in the niche that you're in
Also, it will cause for better and loyal
customers or followers
In YouTube, you'll have subscribers people who will click. Yes
I want to know more about this person and their channel and whenever they are posting to youtube or whatever
they're posting a video. That is a subscriber that will be your follower. On Instagram or Twitter
You know
you may have followers and stuff like that Facebook and so forth
And if you have free traffic if you're giving the people what they want
They will follow you more which will also help you when it comes to the money.
It's good to have free traffic and it's good to have
A loyal following behind you. Okay. It also allows people to see that
You're a good decent human being it gets people to know who you are. And if they know who you are
generally people will buy from people that they like they will rather spend their money with people that they like
Then people that they know nothing about and in business you want people to know like and trust you
so if you use the free traffic methods you get that type of
Community that you may not get in the other
Paid methods. All right. So what are the cons to free traffic. Free traffic takes time.
You know, you're not just going to be able to click a button and send out a message and within a day
thousands of people are coming to your
Affiliate link or to your traffic source or to your website or whatever
It takes time to build you're gonna have to build
people getting to know you people starting to like you people starting to trust you and that is how
You're going to build your business and that's how people are going to start giving you money
And you start making money based on the fact that they know like and trust you through the free traffic methods also
It takes consistency. You can't be here one day posted on your blog and then take a 2-week vacation
People's attention spans are short. They're not gonna be like ok
I'm gonna wake up a month and hope that they come back. Your loyal ones they might but
The ones that you know pop in like oh you're cool
They're not gonna wait two months for you to figure out what you want to say. So it takes consistency
You're gonna have to upload
Consistently whether it's weekly or two times a week or three times a week
You're gonna have to stay in front of your audience and make sure that you stay relevant in their eyes
Okay, you have to be able to help people you have to want to help people
If you don't help people
Then the free traffic method may not be for you
because people are going to realize and they're going to feel that you're authentic and they're gonna know whether
You have their best interests at heart. They don't care that you want money. They don't care that you're trying to start a business
They don't care that you're trying to be on the come-up. They don't care. They want to know do you have something of value
for them. And if the answer is well
Kind of or no, then you're not gonna do well in the free traffic and honestly
I don't think that is a con
Me personally, I would personally want to help people
I want to get into business to help people but not everybody has that type of character
So if you're not one of them free traffic may not be for you.
You have to be able to give good content good value meaning. What does that mean?
What is valuable content means? It means that you have to provide a solution for whatever
issues the person is looking for. If the person needs to buy a Louis Vuitton purse
You have to be able to provide content for how they can get a good quality Louis Vuitton purse
Okay, if a person is down and they just need to laugh
You have to be the person that provides the comic relief
Okay, if you provide a solution to their problem
They will latch on to you and your traffic your free traffic will become a loyal
traffic source. Okay. Also, you have to put in the effort you have to research to learn
in the first
In the first example of free traffic source
You're gonna have to learn all the tricks and trades of that traffic source, you know how to do
the backlinks, how to do
optimization for your website
If you don't know those things
They will keep you from getting the free traffic and to actually pop up first in the search engines
Which we're going to talk about a little later
also, you have to put in the work and you have to be patient in this world you either trade in time for money or
You trade in money for time.
So if you want things free, if you don't want to pay for it
You're gonna have to put in the time to make it work and you're gonna have to be patient
to allow it to work. Okay, so let's get into our first
free traffic source. Okay, that's called SEO or search engine optimization
and basically it's the process of getting free traffic from a search engine. So search engines are like Google, Bing, Yahoo!
There are others but those are the three that everybody talks about
Okay, so you want to get free traffic from them. It takes a lot of learning. You gotta know what to do
You gotta know what keywords to put in and what tags to use
And it takes a really long time to be effective and it takes consistency
You can't just do it one time and think that it's gonna be always going to be great
No, you have to continue putting content out there
valuable content like what I just talked about before and then you have to
put those tags in there and you have to do your
backlinks and you have to do your research and you have to hook up with good people that will help you out in that
in that arena, so
I've heard that it could take as much as six to nine months to
pop up as number one in one of the search engines so
If you have the patience to do it go for it
I mean, it's a great opportunity and people, you know, make great money from it because it still works
Though it is one of the older traffic sources it works, you know
So make sure that you are doing what you need to do
Learn what you need to learn put valuable content out there and you will definitely be successful
okay, the next thing is
YouTube hello, okay
what surprised me about YouTube is actually it is a search engine because people actually search for what they're looking for and
Results pop out pop up, even though it's video. It is a search engine, which is cool and
It is very effective in building your brand because it's more effective than the search engine optimization
which YouTube is searchable on the
Search engines as well
but for vlogs, you know people who are lazy and they don't want to read you know, it keeps
It keeps people engaged, you know
They get to watch a video. They get to see your face. They get to interact and engage with you
and so it's a very good source of
Branding because people get to know your character and they get to know it really quickly, you know
Are you going to post consistently, you know, do you have a good personality?
Okay, people get to know that very quickly when you're on YouTube. And so it's a great
source of free traffic
and that's why I
like it and that's why I'm doing it and it's easier to connect with people. You can connect with them through their videos. You can
connect with the comments
It works out very well when building and your business and your brand, okay?
Next one is social media, okay
Social media is a platform where basically people get together and become social
Okay, they want to talk to people they want to engage. They want to see stuff. They may want to laugh
They want to get to know things about other people in their environment, so
obviously the
Different social platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, what's it app and on and on and on. I'm pretty sure they're like building tons more now
so all of those things you can get on one of those platforms and
lend yourself to different groups in your niche and
Give information on those groups
Especially if you are have learned something that can help other people out
You know newbies that don't know the ropes, it would be great to get out there and say hey,
You don't know how to build a website for your blog. Let me show you how to do this.
