as long as you love me
long as you love me orld to
fear you be together smile on your face even though my
heart's falling wait no you know good people no it's a clue but
I will take my chances
as long as you love me we could be starving we could be homeless we could
be broke as long as you love me I'll be your platinum ma bu su will be a girl as
long as you
let alone me as long as you
lomi over your soldier fighting every sucking awfully for cream school you
could be my Destiny's Child on a single George times joke wine will need no
wings to fly just in my head
slowly as you love me we could be starving we could be homeless we could
be broke as long as you love me I'll be your platinum
Marius who our vehicle as long as you
love me as long as you
let allow me it's no use you love me we could be starving we could be homeless
we could be broke as long as you love me I'll be your platinum I'll be your
silver and are you go as long as you learn
let alone me as long as you know
love me as long as you love me and love me
as long as you know me me
i strongiy love me
this will use you love me
Stoney's you love me love me love me I still need you love me love me love me
Stoney's you love me
For more infomation >> Justin Beiber - As Long As You Love Me Cover - Vinoth Rouger l RRCreation - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
I volunteer at PAVE and TACID I write a blog and the blog is about self-identity
when you have multiple disabilities and health mental health when you have
multiple disabilities basically the perspectives that I've been through I
mentor for the Tacoma youth chorus I help the kids like learn what part of
the music they are it makes me feel happy because I'm helping other kids
Drop-in child care to help you get through the holidays - Duration: 0:45.
Space Shooter Galaxy Attack MOD 1.296 #spaceshooter #spaceshootergalaxyattack #galaxyattack - Duration: 8:09.
Hey everyone, youtube are all there. Welcome to the Johny Bala Games channel.
Good guys today, bringing you guys here. the space shooter galaxy attack mod
beauty this mod ai it is in version 1.296 beauty reminding there that the
download is by uploading né let me update the page that ó when you
to enter the download page will have this time down here (please wait) so you expect this
time to finish, then click ai, free download, then continue as soon as press here will start to do the
mod download
will direct you to a page
this page you can close it, go back to the mod page and click to start download
uploaded to youtube so I'll come back, now here's the mod that there you click to download
the download has started here or you are downloading beauty, remembering and going there to
another page did not ask for, do not give the option to download is press to cancel
go back to the download page, and remembering that, do not try to download
by chrome on cell phone beauty do not use the Google Chrome
use another browser if you use the Google Chrome
He will download a video and will not give certain beauty so remembering do not use the
google chrome, it's almost ending download here then I'll pause as soon as
finish... reminding me that I'm going to pause as soon as
Finish the download, I'll come back here. being doing beauty installation
Look, I already downloaded the beauty mod here. space shooter attack, galaxy attack is the size
of the ai file and 45.71 mega beauty check it out, now I'll click here it goes
being doing the installation, clicked to install ..
the installation it does not delay depends, depends on your device which
Are you trying to install reminding the mod here is for android
so I installed it, I'll click here to open it, beauty, let me see if the volume
is ... increase the volume a little, I will not leave very high.
here we come in the game, the galaxy .. the galaxy attack is you have here
infinite gems, right? gems for you to spend there, and you
may be buying coins beauty, and is improving there among other things here
in the right game, I already played here, I do not know if my game is saved but I spent a little bit here
I spent two phases, we will jump here for the third, game is very fun, right, and ...
I like to play the game, if I had nothing to do and want to pass the time, it makes a lot of money to have that
played with the mouse
then download the mod ai, have almost almost everything infinite, right, I will not say it's everything
Because a lot of things can not be there. buy only with real money
and there it is not worth it, it is not spending, but with what mod already makes available
for people there, you can play a lot, I'm sure I'll leave your
very fun game there
now it seems like it's just a wave of meteor, now here at the end
remembering ... to play very easy right, You have to put your finger here.
on top of the ship, if you put your finger on another
The ship goes there alone, so it's good you stay with finger always on top of the ship
so you direct the side that You want her to shoot, huh?
Oh, I'm going through another phase here, good case. Do you like it there if you want?
I do some more gameplays of this game here on the channel, but for now
it's just the mod even with this fast gameplay
I changed my shot again.
