Film sticks, TV sticks to people's heads.
What we say, carries a lot of weight.
Now is the time.
You know, just unapologetically, now is just the time to create the type of content that
YOU can create.
Blue Fever texts you videos made by the most talented women.
Blue Fever.
Blue Fever.
Scoups: Alright~
Scoups: Say the name!
All: Seventeen!
All: Hello, we're seventeen~
All: Wahh~ Woahh~
Woozi: Surprise attacking start
Wonwoo: Surprise attack greeting~
Scoups: Why is seventeen all gathered here today?~
All: Uh...
[Acting explosion]
All: Why are we here?
Hoshi: Well....
Scoups: Hey you, red headed student~
Scoups: Can you tell us for once why are we here?
[The red headed student (22)/ full of will] From where I look at it....
Hoshi: Our...
Hoshi: Music video
Hoshi: Went
Hoshi: Over 1000 views!!!
All: WAHHH!!
Hoshi: Carats must really love our music video a lot.
Dokyeom: that's right~ that's right~
Dino: It seems like a point where we need to clap.
Hoshi: Let's give a around of applause~
[Everyone clap]
Scoups: Seungkwan ssi
Scoups: So, what are doing today?
Seungkwan: So what are we going to today is..
Seungkwan: While watching 'Clap' mv together
Seungkwan: is a time for comment
Seungkwan: 'CLAP' MV Commentary time~
All: Wahhh~
Hoshi: What about this kind of feeling?~
Hoshi: When you look at other countries's videos, they react to music videos
Hoshi: Many videos come up and they react to it.
Jun: Ah~
Hoshi: Fans would put the reactions.
dokyeom: that's right. Dino: Yes
Hoshi: Like those kind of feelings~
Jeonghan: But, before watching the music video
Jeonghan: Shouldn't we tell about what our mv is?
Dino: Yes.
Jeonghan: In this mv, we're self producing idols~
Jun: Ah~ that's right
Jeonghan: So, our equation is correct
Jeonghan: Making the concept 'we can film this on our own'
Hoshi &Joshua: That's right
Jeonghan: Uh... Since 'Adore U' until current '2017 seventeen project'
Jeonghan: project. Seventeen project.
Jeonghan: Uh..all those straightly revealed music videos are in there
Jeonghan: When you look at 'Clap' mv you'll see the omaju feeling
Dino: Ah~
Jeonghan: Do you know what omaju means?
Mingyu: I know.
Mingyu: when words just pass through your head.
Mingyu: That kind of omaju
Scoups: Isn't that speed of light?
Jeonghan: Omaju... For the people who doesn't know omaju
Jeonghan: Hoshi will look it up in the internet.
Hoshi: wait...
[Hoshi/today's latop duty]
Woozi: slow at mechanics
Scoups: Sorry...but why did you give it to mechanic slacker
Woozi: seriously, he sucks at internet. (its okay, hoshi me too XD)
Mechanic slacker who is doing his best Hoshi (steady)
Hoshi: Omaju means...
Woozi: You could've just read it from the screen..
[Search completed] Hoshi: i'll explain to everyone what omaju means!
Hoshi: A scene from a movie that you want to show out of respect
Jeonghan: In movies..
Hoshi: Or using the script is Omaju
All except wonwoo: Ohhh~
Woozi: expression!
Jeonghan: Since 'Adore U' til '2017 seventeen project', the mvs were used.
Mingyu: All those times, the music videos just passed by
Seungkwan: They can.
Scoups: So without any long words, should we start the music video commentary straight away?
Jeonghan/Seungkwan: Should we?
Scoups: Hoshi turn it on~
Wonwoo: Lets go~
Woozi & Seungkwan: Ohhh~
Seungkwan: Woozi~
Joshua: Oh my gosh~
Mingyu: Entered.
the8: Clap~
Woozi: oh so annoying~
The8: Yeahhh~
Scoups: Amazing~
Joshua: Get it~
Mingyu: I got hit ~
The8: If you get hit, just get hit~
Hoshi: I was shocked here.
[A explosion reaction to the thunder]
Vernon: Oh~ I got shocked while hearing this.
Mingyu: This... thunder..