You don't know how to you know set up your
Your the back-office for YouTube where you have to create your thumbnails for YouTube. I know how to do that
Let me show you how to do that through this
The information that I'm giving you and that is great and that will help build
First of all, build your authority in that niche and
Also build people's know, like, and trust of you. And if they know, like, and trust you
More than likely they will do business with you and on Facebook, and I'm pretty sure on other platforms
You can also create a group and you can say okay
I'm just going to post you know, my information my content to my facebook group and if you
Like the information, of course
Like, comment, share, all that other good jazz and it helps other people out the only thing about Facebook
And all those other platforms is it does take a while
To get all of that going especially with the group because if people don't people don't know you're out there
They can't search for you
So you have to actually get out there get in other groups to get known you might have to do
Facebook ads on the side to help people get to know you, so they know what are about, your group and
Then you, know you, can do better in your business.
That's one thing about Facebook. You actually have to do more extra. You have to do extra work to get out there
So people can come to your group. Ok
Free traffic source is
QA forums, you know
It's basically a community where people get together and they basically provide inspiration, motivation,
And they get their answers, they get their questions answered
in a particular niche, you know, so some of these will include
Quora I don't know how to say it
Qu o RA. I think is how to say it. Reddit, warrior forum,
Etc. There are so many. Depending on your niche, you can just type in, I don't know...
t-shirt making community groups and
they don't pull up a whole list of community groups that you can be a part of and if
You know how to make those sparkly t-shirts
Or you know how to, what is that called,
Bedazzle a t-shirt and people are looking for that then you can offer your services
On the forum and people will actually seek you out
based on the information you give and how
Relevant, it is to their needs ok
Basically, it's about helping people just like all the other ones you got to help people in order to be successful,
you have to make sure that you are willing to be open to help somebody else.
Ok, and last but certainly not least is guest posting which is kind of new to me
But I don't really vlog or no
I do Vlog, I don't Blog
So what guest posting is is writing and publishing an article on someone else's site.
so when you, if you blog and you are
doing the SEO optimization or you're building out websites or you're building out a blog and you
Have all of this content and you are knowledgeable about something specific. You can go to other people's
Website and you can give your information and it is a great tool for not only
networking with another person in your niche or maybe outside of your niche because you can
Network with someone who has has a related niche to you, and then y'all have this big huge collaboration going
Can we say collabo? Okay. That is great and that will actually help out both of your businesses because if you can help
support them then their
customers, clients,
Subscribers can help be helped by what you have and it runs well together
Also, it's a great way to get in front of other or audiences that you don't usually get in front of you know
people you can target other people that you've always wanted to get in front of but you never had the opportunity and
And guest posting will actually help get you there
also, if it's done, right it is great for SEO if the guests... if the original
Hosts of the website does the backlinks
Correctly, it'll help build up your SEO
Optimization and I'll help build great free traffic to your website into your blog. So
That's it you guys on free traffic source, there is tons of free traffic sources
Some of them are positive and legitimate others are not so much
And if you want to know more about that, just you know, hit me a comment below
Just let me know what you're into and I'll make sure it's my business to put out the content that you're looking for. Okay?
Also, I will post more videos I've told you before my next one is probably going to be on the paid traffic so you can
Get some information on that
Please comment, like, subscribe to my channel, and if you want to know what I'm doing to fire my boss in
2019, please
check out my link down below and my in my description box and until next time be blessed
Take care, and I'll see you on the other side.
Epic Seven Worth Playing? 4-point Indepth Review... yes, you should play - Duration: 11:18.
Hi Koonies, this is Koon.
Now we don't just watch anime, we can actually play anime on the go.
With one of the latest mobile game titles Epic Seven, you can bring anime everywhere
you go, and enjoy your RPG journey with sexy waifus, juicy husbandos, and some traps...
You were sent by the goddess to protect the world, but you failed to do so.
You were defeated and fell asleep for 20 years.
One day, you suddenly wake up, just to find that the war you were fighting is still very
much alive and threatening the world.
As a loser, how are you going to fight back, regain your strength and bring back the peace
of this land?
It is all up to you, to finish this mission impossible.
After more than 40 days living with Epic Seven, we will look at this game from several aspects
in this video, from its graphic to gameplay mechanism, what are the selling points of
this game, its gacha system, whether it's F2P friendly, and is there anything the game
developers can improve to create a better gameplay experience.
The fighting scenes you are watching now are very similar to Granblue Fantasy Versus we've
seen recently, but Epic Seven from Korean is different, it's a turn-based game.
Everything in this game is gorgeous, even though it only uses 2D or 2.5D. The whole
environment, I mean the whole world is nicely presented.
You won't feel it is outdated or old-fashioned, instead it gives you a very refreshing feeling
of adventure, just like those authentic RPGs we used to play.
I won't say Epic Seven's graphic is 100% perfect for an RPG title, but the feeling is right,
the feeling is there.
From maps to tavern (lobby), you feel like you are part of this adventure.
The developers also did a great job in bringing their game characters to life.
Some players say they are too Korean, not Japanese anime or mainstream enough, but I
personally don't feel anything uncomfortable.
Their sexual appearance, their very intriguing stories, no matter it's a male, female or
something between 1 and 0, I believe you can definitely find your cup of tea in Epic Seven.
As a very healthy man, I personally prefer heroes like Mercerdes, Lorina and Silk, eh...
yes, I know something looks a little bit plastic here, but this is Korean, it's actually part
of the fan services for your pleasure, so why not?
