Happy New Year guys I'm stormy storm and this video is gonna be about
changing your future or manifesting your future I don't quite know what exactly
this does yet because my Higher Self just taught me about this and they had
me do it so I could explain it to you guys I wanted to throw in a bunch of
messages that I've got that were very small but we're important so I just want
to throw these messages in at the end of the video so my Higher Self had me do
this thing where I kind of wrote to myself and you kind of get into a zone
of automatic writing but the intention of when you're talking to your Higher
Self and wanting a positive future it's like manifestation so it's it really is
a mix of channeling and manifestation but it's also your Higher Self letting
you know what's happening in the future and this higher self was only a year
advanced the latest she came in was 2020 so she's not that much she's not that
much further ahead than I am so I kind of loved this technique because I never
do New Year's resolutions I mean I always say I'm gonna do something and I
never do it I want to do it I just they're not that important I guess but
this was interesting I was thinking about the future and thinking about
other people's future mainly but I had a feeling that I really needed to focus on
my own so I got a piece of paper I got this idea and I realized it came from my
Higher Self I only realised that as I was writing and the idea was write as if
I'm in my future body talking to myself now because of the last message with my
Higher Self and saying that I could change any timeline I wanted after doing
that video I thought I should have imply it right I thought I should use that to
my advantage so what a great way to do that by
channeling your higher-self in the future and it's a good New Year's
resolution so it was like killing two birds with one stone
that's a horrible saying I just realized that that is horrible i sat down and I
started writing and I wrote everything was important about this and I didn't
realize this usually till moments after I started doing it but I grabbed a piece
of paper which I also the book that I always write down all my ideas for these
videos which seemed to be important it was an important book of mine or blank
slates I always doodle on it and everything i
doodle my dreams on it and then I grabbed a permanent marker which was
signifying that this is permanent this is permanent
this is gonna happen and actually when I was writing my Higher Self mentioned
that they were like don't grab a pencil grab a marker cuz I couldn't find my
pencil and they did they did that on purpose I guess and they had me start
off with writing things that I hoped to happen and things that were like not
that important if they didn't happen because um they needed me to get into a
trance first so as soon as I started writing the first couple of paragraph I
started zoning out and it definitely felt like channeling and it didn't feel
like I was me anymore it felt like my Higher Self I wrote out about three
pages and the three was important as well which you don't think any of these
things mean something until you have the art of observation and seeing the
synchronicities and the connections and the symbolism behind it
what I wrote was really personal to me but it kind of encompassed everything it
could this you know family love career health well-being spirituality just
about anything you can think of and little details in between there too that
just don't fit into a category and since this
was really personal to me I'm not gonna like share it but I will mention a
couple things that I thought were really interesting that I was not expecting was
not planning for and overall are pretty fucking cool the first would be that my
Higher Self wrote down you will have your first et contact like physical
contact which I pray to God like yes please oh my gosh I've been begging and
they didn't mention when that was gonna happen cuz a lot of when I was writing
this they would put like the beginning of the year or mid of the year or at the
ended by the end of the year like so they did give kind of like general
timelines but nothing so specific that it didn't happen on this date I would
freak out and think that it was never gonna happen and therefore change my
reality that seemed to be important to them they wanted me to not set dates
like specific dates just general dates because some of this stuff was outside
my realm of thinking what was possible another thing they did say was that I'd
be able to channel fluidly physically without needing any modalities like
tools like carrots tarot cards automatic writing I could just be able to talk to
them as though they were physical and hear
them as though they were physical they didn't give me a date on that either
they implied that with this purpose I help other people and therefore I am
happier as a human being because I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing when
I reach a certain point I'll be able to let go of the old ways of living which
have made me kind of unhappy and a lot of senses I think the biggest message
was they have permeance that I was gonna be happy I was gonna be happy I was
gonna feel fulfilled and a lot of the struggles I have now I'm gonna get over
the letting go and the letting go of worry I think was is what they keep
