what is like to been invisible.
like no one knew
like it was promised for him
he seem's so nice first time i look up at her eyes
a childness spirit who's still deep in her soul
but he never goe's back on what he decide's
what make me fall in his thoughts.
that i left my home town for him
he told me im commin babe
what he said
im commin home.... he said.
he never came back.
he was in love I always knew it.
but with his car more than his child's mother .
i should be more proud than
he got what he composed
and a grave
for his beloved.. wife
he was twenty seven
he lived
For more infomation >> LIFE THAN LIVE. (CC) - Duration: 1:51.-------------------------------------------
10 Crazy Amphibious Vehicles You Need to See - Duration: 12:28.
It didn't' take too long after the invention of the car to figure out how to make one work
as a boat. From something that looks like a Jeep, a motorcycle or a tour bus we count
down 10 crazy amphibious vehicles.
Number ten. Watercar Panther.
This amphibious vehicle is one of the few on this list which is in fully production
and can be purchased right now. This amphibious jeep required multiple prototypes to get to
the final result. Initially they found using a long body pickup trucks as the base provided
the stability they needed in the water but after perfecting their craft the jeep base
was the final vehicle to hit the high seas.
Claiming to be the fastest amphibious vehicle in the world, which you'll see later other
cars will also try to stake this claim, the watercar panther clocks in at 80 mph or 130
kph on land or 50 mph or 80 kph on water. They achieved this by removing as much drag
as possible from the body by lifting the tires out of the water and shaping the hull pointed
like a boat. It only takes 15 seconds to convert this vehicle from car to boat mode which is
done with a simple pull of a lever. This vehicle boasts easy access to the vehicle from the
water by opening the door which apparently also draws in pretty women. Watercar panther
is an American built car that has created numerous of these vehicles. For around $180,000
you can pick up one for yourself. They have started to branch out and create a fire rescue
version which is approved by the US coast guard.
Number nine. Gibbs Aquada. Billionaire Alan Gibbs of New Zealand started
the company Gibbs Sports Amphibians which created this limited edition car. Only in
production in 2003 and 2004 only 30 were ever built. 20 of these were sold in 2016 that
were snapped up quickly by car collectors. With a sticker price of $250,000 this roofless,
doorless car can achieve 100 mph or 160 kph on land or 35 mph or 55 kph on water. With
wheels that retract in 4 seconds to become a boat, the aquada will leave you feeling
like this as you cruise around the water. Setting specific records for its speed on
the water the Aquada will have to fight watercar panther for who claims the top spot. Gibbs
filed 60 patents with this amphibious vehicle design which took 18 years and 200 million
dollars to development the car. Sporting normal and marine lights the Aquada uses a V6 land
rover freelander engine plus a water jet for it's propulsion. Land rover no longer produces
this engine so this aspect will need to be redesigned within the vehicle. Gibbs has a
full line of products they sell today, the Aquada not being one of them but who knows
we may see an aquatic car from them in the future.
Number eight, Sherp ATV. This boxy truck with the biggest wheels you've
ever seen on a normal sized vehicle is known for being able to go anywhere. This all terrain
amphibious vehicle has wheels that are 5 feet or 1.5 meters tall that creates the buoyancy
needed to float. That's right this this can drive in the water. The tires deep ridges
paddle this boat forwards, not all that fast at 3 mph or 5 kph. On land it can top out
at 28 mph or 45 kph. This Russian designed vehicle has self inflating tires which can
be adjusted to any terrain and is able to have 2 tires on one side can lock in place
when desired to have skid steering. The 2 feet of ground clearance, compact design and
raw power allows the sherp atv to climb it's way out of a frozen pond, over giant rocks,
concrete barriers, tall grass, through the woods and even over small trees. For this
reason it's now being tested in recovery scenarios like this one seen here rescuing
people from rooftops in a flood zone. This scenario shows it being used as the most versatile
ambulance you've ever seen. Costing only $65,000 for base model it's quite cheap
considering what it's able to do.
Number seven, Wilcraft. This long white vehicle was designed with
one purpose in mind, fishing. Taking the trouble out of bringing the boat out to the lake launching
it or risking falling into the water while ice fishing the Wilcraft was the solution.
A canvas enclosure, along with an 2 inch insulated floor keeps your warm while out on the water.
Paddlewheel propulsion moves this craft through the water and is able to carry a 600 lbs or
272 kg payload. The Wilcraft can easily drive through tall grass to the water where it has
a top speed of 20 mph or 32 kph on both land and water. The massive rear tires adds additional
buoyancy while providing the traction needed to escape a frozen pond. In the process of
developing this craft it looks like a shorter red one was built as strictly a summer time
fishing vessel but the longer ice fishing version is the one that is commercially available.
Number six, Terra Wind Motorhome.
CAMI or Cool Amphibious Manufacturers International has created something unreal. With what appears
to be a normal large RV, is vehicle is in fact amphibious. We'll call this RV what
is it, an RV for the rich comes with a price tag of $850,000 to 1.2 million dollars. 330
hp and twin 19" bronze propellers get this beast moving across land or in the water.
Weighing in at 32,000 lbs or 14 500 kg this fully decked out RV has all the things you'd
expect like fancy finishing and materials throughout including marble, wood and tile,
a big screen tv, fridge, dishwasher, stove, microwave, cabinetry, bathroom, shower and
washing machine are all onboard as well. Aside from those features an outdoor deck on the
back allows friends and family to swim and sunbathe. An outdoor shower allows one to
clean up before heading inside. Inflatable stabilizing pontoons keep it stable in the
water so you aren't barfing up lunch 10 minutes after it's gone down the hatch.