Let's just take it like a gentleman.
Phew phew...
Realising the spending power of international players, this game is also available in English.
They have even prepared a global server for those who want to stick with players from other countries.
And this is a very good move if you want to reach more players and of course to earn more money.
Just like what I've mentioned, Epic Seven is a turn-based game.
I'm very pleased to see the developers' creativity to give turn-based game a new life.
There are several types of challenges in this game, from main quest, side stories, arena,
abyss, hunts, to dungeons (labyrinth).
Among all of these, I think dungeon (labyrinth) is a super interesting idea, which gives players
a unique feeling of adventure.
You need to explore these dungeons before you are running out of morale, and the number
of playing is limited by the entry tickets you are holding.
You can also take a rest during the exploration and do some campings to boost your morale
and increase your friendship with your favourite characters, but you might want to be watchful
when you are speaking, because the dialogs you are choosing
may also cause the friendship point to drop.
Besides, the stats of items you can obtain from dungeons are totally RANDOM, which means
even if you and your friends are using the same heroes, your gears won't be the same,
and this is one of the very important essences of RPG, which has been neglected by a lot
of RPG games nowadays, including GBF.
The randomization of equipments creates a special and customized experience for everyone.
It not only helps to balance the gap between heroes of different grades, but also allows
you to play around with different gears, so that you could come out with the best and
the most exclusive combinations for your own heroes.
Now, this is what we all want to see in RPG games.
In addition, you'll also come across different mazes, boss fights, or even urgent (time limited)
and random bounty quests, when you're exploring the world.
I think these are fascinating ways to make a game look attractive, especially for turn-based game.
About the gameplay, there's one thing I would like to highlight, hm... you don't
really have to worry about the stars or the grade of your heroes, because even though
the stats between a three-star and a five-star heroes are different, you can still overcome
or narrow this gap in Epic Seven, by using a right combination of gears and a synergetic team.
Remember this, even normal heroes can shine like a super star in this Anime RPG, and some
of them are even at the broken level, so the salt level of this game, at least to me,
is a lot lower than other games if you know how to play.
Grinding is still necessary here, because you need catalysts to enhance your hero skills.
In fact, the drop rate of these items is pathetic in this game, anyone who wants to start playing
should be mentally prepared, but no worry, you can still ask your guildies to donate
these rare materials.
I think it shouldn't be a big problem to tackle.
Autorun is also available in Epic Seven for those who have very limited time to play.
I think this is a very important feature, especially for people like me.
However, you can't pick up treasures and use skill burn when you are doing autoruns, so
please be mindful and don't forget to pick up your treasures and choose your path when
you're exploring dungeons and mazes.
The gold draining in Epic Seven, however, is not really appealing to me.
You'll have to spend gold whenever you want to equip or even unequip your gears.
Although you can farm gold from mazes or simply buy them from the shop, I think the gameplay
experience could be much more enjoyable if the developers could further reduce the gold
amount needed to switch or enhance your gears.
The gacha system in Epic Seven is quite impressive in my opinion.
They even created a so called "Selective Summon" for new players, which you can preview your
gacha results for 30 times, in order for you to get your favourite characters before you
really want to get some serious action.
Even if you couldn't get your eye candy after the rolls, you could still reset the game
and start the Selective Summon all over again.
I really think that this is a wonderful idea, because there is no need for players to go
through the hell of reroll anymore.
The total rate of getting 5-star heroes and artifacts is 3% in Epic Seven, kind of similar
to other gacha games.
You'll also come across Friendship Summon (1-2 star), Special Summon (Rate Up), Covenant
Summon (Normal Summon), Limited Summon (Limited Character) and Moonlight Summon (Light/Dark
Characters) in the gacha system.
For Limited Summon, you are guaranteed to get the limited 5-star character after 120 draws
which is a good thing and this is extremely considerate to both free and cash players
compared with other gacha games.
About the microtransaction in Epic Seven, if somebody told you that it's a playground
of cash players, I can assure you that this person has no idea what he's talking, and
apparently he doesn't know how to play this game.
As a free and casual player for the last 40 plus days, I found my journey pretty enjoyable,
and I had a good time farming and gearing up my heroes.
Just look at the number of my skystones and my completely untouched welcome pack.
Alright, don't get me wrong please, these figures are far from enough to show off,
I just want everyone who watch my video to understand that it is not necessary to spend money if
you want to play Epic Seven.
Even if you are a cash player, if you don't have time to play and grind, you won't really
have the advantages when it comes to a face off.
You can survive and progress extremely well without spending any money in Epic Seven,
but things like Monthly Pack, Welcome Pack and Rank Up Pack would definitely give you
a better experience, if you planned to play this game for the next few months.
Finally, I would say that Epic Seven is a very well-prepared and ambitious gacha game.
From story to conspiracy, from guild system to dungeons, from varies of items to specialties
which are still very elusive to players at the moment, you can see how the plot is heading
to a more complex future, and they are so ready to give players tons and tons of pleasure
and very rich game contents.
There are basically hints everywhere, from sanctuary, guild, to specialties.
I believe there are lot of funs for us to look forward and to discover.
No matter you're an anime lover, casual or hardcore mobile game player, I would strongly
recommend Epic Seven to those who have yet to try Anime RPG.
It is an old bottle with new wine, but it offers a very refreshing flavour for those
who are already tired with boring mobile games and game metas.
Give it a try my friend, but don't spend your money too soon.
My advice?
Go ahead and play until Chapter 10, before you make your decision whether you want to
invest in this game, because one man's meat could be another man's poison, so please don't
simply take my words, you gonna try it out for yourself.
