For the final video of 2018, I thought it would help us all to end on some positive news
that you've made possible.
Just like Santa, I've been watching you
and I know you've been really good this year.
Let's see how you've pulled off an amazing 2018.
A couple of weeks ago, on December the 10th, the UN adopted a charter
that imposes a series of steps, regulations and actions
that will lower the impact that fashion has on the environment.
The charter includes 16 important steps that are in accordance with The Paris Agreement
and aim at reaching zero emissions by 2050.
I know, I know ! It sounds like things are moving too slow,
that's why I'd suggest you stick around till the end of the video
to see how we can bring that number down faster.
We should all give Australia a standing ovation for this one.
The Modern Slavery Bill of 2018 was passed in Australia in November.
This Act forces large businesses and other companies in Australia
to report on the steps they have taken to address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains.
As fashion is one of the five industries implicated in modern slavery,
global action needs to be taken.
Most of the clothes we buy are not made in our countries,
so it's important that measures are taken to protect our neighbors.
After all, we all share the same blue dot in space.
UK's House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee said
fast fashion is harming the planet.
I love this piece of news because it shows
that concerned people can trigger important action in their governments.
Acknowledging we have a problem is the first important step towards change.
Let's make sure that in 2019 more and more governments will listen.
Transparency is important in the fashion industry
because it lets us know what happens with our money.
Your constant questions during fashion revolution week
have pushed for the index of transparency to increase year over year.
For example, last year the Transparency Index Report showed that only 32% of the brands were transparent.
This year that number increased to 37%
and I believe that by the end of next year it will be much, much higher.
Business of Fashion together with McKinsey Company
published this year's State of Fashion report
which explores the industry's complex ecosystem and provide an authoritative point of view
on the state of fashion in the year to come.
They named Sustainability and Radical Transparency the biggest trends of 2019.
As we share more of our data with brands,
we expect them to do the same.
This, combined with the sustainability knowledge
that younger and younger people are being thought
will push brands to be even more mindful in 2019.
I'm constantly talking about brands that innovate in fashion on this channel.
I believe innovation in all its forms
can make fashion more sustainable in areas such as cultivation,
production, design, recycling and beyond.
This year, you've asked for solutions, and some brands have listened.
Take Biosteel for example.
They managed to create a fiber that is 100% biodegradable,
vegan and produced with renewable resources.
They've taken their inspiration from spider silk
and I hope fashion manufacturers all over the world will take note and implement this miracle fibre.
For more infomation >> How YOU have changed fashion in 2018. - Duration: 8:52.-------------------------------------------
People Share Awkward "I Love You" Stories - Duration: 3:19.
Heading Into 2019, Harry Smith Reflects On The Good People He Met In 2018 | Sunday TODAY - Duration: 4:33.
How to Stick to Your New Year's Resolutions (2019) - Duration: 4:31.
It's that time again, it's new year's.
And we all have some resolutions to make. Most of us
seek to be better at something or learn something new
and it does get really really hard.
So, today I'm going to teach you how to keep your new year's resolutions
yeah, in 6 months I'm going to look like Arnold.
this is the first problem with new year's resolutions and it's
setting impossible goals, you can't achieve them. They are just too too big,
and you actually want to make your goals a bit more realistic.
but don't make them too easy, for example:
"I'm going to walk 5 steps every day." That's not a real goal.
You want something that's going to challenge
you but that it's actually achievable.
Don't be that guy that goes to the gym for 2 weeks and then suddenly quits.
You want to set up real steps in order to help you.
Actually get your goals done.
Don't be that guy that says he is going to learn
French and then after he learns how to say
his name and that he likes pizza, he quits.
Set up real steps, for example: "Week 1) I'm going to
learn 50 words and I'm gonna learn how to say my name."
"Week 2) I'm going to learn 40 new words,
some grammar and practice everything I know."
"Week 3) I'm gonna learn more grammar." and so on.
Slowly build it up. Get to your goals step by
step. You're not going to achieve it all at once.
And You want to keep track of your progress.
You don't want to hit new year's, like next new years and then suddenly oh,
I was hoping to learn French and I suddenly only know like 300 words.
No, You want to reflect on yourself. First off
to realize that you're actually progressing. And then
To congratulate yourself on a job well done.
And secondly, to see if there is something that you can do better.
You know, it's not going to be the most optimal. The most best thing right away.
The most important is that you actually get started.
Don't hold your promises and new year's resolutions to yourself.
Tell them to your friends and family so that
they can keep you accountable for them.
And they actually motivate you to get them done.
In fact. Tell them to me right now.
Go in the comments below and tell me what your new year's resolutions are.
And as with all things, preparation is key.
It's very important. You know why most people quit their new year's resolutions?
Because it suddenly got too hard.
You want to make it as easy as possible to keep at it actually.
So if you can't cook in the morning and you just go to mcdonalds.
Because it's easy, cook it at night, prepare your
meals. It's going to be that much easier for you.
If it's hard for you to get going to the gym.
Prepare your bag the night before. So you don't have to
actually do that and then also go to the gym.
If you can't learn a new language on your own. Join a language school.
That money investment is actually going to keep you accountable.
And make sure that you actually learn the new
language and don't just throw your money away.
Also if you fail or just don't do the things you were going to do that day.
It's totally okay, we all fail sometimes, we are all humans.
Sometimes circumstances make it real hard for us to stick to our goals.
And sometimes we just lack the discipline to do so.
You can build up your discipline. But it does take
time, you're not going to do it the best right away
but you can do it. Even if you fail one time, hey you did it 8 other times.
It's totally okay. Just make sure that the number of times you did it
Is higher than the number of times you failed. Don't BS yourself.
Just because it suddenly got hard, doesn't mean you can't do it.
Doesn't mean you don't have the genetics or the potential to reach your goals.
You do, you just have to stick through the hard times.
You want to stay motivated, stay inspired and most
importantly keep at it. Don't quit no matter what.
Think about how you will feel once you achieve your goals.
And how awesome it will be to hit and actually achieve your goals.
Thank you so much for watching this video, if you enjoyed it, please
leave a like, share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe.
And also my new year's resolution is to make 1 new video per week.
So be sure to stay tuned for that and also I hope to see all of you
in the next year and have some happy and joyful holidays. See ya
#6 You dont need more time! - Duration: 1:25.
Fun fact: Everybody's like oh I have no time have no time. You don't need more
time, you need more space. When do people feel best at work? They feel best at work
the week before they go on a long vacation. Not because of the vacation
itself. What do you do the last week before you go on a long trip? You clean
up. You collect open loops, you close open
loops, you clarify, you organize your structure, you renegotiate time
commitments with yourself and with others. And some things you just stop
them, you let them go. ou do this so you can relax and be fully present and
focused on the beach, on the golf course, wherever you enjoy your life. Why are not
doing it every week instead of doing it once a year? You can make it your weekly
habit to regain freedom, focus, and flow. To be fully clear and present in every
moment imagine the quality of your relations in life and at work if you are
fully present in every moment. If you think that's difficult
let's talk. If you think, hey cool let's do it, let's talk!
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