This is like the ultimate luxury amphibious vehicle.
Number five, Gibbs Biski. This amphibious motorcycle created by once
again Alan Gibbs is a motorcycle and a watercraft in one. Essentially looking like a seadoo
with wheels a 1 button press converts this motorcycle into seadoo or personal watercraft.
5 seconds afterwards their suspension system lifts the wheels out of the water and it's
ready to go. Propelled with a 2 cylinder 55 hp engine the biski tops out at 80 mph or
128 kph on land or 37 mph or 60 kph on the water and weighs 503 lbs or 228 kg. This rear
wheel drive vehicle has front and rear hydraulic disc brakes and both road and marines headlights.
Number four, Gibbs Quadski. Gibbs isn't done yet, next we have the Quadski.
This floating ATV is the world's first sports amphibian as described by gibbs. Dishing out
45 mph or 72 kph on both land and water, conversion from ATV to boat mode also can be done with
a single press of a button. The retractable wheels raise and the water jet propulsion
is activated. Powered by a BMW 300 cc water cooled 4 stroke engine, this vehicle comes
in both a single rider and 2 seat version called quad seat xl. Their patented water
jet drive which is lighter than their competitors allowing this thing to really move on the
water. A dream vehicle to own if you enjoy sliding in the mud or taking on the waves
the quadski is not only a great toy but comes in a patrol version equipped with police lights,
led spotlight and siren package. This police version of the quadski offers an unparalleled
level of surveillance which could be highly effective in urban and rural environments.
Pricing in at $40,000 not a bad vehicle to have an every police force to have.
Number three, Larc-v.
The Larc-v or Lighter Amphibious resupply cargo 5 ton was invented in the 1950s. This
military cargo vehicle is aluminium hulled with a top speed of 30 mph or 48 kph on land
or 10 mph or 15 kph oh the water. They are used across the world in Portugal, Philippines,
Iceland, Australia, Singapore, Argentina, and the United states still to this day. About
1000 were produced of which ½ of those were destroyed in a disposal process after the
Vietnam war. Today 200 are used by the military and 100 privately owned. This highly durable,
high capacity cargo vehicle has had different variations created after the initial design
was successful. A reworked design of the larc-v for the US Navy Service Life Extension Program
saw the mechanical transmission swapped for a hydraulic one with an updated electrical
system. Used as maritime prepositioned force ship these redesigned larcs are also used
on construction projects at sea. With a bollard pull in water of 7600 lbs or 3400 kg and a
towing capacity of 30,000 lbs or 13,600 kg these vehicles are a workhorse operating on
the land and in the water.
Aside from military uses, Iceland uses them as a tourism vehicle. Taking customers on
trips through the frigid cold waters, glaciers and massive floating ice can be seen up close
from the safety of the LARC-V.
Number two, Tour Bus. Just when you think you've seen it all,
we have an amphibious tour bus. Splashtours has an Amphibious Bus which runs tours in
Rotterdam. Known for the splash as the bus hits the water, this certified water vehicle
goes on tours on the Maas river. Making for a unique way to see the sights and avoiding
all the traffic this bus will cruise around the river before driving back up the ramp
onto land. Not the only tour bus that is amphibious, Amphicoach amphibious vehicles has a bus of
their own. This company produces one that looks like a tour bus with a fully enclosed
top but also has this new one that is a convertible. Bet you've never seen a convertible, amphibious
bus before.
Number one, Sea Lion. Yet another claim as the world's fastest
amphibious car the sea lion is a one of a kind. Literally there is only one sea lion
in existence. Built by Marc Witt amphibious car can not only rip on the road but also
in the water. With a max top speed of 125 mph or 200 kph on land or 60 mph or 96 kph
on the water, this vehicle was designed as a prototype to push the limits. With some
tweeks to the engine it's said it can get up to 180 mph or 290 kph on land. This amphibious
world record speed competition vehicle as it's called was designed by mark witt to
solely shatter records within this category. A 174 hp mazda rotary engine gives this car
life yet even though it was built to shatter records it was never tested to do so. Getting
this car going in the water isn't a difficult task. The large flap on the front lifts up
to help it glide through the water. It's retro futuristic design, ya that's an oxymoron,
has a unique hatch that pops up in the middle and storage tubes on the sides that are big
enough to fit a folded up bicycle in. While Marc tested this vehicle in the water, when
asked if it comes with a guarantee it won't sink, he joking laughed with a "No". Marc
also noted the while in the water the windshield wiper needs to always be on. Eventually sold
in 2012 for $259,500 it's unclear if this car's speed will ever be fully tested.
Do you love the idea of amphibious cars, do you want to drive one today? Let us know in
the comments down below. I hope you enjoyed this episode, consider subscribing to the
channel and hit the thumbs up button and until the next one have a good one.
View Options - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #5 - Duration: 5:30.
Shawn is now navigating quite comfortably around his Excel workbook,
but when we have a really massive workbook like this,
it still does present a lot of challenges.
One thing that can help us are some of our view options.
We'll start by looking at the bottom of the screen,
on our status bar.