For me, I'm going to be very honest, I still haven't swept my credit card, ah...
I feel a little bit sorry to Epic Seven, but I just bought a PS4 Pro for the pleasure of
YOU, all my dear Koonies.
So yes, I'll be doing PS4 game reviews, starting from February 2019.
I want to offer more contents to my Koonies, not just GBF, because everyone knows that
it's not nutritious enough, and not wise to put everything in one single basket.
The world is so big, and there are so many interesting game titles coming to us next year
I believe there is a need for us to go beyond GBF, and explore more mobile games,
steam games, PS4 games, and maybe you want to get to know more about my personal life
and see my face...
I don't know, it's all up to you to decide.
If you want to reward me for my hard work, it's super easy!
Just give me a thumbs up, share my videos, and don't forget to ring the bell under this video
so that you could get a notification every time when I upload a new stuff.
Please help me and my channel to grow, so that I could bring you more interesting
game contents in future.
This is Koon, I wish you a very happy and healthy new year
and I will see you again very soon.
What You Missed on Good Day: 12-31-2018 - Duration: 5:11.
End of the Year Channel Reflections 2018 - Duration: 17:22.
Mommy & MIa Homeschool Chronicles and it is December 31st so it is time for the end
of the year channel reflections make sure to subscribe and hit that
notification bell we are close to a thousand subscribers so if you're
watching for the first time hit subscribe hit subscribe we want to reach
our goal so anyway that's not about that this collaboration is not about
subscribers it is about reflecting on everything
that we experienced and everything that we enjoyed and not so much like in 2018
and we are co-hosting this with a beautiful April over at the simple
bucket Pat I will have her channel link as well as a playlist down below so that
you can see all of the other channels plus my beautiful co-hosts video on her
reflections so there are about 12 questions that I asked that I created so
that it can help us kind of just share what you know what our year was like so
the first one is list your top five favorite collabs tags challenges that
you participated in 2018 alright so the first one I'm gonna say is a chopped
challenge that I hosted with Claire over a cookie crumb fun I had so much fun
because we did a whole trailer trying to build up the you know the what is
it the excitement of this chopped challenge it was a trim healthy mama vs
Weight Watchers and it was just so much fun doing that with her I truly do have
a lot of fun it was just like the chop kind of show where we each gave each
other some ingredients and then we had to upload a video where we would prepare
a dish with these ingredients but we had to stay along the lines of either trim
healthy mama because that's what could clear over I could be from fun files and
Watchers which I was using at the time so that was one of them the second one
is the book-of-the-month a collaboration which is now what we've read I love that
because and I also co-host that with April over at the simple rugged path
you're gonna hear that name a lot because April and I love to collaborate
with each other we just have fun doing it so you might hear that me more than
once but I love the Book of the Month Club now known as what we have read
because it gives me an opportunity to share with my viewers my love for books
um it kind of motivates other people to read and it also gives me a chance to
share what I've read with others and and and you know have a discussion about the
books so I always look forward to that time of the month where I can just share
all of my reads and Mia can share what she what she has read and what she likes
and what she doesn't like so the next one number three is the secret channel
swap that was the first recurring collaboration that I have ever organized
it was a really big one because like I said members from the Facebook group
YouTube collaborators participated in that collaboration was a year round
collaboration we were all assigned a channel and no one knew who each other
had until this month December actually we just recorded the reveal um on Friday
so I will make sure to provide all the links of all the videos that I mentioned
here so that you can check them out and you can see why they are my favorite um
so I really love the secret channel swap so much so that I'm gonna continue doing
it but it's gonna be a little bit different it's gonna have a little twist
to it so make sure that you hit that notification bell so that whenever you
see them go up you can check them out if you would like to join the Facebook
group collaborators group I will also leave a link down below and you can
request and we will see if you can join in the next one is also a home school
mom box swap now this one is it was for one month it was hosted and
organized by the beautiful Rachel at day-to-day joys it was the first year
that I had participated and it was just so wonderful I met a lot of different
moms on this particular collaboration and I was blessed by my buddy who gifted
me some wonderful gifts so once again I will make sure to provide that link down
below so that you can check it out and you can also check out Rachel's channel
and then coming in at number five is the secret book swap that is another swap
yeah there's a lot of swaps we like to give each other gifts to this channel
the book swap is also a secret slot but it's seasonal so I host one in winter
spring summer and fall and a few of us who love to read and also participate in
the what we've read series what we do is we just put a box together with some of
the authors or series of the secret channel that we have we there's a form
they fill out and we try to give them give them a book along with some other
little small tokens that our readers will appreciate so that is also very fun
and I also look forward to doing that as well one is coming up for the winter
book swap for 2019 I believe it's gonna be uploaded some time either in January
with February one of the two months but again hit that notification ball so that
you can check it out all right moving it along number 2 list your top 3 favorite
videos you uploaded and share why they are your favorites alright so the top
three are there are so many it's hard to go back and check all of them out so I'm
gonna go with the first one which is the not so newlywed tag that one I am I also
hosted with April from the simple rugged path and I loved this one because um I
had to ask my husband questions and he had to answer it so if I always loved
doing videos with my husband because he is hilarious the both of us together
we're dangerous because we love to we are a joking couple and we
love to joke around and that is that is how we got along so it's always fun when
he comes on the second one is my homeschooling on a budget series and I'm
gonna continue to do that some time around like late spring early summer
because that is when I start to prepare for the new home school year and I had
so much doing that this past summer I'm finding curriculum that is low cost and
products and games and things like that that I just simply loved it and I want
to continue doing that and the third one I am gonna also say is the birth date
box swap I told you we do a lot of swaps here this birthday box swap I do with
April from the simple rugged path and Claire over I could become fun because
all of us have on share birthday in January so one of us is January 3rd the
other is the 4th and I'm the fifth so we always vasti they're not always last
year was the first time we did this because that's when we met and kind of
figured out that our birthdays were all in the same month and consecutively so
we decided to gift each other some gifts far birthday and we're gonna be doing
the same thing this year so make sure to tune in and follow those two channels so
that you can also stay up to date with them as well alright so number three
list the three least favorite videos you upload it and why okay the three least
videos that I did were all on product review videos I really didn't like them
