Hey guys! It's Hannah.
And it is almost 2019.
3 goals for New Year's for people with bipolar disorder.
First off, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
And down below, leave comments and your thoughts
and the topics that you would like me to discuss in 2019.
One goal is to get to know yourself this year.
Buy a journal.
And write out your likes, your dislikes.
Your wants and what you don't want from treatment.
Take care of yourself this year.
We have to become our own best friend
when we live with bipolar disorder
in order for us to get to acceptance.
Another goal that I talked about so much is
get involved in the mental health community
this year.
It's as easy as sharing a blog post
or article on social media.
Get involved in your community this year.
And last but not least:
Challenge yourself in some way,
whether small or big.
This year, I stepped out of my isolation to travel
and it was the best thing I did for myself.
It's a new year but it's not a new you.
Because you're beautiful and amazing
the way that you are.
As someone living with bipolar disorder,
I know that life can be a struggle.
But I believe in myself and I believe in you.
I hope you guys have an amazing new year.
Be safe.
And I will talk to you next week.
For more infomation >> 3 Goals for People with Bipolar for 2019 | HealthyPlace - Duration: 1:56.-------------------------------------------
How to draw a green see turtle! - Duration: 10:07.
Hi guys! please subscribe!
This is my first time on YouTube, so
Don't judge my drawings not a very good job. But yeah, I'm going to show you how to make
I'm going to show you how to draw a green sea turtle
First up on the shell. So we're just gonna make kind of a circle
You can make this as big or as small as you like
It's gonna be a little small but
So then you're just gonna do the same thing with the other side
So that's me the shelf so this is gonna be where the head is at the top this is gonna be
I'm gonna get a pencil. I'll be one second
I'm gonna draw one line. Damn me
Again sorry that this is faint
Just draw a one line down the middle and then one line beside it
And then we're gonna do it one last one
So then that
Get up up and we're gonna do that with these four sides
So pump and then we're gonna put lines right
And then we're just gonna do lines coming off this so for the middle one
Well, whichever side is the closest to them
That cocktail that doesn't really matter the back will come back
So now I'm gonna do a head I hate comic smooth, yeah
So it's gonna find
That that's a pretty small head you can do those pickups and
Then we're going to do front
Recipes so I'm gonna do a little wine everyone
Along the line
I'm going to curve that over
I'm an ass there
Make it funky
Yeah, so so 2 o'clock
Monday the same
Yeah, so you're back circus it's about proper way to draw this
Oh my god, this is gonna bomb well mine is anyway. Yes, probably
Let me just do a little at the end from the tail
Yeah, and then you can customize it however you want I'm gonna do the same I
Really do the shadings of art with pencil
I'm just doing like the gloves in the side of the tail
Yeah, I mean I just use shading on one side
Sort of day that with the cookies
Suck on what decide that you try to stock up put the footage
The shade of the flip is darker and then halfway down the tail and halfway up the handoff up
Sorry, yeah, just do one half lighter one half star
How many people to be fired trust Johnson
That when you're finished and then you can decorate it with some seed Ross
Color it in maybe do some small fishes
'Do you know where the nearest church is at?' waitress says armed suspect asked her - Duration: 2:14.
Faith in The WORD of God Is Simple - Duration: 23:34.
(Singing) I know my God has made a way for me.
I know my God has made a way for me.
KENNETH: Hello everybody. This is Kenneth and Gloria
Copeland. Happy new year. 2019 is finally here.
Glory to God. GLORIA: 2019. KENNETH: Listen, we're going to
have a whoop-de-doo Gloria. GLORIA: Let's have it. KENNETH:
This is a big one. This is a big year. It's a major year ...
GLORIA: Praise God. KENNETH: ... in the kingdom of God. GLORIA:
Praise God. KENNETH: When things are happening in the kingdom,
when I'm talking about the kingdom, I'm talking about in
the spirit realm, everything happens in the spirit first, and
then it shows up on earth. When you see big changes start
happening and start, that's because it's already happening
in the spirit. The battle is fought in the spirit, and then
it manifests in the earth. The United States' been going
through a lot of changes, but if you look at it, the economy is
just ripping and going and I'm telling you, we're having
miracles and meetings and things all over the world. People are
just getting born again by the droves. Now, you wait and see
what happens in 2019. GLORIA: All right. KENNETH: It's good.