We have a small tool called a zoom slider,
and this allows us to quickly zoom in by clicking on the plus,
zoom out by picking on the minus,
or simply drag the zoom slider to get to exactly where we need it.
To the left of the zoom slider are three view options.
We are working in normal view,
but to the right of that you will also see the page layout view.
This gives us a good indication of how the Excel workbook sits on the page,
and is useful when we come to print.
To the right of that is the Page Break view,
and this is very good for getting an overview of a launch worksheet.
For the most part though,
we will work in normal view.
So, I'm going to click back on that.
Coming up to our ribbon now,
I'm going to click on the View tab.
You will notice a lot of the tools we've just looked at like the page breaks views,
and the zoom tools are also available on the ribbon tab.
If I needed to quickly zoom in for example to 100 percent,
I can just click on 100 percent.
If you find that tool really useful,
don't forget you can always add it to Quick Access toolbar.
So, I'm going to right-click and add Quick Access toolbar.
There are also several checkboxes which will allow you to
turn off and on some view options.
For example, if I'd like to hide my grid lines,
I can untick Gridlines and they're gone.
Usually, it's easier to work with them all.
One tool which can be quite useful, is the split.
This allows us to split our screen,
so we can view different sections simultaneously.
I'm going to click near the middle of my screen,
and click split, and where these gray lines have appeared,
my screen is actually being split into four sections.
I find this a bit difficult to work with,
so I'm going to double-click on the middle split to remove it.
Now just have a top and a bottom.
If I wanted to see some data at the top and compare it to data near the bottom,
I can come to my lowest scroll bar and scroll down until I get to near the bottom,
and you can see I look to different sections my screen simultaneously.
To turn split off,
I can double click back on this line or come back up to split and click it off.
Now while the split is quite useful,
even more useful, is the Freeze Panes.
Sometimes, I want to be able to simply scroll down
or scroll across and still be able to see my headings,
and you can see at the moment I can't.
I'm going to bring this little scroll bar backup,
and I'm going to come to freeze panes.
If I click the dropdown and say Freeze Top Row sounds good,
but you'll see it's only frozen
the top row which doesn't really help me in this situation.
So, to turn that off,
come back to freeze panes and click unfreeze.
Now, what I actually want to be able to do is freeze
the top three rows and my first three columns.
The trick to this is to click in the cell directly
right and directly below the columns and rows I want to freeze.
So, you can see are below row three and to the right of column three.
I now come up to freeze panes,
and I click Freeze Panes.
Some faint black lines appeared,
but you'll notice now when I scroll down,
my heading stay fixed.
When I scroll right,
my three columns on the left also stay fixed.
Again, to turn freeze panes off back to Freeze Panes and unfreeze.
Now the last quick option I want to look at,
is the option to switch windows.
This is useful when you have multiple workbooks open.
So, let's get another workbook open.
We've up to now looked at file open,
but I'm going to press Ctrl+O which is the shortcut,
and I'm going to choose W01-V02-Select and Navigate.
We're not looking at a different workbook,
but what about if I want to get back to the one I was working in previously?
I come to my View tab,
I come to Switch Windows,
and I now have a list of all my Excel workbooks that are currently open,
and I can just click to Switch.
There's also a useful shortcut key, it's Ctrl+F6.
So, I press Ctrl+F6,
and you can see I quickly switches me between my open windows.
So, that are some view options to help speed up
your workflow and make it easier to work with larger workbooks.
Get in that and have a play.
Reggae Maths Live Stream - Duration: 1:48:24.
Taking Charge of Excel - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #3 - Duration: 7:08.
Sean has just started a new job where he's going to be working with Excel quite
a lot and he's feeling a bit nervous.
Let's help Sean take charge of Excel.
I have just opened Excel 2016, if you are working with an older version,
you may find some things look a bit different but
they mostly work the same, so don't worry.
In 2016, you will come to this screen where you can chose to open a file you
have been working recently or got to a blank workbook.
We're going to click Blank Workbook.
And here we are, welcome to Excel.
Let's start by getting familiar with where things are and what they're called.
To begin with, we have a large toolbar at the top of our screen.
This is called the ribbon, and it contains nearly all the tools we're going to need.
There were so many though, that they couldn't fit them all into one stretch.
So we're on the Home tab of the ribbon, but you'll notice there's also an Insert
tab that has tools for inserting things like pictures and charts.
Or there's a Data tab which gives us tools for working with data, like sorting and
As we go through the course, you'll become more familiar with the tabs and
the tools on them.
Coming back to the Home tab though, I'd like you to notice that the tools haven't
been scattered randomly across the ribbon, they've been logically grouped.
So for example, this group is called my Font group and
it contains all the tools that I need to change my text.
At the bottom right hand corner of some of the groups,
you'll find what's called a small dialog launcher.
If you single click on that, it opens up your additional options.
We won't need these very often, but it's nice to know they're there.
I'm going to click Cancel to close.
One tab on the ribbon that is a little bit special, is the File tab.
When we click on the File tab it brings us to the Backstage View.
And this contains all the tools we need for managing our file,
like Open, Save, or Close.
To come out of the backstage view, click on the back arrow or
press the escape key on your keyboard.
Now we'd like to use our backstage view to open our first file.
So I'm going to click file and make sure you've come to Open.
If you have worked with the file recently, it will appear in your recents list.
Otherwise, you will need to click the Browse button.
If you haven't already, please make sure you've downloaded the file you need for
this practice video.
