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Rangoli for New Year 2019: 13 to 5 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year
Rangoli Designs by Aishwarya
For more infomation >> Rangoli for New Year 2019: 13 to 5 Beautiful Rangoli Kolam Designs for New Year - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
Netflix's YOU: Stalker Drama With Modern Twist [SPOILERS] | - Duration: 9:59.
Netflix's YOU: Stalker Drama With Modern Twist [SPOILERS] |
The series, which streamed in late December 2018, highlights our vulnerabilities in a social media age in which chronicling the minutiae of one's life for public consumption is common place.
That gives the show its authenticity; we could all be Beck, putting ourselves out there for whichever stranger happens to Google our name or lands on our Facebook page.
If not, we probably know someone like her.
(Not to mention the bad taste in men and the naive inability to see the truth in people).
Warning: There will be spoilers for episodes 1 and 2 of You in this article.
You, which first ran on Lifetime before streaming on Netflix, stars Penn Badgley of Gossip Girl fame (some fans see the resemblance between the two characters).
Here's what you need to know:.
A Chance Encounter in a Bookstore.
Guinevere (known as Beck to friends and played by Elizabeth Lail) is a doe-eyed college co-ed trying to make it in New York.
She's a dreamer and a wannabe poet hanging out with a circle of vapid friends with no goals or direction except spending money, partying, and living lives of leisure.
She has a tortured thing for a hipster trust-fund-baby boyfriend who's clearly using her for sex when he's not engaging in frivolous pursuits with daddy's money, such as selling artisanal soda (with cumin in it) or cheating with women in bathrooms.
Enter Joe Goldberg, the nerdy guy with the intense eyes at the book store, whose chance encounter with Beck ignites his inner stalker.
He has the proper disdain for all of these ridiculous characters swimming around in Beck's life, and her inability to disengage from them, and maybe we share it, but it's the extent he's willing to go that differentiates him.
They bond with a quick repartee over a book written by Courtney Love's relative, and Joe is hooked.
He's the kind of guy who's destined to be perpetually friend-zoned and his life seems devoid of enough actual relationships and touchstones to make him the ideal stalker type: A guy who latches onto a sliver of connection and extrapolates it into a story of soulmates and destiny.
In the first 2 episodes, the remarkable thing is that, as creepy as Joe is, you wonder if he could possibly be worse than the other men circling around Beck's life.
There's Benji, the trust fund baby boyfriend who is a chronic letdown, showing up when he feels like it.
He's a guy who's able to twist being caught cheating into a conversation about curing cancer.
"I don't just want to be some guy you sleep with," Benji tells Beck.
But of course he does.
He's a narcissist too (the show is a parable to malignant narcissism in men).
However, he's not as dangerous of one.
There's Professor P.
Leahy, the creepy thesis adviser who invites Beck out for drinks and declares, "the world is your bright, red apple," and then threatens her TA-ship when she rejects an advance.
"I'm starting to think I'm some kind of magnet for dudes with serious issues," Beck says.
To say the least.
But she's not doing a very good job of weeding them out, either, enabling bad behavior while constantly regaling her friends with the drama and pain it causes.
watching YOU all day? tell us about it. — YOU (@YouNetflix) December 28, 2018 .
Meanwhile, Joe, watching all of this from afar, becomes ever more convinced that he is Beck's savior; she needs him.
He justifies his stalking by convincing himself that he's the guy who's going to rescue her from the wreckage of her life.
It's narcissism, again, at its clearest.
But what else is social media in which we're all living in narratives of our own creation? Social media is the age of narcissism.
The first episode has a little Girl on the Train mixed with Rear Window voyeurism to it.
Joe starts out with garden-variety stalking – i.e., he creeps on Beck's social media pages.
However, he soon takes it even farther, venturing off social media and into real life, standing outside her apartment and watching through the window, even masturbating in a hedge.
He watches her in restaurants and out with friends, and then he saves her when she falls drunken on the subway tracks.
