My Last Brain Cells During A Math Test Or Exam
ooooyyyy uhh
Sorry guys so im Mr. Sterling and im your teacher here
and im so sorry for that weird intro into your classroom but uhhh
we have a Math Test right now and im gonna have to tell you guys to drop your books and
notes to the floor for this test or put it down your desk so i cant see it
i dont wanna see your Math books or study notes
STOP IT!!! um im gonna give out your test's
HERE you go Evon here you go Adam
here you go jefferey and here you go everyone else i dont know
your names (COUGHING)
this math test is worth 70% of your overall Math Mark for this term so your gonna want
to get a good mark on this like a really good mark (ADLEAST PASS!)
but anyways guys uhhh ill let you guys get to the test
and also this test is leading up to your year ending Exams
at the end of the year so your loss
im just gonna be sitting at my desk doing nothing
while your doing work Evon!!!
................ Evon is dreaming of a video i made long ago
on instagram @Nothingbutej (zEzE Challenge) Kodak Black ft Travid scott and Offset - zEzE
Plays in the background Evon
Evon Evon
what are you doing Evon
Evon Evon
you will not leave this classroom you will not leave
No1 no no no no WeLcOmE tO mY cHaNnEl!!
Evon Evon
evon what are you doing
stop it Evon
Evon is dreaming of a video i made on instagram @NothingbutEJ (Types of people at a school
Evon Evon
Evon Evon
Evon Evon
For more infomation >> My last brain cell during a Math Test - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
Make sure it's like evenly in half. They're gonna tilt your head till the one stop in the morning
Look at it
Has no my sweetie sweetness hair, and I'm back with another
video, but first gotta make sure you
Come and subscribe if she turn your notifications because I will be hosting my babies. I will be oh
You know what it is this is two weeks wrapping every night you so you need a hit tie and your favorite
Brush and you're comfortable we use in paddle brush
Whatever type of brush you even I'll comb you could even use a comb
So this is my heavy side, which is like side part. I'm going to
Brush all the hair to
One side. Okay. So once you brush all the hair to one side
You're going to make sure that your part is like the neatest so what you're going to do?
You could either comb out your part
You could meet any
Just get as much as you can on the left side
You hold it down your one hat and you brush it over
Guys as long as you have your part and a bit more to the side neat
Everything else is going to come together
Let me show you so this this is basically what I do
I don't need to find a way to get this over because my head type is gonna do that for me
Watch the trick
so you're gonna take the head time make sure it's like
evenly in half you're gonna
tilt your head till the one side ain't gonna have your hair just like so
You're gonna grab your head side. You're gonna put it
Nice and tightly around the hairline now. This is what you're going to be doing
You see this hair you want to cut babies you want to cut that into?
Your head time you see what I'm doing
So once you cut that know that you see how it's inside the head size just like that
It's inside. So once it's inside what you're gonna do you're gonna turn your head to the other side
you're gonna use your hand and
Form it. So now you can see it's inside nicely wrapped on its own babies. Okay?
What I do here is I tie my knot
Bring that through tie the knot and
The trick to this no pictures inside once your hair tie its height you want to twist that
Okay, and make sure that it's all makes a meet and you want to tighten?
and then you want if you want it like
You know have a nice cute little bow at the top you do like that you doing
Huntys because that's the most amazing thing like
And you're ready for bed. You're ready to take a shower. You're ready to wash your face. You're ready to brush your teeth
You're ready to go on your bed. Wake up in the morning. And this thing is the way it is
It has not moved or anything like that
Wake up in the morning
And keep this look at it look
Part is still there
And I'm ready to go to work
This is like the best thing ever. Oh
That's all you have to do. If you like the way I wrap my hair and you think you can do it, too
Make sure you thumbs up
Comment down below and let me know and please try it and if you have tried it comment down below and let me know
If it worked for you because honestly I've been doing this for the whole of my life
Even my husband's like so used to it by now when he email, we're ready. So nice to know
Get all GE winners. What did you say to me? Thanks. Do you want to tie your head first?
