Tricky Photos That Will Make You Look Twice to Understand
For more infomation >> Tricky Photos That Will Make You Look Twice to Understand - Duration: 12:40.-------------------------------------------
Weekend Dead Cells Stream! - Duration: 2:15:31.
we are crazy this time rounds
it feels good to be here
on twitch that is.
youtube is kinda ruined
maybe its from over saturation
or maybe its cause google doesnt know what to do
and wants to keep people from getting big
its what they want but i got to tell you
twitch is the shit!
Want To Make Passive Income? Start Your Own ATM Machine Business. We Show You How! - Duration: 8:36.
hey guys welcome back to entrepreneur
my name is Karl and this is another part
of the vlog series that we had here on
my channel for hospital stands and I'm
just we're gonna go over a couple things
when it comes to small business
entrepreneurship how to start your own
business how to make money online really
specifically how to make passive income
online as well and how to scale your
business as well in what we can offer
all of our courses that we have in a
website so today this video is gonna be
about you know our eighteen machine
business course that we have in a
website obviously we have we've launched
it the course officially earlier this
year and we obviously we launched it
with the course our website and did some
videos for YouTube you know we were kind
of caught by surprise as far as how many
students signed up and how many students
took advantage our course obviously this
has been online almost a year now
actually so as of right now I think we
have about a hundred and fifty five
students in our course right now
obviously the best dish that's just the
ATM machine business course that's not
to put the vehicles course or our
mentorship program punches are
specifically to our ATM machine business
course it's about 155 students right now
currently and we will be closing that
that course offering very soon possibly
the next couple of days so we want to
focus on bringing out new courses now we
will be opening up the exhibition course
again sometime next year possibly in the
summer but we want to you know really
focus on our current students because a
lot of our time is just really being
divided between or mentorship program as
well as our ATM machine business course
we'll put the vehicles course but
obviously the other business that we
bring up we run you know myself and
Jason and so obviously we want the whole
point be nos preneur is spending time
with your family you know the
we can students that things like that
and obviously you know there's only so
much time in the day that we can
dedicate to our students and so we want
to make sure that we're not taking any
time away from our current students that
have already bought the course as well
obviously because we we are on daily
you know Monday through Friday we're on
you know weekly consultation calls with
our students
you know always in doing video chats and
we're sharing their screens and things
like that because we want to make sure
that you know if you have you know if
you're obviously ball are 18 machine
course or our foot the vehicles course
we're sharing their screens we're
talking about you know points and
tidbits and in tactics and things like
that and they help you strategize that
particular business so obvious is a lot
of there's a lot of involved when it
comes to our consultation college
because we want to provide as much
information that we can you know for you
for you to start your business in that
particular niche as soon as possible but
you know what we love about you know our
students right now
you know is that they're they're very
determined to make as much money with
the ATM machine course that we was
offered a lot of our students have
already you know they're pretty much for
months and months and months with their
current machines and they're scaling the
proper way obviously we give you know
the skill sets and the knowledge and the
foundation for you to start your own
business when it comes to ATM machine
business whether that's you know which
machine to buy you know how to negotiate
the contracts with the business owners
location scouting is the key as well you
know you know this starts and ends with
location you want to find a viable
location for your ATM machine but you
want a traffic situation where there's
not only foot traffic but there's also
vehicle traffic as well you know a lot
of times you know we've you know we
basically as soon as possible our
students homework to do throughout the
week and that's mainly involved with
patience County
you know weather
you're you know dropping to the grocery
story or that you're dropping to get gas
or dropping to the event you know always
be able to look out you know for you
know HTML sheet locations as or you know
pertaining to placing the Machine there
you know whether you take a Saturday you
know once or twice a month you say I'm
gonna drop it round I'm going to find
the location that would be viable for
this machine and a lot of our students
they send the locations to us we jump on
a call well schedule call either for
that week or the next week and we go
over several different locations that
figure out okay lots of wireless
location will work and why this location
will not work it really depends on you
know what that situation is as far as
that particular location how far is the
machine that you went to place how far
is that a machine from a Wells Fargo ATM
machine how far is it from a thing of
American ATM machine obviously you know
we have situations where you know we get
locations from our students and we have
to reject them right away because of
certain situations is too close to
another eighteen machine and it just
won't be a viable you know business
location in order for you make a lot of
money with that particular machine so
you know a lot of things that we talked
about in our course as well as our
consultation calls obviously is viable
for you to start your business and to
scale your ATM machine business to the
right way
avoid costly mistakes avoid you know
costly time taking measures you know you
don't want to waste your time when it
comes to starting a business so you want
to be able to insert all their energy
into that specific business you know as
you're you know you're trying to scale
the proper way so you know obviously we
love owning and upgrade some machines
here in Oscars dance made it's a great
way to earn money it's a great way to
earn passive income and it's a great way
to scale you know you're able to start
your negotiating skills you were to
start your networking skills because if
machines you always you can scale that
into something even more viable like
commercial development you know a real
estate development you know buying and
selling and flipping houses you want to
be able to start a business at a certain
level and keep scaling that business to
a certain level
that way you can put more money into
higher earning businesses as well that's
when it comes down to you know scaling
your business the proper way and the
proper manner I apologize for the slight
is kind of flicking right now but this
is the proper way and that's what we
teach you in our mentorship program as
well as our foot in vehicles course as
well as our eighteen machine business
course as well and again it's just a way
to earn passive income it's a way to
make a lot of money online and obviously
as relates to be your own boss create
wealth and obviously leave your a down
top job and again what I'm going to kind
of touch on today when it comes to small
business and scaling the right way if
you have a feedback comment leader below
if you want to greatly appreciate if you
can like this video subscribe to our
channel we are creating new content
every single day visit our website at
entrepreneurs dance I come as well be
able to question about anything when
they go regarding you know small
business and how to start a business I
enjoy talking to anyone that wants to
become an entrepreneur or is always
pretty much already an ultra-light I
love talking to us when the words are
people that have that mindset because I
enjoy giving you know little tips about
how to make more money how to make more
passive income as well so feel free to
email me my email address is Carl at
Thomas printers dance comm or email my
business partner Jason at info at Oxford
or Sam's calm and again guys till next
time take care
你喜歡哪張圖,測測你會暴富嗎? - Duration: 3:51.
you and me and the satellites - Duration: 1:48.
Southall - when you park to block the road and Quality Foods sign on fire! - Duration: 0:44.
Why must you park here?
Quality Foods sign is on FIRE!
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