Dino: Ahhhh~
Dino: Its coming~ Its coming~
Scoups: Scoups tta tteu~
Woozi: it's art~
Mingyu: Back staffs really working hard
(jeonghan too) (working hard)
Hoshi: Ohhh Joshua~
[reaction explosion Joshua] Joshua: Joshua!~
Joshua: Ohhh~
Joshua/ dinno?maybe i'm hearing things XD: Hosh!~
Dino: Ohhhh~
Vernon/Mingyu?: Oh!! Josh!~
Hoshi: Oh!! Josh!~
[Joshua holic] Hoshi: Josh!
Woozi: There's a wart.
Dokyeom: Wart.
Dino: oh! Dokyeom!
Dino: Ohh~ Dokyeom~
Dino: Oh dokyeom~
Wonwoo: We're helping each other with the games
Woozi: Fliping the table!
The8: Change up~
Joshua: Ohhh~
Joshua: Hosh~
Jeonghan: Oh~ red head~
Dokyeom: passion~ passion
Power cooling~
Woozi: the sole is very charming
mingyu: Ahhh~ hoshi
Hoshi (evil boss who talks behind his back)
Wonwoo: Wow~ [Its Wonwoo!]
(Wink hives) Seungkwan: Ohhhh~
Jeonghan/ the8: Wink~
(Guys) (My part)
Scoups: How come you guys don't react to my part?!
~ Yayaya time~ Joshua: Yayaya~
Jun: hyung, you're going to come in the next part
Dokyeom: you're just throwing our tapes just like that~
Hoshi: the truth is..
[The scene of scene entered]
the8: I like this part
Woozi buffering~
Scoups: Scoups!
(explosion with reaction) Jun: Wooo!!!
Vernon: teleport!
(me too) (teleport)
Jeonghan: Wahh~ trauma and change up
Jeonghan: You can feel the omaju
jeonghan: Ohhh the8!
Mingyu: the scenes feel as if they are passing through a speed of light
Jeonghan: hahahha speed of light.
vernon/dino/dokyeom: Wow~
Vernon: Oh~ I like it here to ( seventeen mv bigfan)
Hoshi: Right here! the main point.
[Clap main dance point]
Ohhh~ We are soo cool~
Jun/hoshi? :Woo~
Mingyu: Compass is gonna come out too
Mingyu: is this the 'Mansae' scene?
the8: Now, its going to the 2nd verse.
(excited vernon)
Dino: Also, is zenith
Jeonghan: You can feel 'Pretty U' omaju too
Vernon: Mingyu hyung, you open champagne really well~
vernon: Wow~
Scoups: Did you all watch 'Clap' mv really joyfully?
All except coups: Yes.
Scoups: Music video is very impressive. Was there any members or any scenes
Scoups: Or any episodes you guys want to share.
(straight away) Hoshi: I want to say something. [ Red headed student full of will]
Hoshi: We had many scenes together.
Jeonghan: That's right.
Hoshi: And...We were really tired.
Hoshi: (and) when we were together we fooled around.
Hoshi: That time, we were playing game.
Hoshi: What kind of game was it Joshua ssi?
Joshua: We are playing a game were aren't allowed to use foreign language.
Vernon: Foreign language
Jeonghan: the person who gets caught three times are suppose to buy coffee as a punishment
Jeonghan: but... Seungkwan and scoups hasn't buy us any yet.
Woozi: through today!
Seungkwan: I'll buy! I'll buy coffee~
Seungkwan: I'll take a picture as proof
[Scoups/ the person who doesn't want to buy coffee] Do you guys have proof?
Jeonghan: 3 out of 2 where there.
Lot of witness....
Scoups: Oh...right... ^^;;
Mingyu: So we can do systematic progress on music video commentary
Mingyu: By turning on the music video and stop on the scene you want to talk about?
Jeonghan: Ahh that's good
Seungkwan: Stop at the scene where you want to talk.
Seungkwan: Please clear out and sort out your talk.
Seungkwan: All of sudden, you can't just go "Uh! that's really pretty!"
Seungkwan:You can't do that.
Woozi: Wait, we can't do that?
Jeonghan: no,making things uncomfortable~
Woozi: There's no reason to make things uncomfortable~
Jeonghan:This is commentary.
Woozi: Everyone, this is about what its in our story.
Wonwoo: that's right
Woozi: "That time was fun for me too" this words
Woozi: Just say it freely~
Jeonghan: Everyone don't get too much burden
(Audio war) The scene that is filled with burden
Wonwoo: shhh...
