This final channel update of the year is quite different, as this - for many of you - will be the first time you hear me speak.
So bear with me, as my vocal skills are a work in progress.
Hello everyone, this is Awesmic, the go-to guy for retro music extensions from the 60s to the modern era! And yes, your
ears do not deceive you-- this is what I sound like!
You're probably wondering why I'm taking a time like now to do a vocal update, and the answer is simple..
I'm going to be doing some video projects next year outside of music extensions. So I may as well get used to it now!
Ever since I've been getting the hang of video editing...
I've been seeing potential what I can do, and have a desire to expand my horizons.
As the short intro in this video suggests - and to an extent, the last few mashups of videos I did for fun -
Dead or Alive and Dissidia are my two favorite games this generation, and the two games I decided to put all my focus on
Starting late next month, I'll be doing it multi-part series called "Dissidia Final Fantasy NT: One Year Later",
scheduled for the original US release date, January 30.
In collaboration with the YouTube channel AToH Project, who will be assisting in production (Link in description, by the way!) ^_^
This series of videos will focus on the game's arcade origins,
The console (version)'s rocky beginning, its small but passionate community, and even helpful strategies to help level up your game!
I also want to do game reviews next year, but as I thought on it a little deeper...
I've noticed more often that multiplayer game reviews quickly become obsolete in this era of gaming, as DLC and constant updates
enhance the experience over time leading to a better game!
So instead of reviewing a game as if it's the end-all be-all
product, and potentially contributing to discourage people from giving these games a second chance,
I'll instead do something different and divide my video reviews into timed phases:
First Impressions
This phase is the game as it is out of the box, Day 1 DLC, of course, will be counted.
This phase of the review should be taken with a grain of salt.
Post-Launch Impressions
This phase will usually occur if and when the first season pass is announced, and is at least halfway finished.
Seasoned Impressions: This phase will occur when a season pass is completed. Typically,
this is when most multiplayer games feel significantly more polished than at launch. The cycle will repeat with each season going forward!
Dead or Alive 6 will be the first game
I review on this multi-phase format
Followed by the second season pass of Dissidia NT, which will likely debut in March in arcades, and April on PS4.
If the leaks remain consistent and true, we're expected to have Snow as the final Season 1 character...
Then Gilgamesh, Zack, Vivi, Gabranth,
Tifa, Laguna, and Prishe covering all of Season 2!
I also have a retrospective for a particularly lewd anime series called "Queen's Blade" in the cards, but
We'll cross that bridge later...
And that's all I got planned for now
Just testing the waters and shaking things up a bit on my channel for variety's sake. Don't worry, though...
there's still plenty of scratch for those with the old-school itch for retro music extensions. Rest assured...
This is STILL the go-to channel for that!
That being said, stay safe have a Happy New Year, and to all my viewers who are here for my retro music extensions...
Happy Listening!
For more infomation >> Awesmic's Channel Update (December 2018): Awesmic Speaks (For the First Time)! - Duration: 4:02.-------------------------------------------
Did you hear something? - Duration: 0:03.
hi buddy
WATCH: Cardi B's Publicist Curses Out Fan in Australia [Explicit Video] | - Duration: 2:20.
WATCH: Cardi B's Publicist Curses Out Fan in Australia [Explicit Video] |
"Cardi B's publicist Patience snaps on a woman after she tells Cardi 'no wonder your husband left you.
Foster snapped, moving quickly toward the woman, who appeared to be middle-aged and said, "Bitch, I'll smack the shit out of you.
Don't ever come out your mouth about her m-therf–kin' husband.
Watch your mouth.".
Cardi B later posted a defense of Foster to Instagram.
That post has since been deleted but the internet being the internet, the clip was preserved.
In it, the 'Taki Taki' rapper says that Foster does things "my way," as she defended her actions.
Cardi says Foster "fits my personality.
"You know when I first started," she explained, no one wanted to take the Bronx MC on as a client.
"She's a reality star, nobody's gonna take her serious…" She goes on to explain that Foster took Cardi on, got her her first magazine cover, "is my friend, was there when I gave birth to my daughter …" Cardi says "that's my bitch, that's my homegirl," but adds she is mad at Foster saying she should have "spit at that fucking lady's face…".
Mutsugoro-yaki - Shikishima - Kokura Kitakyushu Street Food - Duration: 7:40.
Hey yo, what's up Chikifam?
I'm here at Tanga Ichiba, here in Kokura in Kitakyushu.
And we're about to cross the street right here, we're gonna go to Shikishima.
I'm gonna show ya'll what's up with Mutsugorou-yaki, so let's cross the street real quick.
