Have you ever struggled trying to find yourself or find your purpose in life?
I'm going to lay out for you step by step what you may be missing all along. In
this video, learn how to find yourself and your purpose in life.
There's a big search that you and I and others are going through and that's
really to find our purpose in life. But why are there so many people struggling
with finding themselves and their purpose? Like what's blocking the way?
What's really in the way of us figuring this out? Now, I've got 6 ideas for you
here of what you can do to clear the space so that this can be discovered. And
over literally the last 15 years of mentoring people one-on-one and in large
groups, I have found a common thread amongst people who are confused or lost
in this area. And I want to share those 6 ideas with you. Because what if you
did take action on these 6 ideas? What if you did this? Well, then the fog and
the darkness would pull away. And you would find your purpose. You know what
would happen? You'd get moving. You'd feel some motivation, you'd make
some progress and wow, you're actually would feel really really good. Now, if
you're not into feeling good and knowing your purpose then this is not your video.
But here we go, I'm going to give you the 6 insights of what it takes to be able
to clear that space. First, what it takes. That it clear some room and seriously,
you have to clear up your stuff. A person who has a bunch of messy stuff, garage,
closet. All the things are in those boxes and
that one room in your house where it's all messy, if you got messy areas of your
life, how can you think clearly about your purpose and really discovering who
you are at that deep level? You can't. It really causes a lot of problems and
delays when we leave our stuff messy. But where do you start,
right? How do you start this? Well, to clean up your stuff, notice it's your
stuff. First, you take some responsibility accountability for your own shirts, pants,
socks, your undies. You know, your own things. Your own books,
your own part of the of the closet or the office or you know your side of the
bed. You... You clean up your stuff. And the more you start to respect and honor your
things, you begin to find yourself. Tough to find yourself when the things you're
managing are not put in a good order. So, start cleaning up your stuff. And
start with your own personal stuff. Second, get rid of stuff. If we have too
many things, if we have too much stuff what happens is our mind has to manage
all those things even when we're not around it. There's a portion, a little
portion of our mind that's connected to each item that we call our own or that
we've kept or we chose to keep it. But there literally is this little dose of
energy that leaves our mind and goes out to hold that thing in its particular
space. And so the more things you have, the more mind space is being occupied. So,
when you clean up your stuff and then get rid of some stuff, it
opens up your mind. And when it opens up your mind, it opens up your eyes. So, you
can find yourself and find your purpose. But too much stuff is going to block
your vision, block your ability to discover what this is. Number 3,
people. You find your purpose and you find yourself through serving others.
Because when you find your purpose, that purpose is going to be about helping
other people. It always comes back to that. Now, let's say that you decided, "Well,
my purpose in life is to be a veterinarian." Well, you're helping take
care of other people's pets or animals and that helps the people. If your
purpose in life is to be a home builder, well that home helps other people. No,
matter what you do in this life, it's going to benefit some other people. So,
how you find your purpose and find who you are, start being around people. More
people. And I there's lots of ways to do that. You get to decide what that looks
like for yourself, but the more you engage with people, the
sooner this will happen. Next is spending some time in nature. Nature has this
ability to be able to help us feel calm and peaceful. And also, Nature has no
"fakeness" to it. Nature is natural. So, when we spend time in nature and we see it as
it is, the way the trees are, the way the mountains are, the way the river is. The
way the stream and the lake and all the animals. They are what they are.
There's no covering up. They just that's who they are. And so the more time we can
spend in nature which if you can spend at least 30 minutes just being in nature.
30 minutes a week. If you can be an hour out in nature. Now, I'm not saying you're
out there fishing or hiking or camping. That's an activity. When I say be in
nature, like you literally are just being in nature. You're sitting on a rock
amongst trees for a half an hour, an hour. Just to soak up being in nature. There's
no hike, there's no camping, there's no fishing, there's no bike riding. There's
none of that kind of stuff going on. Because that's all those are
distractions. But being in nature helps us get past our cover-ups. Get past our
front that we put up to show everybody else. I mean, we we as people, we try to
show up in front of other people a lot better than what we are in our natural
state. Because we were worried that people are not going to love us for who we
are. So we show up to people. And so, when you get in nature, your natural side, your
authentic side comes to the surface to help you find yourself
and helps you find your purpose. We're just going to be about people. It really
is. Okay, number 5. Your health and nutrition. You know mom always said eat
your vegetables? It's true. See how mom always said you know, "Ho ride
your bike instead of staying inside all day long." Moms are right. They they're so
smart. They're so smart. But moms are right. The
more healthy we are and the more we focus on our nutrition, what happens is
it helps our brain function better. So, the better we take care of us, the better
our brain functions. And that helps us find what we're looking for. So maybe
it's time to pick up an apple, right? Or maybe it's time to eat something healthy.
And maybe it's time to go for a walk. Get out of the house for a while and go help
energize your body and take care of your body. When you take care of your body, you
take care of your brain. And when you take care of your brain, you discover who
you are and the purpose in which you are in life and what you're doing. Number 6
here is to write. I would suggest pulling out a pad of paper or opening up a
document on your computer. And just start with the sentence that says, "The purpose
of my life is." And then just let all your crazy ideas come out of your head. And if
you can't think of anything of what your purpose of life is, if you can't come up
with anything. Then what you do is you just write a make-believe story.
Just pretend. You're not writing to find the answer, you're writing to be creative.
And so when you type on your computer or write on your pad of paper and you're
writing, you know, "The purpose of my life is." You get to make-believe, pretend, come up
with funny, crazy ideas. Maybe it's... Maybe you want to be an an ice cream truck
driver where you can drive around neighborhoods and make all the kids
happy. Whatever it is. But you playfully write what you think your your purpose
of life is. Because as you playfully write all these fun ideas and... Maybe
maybe you saw a movie and you liked what that person did in the movie. It's like, "I
want to be able to do this and I want to be able to do this." If you can open up
your mind through writing, you can open up your creative side. And somewhere in
that playful writing, one of those playful stories is going to cause a twinch
on the inside. Just this a little emotional spark. We as people, we tend
to want to find the right answer at the right time at the right moment. But what
if the purpose of your life is to be creative. What if there's a thousand
options for you and all you have to do is pick. Maybe it's time to do number 6.
And playfully right. And if you comply fully right and just keep it playful and
just kind of just you know brainstorm and make-believe for a while. You might
find that spark. Because it's what I did. Years and years and years ago. Well we're
probably talking 17,18 years ago. I had this crazy idea. I playfully said to my
wife, you know, what I want to grow up... When I grow up, I want to be a
motivational speaker. And I busted out laughing. I said there's no way. I'm an
introvert, I have nothing to teach, I don't know anything. I barely past high
school. I'll never be able to do that. But when I said that at a very playful way,
there was this twinge that happened in the center of my chest. It was like,
that's weird. And my wife noticed it. She's like, "Hey, I just saw your face,
something happened." I was like, "No, I'm good." But I was being playful. I was not
being serious. I was just... Because I just watched somebody at this big seminar
standing onstage for a couple days and and I was like, "Well, I want to do that. I
couldn't do that." But there's no way I had the training, the education by blah,
blah, blah. But I was being playful. But it opened up my mind. When we're playful, it
taps into the child's side of us. And the child's side of us opens up creativity. I
really believe the purpose of your life is to be found and created. But you get
to step into that playful side. I am going to find some incredible, incredible
experiences here as you go to write about this. But
remember, it's number 6, it's not number 1. Do these steps along the way and
when you get to number 6, you'll find that you're much more open to discover
who you are and what your purpose of life. It's that's what we like to do here
at 3 key elements. This is our mission. It's our purpose in life. To
literally share what we've found with you. Help save time. Be able to help you
find direction in your life. So subscribe here to our You Tube channel and I'll be
sure to send you another great training video that'll help open up your mind and
help dial in on that purpose. And also check us out on our website at 3keyelements.com.
We have some great training courses we love to share with
you there. So from for Kirk and Kim and my family
to you, hey your life matters. And that's why we do what we do.
For more infomation >> How To Find Yourself And Purpose In Life - Duration: 12:36.-------------------------------------------
Man Utd boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is COPYING Liverpool and Chelsea - Melchiot - Duration: 2:47.
The Red Devils boss has hit the ground running after replacing Jose Mourinho, winning his first three games
United have played a much more attacking brand of football, as noted by former Chelsea defender Mario Melchiot
"It's the system that you play, there is a way of playing. Either you go sideways and backwards or you always look forward, your first instinct is forward," he told Sky Sports
**PREDICT FIVE RESULTS AND WIN £25,000 - FREE TO PLAY HERE** "If you look at Man City or Liverpool, or even Chelsea, they always look forward first
That is exactly what is happening at Man Utd now. "They've changed their way, they are not always playing safe, it's playing with more risk
"Of course you have to be defensively strong and you have to work on that, but going forwards they know they have more goals in them than before
" Melchiot has also given his take on Paul Pogba. The World Cup winner has netted four times in his last two matches for Manchester United in a more attacking role
"When it goes well or it goes bad, everybody is watching him. I like him as a player and watching him with the happiness that he had (against Bournemouth)," Melchiot added
"That's how I was introduced to him, he was a lively kid with a lot of energy and a lot of happiness, I think that's what he is bringing to the field now
"He is so key because of the position he plays. I always felt that when people played him out of position you were never going to get the best out of him
When they gave him the free role, he really delivered. "I know there are many moments in the season when he didn't take the opportunity as well as he is taking them now
"He is the player that Manchester United need. He can make United be what they want to be
" United return to action against Newcastle on Wednesday (8pm). The Red Devils are currently eight points behind Chelsea in fourth
My 3 Biggest Investing Mistakes - Duration: 10:13.
Today I am going to be sharing with you my 3 biggest investing mistakes.
When I found my system, it was working for me and then I started deviating.
And the more I deviated, the more experience didn't work and today, I am going to share
with you the top 3 mistakes that I learn from that I will never deviate away from again.
I've paid over a million dollars to one of my mentors and I'll never forget when we were
having moment with each other and I think I was probably being obnoxious and he gave
me this look almost he was like my dad looking down on me.
And he didn't say a thing.
I kind of feel like I was in trouble and when I finally shut up, I'll never forget this
He turned to me and he said, "Kris, the most dangerous information to you is what you don't
And it's all he had to say for me to realize that I had become married to my opinion and
he was trying to get me challenge my opinion.
So in this game of real estate, I actually have discovered like the perfect strategy.
But I didn't know what I didn't know.
I didn't know was the perfect strategy so I decided that I would try some different
And through sorry experience I learned that some of these things ended up spanking me
pretty hard.
After I had done about 10 properties, I decided that I want to try my hand at these ritzy
upper end condos that were next to the university.
And I had some buddies that lived there.
And I was always kind of jealous like, "Man, you guys get live at Bellmount apartments?
They are so nice."
And so, I thought to myself, "Well, shoot.
I am an investor now.
I never got to stayed there as a college kid.
But you know what?
I'm going to own those."
And so, one of the first things that I actually tried my hand at was number 1, college condos.