This starts a real-life "relationship," which, unbeknownst to Beck, has been orchestrated by Joe from the start.
However, things aren't going as he planned.
Beck invites him to a rich friend's party (Peach, who seems suspicious of Joe from the start), but she's soon spending more time talking to another guy (Benji 20) and a rooftop encounter with Joe ends with her head on his shoulder and the comment all guys are afraid to hear: "I'm glad we met.
Glad we're friends.".
Just how far will Joe go? We learn that Joe's ex, Candice, left suddenly, supposedly with some guy in Rome.
Following her bliss, as Joe says.
But what happened to her really?.
The series turns even darker when Joe eliminates a love rival by kidnapping Beck's errant boyfriend, Benji, all in the quest of saving her, to use his stalker's rationalization process.
He keeps Benji in a glassed-in room in the basement of the bookstore where he works (even a love of books becomes creepy in this series).
The ridiculous Benji bargains for better food in captivity (he doesn't eat gluten) and he meets his fatal end when Joe gives him a drink with peanut oil, knowing Benji has a peanut allergy.
By the end of episode 2 we, thus, know how far Joe is willing to go.
And, since Beck is now interacting with him in real life, we cringe to imagine the peril that awaits her or anyone who might stand in his way.
It's revenge of the nerds but more dangerous.
Bloopers 2018! HILARIOUS gag reel & out-takes galore! - Duration: 5:09.
Mark Gatiss gives a powerful performance as Georgia the third, ticks and all and
bollocks. Civic humanists espouse the same duties of a shit. Open the pan
squeeze the trigger slowly. Tony you're so much more feminine in person than you
are on the television; could you tell me a little bit more
about that? Wollstonecraft's ideas continued to be fiercely controversial
after her death... I'm stuttering. Do you like nodding then? Do
you do nodding a lot? I think maybe if we talk about musketballs and I'll respond to
that! So your home is full of really interesting artifacts from lots of
different periods, but even right behind us here we've got some really interesting
weaponry and it's got links to the bleh.. Although the sites of many of these
villages have been continuously occupied, others declined in size or were merely...
Wollstonecraft'sideas continued to be fiercely... This bloody battle - I'm sick of
it! Okay. Wollstonecraft's ideas continued to be
fiercely controversial after her death... Mark Gatiss gives a powerful performance
along with all the rest of his amazing cast and er bollocks. It was likely what
occurred here at East Stoke which was enclosed for Parkland of nearby
Stoke Hall and I nearly fell. Coming up on Viral History - join me Dr.
Joanne Paul - see I can't say my own name! From here we arrive at perhaps the
most spiritual and evocative part of the journey, where we can literally trace the
foot-steps... People can come and learn more about this bloody battle the bloodiest
of its time since Taunton. No. It's easy to hit the first FFF FFm.
The Yorkists would find another threat in Perkin Warbeck, who purported
to be Edward the fourth's son Prince Richard...
it's a tongue-twister this one! From Tashkent across Iran and India then
Southeast Asia, then Australia and then America. Oh how jammy! Do you need a plus-one?
no this is the culmination of sixty years work darling it's not jammy!
It is good yes he of course you can come. Here for instance nope.
see I'm gonna try to do something. Known locally as Cuddy's Cove... You waggle
your light all you like.
After a long days filming you might perhaps oh yeah I love Prosecco okay and if you were
going to have some food you might you have some chips?
However the historical reality was somewhat different;
George relapsed back into his illness and his eldest son became Prince Regent
meaning that the king then bollock. But he never posed much of a threat and was
thwarted after...Didn't like what my face did. You didn't? No. No doubt medieval pilgrims
followed them. Here St. Cuthbert's Way cuts through Yeavering Bell this is the
largest iron age hill fort in Northumberland... dominating dominating! Lambert Cymbal?
I said Lambert Cymbal. I don't think what we said was very good. However the historical
reality is somewhat different; George relapsed back into...
