I have been going back and forth in my head over how I was gonna make this
video at first I was gonna make something really extravagant I even
spent like six hours creating this little 30-second video clip to put in
the video but I never got passed that I had no idea what I was gonna do I didn't
know how I was gonna film this thing what I was gonna say where I was gonna
where I was gonna go I just I didn't I had no idea and then life stuff kept
happening good life stuff I mean we had Christmas and you know family time and
that's all good things and and it actually turned out to be the perfect
scenario because really the best way to do this is to just sit down and have a
heart to heart with you guys so with that being said Happy New Year
I feel like I've been here a lot for the vlog lately and I haven't really taken
the camera out and done any filming and gone anywhere and done things but you
know it is what it is this is a very busy time of year I don't always have
the time to be able to go out and create a bunch of vlogs with b-roll and all
sorts of stuff so you know it is what it is but it's New Years Eve well for you
it's New Years Eve it's the whole Christmas Eve thing all over again it's
a couple days before for me but if you're watching this on the day it came
out it's New Year's Eve which means this is the last video of the year and what
what a year it's been it's has been an absolutely crazy year we're gonna recap
it the whole nine we're gonna go over some of my favorite moments of the year
and some of the things that I've been through and all of the great people that
I've met and all of all of that good stuff we're gonna go through we're gonna
go through and do all that so let's start from the beginning let's start
from January of 2018 back in January I didn't even own a DSLR if you watched my
last video you know that already but I didn't own a camera I had a YouTube
channel I was doing everything on my phone I was only recording videos to try
and promote a life coaching business that I was trying to build I also had a
podcast and a blog and all of the things I was doing all of it and it was crazy
and it wasn't going anywhere and then at the end of February I got my tax return
money back I decided to buy a DSLR because I wanted to make better videos
for my youtube channel I didn't want to be a full-time youtuber at the time I
just wanted to create higher quality videos so I got a DSLR and a couple days
after that the beginning of March I made a video called why I'm so happy and it
was still to promote the life coaching business but it was more of a vlog style
video where I just documented my day and I showed you guys how I used the tools
that I talk about in my everyday life and I made that video and it had I mean
it was horrible the color was off the sound was
just atrocious but it had like jump cuts and like creative camera angles and
stuff like that and so I filmed that and I edited it and I uploaded it to YouTube
and that whole process just made my brain explode because I've been a
creative person my whole life but I hadn't really done anything creative in
a while I was so focused on trying to build a business that I had put my
guitar down I hadn't touched that in a while I still haven't touched it in a
while I need to change the strings on it that's a totally different thing totally
different video but creating that video and being creative in the making of that
video just got me back in touch with my love for creating things and so a couple
days later I did another one a couple days after that I did another one and I
just over and over I just kept doing it by the end of March I uploaded a video
called I just want to create and that's when I announced that I was basically
just gonna create I was gonna focus on my youtube channel I was gonna focus on
videography and photography and that's all I wanted to do and to be completely
honest with you guys I was the only one that was happy with that decision I made
a video about that too that's linked up here but I kept going through April and
I hit my first Veda where I vlogged every single day in April and I got my
first subscribers and I started growing my subscriber base and more than that I
started making friends and I started building a community and I kept going
and Veda ended and I started doing editing tutorials because I learned a
whole bunch through April and I wanted to pass that knowledge along and I
started vlogging once a week and doing tutorials once a week and it just kept
going and it kept going and then in June I met the no small creator group and
that just completely changed my my just everything just exploded after that and
I met people I've met a ton of people in real life like Cody Wanner and Alejandro Perez
who was my first subscriber and Lincoln Riddle and Michael T Panetta Michael
Feyrer Jr. just a whole a whole bunch of people I could sit here I could probably
make a seven minute long video just about the people that
I've met through doing YouTube and I've done a bunch of cool stuff I've got to go
play at Hershey Park with a couple other youtubers I got to go to Niagara Falls
with a whole bunch of people went to Harrisburg and met up with a whole bunch
of people it's just been it's been a blast this whole year has been one just
crazy crazy ride and behind the scenes was a whole lot of work because I can't
just run around and take pictures and make videos all day I needed to make
some money too and I started putting patreon in place started getting some
patrons I started selling stock footage I started selling merch and and that's
still like building up but I'm finally making a little bit of money which is
crazy I'm actually making money more it's not a lot it's not a lot but I'm
making money more consistently than I ever did when I was trying to build any
of the businesses that I was doing before this but I want to back up a
minute and let's talk about these people that I've met if I have to choose one
thing that I hold most valuable over this year this year on YouTube where
I've been documenting my life and trying to share knowledge with you guys and and
all of that stuff it is the community it's the people that I've met it's the
people that I've done collaborations with whether it's in person or long
distance it's the people that I've DM'd on Twitter or talked with on the
phone or hung out with in Hershey Park or in the Inner Harbor in Baltimore or
in Niagara Falls ER and shared workspace in Harrisburg Pennsylvania it's it's the
people it's the community that I'm the most grateful for first it was no small
creator then it was the best our people and now it's my own community that I'm
building with Alejandro Perez and the best life squad
it's these communities and these connections with people that make me
want to continue doing this and I could go on and on and on and I could talk
about all the cool things that I did in the favorite videos that I put out
and the the favorite places that I've gone and all that stuff and I could even
talk about all the things that are coming in 2019 but I'm not going to do
that because I just wanted to express my gratitude for everything that has
happened this year and for all of the people that I've met it's it's been a
wild ride and you guys have been there every step of the way so thank you so
that's it that's my 2018 recap it's nothing fancy it's not extravagant it's
not particularly exciting necessarily I don't know I haven't even edited this
thing yet you guys let me know in the comments let me know what you thought
about this because I just I wanted to sit down and say thank you and so I did
that so like this video if you enjoyed it share it if you think your friends
will enjoy it and don't forget to subscribe and hit that bell if you
haven't done so already I'll be back Wednesday for the very
first live stream of 2019 but until then thanks for hanging out you know what you
guys know the rest go for it keep living your best life keep living
your best life keep living your best life keep living your best life keep
living your best life keep living your best life keep living your best life
keep living your best life live your best life
like keep living your best life keep living your best life keep living your
best life keep living your best life people living your best life keep living
your best life keep living your best life and I will talk to you later happy New Year
keep living your best life you see how much feeling I put into that
For more infomation >> 2018 Recap (Happy New Year 2019) | Jay Lippman Vlog - Duration: 9:03.-------------------------------------------
Cold wind sweeps the nation on New Year's Day _ 123118 - Duration: 1:41.
Hello, I'm Michelle Park here with the latest weather update.
As we finish off the year, we got to see the frozen Han river this morning.
This is the first official observation this winter, which is about two weeks earlier than
the seasonal average.
The weather remains cold tomorrow,... in fact, there'll be stronger winds so it will feel
much colder.
For those of you checking out the first sunrise of the year,... in Seoul, you'll be able to
see it at 7:47 AM Korea Time and a little earlier in the south.
The sky won't be too cloudy, so you won't have a problem catching the sunrise.
But make sure you are dressed warmly as the morning low in Seoul kicks off at minus 8
degrees Celsius, while Daegu and Gyeongju begin with minus 6 and minus 5 degrees, respectively.
Seoul will stay below zero all day, while most other regions will be a bit warmer.
The first week of the new year will stay clear,... and starting Thursday, the temperature will
start to recover back to the seasonal norms.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
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