Let me get that knows what it is, you know what I need to tie my head down at night
Because you know ramping it up. That's it. Sweat out poop up and your hair cell is done
So let me know what you guys think make sure you like comment and subscribe
Comment down below
Let me know try it because it's it's worth having her hair looking good and flying it every night
It's not good whether it's your weave or your really care
try it with your real hair it may or may not work because
The your your natural hair might have like little crinkly hair in there. So you might have to do it the proper way. This is
something that if you want to wrap your hair in two minutes and you want to be able to like, you know,
What both in the morning and go to work go to school?
This is the most simple
All right guys, it's time for me to go to bed. Make sure you like comment and subscribe and
Yeah, it's time to catch some Z's Jones. Anyways good
5 Ways to Be Less STRESSED in 2019 - Duration: 11:11.
- Hey, what's up guys?
So we did it.
Another year is on the books,
and we are one step closer
to the inevitable robot uprising.
Possibly two or three steps closer,
if I can just find that bug in my code.
Anyway, about 365 days ago,
I put out a video rounding out 2017
with 10 productivity tips
that you could use to make 2018
a more productive year,
and if you saw that video,
hopefully you were able to implement
some of those tips,
and this year was a more productive one for you.
And I wanna do something similar
for the end of this year,
but instead of focusing on productivity
this time around,
we're going to focus on the topic of stress.
In addition to all the emails
and tweets and DMs that I get
about productivity topics,
like how to focus
and how to not procrastinate as much,
I get a lot of questions from people
who feel that they're overly stressed
on a daily basis, that they're overwhelmed,
and if you find yourself in a similar situation,
then hopefully one of the five tips
I'm gonna share in this video
will help you go into 2019
feeling a little bit more stressed,
and like your life is a little bit more balanced.
First up, we've got a useful planning hack
that I try to use whenever I'm taking on
a future commitment,
something that's next week
or maybe even further into the future.
And it's to ask myself, if I had to take on
this commitment this week,
would it have actually fit
with everything else that I've already had to do
or that I know that's coming up.
As we discussed in my procrastination series,
we human beings have this tendency
to view our future selves
as basically superheroes.
We think that our future self
next week or two weeks from now
is gonna be able to handle
a lot more than what we're
dealing with right now.
We think that that person in the future
is not going to have to deal
with the same procrastination tendencies,
the same distractions,
and when we look at our calendars,
usually next week or the weeks afterwards
don't seem as full as this week,
and of course every single week
when you find yourself in that present moment,
there's always things that come up, right?
So when you're thinking about taking on
a commitment next week,
and you feel like oh, that's super easy.
I can easily fit that in, ask yourself,
would that have actually fit in to this week?
With all the surprises that popped up?
With all the tired spells you found yourself in?
And see if that would have actually worked.
If it would've, then maybe it would be
a good idea to actually add that
into your next week's schedule.
But if it wouldn't have,
you may wanna give it a second thought.
All right, tip number two,
which is something that I have used
for a long time to great effect.
Be a contrarian.
Do things a different times
or in different locations
than everyone else tends to do them.
One of the biggest causes of stress
in our lives is the fact that
resources are limited.
There's only so much food to go around,
so much money, so much internet bandwidth,
but certain resources are only taken up
at certain times of the day,
and at other times of the day,
they're basically free,
or at least they're a lot less busy,
so if you can be a contrarian,
if you can commute to work at a different
time of the day,
or if you can go grocery shopping
at a different time
than everyone else typically does,
then you're gonna run into a lot less friction,
and that cuts down on your stress.
Now of course there are gonna be
varying degrees to which you can be
a contrarian based on your schedule.
If you're an entrepreneur,
you can be a contrarian in basically
any way that you want,
whereas if you have a full time job,
your options are a little bit more limited,
but regardless of what
your life situation looks like,
there are probably areas where you can exercise
a little bit of control
and change your schedule up just a bit.
You could wake up maybe an hour earlier,
and drive to work and maybe work out
at a gym near there,
or you could go to the grocery store
on a Saturday morning instead of after work
on Thursday afternoon.