And not just kind of average condos.
I was trying to do the higher end condos because the parent of those kids would actually pay
But the reality is that there was some vacancies that I didn't expect.
There were definitely expenses that I didn't expect.
And by the time I get out of those, I'm just going to tell you I didn't make money.
I lost money.
I bought 4 of them.
And so, I had something was working incredibly well and I made this assumption.
If this worked well, this will work well.
And it's as if I actually thought I have must the Mida's touch.
If I touched it, it's going to turn to gold.
And the reality is those condos didn't turn into gold.
And when I sold them, I was really happy.
Before I move on to number 2, I just want to share with you actually a big mistake that
I made with these condos.
Which is I put some of them on a 15-year mortgage.
Now, do you know what a 15-year mortgage is?
Most people will run their real estate on the 30-year mortgage.
Now even though I am not going to pay off my house in 30 years, I am going to hold it,
I'm going to control it, I'm going to sell it.
The reason why I got in to these condos was I thought, "Hey, you know what?
Let's get this things paid off."
We'll do one of them on a 30-year, we'll do 2 of them on a 15-year.
I can't remember what we did with the fourth one.
But I tell you that when you put something on a 15-year payment, it's like, "Hey, I can
pay it off in 15 years instead of 30 years."
But you know what?
It also drives up that payment high enough that I was losing money on it.
And so sure, I couldn't had it pay off in 15 years but frankly, it was draining the
bank account left and right.
And so, one of the things that I learned was I'm not trying to actually pay off real estate.
I am controlling real estate.
And so I am going to hold it for 3, 5, 7 years.
I'm going to make a the lion share of returns and I am going to sell it and trade 2 for
4 and 4 for 8.
And I'm actually going to let this portfolio grow.
So, part of the mistake was actually coming out of my system and doing this condos.
But part of it was changing my thinking or experimenting with the idea of in 15 years,
this will paid off.
And that was burying me alive.
The second mistake that I made was...
I've got a rule.
You hear me say it.
Probably feels like in every video.
Especially if you're a subscriber and you watch the videos that come out everyday.
I always talk about how important it is to never go above the median.
I want to share with you what that means.
The median is like the average home price that people in an area will pay for real estate.
Like, in America, nationwide, our median is just under $250,000.
And it fluctuates.
And it's something that would go up in time.
You know and after 2008, it dropped and now it's kind of up there again and it'll drop
again and it's a number that'll keep on moving.
But the reason why I want to be under the median is because that's where the most home
buyers are.
Go to the opposite.
Million dollar house.
How many people can afford a million dollar house compared to a $200,000 house?
Not very many people.
Well, how I learn this was I found a house, I went over the median, I broke a rule, I
was still fresh and new, I didn't know what I didn't know, right?
So, I found this house and it had a value of like $400,000.
And I could purchase it for $300,000.
And here was my rationale.
Do the math.
Worth 400 you can but it for 300.
Worth 400, you but it 300.
You know what that looks like to me?
It looks like a hundred thousand dollars of juicy equity.
When I bought that property I'm like, "Dude, my net worth just I went up a hundred thousand
dollars, look at me."
Reality is, is that hundred thousand dollars of equity, that never materialized.
When the market down-turned guess what happened to all the equity?
The reason why I don't typically buy homes over $250,000 and often under 200,000 is because
I need to be where the people are.
Real estate is actually a business of people.
Not property.
And some people don't understand that.
Real estate in on of itself is worthless unless some one is there to occupy it.
Someone is there to live on it.
Someone is there to transact it.
So, if you can learn from one of my big mistakes, don't buy things over the median unless you
know exactly what you're doing and you are experienced and you got mentors backing up
what you're talking about.
So the third big mistake that I made was that I flipped this property.
And I made $15,000.
And I know what you're thinking.
"Kris, you flipped the property, you made $15,000.
What do you mean that was a mistake?"
Well, let me help you understand this.
When I got this property I gotten it at such a discount.
I'm like, "Dude, I'm going to turn this puppy and my partner is going to make 15 grand and
I'll make 15 grand.
We're going to clear 30,000.
It'll be awesome."
And you know, we did all this work on this deal and the end I got my 15 thousand dollar
check and I felt like I had just made such a dumb mistake.
And here's why.
In my strategy that I often talk about.
At least for beginners.
If you're new to the game of real estate, I've got advanced strategies.
Nationwide strategies.
Multifamily strategies.
But also people with money.
When you're brand new and just starting the game, I'm always talking about doing my lease
option system.
This house would've made a sweetheart deal and when I flipped it, this is so typical.
Between me and my partner, we made $30,000.
But I am positive if we had just waited 2 to 3 years on my lease option model that we
would've cleared $90,000.
Because when you flip a property, you're going to dump way more money in to bring it up to
market, to sell it down.
You usually got to offer some kind of discount on it if you wanted to move now.
You got to pay all the realtor fees.
You know 6% plus a percentage of close and cost of both sides.
And so there was $50,000 i just ate it up like that because I was interested in having
my money today.
But the reality is if I held it for 3 years, it would've been a sick cash flow and this
90 is conservative.
Probably pulled in over a hundred thousand dollars.
Which is one of the core reasons why I don't flip properties.
It's because yeah I get it.
If you need money, sure flip a property.
But you know, when I do a lease option, I collect on average of $5,000 upfront.
$500 a month of cash flow.
And on top that, when I sell it, I am making tens of thousands of dollars.
So I really regret that flip and the couple of others that I did because when you get
to the point where you don't need the money or you're tired of resetting and doing all
the work again, you want to have a property work for you.
Then this property could've paid out more than triple the money and then working for
me day and night for 3 years before I retire it.
I never got there because I got caught up in wanting to have that flipping experience
when I really didn't need the money.
And guess what I did with the 15 grand?
I just put it back at real estate.
So it felt like a total opportunity cost waste for me.
So I will tell you this.
I mean learning what I've learned.
About college condos, buying over the median, flipping properties.
For me, all it did was bring me back.
I now know what I know.
Now what I no longer didn't know.
I am going to tell you right now.
I have a system that I do not deviate from.
And I basically have 3 systems.
Just as little bonus to you, I've got something for people that are starting with no money
what so ever.
I got a system for people that have some money and then I have a system for people that have
lots of money.
And if you're interested in what it would look like to avoid you know, all the pitfalls,
all the trail and error.
Just trying to read a book and figure it out on your own, I mean no offense to myself.
These videos are great but if you're going to go out there and do real estate, make sure
one way or the other that you are backed by a mentor.
And a mentor that has extensive research experience, extensive results, extensive you know, amounts
of money that they've made.
And if you don't have one of those, I might be your guy.
And all you got to do is click the link in the description below.
And what I will do is I will super charge your growth curve.
And I'm just going to carry you, teleport you to the top of the mountains that you can
skip all my lessons that I've learned from my mentors.
Skip everything that I've learned on doing now over 3,000 deals.
And if you want the ultimate shortcut no matter your age, your financial situation, remember,
I've got 3 different ways of playing with people.
So all you got to do is click the link in the description below and talk to my team
and let's figure out what will work best for you.
Hey, thank you so much for watching today's video.
If this was useful for you, if you got some gold nuggets out of this, I'm going to invite
you right now to make sure that you are a subscriber that you ring the bell.
Because every single day, one of these videos comes out and we want to notify you.
And also one last thing, if you know someone that would've really appreciate today's video
content, then you know what?
post it to your social media or post it to that friend and invite them to come on a journey
with you and I or learning how to build supreme wealth and the life of our dreams.
Nightcore - get you the moon (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:04.
You gave me a shoulder when I needed it
You showed me love when I wasn't feeling it
You helped me fight when I was giving in
And you made me laugh when I was losing it
'Cause you are, you are
The reason why I'm still hanging on
'Cause you are, you are
The reason why my head is still above water
And if I could I'd get you the moon
And give it to you
And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you
'Cause you are, you are
The reason why I'm still hanging on
'Cause you are, you are
The reason why my head is still above water
And if I could I'd get you the moon
And give it to you
And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you
'Cause you are, you are
Oh, you are
Oh, you are
You are
'Cause you are, you are
The reason why I'm still hanging on
'Cause you are, you are
The reason why my head is still above water
And if I could I'd get you the moon
And give it to you
And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you
Why Can't I Lose Weight, Common Misunderstandings | Mind Blowing Health & Wellness - Duration: 32:43.