Father we thank you for this broadcast today. GLORIA: Thank
you Lord, yes. KENNETH: We come before you with praise in our
hearts, faith in our hearts and minds ... GLORIA: Praise God.
KENNETH: ... and we praise you and we worship you today. We
open our hearts and minds for revelation from heaven. GLORIA:
Thank you. KENNETH: In Jesus name, amen. GLORIA: Amen.
KENNETH: We're talking about faith and we've been talking
about the simplicity of faith. It is so simple. The more simple
that you can conceive of it, the more powerful it becomes.
Because if you mentally get messing with it, you know, no,
just keep it simple. Just keep it simple. Praise God, and it
just grows and grows and grows in you and on you. Now, we've
talked about, let's begin today Gloria, instead of in the gospel
of Mark, let's go over to the 11th chapter of Hebrews, and
let's read that first verse there in the beginning today.
Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen. For by it, the elders obtained a good
report. Through faith, we understand that the worlds were
framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were
not made of things which do appear. The world, this all
matter, think like this. You go back to the beginning of
beginnings, there was no material substance. It was the
heavens. No matter. But then God, and how did he do it? Faith
in his mouth. GLORIA: Yes, he did. KENNETH: It all began with
faith and words. So he has then, and then he created man. Created
all the matter first, then he created man in his own image to
have faith and words. Now, when we get born again, we're spirit
beings. When you're born again, you're a spirit person, the real
you becomes a new creation. You're not just a forgiven
sinner. You're old things passed away. GLORIA: You're born again.
KENNETH: Yeah, same Corinthians five, 17 through 21. And all
things become new, and all things are got. When everything
didn't become new in your body and so forth, or your mind, you
have to renew your mind, you've got to do something with your
body. GLORIA: Yeah. KENNETH: But in your spirit man, you're just
like Jesus. Now then, we see right, let's go back there now
and look at that again. Now, faith is the substance of things
hoped for. So God already had that plan. He didn't say light
be and then say, "That looks good." No, he already knew it
all. If you study the Word, you'll find out, that he planned
it all. He did it all including you personally, and yeah, you,
you're very you person, and knew you before the foundation of the
world. Glory to God. All of that, so by the time he said it,
that faith force wrapped around the plan. That plan is called
hope. That's what he saw would come into being. But it needed
substance to become, and faith is that substance. He had the
plan and he spoke it. Now, we go to the Word and we're using
healing as our example, but the same thing is true with
financial scriptures or family scriptures, or whatever. Because
faith is the same in any realm like that. Now, faith is now. It
is now faith. That's the kind of faith it is. It's now faith.
Now, faith is the substance of the hope. Now, we talked about
hope already, the blessed hope. It was in Titus three, and then
the apostle Paul in Philippians talking about his expectation
and hope. Well, if you don't know what the Word says about a
subject, you don't know what to expect. The devil will prove to
you that it's not yours. When you know the plan, he comes at
you. Someday, I remember when you were building our house
there, that our contractor told me and also the architect told
me, he said, "Kenneth," he said, "This is one of the easiest
projects we have ever had." Because he said, "Gloria already
knew exactly what that house looked like, because she planned
it for 30 years. She knew, she had the plan." In fact, thank
you Lord for bringing this up. She came in to me one day, she'd
been working on this thing for I'm telling you 30 years. We'd
come home off the road and she, all her stuff, had come out on
the dining room table. She even had all of these pictures. She's
working and working and working and working. 30 years she did
this. She came in there to me one day and she said, "I'm
either going to have to build this thing or quit messing with
it." I said, "What?" She said, "I want to know whether it's
God's perfect will for us to build this or not." Because up
until then, it was a dream. She's just enjoying her
dreaming, and ... GLORIA: I had a plenty of paper and a pencil.
