Hi, I'm Bill Snodgrass and in this episode I'm gonna answer a question that
I get asked very frequently and the… the question is this: What kind of camera
should I buy? Now, here's the answer… this is the… this is my answer.
That depends. That's pretty much it. That's that's pretty much my answer.
But in order for this video, then, not to be you know this very, very short
I'm gonna elaborate on that a little bit more. It depends on what you're trying to
accomplish. Now in the 21st century, almost everyone
has a smartphone that takes pictures or a phone of some sort that takes pictures
and if all you're trying to do is you know capture a selfie once in a while
and a sunset once in a while and you want maybe take some pictures of your
friends and you doing something funny or you and doing something and if you get
almost a vast majority I'm not gonna make up a number of pictures the
smartphone is going to be sufficient for that there's there's just so much power
in these phones now that the need to go to a more sophisticated camera almost
brings you to sort of a specialized situation and what is that specialized
situation the the specialized situation is you want more creative control over
things like sensitivity shutter speed aperture and you want to be able to
change the focal length of the lens zoom in zoom out so that is going to be your
your decision point are you trying to take some sports pictures you probably
aren't going to be happy with your camera phone pictures for that are you
trying to do some high quality portrait work it's a lot of work to do that on a
camera phone but you can pull it off but it's easier if you have some other
resources available do you want some some very sophisticated specific
lighting techniques done in your picture very difficult to pull off on a
smartphone the next step up is going to be what I call like an integrated lens
cam this is a Powershot SX 530 H something
HS this is a good little camera with a 50 power optical zoom for outside
daylight sports this is a very sufficient camera for doing some more
sophisticated landscape work where you want some control because you have you
have the settings to set it into aperture mode manual or shutter mode or
and then all the creative modes are still there as well plus also does some
video so for a next step up it's going to bring you to a price point and I'm
going to put some of these pictures up from Amazon lets you see kind of where
these these prices are as the day of this video and I also belenki and make
an affiliate link down in the description if you want to check some
things out with more detail but at this price point
there a lot of different cameras Canon and Nikon and Sony a lot of people make
cameras in in this kind of compact integrated model why would you want to
step up from a integrated lens model to a DSL or a mirrorless that has
interchangeable lenses because it has interchangeable lenses now this is going
to move you to another price point and it's going to give you the option of
being able to get a very specific lens for a very specific case such as a lens
dedicated for portrait work with a very very wide open aperture that allows you
to a very very shallow depth of field or a very very long telephoto lens that
will allow you to capture sports action up close this is going to allow you to
change those lenses out and depending on on your needs you may have one lens for
going around at an event and you may have another lens for doing sports and
another lens for doing of close personal work and portraits the interchangeable
lens is going to introduce a much higher grade of glass although there are
economy versions of the interchangeable lenses as well there also
high-quality lenses that would be far superior in glass quality than in an
integrated body model the price point at the DSLR is going to be much higher and
the the flexibility is also going to go up as well
so you have to ask yourself back to the I original statement which camera should
you buy nayad depends depends on what you want
to do and it depends on on how much you want to learn about doing it and
depending on that there's a lot of ways that you can go a lot of brands that you
can explore and and there's a lot of great cameras out there at all different
levels that I'll do all kinds of different things you also need to
consider how much video you're gonna do versus how much are you only gonna do
still lifes and photographs that's another consideration that's going to
bring in a whole nother set of questions regarding what kind of camera should you
buy that's it for this episode and they're there basically you've got kind
of three choices in the 21st century you've got your very high quality camera
phone that is going to cover a vast majority of situations the next step up
is going to be your integrated camera it's going to give you creative control
over shutter speed aperture and ISO and then finally you're gonna have your
interchangeable lens DSLR or mirrorless camera that has a lot more flexibility
in the long run you're gonna have to decide do you want to spend a chunk of
money now and then later spend a bigger chunk or save up now and spend a bigger
chunk right out of the gate that's it for this episode I'm not sure if this is
going to be the kind of video there it goes all well that answered all my
questions but I think you know it's sort of overviews the situation and points
you in the direction of answering those questions for yourself as you analyze
your needs and investigate the the options out there you can come to a good
choice please if you enjoyed this video leave me a like leave me a comment or a
question a suggestion sign up for notification subscribe the channel if
you're interested in photography videography I also do a
lot of inspirational videos and life lessons you can find those here as well
and I occasionally do something else weird or also do some occasionally a
science video so thank you for watching please again like comment subscribe
That's all for this video. I will see you in the next one.
For more infomation >> Photography: What Camera Should You Buy? - s1e257 - Duration: 7:11.-------------------------------------------
Where have you been Amit? - Short Update with Closed Captions | #AmitCantPlay - Duration: 2:55.