The typical times at which we do things
are in part dictated by our schedules
and our obligations, but they're also
set in part by our habits,
and by the way that everyone else
seems to do things,
so, and this kind of calls back
to a tip in yesterday's video about organization,
if you can ditch the dogma,
if you can stop doing things
the way other people do them
just because they do them,
and be a bit of a contrarian,
you can really cut down on the stress
that you experience in your life.
All right, tip number three,
and this is a bit more of a specific tip,
but be ruthless about your inbox in 2019,
and this tip is on the list
because email can be a huge stress creator
for a lot of people.
Most of us are being constantly bombarded
with tons of emails on a daily basis,
and a lot of these emails
frankly are completely unnecessary,
and even for the ones that you do actually
need to look at,
you might need to look at them
right at the time they come in,
or you may need to receive them,
but not actually see them,
so as you go into 2019,
start taking some steps to tame
your inbox a little bit,
and I've got a few suggestions.
First, ruthlessly unsubscribe from newsletters,
daily digests, marketing emails,
anything that doesn't bring you value,
and I realize this is kind of an ironic tip
coming from somebody who literally
has an email newsletter,
but hey, if you get my email newsletter
and it doesn't bring you value,
then I actively encourage you
to unsubscribe from that, and that counts
for anyone else's newsletters as well.
You might think that it's not a big deal
to just delete the emails when they come in,
but realize that every single one
that you have to delete represents
a little bit of work you have to do,
represents a decision you have to make,
and over time, as the day goes on,
that creates mental fatigue.
Secondly, start using filters and rules
to automate the email
that you do need to keep.
For example, I get a lot of receipts
sent to my business email
for all kinds of transactions
that go on in my business,
and I need to keep these receipts
for good record keeping
and in case I ever get audited,
but I don't need to see them all
when they come in.
Like every single time
I make a video here on YouTube,
I have to order captions for it.
When I do that, there's an email receipt
that gets sent to my inbox,
but I don't need to see that.
I just need to have it in my records
in case I ever need it down the line,
so a long time ago, I created a filter
that will automatically add the receipt tag
to that email, so I can easily find it
if I need to, and it automatically archives it.
That way it's there,
but I don't have to see it or deal with it.
That brings us to tip number four,
which is going to sound like more work,
but hear me out.
In 2019, I suggest that you start
keeping a journal.
Now the astute viewers among you
might realize that in my previous year end video,
I advocated keeping an accomplishment journal,
and I do still advocate doing that,
but for this video, I'm going to recommend
keeping a normal journal,
a record of your thoughts and experiences,
and the things that go on
on a day to day basis.
And yes, this does create a little bit
of work for you, especially if you're making it
a daily habit,
but it has a hugely important benefit,
which is that it crystallizes your thoughts
about the experiences you're having
in the moment,
and it's really useful to have
this record to look back on,
because we're really good
at rationalizing things,
and we are especially good at looking
at the past with rose tinted glasses,
and if you don't keep a journal,
you might find yourself in a situation
down the road where you're looking
back at the past, wishing that you could
kind of go back to the situation
that you were in,
because where you are right now is stressful,
but if you have a journal,
you can go and look at how you were
actually feeling during that time,
and you might realize that they way
things are now are actually better
than they were back then.
Finally, if you wanna feel less stressed
in 2019 and in the years afterwards,
then stop rushing so much.
A few months ago, I was browsing Reddit,
and I found a thread from a guy
who had remodeled his house.
He was showing all the pictures,
and the job was honestly excellent,
but he was kind of lamenting the fact
that a lot of the rooms were now empty
because they didn't own a whole lot of stuff,
but he also said that his dad
gave him a really good of piece of advice,
which is that you've now got the house,
and now you have an entire lifetime
to fill it up,
and for me, that one line
is a great encapsulation of the fact
that we don't need to rush
as much as we think we do.
We have a lot more time
than we think we have,
and the reason that a lot of us
take on so many commitments
is that we feel like we have to rush
through all these stages of life
that society sort of expects for us
to go through.
There's all these things
that we're supposed to achieve, right?
We have to graduate from college,
buy a house, start a family,
do all of these things,
and social media makes this worse.