KENNETH: Yeah, just dreaming, dream. We took off three days
and prayed over it, and the Lord directed us to scriptures and
proved to us, I don't have time to get into that. But he proved
to us from the Word of God, supernaturally that it was his
will and it was time to start. Now, let me tell you what the
Lord said. He said, "Kenneth, the dream took upon itself
faith." What had happened, you had finally gotten to the place
where you had put on paper what he had designed for our home. It
was complete. Then he told me, he said, "You stay out of it,"
cause see, if I had got in there and messing around with it, I
mean, I just, it is got here. All of my stuff would have been
just mental. He said, "You just let her do it, and let her, let
her take care." GLORIA: Thank you. KENNETH: It was so easy to
build, and the money just flowed in there. I never said a word to
anybody about it. If you are a partner, you know I never said
anything to you or anybody else about it. We just believed God
and by the time we put the foundation, money was in the
bank to build it. What did that? Faith. GLORIA: But we had one
situation that not everybody has, we were told to pay cash
for it. KENNETH: Oh, yeah, because that's part of
everything else. GLORIA: 'Cause the scripture said don't go in
debt, so that's ... KENNETH: See, that was all ... GLORIA:
That made it a miraculous scenario. KENNETH: That went,
but well, but we started that by faith back there years before by
being obedient to the Lord. By the time it came time to build
that house, we had the house built in faith. GLORIA: We did.
KENNETH: By the time it came time to start flying jets, we
had jet flying faith. GLORIA: Yeah. KENNETH: You don't just
start off there. GLORIA: No. KENNETH: It's building. Ain't
there nobody fool enough to think that well, I sure do need
to build up my muscles. I know, praise God I have bigger
muscles, I have bigger muscles. That don't work in the natural.
GLORIA: No, it doesn't. KENNETH: Now, you can have energy filled
muscles that comes out of supernatural energy. But if
they're going to get any bigger, you have to get in the waiting
room, and it takes time. GLORIA: Yeah. KENNETH: It takes time to
build faith. GLORIA: Diligence. KENNETH: It takes time to build
it. That's the reason if you wait and you need it, you're too
late. Now, that don't mean you just give up, no, no, no. You're
not done yet, amen. But I want to impact you with the
encouragement, and to encourage you to be diligent, to get in
it, I mean all the time, you build and feed your spirit with
the Word of faith, all the time. Ever increasing faith. GLORIA:
That's right. KENNETH: Ever increasing faith, because hope
needs it. All right, now then, so faith is in the now. God is
always now. The blessed hope we talked about is the return of
Jesus, that's our blessed hope in Titus 2:13. That's in the
future. That's all it can be right now. Oh, I got my hope in
it Gloria, and man, my faith is built up to the point where I
sure I'm ready, and I'm expecting that. The stronger my
faith gets, the more I expect it. The more I expect it, the
better it gets. Now, you bring hope like that, fill it with
faith. Bible faith, which is a spiritual force. The hope is the
plan built out of the Word. I find my healing, I find my
deliverance. I find those things I need met in the Word of God,
and feed on it, and feed on it, and feed on it, and feed on it.
GLORIA: Say it, and say it, and say it. KENNETH: And say it and
say it, and say it, and say it, and say it, and say it, until it
gets bigger than the need in my own spirit. Then it will start
renewing my mind, and my mind will agree with it. Boy, you get
to that place, man, I'm telling you things start happening
faster and faster and faster and faster. You'll get to the place
where things will begin to happen more quickly, and more if
it will begin to happen just right and almost instantly. Now,
you're a beginner, that's wonderful. But don't consider
yourself a beginner for the past today. You can only begin once.
GLORIA: That's right. KENNETH: You're not a beginner after
today, you're a faith person, glory to God. Now then ...
GLORIA: Now then the scripture says, let patience have her
perfect. KENNETH: Yes, yes. GLORIA: It says through faith
and patience, you inherit the promises. KENNETH: You know
Gloria ... GLORIA: It's going to take patience possibly. KENNETH:
You know faith and patience are coupled together in scriptures
all over the new testament. GLORIA: Yes. KENNETH: Faith and
patience. I remember back years ago, I was doing a study on the
fruits of the spirit, which by the way, the best absolutely,
the best series on the fruit of the spirit I believe this
ministry ever produced was Gloria Copeland's. GLORIA: Thank
you. KENNETH: Go back online and look it up. Get it and study.
GLORIA: Praise God. KENNETH: Anyway, that's in King James
it's long suffering. The great text or like amplified is
patience. The pot force of patience. Now, the natural word
patience is oh, I got to put up with this. No, that's the flesh
identification of it. We're talking about supernatural
endurance. GLORIA: Yes, supernatural, God's patience has
a reward. KENNETH: Yeah. GLORIA: Suffering patience, just suffer
it all. There is no reward there. KENNETH: That's just the
natural end, just wait it out. No, this is supernatural
endurance, because I've got a hold of it by faith. Now, my
faith starts growing and then patience comes in and says,
"No, you don't, no, you don't, no, you don't. You're strong."