Then navigate to it.
Mine is in the Documents folder, and I've put in Excel Essentials.
The file we need is W01 V01 take charge.
And I'm going to double-click to open it.
We now have something to look at.
The ribbon does take up quite a lot of space, and so
we have the option to collapse it by double-clicking on any of the Tabs.
That does free up space, but
it can be a bit alarming when your ribbon suddenly vanishes.
If that happens by mistake, don't panic,
to get it back just double click on any of the ribbon tabs and we're back.
Now just above the ribbon, you will notice another toolbar.
This little guy is called our quick access toolbar, and
it has my two favorite commands, save and undo.
It also has the redo, but even more importantly we can change
this quick access toolbar to contain the tools that we need.
If I come to the drop down arrow and click, it gives me some favorites.
There's some really great stuff here, I'm going to click on the Sort Ascending.
Now if I need to quickly sort my data by city,
I can click into city, click A to Z, and my data's resorted.
What about all the other tools that aren't on our drop down?
Well they can be added too.
So for example, I'm going to click on my Review tab, and
come to my Spelling and my Proofing group.
Now this time I'm going to right-click, and then click,
Add to Quick Access Toolbar, and there it is.
So absolutely any tool in your ribbon can be added to the quick access by
Customize this toolbar to speed up your workflow.
Just under the ribbon, you will see another bar called the Formula Bar.
This bar allows you to see what data is in a cell, and also edit the data.
Now let's come down to the main section of our worksheet.
When you open an Excel file it is typically called a workbook.
And a workbook will contain at least one worksheet.
Inside a worksheet you will notice it is divided into columns and rows.
At the intersection of each of these is a square which we call a cell.
I'm going to click on the cell and
you see it gets a solid border telling me that this is the active cel.
Each cell also has a unique identifier made up of
it's column letter and row number.
So I am clicked on D2, if I click into this cell, I'm now in C1.
Last quick thing, at the bottom of your workbook is another small bar
called your status bar, it's gray in 2016 but may appear green in other versions.
If I were to select some numeric data, you will notice my status
bar gives me the average, count and sum of those values.
So the status bar can be used to see what's happening in your workbook and
also modify some of the views.
We will look at how to use it more in the next video.
The last thing we want to do now is close our workbook.
To do this I'm going to click File and Close.
Excel will check if I want to save first,
if you want to keep your changes press save, if not don't save.
Now it's your chance.
Have a go clicking around the ribbon and trying out the different tools.
Be brave.
You can't break Excel.
Navigating and Selecting in Excel - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #4 - Duration: 5:37.
To navigate in Excel,
the easiest way is to use the scroll bars.
We have a horizontal scroll bar,
which will allow us to go right and left,
and a vertical scroll bar,
which will allow us to scroll down and up.
At either end of the scroll bars,
you will also see small arrows that allow us to make smaller movements.
So, for example, I can click here to move up one row at a time.
Using the scroll bars, however,
is not always the most efficient method.
Sometimes it is quicker to use our keyboard.
For example, we have four arrow keys,
which will allow us to easily move left, down,
right, and up one cell at a time.
If you need to make bigger movements,
two really useful keys are the Page Up and Page Down.
What they do is take us down one screen's worth at a time.
So, you can see at the moment I'm on row 562 at the bottom here.
If I press my Page Down,
you can now see 563 at the top and if I press Page Up,
I'm back to where I was before.
One super useful shortcut is the Control Home button.
Press it, see what happens.
Control Home takes you back to the beginning
of your spreadsheet and in a very large spreadsheet,
that can save you a lot of time.
You may also wish to navigate to different sheets within a spreadsheet.
If you have a look at the bottom here,
you'll see I actually have three worksheet tabs and each of these is a different sheet.
To move between these,
simply click on the appropriate worksheet tab,
and I'm going to move to Sales 2016 now to look at selecting data.
To select a single cell,
simply click on that cell,
and this a single click not a double-click.
This cell then becomes the active cell and you can
recognize it because it's got a solid border around the edge.
If you wish to select more than one cell,
click on the first cell in your selection,
hold your mouse down and drag to the last cell.
You'll notice that they all become highlighted
except for the first one that you started on.
Don't worry that is still part of the selection.
Be very careful however when selecting that you make sure you have the big white cross.
There are three icons you need to look out for.
The big white cross is your Select icon.
But if you come to the edge of the cell,
you will notice you get a skinny cross with black arrows on the edge.
This icon is actually your Move icon.
So, if I click and drag now,
what it has actually done is move the data.
Oops! I didn't mean to do that. Don't panic.
Nearly every mistake in Excel can be undone just
by clicking on the Undo button on our Quick Access Toolbar.
So, I'm going to do that now.
The third icon you need to look out for is a little skinny cross with no arrows.
You get this when you hover over the corner of the active cell.
This time, when I click and drag,
it looks like it's selecting but,
actually, it has copied the data.
Again, that's not what I meant to do,
so I'm going to undo that.
So, remember when selecting,
you want the big white cross.
To select an entire column of data,
you can simply click on the appropriate letters.
So, to select column C, I click on the C. You can also select multiple columns.
So, let's say I want to go A to E, I click on the A,
and hold down and drag till I get to the E,
and of course you can do the same with the rows.
So, to select row five,
I'm just gonna click on the number five.
Between the row numbers and the column letters is a funny little corner,
and if you click on that,
you select your whole spreadsheet. Nice and easy.