hello everyone welcome to mind-blowing healthy wellness with Violet today we're
talking about three misconceptions that block weight loss and as you might know
but if you're new here I'll tell you that I'm a psychologist and I have a
prior practice in the West Island of Montreal which is in Quebec Canada and I
have a private practice and I see a lot of clients and we sometimes get on the
topic of weight loss and weight control because it's something that causes a lot
of struggle for many many people I thought today I would take a moment to
talk about weight loss and more specifically talk about the things that
might block us from losing weight and the first thing I want to talk about is
our misconception our misunderstanding about how weight is gained in the first
place so you know dr. Jason Fong he's a Canadian sight a Canadian doctor he
talks about the idea that we don't understand how insulin is implicated and
weight gain and so basically and he explains it very well we gain weight
because our insulin levels are high and therefore because our insulin levels are
high our body when it gets carbohydrates which causes our insulin levels to be
high by the way when our body receives carbohydrates it decides to store the
energy because oftentimes we end up ingesting too many carbs so more carbs
and we're able to use in that moment in time what this means is that we are
regularly saving the carbonyl some of the carbohydrates but also some of the
fats that we eat in a meal so the first thing that we need to understand when
we're talking about weight gain and the issues that I believe we don't
understand is that that process of gaining of storing carbs and therefore
also storing fats is being pushed by the number of carbs that we ingest
okay so eat more carbs equals store more energy regardless of the kind of energy
that you ingest whether it's carbs or fats so let's talk about insulin for a
minute because I think we need to understand what insulin is insulin is a
hormone and we all have insulin it's there to regulate partially one of the
reasons is there is to regulate our carbohydrates in our system we can't
have too many carbs in our system at any one time if I remember correctly the a
regular person so a person has no diabetic issues whatsoever no sugar
issues whatsoever a regular person can have about a teaspoon of sugar in their
entire system at any given time and be fine like that's that's the norm if you
have more than that insulin will be turned like will increase nice didn't
say Turner because you always have some of them two'll in your system but
interests insulin will be increased and it will it will work to get the extra
sugar out of your system so the extra carbs so okay so that's important for us
to understand so that's the first thing is that insulin is the hormone that
regulates how much sugar is being allowed to remain in your system at any
particular point in time okay the other thing that we need to understand is what
a carb is now in a lot of the videos that I've watched about kina jet
ketogenic diet about low carb low fat diet sorry low carb high fat diet a lot
of videos that I've watched they kind of used carbohydrates sugar back and forth
very interchangeably and I think for a lot of people we really don't know what
a Karpis and therefore a lot of people really really don't know like how to
define a carbohydrate so I thought I would take a moment here because I think
this is the other misconception that we have when our doctor says you need to
cut down your sugar and a lot of people go home with that full intention I'm
gonna cut down my sugar I think the problem isn't their intention and I
don't think the problem is their desire or even their attempt I think their true
problem is that they don't know what they're aiming at
because I think the majority of people are not aware that a carbohydrate is any
food sorry that will basically a carbohydrate is any food that has
carbohydrates in it and the sugar is a carbohydrate and that carb up like they
I don't think that people understand that for example bread is a carbohydrate
high carbohydrate food grains rice pasta oatmeal barley I don't think most people
understand that those are high carbohydrate foods I don't think most
people understand that we're not just talking about cookies and sweet the
candy and chips and I don't even know more people realize that chips are high
carbohydrate food again I think when the doctor says you need to cut sugar out of
your diet people go home and they cut sugar they stop putting sugar in their
coffee they stop eating cookies they stop eating cake okay great but they
don't start eating bread they continue to eat pasta and rice they continue to
eat potatoes they continue to eat things that are high in carbohydrates without
realizing that they're eating things that are high in carbohydrates so the
second thing that I think people need to understand when we're talking about
misconceptions about weight loss and things that block your weight loss is
that when the doctor says take sugar out of your diet what are you really meant
to say is take carbohydrates out of your diet and in order to take carbohydrates
out of your diet you have to look wider than cookies chips and cake you need to
also and candy you need to look at like right like bread you need to look at all
the pasta and like it's a wide amount of things starchy vegetables they all need
to get out all the grains that are that we eat need to get out of your diet
eating a whole grain bread doesn't change the fact that it's a grain and it
needs to be out of your diet because that's a high carb food so that's the
second thing that I'm gonna put out there is an idea that I think blocks our
weight loss is that we don't understand what carbohydrates are and so therefore
we accidentally keep eating them in our attempt to eat better
cereal I almost didn't say that cereal is a very high carb because they're made
from grains so all cereals milk is a high carbohydrate food because it has
lactose in it which is a carbohydrate so it's a sugar right so we need to take
all of our all of these things out of our our diet ok so then what happens
well we're left with what we're left with eating vegetables that are low low
starch low carb so we have a lot of the cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens
and we have a lot of salads that we can eat and then of course what the so if
again if I've taken out most of the carbohydrates which is a it's a fuel
source so let's look at that for five seconds the other thing that we don't
understand is that carbs our fuel source so if we take all of the fuel sources
out that our carbohydrate and we only leave in vegetables but vegetables are
not as high in carb as say bread or pasta but we need another fuel source
right in walks fats so the other problem that I see is that people do not
recognize how important facts are when we take out carbohydrates you can't just
take out carbohydrates and not replace it with something if the major source of
your food energy was coming from carbohydrates and if we stop and think
about it with all the things that I just listed there how many of those things
were you eating on a regular basis chances are your major fuel source was
carbohydrates I haven't even started to talk about how bad for your system
carbohydrates are in terms of inflammation in terms of just making
people feel really physically ill and I'm attempting to touch on that right
now if we just look at the fact that most of your energy was coming from
carbohydrates and the doctor is telling you to take sugar out of your diet
because making you overweight then if I take all of that out of my diet
because I'm taking out the carbs what am I left with
all right all my energy is gone I have to increase the fats I'm eating have no
choice so at that point when I started to increase the fats that I'm eating
guess what I do I actually help myself right I have energy okay so I need to
have I need to replace the energy I need to replace the energy that was coming
from carbs with fats so then I need to understand that fat that come from
quality sources are good for me this is the important part of the story fats
from quality sources if I'm replacing my carbohydrates with vegetable oil I'm
gonna do poorly if I'm replacing my carbohydrates with Crisco or if I
replace my carbohydrates is anything that's not a quality fat I'm gonna do
poorly peanut oil I'm gonna do poorly what I need to do is replace my
carbohydrates with high quality fats which would be for example the fat that
comes along with the protein that I'm eating so most protein will come with a
fat if I eat an avocado there's gonna be fat in there if I eat an egg there's
already fat in there if I eat a steak there's already fat there if I eat pork
there's already fat therefore it's almond there's already fat there so
chicken there's already fat there if I allow myself to eat the skin for example
so if I look at the first of all first and foremost look at the food sources
that I have in front of me all of these food sources are coming along with their
own source of fat if I need to add fat then I need to choose a high quality fat
and that would mean choosing olive oil choosing coconut oil choosing have a hot
oil and there might be other high quality oils that you can find I don't
know them all I'm not going to claim to know them all my point is that you need
to do a little research and make sure that these are high quality oils here's
the thing in order for this to be successful I need to allow myself to
recognize that there are things that I've been
told about food there are things that I've been told about carbs so sugar
versus fat that we now know are inaccurate so and then because I have
this information I need to understand that I have been set up to have goals in
my head that are contrary to my own health so one of the things that I've
been set up to think because of the culture that we live in and the way that
we've been treating food lately is that it's not possible to lose weight now
that's not true and one of the things that we do know though is that the
weight loss structure that has been put in front of us for the last 50 years is
that if you want to lose weight you need to eat less move more calories and
calories out now what we've learned about this is that yes you can eat less
move more and if you do it rigorously enough you will lose weight you will be
hungry and within six after six months you will likely regain the weight this
is what this diet regimen has repeatedly shown over and over and over again and
this is not something that you have to look far to prove we've all either done
it or and had friends who've done it lost a bunch of weight on a calorie
restrictive diet and then gained it all back we need to change this mindset the
truth is you can lower your carbohydrates but increase your fats
keeping your food intake so the calorie number around the same just to lower the
carbs increase the fat and you will lose weight and then the interesting thing
about that is that at the beginning when you do the shift you lower the carbs you
increase the fat for the first little bit of time that you're doing this
you're gonna eat exactly the same amount of calories you are because well first
of all you're adapting to being to using fat for fuel and you're not used to it
but the second reason is because at that point in time what your body is doing in
this adjustment is keeping stable and that's okay
and for most people you will lose water weight because you've decreased your
carbs so you're not actually losing any fat weight so even though theoretically
technically you're gonna lose weight theoretically you've only lost water so
when we keep going for it on this way of eating though what you will also notice
is that your body becomes more efficient so so actually what happens is that that
shift happens and then the the number of total calories for example that you
might need will decrease partially and I say partially because yes you will
ingest fewer calories your body will use the same amount of calories so one of
the things that's interesting about this diet is that even though you you
decrease the amount of calories you're ingesting because eventually when you
make this shift and then you're eating what's gonna happen is you're still
eating very low-carb because the carbs is what pushes you to have higher
insulin which pushes you to eat more so you're keeping those carbs really low so
yes you will eat this low-carb you're gonna eat moderate protein because you
need to have enough protein to fuel and sorry to rebuild your body but your fat
intake eventually will become less and less and the reason for this is it's
very simple when you become fat adapted then the fat that you carry on your body
can be used as fuel and so what you quickly realize at least most people
realize this when they're doing this program so a ketogenic program when you
do that is that when that shift happens you actually just ingest less fat
naturally because you're not as hungry because your body's pulling fat from
your system now if that happens then what you end up seeing and which does
happen for a lot of people is what you end up seeing is that your weight goes
down so for the majority of people yes on a ketogenic way of eating at some
point your caloric intake decreases technically because you're not ingesting
your caloric use stays the same because your body is using the fat that's stored
on you and we have a lot of fat stored on us even a regular weighted person has
enough fat stored on them to last them a good few hundred days so a person who's
overweight has even more weight that they could that's stored on them that
they could use for many many days so that's the other thing to keep in mind
is that what that that we believe we're gonna fail and so we end up engaging in
ways that set us up to fail if we engage this system lower the carbs increase the
facts we don't fail now the other goal that we've been set up to think is going
to be there no matter what is this idea that's impossible lose weight again I've
just shown you that is just by what I just said I just talked about the idea
that it's not impossible we actually can lose weight and the final sad thing that
I think happens is that this way so any any diet that you start is difficult the
idea that I'm gonna eat less and be hungry is extremely difficult and so
most people don't even start the diet because they're so worried about being
hungry and not feeling energetic and not being able to do what they need to do
they don't even start but again it goes along with this idea that the only way
to lose weight is to restrict your carbohydrate intake and and to restrict
your total intake and so therefore you're restricting everything and so
you're hungry when we allow ourselves to restrict cars but increase fats after we
get it through the adaptation phase we're no longer hungry but do people
give themselves the chance to get to that point often they don't
now here's another reason that we don't do that and it's sad but it's the
reality is that we're so worried about not being able to eat like other people
we're so worried about not being able to eat fun foods quote unquote fun foods
we're so worried about giving up what we are so used to eating we don't stop and
think about how we feel today versus how we could possibly feel so for example
if you're walking around with excess weight on you and you're not happy with
the way you look I don't know are the cookies worth giving up if you were
looking walking around today and you're not able to do the things that you want
to do are the cookies worth giving up so and it's not even about giving them up
and I say that because that's how we think but if you stop and think about it
I'm trading I'm trading cookies for steak I'm trading cookies or bacon I'm