Although the sites of many of these villages have been continuously occupied
you're laughing!
Distracted by a member of the cast. The earthwork and buried remains
Here St Cuthbert's way... That's all I think I have to say.
So can you tell us about it sorry! Dr Emma J Wells!
Much more PC!
Ready? Let's see what happens it might be funny.
SMG4: If Mario was in... Deltarune Reaction - Duration: 15:05.
Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video, make sure to subscribe
With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media
So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you
Everyone doing here and welcome back to a another video so
If you're wondering why this smg4 video has came out so late
it's because that I went to Six Flags with my mom and
My mom's friends and also with my brother
My mom's friend's daughter
So it was really great. I really enjoyed it. It was in Jackson, New Jersey. So that was really awesome
May be just like
probably half
Into the video. I may just be out of it and I'm not gonna have a like real react
well not real like a
Reaction dad. I'm gonna laugh
Like crazy it's just that like
It's just that like I'm mostly will act depressed because I'm just tired and my stomach hurts
So you may just see me out of it. So I'm sorry about that
It's just that I'm tired and I just want to get this uploaded for you. So
We'll be reacting to SMG force new recent video that came out
Almost nearly 12 hours ago. So we'll be wrapping to smg4 if Mario was in
so and it's training on gaming which is
pretty cool
So I hope you guys enjoyed the video. Anyway, let's get discarded so I could
get to sleep on time and
Yeah, just chill out. So I hope you guys enjoyed and let's get this started
We're also selling a psycho poster form episode
Only three days left until that is gone forever. Oh
My god
Got some 5 stars better go hide man
Awkward silence
Oh my god
Oh No
Whoa, whoa
Pepsi fountain I imagine that that would be heaven
I'll be great
Pepsi man
Well, I wish I could go to sleep right now
Barely Wow, if you say that, then you want to just be gone
That's what he gets
Samiha for this action some action. Alright
Bet you wish you had these dance moves boy
I did this was
Like those battles like this it reminds me of Pokemon and Paper Mario
The first column on the bottom Wow just wide
No, Oh No
Well, that was
That reminds me of him breaking glass
It's a bit weird, don't you think?
What is happening
Like glittery what's happening that's what's going on right now
It looks like a literary a coin
It looks like a coin with legs and with the Mario hat and a mustache like
Looks like tip back
That ending no Eddie, no, man, I I gotta tell you
All right, so this was SMG fours new well new recent video
It came out twelve hours ago and
I need to get this uploaded so I could just rest and go to sleep
After this, I need to make the SML reaction so I could just get it over with tomorrow because I will be really busy tomorrow
So I can't believe defecation is over. I really cannot believe that it's almost
2019 are you guys have for 2019 because
I'm I'm kind of hyped for it because just gonna be some mystery
Interesting stuff that will go on I bet so I hope you guys enjoyed anyway
Make sure to drop a like on them Lord subscribe to the channel as we rode to the milestone of
900 subscribers and you guys
Whoever creates reactions mashups to SMD for SML or other youtuber
whatever youtuber that those reactions mashup they could use my
SMG for reaction. I'm also gonna put it in the youtube license that
It could be reused but i'm going to put in description to anyway, that's right normally do so
Yeah Pagano. Anyway, thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in the next video. Goodbye everyone
When you feel like you haven't achieved anything. - Duration: 8:18.
Alright guys,
this is kinda like a break down of the week,
what's going on,
what's happening.
Give you a bit of an update.
And kind of want to show you about
how I'm trying to improve myself.
Because I think you inspire by doing things.
But first,
let me show you something.
I mean this is me.
I was freaking huge.
Kind of looks like...
Anyway, that picture reminded me
about how fat I actually was.
And how far behind I was on my own fitness goals.
It was a reminder to me that
I had set myself out to be fit this year
and I'm nowhere near that.