What's going on guys its AMIT here, it's currently December 29th
The video you're looking at right now is of a flood that hit my family and I back in October
I Just want to let you guys know what happened or what was going on
The reason I haven't been uploading any videos or anything like that. Yes, I guess yeah, this is the reason why
coupled with that. I don't have the ZEAL to play anything a new battlefield or anything
and nor do I intend to play anything or UPLOAD anything any time soon
But other than that, my house is fine. Now =D
I'm not doing this for any, you know charity or anything
I just want to let you guys know or rather I always try to let you guys know what's going on
So yeah, I hope you all doing well and I wish you all the best in
Uh, I Have a bunch of Clips
Short clips (VERY OLD) on BATTLEFIELD 4, for you for that I have remaining on my hard drive
So I just want to get these out and I hope you all have a great
Have a good one guys! PEACE!!
Choices Stories You Play 2019 - Free Keys and Diamonds (IOS/Android) - Duration: 5:32.
Addict - Swamp [Single, 2018] (lyrics video) - Duration: 3:44.
「Sparkle Nightcore」Sound Of Walking Away (Lyrics)【Illenium & Kerli】 - Duration: 4:00.
「Sparkle Nightcore」Manually VFX Animated & Design by SecretNightcore
Music: Sound Of Walking Away (Lyrics)【Illenium & Kerli (Secretnc Edit)】
Anime : 中二病でも恋がしたい!「Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions!」
Unboxing Tae95 BTS doll 방탄인형 You light my life with your smile - Duration: 7:09.
Annyeong! Hi everyone! It's me Fra Hyung Studio!
This will be one of the most special video for me. Because this is the very first unboxing doll video I've maken
I've played doll about 1 year and a half
From July 2017 to Dec 2018, I've joined dollbiz 1 year and a half! Yay!
I didn't intend to upload this video, cause I was silly that time lolll
Can you believe it? I took the shipping bill and read every single words on it omggg lolllll
To protect my image, I cut out that silly moment lol why?? Why did I do that?!!
Through this video I want to show you that everyone has their beginning
My image in my unboxing videos can be cute
Maybe you'll see me as a self-confident person, good-talking, good at recording video etc BUT NOOOO!!!
I was young and wild and silly, too!!
I was a low-tech person lol and made those LQ videos
Recording videos just in case if anything happened I could report to G.O or master lol
You know what I mean right?
Through this video, I hope that you guys will be more self-confident
I'm not confident at all!!!
But because I want to make you smile, bring those cuties for you, share good memories with you, It's all for you
Thank you guys so much!!
And happy new year!!
Heemang say Hi to everyone!!
Oh he wears too much clothes... Annyeong! I'm Heemang!!
Today I will unbox combo DNA (combo of 2nd-hand dolls)
Heemang, bring the stuff here for me!
Here they are!
This is the boy I'm waiting for!!
This is the way I massage dolls
So cute!!! Don't forget the ears, and cheeks
Oh my he's tiny when standing next to Heemang
Oh... their size is the same, just because Heemang's head is so big lol
This is the outfit
Heemang you stay here ok
Like I thought, the fabric is awful
Then coat... sorry I'm telling the truth
I don't like the fabric, but the design is nice
The problem is the fabric
Urrgh I don't like these pants
They will leave marks on my baby's tummy
No babe you will not wear these pants
Pants again
And coat! This is his full outfit
Ok you can stay here
Next is...
Baby Taetae the error version oh my
Why your shape is like this? Poor child
Oh where is his outfit?
I'm looking for his oufit... where are they?
I can't find them
Aww so cuteeee!!! This fan is cuteeee
Is this Baby Taetae's stuffs... No!
No no this is Tae95's stuffs
The master is VMin shipper
Oh my
So cuteeee
OMG cute!!!
Sooo Baby Taetae in this combo is just only doll
Outfit not include
I'll ask the shop later
Next is Taedung
Is he bigger than other 20cm dolls?
Cute cute cute cute
So soft!!! Wowwww!!!
Oh this is sleeping bag
Will it fit? Come one! Urgh...
Let try with this buddy
Oh! It fits!!
Adorable lolll
Welcome home baby!!!!
Which name I will give you my dear?
I will give you a name shine like your appa Taetae
What happened to your face? Oh I guess this will be fine
Ok! In this combo Baby Taetae has no outfit
And Taedung's outfit maybe in different version
I don't know I will check later
I will ask about this little buddy. That's all for today!
Bye bye!! Annyeong!!! Annyeong!!!
Annyeong annyeong annyeong~
They definitely look like brothers omg =)))))))))
Bye bye~
05 Girl Types that will NEVER Cheat on You - Duration: 7:20.
It is not always the Boys but in current Society there is a high tendency of Girls cheating on their Boyfriends or Married Women cheating on their Husbands.
on their Boyfriends or Married Women cheating on their Husbands.
We are highly aware that Every girl is different, but is there any typical 'girlfriend'
type that they belong to above category or who have above traits.
Here are my 05 types of girls that guys dated/married and stayed lovingly and loyally to them ever
Type 01 : Miss Nerd
Miss Nerd is the genius type.
She is able to give opinions to almost anything, and she spends her free time reading Books
She isn't much concerned about her fashion will always try to wear long sleeved T-Shirts.