Yeah, I am, yeah, I am. Man, I'm here to stay. Praise God.
GLORIA: That's the way things happen. KENNETH: Let's go back
over to Mark 11:24. Therefore, Jesus said, I say unto you, what
things soever you desire. Stop right there, what do you desire?
Well, Brother Copeland, I desire to have a well body. I desire to
be out of debt. Or I desire this situation here that. It would do
you good, unless you're just something just glaring you right
in the face where that, oh, absolutely, that's my number one
desire. Like a physical thing that is really in your face. But
prioritize these things. Write them down because sometimes the
things down here that look like they don't amount to much, you
get down here and you're thinking about that, hey, well,
I never noticed before, but that could be reason why this up here
is messed up like it is. I need to get this straightened out.
Know what those desires are. But whatever they are, Jesus tells
you how to fix that, amen. Well, I sure hope so. Well, you'll
never mark, not one single one of them off your desire list,
your vision list. But whatsoever thing you desire, when you pray,
believe that you receive and you shall have. As I use this
illustration, we'll start again today with this. If Jesus
suddenly appeared and said, "Kenneth, what do you desire?"
"I desire a healed body Jesus." "Okay." "You mean it's that
easy?" "Yeah." "Really Jesus?" "Oh yeah, it really is." You
see, I bore not only your sins, but I bore ... GLORIA: Your
sickness. KENNETH: ... your sickness. I bore your disease, I
bore your pain." You just start of in Isaiah 53, and it didn't
say, by your stripes you're going to be healed. It says, "By
his stripes, we are healed." GLORIA: You are healed, you are
healed. KENNETH: Then you come over to 1st Peter, 2:24, by his
stripes you were healed." Well, seeing that, hey, that's past
tense. There's nothing hope involved with that glory to
God that's now. That's mine. It's my right to have a well
body. It's part of my right as a Christian. That's mine. It's my
right, and Satan, you got to get the sickness out of here. I have
a right to be healed. I'm supposed to prosper. I'm
supposed to be well. I'm supposed to be pain-free. Glory
to God. GLORIA: Jesus himself bore my sickness. KENNETH: Yes.
GLORIA: Carried my diseases. KENNETH: Yes. GLORIA: By his
stripes, I was healed. KENNETH: I was, if I was, I am. GLORIA:
That's right. KENNETH: Say this, according ... GLORIA: According
... KENNETH: ... to the Word of God ... GLORIA: ... to the Word
of God ... KENNETH: ... I am healed. GLORIA: ... I am healed.
According to my word, I am healed. I take it. KENNETH:
Jesus said, "Okay." GLORIA: I take it. KENNETH: Yeah. Okay,
yeah. You'll have a well body if that's what you desire. Really?
Yes. Believe, you'll receive it. Oh Jesus, I believe I receive
it. Okay, you'll have it. Gloria, it is that simple.
GLORIA: It is. KENNETH: You say, now see, the son of the living
God just said you'll have it. Wow, that means it's mine. Glory
to God, I'm taking it. It's mine. GLORIA: Yeah. KENNETH:
it's mine, it's mine, it's mine. Now, I'm down
to my next point, which is it's mine, it's mine, it's mine.
GLORIA: And just in time. KENNETH: Yeah, just in time.
Let's go to Philippians chapter four. This Gloria is where the
battles are lost. This is where the battle is won. Philippians
chapter four, starting with the sixth verse. Be careful for
nothing. Now, the amplified translation says, do not be
fretful or anxious about anything. Now, let's apply this.
Yes, glory to God each man. I've gone through the scriptures,
I've gone through the healing scriptures. I've got all the
healing scriptures tabbed in my Bible. Where I can start right
there in the book of Genesis, the days of man shall be 120
years. Just start with that and just come on right down through
the book of Revelation, with healing scriptures and feed my
eyes and quote them and say them with my mouth, and so
forth. But and I say it, I have it. It's mine now. It's mine.
