- Player, you know what I have in my hand?
The Universe.
Inside the Universe, a infinite amount of possibilities
and opportunities.
You see, to the universe, it doesn't matter
if you're Republican or Democrat, black or white,
rich or poor, illegal immigrant or a legal one.
If you have an MBA or if you're a high school dropout.
The only thing that matters to the Universe
is if you know the combination that gives you access
to the infinite amount of opportunities and possibilities.
The funny thing is, every day success leaves you clues
that can help you figure out the combination.
The big question is, how are you aware of those clues?
For more infomation >> Success does NOT discriminate | Motivation Minute (Episode 4) | English and Portuguese CC - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Software Gets You FREE, Unlimited Buyer Traffic TO ANY OFFER : How To Make Money Online - Duration: 4:43.
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Jack & Jack "No One Compares To You" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 4:56.
There's something very special and unique between us, too, that nobody else can really-
Yeah, emulate.
That's a great word, actually.
That's exactly what I was trying to say.
Just like that.
We finish each other's sentences.
Yes, so a lot of times, I'll start a sentence and have no idea where I'm going with it,
and he's like, "Oh, okay, I see where he's trying to get."
Just pull the word out the air.
So, he'll go and do that, and he took vocab enrichment and I didn't, so.
We didn't wanna throw off people who may have never heard of us before Rise.
We wanted No One Compares To You, our followup single, to be ...
Kind of tropical in the same kind of vein.
I think people in the mainstream may have heard that record, and maybe that's what they
knew us for.
Yeah, we wanted to kind of bring that tropical element but still keep it very authentic to
Jack & Jack.
Yeah, we felt like Yusi and TMS both kind of worked around what we wanted to do, 'cause
we knew that TMS has started it off like Johnson said, very acoustic.
They were definitely open ... I say "they."
I've honestly never met them.
I don't know if it's one guy or multiple people.
Bless you, though, and thank you very much for coming up with this track.
That's a very real line for me.
I think of my ex all the time.
Anytime I feel like I'm connecting with another girl, I start to question do I really fuck
with this girl, or do I just kind of see my ex in her
Someone that I love could really, really do almost anything to me, and my love for them
won't change.
I'll always love her.
That's just something that is like a given in my life,
I know no girl ever wants to hear that, like their face is being replaced, so to speak.
It is the harsh reality.
Anytime somebody gets out of a relationship, they tend to compare.
I definitely, post my last relationship, I definitely kind of when into a phase where
I was trying to fill the void by either going out or maybe I'll just have a one night stand
over here.
It just means nothing at the end of the day.
You think, personally, that it's gonna help you cope, but it always ends up backfiring.
I think everybody notices in time that the only thing that can heal it is time.
None of these coping mechanisms will actually end up helping you get out of this spot that
you're in mentally.
Luckily, me and G are very stark in the contrast.
I'm like completely over my last person.
You can tell based off of talking to him that he's still got the linger period.
He's still in that phase.
I think the way I see heart to heart is like, "Why can't we just chop this up?
Why can't we just talk about this?
Why can't we just open our hearts to each other and figure out what went wrong?"
You know what I'm saying?
'Cause a lot of relationships kind of end in a dismal spot.
With my last one, there was kind of confusion, like distance kind of separated us, but there
was never a true closure period or a true sign off message, like "Okay, this is why
it happened."
There was never too much clarity on either of our ends.
It's just tough.
You go and do something that you've once done with your ex with someone else, and you're
like, "Oh, man.
This sucks, like, fuck.
This is not ... This is like, I'm sad right now."
During those 16 months, or 18 months or whatever it's been, I'm not counting.
However long it's been, I've connected with another person, and I've had moments where
I'm like, "Damn.
Do I love this person?"
At the end of that thought, I always get to the bottom, and it's just like, "No.
I don't."
Maybe you go through the ice cream and TV phase, and then it's like club nonstop.
My manager went and got me DQ, and there's only one DQ in LA and I didn't even know at the time.
We're from Omaha, Nebraska, Dairy Queen's like everywhere out there, 'cause everyone's
extremely overweight.
I used to eat it all the time, and so after my breakup, Adam comes up and he's like, "I
got you blizzards," and I'm like, "Yeah."
That was one night.
After that, it was like we went out for three months straight.
It was just crazy.
Yeah, I'll never do that again.
⊱ You Who I Loved ❈ NDRV3 Animatic ⊰ - Duration: 0:57.
Even though I love you so, so much more,
"I'm so glad you're happy, so glad"
With my face hidden,
I told a precious, precious lie.
Old Fashioned Gingerbread Recipe - Duration: 5:28.
Hi friends! How are you? I hope you're doing well. Today I wanted
to do a vintage Christmas baking video for you. I was contemplating what to make
and I thought you know what I want to try an old-fashioned gingerbread recipe
so I went online to Pinterest of course and I pulled up this recipe. It's for hot
water gingerbread. I never heard of hot water
gingerbread before I've never made it so we're gonna try it out and see how it
goes. This recipe is actually from Mrs. Betty Lynch and it has been in Mrs.
Lynch's family since the 1840s and it can be traced to her grandmother who
emigrated from Maine sailed around the Horn and helped to settle the town of
Mendocino, California which is super interesting. I am a little concerned
because it's hard to read one of the ingredients. It could either be 1/4 cup
brown sugar or 3/4 cup it looks more like 1/4 cup so I'm gonna try that out
and see how it goes. The recipe may need to be adjusted later but we'll try it
out and go from there. But anyways without further ado let's get into the
I had a really fun time making this recipe if you enjoyed this video please
give it a thumbs up and if you want to see more vintage baking videos in
the future please let me know below. I really enjoyed doing this one and I would
love to do more in the future so anyways just want to wish you guys a happy holidays
and happy baking!
Baby Learn Alphabet Lowe case with Many Kinds of Cartoon animals the Lion the Rabbit and Surprise - Duration: 21:29.
Baby Learn Alphabet Lower case with Many Kinds of Cartoon animals the Lion the Rabbit and Surprise Egg Learning Videos For kids
Baby Learn Alphabet Lower case with Many Kinds of Cartoon animals the Lion the Rabbit and Surprise Egg Learning Videos For kids
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