Well I spent another phase here, well I'm going back here on the main screen
show here for you that with the gem you can buy unlimited there, can put
at the maximum level There is no mistake, it is .. several ships here
You may be buying them, others You have to take her pieces.
to unlock, right here, these can buy, I can buy and I will raise her level.
here at the most
I'll leave it there. main ship, I'm going to choose a ship from
Let's get this one here, baby. Upgrade the ship you have to pick up
some fragments that will take you here to this chest and you open here the epic chest how many
Sometimes you want to have a lot of you only win one prize here in the epic chest
does not win everyone, so you pick one and win it right here
I took some fragments here for ... to evolve this ship, this one I already have some
things to be evolving there, you can see I managed to evolve it, now it has
which pick up more beauty fragments, good galera this is the mod né, do galaxy attack
If you have interest, download it there. play and have fun beauty
Good, I finished the video here if you liked it, leave it LIKE, if not
is enrolled in the channel beauty
stay with God until the next video and Thanks
Goose found with massive archery arrow pierced through its neck - Duration: 0:32.
Don't Starve: Caveman Mod Highlights #1 (Autumn/Winter) - Duration: 12:12.
Oh look! Delicious delicious...
Yes, you are delicious...
Vultures. My new favorite food
Found something. No, that one's getting away!
I know, I know, I let it go
Worst recipe. I haven't even seen a beefalo.
I'm just waiting for... don't you do it! This is mine!
Is it a terrorbeak? Oh, it would be a terrorbeak... of course it would be, because they're terrifying.
This is how extinction happens guys
Hey Glomglom (Glommer)
Oh look, I'm delicious...
Ahh, I just wanted one
This is why...
Oh no, there's too many of them.
Please sync up your attacks
Kind of... but not really
Oh scumbags...
Oh hello.
Sings: Is it me you're looking for?
I need the spider to stay alive so that I can loot.
It's alright better here than in the swamp
Because it's really hard to see in the swamp
Guys! Guys look!
So many reeds! Do you think it's a trap?
"It's always a trap" is the correct answer
Oh. Here he is. Ow!
What? I totally punched him before he punched me.
I demand a rematch.
The hell? Wait. Seriously? What?
Why can't I hit it?
There we go...
*gasp* Recipe!
Dude. Don't be like that.
Log suit! It's a log suit!
My pig is busy fighting the frog. *gasp* recipe! Shovel!
Shovel, it's a shovel. I'm so excited. Sorry. Sorry, really really excited.
Uhh what am I gonna do with this?
Take that
Uhh... no need for this.
I know how to make shovel
[They came] much earlier than I expected. Came to me.
Oh no, the tumbleweed's on fire!
Chester's totally gonna die. Chester!
C'mere bud. C'mere.
I heard... that you're supposed to... oh my god.
It's freezing...
Oh it's freezing and I have no armour! Oh my god. Good job
Wonder if I can lure these into those
Oh it takes time to play. Mistakes were made, mistakes were made!
I got him! I'm freezing, but I got him!
Thanks. Thanks for meat.
Okay... I'm trying to give you food. Go. Get 'em.
Actually, this kinda works to my advantage... if I can...
I need him to stop long enough that I can shoot him.
Ohhh he dropped the hat! He dropped the hat! I see it!
Thanks, just let me run back to my fire real quick
I'm not going to be able to catch him am I?
What did I get?
Pumpkin lantern blueprint
Wigfrid can't eat things... I think if I'd chosen someone who could eat other things I'd probably be okay
All right. This sounds like there's food coming
it's not gonna be good food, but it's food
Food nonetheless
"No, you can't die, you got this." I don't know~ Oh shoot, they're me following me. I'm starving
I'm starving. Oh my god, I'm starving.
I'm actually going to have a starvation death
Everything is gonna hit zero. Oh my god, five, four, three. I can't even eat this
I can't even eat this 'cause it'll... *laughs*
I was so close
I was so close
Where's the nearest touchstone?
So this is this is gonna be terrible. I'm probably gonna instantly die - umm... cold anyway, because I have nothing on me
So you can see now I'm freezing
But I've put my base close enough that I should be able to warm up
Just don't die picking stuff up
Wait wasn't it a starvation death? Starvation death is safe.
Yes, I'm warm. I'm still starving, but I'm warm.
Regrets guys...
No... no... don't do it! Screw you jumpy...
And this is how the swamp was destroyed
At least he's gonna leave some food for me
"Don't let him despawn". He's not going to despawn, he's busy playing with me
Hey dude... no.. leave that alone.
Dude... don't hit Chester.
Ohhh. He laser beamed my tree...
There you go guys, you're welcome
Quality entertainment, maybe. You can't see it because he's in the middle and I don't want to die
I'll try and get closer so you can see it
Oh look. Could there be... MORE tentacles here? Yeah there could.
We're gonna have to trigger them though.
Ohh it's meat-meat.
I'm gonna get this.
That insanity aura man, it's strong what's this one... eyebrella!
Oh shoot. Was that too greedy?
Ice cube blueprint?