I will it was my first time doing them so I was really like kind of like I'm
not gonna say I'm prepared but it was the first you know the first time that I
did something so they were kind of corny now so I think I think I'm just gonna
take time out of my channel one was an eyelash product review the next one was
in insulated cup that I did and the third one was a hair hair a hair product
by Influenster that they sent me it was a live or a weave whatever the name is
from Oreo I just didn't like those videos
um alright so the number for list V videos you would like to be published
for more views 3 videos that I would love to be published would be a video
that I did really early on in our channel it was called me a song and it
is me and covering Lauren bagels I will trust in you she sang that song so
beautifully I just love it I wish that I can be published it over and over again
because she really out sang that song so I will also leave a link down below so
that you can see it the next video that I would love to be published also are my
Spanish videos because each Friday we do a Spanish lesson and I wish that more
people will to tune in to those videos because it's free and you can include it
in your homeschool and you can learn a new language while you're at it and the
third one will be a collaboration that I co-hosted called heart on worship and I
love that I would love to publish those because most of all of my family joined
in my dog both of my daughter's Mia and Liza my husband and I we all joined in
and everyone had a different video and everyone shared and I wish that it had
more views but unfortunately it did not number 5 share the top 5 channels that
influenced you the most as a YouTube creator for 2018 there are so many it
was so hard to compile this list but I'm just gonna say it now Claire from cookie
crumb fun Michelle McCarthy from homeschooling in
the pines and April from the simple rugged path you three are special to me
I'm sorry I'm not gonna although you are a part of this list I think that
everyone knows how much I love you guys and you guys like I always tell you
three you guys are my core Michelle says we are a tribe okay so love you ladies
so the five are the first one is gonna be Darlene from the the recycled mom I
just love Darlene's channel I think that we are similar in a lot of ways when it
comes to sharing the gospel and giving encouragement to others and I love what
she's doing with her channel she has a heart for counselling and so do I so I
think that's why I I am so inspired by her channel and I I
just really do and she also has a Facebook group by the same name the
recycled mom and I think that she is just a great person a great channel I
cannot wait to see her channel take off she has a lot of great information to
share the next one is the homeschooling Grammy I love Kim Kim has become such a
great support system for me I mean she knows I don't need to say much I just
love her I'm so glad that I came across her channel this year and that we have
began a great friendship and I know that it's gonna continue to build and I just
I love you girl number three is another one that I love so much as Michelle from
bless this chaotic mess I mean that lady is a heart she is so awesome I can go to
her and she comes to me and we both just love each other to death and we help
each other out when it comes to YouTube and growth and analytics and all that
stuff and she bounces ideas off back and forth and it's someone that I can really
count on when it comes to especially when it comes to the group and Facebook
and just whenever I just want to chat she's there as well the next one um also
for the same reasons is Amy from nourishing parenting I simply love Amy
Amy is my go-to person whenever I am stuck for something and vice versa I
mean I love how she feels I'm so comfortable with just asking me
questions and I feel comfortable and doing the same and thank you so much Amy
for all of your help she is always willing to help me out and you should
check out her channel she is fantastic she also is a fellow blogger like me a
home schooler and we just get along really well and then the fifth one I'm
gonna say is gonna be Marie from crazy-busy fitmom Marie is also another
great source for my Facebook group that I can count on where we can share and
bounce ideas and she really really has a lot of knowledge that she shares with us
and she's very inspirational when it comes
that very motivational and thank you so much for your help marine alright so
number seven will there be any changes coming to your channel for 2018 right
now I am still figuring that stuff out so I don't know but if there are any
changes coming you will be the first to know because I always keep my viewers
and forms number eight what are you looking forward to the most for your
channel in 2019 all I'm looking forward to is just having fun and making more
friendships like I have made and 2018 I have met some incredible people and I
want to look forward to meeting new ones number nine
that's three channels you wish you those three channels you would like to host a
collaboration with in the new year I would like to collaborate with let's see
here oh my goodness oh here we go - of Amy because she had loves to cook just
like me and I would love to do a cooking collaboration with her she has a great
channel check her out she does some great dishes the next one is there's no
place like home because she's into a lot of know cooking and she is so seasoned
when it comes to home school so I really do appreciate her channel so I look
forward to doing a collaboration with her somewhere along the lines of doing
that type of unit study type of thing I will be reaching out to her and the
third one is the purple alphabet now although I did participate in some of
her collaborations Christina is fantastic I would like to co-host a
collab with her so who knows I maybe talk to her as well I you know I'm just
gonna be like hey what's up I'm gonna call out and then number 10 is what
advice can you share with the new youtuber for 2019
listen just if you're gonna start a channel with so many changes that are
going on in YouTube and so many things and so many requirements and thresholds
and yada yada yada it's easy to get discouraged come into this expecting
that you are gonna meet great people it is a great community get your feet wet
start shoot your videos and just enjoy the process
okay it may be a long process and may be a short process it varies from collab
you know it varies from everyone you know from all channels because all
channels go differently but just enjoy the process that's what I would tell
them 11:00 is what is something that happened on or through your channel this
past year that you did not expect to be honest with you I did not expect to be
close to a thousand subscribers even though that I'm like I am a lose there
but it's just seeing the growth and just like I said meeting so many different
people and collaborating with so many different channels and just it's just
fantastic and even the Facebook group which which is a product from this
YouTube community and how it's going so well I just love it I am grateful and
then number eleven and also what I also learned I'm sorry I wrote it here and I
forgot to mention it is that you to the seasonal you're gonna have those moments
where you're gonna want to just not make any more videos you're gonna have those
moments when you just wanna make videos all the time those moments where you're
like ah you know and again it just it's all about enjoying the process okay and
finally um I'm gonna ask you my viewers I would like for you to comment down
below which of our videos was one of your favorites or if you have more than
one leave it in the comments down below I would love to hear your feedback um so
thank you so much for watching that is all for now make sure to check out the
simple rugged path and the playlist down below so that you can see all of the
responses and all of the reflections from 2018 that is all for now thank you
for watching bye
How to Make New Year Be Your Best Years In Khmer by Mr Bun Park - Duration: 3:21.