trading chocolate cake for pork I'm trading I'm trading good foods for good
foods and I'm trading I'm trading lasagna made from pasta for lasagna made
from vegetables and and you know and and healthy cheeses and healthy meats what
I'm suggesting to you is that it's not about giving up it's about trading and I
think before we decide that we can't do it we should at least give ourselves the
chance to do it and I think the other thing that you'll notice when you give
yourself the chance to do it and and it's hard because I have to try in order
to see that this is possible is that if I decide to do something whenever I
decide to do it I'm gonna go in full force and then once I've decided that
I've gone in full force then everything I do from that moment on
is about seeing how do I feel about this right I have to allow myself the chance
to really focus on how is this making me feel rather than focusing on what I'm
giving up what I don't have anymore what I miss and I know I'm not telling you
that you're not gonna miss things because that's just silly of course
people miss things but when I compare what I'm missing to how I currently feel
then you decide right so if going low carb high fat or going keto which is
even lower because keto is 50 grams or less of carbs total per day if going
where as low fat low carb is 150 or less but if going low carb or keto is going
to be the difference between you feeling amazing or not then the question becomes
well how do I want to feel and when you dookied oh one of the things that I've
noticed and person after person client after client has repeated this is that
when you do keto and you really get those carbs down super low the hunger
goes away the cravings go away that you eat when you're hungry and then you love
what you're eating because it tastes great because there's natural flavor in
it so if you really want to feel better what you need to learn to do is
prioritize you both your emotional and your physical health you need to
prioritize and realize that you are worth putting in the effort to learn how
to manage your emotions about eating and to manage your actual eating behavior
you are worth that energy and an effort whenever we make a change in our life we
need to make sure that it's something that we can sustain right so the best
way to do that is set yourself up find a way to automate some of this stuff so
make it easy for yourself to keep this lifestyle while having things prepared
by buying your groceries in advance by having some of your meals planned out
that way when you do do the diet it's gonna feel great because it can be
effective you're gonna have food to eat you're going to learn how to train your
body to burn fat for fuel and then you're good and you're also gonna enjoy
what you're eating right and if you're able to do these things you just think
about the fact that you didn't become overweight or you didn't get metabolic
issues happening with you in the last three weeks this has been going on for
years are you allowing yourself to see that maybe what I need to do is give
myself the next five months to really commit to this diet and say okay how do
I feel right and after that if I give myself this period of time to say okay
I'm gonna commit to it how do I feel then I'll know right and if I don't feel
any different I don't feel any different but what happens if you feel amazing one
thing that we know is that low carb low fat loses weight but it lasts
for about six months and then you're so hungry and you're so weak that you end
up eating and regaining all the weight consistently it seems to be consistently
everybody who's doing this it's very obvious consistently low carb high fat
and especially keto numbers Kido - like less than 50 grams total and high
fat equals weight loss that's sustainable for years you have to ask
yourself am I willing to become fat adapted so that I can have the life that
I want to have so my suggestion is it's worth it all right and I can tell you
that my personal experience with it is that it's worth it and it's not just
about losing weight it's about feeling good it's about not having a hip issue
anymore which is what I had that started this whole process for me and helped me
to find keto is that I had a hip issue and I learned that carbohydrates cause
inflammation and so my thought was well that's what's causing my hip issue I'm
just gonna get rid of carbs and doing that has absolutely changed everything
because it got rid of my hip issue it got rid of my circulation issue the
possible arthritis that I thought was starting is completely gone a back issue
that I've had for years is completely gone knee issues that I've had for years
has completely gone so can I say that I had into some inflammation going on yes
I could say that do I feel information now no I don't so it's important for you
to recognize that your journey is gonna be dependent on what you're trying to
solve and that's fine solve it that's that's the point
prioritize you do the things that are gonna help you to feel better one of the
things I want to point out is that we're often talking about calories and
calories out and one of the points that dr. Fung makes is that when we eat sugar
so whether it's a cookie where there's a piece of cake whatever it is the insulin
spike that caused that results is that those carbs to be stored as fat
in our fat cells that's one system that's one pathway
when we exercise we use the glucose that's stored in our muscles if we're if
we're not fat adapted we don't even a pin to the fat cells that are being
stored so the idea of calories and calories out is two different systems
it's important for us to understand that if I'm trying to lose weight I need to
allow myself to understand what process is happening what are the things I can
actually do to help myself to lose weight so again these are things that I
want you to know because knowledge helps us to make better decisions right we
need to understand that if we if we eat sugar and our insulin goes up whatever
we happen to eat with that meal sugar protein fat all of it becomes a
potential store right our bodies are going to store what we're not going to
use and if we have high insulin our body stores it if we have low insulin so if
our carbs are really low then the fact that gets produced or carry sorry the
fat that gets ingested gets used all right cuz our carbohydrates were low
that's super important for those of us who are trying to lose weight right so
knowledge again when we're talking about knowledge I really want us to be clear
about what we're trying to accomplish versus what the world tells us is
possible whenever we allow ourselves to
to be told what's our reality we end up getting hurt so you need prioritize your
own health your own well-being above other people's ideas the standard
American diet which Canadians follow to the standard American diet tells us that
45 to 65% of our daily caloric intake can come from carbs actually should come
from carbs it says should and I always want us to
understand what that means if 45% of our caloric intake comes from
carbs that's equivalent to 169 grams of carbs
all the way up to 244 grams of carbs which would be equivalent to 35
well 34 to 49 teaspoons of sugar per day when would you ever sit down and eat 35
teaspoons of sugar right the average adult would never do that but yet in our
in our diet if we were to honestly allow ourselves to recognize that this is the
equivalence that are happening here when you eat rice when you eat pasta and
those carb numbers when you do the math that's what's happening because rice in
our system behaves the same way as a teaspoon of sugar so however many
teaspoons that is of right in a right that's what it's doing so again let's be
clear we would never sit down and eat 35 teaspoons of sugar we wouldn't do it so
when we think about just the low end of this if you allow yourself to have 169
out of it this is out of a $2,000 if you allow yourself to have a hundred and 69
grams of carbs per day you're already above low carb like just the lowest end
of their diet of their recommendations puts you above low carb and you're way
way above keto it's so important for us to keep ourselves in mind and be mindful
of what that means keeping yourself to less than 50 grams of carbs per day is
so important if you want to burn fat for fuel on a regular basis when we don't
have information we make mistakes when we don't know how many carbs it takes to
make a teaspoon of sugar we make mistakes because we look at these these
information packages and in the grocery store and we read and we say oh it's
only you know 25 grams of carbs oh it's only that but like we don't realize that
over the course of the day when you start adding that up and especially on
those labels they often don't give you a very realistic serving size right
there's certain the serving size on pack of cook a cookie if you buy a
cookie and it's telling you they often don't give you realistic serving sizes
right you know it could be like for one cookie
who eats one cookie or it could be for like you know like a hundred 50 grams of
something that's such a small amount that you're probably gonna eat a hundred
or even 200 grams so one of the things we have to be careful about is that even
in the recommendations even in the serving size if I don't accurately
assess okay that's the serving size how much am I actually gonna eat and then
make that calculation it's okay so how many carbs is it really again we are not
allowing ourselves to have the information that we need to make sure
that we're staying within the carbohydrate numbers is gonna help us to
feel better we need to use our information wisely we need to really
focus on keeping those carbs low getting those fats higher to help ourselves
become fat adopted and then once we're there once we're adapted as we eat what
we'll see is that the facts that we eat do I actually need to eat that much and
I say shaded eating low carb moderate protein and how much fat do I really
need to have there to feel like I'm satiated sometimes especially when we
are first starting the process we need a bit more but then as we're losing weight
we need a bit less and then what happens when we get close to our goal weight
will probably stabilize again add a bit of a higher number because we need to
slow down the fat fat loss and stop ventually the fat loss we don't want to
disappear so it's important for us to understand and know for sure how many
carbs were actually eating in a day this means you need to take the time to learn
how many carbs are in what and that way you can start to accurately assess how
much am i eating where's the where am i getting my energy from keeping yourself
to eating good vegetables and salads and keeping yourself to eating high-quality
proteins those high-quality fats and I guarantee you that when you start to do
this program and you really allow yourself to plan your
and an aim for better quality foods you will be happy with what you're eating
because it's gonna taste good and you're gonna look and feel great
right and the better that you feel inside the more you're able to move the
happier you're gonna be keep in mind again like we said we exercise because
it helps us to feel great it we exercise because it helps us to be able to do
what you want to do and we eat well to feed ourselves nutrient-dense foods to
maintain this body so we can do what you wanted to do alright but we need to be
clear on that the food we ate is what helps us to maintain our weight exercise
helps us to be strong I hope this video was helpful because I really hope that
it helps you to understand the misconceptions that we have about food
and if we understand them we can do better and when we do better we feel
better remember this is about understanding our mind and our body
working together so that we have amazing health and wellness on a thank you for
watching mind blowing health and wellness with Violet
because this is the channel that's gonna help you to feel better and live a
better life absolutely appreciate that you guys watch the video all the way to
the end this is a good opportunity for you hit that subscribe button so that
you'll see my upcoming videos and I'd really love to know what you guys want
to hear me talk about next so put comments and questions and ideas
for future videos in the comment section so that I can make videos that are gonna
be what you want to hear me talk about if you like my video today please give
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Helping New Moms - Diana Collins Interview - Duration: 10:43.
Happy Thursday everyone! Welcome back to Geeks R Sexy. I'm Jason LeDuc from
Evil Genius Leadership Consultants. It's the fourth Friday of the month where we
take over from Michelle Davis and we take care of all things about how to
teach you how to be successful here in Las Vegas and beyond whether that's for your
business, your personal life or your family, we're talking about all the
things about leadership and being successful. We've got a couple of great
guests today, actually we have three great guests. Today we're going to have Ashly Jordan
from My Education Connections is going to join us in a little bit and Cynthia Nutter
from CJ Nutter Accounting, but first we have Diana Collins who is the founder of
Collins Media Productions and also the founding president of the Always With Me
Foundation. How are you today Diana? Thank you for being here. Absolutely thank you
so much for inviting me it's a pleasure. I am good. Good. Did you have a, did you
have a good holiday? Do you celebrate Christmas? I did. I so I have my two
little girls, all of our family are here in town so we do a lot of traveling
within the state. And you grew up here in Las Vegas? Yeah I've been here since 97
so so pretty pretty much. So yeah this was the first year in a long time that I
didn't travel. Most of my family's back east and for various reasons none of us,
it just made sense with everybody's schedule to not travel. We're going to catch up in probably the
February timeframe. But yeah so Christmas was good I went to a friend's house for
Christmas Eve for Christmas Eve dinner, had a really relaxing Christmas day and
then my mom's birthday is tomorrow so happy birthday Mom and I will call you
tomorrow. Don't worry about it. But you are the founder of Collins Media
Productions but also, and I think more importantly and more interestingly, The
Founding President of The Always With Me Foundation which helps young mothers
with all kinds of support but mostly focused on helping them have good mental
health and motherhood. Well, welcome to the show. First tell us about Collins
Media Productions and what you do there, but also your story is you started this
company as a result of the foundation and your personal story with mental
health and motherhood. Let's talk about that. Yeah so first off
Collins Media Productions is, I basically I'm a podcast producer manager
and I do sometimes I do video productions on the side as well
but mainly most of my clients are you know podcasters and they bring me the
audio and I basically do everything for them and I bring it wrap it up in a box
and there's their podcast. But two years ago I started out with my own podcast
after my best friend had taken her life due to postpartum depression and I was 7
months pregnant. In fact I was 8 months pregnant and her
funeral I just hit rock bottom. I couldn't recover after that you know a
month after the funeral I was in labor with my second daughter and all I wanted
was just my best friend to be there and that was all I could think about. Not
even the birth of my child, which don't get me wrong, I love her so much, you know.
She's my baby peanut, little peanut, and but I couldn't get that out of my head
and so I went on maternity leave, came back after a month going into labor, not
a good idea and I was expected to come back and be a working woman again.