pushing the people to keep pushing this as I've been working on it working on
past pains and seeing it as differently and letting go of anger resentment those
anxieties those pains those emotions those overwhelming fears begin to dull
and there's moments of clarity so there's moments of I know it's gonna be
ok no matter what even if it doesn't happen the way it's supposed to happen
in my head it may be better than what I expect and they keep showing me that
time and time again I keep getting hit with bad news and then somehow it turns
out to be better than normal don't really get bad news and it's a it's bad
right you're like this sucks recently it's it's almost like testing
me it's testing me and it's hit with bad news and it's like how is she gonna
react she's gonna flip out like she always
does and they keep doing that and I don't I've been getting better and
because I've been getting better than you somehow turns around to be a miracle
in some cases after I wrote this letter I folded it up three times which I just
noticed right now the three seems to be very important when I was doing this I
bought a candle that day it was a mother Mary candle it was just I bought a
candle because it was white and they just it was a cheap candle in this
bursary store so I grabbed it and I bought two others with it Oh shape the
three again okay so this is this is important then I didn't light all three
at once I only lit the big candle which was a merry candle and I did that while
I was writing I had sent in a message to a channeler and I asked what spirits are
around me and why are they there the next day I saw the response and it was
mother Mary is around you and then parents of past lives the thing is is I
didn't realize that was a mother Mary candle so as soon as I heard that I was
like why is mother married around me I don't think I've ever once prayed to her
so I go oh there was a person on that candle maybe that's that's her they like
to show synchronicities for me so I can put together the pieces sure enough it's
a mother Mary candle I mean I never pay attention to anything really at face
value I just don't I just can block out I choose to block out a lot of the
surroundings because I know it's fake in a lot of ways so after I folded it I
took the wax from this candle that I still was unaware of being a Mary there
Mary Campbell and I put it on the piece of paper pushed it down so it would say
steel and then I put it underneath my pillow
they guided me to do that and they implied that it would help me manifest
if I slept with those words underneath my head so if I spent a lot of time with
that letter it's not about repeating the letter over
and over again but absorbing the energy that came from the letter because I
think a lot of people get stuck on the the how the why the when and they didn't
want me to do that they didn't want me to keep opening up the letter they just
wanted me to absorb what I got so anyways I've been sleeping with it under
my bed and so far I do feel better when I wake up in the morning I hope everyone
just kind of tries this because without having any goals or anything to look
forward to you might just keep yourself in the same patterns and I think that's
why they had me do this is so I can start preparing myself to the new
patterns that I would go into so hey feel free to try this and see what you
get I think you'll start to notice as you're writing these words down that you
will have a separation between yourself and then what is coming in it may take
like one page until you get to that point but it'll you'll start becoming
that higher self but let me give you some messages from my Higher Self that I
couldn't fit into videos until at this point right now and I think this is for
the new year these are very short messages my Higher Self say that
meditation is not the act of being silent so it's not quieting the mind
it's the active observing as observing your body observing how you feel
observing what's around you how does that make you feel like in that made
sense it made a lot of sense when you start to
notice patterns in your environment in the synchronicities that are constantly
pointing to to wake up and and look around you like bigger the patterns out
the patterns help you I don't meditate like others my brain
has a million things coming all at once and then it forms a dream I don't try to
silence the mind at all because I just know that - useless it's almost like
what my focus is in - with all those images and things coming into my brain
my brain will focus on one thing so really observing the patterns and
observing how you feel and is serving your body and your mind and realizing
what got each of those states and understanding it is is really the key to
meditation and when they send meditation they didn't mean normal meditation that
was it was more like a spiritual meditation to get messages it's like a
hypnotic state another one is to people to start observing their dreams
including myself if you have a lot of bad dreams it's an indication that you
are off course you're not following what you want to do and that you
subconsciously know you want to do and then there is this there's this rift and
that shows in your dreams and it when you look at dreams as a very simple way
like only take the main messages out of it and then maybe try to decipher it