Why do I need to make an ice cube?
Cynthia Bailey's Daughter Noelle Robinson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 6:11.
Cynthia Bailey's Daughter Noelle Robinson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Noelle Robinson, daughter of The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey and actor Leon Robinson (Cool Runnings), is heading to college on tonight's brand new episode of the hit Bravo series.
But according to a preview released by the network, it looks like she's heading toward a breakdown before she even gets out the door.
Her mother first appeared on Real Housewives of Atlanta on Season 3 when Noelle was just 10 years old.
Noelle has since appeared sporadically on the show, now in its eleventh season, when she began temporarily splitting her time between Atlanta and North Carolina after graduating high school in 2017.
Here's everything you need to know about Noelle Robinson:.
Before Leaving for College, Noelle Joined the Roster of New York City's Major Model Management.
Robinson loves to model and recently signed with Major Models out of New York.
In June, Noelle showed off her walk at the New York Summer Fashion Explosion and documented the experience on her Instagram page.
In July, Robinson Announced She'll Be Attending Howard University.
This summer, Robinson announced that she's officially become a Howard Bison, posting a photo on Instagram decked out in HU gear.
Mom Cynthia reposted Robinson's post along with the comment: "Wasn't sure if it was going to be Howard or Paris.
So Howard it is!! Your life, your choice baby girl.
I am so proud of you! Let's go Bisons." The university was also stoked about Robinson's interest.
Howard even posted about Noelle and Cynthia when the mother-daughter duo visited the campus for a tour back in April.
Viewers Might Remember Robinson from Another Show: WEtv's CELEBrations.
Robinson's Sweet 16 birthday party aired on WEtv's David Tutera's CELEBrations in 2015.
The network's official show description reads: "This season of David Tutera's Celebrations, viewers get an inside look at the fast-paced life of event planner, David Tutera, as he juggles fatherhood and transforms high-profile celebrity events into over-the-top extravaganzas.
When his team takes on a roster of celebrity clients, including Vanessa Williams, 90210's Ian Ziering and Mob Wives' Big Ang, it's his job to turn their wildest demands into epic CELEBrations.
When last-minute problems arise, can David work his magic and keep his crown as the king of event planners?".
Robinson Often Gets Mistaken for Her Model Mom.
After her mother posted a photo of her on Instagram, some users didn't even recognize that it wasn't Cynthia ("Your hair is absolutely beautiful Cynthia.").
Others were in shock over how much the Howard student looked like her 51-year-old mom, commenting: "Beautiful she looks just like you here.
I thought it was you at first," "Like mother like daughter…gorgeous!" and "The apple don't fall far from the tree @cynthiabailey10 smart sweet beautiful full package.".
It Looks Like Robinson is Already Prepping for Her Real Housewives Breakdown to Air.
Just tonight, she retweeted this from DaiJa:.
But things seem to be looking up for the model-cum-college student.
The retweet was paired with another positive message:.
READ NEXT: Dennis McKinley Deals With Rumors on 'Real Housewives of Atlanta'.
ElfOnaShelf- Twas the night before Christmas, and..(you finish the the comments below) - Duration: 8:44.
THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER YOU (Harry Warren/Mack Gordon), by The CatPack - December 2018 - Duration: 6:29.
머라이어 캐리의 캐럴 연금 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' 또다시 1위 등극 - Duration: 3:00.
How To Generate An Endless Supply Of Content Ideas - Duration: 1:29.
James Schramko here. Today, I'm going to share with you how I come up with ideas
for these daily videos, which I've been doing for quite some time now, and I'm in
no danger of running out of ideas. One thing I do every time I do a coaching
call is I have a notepad and a pen, and I write down things. When people ask me a
question, I write the question down. When I answer the question,
I write the answers down. And over the course of even one hour, I could come up
with at least five to 10 topics to make short videos. Why do I want to do this?
Well, I'm solving these problems in private and I want to actually showcase
my ability to solve these problems to the public. So, whatever you do, whatever
field you're in, whether it's teaching people how to climb a mountain, or
whether you are a tax accountant, or you're a social media manager, take the
questions that people ask you and write them down and jot down your answers as
you're explaining, as you're educating, and then repurpose that idea into a
piece of content that you can put in front of your best prospect so they can
see what you're all about. You can demonstrate your expertise and make it
an easy decision for them to want to learn more about what it is that you do
and how you can help them solve their challenges. And that's how you generate a
gazillion ideas to make content; because we are in the attention age and this is
how you get in front of your prospect.
2019: What food should you eat to ring in the New Year? - Duration: 1:05.