It's mine. Gloria, I thought it was mine, but oh, what am I
going to do? Boy, here it comes. I'm in a battling zone, and you
may go two to three, four, five, six days a week, three, four,
five, six months in that pain, and all of a sudden. Oh no, I
thought I was healed. That stupid rash has started again. I
just thought I was healed of it. You better get ... GLORIA: Stay
it with it. KENNETH: Hey. GLORIA: Stay with the promise.
KENNETH: Let patience have her perfect glory. Now, you better
get your nerdy self back on your faith. You don't even, I mean,
you don't even pay any attention to that. I believe, I receive.
Thank God. Now, the NIV says, "Whatsoever thing you desire,
when you pray, believe that you have received it. " GLORIA: Yes.
KENNETH: Several translations translate that way. The new
living says, "Believe that it is granted to you, and you will
have it." Now, that's the taking, but that word grant in
English has a powerful impact on the English mind, because of
government grants, and the way we've been naturally trained and
taught about grants. I go to the Word. There is my grant. I make
a petition out of it, and I have a heavenly grant. It is mine.
GLORIA: Amen. KENNETH: Now, here is where you win it. But in
everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.
The amplified says, "Continue making your wants known unto
God, and ... " Now this is a promise, "The peace of God which
passes, know the peace of God get a hold of you. And keep will
keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus," listen, listen.
"Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true," that pain's
not true. That's a lie against the truth. Whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are
pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are
good report. If there be any per virtue, if there be any praise,
think on these things, and those things, what you both learned
and receive and heard and seen in me, you keep doing them. You
keep doing them, and the peace of God shall be with you. In
other words, you just keep praising. You just keep shouting
and praising. You cast that pain into the sea. Where's that pain?
It's in the sea. Glory to God, it's in the sea. Hallelujah, oh
God. You got it? Say amen. GLORIA: Amen. KENNETH: Gloria
and I will be back in just a moment.
ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth
Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.
114: How To Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet - Hardcore Entrepreneurship - Duration: 18:29.
How Many Tattoos Do You Have? FLUNK Life - Duration: 1:44.
How many tattoos do I have?
I do not have any tattoos I would like tattoos
but I'm trying not to get tattoos because of acting
because it can restrict your roles and stuff
I have two tattoos
I don't have to think about that
I kind of looked away like I had to think about it
I've got two
I don't have any tattoos
The tattoo on my back says 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'
Which is the title of one of my favourite
John Keats poems
Which means the beautiful lady without mercy
I have one tattoo and it's on my right bicep
That there and yeah so the meaning behind that
I got that on my 18th
I don't have any tattoos
I have no tattoos
I was considering getting one
and upon reflection I'm super glad that I didn't
I got this little bitten peach on my ankle because
of the movie The Labyrinth
I don't think I'm going to get one
I find the idea a little bit daunting for me
just because it's there forever
I do have pretty good pain tolerance but it just freaks me out
If I was to get a tattoo would have to be firstly something that really
meant a lot to me in order to put it on my body
It's very embarrassing I wanted to get okay on this area of my wrist
because I needed something to reassure me that everything was going to be okay
It's just to remind me every day, why I do what I do
and why I love it
I'd like to have a lot of tattoos but I
can't have a lot of tattoos being an actress
Hey guys thanks for watching
If you enjoyed that video
hit the subscribe button
and keep watching
I Rejected Jonathan's $5m Offer In 2015 -Hamzat - Duration: 4:03.
I Rejected Jonathan's $5m Offer In 2015 -Hamzat
The All Progressives Congress Deputy Governorship candidate in Lagos State, Dr Obafemi Hamzat, has disclosed that he rejected $5million alleged bribe from former President Goodluck Jonathan during the electioneering campaign in 2015.
He made the disclosure at the launch of Sanwo-Olu and Hamzat Advocates held on Friday at Fidimaye Hall, Oko-Oba, Abule-Egba, Lagos.
The event had over 1000 APC members and party chieftains who came him in from around Alimosho, Agege, Agbado-Ijaye, and its environs.
He said that in 2014, "I contested with the current Governor, Akinwumi Ambode for the Governorship ticket of the party and as we all know how it went, the then President Goodluck Jonathan offered me bribe of $5miillion and I refused it.
Some of you here are my witness, I mean some of you that were sent, are here to testify. I refused because I was thinking about the future and I don't want to spoil my name.
Let us remain calm, our turn will come.". Hamzat appealed to party faithful who are aggrieved to work for the interest of the party because their time will come.