from there but just pick out the main messages about the dream and that'll
help you figure out where you're off course
in the last thing which I feel was very specific to me and this is anyone with a
certain kind of disease but people with diseases especially with me they were
talking about Lyme disease because I have had chronic Lyme disease since I
was 20 they showed me that that was a part of
my attention people who have this disease they were forced to figure out
what they really wanted and what they were willing to invest their energy into
because they were limited on energy so they were forced to only care about the
things that were truly made them happy people who have this just don't have the
energy to do anything that drains them and they showed me with lung disease the
iconic way of figuring you have lung disease is when you get bit by a tick
and you have the bullseye rash my higher self or higher consciousness showed me
that that bullseye mark was you were a target you were chosen to experience
this and they showed me that the people who got chosen to experience this hell
of a disease were some of the most amazing people out there gifted
individuals very gifted and this brought them to a human reality this was a
necessary this was necessary because it made us more sensitive and Dee sensitive
in some areas definitely more aware of the things that
affect you and that was the point where I thought this was a curse this was part
of my ascension and part of a lot of people's ascension a lot of people get
so low in this and feel so detached from people that they have nowhere else to
look but within themselves and to trust their gut know their body because
everybody else is telling them something different and this is all part of it
these were all lessons that I wasn't going to learn without this disease
because I was I felt like superwoman and when I got brought down to my knees it
made me realize what what was worth spending my energy on because it's not
fighting it's not I don't have the energy to fight like I like I used to
and that's a good thing and it taught me also don't trust anyone
that's trying to tell you how you feel only you're gonna know that's really
important with ascension it's teaching me how to be okay being alone in a lot
of senses I'm still working on this lesson because it is an extreme suit
extreme alone and sometimes it'll even cut you off from spirit to make you more
human so you can empathize more with others who are living this very human
existence this was a big message but I did not know how to put a video into it
but this could be true with any disease if they were just showing it in relation
with what I have dealt with with the Lyme disease but they definitely did
show me that the target the bull's in that abnormal rash being being a
bull's-eye you were meant to have it and even though it's really hard and I know
it's really hard and you feel like you got the soul sucked out of you it's
gaining that back and learning from those experiences which is gonna help
you ascend and that having that sensitivity that you will always have
and not only that that that disease actually switches your the wires in your
brain is which is the wires in your brain to perceive things differently
and that's important they were trying to show me that it was a blessing even
though I still have hang-ups on it and I'm like really wish I could have
learned a different way maybe an easier way I hope everyone has a Happy New Year
and they make some kickass resolutions and get over the past pains and cuz
that's really important I'm gonna keep saying that and I really
want to turn my videos into being more fun but that's a message they they keep
showing me and so like I want to make fun of videos but they keep blocking me
off to that because they'll send me another experience that has to do with
letting go pain let it go pain letting go pain I don't
know about you guys but I'm ready for 2019 I wish all of you guys the best and
I'm almost at like a hundred subs and I just want to thank everyone because I
learn so much from you guys that I'm unaware of each thing that you guys say
makes me think about it and I look into it and guess what I find a synchronicity
with it so thank you so much commoners and likers and shares love you guys
stay well I'm stormy storm
2019 yo
For more infomation >> HIGHER SELF shows how to change your future, NEW YEAR'S RITUAL - Duration: 18:12.-------------------------------------------
Watch Steve Harvey New Year's Eve 2018-2019 Show | Heavy.com - Duration: 8:54.
Watch Steve Harvey New Year's Eve 2018-2019 Show | Heavy.com
Tonight, Steve Harvey's hosts Fox's New Year's Eve special, taking viewers from 2018 into 2019 for the annual celebration.
For those who would like to watch the special, but aren't near a TV or do not have a cable subscription, there are still options for you.
If you don't have cable or can't get to a TV, you can watch a live stream of Fox on your computer, phone or streaming device via one of the following cable-free, live-TV streaming services:.
Fox (available live in most markets) is one of 75-plus channels included in the main Fubo bundle.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the FuboTV website, or on your phone (Android and iPhone supported), tablet, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast or other supported device via the FuboTV app.