Alright, she's still getting the store ready but we're about to mess with this Mutsugorou-yaki man.
They got ham n egg, hamburg, tuna, pizza, black anko paste, white anko paste, cream and chocolate.
Holy moly dude.
Yo dude, I didn't know they had all those flavors dude.
I heard from somebody that the Ham n Egg one is the bombest one though.
Like, it's supposed to be ham, egg and mayonnaise, and it's supposed to be dripping with mayonnaise.
So we're gonna try that one. I wanna try the hamburg one too, see what's up with that.
If you don't know what a mutsugorou-yaki is, it's basically a taiyaki.
But where with taiyaki they put sweet fillings in it, this is savory son.
So we're gonna savor the flavor.
Alright, let's peep.
Man, I feel so bad because I told her I want a ham n egg but I also want a hamburg too.
She said that's the one we make very last, but she said I'll make one just for you. And I'm like...
Thank you!
"That will be 300 yen."
"Returning 200 yen back to you. Thank you very much"
Alright, so we're gonna dig this right here.
Alright dude, here we go.
I don't know which one is which.
Whelp, we'll see.
I wanna try the ham n egg one first, but
I think it's this one.
So this is a Mutsugorou-yaki.
And, let's see what this is all about.
And I got the hamburg!
And I hardly even got any meat, but dude.
I don't even need to have meat, it's already dope inside.
So the batter is slightly, it's still soft inside.
The mayonnaise and the onions that she put in there, like, just from that bite, dude. Holy Smokes.
This bite right here though, is gonna be a hit.
Oh my goodness dude.
And I forgot to say "Eat a duck I must."
"I am now eating my ducks."
This is so good.
I want more.
We'll definitely have to come back. You guys don't sleep on this. Ya'll gotta come over here and check this out.
Only here, in Kitakyushu man.
Round Two son.
Ham n Egg.
Yo. That egg is still unbursted.
Oh, it's just half-boiled. But yo. This right here son. What do you know.
Both of these are good.
If I had to pick one though, I'll get the hamburg one next time too.
I mean, this is good but that hamburg one, hoooo boy.
I was told that this one was the best one but I'm gonna have to disagree. The hamburg one wins.
"Thanks for the food." That was so good man. We're here at Shikishima in Tanga Ichiba, in Kokura in Kitakyushu.
Ya'll need to come here Chikifam. Don't sleep on this.
That joint was a solid hit.
Sharing the Word of God in Evangelism - Duration: 9:07.
I want to welcome you back to our
conversation of what we're talking about
how to share Christ with others and we
started off with some deeply spiritual
things where it's very powerful. The
power prayer, the role of the Holy
Spirit we moved into sharing your
testimony and then we begun to talk
about developing friendships and then
how to start a conversation in our last
session and I'm with Wayne Jenkins and
Wayne has been a friend for a long time
and and it's been great some of the
things we've been sharing we talked
about using gospel literature or maybe a
website you had a little ring about a
website that people could go to in our
last session one of the great things
that we can use and we ought to use is
the Bible itself a New Testaments write
the New Testament and for those of you
don't know the New Testament is is the
part that is about Jesus the Old
Testament talks about the prophets of
all but the New Testament presents the
person of Christ who he is what he did
and it really tells the wonderful news
the wonderful story so this is one way
in which we can really share with people
because it's really maybe the greatest
way because what we have to say in gonna
last but what what God's word has to say
so talk to me a little bit about how to
use the New Testament and sharing Christ
with others there are several ways and
it depends on what country you're in and
what what's successful but I mean some
places can use like in the United States
we can use it for mass distribution we
can go to an event and we can give
everybody a marked New Testament it
tells them what page to turn on that
tells them what Scripture and it's
underlined and they just go through a
gospel presentation verse by verse now
that's if you're just handing them out
the second way is you can use it as a
gift you can actually I've had people
mark a New Testament that wasn't marked
give them a New Testament market in a
worship service and then they commit to
give it to a particular person as a gift
and they go and give that to them and
say listen I've marked some verses in
here I want you to read those when you
get a chance and these again back to
those relationships and said look when
you get through reading it
like for you and I to sit down and talk
about it let me share a story yeah if
you don't mind yeah and from Tehran Iran
and I have some friends who used to live
there they don't they no longer live
there they're in the United States now
but they became Christians through this
this very method and what happened was
there was someone who was unloading some
materials bringing into the house and
this guy was walking down the street and
and he saw this person unloading this
thing so do you need help me said yeah
and so he helped him and bring those
things in and the guy who was unloading
the materials said man thank you I
really appreciate this could I give you
something and he said oh no no no I saw
I said well I just like to give you you
you help me I'd like to give you a gift
and he said ok and so he gave him a
little New Testament the guy who was
Muslim went home began to read the New
Testament and his wife he wasn't a
reader he said he was reading it all the
time and this wife said what are you
reading and she and he said this is the