Sometimes you want to select larger sets
of data and clicking and dragging can be quite slow.
So, another option is to click on the first cell in your data set,
then hold the Shift key down and click on the last cell,
and that will select everything between your two clicks.
But wait there's more.
An even quicker way of doing this is to click somewhere in
the data set and then use the shortcut Control A.
Control A for all. Very nice and quick.
One last thing, sometimes you need to select
two sections of data that are not next to each other.
We call this non-contiguous data.
So, let's say I want my account managers and they Q4 results.
I start by clicking,
selecting my account managers but if I now try and select my Q4 results,
oh dear I've un-selected my account managers.
So, let's try that again.
I'm going to select my account managers,
but this time I'm going to hold down the Control key and select my Q4.
Excellent. Now it's your chance to give it a go.
Fill Handle - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #7 - Duration: 5:31.
Shown is starting to feel a lot more confident about his Excel skills,
and that's just as well because he's been given his first assignment.
The bus has asked him to complete the help desk roster for the next two weeks,
one of the tools that can help a lot with this is the fill handle.
The fill handle is located at the bottom right-hand corner of a cell.
When you hover over it,
you should get a small black cross.
At its simplest, the fill handle allows us to quickly copy.
Let's have a look, so I'm going to click and drag down to row 17,
and release, and it has copied my days for me.
The fill handle can do some slightly clever things there was well.
So, I'm going to click on to B4 where I've got my record number,
and I actually want these to go R1001,
R1002, let's see what happens when I drag my fill handle.
Now, what has happened here is the fill handle's given us what's called a series,
where you have a combination of text and numbers,
it automatically adds one to the numbers,
well, that is interesting.
Let's see what happens with our dates.
So, I'm going to click on the first of the fifth,
this time however instead of dragging,
I'm going to try a shortcut,
I'm going to double-click my fill handle.
So, two quick licks, how good was that?
Again, we've got that series with adding one to each date, which is perfect.
Let's see what happens with days of the week.
So, I've clicked on Monday,
and again going to come to my fill handle, double-click.
Well, that is clever, and that will work with days of the week all months of the year.
Now, I've done each of those individually,
so that you can see how they work,
but to show you how quick this could have been,
I'm going to undo those last three changes,
I'm going to select all three of these,
and then double-click my fill handle,
and you can see you don't even have to do them one at a time.
Excellent. Now, each of my help desk shifts is eight hours.
So, really I just want to copy that number eight down.
Let's see what happens when we double-click the fill handle,
and there we go, so that's interesting.
With dates, we get a series,
but with numbers, we automatically get a copy.
Now, I need to number my shifts for the next two weeks,
but I know that when I double-click my one,
I'm just going to get a series of ones.
However, Excel does actually give you options.
Whenever you use the fill handle,
you should see a little icon come up at the bottom,
and if you hover over it you'll see it's called Auto Fill Options.
I'm going to click on the drop down arrow,
and you'll see it has done a copy,
but you do have the option to do a fill series.
Well, that's brilliant, I'm going to click on that and they you go.
Now, let's see what would happen with our options for our date.
So, I'm going to come back to date here, double-click,
come and have a look at my options,
and this time it is chosen fill series,
but I could choose a copy.
So, if you need to do that, you have that but dates as
well or you could do something quite fun,
so I could do fill weekdays or fill months,
but I'd like to get back to my fill series.
So, quite a rich selection of options,
the fill handle also allows you to do simple patterns.
So, for example, my cumulative hours,
total hours on help desk is going to go up in eights.
If I just copy the 16,
that's not going to work,
but if I select both the eight and,
so I tell Excel there's a pattern and then double-click,
there we go, counting in eights,
and Excel could do this for quite a range of fairly straightforward patterns.
Let's look at a slightly more complex one.
So, I have my five help desk staff here,
I'm going to select all of them,
and again double-click, and it has copied the whole group down.
Now, one really exciting feature that was added in 2013;
so this will only be available to 2013 and '16 users,
is something called flash fill,
which is an even more sophisticated pattern matcher.
If you have a look here, I have Rajesh's address,
which is made up of his first name,
a dot, his surname,
and then the company name.
Now, if I come and copy that down,
it just copies it, but if I come to my Auto Fill Options,
you'll see there's an option to do flash fill,
and when I click on that,
it spots the pattern,
and automatically creates addresses for all my staff.
Wasn't that quick? Have a go at using the fill handle yourself.
Excel Templates - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #10 - Duration: 2:30.
So we've now seen how we could create our own Excel workbook from scratch
using the blank workbook template.
If you wanted to create a more sophisticated Excel spreadsheet,
it can be a little tricky though to know where to even begin.
Excel helps us by giving us a large selection of templates
that we can choose from to get us started.
Let's take a quick look at how we can use Excel's online templates.
If you open one of the newer versions of Excel,
you will see a large range of templates as you open it.
If you're working with one of the older versions, you may need to select, File and
New and again, that will let you choose either a blank workbook or
a selection of templates.
If you scroll down you will see there is quite a lot to choose from just from this
brief preview.
There are project trackers, to do lists, budgets.
But if you have something quite specific in mind and
you can't see what you need here, you can do a search for it.
And there are hundreds of online templates, so
chances are there will be one that meets your needs.
We need to create an invoice for the first time.
So we're going to click into the search bar and type invoice and
then press enter or click the search icon.