How to Make New Year Be Your Best Years In Khmer by Mr Bun Park
shh..... pss...Make a wish :)
Did you see what it said ? that's right " I LOVE YOU "
All of you... I just past 150th - something -- yay
Have a zip of cappucino my friends, brothers and lovely sisters :)
Homemade - I made this baby myself
Tada ~~~. Let's cerebrate it with my one and only
Godiva chocolate cheesecake with rich and creamy whipping cream yummmm
Have you tried it before ? I got it from the famous cheese cake factory :)
So so so so good , I can gladly say that this is my fav cheesecake EVER
Let's dig in for that soft sound eating , eh ?
ar ,... Did you hear it ? :) It got me - relaxing , oddly
And adding a bit of whipping cream wouldn't hurt , right ? .... haha
nom nom nom nom
Desserts really make me happy. Though, I know it's not the healthiest thing
to put in our mouth or my body :) but - good for my mental health , hahah
... so let's get into the topic - today yes ?
Shookbang Drama .....
...... ........ ....... Jeffree , ... Did I gt you excited ? , LOL .. just kidding ~
Not that topic, .... it's my 100th subscribers -- whooo hooooo
I'm a bit a little over that now - -- say what ?? ----
I need to scream real quick ..
--- aggggghhhhhhhhh ...... whoooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooo
I'm so happy guys - I want all of you to write down / comment below
ALL OF YOU ... I'm calling all in - to let me know when did you join in ?
I promise - one day when I have enough money I will ......
I "WILL" give each and everyone of you a gift , that's a contract !
because you're my first born 150th I LOVE YOU to the Mars and BACK
yup , the Mars / not the Moon, baby. Because...... It's 2019 NOW ~
And, the moon is in '60s ERA
If Neil Armstrong still alive , he'd be almost 100 years old. Wow
.... Gosh .. we're not making any progress, are we ?
I'm hoping we can reach the Mars in 10 years - that would be so amazingggg
back to the topic .... lol......
I would be so happy to just have enough people to get this youtube channel going,
just enough - I don't really care for being known or famous - really
On the flip side, I rather be invisible and keep making amazing sounds
creating amazing motion pictures and maybe hopefully
be able to delivery some meaningful message through these text / captions
If anybody ever read it, ..... by the way , any one read this ? ... LOL ...
I just having fun typing this while thinking I'm talking directly to you
It's ok if you're not, as long as it doesn't annoy you, if it does - lmk, k ? :)
I'll stop making it. -- IDK --- as much as I have fun doing this ,
I also want u to enjoy it too, u know :) I do care
Oh, today I think I really have a cool message to share - actually
would you like to know " How to eat everything and not get fat ? "
First of all, I have to tell you that everybody is different , what works for me
Might not work for you. and I'm not a Dr. so healthy or not - you decide
Ready ? ..... My method ..... is you can eat everything - dessert / ice cream / steak
what ever you like , EVERYTHING ... in a normal portion ... not too crazy
For once a day or you can call it intermitten diet - It works
at least for me, and I didn't even know it was a kind of diet - I first , did it 3 years ago
3 years ago, .......... when it's not that popular -
I'll tell you how It's So EASY - SO EASY - if I can do it you can too :)
to me it's not even an extreme or call a diet at all.
I just literrally started off with " I only eat when I'm hungry "
and I gradually ( without knowing ) trained my body to hungry once a day
.... and here's how I did it ....
ready ? I usually don't care for breakfast ... that quite easy right ?
Most of us, .. we skip breakfast , so that's easy
Come lunch time , I eat a lot , like a man - I sure can eat if you know me.
I eat dessert , whatever I want - pizza , burger , pork belly , anything I want
and I don't usually snack because I am usually full after that much food
then comes dinner ... I first started off with being "SUPER LAZY"
LOL , you know ? ......... it's a lot of work - to cook
or even to get a takeout , I still have to drive or bike to pick it up
Delivery ? I'm too cheap for that - I feel bad if I don't tip. So, .....I would tip them 25% , it is. pretty pricy - really
then all of that I still have to clean the dishes ...
eating out ? that 's still have to get dress and go somewhere , right ?
so..... what I do ?
I just say " screw everythign else - I rather go to bed " .... LOL
and I honestly did that for about 3 weeks until my body get used to
My body just tell me when to eat, and at night ?