If you can't watch live, FuboTV comes with 30 hours of Cloud DVR (with the ability to upgrade to 500 hours), as well as a "72-Hour Lookback" feature, which allows you to watch most shows up to three days after they air even if you forgot to record them.
Hulu With Live TV.
In addition to a massive on-demand streaming library, Hulu also offers a bundle of 50-plus live TV channels, including Fox (available live in most markets).
You can sign up for "Hulu with Live TV" right here, and you can then watch a live stream of the show on your computer via the Hulu website, or on your phone (Android and iPhone supported), tablet, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Echo Show or other streaming device via the Hulu app.
If you can't watch live, "Hulu with Live TV" comes with both its extensive on-demand library (which has most shows available after they air) and 50 hours of Cloud DVR storage (with the ability to upgrade to "Enhanced Cloud DVR," which gives you 200 hours of DVR space and the ability to fast forward through commercials).
Sling TV.
Fox (available live in select markets) is included in the "Sling Blue" channel package.
You can sign up for a free 7-day trial right here, and you can then watch the show live on your computer via the Sling TV website, or on your phone (Android and iPhone supported), tablet, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, Xbox One or other streaming device via the Sling TV app.
If you can't watch live, you can get 50 hours of cloud DVR storage as an additional add-on.
In December 2017, Harvey participated as the host of his first-ever New Year's Eve special on Fox.
The official FOX synopsis for the first announcement of the now-annual special stated, "In his first-ever New Year Eve's special with FOX, Harvey will bring his signature humor and hosting talents to this highly anticipated celebration taking place in the heart of New York City's Times Square, featuring views of the Times Square Ball as it drops to ring in 2018.
Harvey will be joined by surprise celebrity guests and some of the year's top music artists to wrap up 2017 and kick off the New Year with a show unlike any other." Now, it's a year later and Harvey is once again ringing in the New Year, but this time, he takes viewers into 2019.
Steve Harvey has definitely made a name for himself in the hosting world in recent years, taking on duties as the host of Miss Universe and other national television shows.
Many know him as the host of Family Feud, The Steve Harvey Show, Showtime at the Apollo, talk show Steve, and Little Big Shots.
Former E! News star Maria Menounos is Harvey's co-host for the FOX New Year's Eve special and last year, this was actually Menounous' first live hosting gig since recovering from a brain tumor.
Also last year, co-host Maria Menounos got married live on the air, after nearly two decades with the love of her life, Kevin Undergaro.
Ahead of tonight's ball drop, Harvey told Entertainment Tonight that he wants this year's celebration to be bigger than ever.
Harvey said, "Confetti is small.
That ain't what I want this year.
I want bigger and better.
I want somebody to find me cannons that can shoot full-size Sunday edition newspapers at the crowd.
Classified, jobs, everything!" He then joked, "Why one ball? And we wait on this one ball for one moment — midnight.
We ain't doing that this year.
We're dropping a lot of balls! We're gonna be dropping balls all night.
We're gonna drop them from every tall building in New York.
Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, hell we're gonna go out there and drop a ball off the Statue of Liberty.
Balls, balls, balls! Bigger balls!".
Tune in tonight, from 8 p.m. – 10 p.m.
ET, with a break in programming until 11 p.m.
Then, the event will continue from 11 p.m.
– 12:30 a.m. ET.
New Year's Eve 2019 Top 10 Drinks & Cocktails | Heavy.com - Duration: 8:19.
New Year's Eve 2019 Top 10 Drinks & Cocktails | Heavy.com
With the holidays crashing through like a tornado, New Year's Eve is the last ditch effort for partiers to drink themselves silly before tweeting New Year's resolutions they'll forget about come February.
Whether you're sipping, chugging, toasting or hosting, here are the 10 top drinks and cocktails you can imbibe to help ring in 2019.
Pomegranate Thyme Bubbly Rosé.