Scoups: Alright...Everyone, one by one. Slowly
jeonghan: Got it
Jeonghan/DK/ Woozi: We got lots of sleep
[Releasing all the energy after all the good sleep they received]
Scoups: Try to have the habit of speaking one by one
Scoups: Turn on the scene you want to watch then you talk about it.
Okay kids.... Please calm down...
Scoups: Turn on the music video ~
Wonwoo: Stop
woozi:Okay, stop!
wonwoo: From that scene, the most memorable part was.
wonwoo: We... uh.. there was a small obstacle around us.
jeonghan: that's right.
Inside that obstacle it had really tight space
scoups: Agreed.
Wonwoo: While going inside, the members broke down the obstacle.
All: Ahh~ that's right.
Jeonghan: that time, Mingyu also broke it down
Scoups: Dino probably did too
Dokyeom: That doesn't show on the mv
(the back view of the obstacle)
Mingyu/dokyeom/seungkwan/dino: There was actually a place where we can go out.
Dino: Right.
Mingyu: this coming in scene is freestyle.
Dino: yeah, like how you should do this. Let's do this like fooling around?
Mingyu: Out of nowhere, I just stretched my arms
Scoups/wonwoo/seungkwan: It was really good
vernon: Really good~
Dino: You had great sense~
And that's how this scene was created
hoshi: it was here?
Mingyu: When I go inside, you'll know what will happen.
Hoshi: At that time, we were passing/getting hitting by the thunder...!
New concept hard work mv comentary
Seungkwan: We... for...1second..
Scoups: If we watch it like this... we're not going anywhere
Scoups: How about we pick any fun episodes or fun scenes?
Jeonghan: Okay~
Hoshi: I have a opinion
[The start and the last scene] I found this scene fun
Jeonghan: Ah, the last scene
Seungkwan: hahahha look at the mechanics slacker
(Mechanic slacker who is full of will)
Jeonghan: Ah here~
Hoshi: Champagne opening scene
Hoshi: Originally, I was suppose to open the champagne...
Hoshi: my hand was too weak to do the job
Instead since mingyu was strong he opened it
(Mingyu instead opening the champagne)
Seungkwan: (Hoshi) I personally like that pose
Mingyu: For me... can you please go to the beginning?
Coups hyung's part.
If you look at this part.
Mingyu: Members are personally doing the stage set up
Joshua/ Seungkwan/ Jeonghan: Vernon, you're working hard.
Joshua: At this time, before going into my part I hit the slate
the8: Did the same as what the directors would do.
Jeonghan: The people who are moving the wall, must be really hard.
Vernon: That time, we had to move the wall.
Vernon: Had to keep eyeing it so it won't fall (during the shooting/filming)
Jeonghan: Dokyeom, you were okay though
(strong dokyeom) Dokyeom: I have good strength, so I was fine.
Dino: Of course dokyeom.
Hoshi: For me, when we do music broadcast the way directors would film
Hoshi: While looking at the lyrics parts, they would say " Dokyeom is your turn!" " Scoups your turn!", I followed that.
Dino: Details are live~
Jeonghan: Wasn't Scoups the one who gave the parts?
Dokyeom/Jun: That's right.
Scoups: that's right, I did gave out the parts.
Scoups: No personal feelings
Jeonghan: Ah...I see
[Fast progress] So...shall we go to the scene?
Scoups: Ah, there's change up here.
The8: Hoshi hyung is sitting on the car that's from Change up
(Change up car)
And the car behind that Woozi hyung is from the Adore u (Adore U car)
[Adore U mv ] [Change up mv]
all?: Ohhh~
Jun: That's right~
Jeonghan: Adore u... car
Mingyu/ Hoshi/dino: Wahh~
Woozi hyung's strength is no joke. (kkung)
Jeonghan: Holding a car (Woozi's item) (Jjak)
The8 : I really like Joshua hyung's picture here.
Joshua: Its empty in the bottom, so I have to fill it up.
Dino: Did you really paint this hyung?
Mingyu: Over there! Do you see the greenish color?
Dino: Yes
Mingyu: The way we did it was, I put my arm there in the hole.
(this scene)
Mingyu: Only this part was suppose to paint
Mingyu: but then, he painted the clothes too.
Dino: Ah... really?
Dokyeom: Painting it was really good.
The expression came out natural.
Birth of real acting expression due to it
Hoshi: This scene..
Hoshi: The white colored wall is gonna be entirely covered by that color?
Joshua/vernon/most of the members: Yes.