MDRT Motivation by Jensen Siaw - For whom are you doing it? - Duration: 1:37.
hi there this Jensen again Jensen Siaw now about three years ago I
was at a final sprint event I was the keynote speaker and after I've spoken in
the evening there was a celebration of dinner and drinks so one consultant or
adviser came up to me and she asked me this question
she said Jensen last year I did my MDRT but this year by this time October or so
I'm still quite far away from it now the question to me was Jensen why
should I do my MDRT again I told her to look at the picture on her mobile phone
she checked out her mobile phone and she looked at it it was the picture of her
three children and I told her for them you will have to do it and do it again
that's wrong as you are charging forward working hard to close your final sprint
to close your final quarter with a good result ask yourself this question who are
you doing it for because the journey ahead in the next few weeks towards the
end of the year could be one that you close cases could be one you
face objections could be one your face rejections there will be obstacles
challenges there will be highs there will be lows there'll be moments where you feel
tired and might not even want to continue but when those down moments hit
you I like you to remember one thing for whom you are doing it for just remember
the person and you will always choose to do the right thing and keep moving
forward see you the next time
Alex Fine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 7:13.
Alex Fine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Cassie Ventura's new man appears to be celebrity trainer Alex Fine, based on an Instagram post that has raised some eyebrows since it came right after a post made by her ex, P Diddy which, though now deleted, appeared to demonstrate his feelings toward her.
Regardless, Cassie has moved on since their October break-up after a decade together that despite a report that Cassie was seen with the rap mogul shortly after the death of Diddy's longtime girlfriend and mother of his children model Kim Porter in November.
Fine, which some say is a surname perhaps apropos, was with Ventura and her mother at the atter birthday party and Cassie shared two IG posts, one of the three of them together and the other, a shot of her and Fine kissing.
. He is 25, she is 32.
So here's what you need to know about Fine:.
Fine is a Personal Trainer With an Impressive Celebrity Client List That Includes A-List Actors, Rappers, Pop Stars & Professional Athletes.
He is Reported to Have Also Worked for Diddy.
Fine describes himself as a "former D1 Athlete with a passion for designing and implementing exercise regimens for all age groups with nutritional programs that maximize workouts, increase strength and stamina, and maximize a person's overall health and fitness.
His client list is, in a word, impressive.
Jennifer Aniston, Odell Beckham, Jr., Johnnie Manzel, Anwar Hadid, rapper Young Jeezy, Reggie Bush, actors Cami Mendez, Mark Consuelos, and Terry Crews, and a slew of NFL players, boxers, DJs, models, TV personalities and more.
Fine Isn't a Cast Member But is ThisClose to the Cast of Riverdale.
In a Vanity Fair profile, Fine describes how he came to be a part of the Riverdale family.
Three years ago, he started working with Mark Consuelos, who stars in Riverdale, which films in Vancouver.
Eventually, Fine met the other actors on the show, including Apa, Melton, and Denton, as well as Cole Sprouse, Casey Cott, and Camila Mendes.
(He said that during one recent walk around Vancouver, "People were coming up going, 'Congrats on Season 3,'" assuming he was a cast member.).
Ohio Native Fine, Who Attended Central Michigan University, Has a Training Business Called AF Performance in Hollywood & NYC.
Fine was born in Silverton, Ohio.
He studied military science at Central Michigan University and attended Robert Morris University.
He applied for a job with a Los Angeles-based celebrity trainer, was hired and took off from there.
Fine is a Bull Rider. .
Fine told The Manual he began bull riding on a "bet" with Justin Pugh, who plays on the New York Giants.
"I thought I could do it and he didn't.
I'd never ridden a horse before.
It's pretty peaceful when you're sitting on the bull … until you get bucked," he said.
Fine competes in rodeos.
And uses "mobility training," to be more "flexible," which he said he "learned the hard way when I tore my groin.
You've also got to really strengthen your inner thighs.".
Fine Has Been Featured in Men's Health Magazine.
He's Trainer for the NY Giants. .
Fine, who has trained over 100 professional athletes, has been featured in Men's Journal and Yahoo Health.
He currently works in both Los Angeles and New York and while in the latter, is the New York Giants in-season trainer.
Fine says on his website that he has developed not just physical training programs but works as a nutritionist.
He says, "I educate clients on the importance of establishing realistic goals that will promote compliance to a lifelong exercise and nutrition regimen.".
Vanity Fair wrote, "Fine is a trainer, part-time "spiritual adviser," friend, nutritionist, therapist, and landlord to Melton and other stars who temporarily move into Fine's Laurel Canyon home to live with him while they prepare for film or TV roles or upcoming athletic seasons.
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