Bubbly beverages pair well with New Year's Eve (duh) so why not level-up your midnight toast with some simple syrup, pomegranate and thyme? Rosé is a blush pink wine that's certainly en vogue (even for dudes—brosé, anyone?).
You can prepare the syrup in advance so when your party is in full swing, you can kick back and toss 'em back with your guests.
And don't skimp on the fresh thyme sprig.
It makes all the difference.
Champagne O'Clock.
For drinkers wanting a cocktail but want to keep it simple, the Champagne O'Clock is the real deal.
Mixing just champagne, cognac and bitters, this drink will please anyone scoffing at the sight of mixing fruit and booze.
Bronson van Wyck has the recipe.
New Year's Sparkler.
If tequila is your jam but you still want to incorporate prosecco, the New Year's Sparkler can come in handy.
Lemon and pineapple juices are balanced out with bitters and blueberries giving you a fruit forward—but not too fruity!—drink that you can make as strong or light as you wish.
Moscow Mule Punch. Moscow Mule—good.
Moscow Mule Punch–VERY good! Since this minty glass of happiness is always a welcomed treat, the punch variation prevents you from playing bartender all night while keeping your guests nice and drunk through the ball drop.
Sure, the mint may technically be optional, but in reality, no one wants a mint-less mule.
Pro Tip: Try experimenting with fresh basil instead of mint.
Everyone loves options.
Champagne Margaritas.
Champagne Margaritas should be illegal.
Luckily for humankind, they aren't.
This is another easy concoction you can whip up if you don't want to be a slave to the bar or blender all night.
Bonus points for fresh lime juice—it really raises the drink to excellence.
French 75.
This cocktail is fun, flirty, and classy af.
It deserves to be served in a parlor with fancy hats and gloves and chic glassware.
Why not whip out this gin/champagne combo for New Year's Eve? The fresh lemon gives it that extra zing that perfectly marks any special occasion.
Sparkling Sangria.
There are plenty of ways to skin a cat.
(Or crack an egg? One of those.) Similarly, there are countless ways to mix up a delicious sangria.
Since it's New Year's Eve and 'tis the season, start with this Sparkling Sangria from Self Proclaimed Foodie.
Make sure to work ahead of time and leave 1-4 hours for the fruit to soak with the liquor in the fridge.
This is crucially important, people! You can also experiment with cloves, star anise and/or cinnamon.
Sky's the limit and it's incredibly hard to mess this one up.
Holiday Iced Coffee.
Who doesn't need a caffeine boost when you're trying to party til the sun comes up? (Or at least until the ball drops.
) Coffee ice cubes and vanilla vodka pack a punch in this creamy iced coffee from Pretty Plain Janes is a twofer that'll hype you up and give you a buzz at the same time.
For the Designated Drivers — Faux Champagne.
There's no shame in staying sober and offering your friends a safe ride home.
For those abstaining, this non-alcoholic juice-based drink blends OJ and white grape juice with ginger ale and frozen grapes.
It's refreshingly delicious and still lets you join in on the toasting fun.
Champagne Jello Shots. OK, I get it.
There's a lot of champagne on this list.
But you know what really makes a party? These Jello shots by Sugar & Cloth.
Since New Year's is the theme, these tasty buggers infuse champagne with gin and juice (lemon juice, that is) to create divine little squares that are juuust a little bit classier than your average Jello shot fare.
Don't sleep on this one.
READ NEXT: Ryan Seacrest's New Year's Eve 2018-2019 Performers & Hosts.
How to make beautiful desktop wallpaper. - Duration: 7:41.
Happy New Year To You All - Duration: 2:37.
Hello my name is Mohammed Faharuddin and this is my sweet little baby Mohammed Fazaluddin.
Today's 31st December, the time is quarter past nine and I wish Happy New Year
to you and your near and dear ones. On this special occasion I'm going to
recite a self-composed poem titled Happy New Year To You All. So the poem
goes like this: I hope
you will definitely enjoy it.
Mortise and tenon shoe rack part 3 - Duration: 15:30.