You will need an Internet connection as most of the templates are located online.
You can see a large selection has been returned from my search criteria.
And when I scroll down,
I'm just going to look through until I find one that kind of meets my needs.
This one looks good.
So I'm going to click on it once to preview it.
If you're not happy with it,
you can continue to preview the others by scrolling through using the arrow keys.
When you find the one you want, then click the create button or
on older versions, the download button.
And what that will do is download the template and
create a brand new workbook from that template.
Now, all you need to do is customize this to your own needs.
So really easy to use Excel templates to get you started.
Week 1 Wrap-Up - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #8 - Duration: 1:42.
Congratulations! You've taken your first all important steps to take charge of Excel.
With the skills and tools you have learned this week,
you're now ready to perform a whole range of
activities with this complex but amazing bit of software.
It's one thing of course to work alongside Nicki in the practice videos,
and another to venture out on your own.
But this is where it gets interesting.
Trust yourself and start experimenting.
Open the practice challenge for this week,
and get ready to be amazed at how far you have come already.
To reinforce what we covered this week,
test yourself with the quizzes and study the results in the two books.
Here you will find the shortcuts, terms,
and concepts that we work through each week,
and keep an eye out for our ninja tips.
To get the most out of this course,
make sure that you set your goals and make a plan on how to achieve them.
Try to schedule a bit of time once a day to study and practice.
Remember, practice makes permanent.
Before we call it a day,
I wanted to say how excited we are to have you
with us on this journey. You are not alone.
If you have a question,
get stuck, or need some inspiration,
jump onto the discussion forum and connect with
us and the other learners from around the world.
Now, get into the practice challenge,
work hard, and have some fun.
See you next week.
Excel Discussion - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #2 - Duration: 3:40.
Welcome to week one. Welcome, Nikki.
Thank you.
Sean's tasks for this week is that he has to get used to
Excel and understand its user interface.
So, Nikki, do we really need to learn this stuff?
I know we're just saying, Prashan, it's the basics.
But the reality is that whether you've been using
Excel for a little bit or even for quite a long time,
most of us are self-taught.
The problem with that is there are lots of gaps,
and we don't even know where those gaps are.
So, the point of this course is to help fill those gaps.
In that way, we can start building a really solid foundation,
unpacking how Excel actually works,
and so that we can move forward with confidence.
So, the point of this week is to take control of Excel,
to stop feeling like we're at the mercy of Excel.
We want to be in the driver's seat,
in control, and feeling confident about how we're using it.
To take charge of Excel,
how do you think the best way to break it down into different steps for our first week?
Good question. So, I think,
first of all, we need to get familiar with the user interface.
What I'd like to start with a bit of a name and shame.
So basically, we can use something for 10 years but not know what it's called,
and then we have the problem in that we don't know how to ask for help on it,
and when we're asked questions about it,
often we don't even understand the question.
So, we're going to find what everything's called, find where it is,
and just start getting more comfortable with clicking
around and not being scared because there's nothing to be scared off.
Once we're comfortable with Excel and we know what everything is called,
what do you think we should do next?
Okay. Next up, it's important that we can navigate
confidently but also efficiently around the user interface.
So, you may be kind of getting around,
but let's look at some of the quicker ways of doing that and also selecting data.
It sounds obvious, but we have to do with quite a lot and there
are a few tips and pitfalls,
and I'm just going to make sure that our learners can navigate those successfully.
Once we get to understand how to go through a huge Excel spreadsheet,
what do we do next?
Okay. So, next up,
what we need to do is look at actually entering data.
This is something that just about everybody's going to have to do at some point.
It's reasonably straightforward. But again,
some different data types behave slightly differently,
and we want to make sure that people can work efficiently,
confidently enter, and confidently delete and edit data as well.
Coming back to the point of data entry and efficiency,
as well as what you said about the naming and
shaming and understanding what things are called,
I've always use the fill handle for years and I didn't know it was called.
So, it's hard for me to ask for help about it or have discussions with my colleagues.
So, it's great that you'll be embedding this
and giving us the actual names of all these tools.
Absolutely, and the fill handles actually the full thing we'll be
looking at this week. Excellent, Prashan.
Now that we've broken it up into different parts for this week,
you can take charge of Excel.
We'll be showing you videos to practice alongside with us,
which you need to also practice after we have completed
the videos because practice makes permanent when it comes to Excel.
You can't break Excel.
You might as well do what we're doing and practice it so that you master Excel,
so that you can become productive in your workplace.
Thank you, Nikki. Now, it's over to you.
Copying and Pasting in Excel - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #9 - Duration: 5:02.
In Excel, we can easily share, move,
or duplicate data by using Excel's Copy,
Cut, and Paste tools.
These tools are located in the Clipboard group on the Home tab of the ribbon.
There are four steps to the copy process.
So for example, if we want to copy the word Total from E5 to A10,
step one, click on the cell you want to copy.
Now, click Copy in the Clipboard group.
You will notice this dashed line appearing around the copied area.
This indicates that the values have been copied to the clipboard.
This is an area in memory that is shared by many applications.
This allows us to copy not just to different spreadsheets,
but even to different programs.
Step three, click in the cell where you want to paste the data,
and step four, click Paste.
Note in Excel, it doesn't just copy the value in the cell.
It also copies the formatting.
Also, a little clipboard icon appears whenever you paste.
This is very useful as it allows us to change
our paste options at the time when we paste.