I couldn't do it. I just couldn't recover back. People who walk
down my cubicle and I'm just crying. So you know eight months go by and I hit
rock bottom. I was mentally unstable could not get back into right mindset at
work you know get into the mindset of motherhood and I had almost taken my
life. I was in the ER for a suicide attempt and that was when I sat there in
the hospital feeling like a person or really because
that's really what you know it feels like being in a psych ward and I said
that's it I'm quitting my job. I am putting in my two weeks. I
don't care if my husband thinks I'm crazy for leaving an income but
I had to go because I had to take care of myself and I started my own
podcast called the Always With Me Podcast, which is still up today and I talked
about I interview moms and other mental health advocates to help bring their
story out and let moms know that they're not alone in the struggles if they
suffer from depression that they're not a bad mom and if they suffer from OCD or
anxiety or anything like that that they're not alone. So after doing that
for six months and I was I said I asked my group of my friends it's like I
wanted to something more physical you know I'm helping them in a local way
but what is a way I can prevent postpartum depression and suicide
happening again you know and my friend was like you could be a postpartum doula
which is there anyone who doesn't know... Yeah let's talk about that because I kind of know and
you and I have talked before, but I don't think I know well enough to be able to
explain it to someone else. Yeah so what we are so a lot of us
understand what a doula are is. A birth doula which is she sits there with you
when you're in labor and guides you and it's your coach during labor and what a
postpartum doula is is that we show up after the birth of your child. We come to
your home. We take care of, you know, all of the little tasks that you do in your
home like laundry, dishes, meal prep because after you give birth
especially after you had a c-section, you're kind of not... You're
not 100%. Yeah and so we help you with that um have any questions with and
she's sleeping right? Is she you know doing all the things correctly like
we're there to coach you for the first six to twelve weeks and so the and
that's how the nonprofit was created the always with me foundation was created
because you know this is viewed as a luxury
although it should be a necessity and and I wanted to help everyone out
there who maybe are unable to afford it themselves their own pocket and so we've
connected with you know for example WIC here in Las Vegas, the one on
Sunset and if they run into a mom and she's showing signs of depression
or if she's saying things like I'm just so tired I'm so overwhelmed like these
are triggering words, they come to me, they send me a referral and give me her
information and I reach out to her. So those are the words that if someone at
WIC hears those, now people watching this they may not be involved with that they
may know somebody what are some of those words again like tell our audience if
they hear somebody saying these words or that well that they should what should
they hear this, what are the things they, if they hear them, they should point them
over to you? Yeah so I heard an example I had one who just says I am so
overwhelmed. I'm not sleeping. I can't sleep. You know they say we sleep when
the baby sleeps and when she's saying I'm just overwhelmed I have this fear
that the baby's going to die or I have this fear of me dying you know these are
triggering where it's kind of like you know and and it's not just WIC who can
refer that will send a referral out. Any of you any of you if you've heard a
young woman who has just given birth or is maybe even about to give birth who is
already feeling this way. If you hear somebody saying these young women who've just
given birth or the family's talking about this way please connect them up
with Diana so and this is all you provide this free to the, to
the young women to the families who need this which is as you said it's
considered a luxury but it's really something that's very necessary for
every new mom. Absolutely so and that's why that's where our donations come in
right so you know a postpartum doula can range between like 20 - 30
dollars an hour for say they usually do about six
the first six to twelve weeks for a few hours
either twice you know twice a week maybe even four times a week. It depends on how
often it's needed and so that's where the donations go to not only pay for our
fees all kinds of licensing, but to pay for that doula. Yeah you know and and how can
how can our audience donate to you or who can they connect you with who'd be a
great donor for you? Absolutely. So if you go to
alwayswithme.org everything is on there including our podcasts, how to donate
there'll be a short clip on my full story and how I've recovered for the past
two and a half years so just go to that website and you'll find anything,
everything about The Always With Me Foundation. That's great and one last
thing I want to talk about it's not just the in-home service that you provide. You
have an online support group that you do for women as well. Can you tell us a
little about that, how people if they're not ready to come ask for that kind of
help, but maybe get involved with the online support, how can they find
that? Yeah so it's also on the website but if it's on Facebook so you search
Facebook groups and it's called Mommy Tribe with Always With Me and if you
can't write it that way you can always go to the website but there's a lot of
there's some therapists on there, there are even you know my vice-president is a
postpartum doula who has you know years beyond more experience than I do.
And if anyone comes in there and ask questions comfortably and not have to be
physically somewhere she's still comfortably in her home she gets that
support. That's great! And is it fair to say that if someone's a doula out there a
postpartum doula out there you could you'd be happy to meet them. Yes
Please! That's great! We're just about out of time. Tell our audience how they can
reach you and the foundation again and if they're interested in you packaging
up their podcasts how they can find a Collins Media as well. Absolutely! So you
can find us again www.alwayswithme.org or on the on Facebook the Always With Me
Foundation and if you have a podcast as well and you need help in overwhelmed
with all the things go to www.collinsmediaproduction.com Alright well thank you so
much Diana, we're going to have you back in a little bit for our panel discussion. Next
we're going to have Ashly Jordan from My Education Connections
I'm Jayson LeDuc, This is Geeks R Sexy. Stick around we'll be
right back!
Top 4 Lincoln SUVs you must see in 2019 |Bright Side Car| - Duration: 11:28.
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How You Worked Hard Saving Money All Year Long - Duration: 14:32.
- Three, Two, One: Happy New Year!
(blows on horn)
(upbeat music)
Tonight is the night.
You guys, it's New Year's Eve.
2019: It's upon us. It is just crazy,
and we are here on The Rachel Cruze Show.
We are ready to celebrate New Year's Eve.
I got my earrings. I got my fun shoes on.
I got my glasses—all the things, okay?
It's gonna be so fun, because I look back
at this year on the show.
And it has been an incredible year.
I've had so many fun guests on.
There's been great segments, great stories from you guys.
So this episode, we are going to highlight
some of your favorite moments,
some of my favorite moments,
and update you on how some of our guests are doing.
And you might think that I do this whole show
in one take, but it's not exactly the truth.
So, I'm gonna show you some embarrassing moments
I've had here on set. It'll be fantastic.
And I'd like to give a huge thanks to my sponsors this year.
I would not be able to do the show without you guys.
You make this show possible.
And it's sponsors like Xander and SimpliSafe,
who's actually sponsoring this episode,
have been the reason that we have continued
to be able to bring you guys valuable content
to help you on your money journey.
So, let's get right to it.
I've had so many great memories and guests on the show,
and one of my favorites were The Minimalists.
I love them. I know you love them. They are just fantastic.
I love it because they even challenged me personally.
They just reinforced the idea that stuff
is never going to make you happy, right?
You can have fun with things. You can enjoy it.
But overall, it's not going to give you long-term happiness.
And they challenged me on The Minimalist Challenge
where you give away, or throw away, or sell, or
get rid of one item per the date of the month.
So I did it.
It was like 536 items the Cruze household got rid of,
and it felt so great just to declutter.
And it kind of reinforces this idea again,
that stuff is enjoyable but it is not going
to bring you contentment and joy for the long term.
Now, I had some incredible people to come on
and share their stories personally,
and one of my favorites was the
Shivers family, Taylor and Stephanie.
If you remember, they did something so drastic.
They sold their house to get out of debt. That's right.
I mean, absolutely amazing.
The sacrifice that they put in
and how far they've come is so incredible.
So I loved having them on and hearing their story.
I even had my own dad on the show.
That's right. Dave Ramsey came in
to The Rachel Cruze Show world and it was so fun.
And I know a lot of you guys who are doing
the Baby Steps—you're getting out of debt
and you've been following Ramsey's Solutions.
You loved having him on and I did too.
So I'm actually gonna bring him back next week
for next week's episode, so make sure to tune into that.
And I could not have my dad on without bringing
on my mom, sweet Sharon Ramsey.
I mean, let's be honest. She became
the star of the show, right?
We all learned something about cooking.
She always had great tips, like Southern people
cook their vegetables longer than Northern people—
her quote, not mine.
And we all know the famous saying now,
"Just open up your spice cabinet
and you can make anything taste good, you guys."
It's all in the spice cabinet, according to Sharon Ramsey.
So I'll have to bring her back for sure next year.
I think one of the prettiest episodes we had
was when Pizzazzerie came on and showed us
how we can all throw amazing, beautiful parties—
everything from birthday parties to baby showers—
and make our house look beautiful but on a budget.
All those setups were just incredible.
And I've said it on the show a thousand
times and I'm staying true to it,
I'm not the most creative person in the world.
So having someone like her on who's an expert in this
was so fun and so enjoyable, and she's just fantastic.
And last episode, I loved getting to
talk to Amy Brown about giving.
She was just phenomenal.
Being able to talk about the importance of what
she's doing but how it's contagious, right?
You hear a story like that. You see the impact she's making, and
you think, what can I do with my life?
And just how the truth of it is
is that giving gives you such joy.
It's so much fun. It really is.
It's the most fun that you can have with money.
And she just reinforced that over
and over again, and I loved that.
Now, some of the most fun I have on the show
are things that you guys don't always get to see.
Yeah, because sometimes things don't go according
to the plan, aka I can't read my notes
and I forget my lines and all of the above.
So just enjoy this little gander of all my mess-ups
and the fun that we have on the show.
(light music)
Let's start that over, sorry.
Quiet on set.
(co-workers laugh)
Make sure I have no peanut butter bar in my teeth.
(hissing sound)
Oh my gosh!
(hissing sound)
(hissing sound)
Getting braver.
- You didn't ask for any help.
Did it get you?
- I don't know.
- Nice and juicy.
(chainsaw noise)
- Oh gross, it's just so gross.
I don't wanna look at him.
Oh, he's moving.
Oh, and he peed.
One of these things.
Aw dang it!
One of these things is not.
I can't do it now.
Apparently I like Italian food.
This is Mexican.
(worker laughing)
That's not Italian.
Oh gosh, that's not right.
Oh gosh, sorry.
Oh gosh, sorry.
Geez, geez, it's going downhill quick, Chad.
You're gonna have to save this ship. It's sinking.
Working on that physique, you know?
(upbeat music)
Now I feel so weird right now.
Graphic and the all of it.
(co-workers laugh)
Crock pot break, crock pot.
I uh duh.
Try and be casual. Casual.
I don't have a measurement, you guys.
It's just like the Spirit leads and I obey.
Sorry, so so stupid.
The Spirit leads and I obey. Like, who says that?
So, what we're gonna make is honey. Oh, what are we making?
And then you get some sriracha sauce.
Okay, I really can't open it.
World's best boss.
(incoherent noises)
I think I sound crazy.
Don't make me do it again.
You're not gonna make me have to do that whole intro again.
- [Co-worker] Yeah, we gotta do it one more time.
- Oh my gosh.
Classic Chad.
You happy? You good? You good?
(co-workers laugh)
Preacher Rachel.
- [Co-worker] Preach it.
- Coming out.
(upbeat music)
Oh, bloopers, You gotta love 'em, guys, you gotta love 'em.
Well, part of this show that I love
is bringing on people to share their lives.
Some of these guests had their money all put together,
and they were able to share with you
some of the wins that they had and how they did it.
And others were just getting started.
So, if you've been wondering about them, we reached out
and they're giving us an update on how they're doing.
Now, Jennifer Raisbeck, if you remember,
she was a single who paid off $12,000 dollars in debt.
We reached out to her to see how she was doing
and she said, "I'm using Baby Step 3B," which means,
she's out of debt and has a fully funded emergency fund,
"to cashflow two vacations in 2019.
"Florida with my kids in March, and a girls trip in December
"for an eight-day Caribbean cruise,
"as well as saving for a ductless AC unit for my condo.
"My 16-year-old started using EveryDollar in November
"and is currently refunding his $500 dollar
"emergency fund and saving for new tires.
"My eight-year-old also has a savings goal of a
"small laptop if he doesn't get it for Christmas."