Okay, everybody this is part three of
the shoe rack that I made
this will be the
Assembly of the shelves and the rails you saw me make prior
That's the finishing of the rack and putting it together. So watch right to the end
If you enjoy the video and
At the end I just put a little clip at the end of us setting it up and
Seen it all finished. So anyway
So I've got
The shelves were made and all ten in the last video. So in this video
I've drilled out my
Anti split measure
You always do that when you do a wedge tenon
so you don't chance splitting the workpiece with your wedge when you push it in there, so I've drilled those and I'm
placing the
Chamfer out and you don't always have to do this chamfer what most of the time you don't but I wanted a thicker wedge
I wanted to be more pronounced so I went ahead and
Cut like a five degree
Wedge into all of my Tenon's and I also felt like that gave me a little bit more
flexibility to really push the Tenon's in there wedging
So as we finish this up I'll I'll get to gluing it here and I
Yeah, as you'll see I cut these all flush with the with the side side rails that they mortise into
that they tended into and
Originally, my intent was to actually leave them stubbed like I did the main ones, but I had I ended up putting a couple
shelves together before I realized it was gonna be a real pain to
Try to shape all of those
Tenon's that were coming through
in situ, so I
Decided I just decided to go ahead and cut them flush. So
Went ahead and just I left the side ones flush. It's still a detail
You can still appreciate it, but it would have taken me forever
And as I said, there's eight shelves they are three Tenon's per shelf per side
So, you know you've got
48 Tenon's on this piece in total. So it was a lot of work. I had so many
So much footage for this because I recorded it start to finish. So as I built it, so
So, yeah, and and another unfortunate thing is I'd I can't find it anywhere
But if you look at the end cap there
So I've shaped those side rails since the last video and I cannot find the footage anywhere
so, I don't know if the camera was an honor or what happened there, but
That was just a just a stepped pattern. I came up with I liked it. I played around with it for about an hour
once I was happy with it, I made a
template I just used a bushing and my
3/4 inch end mill and
And went ahead and shaped them all in place, but I did take most of the material out with the hole with a drill press
I hugged out some key hole
locations with the drill press and then you said jigsaw to chunk it out so that I had just the
Bare minimum to take off with the router bit. Otherwise, I would really put your project
So have you done wedge Tenon's, you know as I'm doing this I'm listening very carefully as I found these wedges in
they have a distinct sound when they're completely set and
You'll hear right there hear that
That's a dead once that sound
Once that makes that sound you're done
So this is how I made the wedges. I wanted to show this in detail
So at first I cut I think it was like an inch and a half by piece of. Mahogany. It's a
It's a eight five five quarter piece of mahogany. I
Set my saw to my one degree bevel
Or two degree. I can't remember exactly and
Then all I do is just flip and rotate the piece around and keep cutting and I have these nice
These wedges and because they're five quarters thick. I just pencil line down the center, which you'll see you here in a second and
And then I can slice them in half. So I end up with two wedges per slice on the saw
This is just a quick easy way to cut your splines in a safe manner
Once I got down to a short piece at the end there I just use the third finger
Like, you know like a stick or something to hold it. So I'm done my own up my fingers right next to the blade
So here I'm marking the center's
Just by eye and I didn't put it in here. But basically I I roughed them in half like this
I sliced him in half I break him in half
And then what I would do is I just take one of my side rails with my seven sixteenths mortises and my little Lee Neilson
rabbiting jack plane, and I would just
Mahogany is pretty soft. It's pretty easy to plane. So I would just take him by hand and just run him through the planer
Through the play knife
until I had a perfect fit into the
Into the 7/16 mortises and that way I knew they were priests pre fit and ready to go
When I was actually doing glue up, so I wasn't sitting there while I was trying to glue shaving down wedges
to fit in mortises and
Again it's mahogany. It's pretty straight green. So once you slight once I slice them with a knife I score them
They're pretty easy to snap
And this is what I referred to earlier. So originally I was going to stub these tenants but
Like I said, I just started looking at him and I realized man
48 of these things too to try to cut to the same height and then and then
Just ease the edges on
That would have been a lot of work. So I already had way too much time invested into the shoe rack being in red so
So I just cut them off flush and it's still like I said, it's still a beautiful detail
And none of this is necessary as I'm sure you can see this is all this was just purely aesthetic. I mean you could I
could have hidden all these mortises and
things like that, so
So these are the assembled shelves and I did this same thing now
Did the same thing with my wedging for my rails that go into the front and back legs?