If we click the drop-down,
you'll see some of the other paste options we could choose from.
So for example, if we didn't want the formatting,
we could choose to just paste values.
This clears any formatting, but be warned,
it will also replace any calculations with the results from those calculations.
Having pasted, our dash line does not disappear.
This means, we can continue to paste the copied area.
If you want to remove it, however,
just press escape on your keyboard.
Now often, we're going to want to copy more than one cell,
and Excel will happily allow you to copy much larger areas as well.
So let's select this whole region,
and this time, we're going to use our right-click option.
So right-click anywhere in the selected region and choose Copy.
When we come to paste,
we do not need to select multiple cells.
Just select the top left cell where you want the paste area to begin and
then we can right-click and just choose
the first paste option to get the default options.
The cut process is very similar to the copy,
but it actually allows us to move data.
So if I wanted this data to actually be on a different sheet,
I could cut and paste.
With it still selected,
I'm going to click the cut tool,
I'm then going to come to sheet two,
right-click on the top left cell, and paste.
You will note, however, when you paste the data in a different sheet,
although it brings through the formatting,
it does not bring the column widths.
So let's see how we could use our different paste options to address that.
Coming back to sheet one,
we're going to select our data again and right-click,
copy, then come to sheet two,
and this time, just click on the top left cell.
We're going to come to our paste options,
and you will notice there's an option,
sixth option down, to keep source column widths.
And this time when we paste the data,
we get the column widths coming through as well.
Let's have a look at another really useful paste option.
So coming to sheet three this time,
come to your paste options,
and just next to the column width,
there's another one called Transpose.
This is an interesting one.
It allows us to swing our data through 90 degrees.
So effectively, what were columns become rows and vice versa.
Finally, let's look at how we can copy into different program altogether.
So I'm going to come to a Word document now.
Again, click where you want to paste and use our paste option to paste our data.
And of course, you can copy from a different program into Excel as well.
So if we select our heading,
let's try our shortcut key this time,
control C, or command C on a Mac, to copy.
Back into Excel and onto sheet one,
I'm going to click right in my top cell and then control V,
or command V on a Mac, to paste.
And that is how we can easily share, duplicate,
or even move data using the Cut,
Copy, and Paste options in Excel.
Introduction to Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #1 - Duration: 2:51.
[SOUND] Excel, let's make it real.
Sean has just had an internal transfer to a department that heavily relies on Excel.
It's been a few years since Sean has seen Excel, so
he has lost his confidence in his Excel skills.
Sean is also not familiar with the latest Excel user interface.
For Sean to be efficient, productive, and
analytical in his new role, Sean will really have to take charge of Excel.
Sean really wants to make a good impression on his manager, so
he has been going through Excel manuals and videos all night, and
he is now completely overwhelmed.
Sean realizes that Excel can store data, perform calculations,
data analysis, and even draw charts.
He needs a quick and efficient way that empowers him with the essentials of Excel
so that he can take charge.
In this course, we are going to cover the essentials of Excel so
that you are empowered from the very beginning without feeling overwhelmed.
Week by week, these essentials will give you the confidence to use Excel to
increase your efficiency, productivity, and analytics in your workplace.
To empower you to take charge of Excel,
this week we will be learning about understanding the Excel user interface.
Then we will go through the essentials of Excel terminology, so
you know what the various sections of the Excel screen are called.
We will show you how to confidently select data and navigate within Excel,
as well as viewing data in Excel and the different data types.
You will then take charge by entering data, as well as editing and
deleting data.
We will then end the week with a really great efficiency tool, the fill handle.
The only way to learn Excel is by practicing.
You have to do your work, and we are here to equip and empower you to do so.
We have a series of practice videos,
where each video will empower you with a new Excel functionality.
You will be empowered to take charge of Excel, so
you will need to follow alongside us and practice.
Download the Excel workbook, and work with us and your peers step-by-step.
Once you have done that, take a break, reset, recharge and
practice these skills again because practice makes permanent.
Let's breakdown this week's Excel functionalities for you by sitting down
with Nicky, and seeing how we can really help Sean and how we can really help you.
2019 Taoyuan Countdown Party - Gikwang Performance (Dreaming + One + What You Like) - Duration: 11:17.
Without further ado, let's welcome the next member of Highlight, Gikwang
What's up Taiwan!
It's been a while and those who came to look for me and even cheer so much for me, thank you very much
So many of you.... Came
And for inviting Yoseob and I to such a meaningful event, really thank you very much
Happy New Year to everyone
And I hope that you will be even healthier and happier
Okay, keeping up with this mood, we will be moving on to the next song
Let's listen to What You Like
Thank you Gikwang
Eat A Bug Or A Worm? 🐛🐞 | Dan Gutman Plays Would You Rather - Duration: 2:27.
A hero, especially if it's a sandwich.
Smelly cheese, depending on how smelly it is.
I'd rather kiss a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich.
Only sing in the shower.
Whisper to a horse, especially if it's in the shower.
I would take the bug and the worm, and chop them up, and
season them with salt, pepper, and garlic, and make them into a tasty casserole.
Those are two of my favorite bands, and I like them both equally.
It depends on the rent, whichever the rent is lower.
Whichever one has the best wifi signal.
What am I gonna do with the outside of a tree?
When you taste something, at least you can look at it before you put it in your
mouth, but when you smell something, you don't necessarily know what it is.