Jennifer, I love that. I mean, she's killing it, you guys.
And next we had Cole, and Cole was so much fun to have on.
If you remember, she paid off her house. Yes, she did.
And she was pregnant, about to have a baby.
So, Cole said, "On Tuesday, May 29th,
"we had a healthy baby boy.
"I was able to take my full maternity leave and not worry
"about the money aspect of it, which was amazing.
"I'm meeting with my SmartVestor Pro next week
"to put money into an account for Jax,
"as well fund my investment account for the year.
"Our next steps are to save and pay cash for my next
"vehicle and to buy land and build our dream home."
Ah, so great Cole, I love it.
Next we had Kylie and Elijah. They were newlyweds,
and they had never done a budget together.
They had some student loans, but were overall
in a really good spot for their future.
They had some money in savings
and it was enough to pay off their student loan.
So I urged them to, so here's what they said:
"Following Rachel's advice, Elijah and I
"paid off my undergrad student loans," love it,
"and using some of the money I had in savings.
"We try to stick to the budget using the EveryDollar app,
"and we were able to save a lot every month.
"So, we're hoping to cash flow a new car for Elijah soon
"and also still have enough money to buy a house."
They did it. They paid off their loans.
Oh my gosh, so happy.
Next we had Taylor and Stephanie, and I mentioned them
earlier in the show. But again, they sold their house
to get out of debt.
So, here's how they were doing.
"In 2018, we paid off a little over $115,000 dollars in debt.
"We paid 12 student loans and all of our medical debt.
"We cash flowed new tires, dental work, and Christmas.
"We are just under $30,000 dollars in student loan debt left.
"With what we're putting towards debt each month,
"we are projected to be debt-free around May of 2020."
Guys, completely debt-free. Oh, so fun, so so fun.
Now, Elle came on and she was on with Chris Hogan
and me if you remember. And she had just finished
Baby Step 2. She got out of debt completely,
and she was on her way to becoming an everyday millionaire.
So, here's what she said:
"I met with my SmartVestor Pro and have my investments
"all set up in an organized manner.
"I'm continuing to save and hopefully,
"home ownership will be in my near future.
"Thanks for all your help."
Elle, thank you, seriously, for coming on
and doing that. And you're killing it. Love it.
Next we had Melvin and Danielle.
Now they were just a few episodes ago. And if you
remember, they were gazelle intense,
and they cut up 17, yeah, 17 credit cards.
So here's what they said:
"Since being on the show, we have made great progress
"towards our goals of getting out of debt.
"My wife decided to make a big change and take on
"a part-time job at our local Panera Bread.
"We've also paid off our first student loan.
"In three months, we paid off $6,800 in student loans.
One down, four more to go."
You guys, you're killing it, seriously, all of you.
I cannot believe the progress that you have made this year.
Thank you so much for being on,
and you're just doing an incredible job.
So I love to have people like you,
yes you watching, here on the show.
So, if you need help or you want to share
your success story, email me at askrachel@rachelcruze.com.
I say it every episode, every episode,
and I will continue to say it every episode,
because it's the truth.
Coming up right now, like this second,
it is my favorite part of the show.
It is celebrating you guys in She Works Hard Saving Money.
Now, listen up.
It is a new year. It's a new me, and I have a new song.
Yeah, She Works Hard Saving Money has a theme song.
You hear it?
(music playing)
Oh it's just fantastic. All right, let's dive in.
Madeleine said, "I am so proud of my daughter Iris,
"who has been saving her commission money
"for five months now to buy
"American Girl Bitty baby and gear.
"Here is the first purchase!"
Jaclyn said, "We just got back from our annual
"family vacation in San Francisco and it feels so good
"not to worry about the bill coming because
"it was paid for in cash."
Amber posted in our Facebook community (this is a good one):
"I walked away from a car purchase today,
"cash only of course, because after negotiating
"it was still $200 over my car budget that
"I have been saving for for over a year.
"The dealer looked at me like I was crazy and said,
"Can't you just put $200 on a card?
"It's strange and disappointing because I wanted the car,
"but I'm really proud of myself for not dipping
"into the emergency fund for non-emergencies.
"There are a million used cars for sale.
"I can walk away knowing I followed my principles."
And she posted again in the Facebook
community with this update:
"I posted earlier this week about walking away from a car
"purchase because it didn't fit into my cash budget.
"Well guess what? The dealer called me five days later,
"and offered me a price $100 lower than what I had originally
"asked for, which was $700 lower than what they wanted.
"So I bought the car.
"Keep up the good work, Dave Ramsey tribe. This stuff works."
I love that.
If you guys want progress with your money like these people,
make sure to visit rachelcruze.com
and check out past episodes of the show.
It will keep you encouraged and give you some great tips.
Thanks, you guys, so much for watching
and making this an incredible year.
Now many of you may not know how many people it takes
to pull off a show like this, but here is The
Rachel Cruze Show team, and I'm so thankful for them.
So remember you guys, in 2019, to take control
of your money and create a life you love.
And we are here to say, Happy New Year!
(Horns blowing)
NO MORE New Year Resolutions! - TayVlog 20 - Duration: 4:51.
Happy new year! Hooray it's 2019, 2019, 2019, 2019
It's 2019 I'm really excited about that, and I hope you are too.
You don't have to tell me twice, I know, I've done it twice. I have not had a
YouTube video in 2 weeks again and that's because I did it! I moved!
This is it. Three years
I have one car full, I have another car full, the vans on its way with my bed! It's all happening
Just to make matters interesting is now hailing! It's hailing outside.
My new bedroom.
It looks bigger than it is hahaha
Here I am: nice and tired, but in my room.
Got all my flat packs ready to install from Ikea - wish me luck.
And, um, this is my new house.
Then there was Christmas - the craziness of Christmas, that's what it is...
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas as much as I am...
which is a lot.
I was with friends, I was with family, I was with food, presents, I was with doggies...
And now here we are, it's the end of 2018 and it's this time of year where you
start to reflect and based on what you reflect on, you then start to make new
year resolutions.
Stop right there!
No New Year's resolutions. Do not make
new year's resolutions. I am someone who has never been a New Year's resolution
person. I like to think of a new year as a clean slate.
This is why you don't make new year
resolutions: they're not realistic. You've just got to make little changes, they've just
got to be increments, you know, instead of just saying 'I'm gonna lose weight,' say
'I'm gonna go on a 15-minute walk on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, every second
day.' There's too much pressure in the new year
to keep to those goals and those resolutions that you set yourself that
are extremely unrealistic.
Come January the 8th and everything's back to normal
again... kinda normal...
It's best to go into a new year with a clean slate and just think 'right-oh,
what happened last year was last year.' It's really good to reflect on the last
year and think about what you HAVE achieved, rather than thinking about what
you HAVEN'T achieved.
I'm not gonna bring that baggage into this year.
That's what my song 'Spark Off The New Year' was all about. It was about spark off the
new year by pressing the restart button and refreshing yourself and start it with
love for yourself and forgiveness and starting afresh. If you want to think of
New Year's, you know, January 1st being the start of
something new, just think of it as being a clean slate right I'm gonna start
again. Just brush off whatever sadness, grief, negativity happened last year that
could affect this year and move on. I am excited to see what the new year will
bring based on all the work I've done this year, so you'll be expecting a lot
more from me. And I want to thank you guys for your
support for watching my videos and for being just, like, super people and
commenting, messaging, whether it's here, or on Instagram, or Facebook. I've
received so many wonderful comments from people and messages of support.
Anyway, guys, I'm off. I hope you had a wonderful New Years. Welcome to the new year, I
will see you next week, I will. Have a wonderful week, a wonderful first week of
2019, and thank you for being such wonderful people and thank you for
following me. Alright bye guys, enjoy your first day of 2019. Maybe I should set a
goal of not pulling so many ugly faces *pulls face*
RUINED! Hahaha
Bye, guys!
Jack & Jack "No One Compares To You" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified - Duration: 4:56.
There's something very special and unique between us, too, that nobody else can really-
Yeah, emulate.
That's a great word, actually.
That's exactly what I was trying to say.
Just like that.
We finish each other's sentences.
Yes, so a lot of times, I'll start a sentence and have no idea where I'm going with it,
and he's like, "Oh, okay, I see where he's trying to get."
Just pull the word out the air.
So, he'll go and do that, and he took vocab enrichment and I didn't, so.
We didn't wanna throw off people who may have never heard of us before Rise.
We wanted No One Compares To You, our followup single, to be ...
Kind of tropical in the same kind of vein.
I think people in the mainstream may have heard that record, and maybe that's what they
knew us for.
Yeah, we wanted to kind of bring that tropical element but still keep it very authentic to
Jack & Jack.
Yeah, we felt like Yusi and TMS both kind of worked around what we wanted to do, 'cause
we knew that TMS has started it off like Johnson said, very acoustic.
They were definitely open ... I say "they."
I've honestly never met them.
I don't know if it's one guy or multiple people.
Bless you, though, and thank you very much for coming up with this track.
That's a very real line for me.
I think of my ex all the time.
Anytime I feel like I'm connecting with another girl, I start to question do I really fuck
with this girl, or do I just kind of see my ex in her
Someone that I love could really, really do almost anything to me, and my love for them
won't change.
I'll always love her.
That's just something that is like a given in my life,
I know no girl ever wants to hear that, like their face is being replaced, so to speak.
It is the harsh reality.
Anytime somebody gets out of a relationship, they tend to compare.
I definitely, post my last relationship, I definitely kind of when into a phase where
I was trying to fill the void by either going out or maybe I'll just have a one night stand
over here.
It just means nothing at the end of the day.
You think, personally, that it's gonna help you cope, but it always ends up backfiring.
I think everybody notices in time that the only thing that can heal it is time.
None of these coping mechanisms will actually end up helping you get out of this spot that
you're in mentally.
Luckily, me and G are very stark in the contrast.
I'm like completely over my last person.
You can tell based off of talking to him that he's still got the linger period.
He's still in that phase.
I think the way I see heart to heart is like, "Why can't we just chop this up?
Why can't we just talk about this?
Why can't we just open our hearts to each other and figure out what went wrong?"
You know what I'm saying?
'Cause a lot of relationships kind of end in a dismal spot.
With my last one, there was kind of confusion, like distance kind of separated us, but there
was never a true closure period or a true sign off message, like "Okay, this is why
it happened."
There was never too much clarity on either of our ends.
It's just tough.
You go and do something that you've once done with your ex with someone else, and you're
like, "Oh, man.
This sucks, like, fuck.
This is not ... This is like, I'm sad right now."
During those 16 months, or 18 months or whatever it's been, I'm not counting.
However long it's been, I've connected with another person, and I've had moments where
I'm like, "Damn.
Do I love this person?"
At the end of that thought, I always get to the bottom, and it's just like, "No.
I don't."
Maybe you go through the ice cream and TV phase, and then it's like club nonstop.
My manager went and got me DQ, and there's only one DQ in LA and I didn't even know at the time.