But I did chamfer which you'll see here in a second. I did preach and for
tenants that come through and
This is how this is how I did that so
That's actually a scrap from the leg cut-offs. So it's the exact height of the legs
So I use dikes intentionally use that thick pencil to give myself a little bit of room. So I wasn't I didn't
Over chamfer so I would you know be recessed down into the into the mortise of the leg
Before it started. I wanted to make sure that they were proud so
Just use that leg scrap put a thick line on there and then approach that line carefully making sure I did not jump over it
And I probably could have used like trim, you know a little my one of my cult little cult routers
With a with a chamfer bit in it to try to do this, but I didn't want to see the
Mill marks from it so just made more sense to me to just do it by hand
And then like I said, there's
There's eight eight shell so
36 of these to do and then I just flatten the tops off after I had my my chamfer looked good
All right showed this on the on the shelf two rail connections, but I just wanted to show you I used
My lead a Olson dovetail saw I prefer four horizontal
Pieces that are laid horizontal and then I'll use my Japanese saw for vertical stuff because it's a push for at pull
This off rather than the person
So this is an oversight on my part I intended to ease the edges ahead of time I forgot
And so this is what I did. I just ran my chamfer bit down the edges of the shelves and
then came in and finished him up with a chisel and my
black plane
So you're not going to see any sanding of the piece
Originally, I actually started sanding
the shelves and
I ended up opting to using my card scraper. So this piece is completely finished with a card scraper
I wasn't I
Wasn't sure the soft wood, you know, this is all larch and fir lumber construction grade lumber
Card scrapers are are not super at that so
scraping soft woods
But I found on especially on the end grain on those profiled rails on the bottom edges there
The card scraper worked really well at cleaning that up and as well as the tenon
the flush Tenon's on the Shelf two rail connections
So this piece is all hand scraped
So I started out on the bench
Putting this together and this is gonna be the only time lapse of the video. I time-lapse the assembly so you could appreciate
The whole thing come together because it was all really every piece it's just a mirror image of the first one
So it's a lot of like production but it's it still takes forever it's still time-consuming so so my wife and I
Sat down together and put this together and
Even this took quite a while. So we're obviously cleaning the glue as we go and
It's on those front Tenon's like I said I preach hampered them
I didn't want to have to come back and and do a lot of finish work to him
So I just used a card scraper to clean him up. So I wanted to make sure that
Glue run off etc was cleaned up very well
So when you have any discoloration?
There we go, so
So even though I clamped the front there I tried to do this as quick as I could so I could get those clamps and
Really squeeze everything together just to make sure there were no gaps. So everything came together real nice
Really there weren't any major
Regrets, you know, the the larch is a little bit brittle so sometimes it's easy to chip
So I had a couple
Tips and things different spots, maybe like three I think
But they were they were pretty much dealt with through the machining process
As as different layers got taken off. So
So this is the finished piece boys are helping me take the clamps off
This is prior to applying finish
So I'm going to apply a coat of tung oil to the Shelf top to bottom
I like to do I like always like to get an oil on there if I can just
because it penetrates and
really brings out the color and the depth of the green and then I'll wait 24 hours and make sure that
any oils have have whipped off and then I'll come through and I'll do my poly coat and
in this case because it is a shoe rack and it's going to take
It's gonna have wet wet boots and shoes on it. Potentially. We made sure I coated it with three three coats of poly
This is the time oil and this took forever
Like I said it that's my daughter's cat helping me finish the shelf
I thought the cat would run away from the smell of the tung oil, but didn't bother her a bit
So I was surprised with the fur and larch that
the color came out as well as it did I'm
I'm not
I'm not really a fan of a pine in general I much prefer working with hardwood
But as you can see by the shop, this is in the schoolhouse that I'm rehabbing right now
I have my woodshop set up in one of the old classrooms, which I hadn't had any work to do in just yet
So I was using that
The shop is if you like behind me there actually through that window the shops back there
But I still don't have cement down and you know time and finances just don't provide for it right now. So
We're just making do like this until I can get back
So this is downstairs in the schoolhouse and we're currently occupying it while we work on it, so
I was just the shoe rack was a must we were tired of thought tripping over
Armageddon shoes
And there we have it
We defeated the shoe monster because in a family of six a
Family of six kids and two adults shoes are a crisis
How Does Skoda's New Scala Stack Against The Audi A3? - Duration: 4:46.