Because I honestly wanted a body
from something like Rain from ninja
or from the 300
as you would all know.
You know, and it kind of hurts
going back and seeing yourself,
F*ck! I've got nothing done.
Because here on this channel,
I'm trying to inspire and motivate people.
But yet, I'm failing in my own personal goals.
So I want to be upfront.
I've been lost along the way.
I've had distractions conquer me.
And now I've had months of no productivity.
I've got absolutely really nothing done.
I look back at playing games
and all the times I sat around and didn't do things
and I can't help but feel upset.
And you get that feeling
that you have achieved nothing.
And it feels absolutely sh*t!
So this is how I'm gonna start
dealing with these things.
Because sometimes you feel kind of defeated.
You feel lost.
And then so, you give up.
Because sometimes I look back
at all the things I'm doing
and I don't know if I'm finding meaning
from what I'm doing now.
My everyday work is a dentist.
I'm not sure if I want to be a dentist in the long term.
So my journey kind of starts here.
I'm gonna deconstruct exactly what I want to aim for
and how I'm gonna get there.
And so this is kind of a video for myself.
I want to tell myself it's okay to be lost.
It's okay to not know where you're going sometimes.
It's part of the journey.
Distractions get in your way.
You lose what you're trying to do.
But it's okay.
You take stock of that.
You look back on it.
So the first thing I'm gonna do is
I want to plan just the next year.
And I know everyone says
Oh, you should plan like 10 years ahead,
20 years ahead,
maybe even just 5 years ahead.
But I find that so unrealistic.
I don't know how you can plan for 5 to 10 years,
if you can't even plan for one.
Let's take this channel for example.
I want to give it a better chance.
I want to start a podcast.
I want to make more videos.
I wanna give you more content.
And so that's what my plan for this channel
is gonna be.
But at the same time, I want to be fit.
I want to be healthy.
As you can see
my reminder for this year
was a silly picture of myself when I was 12.
Maybe I was older...
I did try a little bit this year.
But not really,
that's just an excuse.
I didn't do it as much as I should have.
I should have stuck to the regimen.
I started eating unhealthy sometimes.
I started taking days off for exercising.
So I looked up regimens on how I'm gonna do it
and 6 times a week,
that's my goal.
And finally, I want to master a language.
Now this one's a tricky one
because I never really understood
the reason why I wanted to do it.
And I think that's so important
when you don't know what you're doing it for,
then don't do it.
Because you end up putting half your heart in there
and not really attempting it.
And if you don't attempt something hard enough,
you won't get it done.
And that's what happened to me.
I can speak a few little languages
here and there casually.
But can I speak them fluently?
Not a single one.
So I set myself a deadline.
Next year I want to spend a few months in Korea
and to do that,
I need to really push myself to do this goal.
So I've set the hours I'm gonna do every week
and I'm gonna do it.
And I hope you can set your goals
and do exactly the same thing.
Now I just wanna notice something that I have
figured something out about deadlines.
Now this is really important
and I really want to break this down for you.
When you set yourself a deadline,
a deadline is only good
if you actually have a consequence.
Otherwise, it's not a real deadline.
If you think about it,
when someone says, I have to fly in 3 days,
there's a deadline now.
It's very clear he has to leave.
If you set an arbitrary month
or an arbitrary day that this is your deadline,
it's not good enough.
Because it's not a genuine deadline.
So what I realized was
when I set myself out,
a month,
a certain specific day
that I'm gonna fly out to go to Korea,
that has now become my deadline.
And so you should have a deadline
that is very clear on what you gotta do.
And some of these things may sound like
silly consequences
but a good example is
you just give your friend a hundred dollars.
Now obviously it has to be a friend that you trust.
But once you give him the hundred dollars,
you tell him don't give me this back
if I am not at a certain specific part of my goal
at this point in time.
It's a consequence.
A deadline doesn't work
unless you have a consequence.