I 'm not hungry - period..
so many benefits to this too
1. I maintain my weight without even have to try
2. I have more time to do any other things .....think about it .....
how many hours do I gain if I don't spend my time eating breakfast/dinner ?
that means I got more hours of sleep .... ohhh yeahhhh
3. I save $$$ , right ? and I can get so much better food with the same budget
Three blah blah blah meals become one really good meal , ha ha ha !! see ?
4. I've heard it's healthy for you - that's I've learned recently - but what I know is that
Buddist Monks have been doing this for thoudsand of years
and they are healthy , pretty healthy alright ?
.... so ...........
that's my trick, you just have to be lazy at night
, you'll be able to do this :). #OMYLazyDiet
let me know if you decide to do it , I can help you out
OMG ... If you ever do it, do let me know tag me , I will be there for you
and it's also healthy to allow yourself to be lazy .... right ?
During the day life is already hectic as it is , come night time --
Why not just be lazy and go to bed. ... SIMPLE !!!
I challenge you, give yourself only 3 weeks 21 days - that's all you need
No surgery needed... all you have to do is disclipline
Have you heard.. Self-disclipline is self-love
love yourself , tell yourself you are enough
tell yourself you are exactly where you are in life
Your body is stronger and more capable than you think
..and at the end of they day ... it's your body .....
that's you , your asset , not money , nothing materialistic
right ? .....
wow,,,, OMY is going deep today .... LOL
My point is if I could encourage at least one person
then my life mission of the day is accomplish ! yay
to take care of themself , take care of their body
to me... watching others eating is helping ...
It's almost I feel like I eat same food as they're eating
But I don't have to do all the work , right ?
Genius ...sssssss haha. :)
OOPs, I am almost almost done
Stay tuned , subscribe , share , click that bell
Better videos are on the way ..
Stay Cool, Stay clam, Stay positive ---- NAMASTE -----
August Burns Red - Broken Promises REACTION - Duration: 10:12.
bump my hand bump it BUMP my hand okay so I'm excited because we have August
Burns Red broken promises admittedly I bought this album I watched them live at
a what is it a warp tour in Maryland back in 2016
I saw perform live and I got one of their I actually bought one of their
albums like off of the drummer Matt Greiner I had this album I didn't listen
to it I brought it home I put it in my car and literally like two nights later
someone broke into my car and stole it so lucky for me I think I've listened to
I want to say like five or six songs off of the album but broken promises was not
one of them so in a weird way I think God wanted me to do this one here today
anyways what to expect these dudes are pretty heavy very fast they also are
really good at implementing like new styles of things there was a song on
that album that they liked they stopped being all like metalcore and they just
influenced western style feel so I don't know what to expect as far as creativity
goes but the the lead vocalist he Jake he's one of those dudes like when he's
screaming you just believe he's in pain man so anyways I'm excited let's stop
talking let's just let's just get to this thing
right off the bat too
there it is Sally gets really hurt
I'm talking about they can mix it up man
just so good
gonna be like at 7:30 solo all right dog
frigate filled up
I thought the song was ending
my gosh
so good
these guys could friggin Jam man oh my god
another solo
how long is his song
this actually yet oh my gosh okay so here's the thing here's here's the
verdict here I think that August Burns Red is the most enjoyable entertaining
metalcore band out there right now the versatility these guys have to go
from random or extremely heavy intro to again random or extremely heavy and fast
and then just to stop like that and to put in some like it's it's so unique
their sound I am these guys I think got started less than an hour from where I
actually grew up in Pennsylvania I think they're from Lancaster or somewhere near
there so like it generates a little bit of pride we got some hometown pride come
with these guys but to know that they're they're just so insane in everything how
many souls were in that song like three to three um holy smokes and then went
Jake freaking when he sings he just feel like someone just stabbed him he just
sounds so in pain but like you know he's loving Wow actually I really enjoyed
that fate has led us to this moment and I hadn't listened to that in the car
before it got stolen so if this is being watched in the future by that thief
thank you for being a sucky thief Wow yeah like let me know what you thought
about the song as well and then tell me what other songs you want me to react to
and of course is always like your suggestions are great but I have to have
not heard of the song in order to react to it so comment away and subscribe so
that you can keep hearing more more stuff like this anyways thanks for for
listening and hanging in the far I appreciate it
until next time bye
The Best Selling Knives of 2018 at KnifeCenter.com - Duration: 4:08.