Because we've got all these friends
who in past decades we would only see
once in awhile, maybe at reunions
or family things or something like that,
but now we can see them posting
about all their life milestones.
This person started a family.
This person bought a house.
This person got a new job.
And we feel like we are falling behind
for not doing all of those things,
so if you are an ambitious person like me
there's this really strong temptation
to keep taking on things
because you feel like you have
to get to that next stage
as soon as possible,
but just like that guy who remodeled his house
and now has a whole lifetime
to fill it up, you and I have
time to do the things that we want to do.
You have time to achieve your goals.
And whenever I feel the temptation to rush,
I try to remind myself of what's really important
by asking myself the question,
and I truly that unhappy right now?
Usually the answer is no.
I'm content right now.
And I was content five years ago,
even though I hadn't achieved
nearly as much as I have now.
And I'm hopefully going to be content
five years in the future as well.
It doesn't mean I'm going to stop working.
It doesn't mean I'm going to rest on my laurels.
But it does mean that I can
afford to be methodical in my approach,
and that I shouldn't be sacrificing
my mental health or my time
just to get to that next stage
as quickly as I possibly can,
so stop rushing so much.
If you are constantly stressed out,
then pull back and assess the expectations
you've put on yourself.
It might actually be a good idea
to edit them and to allow yourself
a bit more time to meet them.
Because when you have that time,
you'll feel less overwhelmed,
and you'll be able to put more care
into your work.
Plus, when you're not always
rushing to finish an overwhelming task list,
you've got free time,
time to go on long bike rides,
time to cook healthier dinners,
and time to actually keep your house clean,
and since none of these things
requires a ton of concentration
in the moment, you can also use that time
to learn something new with Audible,
which is the best place on the internet
to get your hands on audio books.
Audible has an unmatched library
of audio books, in a ton of different genres.
From science fiction
to biographies to psychology.
They've got tons of obscure stuff,
and they have all the bestsellers,
including my recommendation for this week,
which is The Laws of Human Nature
by Robert Greene.
If you're interested in becoming
a more rational thinker
and making better decisions, and in controlling
your emotions more effectively,
especially in your interactions
with other people,
then this is a fantastic book
to go through, and I highly recommend it.
And you can actually get it for free
along with a 30 day trial of Audible
by going over to,
or by texting Thomas to 500500
on your phone.
Once you've got that membership,
you're gonna get one credit
every single month,
good for any title in their library,
plus two Audible originals
that you can't get anywhere else
and access to audio workout programs.
Plus your personal library of audio books
that you've downloaded is yours to keep forever.
Even if you end up canceling Audible,
you're gonna have those books
as long as you want.
So once again, go over to
or text Thomas to 500500 on your phone
to get that free 30 day trial
and a free audio book download
of your choosing.
As always, a huge thanks
goes out to Audible for sponsoring
this video and being a big supporter
of my channel in general.
And thank you guys so much for watching,
both this video and everything throughout 2018.
And possibly further back,
if you've been watching for awhile.
If you enjoyed this video,
definitely hit that like button
to support this channel,
and I also wanna hear from you
down in the comments.
What do you wanna see from me in 2019?
Both on the academic side,
the student focus side,
but also in a broader sense?
What do you wanna see from me
that maybe doesn't have to focus on academics
and productivity and all those kinds of topics?
I'm looking forward
to hearing from you down below,
and hopefully you had a great 2018.
Hopefully 2019 is awesome for you as well.
As always, you can subscribe right there
to get new videos every single week
when they come out.
You can go right there
to get a free copy of my book
on how to earn better grades in school,
whether you're in high school or college.
I think you'll find it helpful.
Follow me on Instagram right there,
or last but not least,
watch one more video on this channel
by clicking right here
or smashing your face into your phone screen.
Thanks for watching,
and I will see you in the next one.
Is Sitting up Straight Actually Good Posture? - Duration: 5:03.
Hey, you! Sitting there all slouchy!
You gotta fix that posture and straighten out your spine.
Well, maybe not completely.
Your spine has all these curves in it, so it's not really straight in the first place.
Actually, with how your spine is naturally curved, how do we even know what good posture is?