Hoshi/Seungkwan/ Jeonghan/Dokyeom/all?: That's why, it became like that.
(completed clothes) (completed wall)
Seungkwan: Wahh~ soo clean~
Jeonghan: Joshua painted all of that
(paint master) Mingyu: Joshua hyung must've tired
Wonwoo: Also, doesn't it match the lyrics perfectly?
Wonwoo: When the white shirt is stain
Jun: When the white shirt is stain
Vernon: Ahhhh that's right~
Dokyeom: Over there, the scene from the tv
Jeonghan: What's that on tv?
(coloring scene) Ah...the coloring scene
Woozi: It's playing back the scen of the coloring
Vernon: Members are good with eyecatching
Hoshi: But in here, Seungkwan's expression is a art.
Seungkwan: Doesn't it look like i'm going to say yeah?
Jeonghan: You're good
Scoups: For me, can you turn on the scene where we flip the table.
Jeonghan: Stop!
(Stop fairy)
Scoups: This is the table CG
Scoups: We were acting within ourselves
Scoups: look at our acting.
mingyu: Where?
Jeonghan: Ohh... acting~
Mingyu: woahh..its that wonwoo hyung?
Jeonghan: Woahh~ wonwoo's acting skills.
Hoshi: Its good
the8: if you look on the top of the table, there's the word 'change up'
[Change up mv] Jeonghan: you can feel the omaju, everyone
Hoshi: We were making the word 'change up' on the desk
Hoshi: If you look at change up mv you'll see this scene.
All: Ahh~
[Seventeen who's showing enthusiasm in the pause screen]
Seungkwan: Look at Dino~
Hoshi: Woozi is funny too
(world of happiness)
Mingyu: Seungkwanie!! XD
[Seventeen's pause screen is world funny to seventeen]
(fun pause time ended) Dino: Isn't this commentary time?
Mingyu: Over there, what is the screen showing?
Woozi: Ahh..
Mingyu: Isn't that Change up? (Change up mv screen)
Hoshi: Its change up
[The three people who got shocked at this time]
Hoshi: Ah that's right, during change up. I uh... what was it.. got hit by the candies.
The8: It fell .
Hoshi: When I got hit by the chocolates...its..a..
Jeonghan: Ah that's right.
Scoups: Its from change up?
The small chocolates...
Became a large size and was thrown
Woozi: The part where Hoshi gets hit by chocolates were remade.
Jeonghan: Change up was reused.
Seungkwan: Wah... we did that?!
[Thinking about it gives the chills]
Seungkwan: I didn't know either.
Hoshi: Was I hit in the eye here?
(focused on the eye)
Jeonghan: You got hit the eye
Wonwoo: The chocolate hurted really bad, right?
Hoshi: Excuse me, who's the person who threw at my eye?
Scoups: the8, the first person who ran first.
Seungkwan: let's fast forward and see.
(the ball that the8 threw) (shheuk)
Vernon: Its the8 hyung~
(nervously scratching his head)
Dokyeom/jeonghan/couple of others: seriously the8?
Jun: It's the8
Wonwoo: Ah...Wow~
[My part/scene i'm going to take care of it]
kimsuhanmu ~ vernoniewa~ durumi~
Dino: Wahh~ So cool~
Jun: YaaYaya~
Mingyu: what was that right now?
Mingyu: the scene at yayayya
couple of members: Its just monitors~
Seungkwan: When you look at seventeen's music video, its really fun to look for hidden scenes ~
Wonwoo: It's fun.
Hoshi: There's so many things, I didn't know
Dino: I agree
Jeonghan: Its a diffrent set.
Woozi: There's a episode related to that door.
Wonwoo: there's alot of related things
Woozi: While opening that door
Jeonghan: yes, tell us.
Woozi: We went inside as a (unit) then lastly went inside all together
Woozi: you're supposed to open the door then enter, but I went inside while pushing it.
Woozi: So the door... broke down. It took about 40 minutes to fix.
Mingyu: Wait..stop.
Mingyu: If you look closely, the hip hop team are going inside.
Mingyu: If you look at the tape, we're holding
Mingyu: trauma.
Seungkwan& Woozi: slowly.
[There's alot of time steady] Scoups: slowly
Joshua: tra..uma
(trauma ultimate) if you look closely, the tape we're holding is trauma
(trauma video tape)
mingyu: we're giving the tape that we made to the ceo to get confirmation
Jeonghan: For us, we were holding onto the pinwheel tape.