Hey everyone David C Andersen here coming at you from the KnifeCenter and
today we're going to be taking a look at some of 2018's greatest hits
these are knives that you guys just couldn't get enough of and we sold more
than anything else let's take a look. so we've sold a lot of
spydercos this year including a lot of the Para 3 but what really
surprised us is the SpyderHawk salt this is one of our top-selling Spydercos
of the year and it's got to be because of how distinctive it is this
folding knife would make a great dive knife because it features a fully
serrated Hawk bill blade with spyderco's H1 steel that's right this is part
of Spyderco salt series which means it's virtually impervious to rust making it
great for use in marine environments another folding knife that moved like
gangbusters is the Gerber Flatiron cleaver this is a really cool blade from
Gerber with a lot of style we especially like the stonewashed finish on this
blade it's a very deep pattern and looks fantastic
there's a couple of different versions this one featuring an aluminum front
scale and it has all the benefits of modern knife construction including an
over travel arrestor and a very solid frame lock the buck 110 is one of the
greatest knife designs in history and Buck have been doing a lot of great
things with it we moved a ton of these knives this year especially this
automatic version the 110 elite auto features the same style as the original
except with nickel silver bolsters and g10 scales with fantastic automatic
action that springs that classic clip point blade into action upping the ante
even further is s30v steel which means this knife can perform just as good as
it looks one of Kershaw's most notable releases
in recent years is the Natrix and this is a fantastic budget knife that won't
break the bank there's a ton of different versions of this knife
available but this one with the black g10 handles and black coated blade moved
more than any other one this year some versions feature a kvt bearing but this
one features Kershaw's famous speed safe assisted opening technology as well as
their patented subframe lock which has all the strength of a full frame lock
without the added weight moving up onto the fancier end of the scale we have the
benchmade mini-Crooked River the knife is the smaller version of the
full-size Crooked River that was released a few years ago but even though
it's this is the mini version we think it's just about perfectly sized for EDC
one of the things we like best about this knife is it marries classic
aesthetics with all the best modern locking technology and steel selection
that s30v clip point blade is going to work fantastically and these orange
accents look really great against the diamond wood handles another great
benchmade that you guys couldn't get enough of is the bug-out especially this
version with Ranger green grivery handles and a smoked gray coated blade
this is one of my favorite currently produced benchmades because it is
extremely thin not just the handle but as well as the blade the thin profile
combined with that high flat grind I mean this is just a phenomenal slicer
and s30v steel means it's gonna take an edge that will last quite a long time
next up we've got a zero tolerance the 0462 flipper from Dmitri Sinkovich in
typical ZT fashion this is a titanium frame locking knife with a flipper
opener and super steel blade CPM 20 CV in this case but in addition to the
performance credentials this is a highly stylish blade not only is the design
highly elegant but the front scale itself is made of red carbon fiber a
contrast well with the black especially as you move it around in the light this
knife slices very well thanks to that upswept blade and it certainly makes a
statement so these are just a few of the top movers from 2018 if you like what
you see here and want to get your hands on any of them click the link in the
description below to head on over to knifecenter.com
Best TIME TABLE for you tubers|study vs you tube|How to manage best way|100% solve your prob. hindi - Duration: 10:57.
Mobile Banking: Robins Financial Credit Union - Duration: 1:55.
With Robins Financial's free mobile app, members have the most convenient banking at their fingertips, no matter where they are.
Let's take a look at the main features!
When you first log in, you'll see a summary of your accounts, with balances listed for each one.
If you tap an account, you'll immediately see your transaction history.
Back on the home screen, you'll find most of the mobile banking features under the "Menu" button in the upper left corner.
The first thing you'll see is the "Transactions and History" tab.
Here you can make a payment on a loan, or transfer money from one account to another,
or even do member to member transfers, with a couple easy taps.
Under the next tab, "Products and Services" is where you'll find most of our features.
Here you can pay bills, open up new accounts, and even track your expenses with our convenient money manager.
You can also see your monthly statements here, create alerts so you can be notified
about various transactions hitting your accounts, and much more.
Under the next tab, "Self Service Options," is where you can manage all of your security, account, and contact preferences.
This is also where you can activate a card, report a card lost or stolen, request a new PIN, or order checks.
You can also pay off a loan here, or see if you're eligible to skip your next loan payment.
There are a couple more basic items under "Menu," including the "Log Off" option for when you're done mobile banking.
And if you want to return to the home screen, simply tap the "Home" button at the top of the menu.
Directly across from the Menu button in the upper right corner is the "More" button.
You can make transfers from here, but it's also where you can enroll in bill pay,
so you can begin paying bills with a couple simple taps, right from your mobile device.
You can download the Robins Financial app for free in the App Store, or Google Play Store,
and start experiencing just how convenient mobile banking can be.
To find out more, simply call, click, or visit any of our branch locations.
Newspapers Hit By Cyberattack — What You Need To Know | TODAY - Duration: 3:04.
3 Mistakes to Avoid While Setting Goals | Delicious Habits - Duration: 3:42.
hi guys welcome to delicious habits this is Hagar and in this video I'm
going to tell you three things you should not do while setting up goals we
all love those tech goals but setting goals are nothing if we don't achieve
them Noble can describe the feeling when we achieve a goal we all have the
capability to achieve any goal but most of us are just setting goals but we
don't achieve them the reason is we make several mistakes we'll be setting goals
if you avoid the following three mistakes you can easily achieve a goal
first don't set two big goals yes in order to achieve a goal our mind should
believe that we can actually achieve that goal if we set about too big you
might think it is difficult to achieve that goal given the glimpse of doubt
will cause you to procrastinate and when it does you need motivation to push your
mind to work on the goal but be sure motivation is limited when they when
motivation is gone you will never try to achieve the good so start from sitting
small and smaller goals are easier to achieve and after you achieve your mind
will believe I can actually achieve a goal you can actually gradually increase
the size of your code you can build momentum by actually achieving smaller
smaller smaller bigger second mistake you don't build habits in order to
achieve a goal you have to relay on habits have only habits will help you to
achieve your goal you can't achieve a goal in just only you have to keep doing
it daily daily daily and you will create momentum
that momentum will help you to achieve your goal so if you don't build habits
you will never achieve your goal and third don't put deadlines or your code
putting deadlines only put pressure on your mind and only makes it believe that
it is actually hard to achieve that goal for example if your goal is to make
three million dollars don't say I'm going to make three million dollars in
three months because it seems very very difficult to your mind to actually
achieve that goal I already told you that in order to achieve a goal you mind
it has to believe that you can achieve the goal so when you put when you put it
like it only adds the pressure it only adds the difficulties to your mind so
you will never achieve that good so avoid making deadlines that's it guys if
you avoid these three mistakes while setting up goals you can easily
accomplish any goal if you like this video hit thumbs up and share this video
with your friends and remember remember to subscribe to delicious habits and
also hit the billikin so you will get the latest updates see in the next video
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