Turns out, it's pretty difficult to define.
But we do know that some types of bad posture aren't so great for your health.
And it all has to do with your spine.
The spine is one of the most important structures in the human body.
It serves as the central support, and it protects the nerves in your spinal cord, allowing your
brain to communicate with your muscles and organs.
That's why it's so important to take care of your spine.
If you don't, there can be drastic consequences.
A massive 2010 study on the Global Burden of Disease estimated that lower back pain
causes more global disability than any other condition, affecting nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide.
To understand what causes this sort of back pain, and how posture fits into the picture,
you have to understand the shape of your spine.
Your spine isn't perfectly straight.
The bones, which are called vertebrae, aren't stacked neatly on top of one another.
Instead, your spine is curved in an S shape,
so the load from your torso is centered directly over your hips.
Two parts of the spine curve outward like a turtle shell.
Physiotherapists call this kyphotic curvature.
These sections are also called primary curves, because they have the same shape
from fetal development to adulthood.
But you also have secondary curves, which start kyphotic and slowly change after birth
until they curve the other way, which is called lordotic curvature.
The neck starts to switch when an infant can lift their head, and the lower back takes
shape when they begin to walk.
These secondary curves shift the center of mass of a child's head and torso over their
hips and feet, which makes balance easier while standing.
Now, these spinal curves can also change in adulthood.
For instance, when someone is pregnant, their lower back will become more
lordotic to account for the weight of the fetus.
In addition to bigger curvature, certain regions of your spine also have some subtle lateral
curves and rotation to account for the all the organs you're hauling around.
Interestingly, people with a rare condition called dextrocardia have hearts on the right
side of their torsos, like a mirror image.
And they also have mirrored spinal curves to account for the different weight distribution.
All this to say, your spine is clearly supposed to be curved in certain ways.
But unfortunately, there's not a gold standard for posture to accommodate these curves.
For starters, many claims about sitting with proper posture aren't
universally supported or strongly backed by science.
For example, simply changing your sitting posture doesn't seem to have a major impact
on your baseline metabolism.
So you won't be able to get shredded just from sitting at your desk in a certain way.
To make things even more complicated, many physiotherapists don't agree on what the
"best" posture should look like.
So these days experts are more likely to suggest regular movement and varying posture.
You may have noticed that standing desks have become pretty popular.
And on its own, extended standing hasn't been shown to be any better than extended sitting.
But mixing up your daily routine with sitting, standing, and walking
has been found to reduce the incidence of lower back pain in some people.
However, it's also important to acknowledge that some people, like those who use wheelchairs,
may not be able to adjust their posture that way.
Studies have shown that providing lower back support
can increase wheelchair users' lung capacity and flow.
That can be really important for people who can't breathe as easily.
In addition, wheelchair backs that support spinal curves can give users more vertical
range of motion of their arms and make it easier for them to push their wheelchairs forward.
So we don't really have a definitive "best" posture.
But therapists have identified a couple signs of bad posture that can cause back problems,
whether you're sitting or standing.
The classic example of bad posture is slouching, and for good reason.
Bending forward while you're sitting reverses the curvature of your lower back,
making it more kyphotic.
An easy way to fix this is to scoot to the back of your chair,
which helps realign your vertebrae.
And despite the wonders of smartphones, like being able to watch YouTube from anywhere,
they've actually led to a new type of bad posture.
So-called "text neck" is what happens when people are using a cell phone or
looking at a computer monitor that's positioned too low, and bend their neck sharply.
This posture fights against the normal lordotic curvature of your neck, and can lead to pain.
To avoid this, you might just need to position your screens closer to eye level, so you're
not bending your neck so much and can preserve those smooth spinal curves.
Of course, we aren't doctors here at SciShow.
So if you are concerned about any pain, a physical therapist can prescribe exercise
and posture aids to help your muscles and spine.
That's their job, not ours.
Sorry if you're super aware of your sitting posture now,
but thanks for learning all about spines and support with us here on SciShow!
And if you want to support our team and help us provide free,
fascinating science content every single day, you can go to
The Ultimate Guide To Activated Charcoal - Duration: 6:18.