Woozi: Uh... pinwheel.. is getting thrown..
(Pinwheel tape that is thrown on the floor)
Dokyeom: The reason that hoshi hyung threw that was..
Dokyeom: Because it was Pinwheel..
Jeonghan: What?
Dokyeom: You can ignore my words~
Dino: Why evil ceo is evil ceo....
dino: The evil ceo is discriminating.
The members agreeing: That's right.
(No matter what I like performance team)
Woozi: Didn't even see performance team's video
Dino: Doesn't see the video and just says he likes it.
Wonwoo: let's not live like Hoshi. (wonwoo..dissing his friend XD)
Hoshi: That was my character in the music video, I don't do that in real life.
Mingyu: Ah... I like this part.
Vernon: I like how the set is all popping out on purpose.
Woozi: I know the feeling
Dino: Change up was filmed like that too
Mingyu: Woozi hyung got buffering
Vernon: Its here.
(Joshua is flying)
Jun: I was in the back holding him.
Scoups: Hoshi ya. I was really going to hit you that day.
97s/ dino/ vernon: Woah... Coups hyung
(unbelievable Jump)
Seungkwan: I really loved this detailed scene.
Seungkwan: slowly...slowly... closing in 'evil CEO' feeling
Seungkwan: This evil CEO! >(
Dino: Its the scene where while filming, the director said "Ohh~"
Hoshi: Wahhh! Everyone, isn't this the cassette from Boom Boom?
Seungkwan: What? What was it?
Woozi: Boom Boom
Seungkwan: There's no end to your road~ Bba bbam~ That cassette
Woozi: During Boom Boom, the cassette was inside my room.
Scoups: But wonwoo ssi, you must really like destroying things
Scoups: During concert, you broke the piano...and now in here you broke the cassette
Wonwoo: Ah.. yes. yes.
Wonwoo: It must really suit me well.
[Shadow teleport/cloning]
Woozi: it really looks like mini me. (when did woozi become wonwoo XD)
Woozi: Miniatures
Dino: You have to explain this.
Woozi: Firstly, its the leaders's change up where the 3 people were in the white colored set where we sang change up.
Woozi: After that, in trauma there is a white box
Vernon: The white colored box.. we were on top of it..
(Omaju fairy)
Woozi: the self who is stuck in ultimate trauma
Woozi: the self in the bottom wants to change itself. (that's the expression shown)
(its right~)
Vernon: Ohhh~ (100% agreeing)
We will go "Oh~" too
Woozi: Its fun~
Vernon: ay...
Woozi: Wait...
Woozi: Wasn't the book suppose to be Coups hyung but it changed into Jeonghanie hyung's face.
Scoups: Yeah.
Dokyeom: Jeonghanie hyung handsome~
Woozi: Before going into 2nd verse the how to book was Coups hyung but now is Jeonghanie hyung.
The book that changed from Scoups to Jeonghan
Doesn't it look like parrot?
Woozi: You're like a Harry Potter~
(opinion 1) a magician
Hoshi: (opinion 2) a tropical fish
Jeonghan: tropical fish...
Jeonghan: The longer I look at it... looks like a parrot. ( no matter how many times you look...likes parrot)
Jun: Jjak~ Jjak~
Woozi: Ah~
Scoups: This scene~
Scoups: Even if I don't say it.
The8: I miss it.
Jeonghan: You can feel the omaju
Scoups: We done this scene in Hurray, then showed at the mv Healing.
Mingyu: That basketball hoop is from Hurray mv and Very nice.
(13th month of dance)
Woozi: If you look at these scenes, all these items were used in previous mvs.
Scoups: For me, when I saw this scene slowly. I recognized one thing.
Scoups: The younger ones who think of me and the friends are there.
Jeonghan: Who is the friends you know?
Scoups: Hoshi is really...
Hoshi: I threw my body to try catching him
Scoups: I really..
Scoups: Hoshi was already getting himself ready to catch me when I was in the air.
(ready to catch succeed) but if you look at Dino at the end.
(Dino's surprising look)
Scoups: But dino...
But dino..
Scoups: Dino is only acting! only acting! And his hands are on the ground.
Hoshi: Doesn't Jeonghanie hyung look really funny?
(Doesn't care XD)
(He didn't come to me~)
Scoups: If you look at the scene, he's about to catch me.
Scoups: Look at hoshi!