But something bigger
sort of happened for me this moment was
when it finally dawned on me,
hey, what happens if you die tomorrow?
What happens if you die in a few years?
Now I know a lot of people will think
that's kind of silly.
Like why would you think like that?
We're obviously gonna live.
In some ways,
that's kind of the reason we don't get sh*t done.
Historically, we didn't know
if we were gonna live the next day.
We had predators.
We had dinosaurs as well.
I think we had dinosaurs.
You don't know if you were gonna live.
So you want to live your life to the fullest.
And tomorrow is so certain
that we are okay with delaying our goals.
Now I know this is going a bit deep.
I may not attain all my goals.
But I want to say that live
achieving or trying to achieve
those very goals that I set myself out to do.
Because some things are
genuinely out of your control.
If I'm on a plane,
it may crash.
Because there was a recent story this year
of this guy who was stuck in a traffic jam
and he couldn't reach his plane in time
and the plane set off without him.
And he was angry, he was frustrated.
But moments later he found out
that this plane had crashed
and like 180 people had lost their lives.
When I read that article, I was like holy f*ck!
Life can change in an instant.
Because of a traffic jam
which you probably are frustrated about
and you're angry
because you lost some money as well
and you lost time,
it was the actual reason your life was saved.
I remember meeting this family a long time ago,
who had saved so much money,
so that they could retire super early.
But then the wife was diagnosed with cancer.
I think now we take life kind of for granted.
We really do.
So I start to list
all the things that consumed my time.
Computer games.
Pointlessly walking around the house.
Eating garbage.
Man, I was wasting all these moments.
They may look like nothing.
They may look small.
But when you go back on your own year
you're like, where the f*ck did it all go?
So now it's genuinely different.
I feel the urge to get rid of all this sh*t.
And it's taken me 30 years to realize this.
If you're younger or older,
it doesn't matter.
You can just start now.
Life really is too short.
You just don't know when it's gonna stop.
Now I need to take a breather here and say,
this is not a YOLO moment
where you guys spend all your money
and just go f*cking partying all the time
or go celebrating and just doing pointless crap.
It's that you got time to achieve
the sh*t you want to do.
And if you don't achieve the stuff you want,
or at least be on the path to achieve it
before you can no longer do things,
then what are you gonna do?
It's a call out that
you got to achieve the sh*t you want to do
or at least be on the path of doing it
before life takes its turn.
There are people I see at the hospital,
in motorcycle accidents
and it's not even their fault.
But because they were there
and someone else had probably been drunk driving
or someone else was
looking at their mobile phone while driving.
It was because someone else caused the accident
but this person has taken the consequence.
And now I don't want to sound so dark
cause I am actually a positive person by nature.
But I do believe that
being a bit more genuine and honest with you all,
saying that, look, I also don't achieve my goals.
I'm not invincible.
I wish I could
but the amount of videos
I probably could have turned out this year
were higher.
And I am thankful for your support.
I found that you need to inspire and motivate people
by actually doing,
by people seeing you.
People may not be watching you at first.
But when they can see you in the corner of their eye,
doing something amazing
and starting to achieve,
that's how you instil
a moment of inspiration
and motivation in other people.
And that is where I want to start.
So everyone, this video is kind of me just saying,
I need to achieve some sh*t in my life.
There are so many times I can look back
and say I have wasted time.
So I'm not gonna slack around any more.
If you feel like you haven't achieved anything,
you probably have.
But even if you haven't,
it's okay.
Because you can start now.
Your life is too short to let it go to waste.
So go on achieve something
that you can be proud of.
Guys, I would love your feedback on this one.
Tell me what you think.
And I will be doing a bit more of these videos
a lot more often
as promised.
I'll see you all soon!
Great to See Baby Barbi Fresh and good health now/Mommy Balcky love Newborn barbi so much - Duration: 11:13.
Benjamin Franklin's Schedule Explained in 6 minutes - Duration: 5:46.