HSN | Electronic Connection Celebration featuring Arlo 12.31.2018 - 02 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.
Grapes are good...for you! - Duration: 1:30.
Did you know that the domestication of grapes
dates back to about 6,000 BC?
This means that grapes are one of the oldest cultivated crops
and that humans have a long and rich tradition
with this tasty little fruit.
Here in the United States,
Washington is the second leading producer of all grape varieties
and in 2015, the grape industry alone
contributed about $300 million to our state economy.
Grapes can be found in a variety of colors
including green, yellow, pink, purple or even black
and like most other fruit,
grapes are relatively high in sugar,
which is why they are so useful for making juice, jams,
and of course wine.
But grapes contain many other beneficial nutrients.
Among those are resveratrol
which can be found in the skin of the grape
and is a type of antioxidant
that promotes a healthy immune system
to help us fight off colds or other viruses
and the oil derived from grape seeds
is rich with vitamins and nutrients
including omega-6 fatty acids,
which our body uses to help maintain normal blood pressure,
lower inflammation, and many other beneficial processes.
So the next time you find yourself in the produce section
at the grocery store, you can be sure
that grapes are both a delicious and healthy choice for you
and your family.
'Bad Times At The El Royale' Designer Raves Over Dakota Johnson's 'Incredible Physicality' & More - - Duration: 2:44.
HollywoodLife has an EXCLUSIVE behind-the-scenes look at how the costumes influenced Dakota Johnson and Chris Hemsworth's characters in 'Bad Times At The El Royale.' Watch now!
Bad Times at the El Royale is available on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD starting January 1. HollywoodLife has an EXCLUSIVE video of the movie's costume designer, Danny Glicker, talking about how Dakota Johnson and Chris Hemsworth's wardrobes in the movie help tell the story. "Emily [played by Dakota] embodies the self-made woman of 1969," Danny says in the behind-the-scenes video. "She has a lot of swagger, and she's not afraid of being cold. She's slightly fashion forward for that time."
Dakota adds: "She was sort of brought up in an environment where you had to fight for your life. She's really trying to protect and care for her younger sister, but in the process, anyone who gets in her way she'll kill. So, really, she's full of love but is coated in murder paint."
Danny raves over how Dakota was able to exude "incredible physicality" in the clothes that she wears in the film. "She's able to take all these ideas and transform them into this incredible physicality," Danny notes. "She knows how to take a fringe jacket, which is a really fun piece of clothing, but it's not going to be nearly as exciting unless you move in it the way Dakota does. That not only expresses her character, but expresses why someone would be wearing a fringe coat to begin with. You wear it because you want to feel powerful and exciting, and when she enters she is powerful and exciting. You want to know who that woman is the second you see the fringe coat."
Even though he's not wearing much in the movie, Chris's wardrobe is essential in revealing who he is and what he's all about. "It was important to create a look for Billy Lee that was sensual, where the clothes were dripping off of him and all the embroidery on his shirt that suggest the length to which people will go to pledge their devotion to him," Danny says.
You Don't Have to Put Your Life on Hold to Get Help - Duration: 2:42.
I went into treatment in my late 30's.
And I think as early as my mid-20's, I knew that I needed help.
And I can actually remember a dozen times--who knows how many dozens of times it actually
happened--when I picked up the phone or made some sort of a gesture, a physical gesture
where the words were just in my mouth to say, "I need help."
And then I was met with this whole energy wave in my body that said, "Do not do that."
And I believe one of the factors that contributed to that was this idea that I was gonna have
to put my entire life on hold to be able to get help for my addiction and that turned
out not to be true.
And I thought that I would make a video and speak to that, just in case there's people
out there who might be in that similar place, who might have had a moment or an infinite
number of moments where you were really close to saying, "You know, I just need a little
bit of help.
I would like to fix this part of my life, or maybe I can get help with that part of
my life," and then the overwhelming gravity of what it might mean to go into recovery
takes over and it might stop you.
And that suggestion is that you don't have to put your life on hold.
You can take a step.
What that step is, I don't know.
But it'll depend on what it is that might feel good.