Woozi: I got jackpot! XD
Jeonghan: Isn't the member all the way in the back the8?
The8: yes.
Jeonghan: Just for the respect, you just lend him a hand.
Scoups: No~ no~
(respectfully lends his hand out)
The8: No, its not that. XD
The8: I was just...
Scoups: Hyung, lay here~
Jeonghan: Ah~
The8: Because, he won't able to reach up to me.
Wonwoo: If you are curious about the backstory of the mv, watch it carefully
The8: ah~ Its fun~
Scoups: This scene. No matter how many times we filmed this, it was really fun.
Jeonghan: When I look at this, it reminds me of Pretty U
Jeonghan: The party scene
Wonwoo: Oh~ its pretty~
Wonwoo: Oh and the shopping... what's it called... cart? It was in Pretty U.
Jeonghan: It was also in Very nice too.
Mingyu: Did you see Jeonghanie hyung hold it just with one hand?
Scoups: For me
Woozi: putting that.
Scoups: That is really cool
Scoups: It feels like I've just seen one work.
the8: yeah
Vernon: For this music video, I felt like it was a masterpiece.
Woozi: "Thank you for watching our work" I like that feeling.
Scoups: Do you the email address?
the8: woahh email? woahh~ hyung, I just got chills~
the8 who got chills by the word email address
Jun: If you look at the emails is the previously released soundtracks
Jun: 13th month of dance, Trauma, all those songs were all written there...
(From SVT production sent mv links)
the8: If you sent a message to this link, it'll give you a whole link our mvs since debut til now.
Scoups: Ah and also, before the mv it was announced that if you send the message it says missed.
Woozi: Before the music video came out it said missed
Scoups: If you send it again, it will reply.
(after the reveal of soundtrack the reply content has changed)
The8: Isn't it so cool?~
The8: I got chills~
Dino: Oh~
Jeonghan: There's so many hidden things
Hoshi: Seventeen mv, you must watch it in fully details.
Vernon: The mv is fully in concept, when you see the ending. It says "SVT Videotape Technology INC"
Hoshi : Ah~ that's right
Vernon: Kept in concept til the end. (I like it)
Woozi: We were the seventeen...
Hoshi: But really...this is..
Woozi: Before Clap music video came out the 3 units released the music videos
Woozi: All of those items were in the music video
Woozi: Before Clap came out, there were many predictions and adds
Woozi: But then, it was just one prop
(Today, you'll feel lots of omaju)
Jeonghan: You'll feel lots of omaju
Woozi: It was just the process of us in the making the prop
Jeonghan: So, today we've done mv commentary
Jeonghan: How do you guys feel?
Hoshi: I felt, in Seventeen's mv there are many details.
Joshua: I could see more details while watching together as 13 members.
Scoups: When you watch, you have to look at one by one. About 13 times, if you want to found out more you have to watch it at least 20 times.
Woozi: Through 'Clap' I am curious about the next music video's worldwide view
Woozi: Very curious
Scoups: Where we never revealed....
Scoups: Seveenteen's Clap mv commentary was processed
Scoups: We have reached over million views,
Because of the carats and the viewers who watched the mvs,
we were able to reached over million views.
Everyone, say your greetings
Mingyu: Ah...yes.
The dongsangs: Thank you~ (very hasty)
Scoups: That's not it.
Woozi: This wasn't it.
Scoups: Few words
Jeonghan: Ah~ few words
Scoups: Like great stage... we'll comeback with great music video and performance, give us lots of love.
Scoups: Keep on searching for hidden things in Clap music video
and continue to watch it
Vernon: me.. I'm really thankful. Please watch our mv alot~ thank you
Joshua: Thank you guys for watching our music video and thanks for the love and support
Joshua: We'll always work hard for great music and great performances
Vernon: And great music videos
Jun: In our music video,
Jun: In the music video, Clap there are many fun scenes and so many meanings
Jun: So for Carats and those who don't know us,
Jun: Give this music video lots of love and support.
Scoups: So, should we greet last for not least.
Scoups: We will now end Seventeen's Clap mv commentary.
Scoups: Until the music video is over million and for the carats who watched thank so much.
Scoups: We'll continue to show great shape.
Right now was seventeen.
Say the name!