"Benjamin Franklin was one of the most successful men ever born.
Having a schedule can give you an insane productivity boost so watch until the end to see how one
of the most successful men in the world structured his day!"
Benjamin Franklin one of the founding fathers of freaking America, how did he structure his day?
First Benjamin Franklin's schedule is his schedule, you don't actually need to copy
his completely, to become the next Benjamin Franklin, you can change it up and be inspired by it.
Franklin definitely lived up to his early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise principle.
But you actually don't need to wake up early to be successful, a lot of successful people
wake up at 8am and even 10am.
We all have different bodies, that want to wake up at different times.
Franklin's schedule was simple and open to new ideas, and I love that!
Off course he didn't stick to the schedule every day he was actually bad at it, in his
autobiography he said he "never arrived at the perfection [he] had been so ambitious
of obtaining, but fell far short of it."
However, he wrote that his attempts made him a better and happier man than he would otherwise
have been.
According to Franklin's schedule, he would wake up at 5am.
And his first agenda on his list is asking himself this morning question; What good shall
I do this day.
He sets himself an intention, and setting an intention gives you a direction for the
So when you're later on in the day get distracted by social media, or wasting your time browsing
through memes on Reddit, you'll know what your intentions are for the day.
After he set himself an intention, he would Rise, wash, and address powerful goodness;
which was his term for God, so that bit means praying.
After that he would "Contrive day's business, and take the resolution of the day" it means
that he would plan out his day and how to carry out that good he dedicated himself to
earlier that morning.
Making a daily plan is a great habit to develop because as we talked about earlier setting
an intention gives you a direction, and actually making a plan makes it more straight line,
so you know directly what you are going to be doing that day, it allows to also take
those big projects and break them into small to-dos for that day.
I myself do this every day and think you should too.
You can easily do this in Evernote, in a notebook or just somewhere where you can write.
It's as easy as that.
The next thing he does in his morning routine is prosecute the present study; and breakfast,
now this is some old fancy English, but this means he practice the thing he is currently
studying or learning at the time.
One can safely say that he lived up to being a lifelong learner.
I really enjoy picking up a book in the morning to read while eating my breakfast, this is
a way I try to live up to being a lifelong learner.
Now we move on to his work blocks.
He would work for 4 hours.
From 8 am to 11 am.
First of all, I wanna say he hasn't marked out any time to breaks.
How I would restructure this is to have my big projects broken into small task that I
can complete in 25 minutes, and then take a short 5-minute break.
Just stand up, maybe walk around a little and take some fresh air in.
This technique is called the Pomodoro Technique, work for 25 minutes then a 5-minute break.
This technique helps boost your focus and productivity.
Next he would do a little bit of light reading and then go into 4 more work blocks.
From 6pm to 9pm he would Put things into their places, which is basically cleaning his workspace
and reset it so there won't be any distractions for tomorrow, so you don't need to use your
willpower to clean it the next day.
He would also supper, music or diversion, or conversation; examination of the day, here
he would hang out with friends as we would say it, and or relax.
He knew it is very important to take breaks and relax
Now we move on to the end of his day where he would ask himself this question; "What
good have I done today?" which this question you'll know what good and bad you have done
that do, so you know what to improve on to the next day.
And then he would sleep for 7 hours, but just because he would sleep for 7 hours doesn't
mean you have to.
We all have different bodies, so figure out when is the best time for you.
I'll also leave a link in the description where you can calculate when you should go
to sleep if you would wake up at a specific time.
So to end this video up, I wanted to say just because some dude 200 years ago lived his
day like this, doesn't mean you have to.
You can easily take inspiration out from it and structure your own daily routine.
I will be releasing a new video soon on how to develop the best habits for your life so
you can combine successful people's habits with your own, that's why you should subscribe
right now and turn the bell on, so you know right when the video releases.
Also don't forget to like this video, comment on how you'll be using this information
in your own life, and socialize with other people in the comments.
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