"Our work as Nigerians is simple and our campaign will be very easy because PDP destroyed this country for 16 years. They spent N1.7trillion on power for 16 years and they were unable to give the country just 2,950 megawatts.".
Hamzat, a former Commissioner for Works, Lagos State, added, "In the last three years, I worked as a Special Adviser Technical to the Minister for Works, Power and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, we travelled round the 36 states by road, the opposition party has spoiled this country because since 1999 to 2015, federal government did not finish any road project except the Lagos- Abeokuta road.
He posited that the present administration inherited 206 road projects that were incomplete, whereas the present administration has completed 84 in three years.
He said that between 1999 to 2015, the country spent N1. 7, trillion on power sector which is the budget of 11 states and imported 900 containers which were abandoned at the port for three years.
He lauded the Asiwaju Bola Tinubu for his foresight saying, "In 1999, when Asiwaju became Governor, Lagos State was a pariah state, it could only generate N600million monthly and the salary of civil servants was N1.
2billion and they have to borrow to pay salaries but today the state is generating close to N35billion monthly.
He said some people worked to make this possible, adding that successive administrations in the state have worked to improve the state's internally generated revenue.
According to him, "Our party (APC) will make Nigeria great, the party is making Lagos a better place and is poised to do more to make Lagos progress to the next level.
Room Redecoration// part 1 - Duration: 6:56.
Hey, this is my friend ALLY
She's one of my best buds and she's gonna be filming with me today kind of she's gonna be here while I'm here
Okay makeshift tripod here, SQUAT
Okay guys so... I know okay stop don't attack me. while I'm showing Ally here. don't like Allie who's on my dresser
I'm gonna show you guys
what I got from home goods cause I'm redecorating my room
SHOOSH....I'm redecorating my room
Re-doing it all, I went to home goods and I'm still getting more stuff from Amazon insert clip now
The little clip I have. That's super terrible from home goods
Okay now
Now oh wait I went to Burlington as well but like I only got one thing the one thing I got in Burlington
this big fluffy white blanket
Home goods. Goods of home. I got this Coolio thingy right here
Ally: I wonder where that goes..
Doesn't fit. Okay guys
So this is going to be for my art supplies
It's gonna hang on the wall. It can stand up by itself too but that. That's not as cute. So I'm gonna hang it on the wall
And I'm gonna put my mason jar. #masonjar not spons
my mason
with mason jars line up
They line up perfectly in all honesty
So they're gonna look cute. You know. You see it Ally
Ally: Yeah I do.
Ok so I'll do that on amazon today
Ally: One for brushes, one for uhh IDK dude
One for acrylic, one for watercolor, and one for like random stuff that looks like sticks. Okay next item
Throw pillows
Drink water
#notspons by Dasani
k, next
Ummm... I got these organizers
Ally: Okay, that was 3.95
Me: it was $15
No, there's like a big one and then there's like two small circle , to small square's and there's
two medium rectangle's there are
Two large rectangle's
Okay NEXT it's like, you know one of those hipster things
My phone just fine
I have to plug it in
can't stand up alleys and I
I don't know what to do with myself
Please subscribe, wait, wait, wait wait, you need to say this for them.
Ally: She needs the rent money
Tell them what I need Ally
Ally: She needs the rent money
I live with my parents and they pay for it
I need friends. So, please subscribe.
I have a roll tape
No not shut your face, okay, so I'm putting you in
ahhhh, It wooorks
Okay ,enough of you, it's all about me
Oh, my belts been twisted this entire time now I have to put that in the editing that I noticed it.
that's annoying
Ally:No one cares
No one cares everyone cares about realness well, you know what I care about being perfect
Ally: It's such a conspiracy
I'm a conspiracy
Next I bought this candle. Okay anyways
It's this candle
Ally: What does it smell like? Where can I get it?
You can also get it home goods #notspons and it's called sandalwood myrrh
So, the next thing I got
It's a box
Ally: So, what does it do? What does it hold? who made it?
Ally: you gotta give creds
So it holds my head
You can also get at HomeGoods #notspons. I got on clearance for six dollars
Ally: What a steal
what a heck of a steal
So I'm gonna use this basket for all the campuses are behind ummm
Art easel will make all of the random stuff
Like I need to organize
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