Unknowingly she measures her self esteem through her academic success and when she fails academically,
she finds her sense of self being diminished.
Pluses + :
She is very easy to Impress If you have a good sense of humor and can
make her laugh, you'll win her heart mostly She's very decent and well-mannered
Because of her intellectual reasoning, you'll look one level up among the professionals
She's the Loyal Type Girlfriend
Minuses – :
Your friends may not like her as they will find it hard to communicate with her
She is a bit traditional in her way of thinking
Watching Sports/Movies, Playing Games seems to her as wastage of time and sometimes will
scold you for engaging in them
Type 02 : Miss Motherly
Miss Motherly is likely to be a good mother to your children, and she has wisdom beyond
her age.
She thinks ahead, plans everything well and sometimes she has contingency plan.
She is quite traditional.
and she always knows the right thing to say
to those in problem.
She tries to understand you rather than jumping into conclusions and specially for Men, it
gives the feeling that they are secured when they are with her, even though she is a lady.
Pluses + :
She has got your Back ( If you make a blunder, she is there to get you back on to the track)
She has everything prepared She is tidy and organized
She is going to be a terrific mother one day, and your parents love her.
Minuses – :
You'll often feel like you're being baby sit
She's nearly perfect in everything she does and You might even develop a low sense of
self esteem When she scolds it'll definitely be like
Your mother's scolding (Not a fight but a Lecture)
If you are not yet looking for a wife material, This is not the girl for You to date otherwise
Your brain will be fried
Type 03 : Miss Feminine
Miss Feminine is bit difficult to thoroughly describe as she possess characteristics of
many other Type of Girls
She usually likes to wear clothing which covers her body to a considerable amount rather than
showing her skin.
She is very kind and gentle and she has a very soft heart.
She is a great cook
Pluses + :
You'll feel a sense of Pride in you as her being your girlfriend because she always looks
good She will always try to support you and will
listen to your every complain with care
Your friends envy you, and your parents love her
Minuses – :
She is a bit self conscious and it will be a trouble to you down the road
She is not a fan of every joke and sometimes will be offended pretty easily from even the
lighter jokes
Sometimes you might even wonder of her "too
girlish" style of life
Type 04 : Miss Low Self-Esteem
Miss Low Self-Esteem is usually very talented.
She is attractive and appealing but she doesn't believe that and when somebody state that
she is pretty she thinks that the person is lying and flattering.
She doesn't believe that she can be great like others.
She is very sensitive.
She thinks that she will never get what she wishes for, that she is good for nothing.
Pluses + :
She truly loves you, and she is honest with you no matter what
She is willing to do anything for you what ever the consequences be
She is a decent girl, and she has a lot of potential She is a very good listener and
a supporter
Minuses – :
She can be manipulated easily and misled ( There is a risk of being Brain-washed)
She needs constant reassurance that you love her, You need to tell her that everyday
She is not confident with her skills, and it's your job to convince her
Type 05 : Miss Innocent
Miss Innocent believes in almost everything, as she thinks other people are also like her,
pure and trustful.
She is very sweet and guys can't help but to fall in love with her due to her cute personality.
You can always see a smile in her face.
She is kind to everyone, whether You are a friend or foe.
She is usually quite slow in picking up new concepts, but that's what unique about her.
Pluses + :
You love her innocent comments/thoughts, for she's still pure and different from the
dark side of the world She's such a sweetheart which will make
your parents turn a blind eye to any mistake she causes
She is optimistic about life and she willingly give an ear to your problems
She is Super Loyal
Minuses – :
She is kind and shows compassion even to the person who tries to do a bad thing to her
She's so slow in picking up new concepts and You'll need to repeat the same thing
several times for her to actually get the point
Type 00 : Miss ACE / KEEPER
Yes, Just like what the name suggests, Miss Keeper is the ACE of all.
She is any combination of all possible types of girls.
She is attractive, funny, and kind.
She is loyal and committed.
She is beautiful in your eyes, and she supports you.
Pluses + :
She is very loving, attractive and kind hearted She has the courage to say that she's wrong
when she made a mistake.
Your friends envy you, and your parents are happy for you
She is a keeper, and everyone tells you so She'll never abandon You
Minuses – :
You can't help yourself but to Fall in Love with her
Exclusive Characteristics :
She is the type of girl whom you can spend the rest of your life with and everyone dreams
So which Type of Girlfriend attracts Your mind or You have ?
Your Ideas on this Topic is warmly welcomed as it will be a bigger help to the entire
Visuwasam Countdown Begin With My Edit Are You Ready For Thooku-Durai Entry-4K Video - Duration: 0:31.
My Calendar 2019 | Cook with Khalida - Duration: 1:43.
Night at The Museum Cast Then and Now 2019 - Duration: 2:58.
Night at The Museum Cast Then and Now 2019
The Most Basic Skill in Airsoft: Remember Which Team You are on(Turn on Caption) - Duration: 1:29.
Game on
Going around to check is there any remaining enemy
I killed my teammate lol
End game
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