So I'm gonna have to pass on that one.
Let it go.
Life's too short.
I have enough brain freeze as it is.
I would rather race a shark, as long as it's on land.
I would rather fly,
because if you fly fast enough, you're essentially invisible anyway.
Whichever one of those two covers up my bald spot the best.
Новый год. - Duration: 1:06.
First New Year... Animated with the support of hand Max, ascoches and something else there. More precisely, only the Cat animated. Who else? I don't have any manual tools, rather I'm a manual tool. In general, enjoy. Do not lose your eyes, because there are many blunders.
Don't wait for the animation: Mouth Many movements Turns Eye. I have a very short time!
*Mortem sings*
What's wrong?
November, that's what's wrong!
In fact, it remains quite a bit before the New Year.
Only Halloween was, no? Just do not believe it ...
I'm serio...
Look for the nearest device on the street!
Really..? So beautiful... I have not seen snow for so long...
And now - the main thing.
A? This is...
Christmas tree 2000!
*Laugh* Christmas tree 2000?
Well yes! New Year and like the number 2000 is.
How long did you do?
A couple of seconds.
Codes? Nicely.
Data Entry, Editing & Deleting - Excel Skills for Business: Essentials by Macquarie University #6 - Duration: 6:47.
We're now ready to start creating our workbooks.
As a practice exercise,
let's help Sean, create his expenses for the day.
To begin with we're going to need a new workbook.
To do this we're going to come up to the File tab on our ribbon and click.
Come down on the green panel until you find New
and click and then select blank workbook and again it's a single click.
We now have our blank workbook.
Let's quickly zoom in so we can see what we're doing.
I'm coming down to the zoom slider and just clicking the plus a few times.
You will notice that the first cell A1 has a green box around it.
It is by default the active cell and that
means we can just start typing directly into it.
So I'm going to type expenses and now I could click away but in Excel,
it's better practice to press Tab to jump to the cell to
the right or press enter to jump to the cell below.
This commits the change and moves you down one cell.
We're going to press Enter again to get one more down.
Right. Next thing we're going to type is item,
but now I want to go right,
so press tab and it's gone one cell to the right where I'm going to type cost.
And press Enter.
You'll notice it actually jumps down and back to the first empty cell in the next row.
This makes your data entry very quick and easy.
Right. Sean's first expense was his train, right?
So we're going to type train and press Tab and that costs $6.30.
So I'm just going to put 6.3.
We don't need to worry about putting extra decimal places or the dollar sign,
as we'll look at how we can use formatting tools to do that easily in a later video.
Now click Enter. All right.
Sean also bought a coffee,
so let's put a coffee in and press Tab and that cost $3.50 and then lastly,
he bought some lunch and that cost $12 and enter.
He also bought a juice,
but then he realizes actually he didn't buy that juice today.
That was yesterday.
So now he wants to delete that value from that cell.
Deleting is easy.
Select the cell or cells
where you want to remove the data and press the delete key on your keyboard.
This will not remove the cell,
just the contents of that cell.
Please note, pressing Delete on your keyboard and
using the delete on your ribbon are quite different.
The delete on the ribbon actually removes the cell
and that may cause other data in your spreadsheet to move.
So don't use that unless you actually want to remove the cell itself.
Sean now realizes he actually has made a bit of a mistake.
The train journey didn't cost him $6.30,
but he's going to have to catch the train home again so he wants to double this value.
If you wish to replace the value in a cell,
single click and over type by putting in the new value.
So we're going to put in $12.60 and press enter.
In a situation where you want to modify the contents of the cell you have a few options.
So I'd like train to actually say train ride.
Start by clicking on the cell you want to change,
then you can either come up to the formula bar,
click in the formula bar and type your change.
Now I actually don't want to keep that,
so here's a nice little trick.
If you've started modifying a cell and you don't want to
keep your changes, just press Escape.
You don't need to press Undo,
because you haven't really committed the change until you press Enter.
Now another way you can edit a cell,
is to double-click on it.
You see my cursor is now blinking in the cell and I can type
in my change and again, click Enter.
The keyboard shortcut for double-clicking is to press
F2 and then again if you don't want to make the change press Escape.
Next thing we need to do is type in a date.
So I'm going to come up to cell B1 and I'm going to type in
the current date which is the 12th of the fourth 2017.
Now it's really important when you type dates into Excel that
you use the correct format for your regional settings.
So, in Australia for example,
we type day, followed by month, followed by year.
If I was in the US, I would need to put month and day and year.
Once you finish typing, click Enter.
And you will notice that Excel has actually made
my column wide enough to fit the date which is really handy,
but it doesn't do that for all your data.
So if you decide you want to adjust your column widths,
come up to the top where you have your column letters,
find the little separating line but to the right of the column you
want to make wider and then click and drag.
It is a very bad idea to leave blank columns in the middle of your dataset,
so if you need to,
rather just make your columns a little wider.
Now one last little thing to finish off our expenses,
we need to total them up.
So I'm going to click into B7 and here's a great trick.
We're going to come up to our Home tab on our ribbon and on the far right,
you will see a tool called AutoSum.
We'll look at working with calculations and a lot more detail next week,
but if you just quickly need to add up some numbers you can click on the AutoSum.
You'll see it's added up all the numeric values above
the cell where I originally clicked and then just press Enter.
So that's Sean's expenses complete.
Why don't you now practice at creating your own expenses.
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