holy book of the Christians and she said
let me see that and she was kind of
angry with him she got it and she
started reading so they started arguing
about who's gonna get to read it so then
finally they said well let's go see if
this guy has any more anyway yeah and so
anyway the whole family ended up
becoming Christians just by this gift
right thing so so like for instance in
in Iran you may not be able to or in
many countries may not be able to give
out New Testament someone does something
for you you say could I give you a gift
right and and there it is and the third
way you can use it is actually sitting
down with that person hmm and and saying
look I've got some verses I want to
share with you that comes straight from
the the Bible that tell about Jesus and
I'd like to just read them to you if you
don't mind it's just a few verses and
and make sure you know the you know it's
five or seven verses you might be
reading five or seven because most
people well it's only gonna take a few
moments I'll give him that
that time you know and especially back
again you've built this relationship
with this person usually there's some
things to remember is you know you've
already you say that that what's
important not so much what we say but
what's already been said right
she said in Isaiah His Word will not
return unto us void so you're giving
them the Word of God and you've got that
promise when you do it the word does not
sleep I may sleep but I've left the Word
of God with that person it doesn't sleep
he may pick it up at two o'clock in the
morning and a minute of depression so
it's it's always there it and we've
heard a lot of stories like it where
someone got got a new Testament and just
put it on the shelf and then later on
they come and they read it and yeah it
takes that I was happy to tell you one
two up but I know we don't but but but
that's true and the other thing it does
it guide you in sharing if you if you
use that mark New Testament or sitting
down with a person it may get in a home
that you never will I I may never get
into that house I may knock on the door
and they may say no we don't want
anybody but I've given them that piece
of literature that would you man take it
and they will take that and they will
they will have it in their home and then
we have an opportunity then for that for
that word to speak to them and that God
will prompt them again remember it's
it's it's the Holy Spirit who does
drawing and he prompts them to pick it
up it can be translated and it is
translated in so many different
languages so in most of the places that
we're talking about you will have access
to it in your language they're still
having to do some in some language
tribal groups you know one of the things
so in speaking of that we have in this
app here we have the Bible in all of the
languages that we're doing many many
languages we have the Bible there are
online free Bible things and you can
point a person say if you would like to
read the New Testament here's here's a
website we were talking about a website
where you hear your story but there's
also a website where there's the New
Testament and tell them say start just
go in when you put on search type in
John and then start reading right there
and so people can you can encourage them
through online of ways to read now we're
going to put on the screen a some
scriptures that that they can mark okay
will not go through with the
because we're out of time but we'll
we'll have that screen that'll show how
they can mark a New Testament if it's
not marked but some places you can buy
them already marked for you but just be
basic gospel Scripture it tells you what
page to turn to after that one that's
read it makes a comment and then tells
you to turn to the next page and and and
so forth until you get through and at
the end of a marked New Testament that's
purchase there will actually be a prayer
where they can actually pray that prayer
and ask Christ to come into their life
and a year themselves to the Lord so
that's that that we'll have on the
screen so that they'll have access to
that okay and they can use that to mark
one they can use that to marking in one
that they may not they will have that
they can give as a gift and say here a
scripture that we want so such good and
let me just say that some people may be
afraid of writing something in the Bible
it's okay yeah it's alright it's God's
Word and God speaks to us and God wants
us to devour that I mean that's that's
our spiritual food and he wants us to
understand it and it's alright I have my
Bible is filled with marked things not
only to share with others but for my own
personal use all yeah you're not
damaging the Bible at all right you're
gaining an understanding in fact I've
got markings in mine I've even got
sermon notes that somebody said about a
particular passage that I've written
down maybe something that helped me
remember understand yeah in my personal
study I I'll write something in there
and market yourself so so these are the
things that are taking the New Testament
and and opening up what what it does is
it gives you the what they what they
need to have and and just remember this
keep this in mind it's not my words it's
going to change somebody it's it's not
Wayne's words it's not our cleverness of
speech it's not our sales ability it's
the Word of God the Word of God the
Bible has the way of going deep into a
person's heart and dividing the spirit
and the soul to go into the deepest part
and speak to their deep innermost being
so get
getting the word into their hands into
their hearts may be one of the most
important things you'll ever do
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