We're from Omaha, Nebraska, Dairy Queen's like everywhere out there, 'cause everyone's
extremely overweight.
I used to eat it all the time, and so after my breakup, Adam comes up and he's like, "I
got you blizzards," and I'm like, "Yeah."
That was one night.
After that, it was like we went out for three months straight.
It was just crazy.
Yeah, I'll never do that again.
COVER (SHORT) Irma Thomas - Anyone Who Know What Love Is - Duration: 1:48.
anyone... anyone... anyone... anyone
you can blame me try to shame me and still i'll care for you
you can run around even put me down stll i'll be there for you
the world may think i'm foolish they can't see you like i can
oh but anyone who knows what love is
will understand
anyone... anyone...
anyone... anyone...
How To Stop Attracting Psychopaths - Duration: 7:10.
Do you have Psychopaths in your life? In this video, we talk about who is a
psychopath and how to stop attracting them. Hi, my name is Genine Smith. I'm an
attorney. Also founder of Osage Institute. And guess what?
Attorneys are one of the top jobs for psychopaths. So, what is a psychopath?
Well, according to research it's about 1% of the population. So out of a hundred
people, one person will be born with that set of traits. Now, it's a disorder
and it's something that people tend to be born with. And it's an inability to
have empathy. So if you grew up with a psychopath,
it's likely that they kicked you, they burned ants, they bit you, they hurt you,
they didn't like following rules. They were very violent and didn't have any
empathy for anybody else's experience. So, what kind of jobs are attractive for
psychopaths? I think this is interesting because you may be around them and not
see them for who they are. So the top job is CEOs which doesn't mean that every
CEO is a psychopath at all. It's just a skill set where they don't have a
lot of emotional range and they can make really good decisions. So that's
one of the upsides of being a psychopath. Another one is lawyers.
Another one is surgeons. I found this interesting media. Like TV personalities.
As well as sales people. Have you ever had that that salesman who was just like
not particularly on your side and willing to lie or cheat or steal to be
able to get their sale. So to round out the top jobs. Surgeon, priests, journalists
and police officer. So, these can be very functional members of society. But it's
more this incapacity to have empathy for other people. So what's the difference
between a psychopath and a sociopath. A psychopath tends to be born with this
personality trait. And a sociopath also does has a lack of
empathy and can be very destructive. But they tend to be more created through
trauma. So you can look at it almost as a nature versus nurture. And that's the
current thinking. The psychopaths are born and sociopaths are created as well
as narcissists. And if you look at those three personality disorders, they account
for so much trauma and and wreckage in the world. In fact, one of the indicators
of if someone is in this this triad of personality traits is you look at their
background. Do they have friends? How are their relationships going back in time?
Because they tend to manipulate people, they need to be very consuming and
demanding. So how do you protect yourself against a psychopath? First thing is you
have knowledge. You realize that there's certain traits and that there's
certain relationship indicators. So for example, we've got a video on narcissists.
Narcissists can be very damaging. But they can also be a blast to be around
you just need to know what you're in for. A psychopath doesn't necessarily mean
like a killer someone who's going to attack you. It means somebody that
doesn't have that empathy and if their moral compass is negative, they can be
very, very damaging. But you can also be in a relationship with a psychopath that
isn't necessarily destructive and horrible. But know the toxic patterns.
Gas-lighting, hurting, manipulating, being extremely selfish and self-centered.
These are toxic patterns that will result in manipulation and control and
it isn't great for you, isn't great for kids isn't great for people that work
around you. The biggest test I found for Psychopaths is (1) look at their
background. Look at their relationships. When you're hiring, when you're in a
relationship, check in with their friends, check in with... And just see if
there's patterns of destruction in their background. Also gas lighting where they're
demanding and change memories. That can be an indicator of psychopathology.
But the biggest one is what happens when you set a boundary? So, in a safe
relationship, you should be able to set a boundary by saying something like, "Well,
that doesn't really work for me. No or I don't like this. That hurts.
Please stop." And have somebody in a healthy relationship will respond to you
and have empathy and try and understand what your needs are and fulfill them.
Someone in a toxic relationship is going to shame you, is going to create guilt or
be very violent and try and shut you down. Also in a toxic relationship, you'll
be isolated. They'll try and cut you off from your family, from friends, from
co-workers and try and get you more and more isolated. Because the more isolated
you are the more control they have. So knowing this pattern and getting good at
setting boundaries and being confident that your needs are worthwhile. That your
needs are fine. That it's important that you're clear on. What you like what you
don't like. And then articulating that and how somebody responds to you, that's
the clearest indicator on whether you're in a good relationship or a bad
relationship. And typically a psychopath will try and quash you and control you.
And that's when you know it's time to get out of the relationship and the best
advice for anyone in a toxic relationship is to get out. When I was
practicing law and someone was in a relationship and getting divorced from a
narcissist or a sociopath or a psychopath, you've got to cut things off.
Because any time you're back in that relationship, they know your buttons,
they'll manipulate you, they'll try and make you feel bad. They may attack you. So,
you need to come to terms with the fact that some people are toxic and that
there is no way to have a functional healthy relationship that's good for you
and being connected to them. If you've been in a relationship with a
psychopath, you've likely got trauma. Whether that was with an intimate
partner or with a family member or a close friend, you've likely got trauma
patterns. That's something that we enjoy working with at Osage Institute. If you'd
like more information, click on the link below.
Why Is My Employer Asking Me To Go To A Doctor For Tests? – NJ Attorney Sam Gaylord explains - Duration: 2:16.
You've been hurt in the course of your employment and now your employer is telling you that
you need to go and take a test with a doctor.
Do you want to know why?
Join me and I'll provide you that very valuable information.
I'm Sam Gaylord, disability litigator in the State of New Jersey, managing partner at the
law firm of Gaylord Popp.
Representing injured workers in the areas of Workers' Compensation, Social Security
Disability and disability pension appeals.
So, you've been hurt in the course of your employment and now all of a sudden the employer
is telling you that you need to go and take this test with a doctor.
Well the reason for that is because what they're trying to determine is whether or not you
can come back and do your job.
That test is what's called a fit for duty or a functional capacity exam.
What that's going to do is it's going to ask you to go through certain number of exercises
and movements to determine how much you may be able to lift, how much you'll be able to
push, how much you can walk, things of that nature.
And all of those things are being measured in order to determine whether or not you come
back and do your job.
The reason that the employer is using this is potentially for a tool to cut off benefits
or even worse, indicate that you can't go back and do your job.
So it's important to make sure that if you're taking that test that you perform to the maximum
effort that you can do and if not, to contact your attorney and make sure that you're telling
them that this is going on.
If you found this information useful, go to our website.
We have other information and videos regarding this particular topic.
If you still have questions call 609 771-8611.
I'm Sam Gaylord, disability litigator in the state of New Jersey.
Thanks for watching.
Basic to Advance Complete SEO – Online Classes/Physical Classes | Learn SEO in Pakistan - Duration: 20:22.
Basic to Advance Complete SEO – Online Classes/Physical Classes ~ Learn SEO in Pakistan
Pesto Shrimp Polenta Rounds | Appetizer - Duration: 3:14.
Hey, it's Lisa with An Appetizing Life and today I'm making a little appetizer
with polenta, a little garlic shrimp, and my cilantro parsley pesto
which you can find the recipe for up here.
energetic music
Okay, so the first thing we need to do is make the Polenta rounds.
Now you can make your own polenta but the store-bought kind is
perfectly fine.
Now, I've already sliced these into quarter inch slices.
So I'm going to brush both sides of these with olive oil.
Give them a flip
and brush the other side.
Now I'm going to add a little Parmesan cheese on top.
Now I'm going to put these in the oven at 350 degrees
for about 15 minutes
Okay polenta is in the oven and now let's get to the shrimp.
I have my pan over a medium-high heat
and I need a little bit of oil.
Now we're going to add the shrimp
now shrimp cooks up really quickly so you're only going to cook it for a
little bit on each side.
Now I'm gonna add in lots of garlic!
Let's sprinkle a little parsley on top of there.
Smells good in here.
These are done. Let's keep going.
So I want to add a little more color
and a little more flavor
so I'm going to use a Roma Tomato to put on top of my pesto and shrimp
and we need to take the seeds out, so I'm just gonna quarter this
and I'm gonna take out the seeds now I'm doing this so the tomatoes aren't so
watery, because you don't want watery appetizers.
Then we're gonna slice
the tomatoes
into small little dices.
So when it's all done it'll look like this
polenta out of the oven
now we're gonna put all this yumminess together
the polenta's cooled down
I'm gonna spoon some pesto sauce on each of the polenta rounds.
Now I'm gonna spoon on some of the tomato
and we'll top it with the shrimp
and what's a little more cheese?
colorful and tasty
if you like this recipe give it a thumbs up and don't
forget to ring that bell so you know when new videos are coming out and for
the full recipe go to anappetizinglife.com
I'm ready to dive in
I need a fork
see you guys
run um you life /Folge 2 - Duration: 7:06.
Soaps.com Weekly RoundUp - Week of December 24th - 28thth, 2018 - Duration: 3:20.
Hey guys, Cathy Rankin here with your weekly Soaps RoundUp and I guess I was feeling wild
and dangerous so I decided to dress in leopard from head to toe.
And speaking of wild and dangerous, that's the way everyone is living on the soaps these
days so let's see what they're doing.
First on "The Bold and the Beautiful," just as predicted, you guys, everyone
gathered in a sappy cheesy group scene at the Forrester mansion to celebrate Christmas,
and Ridge learned Steffy was planning to adopt a baby, so Kelly
could have a sister.
Now, A sister who will probably be a psycho rebellious troublemaker who will be
18 years old within about a year from now.
But anyways, Hope surprised Liam with a "babymoon" to Catalina.
I guess that's what rich people do to celebrate childbirth?
However, when Kelly came down with a fever, Liam
stayed behind, and Hope went on her own, with Liam planning to arrive
But of course, a huge storm suddenly rolled in and prevented that,
and Hope went into labor.
Does any child get born in normal circumstances on our shows?
Coming up: Liam turns to Bill for help getting him to Hope.
Now, on "Days of our Lives," in a much anticipated Christmas miracle, Julie
woke up from her coma and somehow miraculously remembered that Gabi doctored
the paternity results, and revealed that Chad was the father of
Abigail's baby.
A furious Stefan kidnapped Gabi to scare the bajeezus
out of her, and after he let her go, she turned herself into the cops
who were looking for her.
And as everyone gathered for, yes, another group scene - I told you so - the New Year's
Eve celebration at Doug's Place, they were stunned when Eve crashed the party.
Well I'm glad they were stunned, because we certainly weren't!
Coming up: Eve brings back-from-the-dead Jack back to Salem, who of course has no memory.
I mean when you're dead you probably dont retain much, right?
OK, over on "General Hospital," well, well, well.
Ryan made another killing, this time a producer of a documentary on the Ryan Chamberlain
murders who has a theory that Ryan was still alive.