Thank you~
Thank you for watching~
Hi everyone, I'm Wilma Haerkens and today
We're going to talk about when's the right time to do something, so I've got a special guest to introduce
This is Gladys Gladys has decided to get my book and
I'm very excited about that
She's going to get her copy of Anew You Style Journal so what I wanted to say first and foremost
Or ask Gladys Gladys, and I have known each other what Gladys since the 80s at some time
They've known each other a long time
My book was published
quite quite some time ago
and it's not until now that you've decided to purchase a book and
of course another thing that I wanted to mention is we do have a group that we have on Facebook so
And it's for the readers only, but what I wanted to ask you Gladys is maybe you could share
Why now?
Why now that's a good question
I've just decided it's time to take action and
Move forward, I love that that is so I mean really that's that's mainly what my message is
When I'm working with people is to continuously help them to move forward
And you know as a stylist
It's you know through their makeovers and their wardrobes and but it's more than that in my book. It's a lot more
Now you want to move forward
So now you feel that you're the book is there and I feel that when you're ready to make the next step
The teacher is there right so
So now you're taking that step, and I'm really excited for you
And so there's one thing that people tend to not do so Gladys is just getting her book today
She took she doesn't even know really what's in the book? Yeah? Have you had a chance to?
No I haven't looked at just other things that you know that you might have seen on Facebook or whatever, but yeah
so it's kind of interesting because
As much as we've stayed in touch she hasn't actually seen the contents of the book so just to give you an idea
What it is is every month you're focusing on one area so January is about decluttering
February is about finding things to love about yourself
And it is a journal so you're actually writing in your book so each month
You're going to be actually you're instructed and you're gonna be writing things into your book so
one of the things that I have
Discovered and I'm going to you know talk to Gladys about this right now so Gladys
One of the things that you have is your commitment page, so this is where you actually you sign in and you
Commit so you actually put
The date down put your name down, and then you can in this little box here. Let's show the audience
You can actually put a picture so before you leave
I'm going to take a picture of you
and you can use one that you already have or
You can use the one and I will you know send it to you so you can get it printed. So you can add that
One of the things that I find is and I want to find out from you
So now you know that you're supposed to sign into the book now
What I have found is a lot of readers end up waiting for that ideal time
You know they just sit there, and they wait for this. They're like I can't sign in yet
I'm not ready to make that are you at that point? Do you think that you're?
You can?
See you thinking about it, so do you see what I mean, yes people wait for the the ideal time
Because and I know Gladys pretty well so Gladys is very meticulous
And she's very thorough she likes to have everything done a certain. You know perfectly right?
Look I got that right
but one of the most important things that I
really want to instill on people is is to get the book and not wait for that ideal time to
Start it so right now. You're doing
0% what you might be doing things that are you know you'll find in the book
But you're gonna be doing a little bit more than
You did yesterday so the goal is not to get a hundred percent the goal is to?
To move forward so
Be gentle on ourselves is the main message right is to you know to to not be so
We can we can be hard on ourselves, so we don't want to be hard on themselves
we want to be gentle so each month you're focusing on a different area and
Different areas are gonna trigger and be harder for people and somebody you know over here is gonna
Say that was a cakewalk. I mean. I have no problem finding 28 things to love about myself
That was really easy, but other people it's like whoa that is a major major challenge
So I mean I know you well enough I'm not going to expose you you may want to expose it yourself
We mean want to do another interview later on, but there's one area that I want you to
To point out, and I point it out to everybody and it's it's the month of December
so in the month of December you're actually focusing on the next year, so
You know doesn't have to be a calendar year doesn't have to be January you know
January to December it's just think of it from one year from when you do it
And I find December is a really busy month anyways, so why not get started right away
So I I kind of get people to kind of you know dig into December right away because it's about
setting goals for yourself
So we just talked and there's some goals so maybe Gladys might want to share
The first part is taking chunks, so you're taking
The next three months
So would you would you like to share?
Something that you might think of that you would like to see done in three months
Decluttering my house, okay, so
Which is good. Well I should take a room. I guess yeah, I was just gonna say yes
Perfect yes, yes
Set up a second guest a guest bedroom is what I need to focus on
Gladys's goal is to get this room done and
You can mark number of different things, but I always take it into bite sizes
So you know even even when you're taking like a room right so somebody that's already you know
Has a decluttered room might find
Although that's really easy because I just have to clean this closet right or I have to just clean this dresser out
For other people it may be bigger than that so
Take it in bite sizes, so do you know what I'm where where I'm going with this so in other words
When you're doing that first quarter right? Okay focus on that
bedroom now
Walk into the bedroom with me like. I don't see it because I don't I don't know your particular room
but walk into the bedroom and
Find an area in that bedroom
That you can focus on first
What would be the first is it a dresser?