Since we brought up this topic during our recent Scala article following its official unveiling, we figured we should dive deeper into just how well Skoda's newest 5-door hatchback compares to the Audi A3 Sportback
Of course, it goes without saying that differences in build-quality, performance and driving dynamics are to be expected, since one of the two is the VW Group's flagship 5-door hatchback offering, whereas the other is more budget-oriented
The two VW Group models share a similar silhouette, that of a condensed compact wagon, if you will, that's accentuated by the rear fourth window
Compared exclusively to the Audi, you could make a case for the Scala having a slightly more modern design, although we wouldn't go as far as to say that it's better looking than the A3 Sportback, whose styling is a lot less detailed with far fewer lines and creases breaking into the overall aesthetic
What's interesting though is that the Scala has a slightly longer wheelbase than the A3 at 2,649 mm (104.3in) versus 2,637 mm (103.8in).It also has a bigger trunk, with 467 liters (16.5cu.ft) available with the backseat in place.
The Audi? Just 380 liters (13.4cu.ft).So then what does this mean? Would you enjoy much greater practicality in the Scala than in the A3? Hard to say, especially since people who actually get excited by such differences in size and volume are usually best suited by cars from superior segments, like mid-sized
To put it plainly, if the Scala's trunk capacity got you really excited, then we could argue that what you actually need is something like the Octavia Combi, which has a 610 liters (21.5cu.ft) trunk.
Overall, if you fancy the new Skoda's triangular partial LED headlights (which are standard by the way), or perhaps its rear end design where the glass blends in with the taillights, we completely understand
Although, the current-generation A3 can be rather handsome, especially in S-line trim
Choosing which interior you'd rather have when it comes to these two models should go a little something like this: do I want a more modern-looking cabin with a more advanced infotainment system, a much larger 9.2-inch central display, LED ambient lighting, online services and a 10.25 inch Virtual Cockpit screen?
Or should I go for the Audi, which by the way has a larger digital gauge cluster at 12.3-inches, but a much smaller infotainment display.In terms of driver assistance systems, there isn't that much between them
The Scala comes with standard Lane Assist and Front Assist with City Emergency Brake systems, while Side Assist, Adaptive Cruise Control and Park Assist are optional extras
Meanwhile, you can also get an A3 with Adaptive Cruise Control, to go with the Pre-Sense system, Side Assist and Park Assist – most of those options can be pricey though
As for overall quality, you can see that the A3's interior features leather on the sides of the center console, more leather with contrast stitching on the door panels and we'd wager that it also has higher quality plastics and inserts
We haven't driven the Scala yet (obviously), but multiple run-ins with the A3 have taught us that it's one seriously well-built car – arguably still best in class, despite Mercedes' all-new A-Class
European buyers need only wait until the first half of 2019 to see the Scala in dealerships, and if Skoda is going to price it anywhere near where the Octavia is right now, then it might end up roughly 5,000 euros ($5,700) cheaper than an entry-level A3 Sportback in markets such as Germany
Although, in some Eastern European countries, the price difference could be even greater
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