Now, a mystery man - of course, we always have to have a mystery person - named Hank
claiming to be an old friend of Drew's arrived in Port
Drew meanwhile shared a New Year's kiss with Kim, which was
seen by Kim's beau Julian.
And Jason and Sam were shocked to find the producer's body, get this,
stashed behind some Christmas decorations at the Metro Court during the
annual New Year's Eve bash.
I LOVE all the creative places the writers come up with for hiding dead bodies!
Coming up: Lulu hosts a big event.
And finally, you guys, on "The Young and the Restless," as many in Genoa City
celebrated Christmas, poor, fallen off the wagon, drunk Nikki lay in a coma and
Dr. Nate warned the family it was time to say goodbye.
Come on, do you really think she'll die?
She's been on the show at least 100 years, she
ain't going anywhere!
But of course Victor returned and convinced Nate to
kidnap Nikki in order to protect her from whoever tried to kill her.
After she was discovered missing, Victoria wanted to confess
everything to save her mother from her kidnapper, not knowing it was her
dad, while Nick figured out Nate took his mother, but she relapsed while
she was in route to where Victor's been hiding.
Are you following this?
Just give her a bottle of vodka, you guys, and I bet she'll perk
right up!
Coming up: Devon throws a New Year's Eve bash.
Oh goody, more group scenes.
That's it for this week.
We'll see you guys next time on the show.
See You Soon - Duration: 1:56.
I had a really good time last night
So did I. We should do this again
You've got my number
You've got mine
I'll see you soon
Hi, yeah, it's me. Um ...
We totally forgot to have sex
I'm on my way back, I'm on my way back
Nightcore - You Don't Know - Duration: 4:02.
The video includes lyrics on the screen.
The 7 Biggest Real Estate Investing Mistakes - Jeff Leighton - Duration: 9:55.
all right what's going on everybody so today's video I'm gonna be going over
the top seven real estate investing mistakes I see happen all the time so
some of these things absolutely drive me crazy so in this video I've actually
compiled a list of the top seven mistakes I see newer real estate
investors make as well as even sometimes experienced ones so mistake number one
would be listening to the wrong people so real estate investing it's kind of a
I don't know if it's controversial but everyone wants to talk about it so as a
real estate investor especially if you're getting started you should only
listen to like the top 1% of people out there that means you should only listen
to people that are actually real estate investing actually making money in the
business because the thing about it is is everyone has an opinion I people tell
me every day oh this doesn't work that doesn't work and you know I don't want
to like show them checks and things like that but at the same time in my mind I'm
thinking like you're not a real estate investor you've never done real estate
investing you know your real estate investing opinions are coming from like
the one house you bought like 10 years ago because people like your neighbor
coworker you know just different people they'll always try to tell you real
estate investment doesn't work or maybe they'll have just like some people just
have like crazy theories about real estate investing and you know everyone
has like their own little theory everyone has an opinion about it but you
really need to seek out like the top people in the field that are actually
making money doing it and only listen to them
and the way you listen to these people and the way you find these people are
the first freeway would be podcast there's hundreds if not thousands of
freely available real estate investing podcasts where you know you'll find out
all about the real estate investor you know how they got started what types of
deals they do what markets they were in what challenges they had and actually
it's funny because if you listen to these you'll hear the same thing people
will always say yeah when I got started nobody said it would work now I'm still
doing it and people still don't think it works so really seek out the top 1% of
people out there and a couple other ways to find those people are coaching
programs you I joined I joined plenty of coaching programs and I continue to get
you know to be involved in coaching I think it's a great investment any time
you're investing in yourself I think that's always a good ROI and you can
also you can also get a free mentorship if you just start generating leads for
the top investors in your area like just off market leads and sending them over
to the top investor often times they'll help you get the deal under contract and
kind of coach you up along the way in fact I know plenty of investors that
will just train newer investors in their own market how to find deals like for
free in exchange for splitting the deal like
50/50 and different splits like that okay the next mistake I see investors
make is uh they jump on the first deal too often so as a real estate investor
you need to be very picky and very particular about the types of deals
you're looking at so I think Grant Cardone has a saying where he says like
the rule of a hundred so he'll look at a hundred different deals before he
purchases one because I know when one of the biggest mistakes I made when I was
first getting started I bought a condo and I didn't really
look at that many Congress I just kind of bought it because it was cheap and it
was like close by but if I had evaluated like 25 or 50 or even 100 condos I could
have probably got like an amazing deal and when I say evaluate I don't
necessarily mean you don't need to go to like every single property in person
this was the amount of information online you can find out so much about a
property without you can go in there so you need to like at least have looked
online at a very minimum and at least a hundred different investment deals
before buying one because that will help you understand what a good deal is and
what a good deal isn't because like now if somebody calls me I know almost like
within 30 seconds whether it's a good deal or not because you just you just
start to get an intuition for prices different neighborhoods things like that
okay so mistake number three is not having a system or formula for buying
houses so when I was getting started we were just purchasing houses just because
the property was cheap and we're like well if you purchased it at 200 and it
needs 50,000 worth to work and you can sell it at 300 you know there's a 50k
margin in there it's probably a good deal but we didn't really have any type
of like formal system and so the way you get a system
the first system I'd recommend is using the male formula Mao formula so what
that means is you take the half - renovated value so you would find comps
in the neighborhood of like ideally three renovated properties of similar
style square footage and everything like that and you would multiply that number
times 0.7 and then you subtract for the cost of repairs that the house needs and
that should be your most that you could offer the maximum allowable offer and if
you find deals even like kind of in that ballpark you should be good because that
type of analysis gives you a lot of forgiveness and builds in quite a large
profit margin as well so don't just buy properties just because it sounds cheap
and you can sell for hire you know I actually run your numbers and I use a
combination of two things I use that and I also use a deal analyzer so the Mayo
formula will get you kind of like right in the ballpark price where you need to
be at and then the deal analyzer will make it more specific so I might tell
you are you gonna make twenty thousand you're going to make
you're gonna lose 20,000 you're gonna make 50,000 so I like to use a
combination of both and if you want to get the deal analyzer that I use I just
go to my website I'll put a link to it below so you can check that I've just
download it for free and it's the one I use on a day-to-day basis okay mistake
number four I see is real-estate investors that sometimes they'll start
are like a massive project is here as their first couple deals and sometimes
that's okay like if you come from a construction background I would say you
know maybe you could do that but ideally you want to start with a small project
and kind of build your way up to the bigger projects I was actually just
talking with my brother about one of the biggest developers in our city he just
built a wharf it's like a two billion dollar project one of the biggest
projects in the United States and this guy got started by just flipping like
row houses small row houses in the city and then build his way up to that but if
he were to start with that type of project it would just be like insanity
sometimes I'll talk with students and they'll they'll ask me about some deal
that they're looking at and it might involve you know building like 10
townhomes or no planning a whole community and I'm just like that's just
out of your league right now just just start with like little flips in your
backyard first before you go ahead and do that okay mistake number five I see
is putting too much trust into real estate agents and wholesalers so I'm not
saying real estate agents and wholesalers are out trying to like trick
people or anything like that but I get leads like in my email you know I
probably get 10 20 leads per week per month from wholesalers and real estate
agents send me like amazing real estate investment to you like the perfect deal
everyone has like their tagline and the way I look at it like most deals are not
great you know I might get like if I get 10 leaves there might be like one
possibly good deal in there so just because a real estate agent tells you
you might make a hundred thousand or there's some huge difference in price
and it's an amazing deal and prices are going up or wholesaler tells you the
same thing or sometimes wholesalers will say oh the house only needs $20,000
worth of work that doesn't make it true at all so I do a lot of online marketing
and offline marketing get a lot of leads just directly and then I get a lot of
referrals from agents and wholesalers and I look at a lead that's a referral
almost the same way I look at just any lead I would just generate by myself
like it's I still need to take it through the deal process so I'll still
run it through my numbers I'm not just gonna blindly take the opinions of a
real estate agent or wholesaler might just want to make a sale so so you know
trust them and you should build a network as much as possible then build
your list with them as much as you can you know you should do networking
events tell them hey you know if you find any good deal sin in my way I'll be
interested but don't automatically assume it's a good deal just because
they're sending it over and they say it's a good deal okay mistake number six
I see is people over doing their rehab so when you're doing a renovation
project do you want to you want to be at the higher end of the prices and the
finishes in your neighborhood but you don't want to be like over the top
because sometimes I'll see people get like too excited it's their first deal
and they'll want to do like just crazy additions I've seen some houses I've
looked at where there was like marble floors like marble tile like everywhere
and it just didn't even like fit in with the neighborhood and someone would
actually have to like rear enovate that so we're gonna have to tear that down
and do their own renovations just to make it look like a normal house
so be sure when you're looking at comps for your area you try to find the best
properties and then try to model those and maybe do things a little bit nicer
but don't go overboard don't go over the top with your renovations you just want
it to be the nicest in the neighborhood but you don't want it to be like unusual
like unusually nice or unusually bad for for that matter okay mistake number
seven I see is not having a detailed scope of work so let's say you're doing
a project like when I first got started you know obviously we had a contract and
we even oftentimes just tell them hey just renovate the bathroom or renovate
the kitchen and what I think is a renovation versus what a contractor
thinks versus what somebody else thinks is renovating it's going to be
completely different so you really need to iron out exactly what you know what
you want and the way you do that is with a super detailed scope of work so you
should list out like SKU numbers of let's say the appliances the exact type
of granite you can have photos of the exact type of kitchen or bad things that
you're looking for so combination of photos SKU numbers and just being very
specific very detailed with what you're looking for you know print it out have
it at the job site as well as walk through the project with your contractor
a few times just so they really understand alright so those were seven
mistakes and I actually have one more mistake I've seen too many real estate
investors make they try to list a property for sale by owner and look
there's ways of saving money on any deal but having a for sale by owner in my
opinion is not one of them if I'm ever looking at a house that's a for sale by
owner and I honestly don't look at too many of those properties there's always
just something weird about the property it feels like they're just trying to say
they're going too far to try to save money it's almost like they're they're
cutting corners and just feels a little janky they have a janky side
it's sometimes really hard to show the property sometimes the oftentimes the
price is significantly higher than the comps so anytime I see a for sale but I
just think someone's trying to cut corners if they're cutting corners on
the agent you know I wonder what else they're cutting corners on so you need
to present your property in the best light possible and in my opinion the way
to do that if you want to get your property sold fast for the maximum
amount you should get a highly rated local real estate agent you should get
professional photography which which any good real estate agent will provide and
then you should also have the property staged so some people don't think
staging is worth it but I can guarantee you staging is absolutely worth it every
property that we staged and we pretty much staged every property now gets sold
faster than properties that we don't staged and I can't tell you how many
vacant properties I've been into that they just don't without any furniture
it just feels sterile it feels cold it feels uninviting so get good pictures
stage your property and use a highly rated local real estate agent okay so
there you have it seven mistakes really eight mistakes I see real estate
investors make don't make those same mistakes and thanks for watching please
subscribe please share and I'll see you in the next one bye bye
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