Is that one dresser drawer is in the nightstand and and think of a small area?
That isn't overwhelming that you're going to be like
Pulling yourself back and not getting it done. So think of bite sizes
I've got a bookcase that I would start with oh
That's awesome that's awesome. Yes, there's lots of extraneous stuff and
That's where I think I will that's where I will start that's awesome, so can you see that?
first if you if you said the room how it can
be overpowering right right so now you just
Focus in even a little tighter to the bookshelf how many shelves are on your bookshelf?
three three, okay, so
You may want to even break that down so that you know you get to a point we may have different
Are you gonna keep the bookshelf number one in the room? Yes, it's stay okay, so what you're gonna
do is get stuff that doesn't belong on the bookshelf and
get it out ok so that the bookshelf ends up just being a
Bookshelf a bookshelf with the books that you want on that bookshelf thats right and whatever you know
Accessories or whatever that might be you know to make it look beautiful or whatever?
That sounds good does that help it does yes?
Anytime you're doing something when we're stepping out of her comfort zone. It's uncomfortable
right so
but you want to be
Enthusiastic you want feel feel like wow wow I did good today
So even if you start with that quarter, which you'll see in the book
And you might have that first three months you might have
first shelf on your bookshelf a right second shelf or you could have
Removing anything that's not going to be on the bookshelf
Just keeping you know yeah
Put it into bite sizes that works for you
I don't know
But take it and do it so that it's really small little bite sizes
That whenever you're doing it. You can look at that and go
Right, and if you get it done in a less time
You're just gonna have more things to do right, but everything that you're doing is being excited about
Doing it
So you don't you don't want to end up being feeling like beat up that you didn't get what you wanted to get done
So you're taking?
You know you can go home, and then look at your bookshelf and go okay. I need to even break it down
Even more you decide what it is and then in three months, maybe we'll have a little sit down
But what I'd love for you to do is to take a picture of your bookshelf when you go home, okay?
And we can share it or not share it you'll decide
Right and then in three months we're gonna
have a little sit down and we're gonna see how you're doing okay anything else you wanna add your
share I guess I have to always
Tell myself take small steps
Small steps like a turtle will win the race. I love that one. I'd really love that one
yes, and the other one that I
Heard years ago, and I thought that was really cool, so the thing was how do you eat? How do you eat an elephant?
Right one bite at a time
I think we were both at that same meeting or something that was going on as we look at the big thing and we
Focus on that and then when we're not getting something done
We get frustrated and we get down on ourselves so we have to turn that around and keep thinking positive
And that's really what it's all about so every step on your journey
I'll be there on Facebook and we'll have some live feeds and you'll be able to give feedback
But remember take that picture and it'll be up to you whether we share it or not
that's a that'll be totally and even when you're going through steps take some pictures and
We look forward to seeing that and I guess by writing things down it makes it more concrete
absolutely yeah absolutely Gladys and and
Really, that's why?
The book is a journal right because we know that when we put things down
It's like you're taking it out of your head yes, and you're putting down on a piece of paper
So it's decluttering the mind right like I don't need to think about this all the time
I need to to get these thing. I want to get these things done, but I don't need to be thinking about it anymore
So you just and that's what it's about so
That's why I say, it's not important that you get it a hundred percent, right
Don't even go there. Don't even worry about that
Worry about doing a little bit right right okay?
So anything else you'd like to share with the audience. I think that's good first for a start. Good for a start. Do you feel motivated?
To to take your first step, yes, I do good, and we're at the end of October so it's October 30th
so this is like a cool time because
November is about
It's about stepping up your style, okay, so
we won't go into that but
We'll post that on Facebook so okay all right, so if you enjoyed this video
Please give us the thumbs up
right and
Please subscribe when you get more bye for now
No, I didn't need to do that Gladys and I have known each other for
Thank you for watching I
Would like to thank my guest Thank You Gladys for joining me, and thank you for sharing your picture with us
It was really awesome. So thank you for doing that if you enjoyed this video. Please give us the thumbs up and
Share it. I
Would love to hear from you too, so please leave a comment below
Let me know if Gladys and I have inspired you. I'm sure Gladys would love to hear some of your words of encouragement