To see a counselor or a therapist might be a step towards getting help.
To attend to physical needs, or attend to your nutrition, or to sleep might be one of
those ways to get help.
None of these may be a solution but sometimes the simplest step can change the entire course
of somebody's life, and in other times it might be just the step that makes opens up
doors of possibility to getting more help down the line.
But the point is that you do not have to put your entire life on hold just to take that
first step.
And if my voice can be a help in that next moment that comes where some part of you says,
'God, I really wish I could get a little bit of help right now," and I can help you
over that hump to reach out to anybody and say, "I'm having a really tough time right
now," then I hope that you do that.
Subliminals - Achieve Your Goals Faster - Work on your Dreams Affirmations - Duration: 10:08.
I am happy, thankful and grateful for that which I already have.
I am focused on making my dreams a reality.
I stay motivated to take the necessary actions to bring me closer to my dreams.
I am calm and collected and open to receive the abundance of the universe.
I am certain and confident in my belief that my dreams are coming true.
I believe and have faith in the source which makes all things possible.
I am able to seek out those with the knowledge and power to facilitate my dreams.
I devote time each day to research, study, plan and implement my ideas.
I am amazing, dynamic and resourceful.
I have already succeeded.
I make my dreams and goals come true.
I become positive and optimistic about the future.
I make a plan and stick to it.
I attract the people and opportunities needed to achieve my goals.
I only feed the thoughts that serve my well-being and growth.
I think, speak and do what is necessary to achieve my goals.
I sharpen my skills daily.
I associate with positive like-minded individuals who encourage my dreams.
Each day I am moving closer towards my goals.
I can because I think I can.
Staying motivated and passionate about my dreams is my nature .
My mind, body and spirit are organizing effortlessly and automatically to prompt me to greater actions.
All of my dreams are coming true and I am programmed to succeed.
My mind is razor sharp and my focus like a laser.
The power to unlock the riches of my mind and to achieve my full potentiality is now fully realized.
My spirit is filled with ancient wisdom that strives to create the best version of myself.
My intuition and self-confidence guide me with certainty in making the best decisions on a daily basis.
My abundance awareness is increasing.
Exercise and meditation daily keep me grounded and spark new ideas for creativity and advancement of my goals.
Every day I achieve my goals.
I now ask my body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.
I now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.
All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.
All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.
You are happy, thankful and grateful for that which you already have.
You are focused on making your dreams a reality.
You stay motivated to take the necessary actions to bring you closer to your dreams.
You are calm and collected and open to receive the abundance of the universe.
You are certain and confident in your belief that your dreams are coming true.
You believe and have faith in the source which makes all things possible.
You are able to seek out those with the knowledge and power to facilitate your dreams.
You devote time each day to research, study, plan and implement your ideas.
You are amazing, dynamic and resourceful.
You have already succeeded.
You make your dreams and goals come true.
You become positive and optimistic about the future.
You make a plan and stick to it.
You attract the people and opportunities needed to achieve your goals.
You only feed the thoughts that serve your well-being and growth.
You think, speak and do what is necessary to achieve your goals.
You sharpen your skills daily.
You associate with positive like-minded individuals who encourage your dreams.
Each day you are moving closer towards your goals.
You can because you think you can.
Staying motivated and passionate about your dreams is your nature .
Your mind, body and spirit are organizing effortlessly and automatically to prompt you to greater actions.
All of your dreams are coming true and you are programmed to succeed.
Your mind is razor sharp and your focus like a laser.
The power to unlock the riches of your mind and to achieve your full potentiality is now fully realized.
Your spirit is filled with ancient wisdom that strives to create the best version of yourself.
Your intuition and self-confidence guide you with certainty in making the best decisions on a daily basis.
Your abundance awareness is increasing.
Exercise and meditation daily keep you grounded and spark new ideas for creativity and advancement of your goals.
Every day you achieve your goals.
You now ask your body and mind to work together to fulfill these affirmations.
You now manifest and fulfill these affirmations as fast as safely possible.
All beneficial and desirable changes from these affirmations are permanent.
All the changes take place as fast as safely possible.
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